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Second Edition
vi. a. •/'()) 10 {fUHfill
L. C. card, 19-26004
$1.76 PEU COPY
This catalogue contains titles of American and English genealogies
received prior to May 1, 1910, and a few later accessions incorporated
while the work was in press.
As the list is based on the shelf catalogue in card form being devel-
oped in connection with the recataloguing of the library, only gene-
alogies published in separate form have, as a rule, been included.
Articles or notices on families which have appeared in periodicals or
collective works, and works of a genealogical nature classed with local
history or biography have, with a few exceptions, been omitted.
The works are arranged alphabetically by names of families, and
under each family chrouologieall)'. The Index to the New England
historical and genealogical register has been followed quite closely
in the spelling of the family names. In the analytical work it has
been the aim to give references from the allied families to the main
familj', where se\eral generations are fully given.
The original entries have been prepared by various assistants in
the Catalogue Division, chiefly under the supervision of Miss M. A.
Gilkey, to whom also has been intrusted the compilation and editing
of the work in its present form. She has been assisted in the proof-
reading by Miss (Jrey Patterson.
J. C. M. Hanson
Chief of Catalogue Division
Lihrariam of Congress
Wfis/iington. D. C, May, 1910
This new edition contains over 3,000 new titles — nearly 7.000 in
all. Like the first edition it has been prepared under tlie su])ervision
of Miss M. A. (iilkey and edited by her for printing. In proof-
reading and preparation of the Index she has been assisted by Miss
Grey Patterson, Miss Edith A. Williams and Mfs. Edna L. Corson-
Chari.ks Martf.l
Chief of the Catalogue Division
Hkrhert Putn.*m
Librarian of Congress
Was/iiiigton, D. C, August, 1919
Abbey. Memorial of Captain Tliomas Abbey, his ancestors and de-
scendants of the Abbey family, pathfinders, soldiers and pioneer
settlers of Connecticut, its Western Reserve in Ohio and the great
West . . . [East Orange, N. J., The Abbey print-shop, 1917]
175, [1] p. illus. (incl. ports.) 2C'".
"This Is the 2(1 edition of this book, revised and condensed."
Cover-title: "Abbey nieiuorial, Eiilleld, Conn. Rev. edition."
The first part is also published separately with cover-title: "The Abbey
memorial at Enfield, Conn. . . . by Alden Freeman."
"Dedication of the .\bbey memorial on Enfield (ireen, Saturday after-
noon, November 4, 191G, at two o'clock " : p. [99]-175.
5 18-5818 CS71.A1 1917
Abbie. See Abbey.
Abbot. A genealogical register of the descendants of George Abbot,
of Andover; George Abbot, of Rowley; Thomas Abbot, of An-
dover: Arthur Abbot, of Ipswich; Robert Abbot, of Branford,
Ct. — and George Abbot, of Norwalk. Ct. Comp. by Rev. Abiel
Abbot, D. D. and Rev. Ephraim Abbot. Boston. J. Munroe and
compan}', 1847.
XX, 107 p. 23i'".
6 9-«8SS CS71.A12 1847
. . . Pedigree of Abbott of Suffolk, and elsewhere, comp.
by John Thos. Abbott of Darlington, from documents in British
museum and at Heralds' college, wills at Bury St. Edmunds,
Doctor's conmions, Norwich, and Ipswich, and the various parish
registries mentioned. Abridged, [n. p., 1862]
geneal. tab. 42 x 33"".
7 16-8322 CS439.A2
Lineage in the Abbott line of Sydney Howard Carney, jr.
[n. p.. 1880?]
geneal. tab. HO x f>li"" fold, to 30 x 20"".
8 19-3958 CS71.A12 1880
Descendants of George Abbott. of Rowley, Mass. .of his joint
descendants with George Abbot, sr.. of Andover, Mas.s.. of the
descendants of Daniel Abbott, of Providence, R. I.; of some of
the descendants of Capt. Thomas Abbott, of Andover, Mass.; of
George Abbott, of Norwalk, Ct. ; of Robert Abbott, of Bran-
ford, Ct. ; with brief notes of many others of the name, original
settlers in the United States. By Maj. Lemuel Abijah Abbott
. . . Published by the compiler. [Boston. T. R. Marvin & son,
printers] 190G.
2 v. fronts, (imrts. ) illus., plates (2 col.) geueal. tables, 24'".
6-29983 CS71.A12 1906
— See aho Baker. CS71.B17 1917
Abby. See Abbey.
Abbye. See Abbey.
Abeel. The Abeel and allied families. Comp. by Henry Whittemore.
[New York] 1899.
24 p. lllus. 27"".
Descendants of Christopher Janse Abeel, Albany, N. Y., 1621-1684.
10 1-19530 CS71.A13 1899
See also Baker. CS71.B17 1917
Williamson CS71.W729 1896a
Abel. [Coats of arms of the Abell family] Comp. and drawn by
Lewis Parker Abell. Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 1917; Washington,
D. C, 1918.
plate. 28 x 21i"°.
Consists of seven coats of arms, and a copy of the device of a bell with
the letter A on it, which was carved by Thomas Abell, on the wall of his
prison in the Tower.
Copy for central figures by Horace Avery Abell; Essex motto & Fordham
crest by Arthur Hammond Abell.
10a CB.1219.A2A3 Office
See also Bliss. CS71.B65 1881
Hyde. * CS71.H993 1864
Aberdeen, Earls of. See Gordon.
Abergavenny. See also Neville. CS439.N35
Abemethy. The Abernethy family. By J. G. Wallace-James. {In
The Genealogist. London, 1901. 24"°. n. s., vol. 17. p. 150-152)
11 CS410.G5 vol.17
The Abernethy pedigree. By Sir James Balfour Paul. {In
The Genealogist. London, 1902. 24"". n. s., vol. 18. p. lG-25,
12 CS410.G5 vol.18
Abernon. Some account of the family of Abernon, of Albury and
Stoke d'Abernon. By Charles Spencer Perceval ... {In Sur-
rey archseological collections. London, 1871. 21'". vol. 5, p.
13 I>Ae70.S95S9 voLS
Abot. See Abbot.
Aboyne, EarU of. See Gordon. CS479.G6 1908
Ache. See also Boehm. CS71.B67 1902
Achenbach. Family memorial of John Phillip Achenbach and de-
scendants in the United States. [Comp. by Mrs. Sarah Jane
(Kline) Houtz. Topcka, The Mail printing house, printers,
39 p. illus., Incl. ports. 22}"".
14 7-30337 CS71.A17 189-
Acheson. See Atchison.
Ackerly. See also Haviland. F127.W5P3
Ackley. Dewitt Clinton Ackley, Clarrissa Woodworth Ackley ; their
ancestors and descendants, by Dr. Clift'ord Ackley. Washington,
D. C, 1915.
27, [1] I). 2 port., coat of arms. 23"".
Blank pages at end for additional record.
Publisher's lettering: 1628-1915.
15 15-24752 CS71.A18 1915
SeealsoTiAW. CS71.H177 1902
Acland. See also Barber. DA690.L982 C6
Sainthill. CJ35.S2
Acworth. Pedigree of Acworth of Bedfordshire, etc. ; together with
some notes on the genealogy. By W. A. Green, from his own
original researches and from those of the late G. Brindley Ac-
worth . . . London, Mitchell, Hughes and Clarke. 1905.
2 p. 1., .'53 p. front.. 2 pi. (1 coat of arms) 27*''"'.
" Of these Notes, which appeared originally in the ' Miscellanea genea-
logica et heraldica,' 100 copies liave been printed in book form. This cop.v
Is no. 65."
16 ■ 15-20215 CS439.A3
Adair. See also Agnew. DA880.G1A2
Adam. See Adams.
Adams. Genealogy of the Adam family, by William Adam . . . Al-
bany, J. Munsell, 1848.
16 p. 22'".
Descendants of .John Adam, 1714-1802.
17 9-6S80t CS71.A2 1848
Pedigree of Adams, [n. p., 185-?]
Kcneal. tab., 31 x 48"".
3d lnipres.sioD.
" After the most careful investigation, I have no hesitation In pronounc-
ing the portion connecting the English family with the Bralntree Adamses
utterly inct)rrect." J. L. Chester, cf. N. B. hist. & geneal. reg. vol. 31,
1877, p. 333.
IS CS71.A2 185-
Adams. The genealogy of the descendants of several ancient Puri-
tans, by the name of Adams. BuUard, Holbrook, Kockwood,
Sanger, Wood, Grout, Goulding, and Twitchell. By Rev. Abner
Morse . . . Boston, The author, 1857.
2 p. 1. 355 p. front., ports. 24'"'. (His Genealogical register, v. 1.)
19 F63.M88 vol.1
Genealogy of the Adams family, of Kingston, Mass. Col-
lected and comp. by George Adams . . . Boston, Pub. by the
descendants of Francis Adams, 1861.
64 p. 24'°.
Blank leaves at end.
Assisted by his son, Theodore P. Adams.
20 9-C8S5 CS71.A2 1861
Memoir of the family of Sir John ap Adam, of Badamscourt
. . . (In Strigulensia . . . By George Ormerod . . . London,
1861. 24'". Art. xii, p. 96-108)
21 DA145.075
Adam of Maryburgh. {In Herald and genealogist. Ed by
J. G. Nichols. London, 1874. 23='". vol. 8, p. 129-135)
22 CS410.H4 vol.8
Genealogy of John Adams and his descendants. With notes
and incidents . . . [Comp. by Gardner Adams] Franklin,
Mass., G. Adams, 1874.
139 p. 19J"°.
23 9-C884 CS71.A2 1874
The history of Redding, Conn., from its first settlement to
the present time. With notes on the Adams. Banks . . . Stow
families. By Charles Burr Todd . . . New York. The J. A.
Gray press, 1880.
vl, [2], 248 p. front, (port.) 24"".
24 ]-Rc-32<J5 F104.B3T6
A .sketch of the life of the Hon. Phinehas Adams, of Man-
chester. New Hampshire. By Arthur P. Dodge. Boston, G. H.
Ellis, printer, 1880.
24 p. Incl. front, (port.) pi. 23^"".
"The 'Phinehas Adani.s ' branch of the Adams family, copied from the
orlieinal iliart prepared by Kli.lah Adams, and dated Medlield. May 2,
1798," p. 24.
25 2-2C039 CT275.A36D7
Adams. History of the Thomas Adams and Thomas Hastings fami-
lies, of Amherst, Massachusetts. By Herbert Baxter Adams
. . . Amherst, Mass., Priv. print., 1880.
66 p. geiieul. tab. 20"".
as 1-27663 CS71.A2 1880
Some descendants of William Adams of Ipswich, Mass.
By W. S. Appleton. Boston, D. Clapp & son, 1881.
1 p. I., 8 p., 1 1. 25'".
27 9-6883t CS71.A2 1881
History of the Adams family, with biographical sketches
of distinguished descendants of the several American ancestors,
including collateral branches. Comp. by Henry Whittemore.
New York, AV. McDonald & co., 1893.
84 p. illus., ports. 25*"".
Descendants of Henry Adams of Braintree, Mass., d. 164G.
28 »-6882t CS71.A2 1893
The descendants of James and William Adams, of London-
derry, now Derry, N. H. Also a brief account of the families ot
Eobert Cochran and Jo.seph Morrison of Londonderry, and of
Dea. Thomas Cochran of New Boston, N. H. Comp. by Andrew
N. Adams . . . Rutland f Vt.] The Tuttle co., printers, 189+.
87 p. front., pi., ports., map. 231'''".
29 8-26113t CS71.A2 1894
A history of the Adams and Evarts families. By J. M.
Adams . . . Chatham, N. Y., The Courier printing house, 1894.
1 p. 1., [5]-81, [1] p., 1 1. 22"".
Cover-title : History of tiie Adams, Evarts, Merrlman, and White
Descendants of Stephen Olney Adams. 1620-1718, .Tohn Evarts, b. 1601,
Nathaniel Merriman, 1613-1693, and John White, d. 1683.
30 9-G879t CS71.A2 1894a
Genealogy and history of a part of the Newbury Adams
family, formerly of Devon.shire, England, being the descendants
of Robert Adams and wife Eleanor ... By I. Smith Adams.
Calais, Me., The Calais advertiser office, 1895.
61 p. 22i'".
Eighth generation, p. 2.')-28 wanting: p. 29-32 duplicated.
31 S-2G152t CS71.A2 1895
A genealogical history of Henry Adams, of Braintree,
Mass., and his descendants; also John Adams, of Cambridge,
Mass., 1632-1897. Comp. and ed. by Andrew N. Adams . . .
Rutland, Vt., The Tuttle company, [irinters, 1898.
V, [8], 1238 p. front, ports. 24i'"'.
82 8-26115t CS71.A2 1898
Adams. A genealogical history of Robert Adams, of Newbury,
Mass.. and his descendants, 1635-1900 . . . comp. and ed. by
Andrew N. Adams . , . Rutland, Vt., The Tuttle co., printers,
vl, 564 p. front., ports. 25"".
33 • 1-2208 CS71.A2 1900
Founding and organization of the Daughters of the Ameri-
can revolution and Daughters of the revolution, by Flora Adams
Darling . . . Philadelphia, Independence publishing com-
pany [1901].
207 p. illus. (iiKl. faosiins.) 2 poit. (incl. front.) 2.5"".
" Tlie autoKi-nph edition is limited to live tliousand copies." This copy
not numbered.
Includes a diapter on the Daughters of 1812 and one on the Adams
ancestry In Europe and America.
34 1-31718 Revised E202.5.A19
The ancestry of Henry Adams of Braintree, New England,
by Rev. Hiram Francis Fairbanks. Milwaukee, Wis., 1901.
cover-title, 19 p. 23J™.
35 13-26805 CS71.A2 1901
Where American independence began; Quincy, its famous
group of patriots; their deeds, homes, and descendants, by
Daniel Munro Wilson . . . Boston and New York, Houghton,
Mifflin and company, 1902.
xiii, 280, [1] p. front., pi., port.
A genealogical history of the family of Adams of Cavan,
etc., by the late Rev. Benjamin William Adams, u. u. Ed. and
rev. by Maxwell Richard William Peers Adams . . . London,
Mitchell and Hughes, 1903.
2 p. 1., IXi p. illu.s. 27'"'.
Reprinted from " Miscellanea genealoglca et heraldlea."
37 S-262:« CS499.A3
— Memoir of Charles Kendall Adams, by James Davie But-
ler .. . Worcester, Mass., The Hamilton press, 1905.
12 p., 1 1. front, (port.) 25^'"".
Reprinted from Proceedings of the American antiquarian society, April
26, 1905.
"Adams lineage line " :
p. [13].
The Elijah Adams family of Hubbardston, Mass., and a
retrospect of activities in seven cities and seven decades, an
autobiography, by Nelson Adams. Springfield, Mass., The
author, 1910.
4 p., 2 1., 236 p. front., plates, ports. 24'".
89 11-25120 CS71.A2 1910
Adams. Genealogie de la famillc Adam, par I'abbe G. A.. De-
jordy . . . Waterloo, Que.. Impr. du Journal de Waterloo,
cover-title, 16 p. 17i"°.
40 11-31546 CS90.A4
— The Rev. Amos Adams, a. m. (1728-177.5) patriot minister
of Roxbury, Massachusetts, and his American ancestry, by
Robert Means Lawrence • . . Boston [S. Ward cc, printers]
17 p. Incl. 1 pi. 24r".
A history of the Adams family of North Staffordshire. &
of their connection with the development of the potteries, with
numerous pedigree charts & notes on allied families, by Percy
Walter Lewis Adams. London. The St. Catherine press, 1914.
xix p., 2 1., 417. xliii, [1] p. front., illus., plates, ports. (1 col.) map,
facsims., double geneal. tables. 30'".
Note Inserted In book : "Any happenings In 1915 have been included."
42 16-19471 CS439.A34
Genealogical data of Adams family
[Salt Lake City,
Printed by Deseret evening news, '1917]
[4] p. nius. (port.) 25i"".
Caption title.
Contains the pedigree of Robert Adams of Newbury, 'Mass., Ellas
Adams of Layton, Utah, and .Tohn Quincy Adams of Genoa, Nevada;
comp. by Mary Lydia Adams-Williams.
Published also In the Deseret evening news, Aug. 4 to 16. 1917.
See aluo Bavis.
Addison. See also Selden.
Adeane. See also Mayo.
CS71.A2 1917
CS71.B374 1880
CS71.C467 1900
CS71.H114 1901
CS71.P146 1913
CS71.B66 1894
CS71.T37 1835
CS71.T634 1909
CS71.V79 1858a
CS71.W875 1905
CS71.S45 1911
'-.i . -.'.;
Adgate. Old families of Norwich, Connecticut, mdclx to mdccc.
Comp. by Mary E. Perkins. Genealogies, v. 1, pt. 1. Adgate;
Backus; Baldwin; Bingham. Norwich, Conn., 1900.
50 p. 251'".
44 May 16, 1901-78 F104.N93P3
Adlum. See also Straub. CT275.S6665
Adriance. See aho Ryerson. • CS71.B993 19I6
Agassiz. A short history of the English branch of the Agassiz fam-
ily. By Arthur Kodolph Nunn Agassiz, r. k. g. s. [n. p., 19^^]
46 p. 211'". •"
45 15-22638 CS439.A4
Aglionby. See aho Yates. CS71.Y33 1887
Agnew. History of the life of D. Hayes Agnew . . . By J. Howe
Adams, m. d. Philadelphia and London, The F. A. Davis com-
pany, 1892.
vil, 376 p. 4 pi. (1 col.) 9 port. (incl. front) facslm. 25'".
Lineage of the Agnew family, p. 1-35.
4C 7-24215t B154.A3A2
The Agnews of Lochnaw. {In The hereditary sheriffs of
Galloway ... by the late Sir Andrew Agnew . . . Edinburgh,
1893. 28<="'.)
47 3-28044 DA880.G1A2
The Agnews in county Antrim. By John M. Dickson. {In
Ulster journal of archaeology. London, 1901. 23^"°. vol. 7, p.
48 DA990.TT45U4 vol.7
See also Irvin. CS71.I72 1908
Aiken. See also Reichner. CS71.R34 1918
d'Aillebout. La famille d'Aillebout. fitude gen^alogique et histori-
que par Aegidius Fauteux . . . Montreal, G. Ducharme, 1917.
190 p. 231'".
49 18-3357 CS90.A5
Ainsworth. The Ainsworths of Smithills. By Wm. Brimelow. Re-
printed from the " Bolton weekly journal." Bolton, Tillotson
& son, printers, 1881.
xxvlll p. 25'".
50 10-3667 CS439.A45
Ainsworth. Gcnealogj' of the Ainsworth families in America. Comp.
by Francis J. Parker . . . Boston, Printed for the compiler,
2 p. 1., 2\2 1). pi- liH}"".
51 {M!S80t CS71.A29 1894
Airth, Earh of. See also Allardice. CS478.N5
Akerman. >Sre alio Kobinson. CS71.B66 1894
Akers. iSee also Shearer. CS71.S538 1915
Akroyd. See aho Smith. CS439.S6 1878a
Alabaster. Alabaster of Iladleiph. {In Muskett. Joseph James, ed.
Suffolk manorial families . . . Exetei-, [Elng.] W. Pollard &
CO., ltd., 1900. 30^ x244"". vol. 1, p. 49-55]
52 CS437.S7M8
Albe. . . . Genealogie de la maison d'Albe, marquis de Roquemar-
tine, par le baron Du Koure. Paris, H. Champion, 1906.
36 p., 1 1. 33J"". (His Les anciennes families de Provence)
Title vignette: coat of arms.
53 lL'-29757 CS599.A7
Albert, prince conxort of Queen Victoria, 1819-1861. The ancestry of
Her Majesty Queen Victoria, and of His Royal Highness Prince
Albert. Comprised in thirty-two tables, with biographical me-
moirs and heraldic notices. By George Russell French . . .
London, W. Pickering, 1841.
.wiii, [21 411, ni p. incl. geneal. tables. 19'°.
54 3-i:U012 DA555.F87
Albertson. See also Powell. F127.L8B9
Albini. ^^e aJso Arundel. CS439.A7
Brown. CS439.B85 1903
Albree. The tradition of the old weaver's clock; a study of colonial
time-keeping, by John Albree, jr. . . . Read before the Medford
historical society. October 11, l!)0-2. Privately printed. [Med-
ford, Mass., Press of J. C. Miller, jr., 1903.]
16 p. front, 2 pi.. fBcslm. 24i"'.
" RfprlntMl, with iiildilions, from tlie ' Historical register,' vol. vi, no. 1,
January, 1!K)3, pub. hy tin- Mcdfonl, Muss, historical society."
"The wedding spoon"; p. 1131-10.
S6 0-15588 CS71.A34 1903
Albridge. See Elbridge.
Albright. See al^o SmtAl CS71.S636 1905
Alcock. See also S&nAja. CS71.S22 1897
Alcott. Family of Asa Allcott, comp. by Charles Allcott Flagg. Al-
bany, N. Y., 1899.
43, [5] p., 1 1. incl. front, (port.) 23'".
56 1-17834 CS71.A35 1899
The Alcotts in Harvard, by Annie M. L. Clark, Lancaster,
Mass., J. C. L. Clark, 1902.
43, II] p. front., pi., fncslm. 20 x 16'".
57 2-22201 CS71.A35 1902
The Alcotts as I knew them, by Clara Gowing . . . Boston,
The C. M. Clark publishing company, 1909.
4 p. 1., V, 134 p. front: (port.) plates. lOJ'".
58 9-30410 FSlOlS.Oe
Little women letters from the house of Alcott, selected by
Jessie Bonstelle and Marian do Forest. Boston, Little, Brown,
and company, 1914.
Ix, 197 p. front., plates, facslms. 19J"".
59 14-17126 PS1013.B6
Alcott memoirs, posthumously comp. from papers, journals
and memoranda of the late Dr. Frederick L. H. Willis, by E. W.
L. & H. B. Boston, R. G. Badger; [etc., etc., ^915].
108 p. 23"".
Prelude signed : Edith Willis Linn ; Postscript : Henry Bnzin.
60 16-2280 PS1013.W5
Aldam. See also Smith. CS439.S6 1878a
Alden. Memorial of the descendants of the Hon. Jolm Alden. By
Ebenezer Alden, m. d. . . . Kandolph, Mass., Printed by S. P.
Brown for the family, 1867.
2 p. 1., 164 p. 23'".
61 9-6S87t CS71.A36 1867
The storj- of a Pilgrim family. From the Mayflower to the
present time; with autobiography, recollections, letters, inci-
dents, and genealogy of the author, Rev. John Alden, in his 83d
year. Introduction by Rev. Frederick Denison . . . 1G20-1889.
Boston, J. H. Earle, 1890.
429, 112J p. front, (port.) lllus. 2.r".
62 9-68i>lt CS71.A36 1890
Alden. Pilgrim Aldon: tlio story of tlie life of tho first John Alden
in Anicricii. willi tiie intorwoven story of (he life & doings of the
pilgrim colony, iind some account of ]iit€r Aldens, prepared un-
der tiie direction of Augustus P>. Alden . . . Boston, J. H.
p:iirle A company [^100L>].
■1 i>. 1., lV.i\S.V2 \>. front., pi., fncslra. 19}""".
C3 3-93(;0 Keviscd CS71.A36 1902
Tho descendants of PoHv and Ebene/.cr Alden. who were
sixth in descent from John Alden, the pilgrim; by their grand-
sons Ebenezer Alden and Henry Shaw, m. d. With original
records not before printed . • . Boston, G. H. Ellis cc, print-
ers, 1903.
101 p. front, (port.) plates, facsim. 23^".
Partly interleaved.
64 4-C750 CS71A36 1903
— The ancestoi's and descendants of Isaac Alden and Irene
Smith, his wife (1599-1903) by Harriet Chapin Fielding. [East
Orange? N. J., '=190.3]
144 p. front., ports., facsims. 23}"
65 4-3971
CS71.A36 1903a
Eliab Alden of Middleborough, Massachusetts, and Cairo,
New York; his Alden ancestors and his descendants; comp. by
Charles Henry Alden . . . Boston, Printed for private circula-
tion [T. R. Marvin & son] 1905.
55 p. front. 241"".
"Edition limited to two hundred copies printed from type."
66 e-29982 CS71.A36 1905
John Alden of Ashfield, Mass., and Chautauqua County,
New York. His Alden ancestors and his descendants. Comp.
by Frank Wesley Alden, Delaware, Ohio. [n. p.] Printed for pri-
vate circulation, 1909.
84 p. plates, port. 23^".
10-9709 CS71.A36 1909
iiee also Ames.
Aldford. Genealogical memoirs illustrative of the Cheshire and Lan-
cashire families of Aldford, Arderne, Banastre, Brcdbury, Done,
Fitz-Roger, Gernet, Lathom, Montalt, Orreby, Stanley, and
Stokeport, comp. from original authorities. By George Orme-
rod . . . {in hw Miscellanea Palatina. [London] 1851. 24J™.
pt.ii,p. [57J-114, [2J)
68 CS437.C408 vol.2
Aldis. The Aldis family of Dedham, Wrentham, Roxbury and
Franklin, Massachusetts, 1640-1800. By Frederick H. Whitin
. . . [Dedham] Dedham transcript press, 190.").
28 p. 23i"".
Descendants of Nathan Aldis, fl. 1640-1675.
69 5-27476 CS71.A37 1905
Aldrich. Lakeport's ancient homes; recollections by Major John
Aldrich ... of Franconia eighty years ago and of the homes of
Lakeport in 1844, with notes of their occupants then and later
. . . Lakeport, N. H., For the author, 1917.
86 p. front., plates, ports. 20J'".
" The Aldrich family " : p. 76-84.
68a 10-3709 F44.L19A3
See also Flagg. CS71.F574 1903
Aldworth. See also Salisbury. CS71.S167 1885
Alexander. An analytical statement of the case of Alexander, earl
of Stirling and Dovan Sac. &c. &c. containing an explanation of
his official dignities and peculiar territorial rights and privi-
leges in the British colonies of Nova Scotia and Canada, &c. &c.
and also shewing the descent of the Stirling peerage honours,
supported by legal evidence, and the law and usage of Scotland,
appertaining thereto . . . By Thomas C. Banks . . . London,
J. Cochrane and co., 1832.
xllx, 123 p. 4 geneal. tab. (part fold.) 22"".
TO 10-.32938 CS479.A6 1832
Narrative of the oppre.ssive law proceedings, and other
measures, resorted to by the British government, and numerous
private individuals, to overpower the Earl of Stirling and sub-
vert his lawful rights. Written by himself. Also A genealogical
account of the family of Alexander, earls of Stirling, &c. . . .
followed by An historical view of their hereditary possessions
in Nova Scotia, Canada, &c. by Ephraim Lockhart, esq. With
a copious Appendix of royal charters and other documents.
Edinburgh [J. Walker, printer] 1830.
vi p., 1 I., 176, 8, vl, 77 p. facsiui., fold, geneal. tub. 29} x 23"".
71 10-13767 CS479.A6 1836
Alexander. Memorials of the Earl of Stirling and of the house of
Alexander. By the Rev. Charles Rogers . . . Edinburgh, W.
Paterson, 1877.
2 V. front, (port.) illus., fiicsliii. 23"°.
72 1-12443 CS479.A6 1877
A record of the descendants of John Alexander, of Lanark-
shire, Scotland, and his wife, Margaret Gla^son, who emigrated
from county Armagh, Ireland, to Chester County, Penn.sylvania,
A. D. 173fi. By the Rev. John E. Alexander . . . Philadelpliia,
A. Martien, 1878.
220 p. 23 J "°.
73 8-26151t CS71.A38 1878
The descendants of James Alexander, by Elizabeth Clark-
<^99i-\L ^"" "^"y' *^"^ ^^ '^'■'' Jes'^d'^l'^nts. (In New York genealogical
yfja- and biographical record. New York, 1881. 25'^'". vol. xii,
y fy p. 13-28, 60-78, 111-123, 155-174) .
■ ' 74 F116.M28 vol.12
Biographical sketches of the early settlers of the Hopewell
section and reminiscences of the pioneers and their descendants
b}' faniilies . . . Written at the request of revolutionary de-
scendants by J. B. Alexander, m. d. Charlotte, N. C, Observer
printing and publishing liouse, 1897.
104 p. front. (I)ort.) 23i"".
Alexander family, p. 10-23.
Davidson family, p. 24—45.
75 1-2603 F264.H8A3
— The Alexanders of Maine. By De Alva Stanwood Alex-
ander. Buffalo, New York, The Peter Paul book company, 1898.
7 p. 1., 129 p. front., pi., port., map. 22i'"'.
Descendants of David Alexander, 11. 1730.
76 1-17526 CS71.A38 1898
Sketch of Alexander Alexander, who emigrated from county
Down, Ireland, in the year 1770 and settled in Cumberland
County, Pennsylvania. Together with a genealogical chart
and record of his de.scendants, by Hon. Walter Scott Alexander.
McConnellsburg, Pa. [Press of Commercial printing company]
79 p. front. 18} i 23J"'.
p. 77-79 left blank for " Genealogical record."
77 11-14791 CS71.A38 1898a
Alexander. Records of a family of the house of Alexander, from 1640
to 1909, by Frances Alexander Butterworth. Chicago, 111., 1909.
5 p. 1., 87, [3] p. front., plates, ports. 21"".
Descendants of Wni. Alexander, of Maryland. 11. 1670.
78 9-17322 CS71.A38 1909
■ The Alexander letters, 1787-1900. Savannah, Ga., Priv.
print, for G. J. Baldwin, 1910.
387 p. front., ports., fold, geneal. tab. 2.5i"°.
Selections from the correspondence of six sisters and four brothers, chil-
dren of Adam Leopold Alexander and his wife, Sarah Hillhouse Gilbert.
cf. Foreword.
" The letters have been selected and arranged by Marion Alexander
Boggs. This edition is limited to one hundred and thirty-one copies."
This copy not numbered.
Four l)lank leaves at end of text for " Memoranda."
79 10-1424G CS71.A38 1910
Descent of the Scottish Alexanders ; a genealogical sketch,
with discussions of some historic matters and with several rare
tables . . . by F. A. Sondley, l. l. d. [Asheville, N. C, Hackney
and Moale co., ■=1912]
73 p. 2ii'"".
80 12-17567 CS479.A6 1912
Alexander family records. An account of the first American
settlers and colonial families of the name of Alexander, and
other genealogical and historical data, mostly new and original
material, including early wills and marriages heretofore unpub-
lished, by William M. Clemens. Limited ed. New York, W. M.
Clemens, 1914.
20 p. 23"".
81 15-19462 CS71.A38 1914
The Alexander family; Virginia - Princeton - New York
branch. July 1914. 2d ed. [New York, 1914]
8 p. 37"".
Note to 1st edition, 1910. Signed: William Alexander.
This edition has the pe<llgrees brought down to date by Charles Beatty
82 17-35 CS71.A38 1914a
/Sc^ a?«o Dinkins. CS71.D585 1908
Junkin. CS7i.J95,i908
King. CS439.K7
McClure. CS71.M1285 1914
MaxweU. CS71.M465 1916
Selden. CS71.S45 I9il
Wood. CS71.W875 1900
Alford. Alfopfl family note-s, ancient and modern, comp. by Josiah
(ieorge Alford . . . ed. by W. P. W. I'hiliimore . . . London,
Printed for private circulation and issued by Phillimore and
CO.. 1908.
vlll, 221. [1] p., 1 1. front, (coat of arms) plates, ports., facsluis., geneaL
tab. 29^".
The Alfords of the United States of America, p. 11S6J-195.
83 11-1C<)9 CS439.A5
See also Alvord.
Alfriend. See also Yoca.horit&3. CS71.R747 1887
Alger. A genealogical history of that branch of the Alger family
which springs from Thomas Alger of Taunton and Bridgewater,
in Massachusetts. lfi()5-1875. By Arthur M. Alger . . . Bos-
ton, D. Clapp & son, 1876.
iv, l5]-54 p. front., port. 24"".
84 3-8713 CS71.A39 1876
Alison. Sec Allison.
Allan. aScc Allen.
AUard. See also Gouin. CS90.a7
AUardice. History of the earldoms of Strathcm. Monteith, and
Airth : with a report of the proceedings before the House of
lords, on the claim of Robert Barclay Allardice, esq. to the earl-
dom of Airth. By Sir Harris Nicolas . . . London, W. Pick-
ering; [etc., etc.] 1842.
xvi, 218, cxvi p. 2 Keneal. tab. 23''"'.
85 15-8502 CS478.N5
Sec also Thompson. CS479.T5
Allcott. See Alcott.
Allen. Allan family. (In The history and antiquities of the parish
of Darlington, in the bishoprick. By W. Hylton Dyer Long-
staffe . . . Darlington, London, 1854. 25*". p. iii-xxxii)
80 . :^1U<J5T DA690.D22LS
Memoir of Colonel Jolin Allan, an officer of the revolution,
born in Edinburgh castle, Scotland, Jan. 3, 174t). Died in Lu-
bec. Maine, Feb. 7, 1805. With a genealogy. By George H.
Allan . . . Albany, J. Munsell, 18fi7.
32 p. 241"'.
" Genealogy of the Allan family " : p. [251-32.
87 (M5398 E207.A36A4
Allen. (Jencalogical sketches of the Allen family of Medfield ; with
an account of the celebration of the golden wedding of Ellis and
Lucy Allen, with the address read at the same. Also an account
of the golden wedding of Clershom and Abigail [Allen] Adams.
By their elder brother, Joseph Allen. Boston, Nichols & Noyes,
3 p. 1., [5]-S8 p. front., ports. 19*"".
Descendants of James Allen, d. 1676.
88 t)-CSn4t CS71.A43 1869
Genealog\' of the Allen and Witter families: among the
early settlers of this continent and their descendants. By Asa
W. Allen. Salem, O., L. W. Smith, 1872.
1 p. 1., 2.51 p. front, (port.) 19}'".
Descendants of Samuel Allen, 1.t88-1648, and Ebenezer Witter, 1668-1712.
89 9-6893t CS71.A43 1872
A genealogy of Samuel Allen, of Windsor, Connecticut, and
som« of his descendants. By Willard S. Allen . . . Boston,
Priv. print. [D. Clapp & son] 1876.
iv, 15J-7G p. 2."i*'-.
90 9-6892 CS71.A43 1876
A genealogy of the Allen family from 1568 to 1882. Comp.
by Hon. William Allen. Kev. by Joshua Allen. Farmington,
Me., Chronicle book and job press, 1882.
31, iv p. coat of arms. 23i"".
91 19-2005 CS71.A43 1882
An account of a part of the sufferings and losses of Jolley
Allen, a native of London. With a preface and notes by Mrs.
Frances Mary Stoddard. Reprinted from the Proceeding.s of
the Massachusetts historical society for February, 1878. Bos-
ton, Rand, Avery & co., 1883.
.52 p. 22J"".
The author was a loynli.st in the American revolution.
Record of the family of Allen, p. 43-48.
Errata slip, following p. 52.
02 4-22930 E277.A42
Genealogical sketches of Roger Ailing, of New Haven,
Conn., 1639. Gilbert Allen, of Morristown, N. J., 1736. and
Thomas Bancroft, of Dedham, Mass., 1640, and some of their
descendants. Prepared by Jno. K. Allen and Edwin Salter.
Lansing. Mich., Journal steam printing house, 1883.
1 p. 1.. 33 p. 231"°.
9.1 8-2U147t CS71.A43 1883
114883°— 19 2
Allen. Family and descendants of Stephen Allen. Comp. by
Stephen A. Brownell. New Bedford [Mass.] Mercury publish-
ing CO., printers, 1887.
3 I). 1., li-21, 11] numb. 1. 28i x 23^™.
Cover-titU': The Allen family.
94 12-190O-^«0 CS71.A43 1887
Genealogy of the Allen family of Manchester. Mass. from
the earliest settlement to the year 1886. By John Price . . .
Salem, The Salem press, 1888.
47 p. 24"".
From tlio Historical collections of the Essex institute, vol. xxlv.
95 »-«897 CS71.A43 1888
Biography of Deacon James Allen, by Hiram Knight, with
genealogical register and testimonials. Worcester, Mass.,
Printed by C. Hamilton, 1889.
vi, [7J-G7 p. front, (port.) 241'".
90 4-24!l.'-.5 r74.01K7
The Aliens. (/?i Historic families of Kentucky. By
Thomas Marshall Green ... 1st series. Cincinnati, 1889.
23^"=-". p. 230-282)
97 4-11454 F450.O79
Genealogical history of the Allen family and some of their
connections. By Mrs. Frances M. Stoddard. Boston, Priv.
print, 1891.
135. [1] P- plates, ports. 23!S''"'.
Descendants of Nathaniel Allen. 1699-1770.
98 8-26118t CS71.A43 1891
A supplement to the Allen family. Relating especially to
the Beverly lines, collected by A. A. Galloupe, esq., of Beverly,
and connected by Dea. John Price, with the genealogy published
in vols. 24 and 25. Salem, Mass., The Salem press pub. and
print. CO., 1891.
1 p. 1., 24 p. 24"".
From the Historical collections of the Essex Institvite. vol. xxvil.
99 !Mi898 CS71.A43 1891a
Memorial of Joseph and Lu<y Clark Allen. (North-
borough, Mass.) By their children. Boston, G. H. Ellis, printer,
vi p., 1 1.. 2.^8 p. front., plates, i)orts. 21i'"'.
Preface signed: E. W. .\. i. r. Ellznlieth Waterbous*- Allen.
100 »-CSS9t CS71.A43 1891b
Allen. Genealogical and historical sketches of the Allen family
of Dedham and Medfield, Mass., 1637-1.S<»0 . . . Comp. by Frank
Allen Hutchinson. . . Lowell, Mass., Priv. print., 1896.
80 p. fnmt. u;?}"".
Descendants of .lames Allln, d. 1676.
101 8-26117t CS71.A43 1896
AA^alter Allen of Newbury, Mass., 1G40, and some of his
descendants. AVith a few notes on the Allen family in general.
By Allen H. Bent . . . Boston, D. Clapp & son, printers, 1806.
60 p. 24'".
102 9-6890t CS71.A43 1896a
John Allen and Phoebe Deuel, of Cambridge and Peru,
N. Y. ... Preliminary edition for private circulation.
Buffalo, X. Y., 1897.
Ill J p. 2«"".
("onip. by Charles Jackson North.
10:{ 13-9029 CS71.A43 1897
Phinehas Allen's descendants. Benjamin, jr., Benjamin,
John, AValter, of Lincoln, Mass., 174;"), and <i complete genealogy
of the descendants of Benjamin Allen, of Ashby, Mass., 1777.
By George Honi-y Allen . . . Boston, A. Mudge & son, printers,
27 p. ports. 28"".
104 8-26116t CS71.A43 1898
The ancestrj' of Margaret Wyatt, wife of Matthew AUyn
of Braunton in Devon, and later of Windsor in Connecticut . . .
[By] Charles Knowles Bolton. [Boston, 1898]
geneal. tab. 84 x o3i"" fold, to 30 x 171'"'.
lO.-) 9-18746t CS71.A43 1898a
A history and genealogical record of the Alling-Allens of
New Haven, Conn., the descendants of Roger Ailing, first and
John Ailing, .sen., from 1639 to tlie present time . . . comp.
by George P. Allen . . . New Haven, Conn., The Price, Lee &
Adkins co., 1899.
317 p. front., Illus., port.-;. 23i'"".
Blnnk pages at end for nicnioraiidii.
106 !) 6!)S6t CS71.A43 1899
A record of the Allen familv from the first settlement in
Pennsylvania. Commenced tenth month 14th, IS.'iG, by Samuel
Allen, the son of tiie eldest son of the same name for five gen-
erations. I Philadelphia, 1899]
cover-title, 12 p. 23J"".
107 9-6891t CS71.A43 1899a
Allen. Lewis Allen of Watcrtown farms (Weston), Mass., 1665,
a 61/ and his descendants, including the Walpoleand Lancaster Aliens.
^'^ an . \ By Allen H. Bent .. . Boston, Press of D. Clapp & son, 1900.
i^n \ By Allen H. Bent . . . Boston, Press of D. Clapp & son, 1900.
'^ ij'M \-^_^ 33 p., 1 1. 24"".
^ ^"The first three generations are reprinted from the New Eng. hist, and
geu. register, for October, 1900."
108 9-S766 CS71.A43 1900
Origin and history of the name of Allen, with biographies
of all the most noted persons of that name. And an account
of the origin of surnames and foienames. Together with over
five hundred Christian names of men and women and their sig-
nificance. The Crescent family record . . . Chicago, American
publishers' association, 1901.
6 p. 1., Iv, 112, [14] p. incl. front., illus. 24"".
109 5-424GT CS71.A43 1901
Charles Allen of Portsmouth, N. H., 1657, and some of
f his de.scendants. By Frank W. Allen of Skowhegan, Me.
^l^^P . Boston, Press of D. Clapp & son, 1902.
/W^l/ 7 p. 25'^">.
N^.S ''^ "Most of this pamphlet is as printod in the New-England historical
and genealogical register for January, 1902."
110 19-756 CS71.A43 1902
■ The Allen memorial. First series. Descendants of Edward
Allen of Nantucket, Mass., 1690-1905. By Orrin Peer Allen
. . . Palmer, Ma.ss., Press of C. B. Fiske v<c co., 1905.
123 p. front., plati's, ports. 23r"'-
111 5-32495 CS71.A43 1905
Nathaniel T. Allen, teacher, reformer, philanthropist, by
Mary A. Greene, ll. b. Privately printed. [Cambridge, Mass.,
The Riverside press] 1906.
viii p., 1 1., 272 p.. 1 1. front, (port.) 191"".
112 lS-11660 XA2317.A5G18
The Allen memorial. Second series. Descendants of Sam-
uel Allen of Windsor, Conn., 1640-1907. By Orrin Peer Allen
. . . I'almer, Mass., The author, 1907.
303 p. front, plates, ports. 23}"".
113 8-9787 CS71.A43 1907
Allen. George Allen, Ralph Allen, one line of their descend-
ants in New Jersey with some fragments of history [by] David
Allep Thompson,
company, 1910.
66 p. ISi'".
Albany, N. Y.
See also Candee.
Aller. See also Mervyn.
Allerton. A history of the Allerton family in the United States.
1585 to 1885. And a genealogy of the descendants of Isaac
Allerton. By Walter S. Allerton. New York, The author, 1888.
166 p. front., ports. 24"".
116 1-8172 CS71.A44 1888
Weed-Parsons printing
— Allertons of New England and Virginia. By Isaac J.
Greenwood . . . [Boston, 1890]
6 p., 1 1. 23i"°.
Caption title.
Reprinted from the New Eng. hist, and geneal. register for July, 1890.
8-2C150t CS71.A44 1890
— A history of the Allerton family in the United States. 1585
to 1885, and a genealogy of the descendants of Isaac Allerton,
"Mayflower pilgrim," Plymouth, Mass., 1620. By AValter S.
Allerton . . . Rev. and enl. by Horace True Currier . . . Chi-
cago, S. W. Allerton, 1900.
149 p. Incl. fiont. ports. 24"".
117 1-8173 CS71.A44 1900
See also Brewster.
Alleyne. See aho Beck.
Ailing. See Allen.
Allison. The history of the Alison, or Allison family in Europe and
America, a. d. 1135 to 1893; frivinjr an account of the family in
Scotland, P^ngland, Ireland, Australia, Canada, and the United
States . . . By Leonard Allison Morrison. Boston, Mass.,
Damrell & Upham, 1893.
xvi, 312 p. front., plates, ports. 23^'".
Descendants of Samuel Allison, 1690-1760.
118 S-i;(il48t CS71.A45 1893
AUston. The Alstons and Allstons of North and South Carolina;
comp. from English, colonial and family records, with personal
reminiscences, also notes of some allied families, by Joseph A.
Groves . . . Atlanta, Ga., The Franklin printing and i>ublish-
ing company, 1901.
2 p. 1., 5.54 p. front., col. pi., genenl. tab. 22}"".
2 p. of errata and addenda, and Wank leaves Inserted.
Descendants of John All.ston, 1G90-1T60.
119 2-200SU CS71.A46 1901
Stemmata Al.stoniana. A collection of genealogical tables
and memoranda relating to the ancient family of Alston, by
Lionel Cresswell . . . [London] Priv. print., 1905.
2 p. 1., vll, 43.5 p. plates, ports, fucsims. 29*'''".
Bliink leaves inserled after p. 402 for addenda.
Plates, with the exception of one, printed on hoth sides.
120 12-19120 CS439.A55
See aho Cass. DA690.B23C3
Hamilton. CS7i.Ha2 1916
AUyn. See Allen.
Alno. Succinct genealogies of the noble and ancient houses of Alno
or de Alneto. Broc of Shephale. Latimer of Duntish. Drayton
of Drayton. Mandiiit of Werminster. Greene of Drayton. Vere
of Addington, Fitz-Lewes of Westhornedon. Howard of Eiling-
ham. And Mordaunt of Turvey. Justified by publick records,
ancient and extant charters, histories and other authentick
proofs, and enriched witli divers sculptures of tombs, images,
seals, and other curiosities. By Robert Halstead [pseud.] Lon-
don, Printed, 1685.
5 p. 1.. (!07 p., 2 1. lllus., plates (part fold.) coats of arms. CSr".
Assisted by Mr. Unns.
Title vltniette (Mordaunt ooat of arms)
The rii'oril of eMch family nieiitionetl in title has special half-title with
title vlcnette (coat of arms)
p. C63-664 repeated In numborlng and with p. 665-066 left blank for an
account of Henry, earl of Peterborough.
Only "24 copies printed, cf. BrltLsh museum Catalogue.
1 plate for the House of Aliio and two for Fitz-Lewes supplied in
121 12-20404 CS419.P3
Alston. See Allston.
Altfather. See Oldfather.
Altvater. See Oldfather.
Alvord. A penealog^A' of the descendants of Alexander Alvord. an
early settler of Windsor, Conn., and Northampton, Mass. Comp.
by Samuel Morgan AlvortJ. Web.ster, N. Y., A. D. Andrews,
printer, 1908.
3 p. I., [91-823 p. front., plates, ports. 24^".
122 9-6971 CS71.A47 1908
See also Alford.
Baker. CS71.B17 1917
Burke. CS71.B959 1864
Amadowne. See Ammidown.
Ambler. Americana historica. Richard Ambler, the Ambler fam-
ily in Virginia, and those who carry the blood of the emigrant
in 1716. By Thomas Forsythe Nelson. Washington, D. C, 1907.
1 1. fold, to 24'°.
Caption title.
Mounted newspaper clipping from the \Vashlr,gton herald, .Sunday,
August 11, 1907.
123 CA 14-166 Lnrev'd CS71.A485 1907
See also Jaquelin. F225.P36
Willis. CS71.W73 1898
Ambrose. The Ambrose family of Lowick and Wooilplumpton. co.
I>ancashire. By Lieut. -Colonel Fishwick. {in Ix)cal gleanings;
an ardiaeological & historical magazine . . . Manchester, [Eng.]
1879-80. 24^". vol. 1, p. 99-108)
124 DA670.L19L8
Ames. Next of kin t« Fisher. By Azel Ames. fn. p.. 18 — ?]
1 1., p. .'iT-CiO. lUus. (incl. facslms.) plates, ports.
Caption title.
125 CS71.A5 18 — r
Ames. The Samuel Ames family: a genealogical memoir of the
descendants of Samuel Ames, of Canterbury, N. H. ^ Six gener-
ations: 1723-1891. Comp. by John Kimball, a. ^'. Concord,
X. H., Republican press association, 1890.
55 p. frout. (port.) 23J'".
126 8-26149t CS71.A5 1890
A bit of Ames genealogy. Comp. by Fisher Ames. [n. p.]
1 p. 1., 15 numb. 1. 18'".
Descendants of William Ames, 160.5-1654.
127 1-17519 CS71.A5 1898
Some genealogical notes, by Pelham TV. Ames . . . San
. Francisco, Cubery & co., 1900.
3 p. 1., 6-29 numb. 1., 2 1. fold., gefteal. tab. 26'°.
Printed on one side of leaf only.
" Printed for my cbildren."
Pe.scenJants of William Ames, 1605-1654.
128 2-8718 CS71.A5 1900
See al/io Amos.
Amidon. See Ammidown.
Amis. See also Campbell. CS71.C19 1911
Ammidown, Genealogical memorial and family record of the Anuni-
down family, and a j^artial record of sonic other families of
Southbridge, Mass. By Holmes Ammidown . . . New York,
The author [Albany, J. Munsell, printer] 1877.
54 p. 24"".
De.scendants of Roger Amadowne, d. 1673.
129 3-39 CS71.A51 1877
The Amidon family ; a record of the descendants of Roger
Amadowne, of Rehoboth, Mass. By Frank E. Best. Chicago,
111., F. E. Best. 1904.
165 p. ports. 23'".
130 4-32333 CS71.A51 1904
Ammonet. Jacob Ammonet, of Virginia, and a part of his descend-
ants. By Clifton Wood Bransfonl.
(/» Soutberii history association. Publications. Washington, D. C,
1899. 25'°. V. 3, p. [35M0)
131 15-21047 F206.S73 vol.3
Amory. Our English ancestot-s. By Thomas C. Amoiy. Boston, D.
Clapp & son, 1872.
34. [1] p. 23r'°-
132 11-5182 CS416.A5
The Amory family of Boston, [n. p.] 1897.
broadside. 96J x 55'".
At end : January 1, 1897.
Conip. by George Ticknor Dexter.
133 3-1679 CS71.A53 1897
The Amory family of Boston, 1720-1900. By George
Ticknor Dexter. [London, 1901]
broadside. 102 x 681"". [Mith Moreditii, Gertrude E. The descend-
ants of Hugh Amory, 1605-1805 . . . London, 1901. 26'"]
In pocliet.
At end: G. T. D. — January 1, 1897. (With some additions, November,
1900.— G. E. M.)
134 3-1680 CS71.A53 1901
The descendants of Hugh Amory, 1605-1805. By Gertrude
Euphcmia Meredith. London, Priv. print, at the Chiswick press,
X p., 1 1., 373, [1] p. front., illu's. (seal) ports., geueal. tab. (In poclcet)
135 1-13594 CS71.A53 1901
See also Emery.
Lindsay. CS71.L753 1917
Salisbury. CS71.S167 1885
Amos. See also Ames.
Walbridge. CS71.W15 1898
Amphlett. Amphlett of Clent. An account of one of the branches of
the family of Amphlett in Worcestershire. By John Amphlett
of Clent. [Oxford, Printed by .T. Parker and co.] 1908.
2 p. 1., 72 p. fold, geneal. tab. 19i"".
136 15-8466 CS439.A58
Anderson. Memoir of John Farwell Anderson. By Rev. George M.
q^f.olff Bodge, A. Ji. Boston, Printed for private distribution, 1889.
7-v^wt^ 19 p. front, (port.) e.^J'".
. '\ " Ueprlnted from the N. E. historical and Ktnealoglcul register for April,
\) « 't -^ 1889."
187 17-9736 CS71.A55 1889
Anderson. A monograph of the Anderson, Clark, Marshall and Mc-
Arthur connection, [n. p., 190-]
cover-title. ;!G ii. Keneal. tab. 23"".
Conip. tiy Tlioin:is Mc.\rtliur Anderson.
Title vignette (cont of arms)
138 9-12534t CS71.A55 190-
Anderson family descent from 1575 to 1900. Minneapolis,
The University press, 1900.
1 p. 1., 22 I), front, (port.) 16"".
Consists mainly of investigations miule by Robert Hall .Anderson, and
reported in a letter to .1. M. Anderson, of Minneapolis. Minn., May 3, 1900.
A life of Robert Anderson, by bis son S. G. Anderson : p. 17-21.
139 18-6017 CS71.A55 1900
An Inverness lawyer and his sons. 1796-1878; by Isabel Har-
riet Ander.son . . . Aberdeen, The Aberdeen university press,
limited, 1900.
4 p. 1., 248 p. front., port., tab. 26}'"'.
140 1-27169 DA880.I6A5
The Anderson, Perrine, Barbour-Smith, Howell-Clark,
Porter and Savery families, with a genealogical and biographi-
cal record of some who were pioneers in America ; also genea-
logical sketches of allied families, by Henriette E. Savery Smith.
Detroit, The Perrine press, 1902.
4 p. 1., iif, [1] p., 2 1., 186 p.. 1 1. front., pi. 18'".
141 2-27219 CS71.A55 1902
— The Andersons of Gold Mine, Hanover County, Virginia.
[Cincinnati, 1913]
.36 p. 2ir".
By Edward Lowell Anderson.
142 15-22431 CS71.A55 1913
Genealogical record and chart of the family of Elizabeth
Lydecker Anderson (Anderson-Lydecker.) Comp. by her hus-
band Jennings Cropper Wise of Richmond, Virginia. [Rich-
mond, Va., 1910)]
24 p. front, (fold. Kcneal. chart) 28'".
Contains also Mitchell, Silllman, Sherman, Minott, Field, Lydecker,
Ward, Avory, and Doniarost families.
143 16-13329 CS71.A55 1916
•■ See also Gill. CS479.05
Gregory. CS479.075
Junkin. CS71.J95 1908
Sahsbury. CS71.S167 1885
Thurbum. CS479.T58
Anderton. Lydiutc Hall & its associations; in two parts, antiquarian
and religious, by the Rev. Thomas Ellison Gibson . . . [Edin-
burgh and London] Printed for the author by Ballantyne, Han-
son & CO., 1876.
xUv p., 1 I., 333 p. front., phot. 25"°.
Contains genculojiios of the Anderton, Blundell, Irehind and other
144 2-1272 DA690.L88C4
Andrea. See also Giinther. CS629.G8
Andrews. Hon. John Albion Andrew. By Samuel Burnham . . .
[Boston, 1869]
cover-title, 15 p. 25}''".
" From the New England historical and genealogical register for Janu-
M • ^ -^ nry, 1S69."
Genealogj- of the Andrew family, p. 13-15.
145 5-14713 CS71.A56 1869
Genealogical history of John and Mary Andrews, who settled
in Farmington, Conn., 1640: embracing their descendants to
1872; with an introduction of miscellaneous names of Andrews,
with their progenitors as far as known ; to which is added a list
of some of the authors, clergymen, physicians and soldiers of the
name. By Alfred Andrews , . . Chicago, 111., A. H. Andrews
& CO., 1872.
652 p. front., ports. 231"".
146 8-26146t CS71.A57 1872
Ira Andrews & Ann Hopkinson. their ancestors and pos-
terity. Including the Autobiography of the author . . . Also
a treatise on marriage, divorce, and the laws of psychol and
constitutional hereditary transmissions . . . Toledo, Blade
printing and paper company, 1879.
vi. (7]-4:iT p. front, (port.l 19"".
Preface signed : Thomas Sheldon Andrews.
The Autobiograph.v has special title-page.
147 14-4}3Sri CS71.A57 1879
Pedigrees of tlie families of Andrews, Pigot, Hawkins and
Nott. Privately printed, London, Printed by Mitchell and
Hughes, 1879.
11 p. front, (coat of arms) 28'".
Issued also in Miscellanea genealogica et heraldlca. I/ondon, 1880.
n. 8. V. 3, p. 177-181.
148 15-23248 CS439.A59
Andrews. Genealogy of the Andrev?s of Taunton and Stoughton,
Mass., descendants of John and Hannah Andrews, of Boston,
Mas5acliu.setts, 1G5G to 188G. Compiled by Lieut. George An-
drews . . . Rochester, N. Y., E. R. Andrews, printer, 1887.
8G p. infl. front, (coat of arms) 24'°.
149 3-0089 CS71.A57 1887
History of the Andrews family. A genealogy of Robert
Andiews, and his descendants. 1635 to 1890 ... By H. FranK-
lin Andrews . . . Audubon, la., AV. E. Brinkerhoff, 1890.
234 p. iiRl. front, (port.) 23'".
150 8-20145t CS71.A57 1890
— Henry Andrews of Taunton and the Calves pasture. By
|)tj Almon D. Hodges . . . Boston, Printed by D. Clapp & son,
vj.b 1 p. 1., 16-23 p. illus. (map) 24i
Reprinted from the New England hist and gen. register for Jan. 1898,
V. 52, p. 16-23.
151 11-25018 CS71.A57 1898
Ancestry of Henry Levi Andrews, Woburn, Massachu.setts.
Woburn, Mass., Wallace & Andrews, printers, 1900.
2 p. 1., 13 p. pi., ports. 18"".
152 1-4325 CS71.A57 1900
Ancestry of Henry L. and John C. Andrews, Woburn,
Massachusetts. 2d ed. [Woburn] The Andrews print, 1914.
19 p. 2 port. (incl. front.) pi. 15}'"
Cover-title: Andrews genealogy.
153 1.^1.-5677 CS71.A57 1914
Genealogical biography of Charles T. and Mary E. Clark
Andrews, coinp. by the husband, in memory of the wife . . .
[South Bend, Ind., Peerless press] 1917.
61, [IJ p. incl. ports. 2Si"".
Photograph inserted at end.
I.'i4 17-28713 CS71.A57 1917
Andrews genealogy and alliances, by Clara Berry Wyker.
Decatur, Ala., Mrs. J. D. Wyker. 1917.
125, [1] p. front, (col. coat of arms) plates, ports. 23i"°.
155 18-4774 CS71.A57 1917 a
The descendants of Abraham Tourtellotte Andrews. Born
Oct. 20, 1820, in Otsego Co., N. Y., died June 23, 1909, near
Brewster, Kan., and his wife Miriam Lurinda Guild born Oct.
27, 1827, near Utica, N. Y., died Oct 5, 1904, near Brewster,
Kan. By Harry Lawrence Shiner, March, 1, 1918 . . . Kansas
City, Mo., 1918.
7 1. 27}"".
Autograplu'd froni typewritten copy.
T56 CS71.A57 1918
Andrews. See also Dnncan.
Anes. See Annis.
Aness. Sec Annis.
Angell. "Gencalog:}' of the descendants of Thomas An^ell, who settled
in Providence, 1636. By Avery F. Angell. Providence, A. C.
Greene. 1872.
20.'), [1] p. 22r".
157 8-26144t CS71.A58 1872
Genealogy of the descendants of Thomas Angell, who settled
in Providence, 1636 . . . By Avery F. Angell. Providence,
A. C. Greene, printer, 1872.
209. [1] p. 22}"".
"Additions and corrections": p. [207]-209.
158 19-757 CS71.A58 1872a
Angle. Descendants of Daniel Angle, revolutionary patriot. Shel-
ton. Wash., Mason County journal [1915]
2 p. I., .32, 131 p., 1 1. 16"".
Introduction signed : Robert C. Angle.
Additions and corrections in manuscript.
159 17-31799 CS71.A585 1915
Angus, Earh of. See Douglas.
Aniss. See Annis.
Anjou. The life and times of Margaret of Anjou, qxieen of England
and France; and her father Rene "the Good," king of Sicily,
Naples, and Jerusalem. With memoirs of the houses of Anjou.
By Mary Ann Hookham . . . London, Tinsley brothers, 187"2.
2 V. fronts, (ports.) plates, sencnl. tab. 22i'".
Added t.-p.
160 4-34894 DA247.M3H7
Annandale, Earh of. See Johnston. DA758.3.J6F7
Annesley. See also Wesley. BX8495.W35C8
Annice. See Annis.
Annin. Centennial celebration by the Annin family at the old Stone
house in SonleI•^=et County, N. J., August 15th, lS(J(i. Philadel-
phia, Printed for private distribution for F. J. Dreer [1866]
17 p. front. 24),"".
Desct'uilants of John Anuun, II. ITOC.
161 8-2G143t CSTl.AB 1866
Annis. Genealogy of David Annis of Hopkinton, and Bath, New
Hampshire: his antestors and destendants. By John McNab
Currier . . . Issued under the auspices of the Orleans County
historical society. Newport, Vermont [W. B. Bullock, printer]
72 p. 23i'". •
162 11-33 CS71.A615 1909
Annise. See Annis.
Antes. A German liero of the colonial times of Pennsylvania ; or.
The life and times of Henry Antes, by Rev. Edwin McMinn.
Moorestown, N. J. [Printed by W. J. Lovell] 1886.
305 p. front., plate.s. 19"".
163 4-22929 F152.A64
On the frontier with Colonel Antes; or. The struggle for
supremacy of the red and white races in Pennsylvania. By Ed-
win MacMinn. Camden, N. J., S. Chew & sons, printers, 1900.
3 p. 1., l3]-r)13, llj p. front., lllus., plate.s, ports., maps. 23J"".
"Books and other writings by Rev. Edwin MacMitin": p. [514]
"There is only one edition of this worlj, Ihiiited to 1,000 copies."
164 5-136G4 F149.M16
— — Souvenir fourth annual reunion of the des^-endants and
friends of Lieut. Col. John Henry Antes, September 4th, 1911
. . . [n. p., 1911?]
cover-title, [T] p. illus. 21'°.
Compiled by Joseph H. McMlnn.
1C5 CS71.A617 1911
Anthon. Narrative of the settlement of George Christian Anthon in
America, and of the removal of the family from Detroit, and its
establishment in New York city. By Charles Edward Anthon
. . . New Vorlv. Bradstreet press, 1872.
22 p. 2.'>r"'.
A small number of copies printed for the family.
160 2-619,S CS71.A62 1872
Anthony. Introduction to genealogical history, Anthony family.
LOuO-lSgS. [Franklin Grove. 111., 189-]
4 p. 22'".
Comp. by Chnrles l.awton .\nthony.
167 CA 9-2572 CS71.A629 189-
Anthony. Genealogj' of the Anthony family from 1495 to 1904, traced
from William Anthony, Coloifnc, (icrmany, to London, Enfjland,
John Anthony, a descendant, from England to America. With
photographs and biographical sket(hes of the lives of prominent
men and women. C'omp. and pub. by Charles L. Anthony.
Sterling, 111., 1904.
2 p. 1.. 171-379 p. iiicl. ports, col. pi., ports. 231"°.
168 9-ir).-)S7 CS71.A629 1904
See also Eoome. CS71.R778 1883
Antill. Edward Antill, a New York merchant of the seventeenth cen-
tury, and his descendants: particularly Edward Antill, 2d, of
Piscataway, New Jersey; Lieutenant Colonel Edward Antill, 3d,
of Quebec and Montreal ; Di". Lewis Antill of Perth Amboy ; and
Major John Antill, of New York. By William Nelson. Pater-
son, N. J.. The Press printing and publishing co., 1899.
2 p. 1., 36 I). 2.'>i"".
169 1-20889 CS71.A63 1899
Antisell. The genealogy of the descendants of Lawrence and Mary
Antisell of Norwich and Willington, Conn., including some
records of Christopher Antisell of Sraduff, Birr (Kings Co.) Ire-
land. By Mary Elizabeth Tisdel Wyman. [Columbus, O., The
Chaplin printing co.] 1908.
335 p. col. front, (cout of arms) ports., fold, facsiin. 25"°.
170 8-30311 CS71.A633 1908
Antrim. Records of the Antrim family of America. Burlington, N.
J., H. S. Antrim, 1899.
232 p. pi., port., map. 24"".
By Harriet Stockton Antrim.
Descendants of John Antrim, 16577-1719?
171. Junel5,99--1 CS71.A64 1899
See also Bavis. CS71.B374 1880
Earls of. See McPonneU.
Applegate. See also Eeichner. CS71.R34 1918
Appleton. Memorial of Samuel Appleton. of Ipswich. Massachusetts;
with genealogical notices of some of his descendants. Comp. by
Isaac Appleton Jewett. Boston, 1850.
vl, [7)-18;i p. front.. 2 pi. (1 fold.) fold, genciil. tuh. 26'".
172 8-26142t CS71.A65 1850
Pedigree of Appleton. By John Appleton, m. d. [Boston?]
geneal. tab. cout of arni.s. 44 x 73}"" fold, to 37 x 25}"".
Mounted on linen.
178 3-17338 CS71.A65 1864
Appleton. Monuinonfal tncniorials of the Appleton family. Boston,
Priv. print., 1SG7.
ao minil). 1. front., illus. 2.".1 x 20'".
Title in reO and blhck. Printed on one side of leaf only.
Preface signed " J. A." i. e. .Tolin Appleton, 180&-1S69.
150 copies printed for private distriljution. no. 13.
174 3-5651 CS71.A65 1867
A rough sketch of the Appleton genealogy, by W. S. Apple-
ton. Printed for correction and enlargement. Boston, T. R.
Marvin & son, 1873.
42 p. 25'°.
175 8-26140t CSTl.Aes 1873
A genealogy of the Appleton family, by W. S. Appleton
. . . Boston. T. R. Marvin & son. 1874.
54 p. 25'".
Descendants of Samuel .\ppleton, 1586-1670.
170 8-26141t CS71.A65 1874
Family letters from the Bodleian library. With notes by
William S. .Vpplcton. Cambridge, The University press, 1902.
GS p. incl. senenl. tab. 24i'".
Copied from the Tanner papers.
177 2-25C52 CS71.A65 1902
, . . The old Bav road from Saltonstall's Brook and Sam-
uel Appleton's farm, and A genealogy of the Ipswich descendants
of Samuel Appleton, by T. Frank Waters. Proceedings at the
annual meeting, December 3, 1906. Salem, Mass., The Salem
press CO., 1907.
1 p. 1., 62 p. front, (map) l."> pi. 24J"". (Publications of the Ipswich
historical society, xv)
178 8-5032 F74.I6I8 no. 15
Appleton of Waldingfield. {In Muskett, J. J., ed. Suffolk
manorial families . . . E.xeter [Eng.| W. Pollard & co., ltd.,
1900- 30J X 2^"". v. 1, p. 322-336)
179 CS437.S7M8
See also Baker. CS71.B17 1870
Oliver. CS71.048 1867
Aquin. Souvenirs d'Anierique et de France, par une Creole. Paris,
Bourguet-Calas [1883].
2 p. 1., vl. [2] p., 1 1., [31-386 p., 1 I. 23"".
The author Is a married diiunhter of Charles d'AquIn, of Haiti, after-
wards of .laniJiica iitid New Orleiiiis.
In three purls. I'urt 1 treats of life in Haiti and .Tamaiea and Includes
accounts of the d'.\(|uiu and Bizoton faoiilies, the latter from a nianu-
script by Doni Aignan Bizoton. I'art 2 relates to Creole and negro life
and customs in New Orleans and Includes (p. ]8.')-20T) a reprint of a
pamphlet by Elfonore Ligeret de Chai'-ey, pub. in 185'), under title: Les
Creoles. Itfponse ft Madame de Grandfort. Part 3 consists of reminis-
cences of life in Toulouse, with extracts from correspondence, etc.
180 CA 14-280D F3aO.C9S7
Arbuckle. See also McCue. CS71.M132 1912
Archer. Brief memorials of English families of the name of Archer
. . . Edinburgh [Printed by W. Blackwood and sons] 1856.
2 p. 1., 45 p. Incl. geneal. tables, front (col. coat of arms) 2 pi.
26 X 19i"".
Ms. note at head of t.-p. : To Patrick Morlson esq. from the compiler
J. H. Archer, 15 Nov. 1856.
181 4-15472 CS439.A6 1856
Memorials of families of the surname of Archer. London,
J. R. Smith, 1861.
2 p. 1., 74 p. 26}"".
Comp. by James Henry Lawrence-Archer.
182 ' 1-17411 CS439.A6 1861
An inquiry into the origin of the family of Archer in
Kilkenny, with notices of other families of the name in Ireland.
By J. H. Lawrence-Archer, captain.
(/n The Journal of the Kilkenny and South-eiist of Ireland archseolog-
Ical society, vol. vl, new ser. 1867. London, 1871. 25''"'. p. 220-232.
2 pi., 2 fold, geneal. tab.)
183 16-16427 DA900.R88 new ser.,vol.6
See also Driver. CS71.D782 1889
Milward. CS439.M53
Pocahontas. CS71.B747 1887
Purdy. CS71.P984 1911
Arden. See Ardem.
Ardem. Arderne, or Ardem of Alvanley. {In Miscellanea Palatina.
By George Ormerod . . . [London] 1851. 24^'"°. pt. 2, p. 72-
184 4-25002 CS437.C408
• See aho Drummond. CS419.D7
Argles. See also yRiXion. CS439.W55 1890
Argyle. See Argyll.
114883°— 19 3
Argyll. The li^p of the most illustrious prince. John, duke of Argyle
and Greenwich. Containinjr i. An historical and genealogical
account of His Grace's family and ancestors, ii. An impartial
view of his conduct both in the senate and field . . . By Robert
Campbell . . . Belfast, printed by F. Joy, 1745.
5 p. 1., 373 p. 16i'".
The family of Arwll, p. 3-20.
185 10-2791 DA483.A7C2
The MacCallum More : a history of the Argj'll family from
the earliest times. By the Rev. Hely Smith. London, Bemrose
& sons, 1871.
3 p. I., 144 p. fold, geneal. tab. 19"".
Marked for printer.
186 10-1190 CS479.A7 1871
Records of Argyll: Icgendsv traditions, and recollections of
Argyllshire Highlanders, collected chiefly from the Gaelic, with
notes on the antiquity of the dress, clan colours, or tartans, of
the Highlanders; by Lord Archibald Campbell, with etchings by
Charles Laurie. Edinburgh and London, W. Blackwood and
sons, 1885.
XV. 11 1. r.i4 p. 11 pi., 8 port. (incl. front) 30i"".
"No. 311."
187 3-29477 DA880.A6C1
See also Campbell.
Arkins. See also Steel. CS71.S812 1905
Armistead. The family of Armistead of Virginia. Printed for W. S.
Appleton. Boston, D. Clapp & son, 1899.
23 p. 24*"".
Descendants of William Armistead, fl. 1646.
188 8-26139t CS71.A72 1899
The Armistead family. 163.5-1910. By Mrs. Virginia
Armistead Garber . . . Richmond. Va., Whittet & Shepperson,
printers. 1910.
319 p. col. front, (coat of arms) illus. 23'".
189 17-9.'5S9 CS71.A72 1910
See also Harrison. CS71.H32 1893
Selden. CS71.S45 I9ii
Arms. A genealogical record of the Arms family in this country,
embracing all the known descendants of AVilliam first, who have
retained the family name, and the first generation of the de-
scendants of other names. By Edward W. Arms. Troy, N. Y.,
The author, 1877.
57 p. 23'".
190 8-2C138t CS71.A73 1877
Armstrong. A genealo^cal record of the descendants of Nathan Arm-
strong, an early settler of Warren County, New Jersey. By
William Clinton Armstrong, a. m., with sketches of family his-
tory, [n. p.] 1895.
201 p. front, (port.) 23"".
" The home and family of the Armstrongs. By Mrs. Joseph W. McCord
(Margaret S. Armstrong)": p. [76]-90, and "John Armstrong, Jr., and his
family. By Wilson Hunt Armstrong " : p. 168-191.
191 18-23442 CS71.A74 1895
Chronicles of the Armstrongs; ed. by James Lewis Arm-
strong, M. D. Jamaica, Queensborough. N. Y., The Marion press,
vl p., 1 1., 407, [1] p. Ulus., pi., port. 271'".
" 200 copies printed."
192 2-25433 CS71.A74 1902
See also Lundy. CS71.L962 1902
Vail. CS71.V129 1894
Yerburgh, CS439.Y6
Amiston. See Dundas. CS479.A8
Arnold. Pedigree of Arnold, a. d. 1100. [Family tree. Descend-
ants of Stephen and Sarah Arnold and William and Christians
Arnold] N[ew] Y[ork] Facsimile reproduction by the Graphic
CO. [1877]
geneal. tab. Cli x 76"".
Comp. by George Carpenter Arnold.
Reprlntetl with additions, 1896.
193 11-13214 CS71.A75 1877
Genealogy of the family of Arnold in Europe and America.
'^Z^'^'^ With brief notices by John AVard Dean, Henry T. Drowne, and
tlTL'v'i Edwin Hubbard . . . Boston, Press of D. Clapp & Son, 1879.
\J- ^ ^ 16 p. port. 22'".
" Reprinted from New England historical and genealogical register for
October, 1879."
194 18-366 CS71.A75 1879
Pedigree of Arnold, a. d. 1100. [Family tree. Descend-
ants of Stephen and Sarah Arnold and William and Christiane
Arnold] Boston & New York, Photo-lith. & printed, Forbes co.,
geneal. tab. 76 x 59'" fold, to 40 x 321'™.
Reprinted with additions from the 1877 edition, comp. by George Car-
penter Arnold.
196 9-18743* CS71.A75 1896
Arnold. Arnold of Lowestoft. {In Muskctt, J. J., ed. Suflfolk
manorial families . . . Exeter [Eng.] W. Pollard & co., ltd.,
1900- 30i X 24-J'-". V. 1, p. 377-388)
19a CS437.S7M8
. . . The Arnold family. As entered upon the records of
the town of Braintree. 1640 to 1853. Arranged by Samuel A.
Bates . . . South Braintree, Mass., F. A. Bates, 1902.
[48] p. lOJ X 12"".
At bead of title : Vital records of Braintree.
197 3-17746 CS71.A75 1902
See also GM^nn. CS439.G89 1890
Thayer. CS71.T37 1835
Wanton. r76.Il52 no.3
Amot. The house of Arnot and some of its branches, a family history,
comp. by James Arnott . . . Edinburgh, W. Brown, 1918.
X p., 1 1., 276 p. plntes, ports. 25'".
Bibliography : p. 265-271.
198 19-5841 CS479.A83
Arundel. The history and description of Arundel castle, Sussex:
the seat of His Grace the Duke of Norfolk, with an abstract of
the lives of the earls of Arundel, from the conquest to the present
time: to which is annexed, topogu'aphical delineations of the
Eoman pavement at Bignor, Little Hampton, and Bognor Rocks.
2d ed. By C. Wright . . . London, Printed for the author,
xl, 168 p. front., fold. pi. ISi'".
199 2-22567 DA690.A79W9
The history and antiquities of the castle and town of Arun-
del; including the biography of its earls, from the conquest to
the present time. By the Rev. M. A. Tierney . . . London,
G. and W. Nicol, 1834.
2 V. front, illus., 6 pi. (part fold.) geneal. tables. 27"".
Paged continuously.
200 3-10661 DA690.A79T5
The early genealogical history of the House of Arundel,
being an account of the origin of the families of Montgomery,
Albini, Fitzulan, and Howard, from the time of the conquest of
Normandy by Rollo the Great ... By John Pym Yeat-
man . . . London, Mitchell and Hughes, 1882.
xii, 12], 406 p. front., illu.s., 1 pi., facsim. 39i'".
201 3-8212 CS439.A7
Arimdel. Genealogical collections illustrating the history of Roman
Catholic families of England. Based on the Lawson manuscript.
Pt. Ill Arundell. Ed. bj' J. Jackson Howard ... H. Seymour
Hughes. [London] Priv. print., 1887-
p. 151-241. illus., plates, facsinis. Keneul. tables. 50'".
202 8-37484 CS438.L3
See also Brown. CS439.B85 1903
Willoughby. DA250.R72
Asfordby. See also Beatty. ' CS71.B437 1909
Crall. CS71.C889 1908
Ashbridge. The Ashbridge book; relating to past and present Ash-
bridge families in America, by W. T. Ashbridge. Toronto,
The Copp, Clark company, limited, 1912.
xiv p.. 1 I., 3-182 p. front., lUus., plates, 2 fold, maps, plan, facsims.,
fokl. geneal. tables. 31J"".
203 13-5630 CS71.A78 1912
Ashburner. Pedigree of the famil}' of Ashburner, co. Lancaster . . .
London, Taylor and co., printers, 1872.
1 p. 1., 8 p. illus. (coat of arms) 29"°.
Title vignette : coat of arms.
Comp. by Thomas Helsby.
Privately printed.
Issued also in " Miscellanea genealoglca et heraldlca," London, 1874,
n. 8., V. 1, p. 224-231.
204 9-26232 CS439.A75
Ashbnrnhain. See also Dnimmond. CS419.D7
Ashby. See also Buckner. CS71.B925 1907
Newgate. DA690.H25V4
Ashhurst. See also Cass. DA690.B23C3
Ashley. The Ashley genealogy. A history of the descendants of
Robert Ashley of Springfield, Massachusetts, by Francis Bacon
Trowbridge . . . New Haven, For the author, 1896.
V, [1] p., 3 1., [3)^72 p. plates, ports. 24i'°.
205 8-26137t CS71.A8 1896
Ashton. See also Venn. CS439.V5
Ashwin. Ashwin of Bretfortcn. (In A transcript of the register of
the parish church, Bretforten, in the county and diocese of Wor-
cester, from A. D. 1.538 to a. d. 1837; transcribed and ed. with xxiii
appendices, by the Rev. W. H. Shawcross . . . Evesham [Eng.]
H. W. Mayer, 1908.
5 p. 1., 4, [1], 4-83, 107 numb. 1. pi., 3 port. 30 x 23i'"., p. 6S-68.
206 10-9484 CS436.B73
Askew. See also ItU. BX7795.F 1884
Aspinwall. The Asj)inwall genealogy. Compiled by Algernon Aikin
Aspinwall, Washington, D. C. Published by the author. Rut-
land, Vt., The Tuttle cc, printers [1901]
262 p. incl. map. front. 24J"".
207 2-9913 CS71.A84 1901
Assheton. The journal of Nicholas Assheton, of Downham. in the
county of Lancaster, esq., for part of the year 1617, and part of
the year following. Interspersed with notes from the life of
his contemporary, John Bruen of Bruen Stapelford, in the
county of Chester, esq. Ed. by the Rev. F. R. Raines . . •
[Manchester] Printed for the Chetham society, 1848.
3 p. 1., [iii]-xxx p., 1 1., 163 p. 23x18'". (Added t.-p.: Remains, hia-
toricnl & literary, connectod witli tlie paiatine counties ot Lancaster and
Chester, pub. by the Chetham society, voi. xiv)
208 18^237 DA670.L19C5 vol.14
Astley. See also Gresley. CS439.G75
Aston. The genealogy of the family of Aston, of Tixall. {In A.
topographical and historical description of the parish of Tixall,
in the county of Stafford. By Sir Thomas Clifford, bar', and
Arthur Clifford, esq. Paris, 1817. 20^"°. p. 1-15-162)
209 DA690.T62C6
See also Gresley. CS439.G75
Major. CS71.M232 1915
Aster. See also Todd. CS71.T634 1867
Van Eensselaer. CS69.S7
Astry. See also Chester. CS439.C55 I88i
Atchison. A history of the Acheson family on the paternal side. By
A. W. Acheson . . . Prepared and printed for the private use
of the family, a. d. 1877. Pittsburgh, S. A. Clarke & co., 1878.
GO p. IQi'".
210 9-13585 CS71.A863 1878
A history of the Acheson family on the maternal side. By
James C. Acheson . . . Prepared and printed for the private
use of the family, [n. p., 1879?]
S5 p. front., port. 191'". [With Acheson, A. W. A history of the
Acheson family on the paternal side. Pitt.sburKh, 1878]
Ancestry of Mrs. Mary (Wilson) .\chesou, 1787-1872.
2U 8-15586 CS71.A863 1878
Atherton. See also Beville. CS71.B578 1917
Nichols. CS71.N6 1911
Atholl. Comitatus de Atholia. The earldom of Atholl: its bound-
aries stated, also, the extent therein of the possessions of the
family of De Atholia, and their de<cendants, the Robertsons.
With proofs and map. By J. A. Robertson. [Edinburgh]
Printed for private circulation [Murray and Gibb, printei"s]
2 p. L, 82 p. fold. map. 221'°-
212 12-20018 CS479.B6
Three Celtic earldoms, Atholl. Strathearn. Menteith (criti-
cal and historical recital so far as known) by Samuel Cowan . . .
Edinburgh, N. Macleod, 1909.
109, [1] p. front, (fold, facsim.) 23"".
213 11-1553 DA775.C75
Atkins. Reminiscences of Elisha Atkins, by William Howell Reed.
Privately printed. [Cambridge, University press, J. Wilson
and son] 1890.
iv, [4], 234 p., 1 1. front, (port.) illus., pi., map. 23i"".
" Genealogy " : p. 233-234.
214 16-18063 CT275.A857I14
■ Joseph Atkins: the story of a family. By Francis Higgin-
son Atkins . . . [Las Vegas, N. M.] D. Atkins, printer, 1891.
5 p. L, 153, [8] p. front, lUus., plates, ports., 11 geneal. tab. (7 fold.)
215 8-26134t CS71.A87 1891
. . . Genealogies by James W. Hawes. Atkins. Yarmouth-
port, Mass., C. W. Swift. 1911.
cover-title, 17 p. 25i"°. (Library of Cape Cod history & genealogy,
no. 99. )
216 12-24998 CS71.AS7 1911
Atkinson. The Atkinson families of Bucks County, Pennsylvania,
by Oliver Hougli. {In Pennsylvania magazine of history and
biography. Pliiladelphia, 1877- 25°"'. vol. 30, 1906, p. 57-79,
220-237. 332-347. 479-502; vol. 31, 1907, p. 157-175, 429-146)
217 F146.P65 vol.30-31
Atkinson families of Bucks County. Pennsylvania, by Oliver
Hough. Reprinted from the Pennsylvania magazine of history
and biography, vols. xx.\ and xxxi. [Philadelphia] Printed by
J. B. Lippincott company [1908?]
cover-title. 117 p.. 28r".
218 11-5706 CS71.A875 1908
Atlee. Genealogical record of the Atlee family. The descendants of
Judge William Augustus Atlee and Colonel Samuel John Atlee
of Lancaster County, Pa. By Edwin Atlee Barber . . . Phila-
delphia, Press of W. F. Fell & co., 1884.
viil, I9]-130 p. Incl. geneal. tab. plates, ports. 22"".
219 5-4114 CS71.A88 1884
Attwood. See Atwood.
Atwater. A genealogical register of the descendants in the male line
of David Atwater, one of the original planters of New Haven,
Conn., to the fifth generation. New Haven, Conn., J. H. Ben-
ham, 1851.
30 p. 23*'".
Corap. by Edward Elias Atwater.
220 8-26136t CS71.A89 1851
A genealogical register of the descendants in the male lino
of David Atwater, one of the original planters of New Haven,
Conn., to the sixth generation. New Haven, Tuttle, Morehouse
& Taylor, 1873.
64 p. 24"".
Gomp. by Edward Elias Atwater.
221 8-26135t CS71.A89 1873
Atwater history and genealogy . . . Comp. by Francis At-
water. Meriden, Conn., Printed by the Journal publishing com-
pany. 1901-07.
2 V. illus., plates, ports., jrencal. tab. 244'™.
Col. coat of iiruis on t.-p.
222 1-27666 CS71.A89 1901-1907
SeealsoBusg. CS71.bi44 1895
Atwell. The genealogy of the Atwell family, formerly of New Lon-
don, Conn. Prepared by Charles Beach Atwell. Evanston, 111.,
cover-title, 3-10 p. 211'"".
223 2-25017 CS71.A9 1896
Atwood. History of the Atwood family, in England and the TTnited
States. To which is appended a short account of the Tenney
family. From documents collected by Charles Atwood. Boston,
Press of G. H. Ware, 1888.
42 p. front., plates. 23^".
Preface signed : H. A. \V.
224 9-17833 CS71.A91 1888
Atwood. The Attwood family, with historic notes & pedigrees. By
John Robinson . . . Eighty ilhistrations. Sunderland, Printed
for private circulation by Hills and company, 1903.
4 p. I., 128. [21, xl-xxiii p. front, (coat of arms) plates, ports, facslm.,
genoal. tab. (part fold.) 23"".
I'eUigrees: a. The (Jaunt family. ai. Sutton alias Dudley (from Graze-
brook) B. William Gande. c. Rachel Maria Gaunt, d. Attwood family
(from Grazebrook) e. Attwood family by Thomas A. C. Attwood. f.
Elliot, of Whitehaven, g. Wood, of Whitehaven, h. Moore, of Sunder-
land. .T. Hutchinson, of Sunderland, k. Lamb, of Sunderland, l. Mc-
Dowell, of Sunderland, m. Hull, of Sunderland.
225 11-14141 CS439.A8
. . . Atwood genealogy, by Grace Fielding Hall. Yar-
mouthport. Mass., C. W. Swift, 1914.
cover-title, [4] p. 25*"". (Library of Cape Cod history & genealogy,
no. 41)
226 14-21775 CS71.A91 1914
Aubert de Gaspe. La famille Aubert de Gaspe par Pierre-Georges
Roy . . . Levis [La Compagnie J. E. Mercer, [imprimeurs]
199 p. plates, ports. 22}"°.
"Tire ft 150 exemplaire.s, no "
227 10-4204 0890. A9
Aubrey-Vaughan. SeeahoUoyi. CS71.L792 1912
Augur. Family history and genealogy of the descendants of Robert
Augtir of New Haven colony. Comp. by Edwin P. Augur.
Middletown, Conn. [Press of Pelton & King] 1904.
260 p. illus. (incl. ports.) map. 24"°.
22G 5-12249 CS71.A92 1904
Anld. . . . The journal of James Auld, 1765-1770.
(/n Southern history association. Publications. Washington, D. C,
1904. 24"°. V. 8, p. [233]-268)
229 15-21778 F206.S73 vol. 8
Anltfather. See Oldfather.
Austen. Charades, &c., written a hundred years ago, by Jane Austen
and her family. [London. Printed by Spottiswoode and co.,
31. m p., 1 1. IncI. plates, ports. 22'"".
"Three of these charades are by Jane herself . . . .\11 the other cha-
rades come from the jiens of three generations of Austens." — Unsigned
pref. note dated 1895.
Contains family portraits, and a table showing the relationship between
the writers of the charades.
Armorial book-plate of C. R. C. TIchhorne.
280 16-12122 PNe370.A8
SeeahoKmsht. DA690.C47A8
Austin. Ancestry of thirty-three Rhode Islanders (born in'the eight-
eenth century) : also twenty-seven charts of Roger Williams'
descendants to the fifth generation, and an account of Lewis
Latham, falconer to King Charles i ; with a chart of his Ameri-
can descendants to the fourth generation, and a list of 180 ex-
isting portraits of Rhode Island governors, chief justices, sena-
tors, etc. ... By John Osborne Austin. Albany, N. Y., J. Mun-
sell's sons, 1889.
2 p. 1., 139 (t. e. 141) p. 35"".
Verso of each leaf blank except page [128], which has recto blank.
Pages 128-141 erroneously numbered 126-139.
231 8-18(308 F78.A93
The ancestral dictionary. Ed. by John Osborne Austin.
Central Falls, R. I., E. L. Freeman & son [1891]
4 p. 1., 74 numb. 1. front, (port.) 22^".
232 8-22433t F78.A92
One hundred and sixty allied families. By John Osborne
Austin . . . [Salem. Mass., Printed at the Salem press, 1893]
xviii, 288 p. 4 double gpncal. tab. 30 x 24"°.
Genealogical tables A-C, pages xlx-xxl.
233 8-18609 r78.A94
Harmon Austin ; a memorial, dedicated to his many friends.
[Warren? O.. 1893?]
35, [1] p. 20"°.
234 15-22619 CT275.A925H3
See also Tvilh&m. CS71.F965 1910
Hill. CS71.H647 1907
d'Auvergne. See also Guerin. CS439.G89. 1890
Averell. Ser Averill.
Averill. The Avcrell-Averill-Avery family. A record of the de-
scendants of W^illiam and Abigail Averell of Ipswich, Mass. . . .
comp. by Clara A. Avery . . . [Cleveland, O., Press of Evan-
gelical publishing house, 1914]
2 V. front., plates, ports., fucslm., fold, geneal. tab. 24J"°.
235 14-7713 CS71.A94 1914
Avery. Genealogical record of the Dedham branch of the Avery
family in America. Comp. by Jane G. (Avery) Carter and
Susie P. Holmes. Pub. by Winslow W. Avery . . . Plymouth,
Mass., Press of Avery & Doten, 1893. '
366 p. front., plates, porta. Sar".
236 8-26114t CS71.A95 1893
Avery. The Averys of Groton ; genealogical and biogi'aphical. By
Homer De Lois Sweet. Syracuse, N. Y., The Rice-Taylor print-
ing CO., 1894.
viii, 9-698 p. front, lUus., pi., ports., facslm. 24'".
237 9-6895t CS71.A95 1894
Captain John Avery; president judge at the Whorekill in
Delaware Bay, and liis descendants, by Edwin Jaquett Sellers.
Philadelphia [J. B. Lippincott co.] 1898.
55 p., 1 1. facsiin. 25"°.
Edition limited to two hundred copies, of which this is no. 10.
238 8-26131 1 CS71.A95 1898
Revolutionary ancestry of Catharine Hitchcock (Tilden)
Avery . . . Cleveland [1899?]
11 p. 23'".
At head of title: Daughters of the American revolution. Western Re-
• serve chapter.
Ms. date on cover.
239 4-3.5840t CS71.A95 1899
Avery notes and queries. A quarterly magazine devoted to
the history of the Groton Averj's. no. I-IS; Feb. 1898-May
1902. [Cleveland, O., E. M. Avery, 1898-1902]
246 p. illus., ports. 23'",
Caption title.
No more published.
240 5-2253 CS71.A95 1898a
Walter Titus Avery. By J. M. Arms Sheldon . . . Green-
field, Mass., Printed by T. Morey & son [1912]
cover-title, 12 p. 23'"".
Paper read before the Pooumtuck Valley memorial association, Feb. 28,
1905, and printed in its " Proceedings," v. 5, 1912.
241 13-1417 CS71.A95 1912
The Groton Avery clan, by Elroy McKendree Avery and
Catharine Hitchcock (Tilden) Avery . . . Cleveland, 1912.
2 V. fronts., illus., plates, ports, maps (part fold.) 24i'".
Appendix: The royal pedigree of Susanna (Palmes) Avery.
Four blank leaves for additions Inserted at end of v. 2.
242 14-3217 CS71.A95 1912a
See also Anderson. CS71.A55 1916
James. CS71.J25 1912
Morgan. CS17.M848 1886
Avil6s. Ensayo cronologico, para la historia general de la Florida.
Contiene los descubrimientos, y principales sucesos. acaecidos en
este gran reino, a los espanoles, franceses, suecos, dinamarqueses,
ingleses, y otras naciones, entre si, y con los indios : cuias costum-
bres, genios, idolatria, goviemo, batallas, y astucias, se refieren:
y los viagcs de ulgiinos capitanes, y pilotos, por cl Mar de el
Norte, a buscar paso a Oriente, o vnion de aquella tierra, con
Asia. Desde el ano de 1512. que descubrift la Florida. Juan
Ponce de Leon, liasta el de 1722. Escrito por Don Gabriel de
Cardenas z Cano [pseiid.] . . . Madrid, En la Oficina real, y
a costa de N. Rodriguez Franco, 1723.
20 p. I., 3GG !>., 1 1„ l.->4) p. fold, geneal. tab. .31 J'""- (/« GarcUaso de
la Vega, el Iiica. La Florida del Inca . . . Madrid, 1723. [pt. 2])
Title in red and black. Text in double columns.
Genealogical table: Casa de los adelantados de la Florida, condes de
Canalejas [familia de Avilfs]
243 1-6801 E125.S7G21
Awl. Awl of Paxtang. {In Egle, W. H. Pennsylvania genealo-
gies. Harrisburg, Pa., 1896. a*"", p. 37-i6)
244 F148.E32
Axtell. The Axtell record : being a family record of the descendants
of Maj. Henrj' Axtell, of Mendham, Morris Co., New Jer.sey,
who lived from 1738 to 1818. Collected and arranged by
Ephraim S. Axtell, his greatgrandson. Morristown, N. J.,
Printed at " The Jerseyman office," 1886.
68 p. 23'°.
245 4-19249 CS71.A96 1886
The Axtell family in America. First five generations.
^ .( [Boston, 1899]
^d-JS 8 p. 24'-.
/-^ 'V3 Caption title.
>4 • "• Descendants of Thomas Axtell, 1619-1646, by Seth Jones Axtell.
Reprinted from the New England historical and genealogical register,
April, 1899.
246 9-tiS99t CS71.A96 1899
Ayars. Sec Ayer.
Ayer. A record of the descendants of Captain John Ayres, of Brook-
field, Mass. By William Henry Whitmore. Boston, T. K. Mar-
vin & son, 1870.
1 p. 1.. 55 p. 251'".
247 8-26133t CS71.A98 1870
James Ayer. In memoriam. Bom October 4, 1815. Died
December 31, 1891. [Boston] Priv. print, 1892.
iv p.. 2 1.. r^S p. front., pi., port. 24i'".
Preface signed : James Bourne Ayer.
248 3-2746 CS71.A98 1892
Ayer. Ancestors of Silas Ayeis and Mary Byram Ayers, including
the Alden, Ayers. and Byram families, comp. for their descend-
ants, by Charles H. Ayers . . . [Detroit, 1905]
[44] p. front., plates, coat of arms, fold, geneal. tab. 22'"°'.
249 15-19121 CSTl.AOS 1905
Diary of Sarah Connell Ayer. Andover and Newburyport,
Massachusetts; Concord and Bow, New Hampshire; Portland
and Eastport, Maine. Portland, Me., Lefavor-Tower company,
2 p. I., 404 p. 25'".
Appendices relating to the Ayer, Connell and Wheelwright families.
250 12-12476 F8.A97
Benjamin A. Ayars, his ancestry and descendants, comp. by
Bessie Ayars Andrews. Vineland, N. J., 1912.
17 p. front, (port.) 21"°.
251 12-22805 CS71.A98 1912
Genealogy of the Ayres family of Fairfield County, Conn.
Comp. by James Noyes States. New Haven, Conn., 1916.
1 p. 1., 127 p. front, (port.) pi., coat of arms. 23°°'.
252 16-20269 CS71.A98 1916
Robert Ayars and his descendants, comp. by Frank D.
Andrews. Vineland, N. J.. Priv. print., 1918.
2 p. 1., [3]-98 p. 23r'"-
" Limited and only edition. This edition ... is limited to eighty-one
copies of which this Is number 3."
253 19-3956 CS71.A98 1918
/See aZ«o Corliss, CS71.C8 1875
Ellis. F3.T61
Treman. CS71.T789 1901
Aylet. Ree also Junkin. CS71.J95 1908
Ayliffe. The Ayliffes of Gritt«nham. By the Rev. Canon J. E. Jack-
son, (/n Wiltshire archaeological and natural history magazine.
Devizes, 1884. 22^"". vol. xxi, p. 194-211)
254 DA670.W69W6 vol.21
Aylsworth. Arthur Aylsworth and his descendants in America, with
notes historical and genealogical, relating to the fauiily, from
early English records, by Homer Elhanan Aylsworth . . . ed.
by James N. Arnold . . . Providence. R. I., Narragansett his-
torical publishing compan}-. 1887.
cxxxvi, 40."), [1] p. front., Illus.. ports., map. 22"".
"A register of the Aylsworth family, beginning with Arthur ... By
Sylvester Aylsworth . . . Utlca, Bennett, Bachus & Hawley. 1840":
p. 1-10.
255 8-26132t CS71.A97 1887
Aymar. Aymnr of New York, by Benjamin Aymar . . . New York,
The Knickerbocker press, 1903.
65 p. 24*"".
" Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Huguenot society of America,
vol. in, pt. 2."
" One hundred mid fifty copies reprinted of which this is no. 134."
256 5-196«7 CS71.A&79 1903
Ayres. S( c Ayei.
Ayton. The Aytons of A3rton in the Merse ; an old chapter of family
history derived from the charters of Coldingham priory, tiie
originals of which are now in the library of Durham cathedral,
by Lieut. -Colonel A. Aytoun . . . Printed for private circula-
tion. [Edinburgh, TurnbuU & Spears, printers] 1887.
2 p. 1.. G3 p. 35*'".
257 15-21492 CS479.A85
The poems of Sir Robert Aytoun, ed. by Charles lloger
. . . from a ms. in his possession, and other authentic sources
. . . Edinburgh, A. & C. Black, 1844.
lii, 154 [2] p. front., fold, geneal. tab. 21'".
"Appendix to genealogical tree": p. 151-154.
258 14-11926 PR2203.A7 1844
The poems of Sir Robert Aytoun . . . with a memoir from
original sources of information, by the Rev. Charles Rogers
. . . London, Privately printed for the author [by J. and W.
Rider] 1871.
120 p. front. 22J"°.
One hundred and fifty copies only.
English and Latin poems.
259 15-11408 PR2203.A7 1871
Aytoun. See Ajrton.
Babbidge. See also Driver. CS71.D782 1889
Babbitt. Tlie Babbitt family history. 1643-1900, comp. by William
Bradford Browne . . . Tauntcn, Mass. [C. A. Had; & son]
2 p. 1., [7]-"G0, [1] p. front. , plates, ports., fucsims. 2.')"".
260 14-45 CS71.B113 1912
Babcock. The Babcock family. [Albany, N. Y., Mimsell & Row-
land, printers, 18C1]
4 p. 23"".
Comp. by Albert Welles and ed. by Sidney Babcock.
261 8-20128t CS71.B118 1861
Babcock. The family of Badcock of Massachusetts. By W. S. Apple-
(O^<f.0t ton. Boston. D. Clapp & son, 1881.
oa'f^ 1 p. 1., 11 p. 24J"".
\j< [ 1 Corrected iiinl enlarged from the New England historical and genealog-
ical register for July, 1865.
262 8-26129t CS71.B118 1881
Babcock genealogy, comp. by Stephen Babcock . . . New
York, Eaton & Mains, 1903.
XXX, 640 p. col. front, plates, ports. 23J"".
263 4-27255 CS71.B118 1903
Isaiah Babcock, sr., and his descendants, by A. Emerson
Babcock . . . New York, Eaton & Mains, 1003.
vi p., 1 1., 119 p. front., lUus., plates, ports. 23i"". [With Babcock,
Stephen. Babcock genealogy. New York, 1903]
264 4-27254 CS71.B118 1903
Genealogical record of Nathaniel Babcock, Simeon Main,
Isaac Miner, Ezekiel Main, comp. by Cyrus H. Brown . . .
Boston, The Everett press, 1909.
362 p. front., plates, ports. 23}"".
Blank pages for marriages, births, deaths, etc. Inserted between p. 316
and 317.
Plates printed on both sides.
265 11-4149 CS71.B118 1909
See also Washington. CS69.W5
Baby. See also Casgrain. CS90.C3
Bache. See also TT&nklin. CS71.F833 1889
Bachiler. See Batchelder.
Backhouse. The descendants of John Backhouse, yeoman, of Moss
Side, near Yealand Redman, Lancashire. Comp. by Joseph
Foster . . . London, Priv. print, at the Chiswick press, 1894.
93 (i. e. 9.">), [1] p. ind. front, (coat of arms) lUiis., genpal. tables.
ports, on 31 pi. 28x21i"».
266 8-29440 CS439.B18
Swallowfield and its owners, by Lady Russell . . . London,
New York [etc.] Longmans, Green, & co., 1901
xll, .S62 p. front., pi., port., fold, geneal. tab. 25J"".
Pedigree of Backhouse. Hyde, Pitt, Dodd, St. Legers of Slilnfpld. and
Sir Philip Jennings-Clerke.
267 2-7607 DA690.S97R9
Backus. A genealogical memoir of the Backus family, with the pri-
vate journal of James Backus, together with his correspondence
bearing on the first settlement of Ohio, at Marietta, in 1788.
Also, papers and correspondence of Elijah Backus, showing the
chaiac-ter and spirit of the times during the revolutionary period.
In two parts: Part i. Genealogical, including journal or James
Backus, and poems by Miss Sarah Backus. Part ii. Historical,
containing sketches of the first settlements of Connecticut and
Ohio, with miscellaneous papers of historic interest. By William
W. Backus. I Norwich, Conn., Press of The Bulletin co.] 1889.
[385] p., 1 1., 9 p. (facsim.), iv p. front, (port.) plates. 23"".
Paging irregular.
Descendants of Stephen Backus, fl. 1692, by Henry Clinton Backus,
p. 123-127.
268 3-3806 CS71.B12 1889
See also Adgate. F104.N93P3
Chester. CS71.C526 i893
Griswold. CS71.G87 1898
Bacon. A table, showing the date and place of birth; to whom and
when married; number of sons and daughters; date of decease;
age and place of burial, of Jabez Bacon, late of Woodbury, de-
cea.sed ; and of his descendants bearing the name of Bacon. Also
of his ancestors, so far as known, commencing with the latter.
Comp. by Nathaniel A. Bacon . . . Xew Haven, Printed by
Hitchcock & Stafford, 1845.
4 1. 21'".
269 8-26130t CS71.B13 1845
. . . Nathaniel Bacon. [By Amos Otis]
(Detached from his Genealogical notes of Barnstable families . . . Barn-
stable, Mass., 1888. 23"°. V. 1, p. (21J-38)
270 CA 9-2571 CS71.B13 1885
Tlie wills of the family of Bacon. Transcribed from the
Ipswich register by Rev. W. E. Layton . . . London, Mitchell
and Hughes, 1900.
2 p. 1., 79 p. 29''"'.
" Only twenty-five copies printed."
I.s,sued also in the " Miscellanea genealoglca et heraldica," London, 1886-
1902. 2d ser., v. 2-5 ; 3d ser.. v. 4.
271 19-1539 CS439.B2
Bacon genealogy. Michael Bacon of Dedham, 1040 and his
descendants, by Thomas W. Baldwin . . . Cambridge, Mass.
[Press of Murray and Emery company] 1915.
2 p. I.. 3^20 p. front., pi., fold, geneal. tab. 23}'''".
Kngllsh ancestry of MIclinel Bacon of Dodham, comp. by Eliza Bucklng-
Imni Bacon of New Haven : Genonl. tab.
272 15-8146 CS71.B13 1916
Bacon. Bacon pedigree of William Lincoln Palniei-. [New York,
Ot 1917J
, cover-title, [2] p., 1 1. 30"".
'^ V-j I The leaf at end left blauk for " Notes."
N • Issued also in The New York genealogical and biographical record for
July 1917.
"Authorities": p. [2]
273 17-20532 CS71.B13 1917
See also Gosnold. CS71.G676 1904
Guerin. CS439.G89 1890
Hall. CS71.H177 1902a
Harrison. CS71.H32 1893
Haskins. CS71.H351 I9il
Badcock. See Babcock,
Badger. Giles Badger and his descendants, first four generations and
a ix)rtion of the fifth, sixth, and seventh generations, by a de-
scendant, John Cogswell Badger. Manchester, X. H., Printed
bj- the J. B. Clarke company, 1909.
64 p. front (port.) 23"".
274 10-6531 CS71.B135 1909
Badlesmere. See also Dunstanville. DA690.C42S4
Baer. See Bear.
Bagg. . . . Obituary notice of "A Yale graduate of '69." Written
by himself [Lyman Hotchkiss Bagg] New York, K. Kron, 1890.
24 p. 25^°".
Reprinted from the " Biographical records of the Yale class of 1869,"
vol. V, p. 13-22 ; vol. vl, p. 24-32.
With this is paged continuously his " Autobiography 1846-1895 . . ."
and " Kplstola de senectute 1901 : ae. 55 . . ."
275 9-6917t CS71.B144 1890
. , . Ancestry (1440-1817) and autobiography (1846-1895)
[Lyman Hotchkiss Bagg]. New York, K. Kron, 1895.
1 p. 1., [5]-24. [2] p. 25^"'.
Printed for private distribution.
Atwater ancestry p. [7-8].
400 copies.
276 8-33008 CS71.B144 1895
Bagley. Bagley family (reprinted) . . . Asbury Park, N. J., Martiu
& Allardyce, 1916.
cover-title, 12 p. 24"°.
Reprinted from Essex antiquarian. Salem, Mass., 1901. vol. 5, p. [65]-
277 19^284 CS71.B147
114883*— 19 4
Bagot. Memorials of the Ba^ot family; comp. in 1823 . . . Blith-
Held, Printed by W. Hodgetts. 18-24.
172 p., 1 1., xxxl p. front, (port.) plates, fold, geneal. tables. 31J'°.
Comp. by Baron William Bagot.
278 18-3358 CS439.B22
A history of the family of Bagot of Bagots Bromley and
•* Blithfield, co. Stafford. Comp. from the original deeds at Blith-
fiold by Maj. -General the Hon. Geo. Wrottesley. Reprinted from
the Staffordshire collections, William Salt society, vol. xi, new
series. London. Harrison and sons, printers. 1908.
. 2 p. 1., [3]-224. .\xiii, [1] p. front., illus., pi., ports. 25'".
i^ ' 19-3066 CS439.B22 1908
A history of the Bagot family, vrith copies of the deeds at
Blithfield. By ISIaj.-Gen., the Hon. G. Wrottesley. (In William
Salt archaeological societj'. Collections for a history of Stafford-
shire. London, 1908. 2U"". n. s., vol. xi, p. 1-224. illus., pi.,
ports. )
280 DA670.So9W7n.s.,vol.xl
Bagshawe. The Bagshawes of Ford : a biographical pedigree. By
p, William H. G. Bagshawe. For private circulation. London,
Mitchell and Hughes, 1886.
tZU^OMii p., 1 1., 610 p. front., illus., fold, geneal. tables. 29"".
281 11-5223 CS439.B23
Baildon., Baildon and the Baildons; a historj' of a Yorkshire manor
and family, by W. Paley Baildon . . . vol. 1-2 (Book i-iii,
pt. 1-9).
[London], I'rivatel.v printed for the author by the St. Catherine press,
9 pts. plates, maps. 29"".
Only 300 copies have been printed, of which 100 are reserve<l for
the U. S.
282 CS439.B24
Bailey. A genealogy of the descendants of Richard Bailey. (In The
historical and genealogical researches and recorder of passing
events of Merrimack Valley. Alfred Poor, editor. Haverhill,
[1858] 38^-="'. V. 1, no. 2, p. 77-167)
283 1-12188 F72.M6H5
Account of the 2d-13th gathering of the Bailey-Bayley
family association . . . Bradford, Mass. [etc.] 1894^1911.
12 V. In 1. 22'"".
Report of the 1st gathering held at Canoble Luke, N. H., 1893, is given
on p. 4-5 of the 2d gathering, which has title, Proceedings of the second
annual gathering.
Binder's title: Reports of the first thirteen gatherings of the Bailey-
Bayley family association, 1893-1911.
284 15-19544 CS71.B15 1894-
Bailey. Kecords of the Bailey family. Descendants of William
Bailey of Newport, R. I., chiefly in the line of his son. Hugh
Bailey of East Greenwich, R. I. . . . Comp. by a descendant.
Providence, R. I. [Standard printing company] 1895.
20G p., 1 I. front., 2 pi., 21 port. 24J'''".
One hundred copies only. no. 82.
Preface signed : Hannah C. (Bailey) Hopkins.
285 8-2G126t CS71.B15 1895
Bailey genealogy. James, John, and Thomas, and their
descendants. In three parts. Ed. by Hollis R. Bailey. Somer-
ville, Mass., The Citizen company, 1899.
1 p. 1.. vl, 479 p. 23"".
" Published by direction of Bailey-Bayley family association."
Contents. — pt. 1. Account of James Bailey of Rowley and some of his
descendants. Comp. by H. U. Bailey, Mrs. Gertrude E. Bailey, Mrs. Abble
F. Ellsworth. — pt. 2. Account of John Bailey of Salisbury and some of his
descendants. Comp. by Mrs. Abble F. Ellsworth. — pt. 3. Account of
Thomas Bayley of Weymouth and some of his descendants. Comp. by
W. H. Reed.
286 O-7104 CS71.B15 1899
Origin and history of the name of Bailey, with biographies
of all the most noted persons of that name. And an account
of the origin of surnames and forenames. Together with over
five hundred Christian names of men and women and their sig-
nificance. The crescent family record . . . Chicago, 111., Ameri-
can publishers' association, 1904.
5 p. 1., iv. 17-112, [14] p., 1 1. front., illus. 23"".
Forms for " Crescent family records " : 14 p. at end.
287 16-2750 CS71.B15 1904
Paternal pedigree, comp. by Joseph Whitman Bailey . . .
including ancestry of Rev. Peter Bulkley of Concord, Mass.
. . . Boston, 1907.
geneal. tab. 52i x 1481'" fold, to 27 x 18'".
288 11-13988 CS71.B15 1907
Biographical sketches of the Bailey-Myers-Mason families.
1776 to 1905; key to a cabinet of heirlooms in the National
museum, Washington. [Washington? D. C] Priv. print., 1908.
142 p. front., plates, ports., facsim. 29"".
Ed. by Mrs. Cassie Mason (Myers) Julian-James.
289 9-12407 CS71.M995 1908
Genealog>' of the Baily family of Bromham, Wiltshire,
England, and more particularly of the descendants of .Joel
Baily, who came from Bromham about 1682 and settled in
Chester County, Pa. Comp. by Gilbert Cope . . . Lancaster,
Pa., Wickersham printing company, 1912.
Ix, 672 p. front., plates, ports., maps (2 fold.) facslms. 26'".
300 copies printed of which this Is no. 68.
290 13-1254 CS71.B15 1912
Bailey. Robert Bayley, the first schoolmaster in Falmouth (Port-
land) Maine, and some of his descendants, by Archie Lee Tal-
bot .. . [Dover, Me.] 1917.
18 p. 23i"".
" Limited edition of 50 copies."
" Read hefoi-p the Mninp historical society, May 24, 1916."
" Reprint from Sprague's Journal of Maine history, vol. iv, no. 3."
291 17-31792 CS71.B15 1917
See also Baillie.
Corliss. CS71.C8 1875
Eobinson. CS71.B66 1894
Weitzel. CS71.W434 1883
Bailie. See Baillie.
Baillie. Thelettersand journals of Eobert Baillie .. . m-dcxxxvit.-
M.DC.Lxii. Ed. from the author's manuscripts by David Laing
. . . Edinburg, R. Ogle, 1841-42.
3 V. facsim., fold, geneal. tab. 25i''".
Also Issued as no. 73 of the Bannatyne club publications. The copies
for the members of the clnb were issued in the usual quarto size, those
for general sale in royal octavo. " The lines of the pages have been over-
run ... so that both editions might usually correspond page for page, as
well as In other respects." cf. Pref.
" Memoir of the life and writings of Robert Baillie " : v. 1, p. [xix]-
292 17-20708 DA803.3.A2B3
A history and genealogy of the family of Baillie of Du-
nain, Dochfour and Lamington, with a short sketch of the fam-
ily of Mcintosh, Bulloch, and other families, by Joseph G iston
Baillie Bulloch . . . [Green Bay, Wis., The Gazette print.]
2 p. 1., [vl!]-viii p., 1 1., [9]-lll p. illus. 211'".
293 8-26125t CS71.B16 1898
A history and genealogy of the family of Bailie of north
of Ireland, in part, including the parish of Duneane, Ireland,
and Burony, (parish) of Dunain, Scotland. (A part of it fur-
nished by Joseph Gaston Baillie Bulloch . . .) By George
Alexander Bailie. Augusta, Ga. [Richards & Shaver, printers]
vi, [7]-9« p. incl. illus., plates, ports., 5 fold, geueal. tiib. 211'".
294 11-30213 CS71.B16 1902
Bally. See Bailey.
Via I uia.i 1 r-
Bain. Genealogical chart of the family of Bain, co. Haddington.
Comp. from original and authentic sources by the Rev. Charles
Rogers . . . [Edinburgh?] 1871.
geneal. tab. 57 x 71i'" fold, to 30"".
295 14-15110 CS479.B2 1871
See also Bayne.
Bainbrigge. See also Fletcher. ' CS439.F53
Baird. Account of the surname of Baird, particularly of the families
of Auchmedden, Newbyth, and Sauchtonhall. Ed. by William
N. Eraser . , . Edinburgh, T. G. Stevenson [1857]
2 p. I., vii, 9G p. pi. 28i"".
Published In -IS'O under title : Genealogical collections concerning the
sir-name of Baird . . .
Letters from 1595 to 1720: p. [33]-81.
296 11-14205 CS479.B3 1857
■ Genealogical collections concerning the sir-name of Baird,
and the families of Auchmedden. Newbyth, and Sauchton Hall
in particular. With copies of old letters and papers worth pre-
serving, and account of several transactions in this country dur-
ing the last two centuries. Reprinted from the original ms. of
William Baird, esq. (last of the family), of Auchmedden, now
preserved in the Advocates' library, Edinburgh. With notes;
and an appendix containing a ded\iction of the family of Or-
dinhnivas to the present day. London, J. C. Hotten, 1870.
2 p. 1., [iii]-xii p., 1 1., 120 p. iUus., facslm. 26i'°.
Title vignette in colors.
" The first edition of these ' Collections,' edited by W. N. Fraser, esq.,
under the title of ' An account of the surname of Baird, particularly of the
families of Auchmedden, Newbyth, and Sauchtonhall,' was published . . .
1857 . . . but has been out of print for some years . . . The present edi-
tion contains . . . additional genealogical matter." — Pref. (signed: P. M.
B. S.)
297 8-28745 CS479.B3 1870
The Bnird familv centennial. With a sketch of the life of
Francis Baird, the pioneer, who settled in Warwick, N. Y., in
1765, and a geneological list of some of his descendants, and ■
other papers read on the occasion of the reunion at the home-
stead of his late son, AVilliam Eagles Baird, in 1910. Editor,
Ferdinand V. Sanford. Warwick, N. Y., Warwick Valley dis-
patch print, 1912.
45 i). front., plates, ports. 2.')'".
298 13-34 CS71.B166 1912
Baird. A genealogy of the descendants of Widow Martha Beard
of Milford, Conn., by Ruth Beard. Ansonia, Conn., The Emer-
son publishing co., 1915.
3 p. 1., [71-99 I), fafsiins. 23}"°.
"Tills edition will consist of only 150 copies."
Blank pages inserted for additional " Beard Eenealojry."
The early records of the family were collected and verified b.v the Rev.
John Gunn Baird of Ellington, Conn.
299 ■ 17-21244 CS71.B166 1915
Baird and Beard families; a genealogical, biographical, and
historical collection of data, by Fermine Baird Catchings. Nash-
ville, Tenn., Baird-Ward [^918]
230, [10] p. front., illus. (coats of arms) ports. 24}"'".
Ten blanl^ pages for " Family record " at end.
300 18-20402 CS71.B166 1918
See also lawson. CS71.L425 1903
Baits. See Bates.
Bakepuiz. See also Gresley. CS439.G75
Baker. A genealogj^ of the descendants of Edward Baker of Lynn,
Ma-ss.. 1630. Prepared and published by Nelson M. Baker . . .
Syracuse, Printed at the Journal office, 1867.
09 p. 22'™.
301 CS71.B17 1867
• Ancestry of Priscilla Baker, who lived 167-^1731, and was
wife of Isaac Appleton, of Ipswich. By William S. Appleton.
Cambridge, Press of J. Wilson and son, 1870.
2 p. 1., 142 p. geueal. tables (1 double) coat of arms. 24}'".
302 3-5650 CS71.B17 1870
Genealogy of Richard Baker, borji in England; died in
Dorchester, Mass., October 25, 1689. Comp. by Edmund J.
Baker . . . Boston, D. Clapp & son, printers, 1889.
40 p. 23"".
3»3 3-17341 CS71.B17 1889
• Short notes on the Baker family and also the related fami-
lies of Clark, Comstock, Baxter, Chaffee. Brown and Mason,
comp. by Geo: Comstock Baker . , . Comstock, N. Y., Priv.
print., 1896.
12 p. 2o"°.
304 8-1810S CS71.B17 1896
Baker. Henry Baker and some of his descendants. By Miles
White, jr. . . .
(/« S6uthern history association. Publications. Wasliington, D. C,
1901. 24"". V. 5, p. 1388]-J00, [4771-496)
305 15-21760 F206.S73 vol. 5
Origin and history of the name of Baker, with biographies
of all the most noted persons of that name. And an account of
the origin of surnames and forenames, together with over five
hundred Christian names of men and women, and their signifi-
cance. The crescent family record . . . Chicago, 111., American
publishers' association, 1905.
5 p. 1., Iv, 112, [14] p., 1 1. front., illus. 23™. '^
Forms for " Crescent family records " : 14 p. at end.
306 16-2751 CS71.B17 1905
A genealogy of Eber and Lydia Smith Baker of Marion,
Ohio, and their descendants. Rev. to October, 1909. Arranged
by Elwood T. Baker . . . Chariton, la., Lydia A. Copeland
2 p. 1., 3-87, [1] p. front., ports., 6 forms. 21'".
307 9-31061 CS71.B17 1909
. . . The Baker family of Yarmouth, descendants of
Francis. Yarmouthport, Mass., C. W. Swift, 1912.
cover-title, 15 p. 25°"°. (Librai-j' of Cape Cod history & genealogy,
no. 73)
308 17-0131 CS71.B17 1912
. . . The Baker family of Yarmouth, descendants of Silas.
Yarmouthport, Mass., C. AV. Swift, 1912.
cover-title, 4 p. 25"°'. (Library of Cape Cod history & genealogy,
no. 74)
309 17-6144 CS71.B17 1912a
Baker ancestry. The ancestry of Samuel Baker of Pleasant
Valley, Steuben County, New York, with some of his descend-
ants. Comp. by Frank Baker. Chicago, 1914.
vl, 58 p. plates, facslms. (Incl. front.) 32'"".
6 blanlc leaves at end for " Family record."
310 14-18675 CS71.B17 1914
Memorial of Mr. Justice Frank Baker. An appendix to
Baker ancestry. Chicago, 1916.
16 p. front, (port.) 29"".
Half-title: lu meinoriam Frank Baker, bom May 11, 1840; died July
9, 1916.
Contents. — Proceedings of the Appellate court of Illinois for the first
district In memory of the late Hon. Frank Baker, a Justice of this court. —
Personal memoir of Frank Baker by his daughter Ethel Raker .Xndrews.
811 17-5748 CS71.B17 1914a
Baker. Genealogical record Rev. Nicholas Baker (1610-1678) and
his desceiidiints, by Fred A. Baker. Detroit, Mich., The author,
3 p. 1., 147 p. 24"".
Contains also accounts of the Abbott, Abeel, Goodrich, Alvord, Ball and
Blssell families.
312 17-17341 CS71.B17 1917
See also Jolliffe. CS71.J75 1893
Thompson. CS71.T4T I9ll
Tyssen. CS439.T93
Balard. See Ballard.
Balcarres, Earls of. See lindsay, DA758.3.L8C7
Balch. Genealogy of the Balch families in America, by Galusha B.
Balch . . . Salem. Mass., E. Putnam, 1897.
sxxii, 553 p. col. front., pi., 25 port., 2 maps (1 fold.) 2 facslm., tab.
313 8-26124t CS71.B18 1897
Genealogical chart of Balch family of New England, show-
ing male lines of descent from the first colonist John Balch to
the grandparents of the present generations. [Comp. by Samuel
Weed Balch. New York? 490.5]
geneal. tab. IIGJ x 55"" fold, to 27A"°.
314 5-32670 CS71.B18 1905
. . . . Reunion of the Balch family association . . . lst-3d
[Philadelphia. 1905-07]
3 V. pi. 24°".
1st reunion has title : First reunion and organization of the Balch
family association by the descendants of .John Balch, one of the " old
planters" of Naumlieag, now Salem, Beverly and North Beverly. Massa-
315 5-40584 CS71.B18 1905-07
.'. . Balch genealogica, b}- Thomas Willing Balch . . .
Philadelphia, Allen, Lane and Scott, 1907.
X, 410 p. incl. front, plates, i)orts., facsim& 28'".
31 G 7-18576 CS71.B18 1907
>Sec oZao Peaslee. CS71.P364 i897
Balcom. See also Starkey. CS71.S7955 i9io
Baldwin. Nathaniel Baldwin and one line of his descendants. By
h\fi Byron Anastasius Baldwin . . . Boston, D. Clapp & son, 1871.
7 p. 251"
»-) Ueprinted from tlie New England historical and genealogical register
■^' ^ for April, 1871.
317 8-26123t CS71.B19 1871
Baldwin. Notes on the ancestry of Sj'lvester Baldwin. By Charles
^%1'\T ^* I^'il*^'^^'i" • • • Reprinted from the New England historical
y\^ "4-"j' and genealogical register for July, 1872. Boston, D. Clapp &
V-''- son, 1872.
15 p. 24'". , .
318 9-12526t CS71.B19 1872
A record of the descendants of John Baldwin, of Stoning-
ton, Conn.; with notices of other Baldwins, who settled in
America in early colony times. Prepared by John D. Baldwin
. . . Worcester, Printed by Tyler & Seagrave, 1880.
68 p. 24i"'™.
319 4-6832 CS71.B19 1880
The Baldwin genealogy, from 1500 to 1881. By Charles
Candee Baldwin . . . Cleveland, O. [The Leader printing
company] 1881.
974 p. illus., 8 port. 24"".
320 ;i 9-7489t CS71.B19 1881
Investigations concerning the family of Baldwin, of Aston
Oji^'^^ Clinton, Bucks. By Joseph Lemuel Chester .. . Boston, Priv.
Ivv^'iq print. [Press of D. Clapp & son] 1884.
>^ . ? 28 p. 25"".
" lieprintetl from the Historical and genealogical register for April,
July and October, 1884."
321 3-TOll CS439.B26
The Baldwin genealogy supplement. By C. C. Baldwin
. . . Cleveland, O. [Cleveland leader print] 1889.
[975]-1373 p. illus., 8 port. 24*"".
322 9-7488t CS71.B19 1889
See also Adgate F104.N93P3
Prindle. CS71.P957 1906
Vinton. CS71.V79 1858a
Balfour. Genealogical table of the family of Balfour of Pilrig;
showing the descendants of Alexander Balfour of Inchrye. c.
1470, and the collateral branches from James Balfour of Pilrig,
1681. Printed for private circulation. Edinburgh,. Harley
brothers, printers, 1899.
2 p. 1., 57 1. 49 X 60'°.
323 17-19248 CS479.B35 1899
The Balfours of Pilrig; a history for the familj', by Bar-
bara Balfour-Melville, of Pilrig. Edinburgh, Printed by T. and
A. Constable, 1907.
xxl*! p., 1 1., 280, [1] p. Incl. front, ports., fold, geneal. tab. 26}'".
Title vignette.
" Pages for manuscript addition " at end.
324 17-23916 CS479.B35 1907
Balfour. Pedigree of the Dawyck branch of the Balfour family,
[n. p., 1911]
geneal. tab. iUus. (coat of arms) G2J i 96'" fold, to 32 x 241'".
325 19-4733 CS479.B35 1911
Baliol. See also Hilton. DA690.G18W3
Ball. The maternal ancestry and nearest of kin of Washington. A
monograph. [By George Washington BailJ Washington, 1885.
28, 8 i>. geueal. tab. 24"".
" Notes and addenda " : 8 p.
326 10-11551 CS71.B2 1885
Records of Anglo-Irish families of Ball. Coinp. from public
and private sources, by the Rev. William Ball Wright . . . Dub-
lin, Printed by A. Thoni & co. (limited) 1887.
3 p. 1., 111. [1] p. front, (port.) coat of arms. 22J'".
327 17-23937 CS499.B25
Pedigree of the family of Ball of " Richmond," com. Phila-
delphia, Pa., U. S. A. [n. p., 189-]
[3] p. front, (coat of arms) 25i"".
Ms. letter and notes by the compiler Richard Ball Dodson inserted.
328 17-24555 CS71.B2 18&-
Edward Ball and some of his descendants. Comp. by Nicho-
las Ball, (a descendant in the sixth generation) [Newport, R. I.,
Mercury print, 1S!)1]
15 p. 23"".
329 16-13881 CS71.B2 1891
A Pennsylvania pioneer; [Joseph Ball] biographical sketch,
with report of the executive committee of the Ball estate asso-
ciation. Mansfield, O., R. J. Kuhl, 1900.
2 p. 1., 704 p. 24'"'.
Comp. by Enimett William Gans.
330 Feb. 21, 1901-70 CS71.B2 1900
Francis Ball's descendants; or, The AVost Springfield Ball
family, from 1(540 to 1902. . By T. H. Ball . , . Crown Point,
Ind., Press of J. J. Wheeler, 1902.
80 p., 1 1. pi., port., map. 20'"".
331 2-200.50 CS71.B2 1902
— One line of the Ball tribe. By one of the tribe. Printed
for private distribution. [New York, Press of Gibb bros. &
Moran] 1902.
G7 p. incl. front, (cont of arms) ports. 19'""'.
Preface signed: "II. F. J." i. c Henry F. Jacoby.
332 16-21379 CS71.B2 1902 a
Ball. . . . Index to wills of Ball, Balle, or Balls, in the Prero-
gative court of Canterbury, Somerset House, London. 1445-
1802 . . . Bishops Stortford, A. Boardman & son, 1903.
22 p. 22'"'. (Cover-title: Ball records, no. 1)
At head of title: Ball records. I'art 1.
Ed. by Henry Houston Ball.
333 9-16834 CS439.B28 1903
Ball family records. Genealogical memoirs of some Ball
families of Great Britain, Ireland, and America. Comp. by the
Rev. William Ball Wright ... 2d ed., enl. and rev. York,
Printed for the author by the Yorkshire printing co., ltd., 1908.
8 p. I., 199, Ixxii p. front., plates, ports. 27'^'°.
334 8-3236S CS439.B28 1908
Recollections of the Ball familv of South Carolina and the
Comingtee plantation, by Anne Simons Deas. [Summerville?
S. C, "^1909]
189 p. Incl. charts, facsims. plates, ports., plan. 25'".
335 9-24239 CS71.B2 1909
History of the Ball family; genealogy of the New Haven
branch, Allen Ball and some of his descendants, 1638-1864, by
Leonard Abram Bradley . . . New York, Priv. print., 1916.
58 p., 1 1. 22^"".
"An edition of fifty copies printed at the Lotus press. New York, for
private distribution."
Preface signed: J. M. A. [i. e. Joseph Manuel Andreini]
336 lG-24808 CS71.B2 1916
SccalsoBakei. CS71.B17 1917
Brown. CS71.B88 1911
Glassell. F225.H41
Gresley. CS439.G75
Peshine. CS71.P622 1916
Eoberts. F159.R48R8
Selden CS71.S45 1911
Ballard. Some of the descendants of Zacclicus Ballord, a private in
the revolutionary war; also in the last French and Indian war.
Comp. by Esek S. Ballord . . . Boston, Press of D. Clapp &
son, 1907.
5 p. I., 73 p., 1 1. front., pi., [Kirts. 231"°.
837 10-4376 CS71.B21 1907
Ballard genealogy . . . Frankford, Penna., Martin and
Allardyce. 1911.
cover-title. [221 p. Inel. pi. (coat of arms) 13i°
Uepriuted from Essex Antiquarian (vol. vi, no. i, Jan. in02)
338 11-30206 CS71.B21 1911
Ballard. Ballard gi'iifalogj-. William Ballard (1C03-1639) of Lynn,
Massachusetts and William Ballard (1617-1689) of Andover,
Massachusetts and their descendants; conip. by Charles Frederic
P'arlow, ed. by Cliarles Henry Pope from the original manu-
script in possession of the New England historic genealogical
society. Boston, Mass., C. H. Pope, 1911.
203 p. front, (port.) 23J"".
339 11-28749 CS71.B21 1911 a
See also Espenet.
CS71.M232 1915
Balliol. The royal manor of Hitchin, and its lords, Harold, and the
Balliols, by Wentworth Huyshe . . . With illustrations by
F. L. Griggs and D. Macpherson.. London, Macmillan and co.,
limited ; New York, The Macmillan company, 1906.
.\jv, 1!)7, [3] p. incl. front., Ulus., facsim. 26i'"'-
"Facsimile of the entry in Domesday book recording the details of the
manor of Hiteliin ": p. 33.
340 15-21508 CS439.B285
Ballord. Sec Ballard.
Ballou. An elaborate history and genealogy of the Ballous in Amer-
ica; carefully comp. and ed. by Adin Ballou . . . Ariel Bal-
lou . . . and L. W. Ballou . . . proprietary publishers. [Provi-
dence, R. I., Press of E. L. Freeman & son, 1888]
viii p., 1 1., [ix]-xiv, 1323, [1] p. front., illus., col. pi., ports., facsim.
341 4-13412 CS71.B22 1888
Ballou association of America. Proceedings, 1st- meet-
Province, Snow & Farhnam co., printers, 1909-
1 V. 23^"°.
ing, 1908
CS71.B22 1909
CS71.D636 1908
CS71.F281 1880
CS71.M1325 1918
CS437.C408 vol.a
See also Dobyns.
Baltimore, Lords. See Calvert.
Bamford. See also McCuUough.
Banastre. See also Aldford.
Bancker. See Banker.
Bancroft. Thomas Bancroft and his descendants. Comp. by J. M.
Bancroft . . . from probate and town records . . . [New
York?] 1876.
geneal. tab. 28 x ai"" fold, to 21J'"'.
S43 1-16042 CS71.B223 1876
Bancroft. Ethan Bancroft's ancestrj' and descendants. [By] Mrs. L.
(In The " Old Northwest " genealogical quarterly. Columbus, O., 1907.
24'". V. 10, p. 67-75. porta.)
344 17-9731 F476.042 vol.10
Copy 2, detached. CS71.B223 1907
See also Allen. CS71.A43 1883
Gamble. CS71.G191 1906
Bane. See also Bayne.
Layton. CS71.L429 1885
Bangs. Genealogy of the Bangs family. By Dean Dudley. Boston,
geneal. tab. 29x241=" fold, to 25"".
345 1-19656 CS71.B226 1854
History and genealogy of the Bangs family in America,
with genealogical tables and notes, by Dean Dudley. Tracing
the d&scendants, male and female from the Pilgrim ancestor,
PMward Bangs of Plymouth and Eastham. Montrose, Mass.,
The author, 1896. , .
360 p. ports., facsim., geneal. tab. 2-41"°.
846 9-29050t CS71.B226 1896
Banister. See also Blair. CS71.B645 1898
Banker. A partial history and genealogical record of the Bancker
or Banker families of America and in particular the descendants
of Laurens Mattyse Bancker . . . Comp. by Howard James
Banker. [Rutland, Vt., The Tuttle company, printers! 1909.
458 p. front, (port.) Ulus., plates. 24'".
347 13-562& CS71.B2266 1909
Banks. See also Adams. F104.R3T6
Alston. CS71.A46 1901
Bannerman. See also Oordon. PK4433.A65
Banning. The first Banning genealogy, by Pierson Worrall Banning,
Chicago . . . 1908.
[390] 1. ports. 28J x 22i'".
Typewritten copy.
" This edition la limited to fifteen typewritten copies."
348 CA 9-1633 CS71.B227 1908
' McU.trSO Or-
Banning. Ancestral chart of Pierson Worrall Banning. Los Angeles,
geneal. chiirt. 78 x 113"" fold, to 26 x 14'".
A radial blue-print chart.
340 CS71.B227 1917
Bant. See also Bronsdon. CS71.B869 1902
Banta. Descendants of Epke Jacob Banta who emigrated from Am-
sterdam, 1659.
[n. p. 185-]
geneal. table. 22x39'",
350 CS71.B228 185-
A Frisian familj'. The Banta genealogy. Descendants of
Epke Jacobse, who came from Friesland, Netherlands, to New
Amsterdam, February, 16.59. By Theodore M. Banta . . . New
York, 1893.
xiii p., 1 1., 412 p. front., 3 pi., 3 port., tab. 25"°.
351 9-6901t CS71.B228 1893
Barber. Pedigree of the family of Barbor, collected from the visi-
tation books in the College of arms, London, wills, family papers,
and other evidences, by Isaac Heard, Lancaster herald. Copied
from the original pedigree in the possession of the Rev. E. E.
Blencowe, of West Walton, [n. p., 181-]
geneal. tab. 43x28'^". illus. (cont of arms)
352 16-20935 CS439.B288
The ancestry and family connections of David Byers Bar-
ber. 1635. 1879. Comp. and printed by himself. Bay City,
Mich., 1879.
2 p. 1., 12 p. 18J"".
Ms. corrections and marginal notes.
353 11-14790 CS71.B24 1879
— Genealogy of the Barber family: the descendants of Robert
Barber, of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. By Edward AtLee
Barber . . . Philadelphia. W. F. Fell & co., 1890.
1 p. 1., vii-viii p., 9-1C6 p. illus., 3 pi., 6 port., plan, tab. 22'".
3.54 9-G902t CS71.B24 1890
A record of tlic ancestry and descendants of Edward Barber
and wife, Phebe Tillinghast, of Hopkinton, R. I. By Dorcas
Waite Matteson. 1892. Wickford. R. L, Chace & Young [1892]
80 p. 21"".
355 3-24612 CS71.B24 1892
Genealogy of George H. Barbour, 1635-1897. By Fred.
Carlisle. [Detroit, Winn and Hammond, printers, 1898]
70 p. front, (port.) 181"".
356 3-1180 CS71.B24 1898
Barber. A history of the parishes of Lynton and Countisbury.
Their antiquities, manors, churches and families and some ac-
count of the natural history and botany of the neighbourhood.
With iihistrations, plans, sections and genealogies, by John Fred-
erick Chanter . . . Exeter. J. G. Coinniin, 1907.
1912 |(. front., plates, plaus. 3 folil. tieiit'iil. tab. 2ii"".
Contains genealogies of Barber, Wiclielialse, Welsh, Dart, Salisbury,
Venner, Levering, ItoUe, Acland, Poiilmni, Uerry and Knight funillies.
357 13-18S76 DA690.L982C6
Reminiscences, by Sylvester Barbour, a native of Canton,
Conn. Fifty years a lawyer, and appendix, containing a list of
the officers and members, and a copy of the .bj'-laws of Phoebe
Humphrey chapter. Daughters of the American revolution, of
Collinsville, Connecticut. Hartford, The Case, Lockvvood &
Brainard company, 1908.
vl p., 2 I., [111-166 p. plates, ports. 23*"°.
Sketches previously published in the Hartford times.
358 8-23893 F104.C2B2
Barber genealogy (in two sections) Section i. Descendants
of Thomas Barber of Windsor, Conn. 1614-1909. Section n.
Descendants of John Barber of Worcester, Mass. 171-1—1909.
Pub. by John Barber White, ed. by Lillian May Wilson. Haver-
hill, Mass., Press of the Nichols print, 1909.
659, clxiv p. front., plates, ports., facsim. 24"".
Section i, conip. by Lillian M. Wilson ; section ii, by E. D. Barbour.
359 10-U369 CS71.B24 1909
Family history and genealogy of the Dryden Barbour fam-
ily, Traer. Iowa. By Charles K. Green . . . Olathe, Kan.,
Register publishing co., 1911.
[19] p. 22^"".
360 11-29739 CS71.B24 1911
See also Anderson. CS71.A55 1902
Faxon. CS71.F281 1880
Merrill. CS71.M57 1885
Barber. See Barber.
Barbour. Sec Barber.
Barcham. Historical and biographical notices of the Barcham fam-
ily, of Norfolk, from 1610 to 1853. Comp. by Thomas Barcham
of Reading. Reading, Printed by T. Barcham, 1857.
24 p. 21J'".
mi 15-23242 CS439.B29
Barclay. A genealogical account of the Barclays of Urie formerly
of Mathers ; extracted from ancient registei-s, and authentick doc-
uments. Together with •memoirs of the life of Colonel David
Barclay of Urie, and of his eldest son, the late Robert Barclay
of Urie. Collected for the information and use of their posterity.
Aberdeen, Printed by J. Chalmers, 1740.
61 p. ny.
Conip. by Robert Barclay.
362 9-12685 CS479.B4
The Barclays of Ury, and other sketches of the early
Friends, by Frances Anne Budge. Reprinted from, " Friends
quarterly examiner," with some additions, including a sketch
of Samuel Watson and Roger Hebden . . . London, S. Harris
& CO., 1881.
[129] p. 21"°.
Different parts separately paged.
Contents. — i. The Barclays of Ury. — n. James Parnel and Francis
Q Howgjll. — 111. .Samuel Watson and Roger Hebden. — iv. Joseph Ck)ale and
Ambrose Riggo. — v. Thomas Gwin, merchant and minister.
3C2a 12-18838
The Barclays of Barclay of Grantuly or Gartly and of
Towie Barclay. By Captain Douglas Wimberley . . . Re-
printed from the "Aberdeen free press." [Aberdeen?] 1903.
65 p. 21i'".
363 9-31477 CS479.B4 1903
The Barclays of New York: who thev are and who thev are
not, — and some other Barclays, by R. Burnham Moffat. New
York, R. G. Cooke, 1904.
4 p. 1., 474 p. 24*'"'.
364 4-16789 CS71.B25 1904
Our branch of Barclays, by Cornelia Barclay Barclay. New
York, F. M. Hitchcock, 1915.
76, [2] p. 20"°.
" Fifty copies of this revised edition have been printed (or private dis-
tribution only. This copy is nunibor 31."
The earlier editions under the title of " Our American Barclays," 1908
and 1911, are withdrawn from circulation at author's request.
365 16-4782 CS71.B25 1915
See also Berkeley.
Hay. DA750.S25 vol.12
Maule. CS479.P3
Hepalje. CS69.H7
Barcroft. Pedigree of Baicroft of Baicroft. [n. p., 190:i]
8 p. illus. 30}"".
" III : Grosvenor Bartelot coruplled the pedigree. K. K. Dorling, f. s. a.
drew the nrnis. 1002. Ouly 50 copies printed." c/. ins. note on recto
of back cover.
,J06 15-19684 CS439.B295
Barcroft family records; an account of the family in Eng-
land and the descendants of Ambrose Barcroft, the emicrant,
of Solebury, Pennsylvania, by Emma Ten Broeck Kunk. Phila-
delphia, Press of J. B. Lippincott company, 1910.'
xi, [1], 321, [1] p. front., plutes, ports., facsluis. (part fold.) geneal.
tables (part fold.) 25'°.
•' One hundred copies printed."
.S07 10-31149 CS71.B252 1910
Bard. The Bard family; a history and genealogy of the Bards of
"Carroll's Delight," together with a chronicle of the Bards and
genealogies of the Bard kinship, by G. O. Seilhamer, e.sq. Cham-
bersburg, Pa., Kittochtinny press, 1908.
ix, -tO" p. front., illus., ports., geneal. tables (part fold.) 25"°.
" Three hundred copies of this work have been printed, of w^hich this la
no. 151."
368 ^ 8-1834T CS71.B254 1908
Bare. See Bear.
Baret. See Barrett.
Bargar. See also Neil. CS7l.N3'i5 1915
Barham. See also Foster. CS439.F6 1844
Barkeloo. See also Bergen. CS71.B49 1868
Barker. A memorial of Josiah Barker, of Charlestown, Mass. By
.f Harry Herbert Edes . . . Boston, Priv. pi'int., 1871.
V-]ia , Ip. 1.. 25p. 24}-
(L\. Edition, one hund
^^ lleprinted with ui
logical register, Julj
369 10-15957 CS71.B28 1871
"j-4 \ ...
""^ 'vd-^V Edition, one hundred copies, no. 36.
\ • ^^ lleprinted with additions from the New England historical and genea-
logical register, July, 1870.
Pedigree of the family of I?arker of Salop, siiewing the
branches settletl at Hallon. C'laverley, Colclnu>t, Wolverton,
Ilaghmond Abbey, and Hopton Castle, co. Salop; at Fairford.
CO. Gloucester; at Vale Royal, co. Chester; at Coleshill, co. War-
wick; at Congreve, co. Stafford; and at Twyford, co. Berks.
London, Priv. print., 1877. I
2 p. 1., 15 p. front, (coat of arms) 28*""-
Reprinted from Miscellanea genealogica et heraldica, New series, v. 2, p.
505. 513, 576.
370 9-1937lt CS430.B3
114883°— 19 5
Barker. Genealogical memorials of the Barkers, of Edge-end, Hang-
ing-Shaw, &c-.. &c., Todinorden & connections. By Jolin Travis.
Walsden, J. Fletcher, printer [189- ^
27- p. 18"".
371 16-3194 CS439.B3 1890
Genealogical memorials of the Barker families, of Priest-
well, Swan. Millwood & (iaux-Holme, Todmorden, &c.. ma-
chinists, millwrights and engineers, &c., &c., by John Travis.
Walsden, J. Fletcher, printer [189-?]
46 p. 18"". [With hU Genoa lojncal memorials of the Barkers, of Edge-
end, Hanging-Shaw, &e. WalsUen [189-?]]
" The Barker families of Kilnsprlng, Knowlwood-bottom, &c., &c." : p.
372 16-319.5 CS439.B3 1890
The Barker genealogy : giving the names and descendants
of several ancestors, who settled in the United States previous
to the Declaration of independence, a. d. 1776. From the most
authentic sources. Comp. and ed. by James C. Parshall,
esq. . . . [Middletown? N. Y., 1897]
36 p. 20'^"'.
373 9-6903t CS71.B26 1897
The Barker family of Plymouth colony and county. By
Barker Newhall . . . Cleveland, The F. W. Roberts co. [1901?]
102 p. col. front., illus. 23}'""'.
374 1-4338 CS71.B26 1900
The pedigree of Barker, formerly of Horton, co. Chester.
Re-arranged by Major John Bamett Barker . . . London,
Mitchell and Hughes. 1903.
9 p. coat of arms. 28'"'.
" This pedigree is comp. from ' Miscellanea genealoglca ot heraldlca.'
new series, vol. 11, p. 5U5, and other iiuthorities."
375 15-19683 CS439.B3 1903
See also Hill. CS71.H647 1907
Raymond. CS71.R27 1913
Barksdale. — Genealogy of part of the Barksdale family of America.
By Sarah Donelson Hubert. Atlanta, Ga., Franklin printing
and publishing co., 1895.
46 p. 23'"'.
376 9-6904t CS71.B265 1895
Barlow. Family genealogy comprising the ancestry and descendants
of Jonatlian Barlow and Plain Rogers, of Delaware County,
N. Y. [and allied families] . . . Comp. and ed. by George Bar-
low, [Brooklyn, N. Y., 1S91]
Iv, [5] -508 p. Illus., 3 pi., 2>S port., 2 facsim. 24'".
877 9-690-)t CS71.B27 1891
Barlow. See also Gresley. CS439.G75
Hill. CS71.H647 1879
Kay. DA690.T93S3
Barnaby. The Barnaby or Bameby family. By Gen. Ebenezer W.
Peirce . . . From the Hist, and gen. register, vol. xviii, p. 361.
[Boston, 1864]
3 p.' 23°"".
Caption title. *
378 9-e906t CS71.B272 1864
SeeaUo'Sitxct. CS71.P616 1874
Barnard. The Barnard reunion. 2d, Aug. 19, 1890— 7th, Aug. 19,
1915. Washington? 1890-1915.
6 V. 24"".
Quinquennial nieotings of tlie association known as the " Eleven branches
of the house of William Uarnuni association."
379 15-19122 CS71.B274 1890
Barnard. Robert Barnard, of Andover Mass., and his de-
scendants. Comp. for R. M. Barnard. Everett, Mass., 1899.
40 numb. 1. 23^°.
380 9-6907t CS71.B274 1899
See also Wilson. CS739.W55 1890
Bameby. See Barnaby.
Barnes. Barnes pedigree. Comp. by E. .T. Sage. esq., from Harl.
Ms., 14()3, fo. 53 . . . Parish registers of Barking co. Essex
[etc.] [I^ndon, 187-]
4 p. 26i''".
Caption title.
Half-title: Additions to The visitation of T.ondon, a. b. 1568, pub. by the
Harleinn society.
Reprinted from Miscellanea genealoglca et heraldica. v. 1, h. s., 1874.
p. 78-79, 85-86.
381 0-23217t CS439.B32
Barnes genealogies, including a collection of ancestral.
genealogical and family records and biographical sketches of
Barnes people. Collected and comp. from authentic sources by
Rev. Geo. N. Barnes. Conneaut, O., The Rieg & Smith printing
CO.. 1903.
1 p. 1., [i\ ]-v, 221 p. Ind. lllus.. plates, ports, front. IS'"".
382 4-7855 CS71.B28 1903
Barnes. Orijr'm and history of the name of Barnes with biographies
of all the nio.st noted persons of tliat name. And an account of
the origin of surnames and forenames. Together with over five
hundred Cliristian names of men and women and their sig-
nificance. The Crescent family record . . . Chicago, 111.,
American publishers' association, 1905.
If)], Iv, [2.')], 112, [14] p. illus.. pi. 24"".
" Forms for ' Crescent family records ' " : 14 p. at end.
S83 18-15853 CS71.B28 1905
The Barnes family of Eastliaiupton, Long Island. By
Kichard AVynkoop. Edition of fifty copies . . . New York,
Printed by T. A. Wright. 190G.
25 p. 28i'"".
.'M Reprinted from tiie New York genealogical and biographical record, 1906.
384 7-14675 CS71.B28 1906
The Barnes family year book ; an annual publication issued
under the authority of the Barnes family association; comp. by
Trescott C. Barnes ... v. 1-2, l!)07-i908. New York, The
Grafton press [1907-08]
2 V. 23"".
385 7-29S52 CS71.B28 1907
Ancestors and descendants of Cap' Benjamin Barnes and
Charles Curtiss of (Jranviile. Mass., 103(5-1910, by Abel Tuttlo
Barnes . . . Sharon. Mass., 1911.
viil, 127 p. illus. (coat of arms) pi., 2 port. (iucl. front.) 23'"'.
386 11-22358 CS71.B28 1911
— See also Dawson. CS71.D272 1872a
Barnett. The occasional writings of Isaac Moorhead ; with a sketch
of his life by A. H. C. . . . Erie, Pa., A. H. Caughey, 1882.
Iv p., 1 1., 258 p. lOr".
Contents. — Isaac Moorhead [by .\. H. ('auRhc\vl — Some things seen on
the cars. — A visit to Gettysburg. — Virginia l)attle-flel(ls. — OV\ times in
Erie.— Selections from the history of the Rarnctt family. — Old Hanover
887 15-9290 F159.E7M8
Barney. Commodore Joshua Barney, u. a. x., 1759-1818. Sjiring-
ficld, Mass., Privately printed, 1910.
9, m p. 20'"'.
Signed : W. F. Adams.
Caption title: "A few facts In connection with tlie life of Commodore
Josliua Harney . . ."
Title vignette (port.)
888 • 14-4007 CS71.B285 1010
Barney. Barney. Barney, lC34-Hosmer, 1635 . . . Springfield,
Mass., Priv. print., 1912.
133 p. incl. front, (port.) maps, plates, port., double map. 24'".
Compiled by William Frederick Adams.
389 12-75S9 CS71.B285 1912
Everett Hosmer Barney, his family connections, a record
of his life work. George Murray Barney. Springfield, Mass.,
Priv. print., 1912.
5 p. 1., 13-177 p. front., lllus., pintes (port col.) ports., plan, facsims.,
coat of arms. 32i"".
" Compiled by William Frederick .\dams."
Includes genealogical records of the Stajples, Wheeler, Jones, and Billiugs
390 13-1C157 CS71.B285 1912a
Commodore Joshua Barney: many interesting facts con-
nected with the life of Commodore Joshua Barney, hero of the
United States navy 1776-1812. also a compilation of genealogical
material relating to Commodore Barney's ancestors and descend-
ants, with valuable records for those in search of Barney family
connections. Comp. by William Frederick Adams. Spring-
field, Mass.. Priv. print., 1912.
'J2s p. incl. maps, plans, front., plates, ports., facsims. (1 double)
391 12-13661 E353.1.B26A2
SpefiJxo 'Eosmtr. CS71.H827 I9li
Barnham. See Barnum.
Barnhill. See also Roosevelt. CS71.B781 1902
Roosevelt. F157.B8E54
Barnitz. See aho Swope. CS7l.S98a 1896
Barnsley. See also Hall. CS439.H24 1908
Barnum. Genealogical record of the Barnum family, presenting a
conspectus of the male descendants of Thomas Barnum l(iL'r>-
1695. Comp. by Eben T^ewis Barnum and IJev. Francis Barnum,
8. J. . . . Gardner, Mass.. Meals printing co., 1912.
108 I., [15] p. incl. ports., col. coat of arms. 31i''">.
Kecord printed on one side of leaf only.
On cover : The Barnham Barnum genealogy.
392 14-10218 CS71.B287 1912
Baron. See also Collow, DA690.T57M2
Barr. History of the Barr family, beginning with greatgrandfather
Robert Barr, and Mary Wills; their descendants down to the
latent child. By Rev. Wm. B. Barr . . . [Hamilton, O.. Press
of Brown & wiiitaker] 1901.
216 p. flout., plates, ijort. 20'"".
393 2-17428 CS71.B29 1901
See also Woolsty. CS71.W916 1000
Barratt. See Barrett.
Barren. See also Hayford. CS71.H419 1901
Barrett. Genealogies of some old families of Concord, Mass., and
their descendants in part to the present generation, Barrett,
Blood, Brooks. Brown. Bulkeley. Buttrick. Conant, Davis, Far-
rar, Flint, Hartwell, Hayward, Hosmer, Hubbard, Jones, Minott,
Potter, Prescott, Wheeler, Willard and AVood. Ed. by Charles
Edward Potter. Vol. 1. Boston, A. Mudge & son, printers,
3 p. 1.. .VI 43 p. pi., 14 port. (incl. front). 35 x 28'".
No more published?
394 7-18033 F74.C8P8
Genealogy of some of the descendants of Thomas Barrett,
sen., of Braintree. Mass., 1G35. Comp. by William Barrett.
Saint Paul, Minn., Printed by D. Ramaley & son, 1888.
294, [2] p. front, (port.) 23}"".
taS 9-G908t CS71.B3 1888
Rev. Robert Barret of Virginia, and his descendants. Corap.
by Edward A. Claypool . . . Chicago, 111., 1901.
1 sheet. 10.5 x 53'"' fold, to 28'".
A blue print.
39G 2-27933 CS71.B3 1901
English ancestry of Margaret Baret, wife first, of Simon
Huntington who died on the passage to New England in 1633,
and secondly, of Lieut. Thomas Stoughton of Dorchester, Mass.,
in 1630, and of Windsor, Conn., in 1635, by George Shepard
Porter. Norwich, Conn., 1906.
2 p. 1., iii, 29 numb. 1. 27i'"'.
Autographed from t.vpewritten copy.
397 13-2!5.'S15 CS71.B3 1906
In old St. James f Jnmaica) a book of parish chronicles,
containing the story of the Jamaica ancestry of Mrs. Barrett
Browning; the true tale of Rosehall ; what an estate slave-book
tells, etc. Comp. by Joseph Shore and ed. by John Stewart.
Kingston, Jamaica. A. W. Gardner & co., 1911.
160 p. 8 pi. (incl. front.) pf>rt. isr™.
398 18-15016 F1891.S14S5
Barrett. . . . Barratt's chapel and Methodism, historical address
delivered before forty-third Wilmington annual conference, at
Asbury Methodist Episcopal church, AVilmington, Delaware, on
Friday, March 17th, 1911, by Hon. Norris S. Barratt . . . Wil-
mington, The Historical society of Delaware, 1911.
lii, 3-G2 p. front., plates, ports., facsims. 25"". (Papers of the His-
torical society of Delaware, lvii)
Descriptive letterpress ou verso of some of the ports.
399 11-16724 F161.D35 no.57
Barrett ancestry, comp. by George Castor Martin from
works pertaining to the family by Charles Edward Potter, Jos-
eph Hartwell Barrett, a. m., William Barrett, Dr. James Savage
and others. New York city, Martin & Allardyce, 1912.
cover-title, 23 p. front, (coat of arras) lOr™.
400 12-22973 CS71.B3 1912
Barrington. See also B.a.htish&m.* CS71.H114 1901
Barroll. Barroll in Great Britain and America, 1554—1910; comp.
by Hope H. Barroll . . . Baltimore, J. H. Saumenig & co., 1910.
vili, 124 p. front., plates, ports., facsims. (part fold.) coats of arms.
401 11-22359 CS71.B303 1910
Barron. See also Washing^ton. CS69.W3
Barry. History and description of Santry and Cloghran parishes,
county Dublin. By Benjamin William Adams . . . London,
Mitchell and Hughes, 1883.
vtli, 144 p. front., illus. 26i'".
The Barry and Domvile families: p. 97-112.
402 15-22364 CS497.S3
The last earls of Barryuiore, 17^0-1824, by John Robert
Robinson . . . London, S. Low, Marston & co., 1894.
xiv p., 1 1., 272 p. front., pi. 22^".
403 1-12488 DA506.B3R6
Notes on Barry genealogy in England and Wales. By Sir
John Wolfe Barry . . . witii appendices and genealogical tree.
London, Printed for private circulation by Waterlow &. sons,
limited, 190G.
2 p. 1., Ill, 3-89 p. front., Illus. (coats of arms) plates, fold, geneul. tab.
404 17-23827 CS439.B325
Barry. William and Esther Barry and their descendants. A me-
morial record c onip. by Esther Stetson Barry . . . Boston, I'riv.
print. [T. R. Marvin & son, printers] 1909.
3 p. 1., [ri]-S4 II. front., plulos. ports., fiicsinis. 24J"".
405 11-1.570 CS71.B31 1909
The Barry family, by Arthur Collins. <Rcprinted>
Frankford, Penna., Martin and Allardyce. 1911.
eover-titio, [11] p. iiid. pi. (coat of arms) 23"".
Ueprinteil from The peerage of Ireland . . . By John Lodge . . . Dub-
lin, 1TS9. V. 1, p. 285-313.
Wrongly attributed by the publisher to Arthur Collins.
40C 12-18198 CS499.B3
Barrymore, Earls of. See Barry.
Bartholomew. Address of the Hon. Andrew J. Bartholomew . . .
delivered Aug. 10. 1882. at Stoiuj- Creek. Conn., on the occasion of
the first reunion of the descendants of Lieut. AVilliam Bartholo-
mew. Boston. Press of Cobtirn brothers, 1S.S2.
37 p. 22r"'.
407 . 9-lN72nt CS71.B32 1882
Record of the Bartholomew family. Historical, genealogi-
cal and biographical. By George Wells Bartholomew, jr. Aus-
tin, Tex., The compiler, 1885.
xvi p., 1 1.. 752 p., 1 1. \w\. illns., 10 port, front.. 2 pi., 2 niap.s. plan,
facsini. 24"".
408 2-8721 CS71.B32 1885
A ( ollection of family records from Bartholomew, Botsford.
and Winston lines of genealogy . . . Hartford, Hartford
press, 1899.
60 p. front, (port.) 20i"°.
Conip. by Sarah Annis Winston Pond.
409 1-15060 CS71.B32 1899
Bartlett. Genealogical and biographical sketches of the Bartlett fam-
ily in England and America, by Levi Bartlett . . . Lawrence,
G. S. Merrill & Crocker, printers, 1876.
114 p. tab. 231"".
410 9-6909t CS71.B33 1876
The Bartletts. Ancestral, genealogical, biographical, his-
torical. Comprising an account of the American progenitors of
the Bartlett family, with special reference to the descendants of
John Bartlett, of Weymonth and Cniuberland. By Thomas Ed-
ward Bartlett. [New Haven, Conn., Press of the Stafford print-
ing CO., 1892]
112 p. 2 port. 241'"".
411 0-G910t CS71.B33 1892
Bartlett. Papers on the subject of St. Mai-y church, in the county of
Devon, read before the Devonshire association for the advance-
ment of science, literature, and art in 1886, by the Very Rev.
Canon IJrownlow, m. a., togetiier with pedigrees, wills, and ad-
ministrations of the family of Bartlett of St. Mary church and
of Marldon and Teignniou(h in the same county, and notes on
that and the Salter families, bookplates, &c. Comp. by William
Bartlett of Liverpool. 1886-1898. [n. p.. 1899?]
3 p. 1., [3]-27, 8, l.-j, 13. [1] p., 1 1., G, 4, 2G p. port., coats of arms. fold,
map, fold, ceneal. tub. 23"".
" Saint Maryeliurch in Snxon and Norninn tlmos. By the Very Rev.
Canon Brownlow," has special t.-p. with imprint: Plymouth. W. Brendon
and son; [etc., etc.] 1886 (27 p.) "Reprinted from the Transactions of
the Devonshire association for the advancement of science, literature, and
art. 1886. vol. xviii, p. 149-160. and 429--141.''
412 1&-21494 CS439.B33
History of the Society of descendants of Rolxrt Bartlet of
Plymouth, Massachusetts. Incorporated December 11, 1909.
Comp. and some portions written by Marian Longfellow, his-
torian of the Society. Springfield. Mass., Press of Loring-Axtell
company [1914?]
114, xxil, [1] p. incl. front., illus., ports. 23"'°'.
413 14-13.J09 CS71.B33 1914
The descendants of Samuel Colcord Bartlett and Eleanor
Pettengill, his wife, of Salisbury, New Hampshire, to November
1, 1915, comp. by Edwin J. Bartlett, of Hanover, N. H. Han-
over, N. H., Printed at the Dartmouth jaress, 1915.
13 p. 2R"".
p. 10-11 blank for "Additional records."
414 • 16-23614
General Thomas Bartlett. By John
Hampshire historical society. Proceedings.
1917. 24"". V. 5, p. 131-168)
See also Ellis.
Scales. {In
Concord, N
. H.,
vol. 5
Barton. The quest of an ancestor, by William E. Barton . . . [Bos-
ton] 1898.
rovor-tltle, 8 p. Illus. 24J'".
Reprinted from the New England magazine, Septfnibor. ISiiS.
Relates to Barton family.
416 1-5153 CS71.B336 1898
Barton. Lipiitenant William H;irloii of Morris County, New Jersey,
and his tlescendants. By Wi ilia in Eleazar Barton, d. d. Oak
Park, 111., Vaile press, liioO.
148 p. hid. front., illus., ports. 19i"".
rdvately printed.
417 1-5199 CS71.B336 1900
See aho Smith. CS439.S6 I878a
Bartow. Bartow genealogy. Part i. Containing every one of the
name of Bartow descended from Doctor Thomas Bartow, who
was living at Crediton, in England, a. d. 1672. With refer-
ences to the hooks where any of the name is mentioned. By
E. B. [Baltimore, Innes & company, printers, 1878]
216 p. 3 pi., port. 24"°.
Bartow genealogy . . . By Rev. Evelyn Bartow, a. m.
Supplement. Baltimore, 1879.
[217J-31S p. 24"°. [With his Bartow genealogy. Part i. [Baltimore,
1S78] ]
418 9-6911-2t CS71.B34 1879
The Bartow family in England. By the Rev. Evelyn P.
Bartow, a. m. [n. p.] 1886.
10 p. 26"".
"Original sources of informsition ": p. 8-10.
" Corrections & additions " : 4 p. in ins. inserted,
419 17-23928 CS439.B34
See also SmalL CS71.S636 1905
Bartram. See Bertram.
Barwick. The Barwick family of the United States; a concise his-
tory of Barwicks, from the time of their coming to this country
in the year of 1652 and 1664 up to the present time. The lost
links of their genealogy, found, and the Barwicks of the east, west
and south, united as kinsmen of one original stock. By Samuel
Omar Barwick . . . Elkhart. Ind., 1907.
2 p. 1., [3]-78 p. illus. (ports.) 18^".
420 16-11128 CS71.B345 1907
Bascom. A genealogical record of Thomas Bascom, and his descend-
ants. By Edward Doubleday Harris. Boston, Mass., W. P.
Lunt. 1870.
79 p. 23^"".
421 »-6916t CS71.B35 1870
See aho K&TTii. CS71.H315 1887
Baskerville. Genealogy of the Baskerville family and some allied
families, including the English descent from 1266 a. d. . . .
By Patrick Hamilton Baskervill . . . Richmond, Va., W. E.
Jones' sons, inc., 1912.
xiv, 214 p. front, (facsim.) 4 pi., geneal. tables (part fold.) 24'"'.
422 13-33 CS71.B353 1912
Additional Baskerville genealogy; a supplement to the
author's Genealogy of the Baskerville family of 1912; being a
miscellany of additional notes and sketches from later informa-
tion, including a study of the family history in Normandy . . .
By P. Hamilton Baskervill. Eichmond, Va., W. E. Jones' sons,
inc., 1917.
xix p., 1 I., 179 p. front., illus., pi., fold, maps, double geneal. tables,
co,4t of arms. 24°"".
Contain.s notes on the Dickenson, Enibry and Coleiuau, Murray and
Kennon families.
" Printed for private distribution."
"Authorities " : 1 leaf.
423 17-18986 CS71.B353 1917
Bass. Ancestors of Moses Belcher Bass, born in Boston, July — ,
1735, died January 31, 1817. Also contains the ancestors of his
two wives, Elizabeth Wimble and Margaret Sprague. [Boston,
1 p. 1., 14 p. 23"".
Comp. by Susan Augusta Smith.
424 .-9-69141 CS71.B356 1896
Genealogy. Bass. 1601-1904. Comp. by Edward Alpheus
Bass . . . Montello, Wis., Miss Kaufman print [1904?]
cover-title, fold, geneal. tab. 25"".
425 5-34134 CS71.B356 1904
See also Payne. CS71.P146 1913
Robinson. CS71.B66 1894
Thayer. CS71.T37 1835
Bassett. William Bassett [who came from Lynn, Mass.. in 1691 and
settled near Salem, N. J., and his descendants] Philadelphia,
B. F. Leeds. 1886.
geneal. tab. .^>6 x 43*"" fold, to 23"™.
Comp. by Benjaniin Franklin Leeds.
426 1-1081 CS71.B36 1886
Report of the proceedings of the lst-4th reunion of the Bas-
sett family association of America, 1897-1902. New Haven,
Conn.. Price, Lee & Perkins co. [1898-1902]
4 V. 25}"°.
427 1-11982 CS71.B36 1897-
Bassett. Eoports of the two reunions of the Massachusetts branch
of the Bassett family association of America held at Hotel Ven-
dome, Boston. Mass., Sept. l"), 1900. and Oct. 12, 1901. Boston,
Mass.. Bailev printing conipanv, 1902.
KI«I 33 p. 2.r™.'
428 lS-li;noO CS71.B36 1902
-. ' '
. . . The Bassett family of Yarmouth. Yarniouthport,
Mass., C. AV. Swift, 1912.
cover-title, 4 p. 25"". (Library of Cape Cofl history & genealogy.
no. 85)
• "•>"■ Arranged by William Proud Davis and ed. by Charles Warner Swift.
42fl . 12-30930 CS71.B36 1912
/See aZ.^o Harrison. CS71.H32 1893
Willis. CS71.W73 1898
Basye. See also Cloyd. CS71.C645 1912
Batchelder. A discourse at the funeral of Dea. Tyler Batcheller, at
North Brookfield, Mass., Oct. 10, 18G2. By the Rev. Christopher
Gushing. Boston, Wright & Potter, 1864.
32 p. front, (port.) 23"".
Appondix: Geiiealogj- of the Batcheller family, p. 31-32.
4.30 3-4341 CT275.B485C6
Batchelder. Batcheller genealogy. Descendants of Rev.
Stephen Bachiler, of England . . . who settled the town of New
Hampton, N. H.. and Joseph, Henry, Joshua and John Batchel-
ler, of Essex Co., Mass. By Frederick Clifton Pierce. Chicago,
W. B. Conkey company, 1898.
023 p. incl. illus., 2 port. 26*'".
^31 9-6900t CS71.B366 1898
Ancestry and descendants of Deacon David Batchelder of
Hampton Falls, New Hampshire, born January 13, 1736, died
March 11, 1811, comp. by his great grand daughter Mary J.
Greene. Hampton Falls, N. H., The Batchelder reunion asso-
ciation, 1902.
80 p. front., port.s., coat of arms. 23i'°.
432 18-4C59 CS71.B366 1902
Stephen Batchiler: an unforgiven puritan. By Victor C.
Sanborn. {In New Hampshire historical society. Proceedings.
Concord. N. H,, 191T. 24'^'°. vol. 5, p. 172-205)
433 F31.N52 vol, 5
Sec aJsv Dalton. CS71.D152 1873
MaxwelL CS71.M465 1916
Batcheller. See Batchelder.
Bate. See Bates.
Bates. Genealogies of the families of Bate and Kirkland, of Ashby-
de-la-Zoueh. co. lieicester . . . London, Piiv. print., 1877.
1 p. 1...13 p. illus. (coat of arms) 29"".
Comp. by John Paul Rylands.
Reprinted from Miscellanea genenlogica et heraldica, 1S77, n. s., v. 2.
434 9-23216t CS439.B35
Genealogj- of the descendants of Edward Bates of AVey-
niouth, Mas.s. By Samuel A. Bates . . . South Braintree,
Mass., F. A. Bates [1900]
14.T p. front, (port.) 21 J"".
Edited by F. A. Bates.
435 1-1392 CS71.B368 1900
Bates genealoory notes. 2. Some descendants of Samuel
Blake and Susan Bates of Abington, Mass., by Louise Holmes
Handy. South Braintree, Mass., F. A. Bates, 1903.
1 V. 10 X ir".
4:W CS71.B368 1903
Ancestors and descendants of Asa Bates of Cummington,
Mass. By Newton W. Bates. AVest Bloomfield, N. Y., 1904.
[28] p. front, (port.) 15"".
On cover: Bates genealogy.
437 4-37305 CS71.B368 1904
The Bates bulletin. 1st series, vol. i-v; 2nd series, vol. i-v;
Sd series, vol. i-ii. Sept. 1907-May 1909. [Boston] The Bates
association 1907-1919.
12 V. 25'"'.
Index, lst-2d series. 2 y.
438 CS71.B368 1907-
Bates, bears and Bunker Hill with a con-ection or two. By
Edward Deacon. Bridgeport, Conn., Press of the Automatic
printing co., 1911.
89, 11] p. 24 J"".
4.39 11-21896 CS71.B368 1911
Bates, et al of Virginia and Missouri. Onward Bates his
book. Printed for private distribution. Chicago [Press of P. F,
Pettibone & company] 1914.
I«i0 p. 23"".
440 15-887 CS71.B368 1914
■ See also Butler. CS71.B986 1888
Dawson. CS71.D272 1874a
Henzey. CS439.H4
Lamb. CS71.L218 1904
Tyler. CS71.T983 1882
Bath. SeealsoBent. CS71.B475 1903
Bathurst. See also Jones. CS71.J76 1891
Batt. The English ancestry of the families of Batt and Biley. By
f)(s J. Henry Lea. Boston, D. Clapp & son, printers, 1897 [-98]
^'^\^ ^ 28 p. 24r-.
•^ \ ^' Reprinted from the New England historical and genealogical register,
N" April. July 1897, Jan. 1898.
" The English ancestry of the families of Batt and Byley of Salisbury,
Mass." (2 p. inserted at end, numbered 27-28) is reprinted from the Uegis-
ter of July, 1898.
441 13-26800 CS71.B369 1897
Battell. Battelle genealogical record. Comp. by Lillian S. Battelle.
Cincinnati, R. Clarke & co., 1889.
20 p. incl. front. 23}"".
Descendants of Thomas Battelle, d. 1706.
442 &-11909t CS71.B37 1889
See also Richards. F74.D7J7
Batterton. See also Maxwell. CS71.M465 1918
Battle. See Battell.
Baud. Hadham hall and the manor of Bawdes alias Hadham Parva
in the county of Hertfordshire, by William Minet . . . [Col-
chester, Wiles & son. Trinity printing and binding works] 1914.
viii, 127, [1] p. XVII numb. pi. (incl. front.: port, group) plans (part
fold.) 25}"".
443 17-23943 r)A664.H35M5
Bauer. See Bowers.
Bave. The Baves of Bath and of Barrow Court, Tickenham, co.
Somerset, allied to the Haringtons, both of Kelston and Corston,
in the same county. Comp. by Rev. F. J. Poynton . . . Lon-
don, Mitchell and Hughes, 1885.
20 p. 17i"".
444 17-23908 CS439.B355
Bavls. Ancestry of Samuel Adams Bavis. Maternal. [Philadel-
phia, 1880]
cover-title, 4 1. 2G'''".
Signed : Samuel Adams Bavls.
CoNTKNTs. — Adams, .Xntrini, (tarwood, Hancock, LInch. Scott. Podrick,
Petty and Wright families.
445 4-2G195t CS71.B374 1880
Baxter. . . . The Baxter family of Yarmouth. Yarmouthport,
Mass., C. W. Swift, 1912.
cover-title. 6 p. 25''°'. (Library of Cape Cod history & genealoKj-, no. 79)
Arranged by William Proud Davis and ed. by Charles Warner Swift.
446 12-30943 CS71.B375 1912
The Baxter family, descendants of George and Thomas
Baxter, of Westchester County, New York, as well as some West
Virginia and South Carolina lines, by Miss Frances Baxter . . .
New York, T. A. Wright, 1913.
3 p. I., 15]-1.'57 p. front, (coat of arms) pi., 6 port. 24*"".
" Ed. limited to 55 copies of which this is number 23."
447 13-20571 CS71.B375 1913
See aho Baker. CS71.B17 1896
McClure. CS71.M1285 1914
Bayard. Colonel John Bayard (1738-1807) and the Bayard family
of America. The anniversary address before the New York
genealogical and biographical society, February 27, 1885, by
Gen. Jas. Grant Wilson. Reprinted from the New York genea-
logical record. April, 1885. With portrait. New York, Trow's
printing and bookbinding co., 1885.
cover-title, 24 p. port. 26J"".
448 17-9569 CS71.B376 1885
See also Bonchelle. F161.D35 no.7
Herman. F161.D35 vol.l,no.7
Bayeux. See Bayne.
Bayldon. See Belden.
Bayles. See Baylies.
Bayley. The family of Bayley of Manche.ster and Hope. By Ernest
Axon. Manchester, Printed for the author [by R. Gill] 1894.
4 p. 1., 62 p., 1 1. front., illus. 28*'"-.
" Only one hundred and twenty ciipies printed."
Reprinted with additions, from the Transactions of the Antiquarian so-
ciety of Lancashire and Cheshire for 1889.
449 11-1471 08439. B3e
See also Bailey.
Baylies. Reminiscences of the Baylies and Richmond families.
[Boston, Priv. print., 1875?]
29 p. 23"".
I)«llcutory letter siinted : M. R. A. [». e. Mary Richmond (Baylies)
450 14-21228 CS71.B378 1875
Baylies. Tho ancestors of the Bayles family in the United States,
IfilT-inoO. Arrangjed by Eliza M. Bayles St. John. Ro.kford,
111., W. P. Lamb, printer, 1900.
41 p. front, (port.) 221'"". ,
" Spelled ISii.vle.s, IJaylie, Bayley, Baylis and Baylies." — p. 5.
451 2-28234 CS71.B378 1900
See also TSe-wkiik. CS71.N55 1916
Baylor. Baylor's history of the Baylors; a collection of records and
important family data, collected and ed. by Orval Walker Bay-
lor . . . and Henry Bedinger Baylor . . . [Le Koy, 111.] Le
Roy journal printing company, 1914.
3 p. 1., 64 p. illus., ports., fold. fjFiieal. tab. 2.S'""'.
Geneal. tab. conip. by Harry Dietriek Baylor.
452 15-21818 CS71.B379
The Baylorian for the Baylors and kindred families in tho
United States, v, 1- no. 1- Jan. 1919- Plainfield,
Ind., 1919-
1 V. 2Si"".
Editor: 1019, O. W. Baylor.
4.53 19-39G0 CS71.B379 1919
See also Selden. CS71.S45 1911
Bayne. . . . Hi.storical genealogy of the family of Bayne of Nidder-
dale showing also how Bayeux became Baynes. By Joseph
Lucas . . . Ripon, Printed by W. Harrison. ISOfi.
1 p. 1., xxii p. 1 1., 635, [1] p. front., illus., plates, facsiins., geneal. tabli<9
(part fold.) 22i"".
" Only 200 copies printed." This copy not numbered.
454 10-250S3 CS439.B37
See also layton. CS71.L429 1885
Yerburgh. CS439.Y6
Baynes. Sec Bayne.
Baytop. See also Catlett. CS71.C362 1918
Beach. The Reverend John Beach an(l his descendants; together
with historical and biographical sketches and the ancestry and
descendants of John Sanford, of Redding. Connecticut. [By
Rebecca Donaldson Bcacli and Rebecca Donaldson Gibbons.]
New Haven. Tlie Tuttlc, Morehouse & Taylor i)ress. 1S9S.
vl p., 3 I., 397, [1] p., 1 1. pi., port., facslra. 26'""'.
4.-)5 Oct. 10,98-4 CS71.B38 1898
Beach. The descendants of Thomas Beach of Milford, Connecticut.
Hartford, Conn., The Case, Lockwood & Biainard company,
.51 p. 23"".
Privately printed.
Comp. by Mary E. Beach.
45C 12-25339 CS71.B38 1912
See also Hicks. CS439.H53
Beakbane. See also Backhouse. CS439.B18
Wilson. CS439.W55 1890
Beaker. See also S&bin. CS71.S116 1904
Beal. John Beal of Hingham, and one line of his descendants. [Bos-
ton? 1865?]
8 p. 25"".
Caption title.
Signed : N. B. S. i. e. Nathaniel Bradstreet ShurtlelT. Boston, May, 1865.
457 2-507 CS71.B384 1865
The ancestry and descendants of Gustavus Beall and
Tiiomas Heugh Beall, by Josiah H. Shinn . . . An argument
with proofs made in October, 1911, before the registrar of the
Daiigliters of the American revolution by Mr. Shinn, .sliowing
the descent of Mrs. Dora H. Goodwyn . . . from Colonel Sam-
uel Beall of the American revolution, through Gustavus Beall,
her grandfather . . . Washington, D. C, The Genealogical and
historical publishing co., 1911.
28 p. 23'".
4.5S 16-2754 CS71.B384 1911
See also Brooks. CS71.B87 1893
Edwards. CS71.B384 1910
Zimmermann. CS71.Z73 19 —
Beall. See Beal.
Beaman. The Beaman and Clark genealogy; a history of the de-
scendants of Gamaliel Beaman and Sarah Clark of Dorchester
and Lancaster, Mass. 1035-1909. By Miss Emily Beaman
Wooden, a. m. [Rochester] 1909.
209, [10] p. front. 21"".
459 10-1.59.55 CS71.B387 1909
Dedication of the Beaman memorial public library. West
Boylston, Massachusetts, September tlie si.xth, 1912. [Worcester,
Mass., The Commonwealth press, printer.s, 1912.]
.52 p. front, (port.) illus. 23"".
Historical address by Leon A. (ioodale: The Beaman family, p. 7-27.
4C0 13-22113 Z733.W513D
114883'"— 19 6
Beamen. See Beaman.
Bean. . . . Proceedings of the . . . lst-5th,7th-10th reunions of
the John Bean association . . . Portland, Me. [etc.] Smith &
Sale, printers [etc., 1S96J-1007.
9 V. in 6. ports. 23J-24"".
Title varies: 1S96- I'roceeUings of tiie John Bean (1660) association,
at its annual reunion.
1903/06- A memorial volume ot the proceedings of the . . . reunions
of the .John Bean association.
1S9C- lack imprint; published Exeter, N. H.
461 7-29853 CS71.B39
■ Joshua Bean, of I'.xeter, Bientwood, and Gilmanton, N. H.,
and some of his descendants. By Josiah H. Drumniond. Port-
land, Smith & Sale, printers, 1903.
2 p. 1.. 112 p. 2 port. (incl. fiunt.) 24J"°.
Ed. by Dearborn Gorliam Bean.
462 16-27491 CS71.B39 1903
Bear. A genealogy of the Bear family and biographical i-ecord of
the descendants of Jacob Bear, 1747-1906; comp. by Walter Scott
Bear. Harrisburg, Penn., Central printing & publishing house,
216 p. front., plates, ports. 23'"'".
463 8-14833 CS71.B4 1906
Genealogy of Johannes Baer, 1749-1010; comp. by Daniel
M. Bare and Robert Bruce Bare. Harrisburg, Pa., Central
printing and publishing house, 1910.
2SS p. ports., map. 24^"".
464 10-20628 CS71.B4 1910
Beard. See Baird.
Beardslee. See Beardsley.
Beardsley. A sketch of William Beardsley; one of the original set-
tlers of Stratford, Conn. ; and a record of his descendants to the
third generation; and of some who bear his name to the present
time. By E. Edwards Beardsley . . . Kevv Haven, Bassett &
Barneft 1867.
iv. [.'i]-32 p. 22J"°.
465 8-26127t CS71.B43 1867
— — — - Genealogical history of the Beardsley-lee family in Amer-
ica, by Isaac Haight Beardsley . . . 1635-1902. Denver, Col.,
J. Dove, 1902.
1 p. 1., 4.'J3 p. front., lllus. (incl. ports.) 22'".
466 14-4015 CS71.B43 1902
See also Curtis. CS71.C98 1912
Bearse. A contribution to the genealogy of the Bearse or Bearss
family in America: 1618-1871. Ancestry and descendants of
Dea. John Bearss and his wife, Molly (Beardsley) Bearss, of
New Fairfield, Ct., and Westmoreland, N. Y. By John Bearss
Newcomb . . . Elgin. 111., 1871.
cover-title, 16 p. incl. front, (port.) 22"".
Privately printed for the use of tlie family.
467 S-26122t CS71.B434 1871
Beath. Family of Beath. Comp. by Kate G. Stone, great-great-
granddaughter of Walter Beath. [Portland, Me., 1898]
[20] p. 24r°.
No. t-p.
468 1-20886 CS71.B436 1898
Beatty. Beatty-Asf ordby ; the ancestry of John Beatty and Susanna
Asfordby. with some of their descendants, by Mrs. Samuel Ru-
dolph Turk. [New York] F. Allaben genealogical company
184 p. incl. front., plates. 20"". {On verso of half-title: Allaben gene-
alogical series)
469 9-25404 CS71.B437 1909
iSee also Crall. CS71.C889 1908
Eochester. CS71.B665 1882
Beauchamp. See also Warwick, Earls of. DA690.W3R7
Beaudry. See also Choquette. F1054.B,5D3
Beaufort. The family of de Beaufort in France, Holland, Germany,
and England, collected, arranged, and printed for the informa-
tion of the family by William Morris Beaufort. London, Print
for private circulation, 1880.
vill, 158 p. front, (coat of arms) ports. 22J"'.
Interspersed with blank leaves.
470 18-2160 CS409.B35
Beauman. Memoirs of Colonel Sebastian Beauman and his descend-
ants, with selections from his correspondence. Ed. by Mary C.
Doll Fairchild. [Franklin? O.. Editor pub. co.] 1900.
3 p. 1., 137 p. front., port., facsini. 22''"'.
Narrative of some events In the lives of her maternal ancestors and of
her own early life, by Mrs. Eliza Susan (Morton) Qulncy : p. 41-119.
Sketch of the life of Itev. Geo. .T. L. Doll : p. 120-137.
471 8-33605 E207.B37F2
Beaumont. See also Hamilton.
Becher. See also Townsend. DA419.T7T7
Bechtel. John Bechtel : his contributions to literature, and his de-
\ scendants. By John W. Jordan. Printed for Ethun Alien
Weaver. Philadelphia. 1895.
cover-title, 15 p. 20'".
" Two hiiiulreil copies, no. 158."
KcprinteJ from tlie Peunsylvaiiia macazlne of history and bloRraphy.
riilladelpliia. 1805, vol. xix, p. 137-151.
(Joiitains reproductions of the original title-pages of the " Kurzer cate-
chisiniis . . . hrsg. von .Tohannes Bechteln . . . Philadelphia. Oednickt
bey IJcnjamin Franklin. 1742"; also of the English edition, the spurious
German edition and the Swedish edition, 1743.
472 17-9730 CS71.B4372 1895
See aJso St&nSer. CS71.S798 1897
Beck. Pedigree of the family of Beck of Upton, co. Chester, with
their alliances. Conip. by Matthew Gregson. esq., of Liverpool ;
and continued from family documents, wills, and parish regis-
ters, by William Harrison, of Rock Mount, Isle of Man. [Lon-
don? 1877]
3 1. 26J"".
Caption title.
Reprinted from Miscellanea genealogioa et heruldica, new series, vol.
II. 1877, p. 285.
473 9-25107t CS439.B4
A history of the Beck family: together with a genealogical
record of the Alleynes and the Chases from whom they are de-
scended, by Charlotte Reeve Conover. Dayton, Priv. print.,
3 p. 1., 5-255 p. front., illus. (incl. ports.) 234"*.
474 16-21377 CS71.B4373 1907
See also Bek.
Beckford. Delineations of Fonthill and its abbey. By John Rutter
. . . Shaftesbury. The author; London, C. Knight and co. [etc."!
2 p. 1., [vii]-xxvi, 127, [1] p. IncI. illus., in geneal. tab. (1 double) 14
pi. (part col., incl. front., fold, map, plan) 28 x 22"°.
Title vignette (coat of arms)
A<l(Ied t.-p.. engr. (plute 8) : An illustrated history and description of
Fonthill abbey.
Genealogical tables "shewing the descent of William Beckford": p.
475 8-6677 DA690.F6R9
Graphical and literary illustrations of Fonthill abbey. Wilt-
shire; with heraldical and genealogical notices of the Beckford
family. By John Britton . . . London. Printed for the author,
1 p. I., vHl, l5]-(iS, [4] p. Inol. geneal. tables, xi yl. (part col.) incl.
front, plan, added engr. t.-p. 30J'".
Title vignette, In colors.
80G copies printed.
470 3-20706 DA690.F6B7
Beckford. Memoirs of William Beckford of Fonthill, author of
" Vathek." London, C. J. Skeet, 1859.
2 V. front, (port) 194"".
"Derivation of the Beckford family — the elder Beckford": p. [11-70.
Ed. by Cyrus Kedding.
477 18-8471 PR4092.B2
See also JiriYtT. CS71.D782 1889
Beckham. Genealogy of the Beckham family in Virginia and the
branches thereof in Kentucky. Tennessee, Pennsylvania and
West Virginia with family sketches . . . By James Madison
Beckham. Richmond, Va. [Presses O. E. Flanhart printing
company] 1910.
80 p. front, (coat of arms) plates, ports. 20"°.
478 , 13-15361 , CS71.B4375 1910
Beckwith. "The Beckwiths." By Paul Beckwith . . . Albany,
N. Y., J. Munsell's sons, 1891.
384 p. col. pi. 23"".
The author promises a continuation of the " History of the American
479 8-26121t CS71.B438 1891
Beckwith notes nos. 1-6. Elkhorn, Wis., Printed by and
for the compilers, 1899-1907.
6 nos. In 1 v. 24"".
Comp. by Albert Clayton Beckwith and Edward Seymour Beckwith.
No. 1 issued under title: Marvin Beckwith and his wife, Abigail Clark,
their colonial ancestors and their descendants.
480 9-13G46 CS71.B438 189&
Bedell. See also Harrison. CS71.H32 1893
Powell. F127.L8B9
Bedford, //<w^e o/. /See Russell. DA301.1.R9A5
Bedinger. George Michael Bedinger : a Kentucky pioneer, by Danske
Dandridge. Charlottesville, Va., The Michie company, print-
ers. 1909.
2 p. L, lilij-iv, 231; p. front, (port.) 21'".
481 9-17804 F451.B4
Bedinger. See also Bittinger. CS71.B633 1904
Bedon. See also Pendarvis. CS71.P397 1905
Bee. (See a/«<5 Sanderson. DA20.S9 vol.118
Beebe. A monograph of the descent of the family of Beebe, from the
earliest known immigrant — John, of Broughton. England, 1650.
Including details of patriotic services of individuals during the
early settlement of the country, in times of peace and war.
Comp. and ed. by Clarence Beebe. New York [1904?]
126 p., 1 1. front, (port.) 2 pi. (Incl. coats of arms) facslm. 23i'",
Pub. In two parts with cover-title : Beebe genealogy.
482 5--170 CS71.B44 1904
See also Worcester. E207.B4C7
Beecher. See aho Dawson. CS71.D272 I874a
Holton. CS71.H758 1881
Humfreville. CS71.H923 1903
Pringle. CS71.P957 1906
Beek. See Bek.
Beekman. Distinguished families in America, descended from Wil-
helmus Beekman and Jan Thomasse Van Dyke, by William B.
Aitken . . . illustrated by the author. New York and London,
The Knickerbocker press, 1912.
xii p., 1 1., 266 p. col. front., illus., plates, map. 24"".
Title within ornamental border.
483 12-15735 CS71.B441 1912
■ See also Repalje. CS69.H7
Beeler. Beeler-Henry reunion mailing list. [Bloomington, 111., Milo
Custer, 1915]
8 1. 281"".
484 CS71.B4415 1915
Beeler biography and genealogy. Comp. and printed by
Milo Custer. Bloomington, 111., 1918.
1 p. 1., [20] p. ports. 231'"".
0A.:a i" Biography": p. [15]-[19]
485 18-15863 CS71.B4415 1918
Beeman. See Beaman.
Beers. An address at the funeral of Deacon Nathan Beers, on the
14th of February, 1849, by Samuel W. S. Dutton . . . New
Haven, W. H. Stanley, printer, 1849.
23 p. 23}'°.
406 9-24550 CT275.B558D
Beery. History of the descendants of Abraham Beery, bom in 1718,
emifrrated from Switzerland to Pennsylvania. in 1736, and a com-
plete genealogical family register with biographies of many of
his descendants, from the earliest available records to the present
time, giving dates in three centuries. By Joseph H. Wenger
. . . South English, la.. The author, 1905.
328 p. front, (port.) 20''"'.
487 13-15797 CS71.B442 1905
History of the descendants of Nicholas Beery, born in 1707.
Emigrated from Switzerland to Pennsylvania in 1727; and a
complete genealogical family register with biographies of many
of his descendants, from the earliest available records to the
present time. Dates in three centuries. By Joseph H. Wenger
. . . South English, la., 1911.
496 p. front, (port.) 20"°.
A genealog}' of the North Carolina Beerys: p. [441]-^96.
488 13-16017 CS71.B442 1911
Beetes. See Betts,
Behre. See also Wood. CS71.W875 1905
Beidler. A genealogical record of the descendants of Jacob Beidler
of Lower Milford township, Bucks Co., Pa., together with his-
torical and biographical sket<:hes illustrated with portraits and
other illustrations. By Rev. A. J. Fretz . . . with an introduc-
tion by Rev. H. B. Garner . . . [Milton, N. J.] 1903.
xvl, 334, [154], [505]-549 p. Incl.' 139 geneal. tab. front., plates, ports.,
map. 20"".
489 11-21014 CS71.B443 1903
Beitler. See Beidler.
Bek. An account of the family of Bek, of Lusby. By W. O. Mas-
singberd . , . [London, 1897]
24 p. 21J"".
Caption title.
Reprinted from " Reports and papers read at the meetings of the archi-
tectural societies of the counties of Lincoln and Nottingham . . ." Lon-
don [etc.] 1897. 22"°. v. 24, pt. 1. p. 33-56.
490 16-25579 CS439.B43
Belcher. Record of the descendants of Andrew Belcher. By W. H.
Wliitmore. Reprinted from the N. E. historical and genealogi-
^ '<-f f cal register for July, 1873. Boston, D. Clapp & son, 1873.
\J 1 p. 1., 8 p. 24}'°".
491 8-26120t CS71.B445 1873
See also Sirvuzt. CS71.S898 1915
Belden. Concerning some of the ancestors and descendants of Royal
Denison Beldcji and Olive Cadwell Belden, by Jessie Perry \an
Zile Belden. Pliiladeiphia, J. B. Lippincott company, 1898.
six, 17-248 p. col. front, plates (part col.) ports., maps, charts (part
fold.) facsims. 26^".
200 copies printed for private circulation,
492 8-26119t CS71.B447 1898
See also Convtrse. CS71.C766 1905
Lewis. CS71.L675 1910
Belding. Some Belding genealogy ; being some of the descendants of
Richard Belding, of Staffordshire, England, one of the earliest
settlers of Wethersfield, Conn. Coinp. by Charles C. Whitney.
Printed privately. New York, 1896.
22 p. 24^™.
493 4-24943 CS71.B45 1896
Belfield. See also Jones. CS71.J76 1891
Belknap. The English ancestry of Abraham Belknap, who settled in
a .[)lo Lynn, Mass., 1635. Salem, Mass., 1914.
^"^ ]CyJ\ 20 p. 25^".
■^ , ^ Caption title: The English ancestry of the American Belknaps.
N ' " 100 copies printed for Henry Wyckoff Belknap."
" Reprinted from the New England historical and genealogical register,"
Jan.-Apr. 1914.
494 14-14745 CS439.B45
Bell. A genealogical account of the descendants of John of Gaunt,
duke of Lancaster, king of Castile . . . Printed for private
distribution. [London, Cox & Wyman, printers] 1855.
12 numb. 1. front, (col. coat of arms) 2 port. 44"".
Dedication signed : John Gray Bell.
495 16-18069 CS439.B455
— The Bell family in America being an account of the found-
ers and first colonial families, an official list of the heads of
families of the name resident in the Ignited States in 1790 and a
bibliography. New York, AV. M. Clemens, 1913.
45 p. 2ii"".
Comp. by Lyman Horace Weeks.
Bibliography: p. 43-45.
496 13-12612 CS71.B452 1913
The Bells in the revolution; a record of American soUliers
and sailors of 1776 of the name of Bell. Limited ed. New York,
W. M. Clemens, 1916.
14 p. 23'-.
Comp. by William Montgomery Clemens.
" References and bibliography " : p. 14.
497 16-7058 CS71.B4R2 1916
Bell. . . . Tlie Bells of Saint Andrews. Births, marriages and
deaths of persons of the name of Bell from the records of St.
Andrews, Scotland. Conip. by Alexander Graham Bell from
information supplied by the late Rev. Walter MacLeod, genea-
logical research worker of Edinburgh, Scotland, [n. p.] 1918.
numb. 1. 117-191. mi'".
Caption title.
Autograplied from type-written copy.
From Beiun Bhreagh recorder xxii, March 12-April 4, I'JIS.
498 lS-16058 CS479.B47
See also Chadwick. CS90.C45
Dinsmore. D919.M87
McCormick. E184.S4M2
Smith. CS71.S643 1915b
Bellenden. The story of the Bellendens. By the Eev. J. A. Ewing . . .
Hertford, Printed by S. Austin & sons, 1880.
22, [11 p. 2ir"'-
Booliplute of Henry Farnliani Burlie.
499 9-12689 CS479.B5
Bellinger. A history and genealogy of the families of Bellinger and
De Veaux and other families. Savannah, (ja.. The Morning
news print, 1895.
cover-title, 1U8 p., 1 1. 23^'".
Comp. by Josepli Gastou Baillie Bulloch.
Slips of errata and addenda inserted.
5()0 9-15591 CS71.B454 1895
Bellows. Historical sketch of Col. Benjamin Bellows, founder of Wal-
pole: an address, on occasion of the gathering of his descend-
ants to the consecration of his monument, at Walpole, N. H.,
Oct. 11, 1854. By Henry W. Bellows. With an appendi.x, con-
taining an account of the family meeting. New- York, J. A.
Gray, printer, 1855.
2 p. 1., 125 p., 1 1. col. front., pi., foUl. geneal. tab. 22J"°.
eOl 9-C919t CS71.B46 1855
A finished life. An address at the funeral of Mrs. Mary
Bellows, widow of Josiah Bellows, who died July 31, 1869. By
Kev. Henry W. Bellows . . . With other notices of her life.
Cambridge, Press of J. Wilson and son, 1870.
23 p. 23r'".
Bellows genealogy : p. [13] -17.
502 14-16G47 CS71.B46 1870
Bellows. Narratives, traditions and personal reminiscences connected
with the early history of the Bellows family and of the village
of Walpole. N. H. By Mrs. Emily R. Barnes . . . Boston,
G. H. Ellis, 1S88.
4 p. 1.. [9]-3«3 p. n pi., 3 port. (Inol. front.) 24'".
503 7-3G568 CS71.B46 1888
The Bellows genealogy; or, John Bellows, the boy emigrant
of 1635 and his descendants . . . By Thomas Bellows Peck
[1635-1898] Keene, X. H., Sentinel print, co., 1898.
xvi, 657 p. pi., port. 25'".
504 Oct. 39,98-91 CS71.B46 1808
Ezra Bellows of Lunenburg, Mass., and Springfield, Vt.,
and his descendants . . . By Thomas Bellows Peck. Burling-
ton, Vt., 1901.
14 p. 24}"".
Supplementary to the sketch in the " Bellows genealogy," 1898.
Ueprinted from the Genealogical quarterly magazine.
505 1-27978 CS71.B46 1901
Parentage of Ezra Bellows of Lunenburg, Mass., and
Springfield, Vt. With an account of the Bellows family of
Westboro, Mass. Supplementary to the sketch on p. 609 of the
"Bellows genealogy," 1898. By Thomas Bellows Peck . . .
Burlington, Vt., 1902.
9 p. 24i"".
Reprinted from *' The Genealogical quarterly magazine."
506 3-11064 CS71.B46 1902
Belmont. The Belmont-Belmonte family; a record of four hundred
years, put together from the original documents in the archives
and libraries of Spain, Portugal, Holland, England and Ger-
many, as well as from private sources, by Richard J. H. Gottheil
. . . New York, Priv. print., 1917.
3 p. 1., v-xili p., 1 1., 244 p., 1 I. front., plates, port, fold, geneal. tab.
" Of this book one hundred copies only have been printed from type,
and the type has been distributed."
507 17-12854 CS409.B4 1917
Belt. Colonel Joseph Belt; born in Anne Arundel County, Mary-
land, 1680, died in Prince George's County, Maryland, 1761. A
paper read before the Society of colonial wars in the District of
Columbia, March 25, 1909, the two hundred and seventy-fifth
anniversary of the landing of the Ark and the Dove on the
shores of St. Mary's County, Maryland ... by Caleb Clarke
Magruder, jr. . . . [Annapolis, Advertiser-republican print,
30 p. front. 23"". (On cover: Historical papers of the Society of
colonial wars In tbe District of Columbia, no. 5)
508 9-21023 " E186.3.D64
Bemain. See Beaman.
Beman. Ser Beaman.
Bemand. See Beaman.
Bciuant. See Beaman.
Bemeant. See Beaman.
Bemis. Jotham Bemus of Bemus's Heights. [Jamestown, N. Y.,
[7] p. 21"".
Caption title.
Signed : Daniel Hazeltlne Post.
509 9-6918t CS71.B464 1894
The Bemis history and genealogy'; being an account, in
. greater part of the descendants of Joseph Bemis, of Watertown,
Mass. By Colonel Thomas Wain-Morgan Draper ... San
Francisco, Cal. [The Stanley-Taylor co.] 1900.
vlil, 287 p. 25^".
510 1-4341 CS71.B464 1900
See also Newhall.
CS71.N548 1899
Bemon. See Beaman.
Bemont. Sre Beaman.
Bemus. See Bemis.
Bence. The registers of the parish of Thorington in the county of
SuflFoik, with notes of the different acts of Parliament referring
to them, and notices of the Bence family, with pedigree, and
other families whose names appear therein. Ed. by Thomas S.
. Hill . . . London, Mitchell & Hughes, 1R84.
vl. 121 p. front., facslm., fold, geneal. tab. 26^".
Genealogical table: (tpneuloRy of the ancient family of Bonce of Aide-
burgh, Ringsfleld. Benlmll, Thorington, etc., all In the county of Suffolk.
By rjeorgp Nayler, York herald, 1805. With additions to the present date
<1882> furnished by the family.
511 9-29008t CS436.T54
Bender. The Benders in Kansas, by John T. Jiunes, attorney for the
defense in the trial of the " Bender women" at Oswejro, Labette
County, in 1889-1890; the complete story; facts, not fiction.
AVichita, Kan.. The Kan-Okla publishing company ["=1913]
2 p. 1., [71-173 II. illus. (Incl. pons., plan) 21"".
512 13-5052 HV6534.07A6 1880
Bendysh. See also Cromwell. DA427.N75
Benedict. A genealogy of the Benedict family, taken from a manu-
script kept by James Benedict, esq., of Ridgefield. Pawtucket,
A. W. Pearce, printer, 1853.
8 p. 25"".
513 CS71.B466 1853
,. / .
The genealogj' of the Benedicts in America. By Henry
Marvin Benedict . . . Albany, J. Munsell, 1870.
xix, 474, [11 p. ports. 23i'°.
514 9-7302t CS71.B463 1870
Benest. A short account of the descendants of Abraham Benest of
Jersey. The said Abraham Benest, being the fourth son of
Philip Benest (who died in or before 1657), by his wife, Sarah
Luce. Comp. ... by Charles A. Bernau. [n. p.] 1906.
1 p. I., 10 p. 25*'".
Edition limited to 100 copies.
Privately printed at the expense of G. P. Benest of St. Holier, Jersey.
515 15-19674 CS439.B46 1906
Genealogical notes on the Benests of St. Helier's, their
ancestors & descendants. Comp. ... by Charles A. Bernau . . .
[n. p.] 1900.
2 p. I., 33 p. port., cout of arms, facslm. 25*'"
" Privately printed at the expense of E. B. S. Benest, of Rio de Janeiro,
516 15-19672 CS439.B46 1906d
Benezet. See also Small. CS71.S636 1905
Benjamin. Genealogy of the Benjamin family in the United States
of America from 1632 to 1898; containing the families of
John', Joseph^ Joseph'. Joseph*, .loseph*. and Juilah" and the
descendants of Orange Benjamin' of Mount Washington, Mass.
Comp. by Ellis Benjamin Baker". New Haven, Conn. [Press
of Tiittle. Morehouse & Taylor] 1898.
88 p. ports., cont of arms. 23""
517 12-22683 CS71.B468 1898
Benjamin. A genealogy of the family of Lieut. Samuel Benjamin and
Tabitha Livermoie, his wife, early settlers of Livcrmoie, Maine,
with a record of their descent from John Benjamin and John
Livermore, the emigrants, including biogi-aphical sketches, notes
and diary . . . [Winthrop? Me.] 1000.
2 p. 1., 112 p. front., port, fnosim. 2-}*"".
Comp. by Mary Louise Benjamin.
518 1-2121 CS71.B468 1900
The Benjamin families from Columbia County, New York,
comp. by R. M. Benjamin. Bloomington, 111., Pantagraph ptg.
& sta. CO., 1911.
32 p. 20"'.
519 11-26041 CS71.B468 1911
See aUo Rix. CS71.R626 1906
Benn. Wills of the family of Benn and others, in that part of Cum-
berland formerly known a.s the Copeland deanery of the arch-
deaconry of Richmond, Yorkshire. Proved at Richmond, York-
shire, between the years 1574 and 1677, now preserved in the
principal registry at Somerset house, and abstracted at various
times from 1894 to 1912 . . . London, Printed for private cir-
culation, and publi-shed by J. P. Steel, 1913.
27 p. 22}"".
"Comp. by John Philip Steel.
" Limited to 100 numbered and signed copies, no. 25."
520 19-3365 CS439.B463
See also Spedding. CS439.S74
Bennett. The Bennetts of Saugus, Lynn and Groton. [Lynn?
cover-title. [16] p. pi. 13J x 18"". ,
" Presented by Mr. Frank P. Bennett before a meeting of the Lynn
historical society, on November 14, 1907."
521 17-15785 CS71.B469 1907
. . . Bennett history, 1833-1908. [East Berlin, Conn., 1908]
cover-title, 131-S p. 20"".
At head of title : E. B. Bennett.
522 CS71.B469 1908
The Bennett family, 1628-1910. By Edgar B. Bennett.
East Berlin, Conn., E. B. Bennett, 1910.
.')0 p. front., illna. (ports.) 20J''"'.
Blank leaves at end with heiuilncs: " Birtlis, Marriages, r)enth.<<."
523 10-18030 CS71.B469 1910
Bennett. See also Darby-Coventry.
CS71.D396 1906
CS71.F574 1903
CS439.W485 1907
Benson. The Benson family of Newport, Rhode Island. Together
with an appendix concerning the Benson families in America
of English descent. Privately printed. New York, The Nation
press. 1872.
65 p. geneal. tab. 24"".
Preface slgued : W. P. G. «. e. Wendell Phillips Garrison.
^7301t CS71.B47 1872
— Nidderdale and the garden of the Nidd : a Yorkshire Rhine-
land. Being a complete account, historical, scientific, and de-
scriptive of the beautiful vallly of the Nidd. By Harry
Speight . . . London, E. Stock, 1894.
514 p. illus.. pi., port, 2 fold, maps (Incl. front.) 1 fold, geneal. tab.
Genealogical table of the Benson family : facing p. 442.
"Introductory scientific matter" (p. 17-82): Botany, by F. A. Lees;
The vertebrate fauna, by K. Fortune ; Land and freshwater moUusca, by
W. D. Roebuck.
3-4788 DA670.N53S7
— Jacob Benson, pioneer, and his descendants; in the towns of
Dover and Amenia, Dutciiess County, New York, and elsewhere.
Together witli some information of the early members of the
Benson family in New England and New York state. Comp.
by Arthur T. Benson
Haight company, 1915.
130 p. 24'".
See also Caldwell.
Van Deusen.
Poughkeepsie, N. Y., The A. V.
Bent. The Bent family in America. Being mainly a genealogy of
the descendants of John Bent wiio settled in Sudbury, Ma.ss.,
in 1G38, with notoii upon the family in England and else-
where ... By Allen H. Bent . . . Boston, Printed by D.
Clapp & son, 1900.
5 lU p.. 2 I., [7J-313 p. front., ports. 24'".
527 1-18148 CS71.B475 1900
Bent. Who begot thee? Some genealogical and historical notes
made in an effort to trace the American progenitors of one in-
dividual living in America in 1903. By Gilbert O. Bent . . .
Boston, Printed for private distribution [Press of D. Clapp &
son] 1903.
78 p., 1 1. 23J'".
Contents. — i. The male line. — ii. The proEonitors of Elizabeth Brown. —
ni. The progenitors of Grace Rice. — iv. The progenitors of Mary Felch. —
V. The progenitors of Anna Longley. — vi. The progenitors of Mary Eliza
528 3-31339 CS71.B475 1903
Bentley. Some leaves from the past, swept together by K. B. [*. e.
Richard Bentley. n. p.] Priv. print.. 1896.
vlU. 184 p. illus., ports. 23"".
Half-title : Pages of the past.
Lettered on cover : Bentley. Family notes.
528 15-22611 CS439.B465
The Bentley family. With genealogical records of Ohio
Bentleys and known as the tribe of Benjamin. By General
Roeliff Brinkerhoff . . . [Mansfield, O., 1897].
20 p. 24"".
530 9-7300t CS71.B477 1897
Bentley gleanings, comp. and pub. by (Mrs.) Julia Harrison
Lobdell . . . Family of John Witherstine. [Chicago, A. W.
Fleming, printer, 190r)]
128 p. fold. map. 20i'".
"They fought in '76; hit.sory [ !] of the Witherstine family . . . compiled
by \Vm. Witlierstine " : p. [120]-128.
631 6-27432 CS71.B477 1905
Walter Bentley, viceroy of Brittany . . . [Guildford, Bill-
ing and sons, ltd., printers, 1910]
44 p. Incl. 2 maps. 21i"".
By Richard Bentley.
Title vignette : coat of arms.
"Authorities consulted " : p. 42.
532 15-22627 DA237.B4B4
— The will of Thomas Bentley, m. d., second president of the
Royal college of physicians, and doctor to King Henr>' viii ; with
a brief note on his career. [Guildford, Billing and sons, ltd.,
printers] 1913.
28 p. 23"".
EM. by Richard Bentley.
" Principal authorities consulted " : p. [3]
533 16-3583 I1489.B55B4
See also Pocahontas. CS71.R747 1887
Benton. SainiicI Slade Benton; his ancestors and descendants, by
Josiah Henry Benton, jr. 1620-1001. Boston, The Merryiuount
press, 1901.
vlll p., 2 1., 354 p.. 1 1. illus., plates (part col.j [wrts., maps, fold,
facsim. 2,'5}"".
Ed. of 250 copips privately printed.
Bibliograpli.v : p. 317-327.
5.34 May 30, 1901-14 CS71.B48 1901
Ancestry and familj' of Caleb and Sarah Benton. Comp.
by Charles E. Benton . . . [New Bedford? Mass., 1904?]
sheet. 48J x 61"".
535 4-18959 CS71.B48 1904
Caleb Benton and Sarah Bishop, their ancestors and their
descendants; by Charles E. Benton . . . Poughkeepsie, N. Y.,
Press of the A. V. Haight company, 1906.
92 p. front., fold, geneal. tab. 26'".
536 6-l.")415 CS71.B48 1906
The Benton family, by S. V. Talcott. Rearranged and
• published by Martin & Allardyce. New York city, Martin &
Allardyce, 1912.
cover-title, 8 p. 19i"".
5.37 12-22807 CS71.B48 1912
Troutbeck, a Dutchess County homestead, by Charles E.
Benton; with an introduction by John Burroughs . . . Pough-
keepsie? N. Y.] Dutchess County historical society, 1916.
29, [1] p. 4 pi. (incl. front.) 23"". (Dutchess County historical so-
ciety . . . Historical monographs, no. 1 )
Bibliography: p. [30]
5.S8 16-23383 F127.D8D9 no. 1
Copy 2. F129.A45B4
Bentzen. See also Todd. CS71.T634 1867
Bereman. See also Walton. CS71.W24 1905
Beresford. /See a!?.$o Bussell. CS71.R965 1910
Berge. Three generations of the descendants of Abraham Berge
of Limerick township, Montg. Co., Pa. [Pottstown, Pa., 1910]
geneal. tab. 79 x 79'"".
Signed : Geo. V. I'. Wauger.
.'■>.39 11-28.591 CS71.B486 1910
See also Bergey.
Bergen. The Bergen family; or, The descendants of Hans Hansen
Bergen, one of the early settlers of New York and Brooklyn,
L. I., with notes on the genealogy of some of the branches of
the Cowenhoven, Voorhees, Eldert, Stoothoof, Cortelyou,
Stryker. Suydam, Lott. Wyckoff. Barkeloo. Lefferts. Martense,
Hubbard, Van Brunt, Vanderbilt, Vanderveer, Van Nuyse, and
other Long Island families. By Tennis G. Bergen. New York,
Bergen & Tripp, 1866.
302 p. front., ports., 2 maps (1 fold.) 23"°.
540 4-24199 CS71.B49 1866
Albany, J. Munsell, 1876.
viii. [gi-C'JS p. front., lUus., plates, ports., maps, plans, coats of arms.
First edition, New York, 1866.
541 4-24200 CS71.B49 1876
A memoir of the life and writings of Hon. Tennis G. Bergen,
of New Utrecht, (with pedigrees) By Samuel S. Purple, m. d.
(7 ojt New York, Priv. print., 1881.
H-^ 8 p. port. 27}'°".
"^ ^ " Kdition — one hundred copies."
" From the New York genealogical and biographical record ; with ad-
542 17-9744 CS71.B49 1881
A genealogical and historical sketch of one branch of the
Bergen family in the line of Michael Hansen Bergen, second son
of Hans Hansen Bergen, from 1633 to 1898, by Margaret Hub-
bard Bergen. Borough of Brooklyn. New York, Brooklyn Daily
Eagle book printing department. 1898.
35 p., 3 1. front., illus., plates, facsinis. 28"=°.
543 12-18981 CS71.B49 1898
See also Cxall. CS71.C889 1908
Bergey. The progenitors of the Bergey family in America, by David
Hendricks Bergey . . . [Philadelphia?] Pub. for the Bergey
family association, 1907.
18 p., 1 1. front., lllus. 21i"°.
" Published in commemoration of the unrelUnK of a memorial stone
erected by the As.sociatlon In the burylng-grounds of the Salford Meii-
nonite church over the graves of John Ulrich Berge and his wife Anne
Mary." — I'ref.
544 7-30148 CS71.B5 1907
Berkeley. Berkeley manuscripts. Abstracts and extracts of Smyth's
lives of the Berkeleys. illustrative of ancient manners and the
constitution; including all the pedigrees in that ancient manu-
114883°— 19 7
script. To which are annexed a copious history of the castle and
parisii of Berkeley, consisting of matter never before published;
and biographical anecdotes; of Dr. Jenner . . . I5y Thomas Dud-
ley Fosbroke, m. a. f. s. a. . . . London, Printed by and for J.
Nichols and son, 1621.
xii, 242 p. front, fold, geneal. tables. 28 x 22'°.
545 9-11816 CS439.B47
Berkeley. Anecdotes of the upper ten thousand: their legends and
tlieir lives. By the Hon. Grantley F. Berkeley . . . London,
R. Bentley, 1867.
2 V. 23"".
546 6-1383 DA110.B52
The Berkeley manuscripts. The lives of the Berkeleys,
lords of the honour, castle and manor of Berkeley, in the county
of Gloucester, from lOCG to 1G18; with a description of the
hundred of Berkeley and of its inhabitants, by John Smyth of
Nibley. Ed. by Sir John Maclean . . . for the Bristol and
Gloucestershire archa?eological society. Gloucester, Printed by
J. Bellows for the subscribers, 1883-85.
3 V. illus., gt-neal. tab. 29 x 24J"".
Title in red aud black within red line border. Side notes.
Vol. 3 has title: The Berkeley manuscripts. A description of the hun-
dred of Berkele.v in the county of Gloucester and of its inlialiitants. . . ,
" Pedigree of Smyth of Nibley " : v. 1, p. 1. 4-6.
547 3-6713 DA28.35.B5S6
Records of Yarlington : being the history of a country vil-
lage. By T. E. Rogers ... 2d ed., rev. and enl. London, E.
Stock, 1902.
5 p. 1., 118 p. incl. geneal. tables. 231'"-
Appendix (p. t97]-118) List of Incumbents. Sepulchralia.
"Yarlington and the Berkeleys, from 1592-1673-74": p. ."51-48.
548 6-29519 DA690.Y18R7
See also Barclay.
Cass. DA690.B23C3
Selden. CS71.S45 i9ll
Bernard. The Bernards of Ahington and Nether Winchendon; a
family history, by Mrs. Napier Higgins. London, New York
[etc.] Longmans, Green, and co., 1903-04.
4 V. 23'".
Title-pages of v. 1-2 read : ... In two volumes.
549 3-13331 DA301.1.B4H5
See also Pocahontas. CS71.R747 1887
Tiernan. CS71.T564 1901
Walker. CS71.W8 1902
Berry. . . . The Berry family of Yarmouth. Yarmouthport, Mass.,
C. W. Swift, 1912.
cover-title, 3 p. 25'°. (Library of Cape Cod history & genealogy, no.
Arranged by William Proud Davis and ed. by Charles Warner Swift.
550 12-30939 CS71.B526 1912
See also Andrews. CS71.A57 I9i7a
Barber. DA690.L982C6
Noyes. CS71.N955 1900
Bertie. A memoir of Peregrine Bertie, eleventh lord Willoiighby de
Ercsby, commander-in-chief of Queen Elizabeth's forces in the
Low Countries, and in France; and governor of Berwick. By
a descendant in the fourth generation. [Ed. by Charles Henry
Parry] London. J. Murray, 1838.
xviii, ISO p. front, (port.) fold, geneal. tables. 23'".
551 9-14372 DA358.B4A3
Five generations of a loyal house, Part i., containing the
lives of Richard Bertie and his son Peregrine, lord Willoughby.
By Lady Georgina Bertie . . . London, Rivingtons, 1845.
Ix, 544 p. illus., 3 pi., port. 234"°.
" No more published." — Brit. mus. Catalogue.
552 4-34677 DA358.W7B5
Peerage and pedigree, studies in peerage law and family
history. By J. Horace Round . . . London, J. Nisbet & co.,
ltd., 1910.
2 V. 23"".
Contents. — i. The Willoughby d'Eresby case and the rise of the Ber-
ties. The barony of Delawarr. Peerage cases In the Court of chivalry.
The muddle of the law. Tales of the conquest. The House of lords.—
n. Some ' Saxon ' houses. The great Carrington imposture. The geste of
John de Courcy. Heraldry and the gent.
553 10-10253 CR3899.R7
Bertolet. A genealogical history of the Bertolet family, the descend-
ants of Jean Bertolet, comp. by Daniel H. Bertolet . . . Pub.
by the Bertolet family association (incorporated). [Harrisburg,
Pa.. Press of United evangelical publishing house] 1914.
2C0 p. double front., plates, ports., facsims. 231'°.
554 15-16316 CS71.B53 1914
Bertram. Genealogical chart of the Bartram family. Darby, Pa.,
M. Bunting, 1895.
geneal. chart. 97 x 61'° fold, to 33 x 201'".
Lithographed in family tree form.
565 9-18744 CS71.B54 1895
See also Ogle. CS439.05
Bertrand. The Bertrand-Bartron-Beitron family, by Lillian Mul-
ford Braisted, grand-daughter of Maria Bertron. Washington,
D. C, 1914.
3, 12G, 1 p. coat of amis. 31'".
The pages are mounted type-written sheets.
556 CS599.B45
Besbedge. See Bisbee.
Best. History of Peter and Mary Best and their family. Bead be-
fore a reunion of their descendants, helci near the old homestead,
. in Hilliar Township, Knox County, Ohio, on the centenary of
the birth of Peter Best, May 13th, 1897, by Nolan Kice Best . . .
[n. p.] Pub. by direction of the family, 1897.
cover-title, 15 p. 22i"°.
5.57 9-7298t CS71.B56 1897
The family of Best in America of Holland descent, with
copious biographical notes, 1700-1901, by Charles Best Ben-
son . . . [Now York, The Knickerbocker press, "1909]
xiv, 189 p. front., 4 port., fold, facsini., fold, getieal. chart. 24J"".
"Fifty printed." Tliis copy not numbered.
558 9-2U07(; CS71.B56 1909
See also Fletcher. CS439.F53
Bethuen. Records, genealogical charts, and traditions of the families
of Bethune and Faneuil. Collected from authentic documents.
Dedicated to the descendants of the family. By J. L. Weisse.
New York, H. Ludwig, printer, 18GG.
54 p. front., jiliot. (incl. port.) oOJ x 22"".
25 copies printed.
559 3-S076 CS71.B563 1866
A history of the Bethune family. Tr. from the French
of Andre du Chesne, with additions from family records and
other available sources. Together with a sketch of the Faneuil
family ... By Mrs. John A. Weisse. New York, Trow's
printing and bookbinding co., 1884.
1 p. 1., 54, 11] p. illus.. pi. 30J X 24='°.
660 3-56.')5 CS71.B563 1884
An historical and genealogical account of the Bethunes of
the Island of Sky. (Reprint). London, A. A. Bethune-Baker,
40 p. front, (cout of arms) 24"".
Altrllnited to the Rev. Thomas Whyte. cf. "Note" sipned : Alfred A.
The reproduction of the orivtinal t.-p. on p. 5 has imprint: Edinburgh,
Printed t)y Neill and company, Mncci.xxviii.
661 18-23925 CS479.B53
See also Jfoyea. CS71.N955 1907
Bethune. Sec Bethuen.
Bettens. See aUo Rochat. CS71.R663 1918
Rochat. CS71.R663 1918a
Betts. Thomas Betts, (1618-1688) and his descendants. [New York,
cover-title, 1 p. 1., 132 p. fold, facsim. 23J"".
Principally comp. by C. Wyllys Betts. Completed by Frederic H. Betts.
5C2 2-28245 CS71.B57 1888
Ancestors of Charles Comstock Betts (1808-1882) of Kich-
niond, Mass., and Brookl3'n, N. Y., in the line of the German
kings and emperors, through Pharanmnd, back to Macomir I
who in 3563 a. m. 441 b. c. brought the people out of Scythia,
whose descendants conquered all Gaul, and founded the great
empire of Charlemagne; comp. by Charles Wilson Betts of
Brooklyn, N. Y. and East Orange, N. J. [East Orange, N. J.,
75 1. In ms. 12 x 201"°.
563 CS71.B57 1909
The genealogies of Hoffmann Pollock Betts ; Barbara Stuart
Hoffmfm ; Anne Oilman Hoffman and Charles Murray Hoffman,
from eighty colonial families. Comp. by Charles Wilson Betts.
[New York? 1911?]
[806] p. 251"".
Various pagings.
564 CS71.B57 1911
Index to the titles of European ancestors of Charles Com-
stock Betts (1802-1882) of Richmond, Mass., and Brooklyn,
N. Y., U. S. A. Together with pedigree showing the lines of
descent from such ancestors to him. Comp. by Charles Wilson
Betts. [New York, 1912?]
3 V. 29"".
565 CS71.B57 1912
The Betts of Wortham in Suffolk. 1480-1005, by Katharine
Frances Doughty; with xxv illustrations. London, John Lane;
New York, John Lane company, 1912.
xlv, 330 p. Illus. (Incl. facslms.) xxv pi. (incl. front., ports.) fold,
geneal. tab. 23"".
" List of authorities " : p. 319-322.
566 12-7603 DA28.35.A1D8
See also Gu6rin. CS439.Q89 1890
Beveridge. . . . The Beveridge family. [Yarmouth, N. S., 1909]
1 I). 1., 6 p. 21"'". (Yarmouth genealogies, no. 109)
By George Stiiyley Brown.
" Reproduced from the Yarmouth herald, June 8, 1909."
567 15-19129 CS71.B577 1909
See also aobinson. CS71.R66 1907
Beverley. See also Selden. CS71.S45 I9ii
Wise. CS71.W812 1918
Bevier. The Bevier family; a history of the descendants of Louis
Bevier, who came from France to America in 1675 after a so-
journ of ten years in the Palatinate and settled in New Paltz,
New York, by Katherine Bevier . , . New York, T. A.
Wright, 1916.
xvii, 274 p. front, plates, ports., facsims. 24§"".
Bibliography : p. 7-9.
568 16-25274 CS71.B5775 1916
Bcville. The Beville family of Virginia, Georgia, and Florida, and
several allied families, north and south, by Agnes Beville
Vaughan Tedcastle . . . Boston, Priv. print., 1917.
8 p. 1., 212 p. plates, ports., coats of arms. 24°'°.
Pages 207-212, blank, for " Notes."
" 250 copies printed from type."
Contains also genealogies of the Vaughan, Harrison, Pelot, Pearce,
Chisholm, Atherton, Humphrey, Gignilliat, Cooke, Weekes, Leeds and
Scruggs families.
569 17-24992 CS71.B578 1917
Beyer. See also French. CS71.F876 1912
Bibaud. See also Gouin. CS90.G7
Bibby. See also Mellard. CS439.M387
Bicknell. A memorial of a respectable and respected family, and es-
pecially of Joshua Bicknell, farmer, representative, senator,
judge, and eminent Chri.stian citizen: "The noble.'^t Roman of
them all." Comp. by Thomas Williams Bicknell. Boston,
New-England publishing co., printers, 1880.
32, xvi p. 24"°.
570 9-7297t CS71.B58 1880
The Bicknells and the family re-union, at Weymouth,
Massachusetts, September 22, 1880. Addresses, poems and
speeches. By the publication committee, for the family. Bos-
ton, New liingland publishing co., printers, 1880.
96 p. col. front. 24"'°.
871 9-7296t CS71.B58 1880a
Bicknell. The Bicknells. Proceedings and addresses at the second
familj' reunion, at Weymouth, Mass., September 20 and 21,
1882. 'With addresses and exercises at the dedication of the
Bicknell family monument. By the publication committee, for
the family. Boston, New England publishing company, 1883.
56 p. 234"".
572 6-S209 CS71.B58 1883
Excerpta Biconyllea, a forgotten chancellor and a forgotten
knight : notes for a history of the Somersetshire family of
Biconylle, by A. S. Bicknell . . . Rev. ed. Taunton, Barni-
cott and Pearce, 1900.
xli p., 1 1., 163 p. front., lllus., plates, 2 fold, maps, plans, fold, geneal.
tab. 26"".
" Twenty-five copies printed, no. 11."
573 15-21501 CS439.B5
History and genealogy of the Bicknell family and some col-
lateral lines, of Normandy, Great Britain and America. Com-
prising some ancestors and many descendants of Zachary Bick-
nell from Barrington, Somersetshire, England, 1635 . . . Edi-
tor and publisher, Thomas Williams Bicknell. Providence,
R. I., The editor, 1913.
xxxvi, 584 p. front., plates, ports. 24i'°.
574 14-921 CS71.B58 1913
Biddle. Autobiography of Charles Biddle, vice-president of the Su-
preme executive council of Pennsylvania. 1745-1821. (Pri-
vately printed.) Philadelphia, E. Claxton and company, 1883.
2 p. 1. [vil]-xli, 423 p. 231'"".
Genealogical notes: p. [361]-423.
575 11-10503 F153.B58
Colonel Clement Biddle, communicated by Walter Living-
ston Cochrane Biddle, with notes by M. C. Springer. {In Boo-
gher's repository . . . Ed. by Horace Wemyss Smith . , .
.Philadelphia, 1883. 28^'=°'. v. 1, p. 101-116)
576 E171.B72
A sketch of Owen Biddle, to which is added A short account
of the Parke family, together with a list of his descendants. By
Henry D. Biddle. Philadelphia, Priv. print., 1892.
87 p. facsims. 24"°.
This account of the Parke family was conip. hy John Biddle from a
fuller account contained In two mss. written between the years 1824 and
1840, by James P. Parke.
The " sketch of Owen Biddle is reprinted from the Pennsylvania maga-
zine of history and biography for October, 1892."
577 8-20262 E207.B5B5
Biddle. Notes on the genealogy of the Biddle family, together with
abstracts of some early deeds. By Henry D. Biddle. Privately
printed. Philadelphia, W. S. Fortescue & co., 1895.
1 p. 1., [v]-vi, [7J-95 p. illus. 23"".
578 12-24991 CS71.B585 1895
See also Reichner. CS71.B34 1918
Bidwell. Genealogy to the seventh generation of the Bidwell family
in America, by Edwin M. Bidwell. Albany, X. Y., J. Munsell's
sons, 1881.
2 p. 1., [191-123 p. 24"°.
579 9-7295 CS71.B59 1884
Bigelow. Genealogy of one branch of the Bigelow family, by W. H.
Bigelow . . . Brattleboro [Vt.] Printed by G. E. Selleck [1877]
10 p. 2li"".
580 1-8171 CS71.B6 1877
Genealogy of the Bigelow family of America, from the mar-
riage in 1642 of John Biglo and Mary AVarren to the year 1890.
By Oilman Bigelow Howe . . . Worcester, Mass., Printed by C.
Hamilton, 1890.
xiii, [141-517 p. incl. front, ports. 24J'".
581 9-7299t CS71.B6 1890
5 » \Jl.\J.l,l.\Jlk, ^Xl c »Tai
A.) i>l*
J., 1897]
15 p. 23r°'.
Caption title.
Signed: Samuel F. Bigelow.
" Printed for privnte circulation."
582 9-7294t
.Cyi/o yn^7oy^ TTl n rrnc
AjCC/ Cfct'Ot/ fiagg.
Big^g. Notes on the family of Bigg, represented by the descendants
of Hopestill P'oster and John Stone | read Stowe] By William
Q ^ H. Whitmore . . . Boston, D. Clapp & son. printers, 1875.
'^j^jj-^/Oy 10 p. 25"°.
4. Cuption title: Will of .John Bigg (from a copy furnished 1).\ K. W. N.
Starr . . . and annotated by W. H. AVhltmore)
Reprinteil from the New-England historical and genealogical register
for July, 1875.
583 »-7293t CS71.B62 1875
See also Moore. CS71.M82 1915
Bigham. See also Kirkpatrick. CS71.K595 I9il
Biles. See also JoUiffe. CS71.J75 1893
Biley. See also '&aXt. CS71.B369 1897
Bill. History of the Bill family. Ed. by Ledyard Bill. New York,
vii. [8]-3C7, [1] p. front, (port.) 24J'°.
584 9-7292t CS71.B626 1867
xSec aZso Clarke. CS71.C6 1904
Woolsey. CS71.W916 1900
Billesby. See alsoCxaW. CS71.C889 1908 ^^
Billings. John Shaw Billings; a memoir, by Fielding H. Garrison
. . . New York and London, G. P. Putnam's sons, 1915.
ix, 432 p. front., plates, ports. 23^"".
" Genealogy of the Billings family (prepared by the late Mrs. John S.
BillinRs)": p. 397-407.
"Bibliography of the writings of Dr. .John S. Billings, by Miss Adelaide
R. Husse " : p. 411^22.
585 15-9723 B154.B59G3
See also Barney. ► CS71.B285 I9i2a
Patterson. CS71.P317 19 17
Thayer. CS71.T37 1835
Billop. See also Ya.rra.tr. CS71.F234 1907
Bingham. Genealogy of the Bingham family in the United States,
especially of the state of Connecticut; including notes on the
Binghams of Philadelphia and of Irish descent, with partial
genealogies of allied families. Comp. by Theodore A. Bingham.
Harrisburg, Pa., Harrisburg pub. co., 1898.
1 p. 1.. xxxix p., 1 1., 178 numb. 1., 1 1., 179-249 p. front., plates, ports.,
fold, map, facsims. 26"".
"Edition Umited to 3(K) copies, no. 60."
586 Nov. 2, 98-11 CS71.B628 1898
Memoirs of the Binghams, by Rose E. McCalmont. Ed.
by C. R. B. Barrett. London, Spottiswoode & co., ltd., 1915.
xvil, 18.1 p. illus. (Incl. cunts of arms) plates, ports. (2 col., inel. front.)
2 fold, geneal. tab. 25i"".
Title within armorial border.
587 16-6300 CS439.B54
-SecaZsoAdgate.. fio4.N93P3
Binney. Genealogy of the Binney family in the United States. Col-
lected by Charles J. F. Binney, Albany, N. Y., J. Munsell's
sons. 188G.
278 p. 24'".
688 11-«160 CS71.B6285 1886
Binning. See also Monroe.
Birch. A history of the ancient chapel of Birch, in Manchester par-
ish, including a sketch of the township of Rusiiolme, for the
convenience of which township the chapel was originalh'
erected : together with notices of the more ancient local families,
and particulars relating to the descent of their estates. By the
Eev. John Booker . . . [Manchester] Printed for the Chetham
society, 1859.
3 p. 1., [lii]-iv p., 2 1., 253 p., 1 1. front., 2 pi., port, geneal. tables (part
fold.) 23 X IS"". (Added t.-p.: Remains, historical & literary, connected
with the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester, pub by the Chetham
society, vol. xlvii)
589 18-5262 DA670.L19C5 vol. 47
Bird. The Bird family. A genealogy of Thomas Bird, of Dorches-
^[j ter, Mass:icha=etts, and some of his descendants. Prepared for-
Matthew Bird, of New York, by William Blake Trask . . .
Boston, Printed by D. Clapp & son, 1871.
40 p. 26"°.
" Reprinted from the New-England historical and genealogical rc-giptor
for January, 1871."
Bird genealogy. By William Bird
Louis, Mo., 1903.
1 p. 1., 13 p. 27'"
See also Byrd.
/^ylie . . .
Birdsall. The Birdsall family of Orange County, New York. Comp.
by Dr. Gregg C. Birdsall . . . Washington, D. C, 1914.
geneal. tab. 59 x 92J"'.
Autographed from manuscript copy.
Assisted by Mrs. Klias Minard, Mrs. Anna B. Birdsall, Miss Rachael Gar-
rison, Dr. Chas. C. Birdsall.
15-1355 CS71.B6294 1914
See also Myers.
Birdsell. Sec Birdsall.
PS2459.M5 1901
Birkbeck. The Birkbecks of Westmorland and their descendants.
By Robert Birkbeck, f. s. a. [London] Priv. print, for the
author by Mitchell and Hughes, 1900.
vl, 147 p. front., illus. (coats of arms) plates, ports. 29"*.
Frontispiece is a colored coat of arms.
" Of this book one hundred copies only were printed for tlie author, on
Arnold's unbleached hand-made paper, in the month of April, 1900, of
which this copy is no. 47."
593 1&-2157 CS439.B545
Birkbeck. See also Hilton. DA690.G18W3
Wilson. CS439.W55
Bimey. See Birnie.
Birnie. Account of the families of Bimie and Hamilton of Broom-
hill, by John Birnie, esquire. Ed. by W. B. D. D. TurnbuU
. . . Edinburgh, Printed for private distribution [Edinburgh
printing company] 1838.
xix, 82 p. illus. (coat of arms) 21i"".
The impression of this volume is restricted to sixty copies for private
594 11-5258 CS479.B55
Bisbee. . . . Family records of some of the descendants of Thomas
Besbedge, (Bisbee,) of Scituate, Mass., in 1634. Comp. by Wm.
B. Lapham . . . Augusta, Me., Press of Homan & Badger,
Iv, t5]-48 p. 23"°.
Printed for private distribution.
59.5 9-7291t CS71.B63 1876
See also Read. CS71.E.284 1915
Biscoe. Pedigree of the family of Biscoe. By John Challenor Cov-
ington Smith . . . London, Mitchell and Hughes, 1887.
1 p. L, 25 p. 28'™.
596 17-2880 CS439.B55
Bishop. The genealogy of Samuel and John Bishop, brothers.
Bishop family from 1636. [Brooklyn-New York, Eagle press,
43 p. illus., plates, ports. 23i'"'.
Preface signeti : " H. F. Bishop."
•■197 17-31790 CS71.B6317 1901
See also Benton. CS71.B48 1904
Benton. CS71.B48 1906
Converse. CS71.C766 1905
Venn. CS439. v. 5
Bispham. Memoranda concerning the family of Bispham in Great
Britain and the United States of America. Comp. and ed. by
William Bispham of New York . , . New York, Priv. print,
[by Gilliss brothers] 1890.
5 p. 1., 9-348 p. front., illus., plates, fold. geneaL tables. 26i"".
100 copies printed, of which this is no. 41.
698 9-7289t CS71.B63a 1890
Bisse. Genealogical memoranda relating to the family of Bisse.
Comp. by Francis Grigson, esq. London, Mitchell and Hughes,
2 p. 1., 62 p. frout., lUus. (facslm.s., coats of arms) pi. 28i'".
599 17-15268 CS439.B555
Bissell. See also Baker. CS71.B17 1917
Dawson. CS71.D272 1874a
Bisset. A short chronology and genealogy of the Bissets and Erasers
of Lovat ... {In Macfarhine, Walter. Genealogical collec-
tions. Edinburgh, 1900. 23"". vol. 2 p. 85-96)
600 CS478.M2
Bissot. . . . Sieur de Vincennes identified, by Pierre-Georges Roy.
Indianapolis, C. E. Pauley & company [1918?]
130 p. front, (port.) 23""'. (Indiana historical society. Publications.
V. 7, no. 1)
" The society is indebted to Mrs. Charles W. Moores for the trnuslutioa
of M. Roy's documents, which were In French." — p. 8.
"Genealogy of tlie family Bissot de Vincennes": p. 11-21.
" Bibliography of the works which have spolien of the Bissots de Vin-
cennes, particularly of Frangois-Marie Bissot de Vincennes " : p. 127-130.
601 18-27097 F521.I4
Bitsche. See Peachey.
Bittinger. Bittinger and Bedinger families descendants of Adam
Biidinger. [n. p., 1904]
63 p. geneal. tab. 23^"'.
Dedication and Prefatory note signed: Lucy Forney Bittinger.
602 11-14243 CS71.B633 1904
Bitton. The history of the parish of Bitton, in the county of Glouces-
ter. By the Rev. H. T. EUacombe . . . Exeter, Priv. print,
by W. Pollard, 1881-[83]
XX, 38!), [11 p. front., illus., 17 pi., 12 maps (part fold.) 29"°.
Title in red and black.
"The issue is limited to 125 copies."
e03 3-16482 DA690.B62E4
Bixby. See also Converse. CS71.C766 1905
Bizoton. See also Aquin. F380.C9S7
Black. Historical record of the posterity of William Black, who .set-
tled in this country in the year seventeen hundred and M-venty-
five, also a sketch of 23 English families and some early settlere
from New England, who settled at the head of the Bay of P'undy
about the same time. By Cyrus Black, osi]. Amherst, N. S.,
Amherst gazette steam printing house, 1885.
209 p. 18i"".
604 17-24548 CS71.B636 1885
Black. , . . Early marriage records of the Black family in the
United States; official and authoritative records of Black mar-
riages in the original states and colonies from 1628 to 1805, ed.
by William Montgomery Clemens. 1st ed. (limited) New
York, W. M. Clemens, 1916.
32 p. 23'". (The Clemens American marriage records, v. 2)
605 16-11118 CS71.B636 1916
See also Gill. CS479.G5
Blackburne. Genealogical memoranda relating to the family of
Blackburne, and its alliances. Comp. by the Kev. Francis John
Poynton . . . London, Priv. print, [by] Mitchell & Hughes,
4 p. lllus. (coats of arms) 28i"°.
606 9-19369 CS439.B56
(In Miscellanea genealogica et heraldica. London, 1877. 27"". vol. 2,
p. 78)
606a 9-19370 CS410.M5 vol.2
Blackett. Memoirs of the public life of Sir Walter Blackett, of Wal-
lington . . . with a pedigree of the Calverleys, of Calverley, in
Yorkshire, and the Blacketts, of Newcastle upon Tyne and
Northumberland. By John Straker. Newcastle, Printed by S.
Hodgson, 1819.
vii, xxxix, 51 p. front, (port.) lllus., pi. 23*'°'.
Added t.-p., engr.
607 2-21890 DA690.N6B6
Blackball. The Blackballs of that Ilk and Barra, hereditary coroners
and foresters of the Garioch, by Alexander Morison . . . Aber-
deen, Printed for the New Spalding club, 1905.
xiv, 12], ISO, 17 p. incl. double geneal. tab. front., 3 pi. (1 col.) port.
20J"". (Lettered on cover: New Spalding club. [Publications, no. 29])
" .")()0 copies presented to the members of the New .Spalding club by the
author, no. 285."
Issued also as Aberdeen university studies, no. 10.
608 10-14951 DA750.N5 no.29
Blackinfton. See also Starkey. CS71.S7955 i9io
Blackman. The Blackmans, Darrows, Booses, Joneses, Collingses,
Stearnses, Straws, Plumbs, Hydes, by Henry Blackman Plumb
. . . [AVilkcsbarre? Pa.] 1894.
1 p. 1., 22 uumb. 1. 20i x 39'"".
609 9-18737t CS71.B639 1894
Blackstone. Tlie Blackstone family : being sketches, biographical and
genealogical, of William Blackstone, and his descendants. Nor-
wich, Conn., Courier office, 1857.
43 p. •2Si"°.
" Originally published in the Boston evening transcript . . . 1849, by
Mr. L. M. Sargent, under the title "Auld lang syne," and over the signature
" Saveall "... Republished In present form by Lorenzo Blackstone, of
Norwich." — Prefatory note.
610 3-3835 CS71.B64 1857
Lineage and history of William Blackstone, first settler of
Boston, and of his descendants, from his birth 155)5 to the close
of the revolution 1783, with a continuation in the line of Stephen
Foot Blackstone, great, great grandson of William down to this
date, by John Wilford Blackstone . . . Frederic, Wis., J. W.
Blackstone, jr., 1907.
292, V. p. front, (port.) 19'°.
611 10-15499 CS71.B64 1907
Biography of Timothy B. Blackstone, by Ida Hinman . . ,
New York, Cincinnati [etc.] Methodist book concern press, 1917.
40 p. plates, ports. 23J'".
Contains illustrations and descriptions of the James Blackstone memo-
rial library, Branford, Conn., and the Timothy B. Blackstone memorial
branch library, Chicago.
612 17-23036 HE2754.B6H5
Blagge. See also Godolphin. DA447.G6E9
Blaine. See also McKinney. CS71.M158 1905
Kobinson. CS71.R66 1867
Robinson. CS71.K66 1902
Blair. Scotch and Irish Blairs. Biographical sketches. A reprint.
Huntingdon, Pa., J. C. Blair, 1894.
cover-title, 27, [1] p. 2."ir"'.
Oonip. by John Chalmers Blair.
Reprinted from Mackenzie's " Scots writers," " Scots worthies," Chal-
mers' " Biographical dictionary," Burnet's " History of his own times,"
Pulteney's " Sketches."
613 9-28481 CS479.B65
The history of the Blair, Banister, and Braxton families
before and after the revolution. With a brief sketch of their
descendants, by Frederick Horner . . . Philadelphia, Printed
by J. B. Lippincott company, 1898.
ix, 10-207 p. illus., plates, ports., facsim. 23''".
614 9-72S8t CS71.B645 1898
Blair. The Blair family of New England. Compiled for Mr.
William Blair, Chicago, by Emily Wilder Leavitt. Boston,
D. Clapp & son, 1900.
1 p. 1., 194, [2] p. pi. 24J"".
615 1-1760 CS71.B645 1900
[Blair family by Roberdeau Buchanan . . . Washington,
D. C, 1906]
xvi, 258 p. 36'".
Ms. notes in a blank book witb several printed genealogical tables
61G CS71.BC15 1906 Office
Annals of Silver Spring. By Gist Blair . . .
(/n Columbia historical society. Records . . . Washington, 191S. 2.SJ'".
V. 21, p. 155-185. pi. v-x (incl. ports.))
Read before the society April 17, 1917
C17 W 19-6 F191.C72 vol.21
Annals of Silver Spring. By Gist Blair . . . [Washing-
ton, 1918]
cover-title, p. [155]-185. plates, ports. 23*"".
Reprinted from the Records of the Columbia historical society, v. 21,
618 18-15850 F189.S5B6
See also La.yrson. CS71.L425 1903
Blaisdell. See also Colby. CS71.C686 1895
Blake. Blake family. A genealogical history of William Blake, of
Dorchester, and his descendants, comprising all the descend-
ants of Samuel and Patience (White) Blake. With an ap-
pendix containing wills, &c. of members of the family . . .
By Samuel Blake . . . Boston, E. Clapp, jr., 1857.
140 p. lUus. 251'".
619 9-728-t CS71.B646 1857
A record of the Blakes of Somersetshire, especially in the
line of William Blake, of Dorchester, Mass., the emigrant to
New England: with one branch of his descendants. From the
notes of . . . Horatio G. Somerby. Boston, Priv. print., 1881.
64 p. 23''"'.
Introduction signed, W. H. W. (i. e. W. H. Wbltmore)
620 a-11080 CS71.B646 1881
The Blake family in England. By Francis E. Blake . . .
ai<^.o^ Boston, D. Clapp & son, 1891.
^x^'^y 4 p. 24'".
^ ^^ Reprinted from the New England historical and genealogical register for
January, 189L
621 3-4043 CS71.B64e 1891
Blake. Our folks. [Second preliminary draft. Descendants of
John Blake, of Middletown, Conn. Rockford, 111., W. P. Lamb,
printer, 1895]
CDvcr-title, 39 p. geneal. tab!e.s. 24'".
Introduction signed : George AI. Blalie.
9-7286t CS71.B646 1895
— Increase lilake of Boston, his ancestors and descendants,
with a full account of William Blake of Dorchester and his five
children. Comp. by Francis E. Blake. Boston [Press of D.
Clapp & son] 1898.
147 p. front., plates, facsinis., geneal. tables. 25'".
9-7285t CS71.B646 1898
— Blake family records, 1300 to 1600; a chronological cata-
logue with copious notes and genealogies of many branches of
the Blake family, illustrated with photographs of various origi-
nal documents, by Martin J. Blake ... 1st series. London,
E. Stock, 1902.
vi, [2], 199 p. front., facsinis. 24i"".
624 9-19103t CS499.B6
Blake family records, 1600 to 1700; a chronological cata-
logue with notes, appendices, and the genealogies of many
branches of the Blake family, together with a brief account of
the fourteen ancient families or tribes of the town of Galway,
and a description of the corporate arms used by that town at
different periods; with an index to the records in the first pai't.
Illustrated with photographs of various original documents and
seals, by Martin J. Blake ... 2d series. London, E. Stock,
xi, 297, xviii p. plates, facsinis. 241™.
625 13-12035 CS499.B6 1905
The ancestry and allied families of Nathan Blake 3rd and
Susan (Torrey) Blake, early residents of East Corinth, Ver-
mont, by Almira Torrey Blake Fenno-Gendrot. Boston, Mass.,
The aut"hor, 1916.
viii p., 2 1., 201 p. plates, ports., plans, fucsims. (part fold.) coats of
arras. 23i"°.
626 17-8900 CS71.B646 1916
See aUo Barry.
CS71.B31 1909
CS71.B368 1903
CS71.F616 1864
Blakemore. See also Fletcher.
Blakeney. The pedigree of the Blakeneys, corap. by Lieutenant
Robert B. Blakeney . . . For private circulation only. [Har-
rogate, Clark, printer] 1886.
34 p. coat of arms. 23"".
" Moinoirs " [of Lord William Blakeney, tbe Reverend Richard Paul
Blakeney, Sir Edward Blakeney and .John Edward Blakeney] : p. [15]-34.
627 16-19780 CS439.B6
Blaker. Searches into the history of the family of Blaker of Sussex,
by "Walter Charles Renshaw . . . London, Printed at the Chis-
wick press for private circulation by gift only, 1901.
137, [1] p. fold, geneal. tab. 30"°.
" Forty copies only printed."
"Original 1894, revised 1904."
C28 17-23918 CS439.B62
Blakeslee. See Blakesley
Blakesley. Samuel Blakeslej' of New Haven, Conn., and his descend-
^ (,j^ ants. By James Shepard . . . Boston, Press of D. Clapp &
I _ ,^ (f 15 p. 25^™.
" Reprinted for the author from the New-England historical and genea-
logical register for July, 1902."
629 2-24595 CS71.B647 1902
See also Curtis. CS71.C98 1912
White. CS71.W585 1892
Blakiston. See also Whitaker. CS439.W4S5
Blamire. See also Yerburgh. CS439.Y6
Blanchard. Commemorative of Calvin and Luther Blanchard, Acton
minutenien 1775, by Alfred Sereno Hudson. West Acton, Mass.,
L. Blanchard, 1899.
100 p. front., pi. 23r°.
630 1-18744 E241.C7H8
Blanchet. See also Choquettc. f1054.b,5D3
Bland. Collections for a history of the ancient family of Bland . . .
London [Printed by W. Nicol] 1826.
xlx, 305, (1] p. Incl. coats of arms. 291"°.
Dedication signed: Nicholas Carli.sle.
631 2-28647 CS439.B65
' »See aZso Nelson. CS439.N33
Pocahontas. CS71.R747 1887
114883°— 19 8
Blatchford. The Blatchford memorial . . . New York, 1871.
4 p. I., 104 p. front, (col. coat of arms) 23*"".
Foreword signed : Samuel BUitdiford.
Collected and arranged by Harriet W. Blatchford.
The Ucv. Samuel Blatchford: p. 1-68.
Genealogy : p. 97-104.
632 13-14108 CS71.B6475 1871
Blatchford menioiial ii. A genealogical record of the
^ lily of Rev. Samuel Blatchford, d. d., with some mention of
allied families. Comp. by Eliphalet Wickes Blatchford. Also
autobiographical sketch of Rev. Dr. Blatchford from " The
Blatchford memorial." . . . [Chicago] Priv. print., 1912.
2 p. 1., 3-123 p. front., plates, port.s., geneal. tab. 27i'"'-
Appendix : a. Heath family. — b. Partial pedigree of Windeatt family. —
c. Hubbard family. "^
633 13-12772 CS71.B6475 1912
Bleckly. See also Clark. CS438.C5
Bledsoe. Historic Sumner County, Tennessee, with genealogies of
the Bledsoe, Cage and Douglass families, and genealogical notes
of other Sumner County families, by Jay Guy Cisco. Nash-
ville, Tenn., Folk-Keelin printing company, 1909.
xii, 319 p. incl. front., illus., ports. 20"°.
" Only five hundred copies printed. This book is no. 77."
634 9-9796 F443.S9C5
Bleecker. See also Repalje. CS69.H7
Blennerhassett. See also Garvey. CS499.G3
Blessley. Family memorials, by "William Blessley . . . [London,
Printed by J. E. Adlard, 186-?]
78 p. 16J"".
Printed for private circulation.
A tribute to the life of the author's mother, with a short sketch of the
life of his wife.
635 IS-Se.'JS CS439.B66
Blethen. Genealogy of the Blethen family. Seattle, Col. A. J.
Blethen, 1911.
108 p. 24'".
636 12-22248 CS71.B648 1911
Blin. Blin, a short genealogy of one line of the Blin fahiily, de-
scended from Peter Blin, the settler of Wethersficld, Con-
necticut; with a few notes on the Tibbits family, by James W.
Hill . . . Peoria, 111., 1914.
2 p. I., [20J p. port. 23"".
037 15-19144 CS71.B6485 1914
Blish. Genealogy- of the Blish family in America, 1637-1905, comp.
by James Knox Blish. Kewanee, 111. [H. L. Throop, printer]
xl, 366 p. front., plates, ports. 26i"".
" This book is limited to 315 numbered volumes, of whicli tliis is no.
638 5-15709 CS71.B649 1905
Bliss. . . . Genealogy of the Bliss family in America, from about the
year 1550 to 1880. Comp. by John Homer Bliss . . . including
the compilations of Judge Oliver Bliss Morris . . . and Syl-
ve.ster Bliss . . . Boston, Mass., Printed by the author, 1881.
810 p., 1 1. front, ports. 24'".
«39 9-7284 CS71.B65 1881
. . . Genealogy of the Bliss family in America, from about
the year 1550 to 1880. Comp. by John Homer Bliss ... in-
cluding the compilations of Judge Oliver Bliss Morris . . .
and Sylvester Bliss . . . Boston, Mass., Printed by the author,
39 p. front. ( port. ) 24"".
" Small edition published by Henry Putnam Bliss, Middletown, Conn.,
1904." Includes introductory matter and 1st to 4th generations.
640 4-9145 CS71.B65 1904
The Bliss book, a romantic history of the Bliss family from
the time of its beginning in England, to its advent into America,
and illustrating the conditions of life of the English ancestors
of many others of the founders of New England. By Charles
Arthur Hoppin . . . Hartford, Conn., Priv. print., 1913.
184 p. front, (col. coat of arms) illus., plates, ports., fold, geneal. tab.
641 13-11710 CS71.B65 1913
Blithe. Sec Blythe.
Blodgett. Asahel Blodgett of Hudson and Dorchester, N. H., his
American ancestors and his descendants; comp. by Isaac Dimond
Blodgett, his grandson. Boston, Printed for private circulation
[by T. R. Marvin & sons] 1906.
144 (i. e. 152) p. 5 port (Incl. front.) 241'".
642 6-35982 CS71.B652 1906
Elomfield. A SvfToIk family ; being an account of the family of Blom-
field in Svffolk, by Reginald Blomfield, r. a. [London] Priv.
print, at the Chiswick press, 1910.
vll, 99 p. pi., double map, fold, geneal. tab. 29i'".
" Only 100 copies printed."
643 17-10993 CS439.B67
See aho Strange. CS71.S898 1915
116 LIBRAKY Of congress
Blood. Captain Edmond Blood, of Albany, N, Y. By J. Paul Ry-
(^, lands, esq. . . . [Boston, 1899]
n'^-.^ 3 p. 24r'".
V M:> 9^ Caption title.
A . V " Notes to the above article by Walter K. Watkins, esq., of Chelsea,
Ma.ss.," p. 3.
" Ueprinted from the N.-E. historical and genealogical register for July,
644 5-14277 CS71.B655 1899
See also Barrett. F74.C8P8
Bloomingdale. See also Van Buren. CS7I.V2214 1913
Bloss. BIoss genealogy. By James O. Bloss. [Boston, D. Clapp iS^
son] 1887.
19 p. 24^".
Printed for private circulation.
645 3-7912 CS71.B656 1887
Blount. Blount and Blunt. [Washington, D. C] Press of W. F.
Roberts, 1902.
geneal. tab. 56 x iSi""-
Comp. by Helen M. Blount Prescott
646 2-12289 CS71.B657 1902
The Blunts of Isle of Wight County, Virginia, and their
descendants, by James Francis Crocker. Portsmouth, Va., Whit-
son & Shepherd, printers, 1914.
11 p. 22"".
No. 3 in a volume of five genealogical tracts, to which Is prefixed a
general t.-p. : The Woodleys of the Isle of Wight County, Va. and other
ancestors . . . Portsmouth, Va., 1915.
647 15-10303 CS71.W884 1915
See also Croke. CS439.C82
Gresley. CS439.G75
Shakespeare. PB,2894 Y4
Blundell. The Blundells of Bedfordshire and Northamptonshire.
With an account of some of the religious houses in Bedford-
shire, to which they were benefactors. [By] Joseph Ilight
Blundell and Hight Blundell, m. d. . . . [n. p.] Printed for
subscribers only, 1912.
8 p. 1., ISO, xl p. plates. 29"'".
648 17-21453 CS439.B675
See alio Anderton. DA690.L88C4
Blunston. See also Lloyd. CS71.L792 i9ia
Blnnt. See Blount.
Blyth. See Blythe.
Blythe. A brief historical sketch of the ancient name and family of
Blithe, Blythe, or Blyth, in the counties of Warwickshire, Der-
byshire, & Norfolk, by the Reverend William Blyth . • . Nor-
wich, Printed by A. H. Goose and co., 1885.
45 p. inel. geneal. tab. 17J x 16"".
649 2-30587 CS439.B68
Notes on the pedigree of the family of Blythe or Blyth, of
Norton and Birchet, by Edward L. I. Blyth, c. e. 2d ed. Edin-
burgh, 1901.
xii, [131-195 p. incl. illus., plates, front, (col. coat of arms) 251™.
Half-title: "New ed., rev., corrected, and extended, 190L"
IPt edition, 1893.
Lettered on back of cover : " Blyth pedigree."
" Only one hundred copies printed, of which this is no. 39."
650 16-20948 ' CS439.B68 1901
See also Gentry. CS71.G339 1909
Board. See also TTeman. CS71.T789 1901
Boardman. Memoir of the life and character of Mrs. Mary Anna
Boardman, with a historical account of her forefathers, and
biographical and genealogical notices of many of her kindred
and relatives. By her son-in-law, John Frederick Schroeder,
D. D. New Haven, Printed for private distribution, 1849.
478 p. front, (port.) 23"".
Appendix p. 363-420 contains genealogies of the Boardman, Mason and
Whiting families.
651 3-17V25 CS71.B662 1849
Boardman genealogy, 152."i-189.5. The English home and
ancestrj' of Samuel Boreman, Wethersfield, Conn., Thomas Bore-
man, Ipswich, Mass. With some account of their descendants
(now called Boardman) in America . . . Comp. by Charlotte
Goldthwaite . . . Pub. by William F. J. Boardman. Hart-
ford, Conn., Press of the Case, Lockwood & Brainard company,
xiii, 778 p. front, plates, port., facsims., fold, geneal. tab. 25}'".
" 350 copies printed."
652 9-7304 CS71.B662 1895
The Boardman family in Topsfield, Mass. By Miss H. Rosa
Towne. From the Topsfield historical collections, volume viii.
Topsfield. Mass., The Topsfield historical society, 1902.
1 p. 1., 27. p. front., plates, facslni., coat of arms. 23J"".
663 17-4237 CS71.B662 1902
Boardman. The ancestry of William Francis Joseph Boardman. Hart-
ford, Connecticut; being his lineage in all lines of descent from
the emigrant ancestors in New England, by William F. J.
Boardman . . . Hartford, Conn., Priv. print. [The Case, Lock-
wood & Brainard company] 1906.
3 p. I., [nj^lO p. front., plates, ports., facsims. ioi'".
" One hundred and fifty numbered copies." This copy not numbered.
654 7-8235 CS71 B662 1906
See also Prancis. CS71.F818 1898
Salisbury. CS71.S167 1892
Taylor. CS71.T24 1892
Boatman. See also Semmes. CS71.S47 1918
Boase. An account of the families of Boase or Bowes, originally re-
siding at Paul and Madison in Cornwall : and of other families
connected with them by marriage. &c. Privately printed. . . .
for Charles William. George Clement, and Frederic Boase.
Exeter, W. Pollard, printer, 1876.
X p., 68 col. fold, seneal. tab. 29'°".
Axi edition of 75 copies printed.
655 15-21499 CS439.B72
An account of the families of Boase or Bowes, originally
residing at Paul and Madron in Cornwall; and of other families
connected with them by marriage, &c. 2d ed. Privately printed
. . . for Charles William, George Clement, and Frederic Boase.
Truro, Netherton and Worth, printers, 1893.
vlii p., 288 col. front, (fold, geneal. tab.) fold, pi., ports. 29^'".
" One hundred copies only."
656 18-20369 CS439.B72 1893
Bockee. The Bockee family (Boucquet) 1641-1897. by Martha
Bockee Flint. Poughkeeijsie, N. Y. [A. V. Haight] 1897,
158, ix p. 24}"".
Limited edition.
65? 1-28291 CS71.B665 1897
Boddicott. See also Tyssen. CS439.T93
Boddie. Boddie and allied families, by John Thomas Boddie and
John Bennett Boddie. [Chicago?] Priv. print., 1918.
8 p. 1., 250 p. col. front., ports., fold, geneal. tables, col. coats of arms.
658 19-129 CS71.B668 1918
Bodiam. Bodiam and its lords, by Mark Antony Lower. {In Sussex
archaeological society. Collections. London, 1857. 23^™.
V. 9, p. 275-301)
659 2-26585 DAe70.S97S9
Bodiam. Bodiam and its lords, by Mark Antony Lower ... A
new ed. London. T. R. Smith, 1871.
31 p. illus., pi. 211'°.
660 2-23024 DA890.B7L9
Bodine. See aJso Sinnott. CS71.S617 1905
Bodley. See also Harrison. CS71.H32 1910a
Bodwell. In memoriam. Hon. Joseph R. Bodwell, governor of
Maine . . . Pub. by order of the governor and Council. Au-
gusta, Burleigh & Flynt, printers to the state, 1888.
64 p. front, (port.) 231'".
Prepared at the request of a committee of the Council, by W. B. Lap-
Bodwells of Methuen : p. 39-40.
661 14-4035 F25.B66
Boehm. Proceedings of the re-union of Apple's church and of the
Boehm family, celebrated at Apple's or New Jerusalem Re-
formed and Lutheran church, Leithsville, Northampton county,
Pa., September 14, 1895 ; ed. by Rev. A. P. Horn. Hellertown,
Pa., H. D. Laubach, 1902.
154 p. pi., port. 23'°.
662 2-20018 CS71.B67 1902
Boemm. The life of a patriot whom death deprived of his chance of
signing the immortal declaration of American independence,
Simon Boerum, of Brooklyn, N. Y. [New York? 1876?]
20 p. 23'"'.
Signed : Franklin Burdge.
" Notes " p. 10-19 are mainly genealogicaL
Corrected to 1877.
663 1-24333 CS7 1.3672 1876
Boevey. The " perverse widow " : being passages from the life of
Catharina, wife of William Boevey, esq., of Flaxley abbej', in
the county of Gloucester. With genealogical notes on that fam-
ily and others connected therewith. Comp. by Arthur W. Craw-
ley-Boevcy . . . London, New York [etc.] Longmans, Green,
and CO., 1898.
XV, [1], 365 p. front., Illus., plntcs, ports., coat of arms. 311"".
664 8-3990 CS439.B75
See also Crawley. CS439.C783
Bogardus. Genealogy, history and verse. By Sarah Bogardus
Fickett Ker-Hager . . . [New York, Press of W. S. Constant]
4 p. 1., 155, [11] p. front., illus., plates, ports., coat of arms. 23J''".
Tlie [11] pages at end are blank for "Family record"; on p. [1] Is a
mounted photograph : " Genealogical tree, Innes-Ker."
Additions and corrections In ms. inserted.
665 0-5U4C CS71.B674 1900
See also Gale. CS71.G152 1866
Gesner. CS71.G39 1912
Janse. CS71.J35 1870
Boggs. The genealogical record of the Boggs family, the descend-
ants of Ezekicl Boggs, by W. E. Boggs. Halifax, Canada, Royal
print and litho. limited, 1916.
3 p. 1., 95, [6] p. front, (ports.) 25'".
666 16-21376 CS71.B673 1916
Bogman. A genealogj' of the Bogman family 1767-1890. Comp. for
Moses Conant Warren, by Emily Wilder Leavitt. [Boston]
Printed for private circulation [by A. Miidge & son] 1890.
iv, 3G p. fold, facsim. 26™. [With Warren, Mary Parker. A geneal-
ogy of one branch of the Warren family . . . Bo.stou, 1890]
667 9-17838 CS71.W29 1890
Bohun. The diary and autobiography of Edmund Bohun, esq. With
an introductory memoir, note.s, and illustrations, bj^ S. Wilton
Eix. Beccles [Eng.j Priv. print, by E. Crisp, 1853.
1 p. 1. xxxiv p., 1 1., [2], 148 p. front, illus., plates, 2 facsim., fold, gen-
eal. tab. 29"".
■ Entire impression. 250 copies ; this copy, large paper.
"List of Edmund Bohun's publications": p. [xxxlii]-xxxiv.
6G8 5-1401t DA447.B7A2
See also Palmer. CS71.P175 1890
Boioe. See also UtichneT. CS71.B34 1918
Boies. Descendants of David Boies, one of the first settlers of Bland-
ford, Mass., arranged by Edward A. Clayjiool . . . from chart
furnished by James Robinson Boies for Gibbs' Blandford, Mass.
(1850) ; and from data furnished by Boies descendants. 1900-1.
[Chicago? 1901?!
geneal. chart. 76 x 55i'"' fold, to 26 x 19'™.
Blue print.
669 4-37302 CS71.B678 1901
Boissean. La famille Boisseau, par Pierre Georges Roy. Levis, 1907.
28 p. 22i'"'.
"Tire a 100 exemplalres." This copy not numbered.
With tliis is bound : N. G. Bolsseau's Mfemoires de Nicolas Gaspard
Boisseau. L6vls, 1907.
670 11-3050 CS90.B6
Bokenham. See Bukenham.
Bolder. Bolders of Fornham. {In Muskett, J. J., ed. Suffolk ma-
norial families . . . Exeter (Eng.) W. Pollard & co., ltd., 1900.
30^ x24^"", vol. 1, p. 176-188)
671 CS437.S7M8
Bolding. Pedigree of the Holding family of Warwickshire. Sub-
stantiated by extracts from parish registers, wills, administra-
tions, subsidy rolls, &c., &c. Comp. by W. B. Bickley. Birming-
ham, Printed for private circulation, by Mor land «&Henson, 1898.
32 p. fold, map, fold, geneal. tab. 25i"°.
672 8-26236 CS439.B76
BoUes. A topographical account of the parish of Scampton in the
county of Lincoln, and of the Roman antiquities lately discovered
there; together with anecdotes of the family of Holies. [London,
pref. 1808]
2 p. I., 63 p. front., lllus., pi., port, maps, fold, geneal. tab. 29i"°.
Title vignette.
" Compiled by . . . Cayley IlUngworth ... A few Impressions only
have been printed, to distribute amongst . . . friends."^ — Pref.
673 2-229.55 DA690.S272I2
Genealogy of the Bolles family in America. By John A.
Bolles. Boston. H. W. Button & son, 1865.
2 p. 1., vlll, 63 p. 30 X 23J"".
674 8-30523 CS71.B691 1865
Boiling. A memoir of a portion of the Boiling family in England
and Virginia. Printed for private distribution. Richmond,
Va., W. H. Wade & co., 1808.
Ix, 68 p. front., photos, (incl. ports.) 23"". (Half-title: Wynne's
Historical documents from the Old Dominion, no. iv)
Added t.-p. : Memoirs of the Boiling family, written by Robert Boiling,
of Chellowe, Buckingham County, Virginia, tr. from the original French
manuscript by .Tohn Robert.son, jr., son of Wni., 1803.
" Edition of 50 copies."
Introduction signed: T. H. W. [(. e. Thomas H. Wynne]
675 9-7487 CS71.B692 1868
*S'ee a?.'(o Pocahontas. CS71.R747 1887
Tiernan. CS71.T564 1901
Bolster. See alio Flagf. CS71.F574 1903
Bolton. The Boltons of old and New England. With a genealogy
of the descendants of William Bolton of Reading, Mass. 1720.
By Charles Knowles Bolton. Albanj', N. Y., J. Munsell's sons,
xlii, 85 p. pi., 6 port., 2 facslm., geneal. tables. 22i'".
676 9-15592 CS71.B694 1889
The family of Bolton in England and America, 1100-1894;
a study in genealogy, by Henry C'arrington Bolton, ph. d., and
Reginald Pelhani Bolton . . . Embodying the " Genealogical
and biogi-aphical account of the family of Bolton," published in
1862 by the Rev. Robert Bolton, a. m., rewritten and extended
to date. Illustrated with sketches by Reginald Bolton . . .
New York, Priv. print. [The Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor press,
New Haven, Conn.] 1895.
xvl, 524 p. illus. (incl. port.) geneal. tables (part fold.) facsiros. 26J"".
I{evise(J chart xliu (June 1900) and memoranda (3 p.) Inserted.
677 9-7279t CS71.B694 1895
See also Girdlestone. CS439.G53
Habersham. CS71.H114 1901
Nelson. CS439.N33
Clin. CS71.046 1892
Boltwood. Lucius Manlius Boltwood. By Hon. George Sheldon.
a.tjjp Boston, Press of D. Clapp & son, 1905.
^ ^^ a ^3 P- front, (ijort.) 24"^'".
'V^ < \ " Reprinted from the New-England historical and genealogical register,
^i' Oct. 390.5."
Ancestry of Hon. L. M. Boltwood : p. 4-8.
678 6-3627 CT275.B5836S3
Bonamy. See also Gu6rin. CS349.G89 1890
Bond. Pedigree of the family of Bond of the Isle of Purbeck, in the
county of Dorset . . . London, Printed by F. Pickton, 1858.
2 p. 1., [4] p. illus. (coat of arms) fold, geneul. tab. 50 x 28^'".
Introduction signed: Thomas Bond.
679 15-22362 CS439.B765
Family record, or genealogies of Robert Bond; also the de-
scendants of Jacob Price. By Mrs. Daniel Price. New York,
Dodd & Mead. 1872.
2 p. 1.. 131-35 p. 23}""'.
680 16-23266 CS71.B7 1878
American pedigree of Rev. Alvan Bond, d. d., of Norwich,
Connecticut. [Norwich, Conn., 1896]
sheet. GOi x 25'".
681 5-34125 V CS71.B7 1896
Bond. Bond genealogj-; a history of the descendants of Joseph
Bond, born 1704, in Wiltshire, England; died 175-, in North
Cai'olina. Also a brief account of nianj' of the descendants of
John Bond, his brother, who also emigrated to America; the
two being sons of Benjamin and Ann (Paradise) Bond, of
Wiltshire, England. Comp. . . . b\- Samuel Bond (iarrett . . .
[Indianapolis. Printed by W. D. Pratt printing co.] "^ISIS,
268 p. front, (port.) diagr. 24'".
p. 253-268 blank.
682 13-1250 CS71.B7 1913
See aho Tl&gg. CS71.F574 1903
Sahsbury. CS71.S167 1892
Bone. The Bone family ; an historical sketch delivered at the second
reunion of the Bone family at Lebanon, <3hio, August 1, 1901,
by Carrie Bone Conklin. [Lebanon, O., 1901]
cover-title, 8 p. 18'°.
683 15-6397 CS71.B711 1901
Bonenfant. See also Tetu. CS90.T45
Bonham. Smith-Bonham, 1631-1908. Chicago, E. L. Smith, priv.
print [1911?]
42 1. incl. lllus., ports. 20"°.
Preface signed : Emmet L. Smith.
With the exception of 2 1. printed on one side of leaf only.
684 11-22129 CS71.B712 1911
Bonifant. See Bonnifield.
BonneU. See also Cl&ike. CS71.C6 1904
Bonner. See also Carr. CS439.C3
Sherman. CS71.S552 1913
Bonney. The Bonney family, by Chas. L. Bonney ... 2d ed. [Al-
bany, N. Y.. J. Munsell's sons] 1898.
3 p. L, 178 p. lllus., map. 25^".
685 12-1900-243 CS71.B71 1898
See also Hayford. CS71.H419 1901
Bonnifield. The Bonnifield family. [Dallas, Ginn & co., 1918]
72 p. 25}"".
Caption title.
Introduction signed: Charle.s .Joseph MaxwelL
686 18-18566 CS71.B718 1918
Bontecou. Tlie Bontccou genealogy. A record of the descendants of
IMerre Bontecou, a Huguenot refugee from France, in the lines
of his sons. Comp. by John E. Morris. Hartford, Conn.,
Press of the Case, Lockwood & Brainard company, 1885.
271 p. 23r°.
687 13-25488 . CS71.B72 1885
The ancestry of Daniel Bontecou, of Springfield, Mass. A
record of forty successive genenitions, extending through thir-
teen centuries. Comp. by John E. Morris. Hartford, Conn.,
Press of the Case, Lockwood & Brainard company, 1887.
29 p. 23"".
688 »-7283t CS71.B72 1887
Bonvile. See also Courtenay. DA690.P79H3
Bonville. See also Willoughby. DA250.R72
Bonython. History of the family of Bonython of Bonython. Lon-
don, Mitchell and Hughes, 1901.
r.tr I 2 p. 1., 25 p. 26*"".
Iniroduction signed: H. Farnlmra Burke.
689 17-152G1 CS439.B768
Boodey. Annals of the Boodeys in New England, together with les-
sons of law and life, from John Eliot, the apostle of the Indians.
By Robert Boodey Caverly . . . Lowell, Mass., The author,
297 p. front., illus., plates, ports. 21"^°'.
690 9-7282t CS71.B724 1880
Booge. ... A short and general account of the family of people by
. /« the name of Booge, being, so far as is known, the only family of
(jVj'jV that name in the United States . . . [by] D. Williams Patter-
^H son. [New York, 187-2]
0.*3 7 p. 24j"".
Caption title.
At head of title: Reprinted from the "New York genealogical and
biographical record." vol. in, no. 2, .\prll, 1872.
691 19-4285 CS71.B7243 1872
Bookwalter. See aUo Stauffer. CS71.S798 1897
Boone. The Boone, Mayfield, Short and Tate brief family history.
By R. N. Mayfield.' [New York, 1902?]
[6] p. llUis. 28"°.
Caption tiUe.
692 8-5919 CS71.B725 1902
Boone. The Boone-Bryan history, by Dr. J. D. Bryan, a great grand
nephew of Daniel Boone. Franlifort, Ky., The Kentucky state
historical society [1913?]
24 p. incl. front, (port.) pi. 231'°. ([Kentucky historical series] 7th
Front, printed on both sides.
Anotber issue lias the words 7th series Inserted in ms.
693 14-31339 CS71.B725 1913a
See also Lincoln. CS71.L74 1908
Boos. See also Blackman. CS71.B639 1894
Booth. The family of Richard Boothe, (an original settler in Strat-
ford, Conn.,) traced through some branches of his posterity, and
introduced by fragmentary notes on ancient Stratford. New
York, C. S. Westcott & co., 1862.
64 p. front., illus., fold. map. 19'".
By Benjamin Lincoln Swan.
694 3-3812 CS71.B726 1862
Report of the Booth association of the United States, by
Columbus Smith, a. d. 1868. Containing the organization, the
Booth constitution, and information relative to Booth property
in England; also pedigrees of the different branches of the
Booth family in America and England. Burlington, Free press
steam printing house, 1868.
64 p. 22'".
695 9-15607 CS71.B726 1868
A history of Altrincham .and Bowdon, with an account of
the barony and house of Dunham. By Alfred Ingham . . .
Altrincham, Mackie, Brewtnall and co., 1879.
xi, 195 p. pi., facsim. 29x21i"".
Hcjid and tnil pieces; Initials. Facsimile of the Altrincham charter.
Appendix : Members of the Altrincham local board since its formation
in 1851, p. 183-189.
606 2-8643 I)A690.A46I4
Genealogy of the Booth family in England and the United
States. Being a compilation of the pedigrees of the English
line, and of the descendants of Richard Booth of Connecticut,
U. S. A., down to the family of the compiler. By Walter Booth.
Minneapolis, Minn. [W. S. Booth & son, iJiinters and pub-
lishers] 1892.
25 p. illus. 19"".
697 9-7281t CS71.B726 1892
Booth. Booth genealogy; comp. and arranged by Henry S. Booth.
Randolph, Vt. [1908]
18 p. coat of uriiis. 19}'".
698 11-15400 CS71.B726 1908
One branch of the Booth family, showing the lines of con-
nection with one hundred Massachusetts Bay colonists, by
Charles Edwin Booth . . . New York. Priv. print., 1910.
xi, 259 p. front, (coat of arnis) port., facsirn. 24J"".
699 10-13496 CS71.B726 1910
See also Pierce. CS71.P616 1874
Borden. Historical and genealogical record of the descendants, as
far as known, of Richard and Joan Borden, who settled in Ports-
mouth, Rhode Island. May, 1638; with historical and biographi-
cal sketches of some of their descendants. Comp. by Hattie
Borden Weld. [Los Angeles? Cal., 1899?]
348 p. col. .pi., ports., facsiin., fold, geneal. tab. 24''".
700 9-15590 CS71.B73 1899
Pedigree of Richard Borden, who removed from the county
of Kent, old England, 1637-1638, and settled at Portsmouth,
Rhode Island, by Thomas Allen Glenn . . . Philadelphia, 1901.
15 p. 38Jx30A"".
Printed for private distribution.
701 2-10264 CS71.B73 1901
Robergia; a story of old England, by Richard Y. Cook.
Philadelphia [Press of E. Stern & co., inc.] 1905.
xii. 121 p. frotit., 13 pi. (1 col.) fold, geneal. tables. 21J"°.
" Printed for private distribution."
Descendants of Henry Borden of Hedcorn and Robergia his wife.
702 0-12224 CS71.B73 190E
See also Jennings. CS71.J545 1899
Bordley. Biographical sketches of the Bordley family, of Maryland,
for their descendants ... By Mrs. Elizabetli Bordley Gibson,
ed. by her niece, Elizabeth Mifflin. Philadelphia, Printed by
H. B*. A.shmead, 18C5.
158, [1] p. 20'".
In two parts.
703 9-7280t CS71.B732 1865
Boreel. See also Tod^ii. CS71.T634 1867
Boreman. See Boardman.
Borlase. The descent, name and arms of Borlase of Borlase in the
county of Cornwall, with a chart pedigree and illustrations.
London, G. Bell & sons; Exeter, W. Pollard & co., 1888.
vii, 205 p., 1 1. col. front, pi. (part col.) facsioi., geueal. tab. 24J"°.
Comp. by William Copeland Borlase.
704 2-20542 CS439.B77
Borneman. The history of the Borneman family in America, since
the first settlers, 1721 to 1878. Boyertown, Pa., J. H. Borneman,
114 p. 19i'".
The work was originally planned by Amos Borneman, who died before
It was completed.
Conip. by John H. Borneman.
705 9-15589 CS71.B736 1881
Borradaile. Sketch of the Borradailes of Cumberland : by A. B. [i. e.
Arthur Frederick Borradaile] (no. 79) . . . London, Maclure
and Macdonald, 1881.
100 p. incl. illiis., plates, map. front, (col. coat of arms) 29'°.
p. 67-100 loft blank for " Continuation, further notes, &c."
Many of the illustrations are mounted photographs. Additions and cor-
rections in nis.
Newspaper clippings inserted.
706 16-19785 CS439.B775
Borron. Borron genealogy. Privately printed. London, Mitchell &
Hughes, printers, 1873.
4 p. front., illus. (coats of arms) 28''".
Comp. by .John Paul Rylands.
Frontispiece is a book-plate of Robert Hovenden.
Reprinted from the Miscellanea genealogica et heraldlcn. n. s. i,
p. 354-356.
707 17-2879 CS439.B777
Borton. History of the Borton and Mason families in Europe and
America. Comp. by Freeman C. Mason . . . Dowagiac, Mich.,
Printed by H. E. Agnew, ^908.
264, [40] p. plates, ports., tub., facsim. 25i"°.
8 blank pages at end of volume for "Births" and "Deaths."
708 8-31438 CS71.B739 1908
See aho Haynes. CS71.H424 1902
Bosbyshell. Descendants of Christian and Elizabeth (Oliver) Bosby-
shell, comp. by Oliver Christian Bosbyshell . . . 1782-1910
. . . [Philadelphia? 1910?]
61 p. front., illus., plates, ports. 23i"".
Edition private.
One hundred copies.
709 11-6258 CS71.B74 1910
Boss. An inquiry concerning the Boss family and the name Boss.
Correspondence between William Graham Boss . . . and Henry
Rush Boss . . . Chicago, The Ben Franklin co., 1902.
1S7 p. illus., port. 23"°.
710 2-9130 CS71.B745 1902
Bostwick. Genealogy of the Bostwick family in America. The de-
scendants of Arthur Bostwick, of Stratford, Conn. Comp. by
Henry Anthon Bostwick, New York. [Hudson, N. Y., Bryan
printing compan}'] 1901.
1172 p. front, (port.) plans, col. coat of arms. 24"".
Limited edition, no. 342.
711 2-9254 CS71.B75 1901
Bosville. Some account of Maidstone, in Kent; including the parlia-
mentary report on the boimdary of the borougli : illustrative of
a facsimile of an ancient sketch of the n»arket place there, as it
existed in the jear 1623, from an original drawing formerly in
the pos.session of Sir Henry Bosville, of Eynsford. To which
are added genealogical tables of the Bosville family. By J. H.
Baverstock . . . London, J. B. Nichols and son [etc.] 1832.
22, [2] p. front., illus. 29'™.
712 3-15901 DA690.M2B3
Boswell. Se£ aho Stubbs. CS71.S932 1902
Boteler. Annals of the lords of Warrington for the first five centuries
after the conquest. With historical notices of the place
and neighbourhood. By AVilliam Beamont . . . [Manchester]
Printed for the Chetham societ)^, 1872.
2 V. fold, front.. 5 pi. 23 x 18™. (Added t.-p.: Remains, historical
& literary, connected wltii the palatine counties of Lancaster and Chester.
Pub. by the Chetham Society, vol. r.xxi\i-LXxxvn)
. Paged continuously, (p. 169-176 misplaced in binding, after p. 192)
Added t.-p. of v. 2 dated 1873.
713 18-5451 DA670.L19C5 vol. 86-87
Notes on the armorial bearings of Boteler of Brantfield, co.
Herts, and Drake of Ashe, co. Devon, by Sir William Richard
Drake . . . London, Priv. print., 1874.
1 p. 1., 24 p. Illus. 29'".
Pages 23-24 inserted loose.
714 8-37480 CB1629.B6
See also Mervyn. CS437.D4D8
Botfield. Stemmata Botevilliana. Memorials of the families of De
Boteville, Thynne, and Botfield, in the counties of Salop and
Wilts. With an appendix of illustrative docmnents. By Beriah
Botfield. Westminster, J. B. Nichols & sons, 1858.
1 p. 1., xlv p., 1 1., 204, xi, [1], dxlviil p. front. Iport.) plates, coats of
arms. 291'".
715 »-19368t CS439.B78
Botsford. Band of Botsford. Act of organization, Buflfalo, Erie Co.,
N. Y., 101 Rodney avenue, Wednesday, October ISlh, 1905.
[Buffalo, Printed by Baker, Jones & co., 1905]
[8] p. 18"".
Caption title.
716 6-6160 CS71.B751 1905
See also B&TtholomfW. CS71.B32 1899
Bott! See also Gresley. CS439.G75
Bonchelle. . . . Ancient families of Bohemia manor; their homes
and their graves. By Rev. Charles Payson Mallery . . . Wil-
mington, The Historical society of Delaware, 1888.
74 p. 24"". (Papers of the Hl.storleal society of Delaware, vii)
The Sluyter and Bonchelle families : p. 34-35. -»
The Bayard family : p. 46-74.
717 1-5957 F161.D35
Another issue. {In Delaware historical society.
Historical and biographical papers, v. 1 [no.] vu)
At head of t.-p. : Papers of the historical society ot Delaware, vai.
Boucquet. See Bockee.
Bonde. See also BiinshvLTst. CS71.B858 1901
Boughton. Bouton — Boughton family. Descendants of John Bouton,
a native of France, who embarked from Gravesend, Eng., and
landed at Boston in December, 1635, and settled at Norwalk,
Ct. By James Boughton. Albany, N. Y., J. Munsell's sons,
4 p. 1., [v]-vi, [7]-<584 p. front., ports. 23i"°.
718 9-7303t CS71.B78 1890
Boughton-Leigh. See also Lee. CS439.L35 1906
Bourchier. See also Cass. ' DA690.B23C3
Bonm. Remarks concerning Richard Bourne and his descendants, by
S. Swett, at the first anniversary meeting of the Cape Cod asso-
ciation, with additions. [Boston, 1851?]
2 p. 28i'"'.
Comp. by Augustus Osborn Bourn.
719 16-7840 CS71.B77 1851
A sketch of the descendants of Jared Bourn, who settled in
Boston, about the year 1630. Bristol, R. I., For private family
distribution only, 1875.
30, [2] p. 231'°.
720 9-7278t CS71.B77 1875
114883°— 19 9
Bourne. Sec Bourn.
Boutelle. Boutelle. (In The Viistorv of Hancock, New Hampshire,
17r,4-1889. By AVilliam Willis Hay ward . . . Lowell, 1889.
23™, p. 359-372)
721 F44.H4H4
• See also Adams. E206.M97 p.300-307
Bouton. See Boughton,
Bovey. See Boevey.
Bowden. See Bowdoin.
Bowditch. Bowditch ancestry. [1912?]
geneal. table 43 x 66"".
Ancestry of Nathaniel Bowditch, 1773-1838.
722 CS71.B78 1912
Bowdoin. Some account of the Bowdoin family; with notes on the
families of Poi-dage. Lynde, Newgate, Ervinpf, by Temple Primt.
2d ed. New-York [The De Vinne press] 1894.
52 p. 24^'".
Bibliography : p. 51-52.
723 1-19508 CS71.B785 1894
Some account of the Bowdoin family; with a notice of the
Erving family, by Temple Prime ... 3d ed. New-York [The
De Vinne press] 1900.
18 p. 24i"'".
Bibliography: p. 17-18.
724 14-13717 CS71.B785 1900
See also Newsom. CS439.N42
Pitts. F73.4.G65
Temple. CS71.T285 1856
Bowen. Memorial of the Bowen family. By E. C. Bowen . . .
[Part 1] Boston, Rand, Avery and company, 188-1,
xvl, 107 p. plates, port., foUl. map. geneal. tab. 23}'".
Part 1 relates to the family in Wales.
No more published?
725 9-8300t CS71 B786 1884
The family of Griflith Bowen, gentleman, Welsh Puritan
— J — --- — , e? , '- —
immigrant, Boston, Mass.. 1638-9, especially the branch of
Esquire Silas Bowen, born in Woodstock, Conn., 1722. By
Daniel Bowen . . . Jacksonville, Fla., Da Costa printing com-
pany, 1893.
5 p. 1., 3-272 p. lllus. (coat of arms) 22'".
726 14-4014 CS71.B786 1893
Bowen. Lineage of the Bowens of Woodstock, Connecticut, by Ed-
ward Augustus Bowen. Cambridge, Mass., Printed at the
Riverside press, 1897.
Iv p., 1 L, 245 p. plates (part fold.) facslm., geneaL tables (part fold.)
" Edition liniited to two hundred and fifty copies, no. 63."
727 9-7277t ' CS71.B786 1897
See also C&m^hen. CS71.C190 1911
Hughes. CS71.H892 1879
Bower. See Bowers.
Bowers. A family history. Johnson, Stewart, Wilson, Bowers.
Washington, Gibson brothers, printers, 1872.
17 p. 22r".
Dedication signed : Winslow M. Watson.
The ancestry of Mrs. Margaretta M. S. Wilson Bowers.
728 9-10S64t CS71.B7865 1872
Rev. John Bower, first minister at Derby, Conn., and his
descendants, by C. C. Baldwin . . . Reprinted from W. C.
Sharpe's History of Seymour, Conn. [Seymour, Conn.] 1879.
cover-title, S p. 23^".
729 10-2214t CS71.B7865 1879
See also Habersham CS71.H114 1901
Stauffer. CS71.S798 1897
Bowes. See also Boase. CS439.B72
Bowie. The Bowies and their kindred. A genealogical and bio-
graphical historj-. By Walter AVorthington Bowie . . . Wash-
ington [D. C] Press of Cromwell bros., 1899.
xlx, [211-523 p. front., illus. (Incl. ports.) 23i™.
"An appendix containing more or less conipleteil sketches of a few
families well-known in southern Maryland." — p. [349]-511.
730 99-2389 CS71.B787 1899
Bowler. Record of the descendants of Charles Bowler, England —
1740 — America, who settled in Newport, Rhode Island. Col-
lected and comp. by N. P. Bowler, assisted by Cora Bowler
Malone. [Cleveland, The Forman-Bassett-Hatch co., 190.">]
247 p., 1 1., [2], xlvi p. front., plates, ports., col. coats oi arms. 25"".
731 15-7608 CS71.B7872 1905
Bowles. The history of the Bowles family; containing an accurate
historical lineage of the Bowles family from the Norman con-
quest to the twentieth century, with historical and genealogical
notes and some pedigrees of Bowles families in various sections
of the United States and Britain. Comp. and pub. by Thomas
M. Farquhar. Philadelphia. 1907.
2.'>6 p. incl. front., plates, ports, pi. 20"°.
I'ages partly blank.
732 8-19877 CS71.B7874 1907
Bowles. Records of the Bowles family; being the history of a line
deriving from Charles Bowles of Chatham during three cen-
turies. With annotated pedigrees of the parent house of
Swineshead and Haugh, and of the cadet families settled in
Lincolnshire, Xottinghamshire, and Kent. By William Henry
Bowles . . . [Derby and London, Printed by Bemrose & sons
limited] 1018.
xvll, 183, llj p. incl. illua., genenl. tables, front., plates, ports., facslms.
733 19-5840 CS439.B785
Bowman. The Bowman family; a historical and memorial volume,
from the earliest traditions to the present time, 1880. Harris-
burg, Pa., Publishing department M. E. book rooms [1886]
XV, 258 p. front., plates, ports. 21'°.
Preface signeil : S. L. B. i. e. Shadrach Laycock Bowman.
734 5-451 CS71.B78 1886
Bowman genealogy ; fragmentary annals of a branch of the
Bowman family; to which is appended data relating to other
Bowmans and the Spencers [by] Charles W. Bowman. Wash-
ington, D. C, Law reporter printing company, 1912.
104, Iv p. ports. 20J'"'.
735 12-13461 CS71.B788 1912
Bowne. William Bowne, of Yorkshire, England, and his descend-
ants, by Miller K. Reading, m. d. Flemington, N. J., H. E.
Deats, 1903.
47 p. 25i X 18"°.
736 3-18201 CS71.B789 1903
See also Byrd. E159.G58
Frost. CS71.F939 1912
Washington. Ei59.G5a
Box. See aho Bronsdon. CS71.B869 1902
Boyd. Family record. Descendants of John and Mary- Fulton-
Boyd . . . [Author: M. Hillis Boyd. Designer: A. Fulton
Boyd] Harrisburg, Pa., L. S. Hart. lith.. ^882.
Bcneul. tub. 08* x 82"".
Accompanied by supplenientnry table, 27J x 47"".
737 10-1545 CS71.B79 1882a
The Boyd papers. Ed. by W. S. Cooper. {In Ayrshire and
Galloway archaeological association. Collections. Edinburgh,
1882. 39«"'. vol. 3, p. 110-211)
788 DA880.A9A1 vol.3
Boyd. Proceedings of the first [-seventh] Boyd reunion . . .
1881-92. Pub. by the Boyd association historical committee.
Youngstown, O., Youngstown publishing company, 1882-9-4.
7 V. in 1. 23"".
Title varies: 1881, Proceedings of tlie first Boyd convention ...
1883-1892, Proceedings of tlie . . . Boyd reunion . . .
" The Proceedings of tlic Sth, 9t!i and lOtli reunions 1894, 1896 and 1900
not printe<l."
" Tile ms. Proceedings of the last reunion are in the possession of the
secretary of that reunion."
739 9-7270 CS71.B79 1882-S4
The history of the Boj^d family, and descendants, with an
historical chapter of the "Ancient family of Boyds," in Scot-
land, and a complete record of their descendants in Kent, New
Windsor and Middletown. N. Y., Northumberland Co., Pa., and
Boston, Mass., from 1740 to 1884. By William P. Boyd.
Conesus, N. Y., Boyd's job printing establishment, 1884.
1 p. 1., 4-318 p. front., plates, ports. 21 i"".
740 9-7275t CS71.B79 1884
Autobiography and sermons of Elder Elijah Martindale,
also Pioneer history of the Boyd family, by Belle Stanford. In-
dianapolis, Carlon & Hollenbeck, 1892.
vii, 173p. front., port. 12°. ,i-
741 1-4226
Origin and history of the name of Boyd with biographies
of all the most noted persons of that name. And an account of
the origin of surnames and forenames, together with over five
hundred Christian names of men and women and their signifi-
cance. The crescent family record . . . Chicago, 111., Ameri-
can publishers' association [1905]
6 p. 1., iv, [331-112. [14] p., 1 1. illus., pi. 22'".
742 5-18.'i03 CS71.B79 1905
The Boyds of Penkill and Trochrig. their ancestors and
descendants; with other notes relating to the family of Boyd,
comp. by Seymour Clarke . . . Edinburgh and London, W.
Blackwood and sons, 1909.
ix p., 2 1., 51, [1] p. incl. geneal. tables, front., port. 20'".
743 11-4475 CS479.B68
History of the Boyd family and descendants, with histori-
cal sketches of the ancient family of Boyd's in Scotland from
the year 1200, and those of Ireland from the year 1G80, with
records of their descendants in Kent, New Windsor, Albany,
Middletown and Salem, N. Y., Boston, Mass., Northumberland
County, Pa., and sketches of those from the southern and western
states from 1740 to 1912. By William P. Boyd . . . Rochester,
N. Y., John P. Smith printing company, 1912.
4 p. 1., vl, 507 p. Incl. illus., plates, ports, front 221"".
Title vipnette : coat of arms.
1st ed. pub. in 1884.
744 12-24703 CS71.B7« 1912
Boyd. See also Monroe. CS479.M7
Thurbum. CS479.T55
Boyden. Thomas Boyden and his descendants, comp. by Wallace C.
Boyden . . . Merrill N. Boyden, Amos J. Boyden. Boston [T.
K. Marvin & .son, printers] 1901.
, 267 p. front, ports. 24''°.
Privately printed.
745 2-2218-M2 CS71.B791 1901
Beyer. American Boyers, by Rev. Charles C. Boyer . . . Kutztown,
Pa., Press of the Kutztown publishing company, 1915-16.
X, 11-531. 61 p. front, (coat of arms) ports. 24'".
" Books of reference " : p. x.
"Addenda to American Boyers, by Rev. Charles Clinton Boyer, ph. d.
1916 " : 61 p.
On cover : " Second edition."
746 16-17486 CS71.B792 1915-16
. . . Programme, the Association of American Boyers . . .
[Reading, Pa., cl917]
14] p. 21J'-.
747 CS71.B792 1917
Boykum. See also Hughes. CS71.H892 1879
Boyle. Memoirs of the life of the Right Honourable Charles, late
earl of Orrery; and likewise of the family of Boyle. With a
state of the controversy between that noble earl, and the Rev.
Dr. Bentley ... By Eustace Budgell ... 2d ed. To which
is added an account of the Hon. Robert Boyle . . . London, W.
Mears, 1734.
xl, 258, [2], 34 p. 20°".
748 9-1910!)t CS499.B8 1734
i 'Ml .i| ; I
Memoirs of the lives and characters of the illustrious family
of the Boyles; particularly of the late eminently learned Charles
earl of Orrery. In which is contain'd many curious pieces of
English history, not extant in any other author . . . With
a particular account of the famous controversy between the Hon-
ourable Mr. Boyle, and the Reverend Dr. Bentley, concerning
the genuineness of Phalaris's Epistles; also the same translated
from the original Greek. By E. Budgell, esq; with an ap-
pendix, containing the character of the Honourable Robert
Boyle, esq; ... By Bishop Burnet, and others . . . 3d. ed.,
carefully corrected . . . London, O. Payne, 1737.
xl, 258, 34 p. front, (port.) 1 illus. (coat of arms) aO"".
749 17-12823 CS499.B8 1737
Boyle. Memoii's of the lives and characters of the illustrious fam-
ily of the Boyles. Containing many curious pieces of English
history . . . tlie whole extracted from original papers and man-
uscripts. Also an . . . account of the life, character and parlia-
mentary conduct of the Right Honourable Henry Boyle, esq.,
speaker of the hon. House of commons . . . Dublin, J. Esdall,
xxill, 268 p. front, (port.) 17'".
By Eustace Budgell.
750 1-27638 CS499.B8 1754
Boylston. See also Vinton. CS71.V79 1858a
Boynton. . . . American, Boynton directory, containing the address
of all known Boyntons, Boyingtons and Byingtons in the United
States and British dominions. Comp. by John Farnham Boyn-
ton. Syracuse, N. Y. [Smith & Bruce, printers] 1884.
147 p. 23}"".
At head of title : 1638.
" Boynton convention, 1883," p. 133-138.—" Constitution and by-laws of
the American, Boynton association, ailopted August 14, 1883," p. 139-147.
751 2-28838 CS71.B793 1884
A reprint of Betham's history, genealogy and baronets of
the Boynton family in England, with notes and additional facts.
To which is added Burke's Peerage. VA. by John Farnham
Boynton . , . Syracuse, N. Y., Smith & Bruce, printers, 1884.
40 p. Incl. gcnenl. tab. 22"".
Reprint of VVilllnin Betham's "The baronetage of England," 1801-05,
V. 2, appendix, p. 3-19, with short extracts from v. 1, and from Biirkc
7.52 5-34145 CS439.B79
. . . The Boynton family. A genealogy of the descendants
of William and .John Boynton, who emigrated from Yorksliire,
England, in 1638, and settled at Rowley, Essex County, Massa-
chusetts. Comp. by .John Farnham Boynton, and his wife Caro-
line (Han-iman) Boynton . . . [Groveland? Mass.] 1897.
xxxvl, a50 p. front., plates (partly col.) ports. 23'".
At head of title : 1638.
7.'>3 Aug. 17,09-8 CS71.B793 1897
Bos. See aho Hughes. CS71.H892 i9il
Brabazon. Genealogical history of the family of Brabazon, from its
origin, down to Sir William Brabazon, lord treasurer, and lord
chief justice of Ireland, tomp. Henry VIII.. who died in 1552;
the coiiunon ancestor of the earls of Meath and of the Brabazons
of Brabazon park, by Elizabeth Clifford of the illustrious house
of Clifford; and thence from his only younger son, Sir Anthony
Brabazon, of Balinasloe castle . . . down to his present repre-
sentative and heir male, of "this branch. Sir William John Bra-
bazon, of Brabazon park in the county of Mayo, bart . . . Paris,
Printed by J. Smith (for private distribution only) 1825.
vii p., 1 1., [21, 21 p., 1 1., Ivi p. front, (port.) iUus. (coats of arms)
plates (1 double) goneal. tables (part fold.) Sli"".
" Moljneux fanilly " : p. [xxxi]-xlvi.
Couip. bj' Hercules Sharp.
754 10-8121 CS439.B8
Brace. Brace lineage, bj' J. Sherman Brace . . . Bloomsburg, Pa.,
G. E. Elwell & son, 1914.
3 p. 1., 54 p. 23'".
" This edition of Brace lineage is limited to one hundred copies of
which this is no. 1." »i
Corrections inserted at end : 1 1.
755 14-18318 CS71.B795 1914
Bracebridge. See also Fletcher. CS439.F53
Shakespeare. PR2901.F7
Bracken. William Bracken of New Castle County, Delaware, and his
descendants, giving data bearing upon William Bracken, his
son Thomas Bracken, and two generations of Thomas Bracken's
descendants. By H. M. Bracken, m. d. Minneapolis, University
press, 1901.
79 p. 24'".
On cover: I't. 1., no. 1. Willinni Bracken of New Castle County, Dela-
ware, and his cleseendants.
756 5-^49 CS71.B796 1901
Brackett. The Brackett family. 2 parts. [Everett, Mass.? 1896?]
4 1. '2W°'.
No. t.-p. ; title In nis.
Signed Alphons L. Brncltett . . . Everett. Mass.
CoNTKNTS. — One branch of the first BracUett who settled in Portland,
Me. — Hon. Thomas Brackett Ketnl's branch.
757 1-25015 CS71.B797 1896
Descendants of Anthony Brackett of Portsmouth, N. H.
By Alpheus L. Brackett . . . [Everett, Mass.] 1897.
8 p. 23r".
758 9-70501 CS71.B797 1897
Brackett. Brackett genealogy ; descendants of Anthony Brackett of
Portsmouth and Captain Richard Brackett of Braintree. With
biographies of the immigrant fathers, their sons, and others of
their posterity. By Herbert I. Brackett . . . AVashington,
D. C, H. I. Brackets, 1907.
XV, 608 p. lUus. (incl. maps, plan) 2 pi. 24"°.
759 7-271G3 CS71.B797 1907
Ivy Mills, 1729-1866, Willcox and allied families. Supple-
ment— Memoir of Mrs. Mary Brackett Willcox, by Joseph Will-
cox. [Philadelphia, Press of G. H. Buchanan company] Pi-iv.
print., 1917.
80 p. front, illus. (facsim.) plates, ports. 23i"".
Contains genealogies of the Brackett, Odii>rne, Gibbons, Coffin, Wood-
bridge,* Dudley, Ward and other allied families.
760 17-11813 CS71.B797 1917
See also Hughes. CS71.H892 1879
Bradbury. Bradbury memorial. Records of some of the descendants
of Thomas Bradbury, of Aganienticus (York) in 1634, and of
Salisbury, Mass. in 1638, with a brief sketch of the Bradburys
of England. Comp. chiefly from the collections of the late John
Merrill Bradbury, of Ipswich, Mass. By William Berry Lap-
ham. Portland [Me.] Brown, Thurston & company, 1890.
320 p. iufl. front., illus. ports. 24'".
761 9-7G51t CS71.B798 1890
See also Goodwin. CB,1669.G6
Saunders. CS71.S256 1897
Braddyll. See also Holland. DA690.S19C9
Bradford. A genealogical memoir of the descendants of William
Bradford, second governor of New Plymouth, in New England.
Principally collected by Guy M. Fessenden , . . Boston,
Printed by Coolidge & Wiley, 1850.
27 p. Illus., fucsini. 21J'"'.
762 3-6530 CS71.B8 1850
Bradford family. Genealogical memorials of William
Q 0 Bradford, the printer. By Samuel S. Purple . . . New York,
^"1^ Priv. print.. 1873.
<^\l 8 p. front, (facslni.) 27}'"
\j* " Edition, fifty copli-s, from the New York genealogical and hloeraphloul
record; wlt!i additions, no. 83."
7C3 0-7tJo2t CS71.B8 1873
Bradford. Ono branch of the Bradford family; or, Descendants of
Capt. Gamaliel Bradford. Taken from Descendants of Gov.
I' Wm. Bradford of Plymouth, in course of preparation by Horace
Standish Bradford., New York, Private print, 1898.
27 p. incl. front. 23'".
764 9-7649 CS71.B8 1898
The signers of the Mayflower compact, and their descend-
ants, by Henry Whittemore. New York, Mayflower publishing
CO. [1899]
48 p. front, illus., pi. 30'".
Grinnell and allied families : p. 33-48.
765 4-12563 F68.W62
Governor William Bradford, and his son. Major William
Bradford. By James Shepard . . . New Britain* Conn., J.
V Shepard, 190o".
103 p. incl. front., illus., plates, facsims. 23J'".
"Authorities": p. 11-12.
766 1-11972 CS71.B8 1900
Genealogical record: the Bradfords, Fullers, and Ellises,
A. D. 1550-1900. By Capt. Caleb H. Ellis . . . Fort FairfieJd,
Me., L. H. Ellis & co., 1900.
51, [3] p. front., pi., port. 23"°.
767 Jan. 24.1900-62 CS71.B8 1900a
Bradford family. 1660-1906 . . . Comp. by Henry Dar-
rach. Philadelphia," 1906.
cover-title, 21 numb. 1., 3 1. col. coat of arms. 25^"".
Title vigiiotte; folded autograph letter Inserted at end.
768 15-2148
/See also Ames.
I Read.
0- Whiting.
Bradish. . . . The first six generations of the Bradish family in
America. [New York? 1888]
geueal. tab. 43x71"" fold, to 19x71'"'.
At head of title: Chart no. 1.
Dedication signed Johu Qulncy Bradish and Frank Eliot Bradish.
769 4-19248 CS71.B81 1888
Bradlee. Sec Bradley.
Bradley. History of the Bradlee family, with particular reference
to the descendants of Nathan Bradley, of Dorchester, Mass.
Collected and arranged by Samuel Bradlee Doggett. Boston,
Press of Rockwell and Churchill. 1878.
45 p. 25"".
770 »-7648t CS71.B811 1878
Genealogy. Family of Aaron and Sarah Bradley, of Guil-
ford, Conn. . . . Hartford, Conn., Press of the Case, Lockwood
& Brainard co., 1879.
40 p. 1 illus. (cout of arms) 23}"'.
Comp. by Abigail Parkman Lloyd.
Pages at end for insertion of photographs.
771 12-17722 CS71.B811 1879
Family notes respecting the Bradley family of Fairfield,
and our descent therefrom, with notices of collateral ancestors
on the female side . . . written in . . . 1883. By Joseph P.
Bradley. Edited and published by . . . Charles Bradley. New-
ark, N. J., A. Pierson & co.. 1894.
1 p. 1., 69 p. iUus., col. pi. 26^"".
772 1-18202-Ml CS71.B811 1894
The Bradley family and the times in which they lived. By
Charles S. Bradley.
(In Columbia historical society. Records . . . Washington, 1903.
23}'°. V. 6. p. 123-142)
Read before the Society May 12, 1902.
773 A 14-203 F191.C72 v. 6
Bradley of Essex County, early records : from 1643 to 1746 :
with a few lines to the present day : comp. by Eleanor Bradley
Peters . . . New York, The Knickerbocker press, 1915.
vlil, 213 p. front, (map) plates, ports., facslms. (1 fold.) 24'".
774 15-19447 CS71.B811 1915
De.scendants of Isaac Bradley of Branford and East Haven,
Connecticut, 1650-1898; together with a brief history of the
various Bradley families in New England, by Leonard Abram
Bradley . . . New York, Priv. print., 1917.
170 p., 1 1. pi., ports. 22r°.
" Printed in nn edition of one hundred copies at the Lotus press."
Preface signed: J. M. A. [i. e. Joseph Manuel Andrelni]
775 17-10223 CS71.B811 1917
Bradshaw. Family memorials. Comp. by Antoinette Bradshaw
Shattuck and John Herman Bradshaw. Chicago. Rollins pub-
lishing company, 1890.
85, [1] p. Ulus. 23i''".
776 9-17832 CS71.B812 1890
Bradstreet. Martha Bradstreet vs. Apollos Cooper. [Albany, 182-?]
1 p. 1. l5]-52 p. 21'".
t. p. w.
Caption title.
Cover-title: Martha Bradstpeet's clnlra.
A report of her claim to an uudlvideU fourth part of a large portion of
Utica, and of lands adjacent, with a chart of the descendants of Col. John
ill/' Bradstreet.
An offering at the altar of truth, dedicated to the good sense
of a free people, by Mrs. Martha Bradstreet . . . New-York,
Printed for the author, 1827.
ever 79 p. ^ai"".
A hi.story of Mrs. Bradstreet's claims to an undivided fourth part of a
large portion of Utlea. and of lands adjacent.
778 4-24811t
Pedigree of Bradstreet. Comp. by John Dean and Dean
Dudley. [Boston, 18—]
geneal. t.^b. 24'".
779 CA 9-2569
See also Gamble.
Bradway. See also Flagg.
Brady. Brady family reunion and fragments of Brady history and
biography, by William G. Murdock . . . Milton, Pa., 1909.
124 p. plates, ports., facsims. 23"".
780 10-6533 CS71.B8132 1909
— See also McKinney.
Bragdon. See alio Layton.
Bragg. See also Wilson.
CS71.M:158 1905
CS71.L429 1885
CS439.W55 1890
Brainard, The genealogj' of the Brainerd family in the United
States, with numerous sketches of individuals. By Rev. David
D. Field, d. d. . . . New York, J. F. Trow, printer, 1857.
vii. 18J-303 p. front., ports. 23}"".
781 9-7647t CS71.B814 1857
— The genealogy of the Brainerd-Brainard family in .\merica,
1G49-1908. By Lucy Abigail Brainard . . . Descetulnnfs nf
Daniel, the emigrant ancestor. Publi.shed in seven parts. [Hart-
ford] The Case, Lockwood and Brainnrd company, 1908.
3 V. front., Ulus., pi., ports., facslnis. 20"".
No. 5a
Each volume has special t.-p.
Contents. — Vol. I, pt. 1-3. Descendants of Daniel, Janie.s ^nd Joshua
Brainerd, sons of Daniel and Hanna (Spencer) Brainerd.— vol. II, pt. 4-7.
Descendants of William, Caleb, Elijah and Hezekiah Brainerd, sons of
Daniel and Hannah (Spencer) Brainerd. — vol. III. Index to nil parts.
782 8-30520 CS71.B814 1908
Brainerd. See Brainaid.
Braithwaite. 8ee also Wilson. CS439.W55 1890
Brakcley. Chronicles of the Brakeley family, of Popatcong, by
George Brakeley White ... [n. p.] Printed for private dis-
tribution ['1886]
vi p., 1 1., 60 p. 30i"°.
78S 9-18735t CS71.B815 1886
Braley. The genealogy of the Braley family by Ellison L. Braley.
Westborough, Mass., Chronotype printing company, 1907.
20 p. 22"°.
784 9-18481 CS71.B816 1907
Braley genealogy. The de.scendants of Roger Braley, 1696-
1913. Comp. by Geo. L. Randall . • . [New Bedford, Mass.]
3(56, xxvil p. front., ports. 24'"'.
785 15-8993 CS71.B816 1913
Bramble. See also Dobyns. CS71.D636 1908
Bramshott. Scenes of rural life in Hampshire among the manors of
Bramshott, by W. W. Capes . . . London, Miuniillan and co.,
limited ; New York, The Macmillan company, 1901.
viii p., 1 I., 347 p. front., pi.. Koneal. tub., fold. map. 21°"".
786 2-22210 DA670.H2C2
Bramston. The autobiography of Sir John Bramston, k. b., of
Skreens, in the hundred of Chelmsford; now first printed from
the original ms. in the possession of his lineal descendant Thomas
William Bramston, esq. . . . London, Printed for the Camden
society, by .1. B. Nichols and son, 1845.
XX, 443 p. geneal. tables. 22"". [Cuiudea society, rubllcatlous, no.
XXIII] ='■ "■'■' ' " '"■
Preface slgne^l by I>ord I'.ra,vbrooke.
Contains a " Pedigree of Bramston," and genealogical matter.
787 10-2212t DA20.C17 vol. 32
Branch. Branchiana; being a partial account of the Branch family
in Virginia, by James Branch Cabell . . . Richmond, Va.,
Printed by Wiiittet & Shepperson [=1907]
6 p. 1., [7]-177 p., 1 I. 10 port. (incl. front.) 25"°.
" This edition of Brunchinnn is limited to one hundred and forty-seven
copies." This copy not numbered.
788 7-37009 CS71.B817 1907^
Branch of .Vbingdon, being a partial account of the ancestry
of Christopher Branch of "Arrowhattocks " and " Kingsland." in
Henrico County, and the founder of the Branch family in Vir-
ginia, by James Branch Cabell . . . Richmond, Va., Printed by
Wm. E. Jones' sons, inc. [1911]
9 p. 1., [15]-126 p. front, (facsini.) plates. 2W°.
789 12-25798 CS71.B817 1911
See also Pocahontas. CS71.B747 1887
BranfiU. See also Harrison. CS439.H293
Branham. See also JoUiffe. CS71.J75 1893
Vawter. CS71.V391 1905
Branner. Outline of the genealogy of the first four generations of the
Branner family in Virginia. By John Casper Branner. [New
Market? Va.] 1904.
fold, sheet. .51 X S^i'".
•' Reprinted from the ' Shenandoah Valley,' New Market, Va., Dec. 1,
790 5-13212t CS71.B82 1904
Casper Branner of Virginia and his descendants, by John
Casper Branner . . . Stanford University, Cal., Priv. print.,
vi p., 2 1., [31-469 p. fold., llhis. (incl. ports., facsims.) fold. map. 25"°.
7*1 17-9752 CS71.B82 1913
Branning. Andrew Branning's family, pioneers to the territory of
Florida . . . [West Palm Beach, Fla., Palms publishing com-
pany,"^ 1914-
3 V. illus. (ports.) 20J"".
Caption title.
"A Florida souvenir of 181.5."
" IntrodiK'tory " signed : W. C. C. Brnnnin?. sr., author.
792 14-8252 F314.B82
Branson. The Bianson family in Europe and America with connec-
tions. Ed. by Rev. Levi Branson . . . Raleigli, N. C, L. Bran-
son, 1898.
28 p. illusdncl. ports.) 23^"". ( On cofer; Branson niaBazlne of gcno-
jp alogles, V. 1, no. 1, June 1898. )
79S »-7046t CS71.B821 1898
Brattle, An account of some of the descendants of Capt. Thomas
Brattle. Comp. by Edward Doubleday Harris. [Boston, D.
Clapp and son] 1867.
2 p. 1., 90 p. lllus., geneal. tab. 21'".
704 8-3811 CS71.B824 1867
Braucher. See also tlonnct CS71.M74 I9ii
Braunsdorff. See also Lowe. CS439.L85
Braxton. SeeaUom&ir. CS71.B645 1898
Bray. Bray family of Salem. Genealogical notes. By E. S. W.
[i. e. Edward Stanley Waters] (In Essex institute. — Historical
collections. Salem, 1865. 24-i'=-". vol 7. p. 2i4-25o ; vol. 8. p.
• 82-89.)
795 r72.E7E81 vol. 7-8
Descendants of Thomas Bray of Gloucester. (In the Essex
Antiquarian, Salem, Mass., 1907. 24^<=". vol. xi, no. 3. p. 101-
796 F72.E7E4 vol. 11
Separate. CS71.B826 1907
. . . The Bray family of Yarmouth. Yarmouthport, Mass.,
C. W. Swift, 1912.'
cover-title, 6 p. 25"". (Library of Cape Cod history & genealogy, no. 86)
Arranged by William Proud Davis and ed. by Charles Warner Swift.
797 12-30935 CS71.B826 1912
See also DriveT. CS71.D782 1889
Brayton. Brayton [pedigree. Albany, 1887.]
geneal. tab. 44 x 55"" fold to 22i x 28}'"'.
Descendants of Francis and Mary Brayton, of Portsmouth. R. I.
Reprinted from Genealogical dictionary of Rhode Island by John Osborne
Austin. 1887.
798 2-27934 CS71.B827 1887
Life and labors of Mrs. Mary A. Woodbridge ... by Kev.
A. M. Hills . . . With an introduction by Miss Frances E. Wil-
lard, and contributions by Lady Henry Somerset. Joseph Cook,
John G. Wooley and others. Ravenna, O., F. W. Woodbridge,
2 p. 1., [9]-401 p. Sport. (Incl. front.) pi. 21}'".
" Genealogy of the Brayton and llitchell families " : p. 897-401.
799 14-21(}8« HV5232.W7H5
See also Sw&m. CS71.S97 1896
Breadalbane. See CampbelL
Brearley. Genealogical chart of the American branch of the Brearlcy
family. Chart B. Comp. and carefully cor. to date by . . .
W. H. Brearley. Detroit, Mich., 1886.
gcnoal. tab. 51 1 x 42"" fold, to 25i x 21i"".
With thi.s are bound "A few statistics. Of the 204 living descendants of
John Brearley no. 1 . . ." 43 x 30'"' fold, to 211 x l.'ij'"' and "An open let-
ter " signed : W. H. Brearley, Detroit. Mich., May 13th, 1886. 27J"".
800 9-7644t CS71.B828 1886
Brechin. See also Maule. CS479.P3
Breohin-Barclay. See also Maule. CS479.P3
Break. Genealogy of the Breck family, descended from Edward of
Dorchester, and his brothers in America; with an appendix of
additional biographical and historical matter . . . and a com-
plete index, by Samuel Breck, u. s. a. Omaha, Eees printing
companj', 1880.
252, xxlx p. illus. (incl. ports.) 23'". "~ *'
Blank leaves for additional records interspersed.
"Additional information with eut.s, collected and edited by Edward
Breck, May 1, 1914 " : 6 p. inserted at end.
801 9-7645 CS71.B829 1889
The Sherborn and Gardner, Mass. Brecks, descendants of
John Breck and his son Thomas of Sherborn, 1656 with notes
^i upon the name in Great Britain. By Allen H. Bent . . . Bos-
l.^^ /If ton. Press of D. Clapp & son, 1902.
Nl'^ - ia_p. 24"".
" The pages on the Sherborn Brecks are reprinted from the New England
historical and genealogical register for October, 1902."
802 9-8765 CS71.B829 1902
SeealsoTo^L CS71.T634 1909
Breckenridge. The New England branch of the Breckenridge family,
arranged by L. P. Breckenridge. Urbana, 111., 1904.
blue print. 66i x llli'"" fold, to 23 x 12J'"'.
803 5-MS03 CS71.B83 1904
Sec also Selden. CS71.S45 1911
Bredbury. See also Aldford. CS437.C408 vol.8
Breed. Principal facts of interest concerning the Breed family in
America, with the genealogy of the Stonington, Conn., branch.
I Portland, Or., C. H. Crocker printing co., 1900]
cover-title, (151 p. 15'".
Comp. by Julia lieebe Coates.
804 2-1905 CS71.B832 1900
Breese. Personal reminiscences of the late Mrs. Sarah Breese
Walker, with a genealogical sketch of the American branch of
the Breese family, comp. by J. Eglinton Montgomery, [n. p.]
Printed for private circulation, 1884.
72, [1] p. incl. front, (coat of iirins) port. 22i"°
805 10-1492 CS71.B833 1884
See also Salisbury. CS71.S167 1885
Brendon. The family of Brendon, of Brendon and Westcott, in St.
Dominick, Cornwall, and their descendants, [n. p., 1903]
53 p. 2W'"-
Introduction signed : J. Brendon Curgenven.
806 15-21500 CS439.B813
Brereton. Brereton ; a family history, by John Brereton. San Fran-
cisco, J. Brereton, 1919.
2 p. 1., 68 p. front, (port.) pi., coat of arms. 20i'".
Title vignette: coat of arms.
807 19-3164 CS71.B84
Brett. The Brett genealogy . . . i. The Bretts in England, ii. Wil-
liam Brett, III. Roger Brett. Comp. by L. B. Goodenow . . .
[Cambridge, Mass., Press of Murray and Emery co.] 1915.
i, 535 p. col. front, (coat of arms) plates, ports. 24''".
808 15-3053 CS71.B842 1915
See also Ti&jtQTii. CS71.H419 1901
Brettell. See also Henzey. CS439.H4
Bretz. Genealogy of the Ludwig Bretz family, 1750-1890. By E.
W. S. Parthemore . . . Harrisburg, Pa., Harrisburg publish-
ing company, 1890.
7, [1], 142 p. 221"".
809 9-7641t CS71.B845 1890
Brevard. See also Sinclair. CS71.S615 1879
Brevoort. See also Todd. CS71.T634 1867
Brewer. Brewer genealogy, comp. by Harriet Augusta Robinson,
[n. p.] 190.3.
49 p. 23"°.
810 16-20049 CS71.B847 1903
See also Quimby. CS71.Q5 1906
Selden. CS71.S45 I9il
Whitmore. CS439.W5 1875
114883°— 19 10
Brewster. Sketch of Rev. Nathaniel Brewster ... By one of his
descendants. New York. Bar Harbor record print, 1901.
iv, [5J-29 p. 15i"".
811 11-30207 CS71.B848 1901
— The Brewster genealogy, 1566-1907 ; a record of the descend-
ants of William Brewster of the "Mayflower," ruling elder of
the Pilgrim church which founded Plymouth colony in 1620;
comp. and ed. by Emma C. Brewster Jones , . . New York,
The Grafton press, 1908.
2 V. fronts., illus., plates, ports., maps, facsims., dlagr. 24'".
*' This copy is no. 4."
Paped continuously.
Contains the record of eleven generations through four grandsons:
Benjamin Brewster, Isaac Allerton, Wm. Brewster and Wrestling Brew-
9-12408 CS71.B848 1908
Elder William Brewster and the Brewster family of Ports-
mouth, New Hampshire, collated by Lewis AV. Brewster. Ports-
mouth, Press of A. G. Brewster, 1908.
18 p. 1S=°.
813 CS71.B848 1908a
See also Gould.
CS71.G697 18P7
CS71.T24 1898
Brickwood. Genealogy of the Brickwood family, [n. p. 1908?]
geneal. tab. 47 x ll,"!"".
Comp. by Sir John Brickwood.
814 10-12094 CS439.B845 1908
Pedigree of the Brickwoods of Long Ditton, Surrey, [n. p.,
1908? J
geneal. tab. 131J x 29"°.
Comp. by Sir John Brickwood.
816 10-11936
CS439.B815 1908
- Brickwoods of St. German's, Cornwall, [n. p., 1908?]
geneal. tab. 81} i 28'".
Comp. by Sir John Brickwood.
816 10-11935
CS439.B815 1908
Pedigree of the Brickwoods of Southwark and London, and
of Maldon, Essex, [n. p., 1908?]
genenl. tub. "P. x 51'".
Comp. by Sir John Brickwood.
817 * 10-11934 CS439.B815 1908
Brickwood. Pedigree of the Brickwoods of Thames Dittoii, Surrey,
[n. p.. 1908?]
geneal. tab. 33 i 21*°'.
Typewritten copy.
Conip. by Sir John Brickwood.
818 10-12093 CS439.B815 f908
Bridge. An account of the descendants of John Bridge, Cambridge,
1G32. Boston, J. S. dishing & co., printers, 1884.
122 p. front, (port.) pi., dlagr. 23J"".
IntroOuction signed : William F. Bridge.
819 9-7642t CS71.B85 1884
See also Brydges.
Bridgman. Genealogy of the Bridgman family, descendants of
James Bridgman. 1636. 1894. Comp. by Burt Nichols Bridg-
man and Joseph Clark Bridgman. Hyde Park, Mass. [C. W.
Bryan company, printers] 1894.
168 p. front., lUus., plates, ports, facslm., geueal. tab. 234'".
820 9-7643t CS71.B852 1894
See also Cross. CS71.C952 1913
Paine. CS71.P146 1913
Briggs. A partial record of the descendants of Walter Briggs of
Westchester, N. Y. To which is added some account of his an-
cestry, collateral branches, origin of the family name, ancient
pedigrees, wills, etc., etc. Comp. by Sam. Briggs. Cleveland,
O., Printed for private circulation only, by Fairbanks, Briggs
& CO., 1878.
50, [11 p. 28r".
" Two hundred copies published."
821 9-7640 CS71.B854 1878
The archives of the Briggs family, by Sam. Briggs . . .
Cleveland, O., Printed by T. C. Schenck & co., 1880.
xlv p., 1 1., 2G4, [11 p. front, (port) facslm., coat of arms. 24J"*.
" Edition 150 copies, no. 61."
822 9-7639t CS71.B854 1880
We and our kinsfolk. Ephraim and Rebekah Waterman
Briggs, their descendants and ancestors. With a few collateral
branches. Ed. by Mary Balch Briggs. Boston, Beacon press,
vili, 144 p. plates, 2 fold, geneal. tab. 22'",,
828 15-19142 ' CS71.B854 1887
Briggs. The genesis of banking in Halifax, with side lights on coun-
try banking, by H. Ling Roth . . . with 43 full page collotype
plates and one copper plate of local bank notes . . . Halifax,
F. King & sons ltd., 1914.
2 p. I., [3]-51, [1] p. illiis. (plan) facsim., fold, geneal. tab. 27i'°.
" Pedigree of the Briggs family, founders of the Halifax commercial
banking co." : fold, geneal. tab. between p. 36 and 37.
824 14-1U70 HG3000.H32B5
See also Newsom. CS439.N42
Brigham. Brigham. {In A genealogical register of the descendants
of several ancient Puritans. By Rev. Abner Morse . . . Boston,
1859. 24'"'. V. 2, p. 1-96. ports., coat of arms)
825 F63.M88 vol. 2
— Official report of the first six meetings of the American
Brigham family association held at Chicago, Illinois, Marlboro,
Boston and Worcester, Mass., in 1893, '94, '95, "96, '98, 1900 . . .
By Willard I. Tyler Brigham . . . Chicago, 111., 1900.
3 p. 1., 64 p. front, (port.) illus. 24"",
" Edition limited."
1-30702 CS71.B855 1900
— Heirs of Dr. Samuel and Mary (Ball) Brigham. Comp. by
Charles Nutt. Worcester, Mass. [19-]
12 p. 16'^'".
Caption title.
82T 10-2635 CS71.B855 19—
The history of the Brigham family; a record of several
thousand descendants of Thomas Brigham the emigrant, 1603-
1653, by W. I. Tyler Brigham . . . Collated and ed. by Emma
E. Brigham. William E. Brigham, associate editor. New York,
The Grafton press, 1907.
XV, 636 p. front., plates, ports., map, facsm. 24J'°'.
4 pages for " additions and corrections " and col. pL (coat of arms) are
828 7-20973 CS71.B855 1907
Bright. The Brights of Suffolk, England; represented in America
by the descendants of Henry Bright, jun., who came to New
England in 1630, and settled in Watertown, Mass. By J. B.
Bright . . . Boston, Printed by J. Wilson & son, 1858.
xvl p., 2 1., 345 p. front., illus., plates, ports., map, plans, coat of arms.
Pedigree of Bright, 4 1. numb. A-O, follows p. 16.
829 ' 9-181501 CS439.B8a
Bright. Pedigiee of Bright. Compiled from original manuscripts;
viz., the Herald's visitations, deeds, wills, parochial registexs, etc.,
and from monumental inscriptions. [Boston, 1858]
[8] p. 23^°'.
English ancestry of Henry Bright, who settled in Watertown about 1630.
Prom the Brights of Suffolk, England. By J. B. Bright Boston, 1858.
830 9-12692 CS439.B83
The life and times of the Right Hon. John Bright. By
William Robertson . . . Rochdale, The author [1877]
1 p. 1., X, 521, [1] p. incl. fold, geueal. tab. 5 pliot. incl. front, (port.)
831 5-1419t DA565.B8B6
The Sheffield miscellany, ed. by William J. J. Glassby . . .
Dec. 9, 1896-June, 1897. Sheffield, Printed by J. Fillingham,
4 p. 1., 236 p. front., illus., plates, fold, geneal. tab. 21'".
"Notes on the Hallamshire family of Bright. By William S. Porter":
p. 1-8, 43-48 and fold, geneal. tab. " The mayor of Sheffield and his an-
cestors. By J. Hamel " : p. 125-133, 165-172.
Pages 235-236 incorrectly numbered 335-336.
No more published.
832 17-23920 DA690.S54S65
The life story of the late Sir Charles Tilson Bright, civil
engineer; with which is incorporated the story of the Atlantic
cable, and the first telegraph to India and the colonies, by his
brother E. B. Bright . . . and his son C. Bright. Westminster,
A. Constable & co. [1899]
2 V. front, (port.) illus., pi., facsim., fold, geneal. tab. 22J'".
Contains " Family memoirs " and genealogical table.
833 1-2431 TK5243.B7B7
Historical sketch of the Bright family. Prepared at the
request of the Historical society of Berks County, and read before
that body Tuesday, November 13, 1900 . . . Reading, Pa.,
Times book print, 1900.
cover-title, 27, [3] p. 23™.
By Albert Gallatin Green.
834 3-20265 CS71.B856 1900
Brinckerhoff. The family of Joris Dircksen Brinckerhoff, 1638. New
York, R. Brinkerhoff, 1887.
2 p. 1., (3]-188 p. front., plates, maps, geneal. tables. 24i"'"',
Mounted photograph on fly-leaf.
Compiled by Roellff Brinkerhoff and T. Van Wyck Brinkerhoft.
' Bicentennial Brinkerhoff reunion at Rid^efleld Park, N. J. Aug. 27,
1885': p. 117-188.
Blank pages " Family record " Inserted.
835 9-7638t CS71.B857 1887
Bringhurst. History of the Bringhurst family; with notes on the
Clarkson, De Peyster, and Boude families. By Josiah Granville
Leach. Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott co., 1901.
152, [1] p. col. front., plates, ports., facsims. 28*".
250 copies printed.
836 l-2373» CS71.B858 1901
Brintnall. See also ToAi. CS71.T634 1909
Briscoe. A brief sketch of the life and characteristics of Mrs. Mary
Jane Briscoe showing the estimation in which she was held by her
friends and the public generally, comp. by her daughter Mrs.
Adele Lubbock Briscoe Looscan for the information of relatives
and their descendants. [Houston, Tex., A. C. Gray, printer,
vl, 72p. front., 15 pi. (incl. ports.) 271"".
837 6-12273 CT275.B687I/4
Bristed. See also Todd. CS71.T634 1867
Bristol. See also Humfreville. CS71.H923 1903 •
Britton. Genealogy Britton. Brooklyn, New York, 1901.
50 p. 25"».
Comp. by Edward Earle Britton, and ed. by Florence E. Youngs.
838 2-22609 CS71.B862 1901
Broaddus. A history of the Broaddus family, from the time of the
settlement of the progenitor of the family in the United States
down to the year 1888. By A. Broaddus . . . with an introduc-
tion by .Tolin A. Broadus . . . [St. Louis, Central Baptist
print, 1888]
xvl, 17-208 p, Incl. front., illiis. (ports.) 191'".
839 3-30945 CS71.BS63 1888
Broo. See also Alno. CS419.P3
Brocas. The family of Brocas of Beaurepaire and Roche court;
hereditary masters of the royal buckhounds: with some account
of the English rule in Aquitaine. By Montagu Burrows. Lon-
don. Longmans, Green, and co.. 1886.
xii, 490 p. pi., fold. tab. 261"'.
840 1-17728 CS439.B84
Brock. See also Tupper. E353.1.B8T9
Brockett. The descendants of John Brockett, one of the original
foimders of New Haven colony. Illustrated with portraits and
armorial bearings; an historical introduction relating to the set-
tlement of New Haven and Wallingford, Connecticut. The
English Brocketts. "A pedigiee of Brockett," published in
England in 1860, comp. by Edward J. Brockett, assisted by John
B. Koetteritz and Francis E. Brockett. East Orange, N. J.
"[The Orange Chronicle company, printers] 1905.
2G6 p. 4 pi. (1 col.) 10 port. (inel. front.) fold, geneal, tab. 23^".
" The English Brocketts . . . including The pedigree of Brockett " has
special t.-p.
841 5-41002 CS71.B864 1905
Brocklebank. See also Toii. CS71.T634 1909
Brockman. See also Clark. CS71.C6 1905a
Hume. CS71.H92 1916
Brockway. Genealogy of a branch of the descendants of Wolston
Brockway, who settled in Lyme, Conn., about 1C60. Comp. by
Beman Brockway. Watertown, N. Y., Brockway & sons' daily
times print, 1887.
cover-title, 22, [1] p. 23^°.
842 9-7637t CS71.B865 1887
The Brockway family. Some records of Wolston Brock-
way, and his descendants. Comp. [by D. Williams Patterson]
for Francis E. Brockway. Owego, N. Y., L. L. Brockway's
power print, 1890.
1 p. 1., 167 p. ports., geneal. tab. 28^°.
843 9-7636t CS71.B865 1890
Brodie. The diary of Alexander Brodie of Brodie, mdclii-mdcl.xxx.,
and of his son, James Brodie of Brodie, mdclxxx-mdclxxxv.,
consisting of extracts from the existing manuscripts, and a re-
publication of the volume printed at Edinburgh in the year
1740. Aberdeen, Printed for the Spalding club, 1863.
2 p. 1., [lx]-lxxvl, xll p., 1 1., [151-560 p. 26"". (On cover: Spalding
club, Aberdeen. [Publications. 32])
Ed. by David Lalng.
"The diary Itself was chiefly confined to recording hl.s dally reltgloua
experiences and nioditutious, interspersed with occasional notices of public
occurrences." — Pref.
844 15-22631 DA750.S6 vol. 32
The Brodies. {In Caithness family history, by John Hen-
derson . . . Edinburgh, D. Douglas, 1884. 25'"'. p. 308-311)
845 11-14208 CS479.S6 1884
Brodnax. See also Knight. DA690.C47A8
Broke. Admiral Sir P. B. V. Broke ... a memoir. Comp. by Rev.
J. G. Brighton . . . chiefly from journals and letters in the pos-
session of Rear-Admiral Sir George Broke-Middleton . . .
London, S. Low, son, and Marston, 1866.
xvi, 488 p. front., plates (1 fold.) ports. 23"*.
Title vignette.
" Broke genealogy " : p. 461-484.
846 4-20632 DA88.1.B7B6
Bromfield. The Bromfields. By Daniel Denison Slade. Boston, Re-
printed for private distribution [D. Clapp & son, printers] 1872.
1 p. 1., 19 p. 24i"".
"Edition of fifty copies."
Reprinted from the New-EnR. hist, and geneal. register.
847 9-7635t CS71.B868 1872
SeeahoSa-lishmy. CS71.S167 1885
Bromley. A collection of original royal letters, written by King
Charles the First and Second, King James the Second, and the
king and queen of Bohemia ; together with original letters, writ-
ten by Prince Rupert, Charles Louis, count palatine, the Duchess
of Hanover, and several other distinguished persons; from the
year 1619 to 1665 . . . By Sir George Bromley . . . London,
J. Stockdale, 1787.
xl, 320 p. 4 port. (incl. front.) facsim., fold, geneal. tab. 21J"°.
Contains notes and a geneal. tab. of the Bromley family.
848 4-35286 DA370.B86
• The Bromley genealogy; being a record of the descendants
of Luke Bromley of Warwick, R. I., and Stonington, Conn., by
Viola A. Bromley . . . New York, F. H. Hitchcock ["=1911]
XV, 437 p. front., 1 illus., plates, ports., plans, double facsim. 24'".
849 11-27767 CS71.B8683 1911
Bromwell. The Bromwell genealogy, including descendants of Wil-
liam Bromwell and Beulah Hall, with data relating to others of
the Bromwell name in America; also genealogical records of
branches of the allied families of Holmes . . . Payne . . .
Rice and Leffler . . . With some descendants of Major Conrad
Leffler, of Pennsylvania, and of the Rev. Peter Fullenwider, Rev.
Jasper Simler, and Jonathan Boone, of Kentucky. (Eighty
illustrations from various sources.) By Henrietta E. Bromwell.
Denver, Colo. [Henrietta E. Bromwell, 1910]
243 p. front (port.) lUus. (incl. ports., facsims.) 24'"'.
850 10-31020 CS71.B8686 1910
Bromwell. Old Maryland families ; a collection of charts comp. from
public records, wills, family Bibles, tomb inscriptions, and other
original sources, by Henrietta E. Bromwell . . . Denver, Col.,
1 V. 18x25i<"n.
vol. I. Bromwell, Sherwood and allied families.
851 17-9533 F180.B86
Bronsdon. Bronsdon and Box families. Part i. Robert Bronsdon,
merchant, and his descendants. Part ii. John Box, ropemaker,
and his descendants. Comp. by Col. Lucius B. Marsh, and Mrs.
Harriet F. Parker. (Published by Mrs. Parker.) Lynn, Mass.,
The Nichols press, 1902.
xix, 311, [1] p. front., pi., port., facsini. 24"°.
852 2-13121 CS71.B869 1902
Bronson. Bronson lineage, 1636-1917. Ancestors and descendants of
Captain William Bronson of the revolutionary war, and other
ancestral lines. Comp. by Harriet Bronson Sibley. Dallas, Or.,
5 p. 1., 57 (t. e. 63), iv p. ports., coats of arms. 23i"".
Interspersed with blank leaves.
" One hundred copies of the book have been printed." c/. Introd.
Contents. — pt. i. Genealogical notes from the British museum, Lon-
don.-— pt. II. Extracts from the history of Waterbury, Connecticut, and
other records. — pt. iii. Captain William Bronson of the revolutionary
war and his descendants. — pt. rv. Other ancestral lines.
853 18-2447 CS71.B8695 1917
Bronte. Charlotte Bronte. A monograph. By T. Wemyss Reid . . .
New York, Scribner, Armstrong & co., 1877.
xHi p., 2 1., 236 p. front, (port.) illus., 7 pi., double facsim. 19"".
"The additions made in this volume to the Monograph as it originally
appeared in MacmlUan's magazine are numerous and considerable." — Pref.
854 18-18851 PB4168.K4
The Bronte family, with special reference to Patrick Bran-
well Bronte, by Francis A. Leyland . . . London, Hurst and
Blackett, 1886.
2 V. lOr".
855 18-18841 PR4168.L4
Thornton and the Brontes. By William Scruton . . .
Bradford, J. Dale & co., limited, 1898.
xvil, HI p., 1 1., 146 p. incl. front., illus. plates, ports., facsim. 19}'".
856 1-10158 PE4168.S3
■ The three Brontes, by May Sinclair . . . [2d ed.] Boston
and New York, Houghton Mifflin co. [1914?]
xxvili, 296 p., 1 1, front., ports., facsim. 22i'",
Title vignette.
857 lC-7940 PR4ie8.S5 1914
Bronte. Transactions and other publications of the Bronte society
... V. 1-24. Bradford [Eng.] 1898-1914,
24 V. illus., plates, ports., maps, facslm. 21"".
858 15-10167 PB4168.A4
Brooke. tSre Brooks.
Brooks. Brooks memorial. Communications on the death of Charles
T. Brooks, of Newport, K. I. By E. B. AVillson, C. W. Wendte,
E. S. Rantoul and W. P. Andrews. Read at meetings of the
Essex institute, June 18, and Dec. 17, 1883 . . . Salem, Mass.,
Essex institute, 1884.
1 p. 1., 37 p. 24*"".
" From Historical collections of the Essex Institute, vol. xxi, and Bulle-
tin, vol. XV."
" Genealogical notes respecting Henry Brooks and some of his descend-
ants. Couipileil by Luke Brooks, of Salem": p. 29-37.
859 2-5510
Brook, of Somerset and Devon ; barons of Cobham, in Kent.
By W. H. Hamilton Rogers ... (In Somersetshire archaeolog-
ical and natural history society. Proceedings. Taunton, 1898.
22="'. vol. XLiv, pt. 11. p. 1-78. plates.)
860 DA670.S49S6
The Brooke family of Whitchurch, Hampshire, England;
together with an account of Acting-governor Robert Brooke of
Maryland and Colonel Ninian Beall of Maryland and some of
their descendants, by Thomas Willing Balch. Philadelphia,
Press of Allen. Lane & Scott, 1899.
3 p. 1., 64, [2] p. front., pUite*:. 24J'".
861 99-1077 CS71.B87 1899
Royal descent of William Gray Brooks, [n. p.] 1901?
geueal. tab. 66x46*. fold, to 11^x24='".
861a CS71.B87 1901
Origin and history of the name of Brooks, with biographies
of all the most noted persons of that name. And an account of
the origin of surnames and forenames, together with over five
hundred Christian names of men and women and their sig-
• nificance. The crescent family record . . . Chicago, 111., Amer-
ican publishers' association, 1905.
5p. 1., iv, [2.'j]-112, [14] p., 1 1. illus.. pi. 22'".
862 8-17414 CS71.B87 1905
The Brooks and Houghton families descended from Hannah
Chute Poor, in family reunion August 7, 1908. Comp. by
Thomas Jeferson Brooks, [n. p., 1908?]
1 p. 1., 76 p. 5 port. (incl. front.) coat of arms. 22i"'.
Coat of arms of Brooks family at end.
863 18-23437 CS71.B87 1908
Brooks. Pedigree chart bf Robert Brooke, who arrived in Maryland,
30 June, 1650, and Mary Baker, his first wife, who died in Eng-
land, 1634. Conip. b}' Bennet Bernard Browne, m. d., from mate-
rial and references in his possession. London, Printed by A.
Moring, ltd., for Douglas H. Thomas, Baltimore, Maryland, 1912.
genenl. tab. 126 x 89"".
Contains coats of arms.
See also Barrett.
Broomhall. See also Quisenberry.
Broughton. A sketch relating to the name and family of Broughton.
q\^ [By Henry E. Waite, esq., of West Newton, Mass.] Boston,
^^''aM;^ 1883.
'^ 'iy cover-title, 7, [1] p. faosims. 24'".
" Reprinted from the N. E. historical and genealogical register for July,
865 5-14278 CS71.B875 1883
See also Delves. CS439.D45
19 —
Brouillet-Bernard. See also Choquette.
Broun. See Brown.
Brower. See also Gesner.
CS71.G39 1912
Brown. Descriptive catalogue of the original charters, royal grants,
and donations . . . monastic chartulary, official, manorial, court
baron, court Icet, and rent rolls, registers, and other documents,
constituting the muniments of Battle abbey . . . comprising
also a great mass of papers relating to the family of Browne,
ennobled as the lords viscount Montague . . . with various
otliers relating to the Sidneys, earls of Leicester, and the whole
of the Webster family evidences, embodying many highly inter-
esting and valuable records of manor lands in Su.ssex, Kent, and
Essex . . . The whole bound in ninety-seven volumes, folio . . .
Price twelve hundred pounds. On sale by Thomas Thorpe . , .
London, 1835.
xll, 221 p. 23^".
" I'rpllmiiiary nieinnrnnda of the Abbey of Battle," and annotations.
Colk-ction sold to Sir Thomas Phlllipps.
860 ^-22303 CD1069.B2
Brown. Genealogy of a portion of the Brown family; principally
from the Moses Brown papers and from other authentic sources.
Providence, Press of H. H. Brown, 1851.
IG p. 19"".
Conip. by Henry Trumau Deckwlth.
867 3-20245 CS71.B88 1851
A genealogical table of the descendants of William and
Elizabeth Brown . . . Showing the names, time of birth, mar-
riages and deaths, of the descendants of William and Elizabeth
Brown, in the male line, or, those only who perpetuate the name
of Brown. B}' Samuel Brown, genealogist . . . Lowell, Printed
by S. J. Varney, 1852.
fc'eueal. tab. 66 x 591'" fold, to 17 x 16"".
868 10-4374 CS71.B88 1852
The public life of Capt. John Brown, by James Redpath,
with an auto-biography of his childhood and youth. Boston,
Thayer and Eldridge, 1860.
407, [1] p. front, (port.) 19i'".
Thirtieth thousand.
Ancestry : p. 13-21.
869 7-12904 E451.R32
■ Report to the Brown association, U. S. A., made by Colum-
bus Smith, A. D. 1868. Published by order of the Brown associa-
tion. Burlington [Vt.] Free press steam book and job printing
house, 1868.
120 p. fold, geneal. tab. 22J'".
870 9-7310t CS71.B88 1868
Sir Anthony Browne and his descendants. {In Ancestral
stories and traditions of great families illustrative of English
history. By John Timbs . . . London, 1869. ISi-^™. p. 66-75)
871 5-5847 DA28.35.A1T5
Family record of Silas Brown, jr. [New York, G. Mac-
namara, printer and stationer, 1879]
cover-title, 1 p. 1., 11, 3-38 p. 23"".
Comp. by Augustus Cleveland Brown.
872 1-3120 CS71.B88 1879
• A biographical sketch of Captain Oliver Brown, an officer
of the revolutionary army . . . By the Rev. Horace Edwin
Hayden . . . Privately printed. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. [E. B.
Yordy, printer] 1882.
22 p. 24"".
A genealogy uf his descendants, p. 16-19,
878 7-134U6 1:207. B88H4
Brown. Cowdray: the history of a great English house. By Mrs.
Charles Roundell. With illustrations, from drawings in the
British museum, and from sketches by the late Anthony Salvin
. . . London, Bickers & son, 1884.
3 p. 1., [lx]-xii p., 1 1., 178 p. front., illus., plates. 26*'".
874 lS-18730 DA664.C6R8
Broun of Sauchie, Balquharne, and Finderlie. a. d. 1S95-
A. D. 1884. [n. p., 1884?]
2 p. 1., [19J-47 p. 24^"".
Introduction signed : J. B. Brown Morison.
875 18-22702 CS479.B7 1884
Historical genealogy relating to a branch of the Brown
family, including brief history of other families. G. W. B. [i. e.
George Williams Brown] 1885. Philadelphia, Press of J. P.
Murray [1885]
3 pts. In 1 V. 1 fold. tab. 19'°.
876 3-2745 CS71.B88 1885
Family notes, collected during many years, and dedicated
to those interested. By Justin McCarty Browne. Hobart, Tas-
mania, 1887.
Ill p. 26'".
T.-p. wanting.
Title supplied from "Australasian bibliography."
877 9-2510St CS439.B85 1887
Memorials of the Browns of Fordell, Finmount and Vicars-
grange, by Robert Riddle Stodai't . . . Edinburgh, Priv. print,
by T. & A. Constable, 1887.
xil, 240 p. front., iUus., 82 col. pi. 30"".
Title in red and blacl; ; title vignette.
878 3-17082 CS479.B7
The Chad Browne memorial, consisting of genealogical
memoirs of a portion of the descendants of Chad and Elizabeth
Browne; with an appendix, containing sketches of other early
Rhode Island settlers, 1638-1888. Comp. by a descendant.
Printed for the family . . . Brooklyn, N. Y. [Press of Brook-
lyn daily eagle book printing department, 1888]
173 p. plates, ports., fold. map. 24"°.
Edition of three liundred illu.strnted copies, of which this book Is no 194.
Preface signed: Abby Isabel (Brown) Bulliley.
(Corrections and additional Information by the author In manuscript.
Appendix : Geneaiogj- of a portion of the Brown family ; principally
from the Moses Brown papers and from other authentic sources [by H. T.
Beclcwith] Providence, Press of H. U. Brown, 1851. [Reprint] p.
Blank leaves at end.
879 9-7309t CS71.B88 1888
Brown. Genealogical memoirs of the Browne family of Caverswall
and Shredicote, co. Stafford; Bentley Hall, co. Derby; Green-
ford, CO. Middlesex; Withington and Caughley, co. Salop; also
of the Peploe family of Garnstone, co. Hereford. Comp. by
G. B. M. \i. e. George Blacker Morgan.] London, Mitchell and
Hughes, 1888.
89 II. illus., plate.s, fucsims., geneal. tab. 28i'".
880 11-5266 CS439.B85 1S88
Brown memorial. Family of Benjamin Brown, m. d.,
comp. by Bertha Victoria Foster, for the family. 1891. Wash-
ington, D. C, Judd & Detweiler, printers, 1893.
26 p. 2i"°.
881 3-23941* CS71.B88 1893
A genealogical record of the Brown family, by George Hoff-
man Penrose, m. d. [Salt Lake City, Utah, 1896]
35 p. 24"».
882 9-7308t CS71.B88 1896
Some Brown genealogy, being some of the descendants of
John Brown, one of the early settlers of Reading, Mass. Comp.
by Charles C. Whitney. Printed privately. New York, 1897.
32 p. 24'".
883 5-14203 CS71.B88 1897
Browne Hill and what has happened there, with some ac-
count of the Browne family, communicated to the Essex insti-
tute by Ezra Dodge Hines. [From the Historical collections of
the Essex institute, vol. xxxii, 1896.] Salem, Mass., The Salem
press, 1897.
1 p. 1., p. 201-238. front., illus. (ports.) 24i'".
884 19-2012 CS71.B88 1897a
Genealogy of the Brown family, of Prince William County,
Virginia ; being a history of William Brown and seven genera-
tions of his descendants. By James Edgar Brown . . . Chi-
cago, G. E. Brown & co., 1898.
143, [1] p. ports. 23i'"".
885 306 CS71.B88 1898
Browne of Edwardstone. (In Muskett, J. J., ed. Suffolk
manorial families . . . Exeter [Eng.] W. Pollard & co., ltd.,
1900- 30.J X 24^™. v. 1. p. 77-82)
886 CS437.S7M8
Genealogical notes; descendants of Thomas Browne of Con-
cord, Mass., by Goodwin Brown, esq., of Yonkers, N. Y. . . .
New York, M. B. Brown company, printers, 1901.
11 p. 27i"".
887 17-19207 CS71.B88 1901
Brown. The Brownes of Bechworth castle, the ancestors of the vis-
counts Montague ; the Brownes of Horton-Kirby, Cubley, Bent-
ley, and Derby; the Cave-Brownes of Stretton, and of many
other places in the counties of Derby, Leicester, Northampton,
Kent, Surrey, Sussex and Essex. By John Pj m Yeatman . . .
[Lewes] Published by the author. [Printed at the Lewes and
South counties press, ltd., 1903.]
xxiii, 238 p. front., plates, facsiui. 26i"".
This work Is practically a supplement to the author's history of the
House of Arundel, Lond., 1882. Pref.
888 10-10918 CS439.B85 1903
Broun family, of Virginia . . . By Edward C. Mead.
[Richmond, 1904]
11. 33* X 2ir".
Caption title.
From the Richmond, Virginia, Times-dispatch of Jan. 17, 1904.
889 CA 12-1170 CS71.B88 1904
■ Our family records; a genealogical record of William
Brown and descendants, of America. Comp. by W. H. Taylor,
great grandson of William Brown of the first generation. Pitts-
burgh, Pa., Dermitt printing company, 1905.
228 p., 2 1. incl. front, (port.) 23^".
2 1. at end for additional records.
890 7-18578 CS71.B88 1905
From the Broun family records. [Richmond, 1906]
[3] p. 35i"°-
Application for membership of Mrs. Louise F. Jackson ... to the
Virginia Society of colonial dames, prepared by William G. Stanard.
891 CA 12-1171 CS71.B88 1906
Occasional terse and prose celebrating the old Baldwin
home, by S. B. E. [New Bedford, 1906]
55 p. 18"".
These verses and extracts, dedicated to the younger generation of the
Brown family, are complied by M. E. \V.
892 CA 18-360 CS71.B88 1906a
Catalogtie of Lowestoft china in the possession of Fred-
erick Arthur Crisp. [London] Priv. print., 1907.
7 p. 1., 14 numb. 1., 1 1., 16-20 p., 1 1., 22-24 p. 14 pi. (part col.) port.
" One hundred and fifty copies only of the ' Catalogue of Ixjwestoft
China ' have been printed at my private press. This copy Is no. 80 ... "
" By far the larger number of pieces of china mentioned in the following
catalogue were purcha.sed In 1896 . . . from William Rix Seapo, of Lowe-
stoft . . . Mr. Seago obtainp<l the bulk of his collection from Robert
Browne of Lowestoft (great-grandson of the original potter of that
name) . . . " — Introd.
" Pedigree of Browne of Lowestoft " : p. 16-20.
883 10-15771 NK4399.L7C8
Brown. Brown genealogy of many of the descendants of Tliomas,
Jolui, and Eleazer Brown, sons of Thomas and Mary (Newhall)
Brown, of Lynn, Mass., 1628-1915. By Cyrus Henry Brown
. . . Boston, The Everett press company, 1907-15.
2 V. fronts., plates, ports., map, facsim. 23i"°.
Plates printed op both sides.
Pt. II. Many of the descendants of Charles Browne of Rowley, Mass.,
894 14-11449 CS71.B88 1907
The Ball, Conway, Gaskins, McAdam, and other kindred of
William and Janetta Broun of Northern Neck, Va. By Thomas
L. Broun, of Charleston, W. Va. Nov., 1911. [Charleston, W.
Va., 1911]
4 p. 33J X 21J"°.
Caption title.
89.5 CA 12-1173 CS71.B88 1911
Genealogical record of John Brown (1755-1809) and his
descendants, also the collateral branches of Merrill, Scott and
FoUett families. St. Paul, Minn., H. C. Baker [1912]
111, II] p. front., plates, ports. 21J"".
Foreword signed : Fannie Brown Smith.
896 12-30991 CS71.B88 1912
Genealogical data concerning the family of Captain Ed-
ward Brown of Newbury, Massachusetts. Now for the first
time pub. from the manuscript autobiography of Samuel Tcnney
of Newburyport and Boston, containing an interesting account
of an eccentric member of the family who was considered by
some to have been the victim of witchcraft. Millis, Massa-
chusetts, W. F. Tenney [F. L. Coburn & co., printers] 1913.
30 p. 21"".
Only two hundred copies printed and type distributed.
897 13-5422 CS71.B88 1913
• Chart of the descendants of William Broun, the immigrant
to Virginia from Scotland. Constructed by Virginia M. Broun
for her uncle Thomas L. Broun, from family records collected
by him. Charleston, W. Va., January 1, 1914. Washington,
D. C, The Norris Peters co., "=1914.
geneal. chart. 61 x 61"°.
898 14-12063 CS71.B88 1914
Early years on the Western Reserve, with extracts from
letters of Ephraim Brown and family, 180.5-1845, prepared and
ed. by George Clary Wing. Cleveland [Printed by the Arthur
H. Clark company] 1916.
142 p., 1 1. fold, geneal. chart. 25'".
" This volume has been Issued in an edition of 150 copies."
899 16-14789 F497.W5B85
Brown. Alexander Brown and his descendants, 1764-1916. Comp.
by Mary Elizabeth Brown . . , [East Orange, N. J., Printed
at the Abbey printshop] 1917.
2 p. 1., [71-158, xlv p. front, ports. 23"°.
" Privately printed."
xlv p. at end left blank for " Additional records."
900 17-21710 CS71.B88 1917
/See also Babcock.
F74.I618 vol.16-17
CS7 1.1,863
DA20.S9 vol.118
Browne. See Brown.
Brownell. See also Pierce.
CS71.P616 1874
CS71.W535 1916
Browning. Genealogy of the Brownings in America from 1621 to
1908. By Edward Franklin Browning . . . [Newburgh, N. Y.,
Journal print, 1908?]
982 p. col. pi. (coat of arms) 26}"".
901 9-15755 CS71.B883 1908
See also Jones.
Brownlow. See also Oust.
114883°— 19 11
CS71.J76 1891
CS439.C9 1909
Brownrigg. See also Spedding. CS439.S74
Brownson. See also Torrence. CS71.T69 1897
Brubacher. The Brubacher genealogy in America. By Jacob N.
Brubacher. Elkhart, Ind., Mennonite publishing co., 1884.
243 p. 14"°.
902 9-7307t CS71.B886 1884
Bruce. Some account of the ancient earldom of Carrie, by Andrew
Carrick ... to which are prefixed, notices of the earldom after
it came into the families of De Bruce and Stewart. By James
Maidment . . . Edinburgh, T. G. Stevenson, 1857.
48 p. 20"".
" Impression limited to sixty copies."
903 14-12045 DA758.3.C26C3 ,
Family records of the Bruces and the Cumyns. with an his-
torical introduction and appendix, from authentic public and
private docimients; bj' M. E. Cumming Bruce. Edinburgh and
London, W. Blackwood and sons, 1870.
4 p. 1., 602 p. illus., 4 pi., geneal. tab. 27 x 21J"°.
904 4-2S140 DA758.3.B87
• The Bruces of Airth and their cadets, by Major William
Bruce Armstrong. Edinburgh, Printed for private circulation
[by T. and A. Constable] 1892.
3 p. I., 137. civ p. incl. geneal. tables. 2 pi. 30'".
" Impression : one hundred and five copies, no. 12."
905 11-4470 CS479.B75
Book of Bruce; ancestors and descendants of King Robert
of Scotland. Being an historical and genealogical survey of
the kingly and noble Scottish house of Bruce and a full account
of its principal collateral families. With special reference to
the Bruces of Clackmannan, Cultmalindie, Caithness, and the
Shetland Tslands, and their American descendants, by Lyman
Horace Weeks . . . New York, The -:Vmericana society [1907]
352 p. plates, ports., col. coats of arms (Incl. front.) 27i"°.
" List of authorities " : p. [3291-334.
"Bruces in America": p. 321-328.
906 11-2720 CS479.B75 1907
Ancestors . . . Comp. by Nellie Palmer George, [n. p..
3 p. 1., [51-89 p. 21J"".
" In remembrance of my mother, Bertha Bruce Palmer, this record of
her ancestors is compiled."
Conttilns also genealopy of the Bent, How(e), Barnes, Goodenow, Cha-
pln, Gilbert, Killum and Potter families.
907 17-1606 CS71.B889 1914
Bruce, tiee also Carrick. DA758.3.C26C3
Dnimmond. CS419.D7
Junkin. CS71.J95 1908
Moorhead. CS71.m;825 laoi
Todd. CS71.T634 1867
Upton. CS71.TJ71 1874
Wilson. CS71.W75 1898a
Brnen. . . . Bnien of Bruen Stapleford . . . From original deeds,
the inquisitions [etc.] ... [n. p., 189-?]
geneal. tab. 20i x 25^"'.
Family pedigree, apparently reprinteil from Ormerod'a " History of the
county Palatine and city of Chester ... 2d ed. rev. and enl. by Thomas
Helsby." 1882 [v. 2] p. 322-323.
Running titles: The history of Cheshire; Edisbury hundred.
Manuscript notes on back giving genealogy of Bruen-AVhitehouse family.
908 CA 8-1916 CS439.B86
See aiso Baldwin. CS71.B19 1881
Bmmbach. Genealogy of the Bnimbach families, including those
using the following variations of the original name, Brumbaugh,
Brumbach, Brumback, Erombaugh, Brownback, and many other
connected families, by Gains Marcus Brumbaugh . . . New
York. F. H. Hitchcock [=1913]
XXV p.. 1 1., S.jO p. plates, ports., maps, fascims., coats of arms (1
col.) 27"".
" One thousand copies of this book have been printed from type and the
type distributed. This is copy niunber 405."
909 13-(;069 CS71.B89 1913
Brunswick, House of. Memoirs of the house of Brunswick from the
most early accounts of that illustrious family to the end of the
reign of King George the First . . . By Honry Rimius . . .
London, Printed for the author by J. Haberkorn, 1750.
xvl, 455 p. 8 fold. tab. 2W°-
910 8-20430t DD801.B857R5
A concise history of the kingdom of Hanover from the
earliest periods, to its restoration in 1813: and of the house of
Brunswick. By William Hamilton Reid, esq. Embellislied
with engravings. London, E. Orme, 1816.
.'i p. 1., 1,S8 p. front, plates, port., map. 35'".
Addetl t.-p., engr.
911 4-27110 DD491.H25R3
See also Guelf. DD801.B857H2
Guelf. CS418.L5
Hanover. DD491.H25H2
Brnsh. Of the Brush family in America. Collected from various
sources wi>h references and notes. By George Rawson Brush.
Sayville, N. Y., 1891.
1 p. 1.. 9 p. 15"".
912 9-11684 CS71.B912 1891
Concerning the ancestors of Abner Brush and Laura Hub-
bard Brush. [Philadelphia, 1908]
20 p. 22"".
Signed : A. F. B. i. e. Anna Forney Brush.
913 9-7306t CS71.B912 1908
5ee aZso Walbridge. CS71.W15 1898
Bryan. Alexander Bi-yan of Milford, Connecticut, his ancestors and
his descendants, by C. C Baldwin . . . Cleveland, O. [Leader
■ printing co.] 1889.
27 p. incl. illus., plan, map. 23J'
Reprinted from liis Baldwin genealogy supplement, p. 1313-1333.
914 A 13-338 CS71.B915 1889
See also Baldwin. CS71.B19 1889
Boone. CS71.B725 1913a
Glassell. r225.H41
Macginnis. , CS71.M145 1891
Pendarvis. CS71.P397 1905
Shearer. CS71.S538 1915
Bryant. Bryant family history; ancestry and descendants of David
Bryant (17.56) of Springfield, N. J.: Washington Co., Pa.;
Knox Co., Ohio; and Wolf Lake, Noble Co., Ind., comp. by
Clara Vaile Braiden . . . Chicago, 111., Priv. print., 1913.
xlv, 258 p. front., plates, ports., col. coats of arms. 24'".
915 15-27581 CS73.B916 1913
See also CuTitrtt. CS71.C324 1887
Mitchell. F74.E18B9
Brydges. Atavise regije: consisting of sixty copies only, comp. for
private use. By Sir Egerton Brydges, bart. . . . Florence,
Printed by J. Marenigh, 1820.
4, XV, 118, [5] p. 5 pi. (coats of arras) 32i"'.
Plnte.s prt'ceile title-page.
l.st co:it of arms duplicated and preceded by proof; 2d coat of arms
preceded by proof.
Appended : heraldic plate accompanied by 1 leaf of explanation ; folded
gencal. table : Five sonnets addressed to Wootton, the spot of the author's
nativity. Kent, Printed at the private press of Loe priory by J. Warwick,
1819. 7 p. 23'"' ; Letter to the worthy and ludepeiuleut electors of the
town and borough of Maidstone. 1 1. ; Extrait de Galerle hlstorlque des
contemporains. 3 p.
Contains genealogical tables of the families connected with that of
916 9-19367 CS439.B9 1820
Brydges. Carmina Bnigesiana. Domestic poems by Edward Quilli-
nan, esq/ etc. Geneva, Printed by W. Fick, 1822.
64 p. ^"'.
Biographical notices by Sir Samuel Egerton Brydges.
Privately printed.
Genealogical material relating to the Brydges family, and families con-
nected with them, including several poems by E. Quillinan : i. Consolation:
a poem addressed to Lady Brydges. ii. In memory of Edward William
George Brydges, who died 13th of June, 1816. iii. Stanzas written at
Sudeley castle. Addressed to Sir E. Brydges.
917 16-4937 CS439.B9 1822
Stemmata illustria; praecipue regia. Auctore Sa. Egerton
de Bruges . . . Paris, Printed by J. Smith, 1825.
xvi, [157] p. incl. geneal. tab. 5 pi., 4 coats of arms. 484"".
Various paging.
Only 100 copies, for private distribution.
The object of the work is " to trace the streams of royal and Illustrious
blood which have flowed into the compiler's veins in the female line."
918 10-47t CS439.B9 1825
A review of the Chandos peerage case, adjudicated 1803,
and of the pretensions of Sir Samuel-Egerton Brydges, bart., to
designate himself per legem terrse Baron Chandos of Sudeley.
By Geo. Fred Beltz, esq. . . . London, R. Bentley, 1834.
xi, 233 p., 1 I., xxvii, [12] p. 23^" '"
Pedigrees : 12 p. at end.
919 15-22372 CS439.B9 1834
See also Bridge.
Buchanan. An inquiry into the genealogy and present state of an-
cient Scottish surnames ; with the origin and descent of the High-
land clans and family of Buchanan. By William Buchanan . . .
[2d ed.] Edinburgh, Printed by W. Auld, 1775.
X p.. 1 1., ].^>8 p., 1 1., 190 p. 20J'".
First published in the year 1723.
920 10-63 CS2435.B8
Glasgow, Printed for J. Wylie & co. by E. Chapman, 1820.
x\, 310, [1] p. 181'°. (in Miscellanea scotica, v. 4)
921 10-64 DA755.M6 vol.4
Buchanan. An historical and genealogical essay upon the family and
surnanie of Buchanan. By William Buchanan . . . Edin-
burgh, Printed by W. Auld, 1775.
_ " 1 p. 1., 190 p. 20i"". (In his An mquiry Into the geueiilosy and present
■-'•*" state of ancient Scottish surnames . . . Edinburgh, 1775)
" First publislied in the year 1723."
922 10-1189 CS2435.B8
An historical and genealogical essay upon the family and
surname of Buchanan. To which is added a brief inquiry into
the genealogy and present state of ancient Scottish surnames,
and more particularly of the Highland clans. By William
Buchanan, of Auchmar. Glasgow, Printed by W. Duncan; Cin-
1, cinnati, Keprinted by J. A. & U. P. James, Ibi'J.
vl, [7]-238, [2] p. front, (coat of arms) 20^"°.
923 16-23498 CS479.B8 1849
Strathendrick and its inhabitants from early times; an
account of the parishes of Fintry, Balfron, Killearn, Dry men,
Buchanan, and Kilmaronock. By John Guthrie Smith . . .
Glasgow, J. Macluhose and sons, 1896.
XXV, [IJ p., 1 1., 410 p., 1 1. front, (port.) pi., facsim. 27"".
924 1-3793 DA880.S8S6
— The Buchanan society. Instituted 1725. History, rules,
bye-laws, and list of members, with a scheme of the Society, the
seal of cause, etc., appended. Glasgow, Carson & Nicol, limited,
printers, 1910.
4 p. I., 75 p. 21 i'"'.
925 10-13740 CS479.B8 1910
The Buchanan book. The life of Alexander Buchanan, q. c,
of Montreal, followed by an account of the family of Buchanan,
by A. W. Patrick Buchanan, k. c. Printed for private circula-
tion. Montreal, 1911.
5 p. 1., [v]-xiii, 475 p., 1 1., 5, vlii p. front., plates, ports. 24^'"".
"This edition Is limited to three hundred signed copies of which this
copy is no. 58."
" James Buchanan, H. B. M. consul at New York " : p. [197J-250.
A review of the book from " The Montreal gazette, 25th July, 1912,"
92C 17-31129 CS479.B8 1911
Buchanan family records. An account of the first American
settlers and colonial families of the name of Buchanan, and
other genealogical and historical data, mostly new and original
nuiterial, including early wills and marriages heretofore unpub-
lished. By William M. Clemens. Limited ed. New York,
W. M. Clemens [1914]
14, [1] p. 23"°. .
927 15-19464 CS71.B918 1914
Buchanan. See also Salisbury. CS71.S167 1892
Buck. A sketch of the Buck family in Connecticut, and of their de-
scendants, from Ilinman's " Lives of the Puritans " and other
sources. By James Smith Buck . . . Milwaukee, Wis., 1879.
[77] p. 21 r'".
In manuscript.
928 CS71.B92 1879
Origin, history and genealogy of the Buck family. Includ-
ing a brief narrative of the earliest emigration to and settlement
of its branches in America, and a complete tracing of every lineal
descendant of James Buck and Elizabeth Sherman, his wife.
By Cornelius B. Harvey . . . Jersey City, N. J., J. J. Griffiths,
1889. ,p
273 p. 27^"".
929 9-7510t CS71.B92 1889
Account of the Buck family of Bucks County, Pennylvania ;
and of the Bucksville centennial celebration held June 11th,
1892; including the proceedings of the Buck-wampun literary
association on said occasion. Ed. by William J. Buck. Phila-
delphia, Printed for the family, 1893.
5 p. 1., 9-142 p. front., iUus. 24"".
930 9-7509t CS71.B92 1893
Genealogy of the Samuel Buck family, of Portland, Conn.,
to the year 1894. By Horace B. Buck. Worcester, Mass., O. B.
Wood, 1894.
54 p. front, (port.) 19J"".
931 &-7r.()St CS71.B92 1894
Buck. A history of a part of the family, and near connec-
tions. P>om data collected by Annis Buck and D. E. Washburn.
Felchville. Vt., Printed by D. E. Washburn, 1906.
1 p. 1., 2-20 (i. e. 21) p. 19"".
Page 1 on verso of t.-p., and one unnumbered page betwoon IG and 17.
932 17-31801 CS71.B92 1906
The Bucks of Wethersfield, Connecticut, and the families
witli which they are connected by marriage, a biographical and
genealogical sketch. Roanoke, Va., The Stone printing and
manufacturing co., 1909.
152, [8] p. 20-'".
Prefatory remarks signed : Albert H. Buck.
933 10-0534 CS71.B92 1909
Buck. Buck history and genealogy, embracing the traditional and
comprehensive genealogical history of the Buck family in
Europe and America, with the relative«branches of the Baldwins,
Bostwicks, Bushes, Meads, Northups, Paines, Stoddards, Vialls,
Willmarths, Walters, Waters, etc. Combined in keeping with a
general review of passing events and biographical compendium
of world history and advancement to the present time . . .
[Burlington, Vt., Free press printing co., "1917]
249 p. front., plates, ports., coats of arms. 27"".
Two leaves (1 blank) In.serted between p. [234] and 235 " For records.
Added t.-p. : Origin, history and genealogy of the Buck family . .
conip. and arranged by Saniuel Buck . . . for private or family dis-
" References quoted or consulted in the preparation of this work "
p. 9-11.
934 17-14712 CS71.B92 1917
Buckenham. See Bukenham.
Buckeridge. Pedigree shewing the issue of Abraham and Margaretta
Mabella Acworth as fotmders kin to St. John's college, Oxford,
through their grandfather Anthony Rodney Buckeridge. [Lon-
don] 1908.
4 p. 29"°.
" Communicated to ' Miscellanea genealogica et heraldica,' March 1908,
by Arthur Stephens Dyer, esq."
935 17-23931 CS439.B913
Buckingham. The Buckingham family; or, The descendants of
Thomas Buckingham, one of the first settlers of Milford, Conn.
Comp. at the request of William A. Buckingham, of Norwich,
Conn., by Rev. F. W. Chapman . . . Hartford, Conn., Case,
Lockwood & Brainard, 1872.
3S4 p. 11 pi. 23"".
036 9-7507t CS71.B923 1872
The ancestors of Ebertezer Buckingham, who was born in
1748, and of his descendants. Comp. by James Buckingham of
Zanesville, Ohio, one of his grandsons, assisted by Mary J. Til-
ton. Chicago, R. R. Donnelley & sons company, printers, 1892.
2m p. pi., ports., geneal. tab. 25}'°.
937 1-5277 CS71.B923 1892
See also Southworth. CS71.S728 1903
Buckius. Data relating to the family of Buckius, by George Castor
Martin. Asbury Park, Martin and Allardyce, 1913.
1 p. 1., 4 1. 23 X 33™.
Typewritten copy of original nis. deposited In the Library of Congress
to avoid loss by fire or otherwise before printing.
938 CS71.B9235 1913
Buckler. Bucleriana : notices of the family of Buckler. Collected by
Charles Alban Buckler . . . For private circulation. London,
Mitchell and Hughes, 1886.
4 p. 1., 82 p. lllus., plates, coat of arms. 281°'".
939 15-23244 CS439.B915
Buckley. A genealogical memorial of the family of Buckley of
Derby and Saddleworth in the counties of Derby and York, with
appendices, abstract of wills, chancery proceedings, inquis, post
mort., &c. By Henry Fishwick, f. s. a. <Priv. print. >
[n.p.] 1000.
38 p. 29"°.
940 16-23487 CS439.B917
See also Thomas. CS71.T46 1878
Buckminster. Memoirs of Rev. Joseph Buckminster, d. d., and of his
son, Rev. Joseph Stevens Buckminster. By Eliza Buckminster
Lee. Boston, W. Crosby & H. P. Nichols, 1849.
X p., 1 1., 486 p. front., port. 20"".
941 2-1901
Bucknall. See also Mellard. CS439.M387
Buckner. Reminiscences of the Buckner family, by Mrs. Priscilla
Aylette Reardon. Comp., enl. and ed. by Katherine Edmond-
son Tuley. [Chicago, 1901]
44 p. fold, geneal. tab. 18^°'-
942 5-27462 CS71.B925 1901
• The Buckners of Virginia and the allied families of Stro-
ther and Ashby, ed. by William Armstrong Crozier . . . Pub.
privately for William Dickinson Buckner. New York, The
Genealogical association, 1907.
4 p. 1., 303, [20] p. front., plates, ports., geneal. tables, coats of arms.
Edited from material collected mainly by William Dickinson Buckner,
who also financed the publication ; and by Howard Randolph Bayne, who
assisted in the Ashby and Strother families.
Contains also the Lewis, Washington, Stith, Thurston, Dickinson, Thorn-
ton and Claiborne families.
943 17-1533 CS71.B925 1907
Buckwalter. -See aZso Stauffer. CS71.S798 1897
Bndd. The Budd family, address of Col. Enos Goble Budd, delivered
at Budd's Lake, Morris County, New Jersey, August 14, 1878,
at the first reunion, and letter of Capt. Thomas S. Budd. Min-
utes of the reunion. Address of Hon. A. C. Smith, September 8,
1880. And My grandfather's history, by the author . . . New
York, F. W. Sonneborn, 1881.
68 p. 19r".
944 cil.aj 9-7305t CS71.B927 1881
Budd. A brief pedigree of Merritt Luin Budd, jr. Bom November
16, 1916. Comp. by Edward H. Lura. Chatham, N. J, [Priv.
print, by the Chatham press, 1917]
13, [1] p. 22'"'.
"Addenda " : 1 type-written pase inserted at end.
945 18-2199 CS71.B927 1917
See aJso Heichnei. CS71.R34 1918
Biidinger. See Bittinger.
Buell. See also Loomis. CS71.L863 1880
Washington. CS69.W5
Buffington. . . . Some annals of the Buffington family, by Gilbert
{In Cliester County liistorical society, West Chester, Pa. Bulletins.
West Cliester? 1902. 23^'". 2d mo. 20, 1902, p. [3]-13)
94{; 17-95G3 F157.C4C5
■ Copy 2, detached. CS71.B932 1902
Baford. A genealogy of the Buford family in America; with rec-
ords of a number of allied families, by Marcus Bainbridge
Buford. San Francisco, 1903.
409 p. front., ports. 25"".
047 3-27038 CS71.B93 1903
Bukenham. Notes and extracts from numerous authorities respecting
the family of Bukenham or Bokenham, of Norfolk and Suffolk,
from A. D. lOGC to a. d. 1883, and the places of that designation in
the first named county. By Henry Maudslay . . . a.ssisted by
W. P. Ivatts . . . Pt. 1. London [li. K- Burt and co. printers]
1 p. 1., 364 p. front., plates. 22""".
250 copies only priv. print.
"A table of dates, extracts from history, wills, parish registers, letters,
&c., &c.. tracing the name of Buckenham from 371 a. d." : p. 2S1-364.
948 9-10S91 CS43g.B92
Bulfinch. A genealogy of the descendants of John Bulfinch of Bos-
ton, Mas.sachusetts 1700-1895. By Edward F. Johnson. Wo-
bum [Ma.ss.] The News print, 1895.
15 p. IS"".
949 1-1313 CS71.B933 1895
Bulkeley. The Biillcolev family: or the descendants of Kex. Peter
Buikeley, who settled at Concord, Mass., in 1(')3(). (\jiupiled at
tlie request of Jo.seph E. Btdkeley. By Rev. F. W. Cliap-
man . . . Hartford [Conn.] The Case, Lockwood & Biainard
CO., printers. 1875.
vl p., 1 I., [9J-288 J)., 1 1. front., plates, ports. 23"".
iSS' 9-7506t CS71.B934 1875
Bulkeley. See also Barrett. F74.C8P8
Bates. CS71.B368 1911
Loomis. CS71.L863 1880
Bull. The Bulls of Parkeomink, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania,
and their descendants. Prei^ared for Historical society, Norris-
town, Pa., for meeting at St. James cliurch, New Providence,
June 1, lOOT, by Captain James H. Bull , . . [Norristown, I'a.,
Historical society, 1907]
74 p. plates, ports., plan. 2.3"".
951 12-7590 CS71.B935 1907
Miscellaneous notes, pedigrees, etc., relating to persons of
the surname of Bull; collected by Joseph Cecil Bull. Printed
for private circulation. Pt. i-ui London, The St. Catherine
press, 1911-1912.
3 V. illus. 28"".
Paged continuously.
052 12-24753 CS439.B925
Miscellaneous notes, pedigrees, etc., relating to persons of
the surname of Bull. Collected by Commodore James H.
Bull . . . Santa Barbara, Cal., 1918.
2 p. 1., [31-100, V p. 23*"".
" List of books of reference to the Bull family " : p. 97-100.
953 18-11605 CS71.B935 1918
— Record of the descendants of John and Elizabeth Bull, early
settlers in Pennsylvania. Collected and arranged by Commo-
dore James H. Bull. . . . 1674 to 1919. San Francisco, Calif.,
The Shannon-Conmy company, 1919.
2 p. 1., 7-337, xlviii p. front., illus. (incl. ports.) 24"".
"Colonel John Bull (1731-1824) A preliminary study: by Mrs. Anita
Newconib .Mc(;ee, m. n." : p. 315-320.
Recommendation for distinguished service medal for Lieutenant-Colonel
Henry T. Bull : 1 leaf inserted at p. 169.
953a 19-8160 CS71.B935 1919
See also Girdlestone. CS439.G53
Keichner. CS71.R34 1918
Todd. CS71.T634 1867
BuUard. See also M&mi. r63.M88 voLi
Hnmfreville. CS71.H923 1903
Bulloch. Some notes on the Bulloch family, by J. M. Bulloch. {In
Scottish notes and queries. Aberdeen, 1905. 23'^"'. 2d ser., vol.
6, p. 24-25, 40-41, 54r-55)
054 DA750.S3 vol.6
Bulloch. A history and genealogy of the families-of Bulloch and
Stobo and of Irvine of Cults, by Dr. J. G. B. Bulloch . . .
[Wiishington. D. C, Press of B. S. Adams, 1911]
95, vi p. illus. (coats of arms) 24"°.
955 11-22127 CS71.B936 1911
See also Baillie. CS71.B16 1898
Bunbury. Memoir and literary remains of Lieutenant-General Sir
Henry Edward Bunbury, burt. Ed. by his son Sir Cliarles J. F.
Bunbury. <Privately printed.> London, Spottiswoode & co.,
printers, 1868.
xi, 369 p. 22"".
"The family of Bunbury ": p. [229]-240.
956 14-6978 DA536.B8A2
See also Hanmer. DA497.H2B9
Bunsen. See also Harford. CS439.H287
Burbage. Burbage and Shakespeare's stage, by Mrs. C. C Stopes
. . . London, A. Moring, ltd., The De la More press, 1913.
xvl, 272 p. 22"".
"Authorities for the facts in the story of the Burbages " : p. [143]-263.
957 14-2784 PN2598.B75S8
Burbank. Contribution to the genealogy of the Burbank and Bur-
banck families, in the United States. By G. T. Ridlon . . .
Saco, Me.. From the press of C. P. Pike, 1880.
cover-title, 26 p. 22J"".
9.">8 &-7505t CS71.B945 1880
Burbeck. See also Iloyd. CS71.L792 1912
Bnrbeen. . . . An account of John Burbeen, who came from Scot-
land and settled at AVoburn, Massachusetts, about 1660, and of
such of his descendants as have borne the surname of Burbeen
. . . By Joseph Burbeen Walker. Concord, N. H., Republican
pre.ss association, 1892.
52 p. front. 21"".
One hundred and fifty copies printed.
959 9-7504t CS71.B946 1892
Burch. Record of the ancestors and descendants of Nathan Burch,
1781-1858. Earlville, N. Y., C. I. Burch, 1911,
14 p. 22''"'.
Comp. by Claytou 1. Burcli.
960 13-17076 CS71.B948 1911
Bnrford. Burford genealogy, showing the ancestors and descendants
of Miles Washington Bnrford and Nancy Jane Burford, the
father and the mother of Wesley B. Burford, the compiler.
Indianapolis, Priv. print., 1914.
132 p., 1 1. incl. front, (col. coat of arms) port 26"".
From p. 5-124, every other paire is left blank for "notes."
061 16-22176 CS71.B95 1914
Burgess. Bourgeois alias Burgess. Picardie, Champagne et Angle-
terre. Amiens, Imp. A. Caron fils [18(>-?]
9 p. illus. (coat of arms) 32"°.
Caption title.
962 19-6523 CS599.B58
Burgess genealogy. Memorial of the family of Thomas and
Dorothy Burgess, who were settled at Sandwich, in the Ply-
mouth colonj-, in 1637. Boston, Press of T. R. Marvin & son,
2 p. 1., [3]-196 p. front., plates (ports.) 23i''"'.
Introduction signed: E. Burgess. ,
963 9-7503t CS71.B955 1865
. , . Burgess, by Amos Otis. Yarmouthport, Mass., C. W.
Swift, 1914.
cover-title, [4] p. 25i"". (Library of Cape Cod history & genealogy,
no. 46)
964 14-20674 CS71.B955 1914
See also Kirby. CS71.K58 1898
Burghley. Sec Cecil.
Burgis. See Burgess.
Burgner. History and genealogy of the Burgner family, in the
United State's of America, as descended from Peter Burgner, a
Swiss emigrant of 1734. 1st ed. By Jacob Burgner . . . Ob-
erlin, O., The Oberlin news press, 1890.
vi, 172 p. (i. e. 184) p. illus., plates, ports. 23"'".
965 9-7502t CS71.B957 1890
Burgwiil. John Burgwin, Carolinian; John Jones, Virginian; their
ancestors and descendants, by Walter Burgwyn Jones . . .
[Montgomery, Ala.] Priv. print., 1913.
119 p. front., plates, ports., coat of arms. 25'°'.
866 14-16 CS71.B9575 1913
Burhans. Buihans genealogy ; descendants from the first ancestor in
America, Jacob Burhans, 1660, and his son, Jan Burhans, 1663,
to 1893. Compiled by Samuel Burhans, jr. . . , New-York,
Printed for private distribution, 1894.
vl p., 1 1., 709, xi p. front., pi., ports., facsini. 27"".
Addenda : p. Iv-xt at end.
967 2-5973 CS71.B958 1894
Burke. The Burke and Alvord memorial. A genealogical account
of the descendants of Eicliard Burke of Sudbury, Mass. Comp.
by John Alonzo Boutelle of Woburn, Mass., for William A.
Burke of Lowell, Mass. . . . Boston, Printed by H. W. Dutton
and son. 1864.
li3'J p. 24"°.
908 9-7501t CS71.B959 1864
Burleigh. The genealogy of the Burley or Burleigh family of Amer-
ica. By Charles Burleigh . . . Portland, B. Thurston & Co.,
200 p. front., plates ( ports. ) 23*'°".
969 • 9-7500t CS71.B96 1880
Burlingame. Burlingame. [Albany, J. Munsell's sons, 1887]
fe'ciieal. tab. 27 x 28"".
Descendants of Roger and Mary Burlingame, " Stonington, Conn., War-
wick, Providence, R. I."
Reprinted from "Genealogical dictionary of Rliode Island" by John
Osborne Austin. Albany, 1887. 361 x 27}'". P- 32.
970 G-13979 CS71.B961
Burman. The Warwickshire family of Burman: a monograph. By
Richard Hugh Burman (of Sutton Coldficld). ] Binuingham,
The Colmore press, 1895]
l.'i, [1] p. illus. (coat of arms) fold, geneul. tab. 25J"".
Caption title.
971 17-23925 CS439.B93
Burnett, (ienealogical account of tlie family of Burnett, of Burnet-
land and Bams, in the sheriffdom and coimty of Peebles. Comp.
from family papers, and other authentic sources, (for members
of the family only) by Montgomery Burnett. Edinburgh, 1880.
^n. ri] p. illus. (coat of arms) 27'"'.
" Impression limited to tliirty copies for private circulation."
972 18-19085 CS479.fi9 1880
Genealogical tree of the family of Burnett of Leys [with
the collateral branches; prepared by W. Kendall Burnett]
[n. p.. 1893]
cover-title, fold, geneal. tab. 2.'i}"'.
973 6-13978 CS479.B9 1893
Burnett. The Burnet family history. [Asbury Park, N. J., 1894J
[8] p. 22r".
Caption title.
Signed : VVlUiani Burnet.
974 5-33827 CS71.B964 1894
The family of Burnett of Leys, with collateral branches.
From the mss. of the late George Burnett . . . ed. by Colonel
James Allardyce, ll. d. Aberdeen, Printed for the New Spald-
ing club, 1901.
xxil p., 1 1., 367, [1] p. front., illus., plates (1 col.) ports., facsims.
26i"". (0« cover; New Spalding cluh. [Publications, no. 22])
" Only 52.5 copies printed, no. 307."
With a memoir of the author by Sir James Balfour Paul.
Issued also as Aberdeen imiver.'Jity studies, nt). 4. CS479.B9 1901
Appended: New Spalding club. Fourteenth report, 1900 (14 p.)
975 15-24(56 DA750.N5 vol. 22
See nho Cadenhead. • CS479.C15
Whipple. CS71.W574. 1917
Burney. The house in St. Martin's street; being chronicles of the
Burney family, by Constance Hill, with illustrations by Ellen G.
Hill, and reproductions of portraits, etc., etc. . . . London, J.
Lane; New York, J. Lane company, 1907.
XV, [1] p., 1 1., 365, [1] p. incl. Ulus., plates, front., plates, ports.,
facsims. 22i''".
976 7-18144 DA506.A9H6
Burnham. The Burnham family; or Genealogical records of the de-
scendants of the four emigrants of the name, who were among
the early settlers in America. By Roderick H. Burnham . . .
Hartford, Press of Case, Lockwood & Brainard, 1869.
2 p. 1. [3]-546 p. plates, ports. 23}"°.
977 9-7499t CS71.B966 1869
• Report of the Board of trustees of the Burnham association
of America, including the report of Edward Payson, esq., as
agent and attorney. Boston, Smith & Portei", printers, 1873.
16 p. 23'°.
978 9-15608 CS71.B966 1873
Genealogical records of Thomas Burnham. the emigrant,
who was among the early settlers at Hartford. Connecticut, U. S.
America, and his descendants. 2d ed. By Roderick H. Burn-
ham . . . Hartford, Press of Case, Lockwood & Brainard co.,-
2 V. In 1. front, plates, ports., map, facsims. 23""".
Vol. 2 consists of " frnginents written and printed for Insertion in their
appropriate places on the reblndlng of the original genealogies" and has
title: Genealogical records of the three brothers, John, Thomas and Robert
Burnham . . . Hartford, Conn., Press of Case, Lockwood & Brainard.
979 9-7498t CS71.B966 1884
Bumham. See also Cole. CS71.C69 1908
Loomis. CS71.L863 1880
Boms. Genealogical memoirs of the family of Robert Bums, and
of the Scottish house of Burncs, by the Eev. Charles Rogers
. . . Edinburgh, W. Paterson, 1877.
68 p. 23'°.
980 4-C615 F&4332.He
Notes on his name and family, by James Burnes . . .
Edinburgh, Printed for private circulation, 1851.
1 p. 1., 42, 64, 16 p. illus. 19^"°.
Includes Memoir of Sir Alexander Burnes, c. b., by Gt. Bulst, and
Memoir of James Burnes, k. h., r. k. s., by W. A. Laurie.
»(fl 4-6653 PK4332.B7
The book of Robert Bums; genealogical and historical
memoirs of the jDoet, his associates and those celebrated in his
writings; by the Rev. Charles Rogers . . . Edinburgh, The
Grampian club, 1889-91.
3 V. front, (port., v. 3) facslm. 26'".
Title of V. 3 reads : The book of Robert Burns . . . The lineage of the
poet, by the late Rev. Charles Rogers . . . The life of the poet, by Rev.
J. C. Hlggins.
982 1-11136 PB,4329.B5
See aho Guthrie. CS479.Q8
Burr. A general history of the Burr family in America. With a
genealogical record from 1570 to 1878. By Charles Burr
<f^,%. Todd . . . New York, E. W. Sackett & brc, 1878.
^7^"^ 436 p., 1 L front., pi., ports. 23i"".
983 • 9-7497t CS71.B968 1878
A general history of the Burr family, with a genealogical
record from 1193 to 1891. By Charles Burr Todd ... 2d ed.
New York, Printed for the author, 1891.
4 p. 1., v-xxvii [10], 535 p. col. front, plates, porte. 24'".
Edition limited to 500 copies, no. 31.
984 9-741)0t CS71.B968 1891
A general history of the Burr family, with a genealogical
-.. record from 1193 to 1902, by Ch;ules Burr Todd ... ith ed.
New York, Printed for the author by the Knickerbocker press,
xxix, [10], 600 p. Incl. facslm. front, pi. (part col.) port. 24'".
985 2-19735 CS71.B968 1902
Burr. Some of the ancestors and the children of Heman Merrick
Burr, esq., who was born June 20, 1785, at Bridgewater, Mass.,
and died August 8, 1872, at Leicester, Mass. Comp. by
Henry Winthrop Harden . . . [n. p., 1903]
geneal. tab. -JCJ x iH'".
Revised 1905.
986 13-26801 CS71.B968 1903
See aho Loomis. CSTi.Lsea 1880
Burrage. The Burrage memorial. A genealogical history of the de-
scendants of John Burrage, who settled in Charlestown, Mass., in
1637 . . . Boston, A. Mudge and son, 1877.
265 p. port. 24"'.
Coiiip. by Alvah Augustus Burrage.
987 1-135 CS71.B97 1877
Burrell. See Buirill.
Burrill. The Burrill family of Lynn, during the colonial and pro-
vincial periods, with some of their descendants. By Ellen
Mudge Burrill ... A paper read before the Lynn historical
society, April 11, 1907. [Lynn, Mass., F. S. Whitten, printer,
54 p. front. 23 J'"".
Title vignette.
9-29355 CS71.B971 1907
See aho Monntt. CS71.M74 1911
Willis. CS71.W73 1898
Burns. See also Quisenberry. CS71.Q9 1897
Burritt. The family of Blackleach Burritt, jr., pioneer and one of
the first settlers of Uniondale, Susquehanna County, Pennsyl-
vania. Washington, D. C.. Press of Gibson bros. [°1911]
68 p. col. front, (coat of arms) 24"".
" Books consulted by the compiler " : Alice Burritt : p. 5.
989 11-10206 CS71.B9715 1911
See also Tostei. CS71.F756 1897
Burrough. See Burroughs.
Burroughs. Genealogy of the Burroughs family, comp. by L. A.
Burroughs . . . Garrettsville, O., The Peirce printing co., 1894.
24 p. 23'=°'.
990 9-7495t CS71.B972 1894
Burroughs of Wickhambrook. (In Muskett, Joseph James,
ed. Suffolk manorial families . . . Exeter [Eng.] W. Pollard
& CO., ltd., 1900- 30i X 24i'". vol. 1, p. 294r-314)
991 CS437.S7M8
114883°— 19 12
Burt. Genealogical records of Henry and Ulalia Burt, the emi-
grants, who early settled at Springfield, Mass., and their de-
scendants through nine generations, from 1640-1891. By Rod-
erick H. Burnham . . . Warwick, N. Y., Miss Elizabeth Burt,
347 p. incl. col. coat of aims, front., plates, ports. 23i"".
p. 321-332 left blank for records.
992 3-4172* CS71.B973 1892
Early days in New England. Life and times of Henry
Burt of Springfield and some of his descendants. Genealogical
and biographical mention of James and Richard Burt of Taun-
ton, Mass., and Thomas Burt, m. p., of England. By Henry
M. Burt . . . Silas W. Burt . . . Springfield. Mass., C. W.
Bryan company, printers, 1893.
3 p. 1., [3]-617 p. illus., plates (ports.) maps. 23'".
993 9-7494t CS71.B973 1893
See also Flagg. CS71.F574 1903
Guthrie. CS71.G984 1898
Patterson. CS71.P317 1917
Burton. Re-union of the Burton and Robinson families; records of
proceedings, historical records and genealog}' of the families,
1879. Rockland, Me., Reprinted by Huston's book store, 1906.
32 p. 22J"".
Record of proceedings signed : C. Prince, sec.
" [The] genealogy [is] copied in most cases from Eaton's Annals of
Warren, and History of Thomaston and Rockland." — p. 12.
994 G-28552 CS71.B974 1906
Stephen Burton of Bristol, R. I., and some of his descend-
ants. By Miss Susan A. Smith, of Dorchester, Mass.
(In The New England historical and genealogical register, vol. uc, 1906,
p. 28-30. 25i"".)
995 17-9564 F1.N56 vol.60
Copy 2, detached. CS71.B974 I906a
See also Fletcher. CS439.F53
Harrison. Csri.H32 I9l0a
Thayer. CS71.T37 1894
Burwell. Proceedings of the Burwell family picnic, held at Bur-
well's farm, Milford, Connecticut. August 18, 1870. Cleveland,
G. S. Newcomb &i co., printers, 1870.
26 p. 211'".
998 S-30925 CS71.B975 1870
/See aZ«o Harrison. CS71.H32 1893
Selden. CS71.S45 1911
Busby. . • . Genealogies by James W. Hawes. Nicholas Busby.
Yarmouthport. Mass., C. W. Swift, 1911.
cover-title, 8 p. 25i°". (Library of Cape Cod history & genealogy,
no. 100)
997 12-24995 CS71.B982 1911
Bush. Genealogy of the descendants of John M. Bush and Jane
Osterhoudt of Kingston, Ulster County, N. Y., 1791-1914, by
Beatrice Bush . . . [Jersey City, N. J., Gaddis bros., printers,
63, [16] p. incl. col. coat of arms. 23'".
16 blank pages at end for "Addenda."
998 14-14750 CS71.B083 1914
See also Gentry. CS71.G339 1909
loomis. CS71.L863 1880
Miller. cs71.m;65 1907
• ftuisenberry. CS71.Q9 1897
Bushell. Bushell of Preston. {In Kecords of the parish church of
Preston in Amounderness, by Tom C. Smith . . . Preston, Lon-
don, 1892)
29 X 22}"°. App. A.
999 ^22238 DA690.P93S6
Bushnell. Life and letters of Horace Bushnell . . . New York, C.
Scribner's sons, 1903.
3 p. 1., [v]-x p., 1 1., 601 p. front., plates, ports. 23"°.
Preface signed : Mary Bushnell Cheney.
" The genealogy of Horace Bushnell " : p. [569]-590.
1000 3-21562
Asa Smith Bushnell, governor of Ohio. By George Wells
Knight . . . Reprinted from the " Old Northwest " genealogi-
cal quarterly for July, 1904. Columbus, O. [Press of Spahr
& Glenn] 1904.
13 p. 2 port., col. coat of arms. 25'°.
1001 15-7547 F496.B97
Daniel Edwin Bushnell, a memorial . . . [Chattanooga,
MacGowan-Cooke pub. co., 1917]
2 p. 1., 143 p. Incl. front., Illus., ports. 23i'".
Complied by Emma Helen Bushnell.
•' Sermons " by D. E. Bushnell : p. 35-61.
" Tim, an autobiography with fictitious names " : p. [651-129.
"Genealogy": p. 133-143.
1002 17-31092 BX9225.B8B8
See also Barton. CS71.B336 i900
Butcher. See also Qi^^itns. CS71.044 1894
Butler. Some account of the family of the Butlers, but more par-
ticularly of the late Duke of Ormond, the Earl of Ossory his
father and James duke of Ormond his grandfather. London;
Printed for J. Morphew, 1716.
4 p. 1., 256 p. port. 17"".
1003 2-29090 DAgi6.3.B8Se
A genealogical history of the noble and illustrious house of
the Butlers in England and Ireland. Compared and examined
with the several genealogies already published in England and
Ireland. London, 1771.
164 p. 21'".
1004 2-8823 CS499.B9
The Butler family. Prepared by Professor James Davie
C^X*^'*^ Butler of Norwich, Vt.
/-^•t \ {In The New England historical and genealogical regjster, vol. i, April
v\. 1847, p. 167-170. 24"")
1005 17-9550 ri.N56 vol.1
Copy 2, detached. CS71.B986 1847
The life of James, duke of Ormond ; containing an account
of the most remarkable affairs of his time, and particularly of
Ireland under his government: with an appendix and a collec-
tion of letters, serving to verify the most material facts in the
said history. A new ed., carefully compared with the original
mss. Oxford, University press, 1851.
6 V. 23J"".
The pnging of the original folio edition Is added.
Dedication .signed: Tho. Carte.
"The introduction, containing memoirs of the house, of Ormond "; v. 1,
p. [xvii]-cxxi. Vol. 5-6 contain the appendix and collection of leters.
1006 3-28438 DA940.5.07C2
Book of the family and lineal descendants of Medad Butler,
late of Stuyvesant, Columbia County, N. Y. Comp. by William
Allen Butler . . . [New York, Printed by K. Tompkins, 188-?]
55. [5] p. 27J X 2ir'°-
1007 1-5250 CS71.B98e 188-
Thomas Butler and his descendants. A genealogy of the
descendants of Thomas and Elizabeth Butler of Butler's Hill,
South Berwick, Me., 1674 to. 1886, by George H. Butler . . .
New York, Trow's printing and bookbinding company, 1886.
3 p. 1., 192 p. front (col. coat of nrras) 231'".
1008 14-10105 CS71.B98e 1886
Bntler. Biitleriana. genealogica et biopraphica ; or Genealogical
notes concerning Mary Butler and her descendants, as well as
the Bates, Harris, Sigourney and other families, with which
they have intermarried. By James Davie Butler . . . Albany,
N. v., J. Munsell's sons, 1888.
2 p. 1., [3]-162 p. plates, ports., fncsim. 231'".
J009 9-7493t CS71.B986 1888
The descendants of Henry Butler and Eebecca Green, his
wife, married October 7, 1806. Prepared by H. P. B. and P. H.
B. Dedicated to Aunt Lucy, the first born. New York, The Corell
press and the press of the Classical school associated, 1890.
22 iniml). 1. 22"°.
Coiiip. by Henry Percival Butler and Prescott Hall Butler.
1010 16-5356 CS71.B986 1896
The Butler ancestry of Gen. Benjamin Franklin Butler in
America. Lowell, Mass., 1895.
26 p. 23^"".
By Blanch Butler Ames.
1011 9-7492t CS71.B986 1895
The Butler family, arranged by Albert Wilmot Rook,
Chicago, The Lakeside press [1901]
111 p., 1 1. front. 22r'°.
1012 1-2G286 CS71.B986 1901
The family of Rev. John Butler . . . [Bo.stonJ Printed for
private circulation, 1908.
5 p. 1., 5-44 p. front., plates, port's., facsinis. 231"".
Preface signed : Charles Bowdoin Fillebrown.
1013 9-1241 CS71.B986 1908
The Butler family in America, comp. by William David But-
ler, John Cromwell Butler, Joseph Marion Butler. St. Louis,
Mo., Shallcross printing co. [1909]
2'JG (i. e. 302), [10] p. iuel. plates, ports., facsinis. 25"".
1014 10-C."i29 CS71.B986 1909
Book of the family and lineal descendants of Medad Butler,
late of Stuyvesant, Columbia (^ounty, N. Y. Comp. by William
Allen Butler to October 29, 1887, and continued by Willard
Parker Butler to October 29, 1915 . . . [New York, 1915]
U9, Ix p. 28'".
1015 16-25272 CS71.B986 1916
Butler. See also Bramshott DA670.H2C2
Cass. BA690.B23.C3
Farnham. CS439.F25
Gentry. CS71.G339 1909
Lawson. CS71.L425 1903
Lewis. CS71.L675 1910
Eanney. F104.C8A2
Bntterfield. The arms of the Butterfield and Butterworth families.
New York city, Martin & Allardyce, 1912.
cover-title, 8 p. coats of arms. 191'".
1016 13-3224 CB,1629.B8
Butters. The genealogical registry of the Butters family ... in-
cluding the descendants of William Butter, of AVoburn, Mass.,
1665 and the families of New York, Pennsylvania, West Vir-
ginia, Ohio, Iowa and others bearing the name, who settled in
America. By George Butters . . . Chicago, D. Oliphant,
printer, 1896.
5 p. 1., 466 p. col. front, plates, ports., map, facsim. 24'"'.
1017 9-7491 1 CS71.B988 1896
Butterworth. The arms of the Butterfield and Butterworth families.
New York city, Martin & Allardyce, 1912.
cover-title, 8 p. coats of arms. 191"°.
1018 13-3224 CR1629.B8
Button. Collections relating to the families of D'Annville of Bitton,
Glou(oster.sl>ire; and tlie Le (irand alias Biittdii. of AViltshire
and Glamorganshire. By "Alton" [^pseud. of T. C. Button]
London, Bowden, Hudson & co., 1888.
3G p. fold. Kfiipiil. tab. 32-".
" Part I. Only 105 copies printed."
1019 15-21504 CS439.B94 1888
• Outline sketch of the earliest descendants of Matthias But-
ton, who first settled at Salem, Mass., September 6, 1628 . . .
By A. Button . . . Grand Rapids, Mich., Toren, Taylor &
Hinsdill, printers and engravers, 1889.
16 p. 181"".
1020 »-7490t CS71.B989 1889
" Notes b}' the way " re the Newtons, alias Puckerings, of
Charlton, Kent, in their relation to the Button family, of Bitton,
near Bristol : in early deeds spelt Buc-ton, Bytton, and Bet-
thonc, etc., (1270 " Eustachius de Button, vicar prebendal, de
Buc-ton, alias Bytton "). Also, re the Newtons, alias Cradocks,
etc., of Bitton and elsewhere. London, Fieldson & co., printers,
8 p. 22'".
Signed: T. C. Button.
1021 17-30473 CS439.B94 1890
Button. Genealogical sketch of the early descendants of Matthias
Button, who came to America with Governor John Endicott,
landing at Salem, Mass., September 6, 1628, comp. from authen-
tic sources. A 2d ed., and prospectus, by A. Button . . . [Sara-
nac, Mich., Saranac local] 1903.
18 p. lllus. I7i"". ,
1022 3-26267 CS71.B989 1903
Butts. John Butts: his ancestors and some of his descendants. '^'Zj\l.
Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Press of A. V. Haight [1898] ^^5=-
153 p. iiicl. front. 251'".
Comp. by Allison Butts.
1023 2-22437 CS71.B99 1898
Byam. Chronological memoir of the Reverends Henry, John, and
Edward Bj'am ; sons of the Rev. Lawrence Byam . . . Bj' Ed-
ward S. Byam, esq. . . . Tenby, R. Mason, printer, 1862.
3 p. 1., 82 p. front, (coiit of arms) 21 i"".
Caption and running title: Memoir of the Byam family.
Male descent of the family of Byam from the princes of Wales, also (in
the female) from the kings of England: p. 78-S2.
1024 13-18578 CS439.B95
Byers. /See aZ-w Weitzel. CS71.W434 1883
Byram. See also Ayer. CS71.A98 1905
Byrd. Tlie writings of " Colonel William Byrd, of Westover in
Virginia, esq'';" ed. by John Spencer Bassett. Illustrated. New
York, Doubloday, Page & co., 1901.
vi p., 2 1., ix-l.\xxviii, 161 p. front, (port.) pi. 26*"".
One of an ed. of .'lOO copies on specially made paper and 15 copies on Im-
perial Japanese vellum paper.
Introduction: The Byrd family In Virginia.
1025 2-1125 F229.B96
Some colonial mansions and those who lived in them, with
genealogies of the various families mentioned; ed. by Thomas
Allen Glenn . . . vol. i. Philadelphia, H. T. Coates & com-
pany, 1898.
xlx p., 1 I., 17-4.59 p. Incl. illus., plates, ports, front., plates, ports. 24"".
No more published ; continuation called 2<1 series.
CoNTKNTs. — Westover. — Jlorven and the Stoclitons. — Cedar Grove. — Bo-
hemia Manor and the Herrmans. — The patroouship of the Van Rensse-
laers. — Rosewell : The Page family.— The Carters of Virginia. — Clermont
and the Livin!;stoiis. — The Carrolls of Maryland : Doughoregan Manor. —
Grwme Park: Keith and Graeme families. — Brandon on the lower James:
The Harrison family. — The Randolphs.
1026 8-26467 E159.G55
Byrd. See also Bird.
Selden. CS71.S45 I9n
Willis. CS71.W73
Byres. See ahaHLooxt. CS479.M6 1885
Byrom. Tlie private journal and literary remains of John Byrom.
Ed. by Richard Parkinson . . . [Manchester] Printed for the
Chetham society, 1854—57.
2 V. in 4. front, (port.) illus., 3 fold, geneal tab. 23'". (Added t.p.:
Remains, historical and literary, connected with the palatine counties of
Lancaster and Chester, v. 32, 34, 40, 44)
" The Byrom pedigrees . . . with illustrative notes, by the Rev. F. R.
Raines": 41 p. and 3 fold, geneal. tab. at end of v. 2, pt. 2.
1027 15-25117 DA670.L19C5 vol. 32, 34, 40, 44
Byron. Pedigree of George Gordon, sixth lord Byron, of the family
of Burum, or Buron, or Byron . . . [by] Edvrard Bernard.
London, C. AVilson, 1870.
geneal. tab. 62 x 47J"" fold, to 164"".
1028 17-9504 CS439.B97
Byron, by John Nichol. New York, Harper & brothers,
viii, 212 p. geneal. tab. lOi"". (Half-title: English men of letters, ed.
by J. Morley)
1029 4-17179/3 PB4381.N4 1880
Byron, by John Nichol. New York, Harper & brothers
viii, 212 p. fold, gonial, tab. 17^"'. (Half-title: English men of let-
ters ; ed. by .John Morley )
On cover: Harper's handy .series, no. 140.
" Books consulted " : p. [vill-viii.
"Ancestry and family": p. 1-10.
1030 13-33731 PH4381.N4 1887
Byset. The charters of the Priory of Beauly, witli notice.? of the
priories of Pluscardine and Ardchattan and of the family of
the founder, John Byset. By Edmund Chisholm Batten.
[P^dinburgli] Printed for the Grampian club [by M'Furlane and
ErskincJ 1877.
xl, 33(5 p. ind. front. 22J"".
1031 12-22110 DA890.B4C5
Cabanne. See also Chouteau. CS71.C552 1893
Cabell. The Cabells and their kin. A memorial volume of history,
biop:raphy, and genealogy, by Alexander Brown . . . Boston
and New York, Houghton, Miftlin & co., 1895.
xvii, 041 p. col. frout. (fold.) iilates, ports., facsiin. 2.5'".
1032 9-7521t CS71.C11 1895
See aho Pocahontas. CS71.R747 1887
Rives. F230.K53
Cadenhead. The family of Cadenhcad, by George Cadenhead . . .
Aberdeen, J. & J. P. Edmond & Spark, 1887.
xix, [11, p. incl. map. 23""'.
" 125 copies pi'inted. no. 78."
1033 9-12691 CS479.C15
Cadillac. The coat of arms of le Sieur Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac.
[Detroit, Evans- Winter-Hebb complete printing service, '1918]
[8] p. col. illus. 15i"".
Signed: Cadillac motor car company, Detroit.
1034 18-3243 CB1809.C3C3
Cadle. List of one hundred and fifteen colonial ancestors of Cor-
nelius Cadle, Muscatine, Iowa. Member, Missouri society of
colonial wars. Comp. by Mrs. Charles Francis Cadle. [Musca-
tine, la., 1909?]
cover-title, [12] p. 25i'".
1035 9-29445 CS71.C124 1909
Genealogy of the Cadle family, including the English de-
scent. [Washington, D. C, Press of W. F. Roberts co., 1915]
146, [3] p. front., plates, ports., facsims. 24^°'.
Edited by P. VV. Maliin and Abbie Anna Cadle Mahin from material
collected and partly arranged by Henry Cadle.
Interspersed with blank leaves for " Additional notes."
1030 15-13026 CS71.C124 1915
Cadwalader. See also 'S.^^i. CS71.R825 1908
Cadwell. /See a7«o Belden. CS71.B447 1898
Cady. Descendants of Nicholas Cady of Watertown, Mass. 1645-
1910. By Orrin Peer Allen . . . Palmer, Mass., The author,
Press of Q. B. Fiske & co., 1910.
546 p. front., plates. 23i"".
1037 10-15.')02 CS71.C127 1910
Supplement . . . lf.4.5-1011. Palmer, Ma.ss., The
author, Pre.ss of C. B. Fiske & co., 1911.
32 p., 11. front., plates, ports. 23i ■". CS71.C127 1911
Caesar. Life of Sir Julius Caesar . . . with memoirs of his family
and descendants, by P^dmund Lodge ... To which is added,
Numenis infau.stus, an historical work, by Charles Caesar , . .
[2d ed.] London, J. Hatcliard and son [etc.] 1827.
vl, 116 p. 2 pi.. 18 port., fold, ceneal. tab. 34^".
1038 5-5155t DA377.C2L8
Cage.— A^fe also Bledsoe. F443.S9C5
Cairnes. A history of the family of Caimes or Cairns and its con-
nections. By H. C. Lawlor. London, E. Stock, 1906.
siii, [1] p., 1 1., 292 p., 1 1. front., illus., plates (partly col.) facslms.
(1 double) fold, geneal. tables. 26"".
Blank leaves at end " for rcfordinR udditioual information."
1039 8-26237 CS479.C16
Caithness. See Sinclair. DA28.35.S6S6
Calaway. See also Dawson. CS71.D272 I874a
Calder. See also Macdonald. rA750.S25 2d ser. vol. I, v.xu
Caldwell. Caldwell records. John and Sarah (Dillingham) Cald-
well, Ipswich, Mass., and their descendants; sketches of families
connected with them by marriage; brief notices of other Cald-
well families. Boston, W. P. Lunt, 1873.
80 p. plates, port. 2.5"'.
Comp. by Augustine Caldwell.
1040 9-TGG8t CS71.C14 1873
The Caldwell chronicle, v. 1, no. 1-5; Oct. 19, 1899-Mar.
1900. Providence, E. I., A. Caldwell, 1899-1900.
50 p. 24i"".
Biweekly, Oct. 19-Nov. 16, 1899; irregular, Dec. 1899-Mar. 1900.
No more published.
1041 12-17120 CS71.C14 1899-1900
John Caldwell and Sarah Dillingham Caldwell, his wife,
Ipswich, Ma.ss., 1654. (Jenealogic al records of their descendants,
eigiit generations, 1654-1000. by Augustine Caldwell . . . John
and Dolly Hoyt Caldwell, fifth generation. Descendants in
Maine, by Mrs. Sumner Kimball . . . Also, gleanings, me-
morials, biographical sketches, of Caldwells included in the
records, and families allied by marriages. Ipswich, Mass., A.
Caldwell, 1904.
317, [1] p. illus., plates, ports. 24"".
Issued iu 4 parts.
1042 6-2261 CS71.C14 1904
Caldwell. Caldwell commemoration. 1654. August 31, 1904. [Ips-
wich? Mass., 1904?]
2 p. 1., [3]-24 p., 1 1. illus. 24i'".
Illus. t.-p.
Issued as pt. v of " John Caldwell and Sarah Dillingbani Caldwell
his wife, Ipswich, Mass., 1654. Genealogical records of their descend-
ants ... by Augustine Caldwell "... 1904.
1043 7-37057 CS71.C14 1904a
A branch of the Caldwell family tree; being a record of
Thompson Baxter Caldwell and his wife, Mary Ann (Ames)
Caldwell, of West Bridgewater, Massachusetts, their ancestors
and descendants. By Charles T. Caldwell . . . [AVashington,
D. C. 1906]
1 p. 1., 18 p. 26"°.
1044 6-16718 CS71.C14 1906
William Coaldwell, Caldwell or Coldwell of England,
Massachusetts, Connecticut and Nova Scotia. Historical sketch
of the family and name and record of his descendants. By
Charles T. Caldwell . . . Washington, D. C, Press of Judd &
Detweiler, inc., 1910.
82 p. 231'".
1045 10-16180 CS71.C14 1910
. . . Caldwell. The de Coville family of France, Cauldwell
family of Scotland — their English, Irish and American descent —
the origin of the family and their coat of arms . . . (By Mrs.
Leonora Caldwell Benson Hill) . . . [Washington, D. C, Haa-
ford press] '1913.
7 p. 26"".
Caption title.
At head of title : The International Caldwell society, Wa.shinzton, D. C.
104G • 14-2834 CS71.C14 1913
. . . Caldwell . . . Benson. A genealogical record of the
origin and creation of "our flag" for Flag day, June 14, 1914.
[Washington, D. C, The Hanford press, 1914]
cover-title, 10 p. 25i"". (The International Caldwell society quarterly.
V. 1, no. 3)
By Mrs. I^eonore Caldwell Benson Hill,
1047 15-231 CS71.C14 1914
See also Jackson. CS71.J13 1890
Monnet. CS71.M74 i9ll
Calhonn. . . . Journal of William Calhoun. Annotated by A. S.
Salley, jr.
(/n Southern history association. Publications. Wusbington, D. C,
1904. 24"". V. 8, p. [179]-195)
Accounts and personal notes, dated from about 1749 to ISI".
1048 15-21777 F206.S73 vol. 8
Calhoun. The Calhoun family of South Carolina, by A. S. Salley, jr.
(Columbia? S. C, 1906?]
cover-title, 42 p. illus. (incl. facslms.) 23'°.
1049 7-^800 CS71.C15 1906
Calkins. The Calkins memorial military roster, by William Wirt
Calkins . . . Chicago, M. A. Donohue & company [1903]
204 p. front., ports. 24"°.
CS71.C155 1903
Supplement . . . Chicago, M. A. Donohue & company
46 p. 24'".
1050 3-18963 CS71.C155 1909
Callander. Callender genealogy; ancestors and descendants of Na-
thaniel Callender and Olive Kellogg. San Antonio, Tex., 1911.
cover-title, 5-22 p. 15'".
1051 16-17949 CS71.C17 1911
Calthorp. Notes on the families of Calthorpe & Calthrop in the
counties o^ Norfolk and Lincolnshire, comp. from various
sources as herein indicated by Colonel Christopher William
Carr-Calthrop . . . London, Printed for private circulation
only [Chiswick press] 1905.
132 p. 23"".
1052 19-3361 CS439.C18
See also Guerin. CS439.G89 1890
Calthrop. See Calthorp.
Calverley. Calverley charters, nos. 1-114. {In Thoresby society,
Leeds. Publications. 1894, vol. vi, pt. 1)
1053 DA670.Y59T4 vol.6
See also 'SYa.cktit. .DA690.N6B6
Calvert. An appeal to the citizens of Maryland, one of the United
States of America. From the legitimate descendeuts of the
Baltimore family. By Charles Browning . . . Baltimore,
Printed by T. R."Lusby, 1821.
88 I). 22'".
Dated: Annapolis, 2!)tli of .Tuly. 1821.
10.54 7-32894 F184.B884
An abstract of the condition of granting of lands in Mary-
land, as propounded by Cecelius, lord baron of Baltimore. Also:
a short account of the manor and reserved lands, taken up
under Ilis LorcLship and liis (k'sceiidiint's orders, with a sketch
of Their Lordships . . . By Charles Browning. Baltimore,
Printed for the proprietor. 1825.
32 p. 22i'".
1055 8-16819 F184.B883
Calvert. The lords Baltimore, by John G. Morris . . . Baltimore
[J. Murphy] 1874.
1 p. 1.,'15]-61 p. 25'". ( [Maryland historical society] Fund-publication,
no. 8)
1056 l-Rc-3381 F176.M37
See also Hanmer. CS439.H283
Morris. CS71.M876 1905-1908
Camac. See Camock.
Cambray. The family of Cambray of Great Rissington and Icomb,
Gloucestershire. With a note upon the medieval Canibrays.
Comp. by J. A. Dunbar-Dunbar . . . London, Printed for pri-
vate circulation and issued by Phillimore & co., 1898.
iv, 39 p. front, (fold, geneai. tab.) 4 pi. 29J"".
1057 8-28746 CS439.C2
Cameron. Memoirs of Sir Ewen Cameron of Locheill, chief of the
clan Cameron. With an introductory account of the history
and antiquities of that family and of the neighbouring clans.
Edinburgh, 1842.
ivii, 30 p., 1 1., 412 p. inci. front, (port.) 26'". [Abbotsfonl club. Pub-
lications, no. 24]
Edited by James Macknight from an incomplete ms., by Jolm Druramond
supposed to be the original, supplemented by several ms. copies. Pre-
sented to the Abbotsford club by Bindon Blood and James Macknight.
Pub. also as no. 59 of the Maitiand club publications.
1058 13-6136 DA750.A2 no. 24
History of the Camerons, with genealogies of the principal
families of the name. By Alexander Mackenzie . . . Inverness,
A. & W. Mackenzie, 1884.
xll, 478 p., 1 1. 23"».
1059 9-19334t CS479.C8
See also Grant. CS479.G7
Quisenberry. CS71.Q9 1897
Camfield. See Canfield.
Camock. Memoirs of the Camacs of co. Down, with some account of
their predecessors. Ed. by Frank Owen Fisher . . . (For
private circulation.) Norwich, Yarmouth, and London, Printed
by Jarrold and sons, 1897.
X p., 1 1., 97, [1] p. front. 251'".
Running title : " Memoirs of the Canioclcs."
On cover : " Vol. i." No more published ?
Pedlcatlon signed : John Burge.s Camac.
" Only hfty copies of this book have been issued, no. six."
1060 17-23912 CS439.C23
Camoys. See Stonor.
Campan. Barnabas Campau and his descendants. [Detroit, 1916]
cover-title, 16 p. 24"".
Prefatory remarks signed : C. M. Burton.
CS71.C18 1916
Campbell. The Arg^ie papers. Edinburgh, T. G. Stevenson, 1834.
xxxiii, 213, [1] p. 21"°.
Title vignette.
57 copies printed.
Ed. by James Maiduient.
This copy has publisher's lettering: Argyle papers, C. K. Sharpe.
CoiNTE.NTS. — Introductory notice. — A])peudix. — Notices relative to the
Argyle family from the ms. genealogical collections of Robert Myln. —
Anecdotes of the Marquis of Argyle and some of his descendants, by the
Reverend Robert Wodrow. — Letter of the Marquis of Argyle, 1640. and
papers relative to his son, Archibald, 9tli earl of Argyle. — Papers relative
to the abduction of Miss Wharton, by the Hon. James Campbell of Burn-
bank, and the execution of Sir John Johnstone, hart, for his concern there-
in.— Letters to and from, and papers connected with Archibald, first duke
of Argyle, 169.3-1703. — The correspondence of Elizabeth, duchess of Ar-
gyle, chiefly relative to the death of her husband, and the proceedings
adopted against Mrs. Alison, &c. &c. &c. — Miscellaneous papers relative to
John, duke of Argyle, 1704-1717. — The Burnbank papers, 1710-172.3.
1062 14-7578 CS479.C3 1834
Letters to the Argj'll family, from Elizabeth queen of
England, Mary queen of Scots, King James vi. King Charles i,
King Charles ii, and others. From originals preserved in the
General register house. With an appendi.x. Edinburgh
[Printed by T. Constable] 1839.
xvi, 88 p. incl. facsims. 14 facsim, (part fold.) 27J x 21^". [Maitland
club. Publications, no. 50]
Ed. by Alexander Macdonald.
The letters cover the years 1520-1685; the appendix covers the years
Printed on the club paper. Presented to the club by the Duke of Argyll.
1063 18-14266 DA750.M3 no. 50
The black book of Taymouth; with other papers from the
Breadalbane charter room. [Ed. by Cosmo Innes.] Edinburgh
[T. Constable] 18.55.
3 p. 1., xxxvlii, 443 p. front, 11 pi. (9 col.) 29i'". (Bannatyne club.
Publications, no. 100)
Line borders .
" Tlie black book of Taymouth" In gothic type, with red headings.
1064 10-2774t DA750.B2 no. 100
— The book of the thanes of Cawdor; a series of papers
selected from the charter room at Cawdor. 1236-1742. Edin-
burgh, 1859,
liivll p., 1 1., 471 p. front, illus., plates, fold, facsims., fold, geneal.
tab. 25'". {On cover: The Spalding club. Aberdeen. [Publications.
Preface signed : C. Innes.
Presented to the members of the Spalding club, by the Earl of Cawdor.
1065 14-21096 DA750.S8 vol. 29
The house of Argyll and the collateral branches of the clan
Campbell, from the year 420 to the present tune . . . Glasgow,
J. Tweed; [etc., etc.] 1871.
vi p., 1 1., 239 p. front., Illus. (coat of arms) ports., fold, geneal. tab.
Faniil.v tree of the Cralgnish Campbells: fold, geneal. tab.
1066 18-14289 CS479.C3 1871
The MacCallum More : a history of the Argyll f amilj' from
the earliest times. By the Rev. Hely Smith. London, Bern-
rose & sons, 1871.
3 p. 1., 144 p. fold geneal. tab. 19"°.
Marked for printer.
1067 10-1190 CS479.A7 1871
Pedigi'ce of James Reid Campbell of Inverardine, Cornwall,
Canada; the head of the Canada branch of the Breadalbane
Campbell family; and Sir George Dimcan Gibb. bart., of Falk-
land fife ; hereditary lord of the barony of Carribber, Linlithgow
. . . Comp. by the latter . . . London, 1872.
52 X 67i"° fold, to 21 x 15'".
1067a CS479.C3. 1872
Records of Argjil; legends, traditions, and recollections of
Argyllshire Highlanders, collected chiefly from the Gaelic, with
notes on the antiquity of the dress, clan colours, or tartans, of
the Highlanders; by Lord Archibald Campbell, with etching's by
Charles Laurie. Edinburgh and London, W. Blackwood and
sons, 1885.
XV, [1], 514 p. 11 pi., 8 port. (inel. front) 30}'".
"No. 311."
1068 3-29477 DA880.A6C1
Memorials of the family of Campbell of Kilmartin and
some notes on the family of Campbell of Inverawe. by Captain
Douglas Wimberley . . . Inverness, Printed for the author at
the office of the " Northern chronicle," 1894.
Iv p., 1 1., ,54 p. front., plates, fold, geneal. tables. 29'".
Title vignette: coat of arms.
10G9 10-1186 CS479.C3 1894
Campbell. . . . Lauchlin Campbell, of Campbell Hall, and his family.
By David Barclay. {In Historical society oi Newburgh Bay and
tlie Highlands. Historical papers. Newburgh, N. Y., 1902.
23'"-. No. 9, p. [31J-36)
1070 8-18970 F127.08H6
Copy 2, detached. F122.C19
Descendants of Josepli and Mary Dodge Campbell in
America. In whicli is presented biographical sketches of all
those who have attained adult age in the line of descent, as well
as accounts of those persons, who by marriage have become re-
lated to the Dodge and Campbell family. Chester, Pa., Chester
times print, 1907.
86 p. front, (coat of arms) 28"".
Comp, by Henry Gnihain Asliniead.
" Only 100 copies printed of wlilch this Is no. 20."
1071 16-23264 CS71.C19 1907
The Robert Campbell genealogy, a record of the descendants
of Robert Campbell of county Tyrone, Ulster, Ireland. By Rev.
Frederic Campbell. Brooklyn, N. Y., The author, 1909.
175, [41 p. illus., ports. ISJ"".
1072 10-7328 CS71.C19 1909
Facts and traditions concerning the Argyleshire clan
Campbell and a few of the American descendants, by one of
them, Katharine Campbell Norton Lewis . . . [Chicago, A.
C. McClurg & CO., 1910]
[50] p., 1 1. 28"".
Title and text within ornamental borders.
1073 13-8113 CS71.C19 1910
Historical sketches of the Campbell, Pikher and kindred
families, including the Bowen, Russell, Owen, Grant, Goodwin,
Amis, Carothers, Hope, Taliaferro, and Powell families, by Mar-
garet Campbell Pilcher. Nashville, Tenn. [Press of Marshall &
Bruce co., "=1911]
444 p. front., illus. (coats of arms) plates, ports. 24"".
Articles also contributed by Calvin McGlung, Charles Campbell, and
William B. Campbell.
1074 11-8284 CS71.C19 1911
. . . Tlie Campbells of Argyll, by Hilda T. Skae. London,
New York [etc.] T. Nelson and .sons [l913]
144 p. col. front., col. plates. 20'". (Famous families in BrltLsh his-
1075 15-15785 CS479.C3 1913
Campbell. The clan Campbell ; abstracts . . . from the Campbell col-
lections formed by Sir Duncan Campbell of Barcaldine and
Glenure, baronet . . . Prepared and ed. by the Rev. Henry
Paton . . . Edinburgh, O. Schulze & company, 1913-1915.
3 V. 26'".
107G 13-18030 CS479.C3 1913a
The Campbell family magazine, genealogical, historical and
biographical, v. 1-2, no. 1, January, 1916-Jan. 1917, New
York city, N. Y., W. M. Clemens, 1916-1917.
1 V. 1 no. 23"". quarterly.
Editor : Jan. 1916- W. M. Clemens.
1077 16-2768 CS71.C19 1916-
See also A-Tgyll. CS479.A7 1871
Can. CS439.C3
Macdonald. DA750.S25 2d ser. vol.5,12
Maclachlan. CS479.M335
Sinclair. CS479.S6 1884
West. CS71.W52 1912
Canby. William Canby, of . Brandywine, Delaware . . . His de-
scendants fourth to .seventh generation in America. Philadel-
phia, Printed for private distribution [Friends' book assoc]
59 p. 21 r°.
Genealogy printed in colors : violet, red, green and black.
Additions in manuscript.
1078 4-33869 CS71.C214 1883
Candee. The Candee genealogy: with notices of allied families of
Allyn, Catlin, Cooke, Mallery, Newell, Norton, Pynchon, and
Wadsworth. By Charles Candee Baldwin . . . Cleveland, O.,
Leader printing co., 1882.
240 p. front., illus. .22"".
1079 9-7.".20 CS71.C216 1882
Candler. Colonel William Candler of Georgia; his ancestry and
progeny, by his great-grandson Allen D. Candler. Atlanta,
Ga., The Franklin printing & publishing co., 1902.
189 p. fold, geneal. tab. 18}'"
1080 5-37637 CS71.C218 1902
Cane. See also Hutchinson. CS439.H795
Canfield. A history of Thomas Canfield and of Matthew Camfield.
with a genealojEry of their descendants in New Jersey, comp. by
Frederick A. Canfield . . . [New Haven, Conn., The Tuttlo,
Morehouse & Taylor press] 1897.
200 p., 1 1. front., ports., 28 genenl. charts. 20"*.
1081 6-2531 CS71.C222 1897
114883°— 19 13
Canfield. f^cc oho Bostwick. CS71.B75 1901
Canning. See also Canynges. CS439.C24
Cannon. Andrew Cannon and his descendants, 1651-1912. By C. S.
Williams. New York. C. S. Williams, 1912.
1 p. I., 54 1. 27"°.
Autographed from type-written copy.
1082 12-24990 CS71.C226 1912
Cantine. A preliminary statement of the Cantine genealogy, or The
descendants in America of the Huguenot refugee Moses Cantine.
This work is being compiled by Matthew Cantine Julien. [n. p.]
14 p. table. 23^"".
1083 4-25050t CS71.C23 1003
Cantrell. The Cantrell family; a biogi'aphical album and history
of the descendants of Zebulon Cantrell . . . Covering the
period from 1700 to 1898. Comp. and ed. by Carmi (i. Cuntrel)
. . . Springfield, 111., Illinois state register printing house,
84, 72 p. illus., ports. 22J"".
1084 Sept. 21. 98-23 CS71.C233 1898
The Cantrill-Cantrell genealogy; a record of the de,scend-
ants of Richard Cantrill, who was a resident of Philadelphia
prior to 1689, and of earlier Cantrills in England and America,
by Susan Cantrill Christie. New York, The Grafton press
xxi, 271 p. front. 24"".
"Three hiindreil and fifty copies of this hook have been printed from
type and the type distributed."
1085 8-16523 . CS71.C233 1908
See alio Melbourne. DA690.M55B8
Cantrill. See Cantrell.
Cantwell. The generation of the upright . . . William Cantwell,
1770-18.58. Nancy Ann Williams. 177!)-18.'>0. Comp. and |)ub.
by Edward Norton Cantwell . . . Lyons, la., Press of W. H.
Farver, 1911.
48 p. 23'".
1086 13-17268 0871.0837 1911
Canynges. Memorials of the Canynges' family and their times: their
claim to be leganled as the founders and restorers of Westbury
college and Keddiffe church, criticallv examined: to which is
added, inedited memoranda relating to Chatterton ... by
George Prvce . . . Bristol, The author, 1854.
X p., 2 I., [13]-33(1 p. pintes (part col., 1 fold.) fold, facsim. 24*"'".
Added t.-p. has title in colors, within orniimental border.
1087 16-9128 CS439.Ci24
Capel. See also Baud. DA664.H35.M5
Capen. See also Thayer. CS71.T37 1835
Caperonne. See Capron.
Caperton. The killing of Adam Caperton by Indians at " Estill's
defeat" near Mt. Sterling, Kentucky, 22 March 17S'2; sketch of
the Caperton family, will of Hugh Caperton of " Elmwood,"
genealogy of Hugh Caperton of " Elmwood." Pub. September,
1918, for Mr. .John Hays Caperton and William Alexander Gor-
don, jr. . . . [Louisville, Press of J. P. Morton & company,
2 p. 1., 3-61 p. front., ports. 24'".
" This volume is number 8 of an edition published for private circula-
tion, limittMl to one hundred copies."
Introduction signed: William A. Gordon, jr.
1088 19-866 F454.C23
Capewell. . . . Annual geneological [ !] and heraldic report on the
Capewell family ... by Clarence L. Capewell . . . 1st. 2d.
Baltimore, Press of W. H. Richards. 1906-1907.
2 V. illus., port., fold, genciil. tiili. 23"°.
1089 8-1473 CS71.C24 1906-
Capper. See aUo Wittewronge. CS439.W65
Capron. Genealogy of the descendants of Banfield Capron, from
A. t). IGGO to A. 1). 1859. By Frederic A. Hohlen . . . Boston,
Printed by G. C. Band & Avery, 1859.
263 p. front., ports. lOJ"".
1090 9-7518 CS71.C254 1859
See also Starkey. CS71.S7955 1910
Carder. Carder [genealogy, n. p., 1887?]
txnonl. t!ib. .%".J .\ .'■>6"".
l->esceiidant8 of Richard Carder, d. 1676.
1081 2-2.''>643 CS71.C2e6 1887
Carew. The life and times of Sir Peter Carew, kt., (from the original
manuscript [by John Vowell, alias Hooker]) with a historical
introduction and elucidatory notes, by John Maclean, esq. . . .
London, Bell & Daldy, 1857.
2 p. 1., [iii]-viii, cxviii, 317 p. front, (port.) plates, fold, map, geneal.
tables (1 fold.) 23"°.
1092 1-1186 DA317.8.C2H7
Carhart. A genealogical record of the descendants of Thomivs Car-
hart, of Cornwall, England. Comp. from official records and
private mss., with an appendix of notes. By Mary E. (Carhart)
Dusenbury . . . New York, Chicago [etc.] A. S. Barnes & com-
pany, 1880.
V. p., 1 1., [11]-142 p. plntes (coats of arms) 23i'°.
1093 9-7519t CS71.C275 1880
Carleton. Memorials of the Carletons, comp. by the late Captain
Percival Augustus Cftrleton. [London, Printed by Gurney, son
and CO.] 1869.
viii, 60 p. front., ports., col. coats of arms, fold, geneal. tab. 28'".
Etiitpd by the wife of the author.
1094 18-33t53 CS439.C26
Lineage of the Carletons, tribe of Kimball, together with a
chart showing the descent of the Carletons from Baldwyn de
Carleton, 1066. Grass Lake. Michigan, 1896.
vii, 80 p. fold. KPiieal. tab. 22"".
Introduction sifnicd : Monroe G. Carleton.
1st edition published June 1894.
Title-pajie in L. C. copy wanting, supplied in typewriting from author's
109.5 CS71.C277 1896
Carlisle. Collections for a history of tlie ancient family of Car-
lisle . . . London [Printed by W. Nicol] 1822.
xvl. 414 p. illus. 31J"'.
Signed : Nicholas Carlisle.
1096 9-14907 CS;439.C28
See also Carlyle.
Irvin. CS71.I72 1908
Spedding. CS439.S74
Carlyle. Carlyle family and descendants of John and Sarah (Fair-
fax) Carlyle. The Carlyle house and its associations. By
Richard Henry Spencer. Richmond, Va., Whittet & Shepper-
son, 1910.
.t8 p. incl. front, (col. coat of arms) lllus., ports. 24'".
EMition limited to sixty copies. This copy Is no. 26.
1097 11-11570 CS71.C278 1910
Carmer. The Carmer family of New York city . . . Comp. by James
I^nox Banks, 1893. [n. p., 1893?]
geneal. tab. 39 x eOJ'"" fold, to 27^ x 23"".
1098 10-4378 CS71.C28 1893
Cannichael. See also Coulthart. CS479.C85
Carney. Genealogy of the Carney family, descendants of Mark
Carney and Suzanne Goux, his wife, of Pownalboro, Maine,
1751-1903. By Sydney Howard Carney, jr., m. d. New York,
. 1904.
vl, 221 p. front., plates, ports., faesims. 24'°.
1099 4-9954 CS71.C29 1904
Carothers. Sec Carruthers.
Carpenter. Genealogy of one branch of the Carpenter family, by
Martin L. Koberts. Willimantic, Conn., Enterprise printing
CO., 1877.
9 p., 1 1. 22r'".
1100 - 9-7.'il7t CS71.C3 1877
... Ill memory of Mary Carpenter of 24 Kegent street,
London, who died October 30th, 1877, aged 90 years. [Bristol,
Arrowsmith, printer, 1878?]
2 p. 1., 60 p. 4 phot. (incl. front.) 18i"".
Preface signed : R. L. C. [i. e. Russell Lant Carpenter]
Family memorials: p. 39-59.
1101 14-6975 CT788.C26C2
A circular relating to the genealogy of the Carpenter fami-
lies in America, and a request for aid in obtaining information
concerning the same. Prepared by Will C. Clark, Cincinnati,
Ohio. [Cincinnati? 1879?]
7 p. 25"°.
1102 3-3184 CS71.C3 1879
Genealogical and historical record of the Carpenter family
with a brief genealogy of some of the descendants of William
Cai;j)enter, of Weymouth, and Rehoboth, Mass., William Car-
penter, of Providence, R. I., Samuel Carpenter, of Penn., and
Ephraim, Timothy and Josias Carpenter, of Long Island. In-
cluding a full, complete and reliable history of the Carpenter
estate of England. By James TTsher. New York [1883]
70 p. 231"".
1103 9-7516t CS71.C3 1883
Carpenter. A genealogical historj- of the Rehoboth branch of the Car-
penter family in America, brought down from their English
ancestor, John Carpenter, 1303, with many biographical notes
of descendants and allied families. By Amos B. Carpenter.
Amherst, Mass., Carpenter & Morehouse, 1898.
ix p., 2 1., 908 p. front., plates, ports. 26i'".
1104 98-2049 CS71.C3 1888
Abstracts from the " Carpenter family memorial." By
Amos Bugbee Carpenter. [West Waterford? Vt., 1899?]
[3] p. 21"".
Caption title.
1105 CA 9-2568 CS71.C3 1899
History and genealogy of the Carpenter family in America,
from the settlement at Providence, R. I., 1637-1901, by Daniel
Hoogland Carpenter . . . Jamaica, N. Y., The Marion press,
3 p. 1., 370 p. front., pi., ports., maps (part fold.) facsims. (part fold.)
coat of arms. 24""
1106 15-ini32 CS71.C3 1901
Genealogical notes of the Carpenter family, including the
autobiography, and personal reminiscences of Dr. Seymour D.
Carpenter, lieutenant colonel in the war for the union. With
genealogical and biogi-aphical appendix . . . Ed. by Edwin
Sawyer Walker, a. m. Springfield, 111.. Illinois state journal
CO., printers, 1907.
XV. [ll]-242 p. front., illus. (facsims.) plates, ports., map. 25'".
" Five hundred copies of this work are printed, of which this is num-
ber 22."
1107 8-5901 CS71.C3 1907
A Carpenter family of Lancaster, by A. Y. Casanova. Phil-
ipsburg. Pa. [1910]
11 p. 25i''".
Reprinted from The Penn.sylvania-German, vol. xl, no. 2, Feb., 1910.
1108 (.^^ 10-687 CS71.C3 1910
Samuel Carpenter and his descendants, comp. by Edward
Carpenter . . . and his son General Louis Henry Carpenter,
rr. s. A. Philadelphia. Printed for private circulation by J. B.
Lippincott company, 1912.
vll, 319, [1] p. front., plates, porta., facsim., coats of arras. 26J'''".
1109 12-15153 CS71.C3 1912
tSee al^o Carpentier.
Dawson. CS71.D272 1874a
Flagg. CS71.F574 1903
Hughes. CS71.H892 1879
Lloyd. CS71.L792 1873
Carpentier. Genealogy of the De Carpentier family of Holland, by
Edwin Jaquett Sellers. Philadelphia [Press of Allen, Lane &
Scottl 1909.
59 p. llliis.. ports. 24^°".
" Edition limited to one hundred copies."
1110 9-12907 CS789.C3S5
Carr. Chart shewing the descendants of Thomas William Carr of
Eshott Heugh. (Privately printed . . .) London, Mitchell
and Hughes, genealogical printers, 1887.
geneal. tab. 55 x 77"° fold, to 30"°.
1111 17-23932 CS439.C3 1887
The history of the family of Carr of Dunston Hill, co. Dur-
ham, and the collateral lines in England. By Colonel Ralph
Edward Carr . . . and by Cuthbert Ellison Carr (c. e.) Lon-
don, Mitchell and Hughes, 1893-99.
3 V. fronts., illus., plates (1 fold.) ports., facsims. (1 fold, with Illumi-
nated border) coats of arms (part col.) geneal. tables (part fold.) 38'".
Five extra plates inserted.
Only 1»X) copies printed.
CoNTENT.s. — I. The history of Carr of the Woodhall, Hexham, and
Dunston Hill line. 1S93.— ii. Of Hetton, Ford castle, and St. Helen's
Auckland ; with the assistance of the Rev. Gregory Smart. 1894. — iii. Of
Woodhall, Lesbury, Eshott, and Hetton, with the assistance of the Rev.
T. W. Carr, m. a., rector of Barming, Kent. 1899.
1112 15-19679 CS439.C3 1893
The Carr family records. Embacing [!] the record of the
first families who settled in America and their descendants, with
many branches who came to this country at a later date. By
Edson I. Carr. Rockton, 111., Herald printing house, 1894.
540 p. incl. ports, col. front., pi. 24"".
1113 1-203 CS71.C312 1894
The American Carr families. Comp. from the works of
several authors. Frankford, Philadelphia, Pa., Martin & Allar-
dyee, 1912.
cover-title, 10 p. 19}'°
1114 12-25491 CS71.C312 1912
C&ttL See also Querin. CS439.G89 1890
Carrick, Earldom of. See Bruce.
Carrington. Introduction to the genealogy of the descendants of
Judge Paul Carrington and his wife Priscilla (nee) Sims. By
Col. J. B. Killebrew.
(In Southern history a.s.<!ociatlon. Publlcatious. Washington, D. C,
1901. 24"". vol. v, p. [2281-231)
1115 12-14669 r206.S73 voL5
Copy 2. detached. CS71.C314 1901
See al.io Smith-Carrington. CS439.S652
Carroll. See dUo Byrd. E159.G55
Van Eensselaer. CS69.S7
Young. ri9l.C72 V.16
Carron d'Allondans. See aim Ross. CS71.B825 1908
Carruth. The descendants of John Carruth. 1740-1880. Comp. by
William W. Carruth. Boston, D. Clapp & son, printers, 1880.
12 p. 23i'".
1116 3-9529 CS71.C32 1880
Carmthers. See also Campbell. CS7i.ci9 i9ii
Ewing. CS71.E942 1910
Carstarphen. A genealogical record of the Carstarphens in America,
descendants of Robert Corstorphine of Scotland, who fought at
Culloden Moor, Scotland, April 16th, 1746 . . . Comp. by
Oney Kem Carstarphen. [New York?] 1915.
21, [1] p. illus. (incl. ports.) facsiras. 28'".
1117 15-10066 CS71.C322 1915
Carter. Bi-centenary memorial of Jeremiah Carter, who came to the
province of Pennsylvania in 1682, containing a historic-gen-
ealogy of his descendants down to the present time. By Thomas-
Maxwell Potts. Canonsburg, Pa., The author, 1883.
304 p. incl. port., map. front. 22*"".
Blank pages " ms. addenda " : p. 243-278.
1118 9-7514t CS71.C323 1883
The Carter family reunion at Woburn, Mass., June 11, 1884.
With historical address, by Samuel R. Carter, and poem b}' Mi-s.
George L. Chaney as read upon that occasion. Boston, Coburn
bros. & Snow, printers, 1884.
52 p. 22'°.
1119 13-19349 CS71.C323 1884
Carter; a genealogy of the descendants of Samuel and
Thomas, sons of Rev. Samuel Carter. 1640-1886. A contribu-
tion to the history of the first Cartere of Lancaster, Lunenburg
and Leominster, Massachusetts. Collected and arranged for the
Carter association by Mrs. Clara A. Carter, Leominster, Mass.
and Mrs. Sarah A. Carter, Fitzwilliam, N. H. [Clinton, Printed
by W. J. Courant, 1887]
272 p. 23"".
Title vignette, (coat of nrnis)
1120 1.5-8347 CS71.C323 1887
The Carter family of Virginia. An extended geneology
[!] of its representatives. Parti. Richmond, 1888.
shoct. fol.
Newspaper cutting from the Critic, Ulchniund, Va., June l.S, 1888.
1121 1-1570 CS71.C323 1888
Carter. [The Carter family tree] designed and written by K. R.
Carter . . . Additions ... by his daughter [Richmond? Va.]
geueal. chart. 107i x 107i'" fold, to 37"°.
1122 4-30107 CS71.C323 1897
Giles Carter of Virginia: genealogical memoir by General
William Giles Harding Carter . . . Baltimore, Md., The Lord
Baltimore press, 1909.
134 p. ports. 2li°"'.
1123 &-14501 CS71.C323 1909
Carter, a genealogy of the descendants of Thomas Carter of
Reading and Weston, Mass., and of Hebron and Warren, Ct.
Also some account of the descendants of his brothers, Eleazer,
Daniel, Ebenezer and Ezra, sons of Thomas^ Carter and grand-
sons of Rev. Thomas Carter, first minister of Woburn, Massa-
chusetts, 1642. Comp. and pub. by Howard Willi.«;ton Carter
. . . Norfolk, Conn. [Printed by C. B. Fiske & co., Palmer,
Mass.] 1909.
341 p. front, (port, frroup) plates, ports, facsims. 24"°.
" Two hundred copies printed of which this is no. 177."
Frontispiece has guard sheet with descriptive letterpress.
1124 10-26253 CS71.C323 ie09a
The descendants of Capt. Thomas Carter of " Barford,"
Lancaster County, Virginia, with genealogical notes of many of
the allied families, by Joseph Lyon Miller . . . Thomas, W. Va.,
7 p. 1., xxvll, 388 p. front, (facslms.) plates, ports. 24"".
At head of title: 1652-1912.
1125 13-30 CS71.C323 1912
Carter family of North Carolina; descendants of Robert
Carter of Bertie County, by Carolyn Agnes Foster (Mrs. Edgar
M. Marbourg) . . . Richmond, Va., Whittet & Shepperson,
printers [1914]
40 p. lllus. (coats of arms) plates, ports. 23"°.
1120 15-424 CS71.C323 1914
See also Byrd. E159.G55
Jones. CS71.J76 1891
Selden. CS71.S45 1911
Washington. CS71.W318 1879
Willis. CS71.W73 1898
Carteret. Carteret and Bryant genealogy. By Catharina Romana
Baetjer. New York, Dempsey & Carroll, 1887.
1 p. 1., 56 p. facsim. 171"".
1127 2-7323 CS71.C324 1887
Cartier. Sir George Etienne Cartier, bart. ; his life and times. A
political liistorj' of Canada from 1814 until 1873, by John Boyd ;
in coinincmoration of the one hundredth anniversary of Sir
George Etienne Cartier's birth . . . Toronto, The Macmillan
company of Canada, ltd., 1914.
xxi, 439 p. front., plates, ports., fold, facsims. 25'".
"The Cartier fjiiiiily " : p. 41»-417.
" List of principal autliorities consultetl " : p. 424—127.
1128 15-14093 F1033.C3
Carus- Wilson. . . . Genealogical memoirs of the Carus-Wilson fam-
ily, being an account (1320-1899) of the families of Carus of
Kendal; Cai'us of Halton, co. Lanes.; Cams of Melling and
Kirkby Lonsdale; Wilson and Carus-Wilson of Casterton, co.
Westmorland; and Carus-Wilson of Penmount, co. Cornwall.
Ed. by Herbert Carus-Wilson and Harold I. Talboys . . . Hove,
Printed by Emery and son, 1899.
V p., 2 l.,"lJ9 p. 23r"'.
One liundretl copies only, printed for private circulation.
1129 15-21498 CS439.C33
Gary. Cary memorials . . . By S. F. Cary.
rell & CO., printers] 1874.
264, xlil p. 29J X 23"'".
1130 9-7515t
Cincinnati [J. J. Far-
CS71.C332 1874
. . . The manor of Minster, and other estates, in the Isle of
Thanct, in the county of Kent, comp. from original deeds and
documents, examined abstracts of title, rent rolls, wills, etc., by
Henry W. Aldred . . . Camberwell, Surrey, Priv. print, for
H. W. Aldred, 1889.
60 p. front., ports., coats of arms. 22"".
1131 18-3362 DA690.M:73A5
Samuel Carey, participant in the massacre of Wyoming,
July 3, 1778, and six years a prisoner with the British and Li-
dians. Comp. by John Miner Carey Marble . . . [Los Angelas,
21 p. 20''".
1132 18-15802 CS71.C332 189-P
The Cary letters, ed. at the request of the family, by C. G. C.
e. Mrs. Caroline Gardiner (Cary) Curtis] Cambridge,
Printed at the Riverside press, 1891.
ix, 335 p. front, (ports.) pi. 2.r"'.
1133 15-19128
CS71.C332 1891
Gary. Falklands; bj' the author of "The life of Sir Kenelm
Digby "... London, New York and Bombay, Longmans,
Green, and co., 1897.
xli p., 1 1., 193 p. 2 pi., 6 port. (incl. front.) 23'".
Preface signed : T. L. [«'. e. Thomas Longuevllle]
Ck>ntains genealogical notes on the Gary family.
1134 5-887 DA396.F22L2
The Gary family in England, by Henry Grosvenor Cary
. . . Pub. by Rev. Seth Cooley Gary . . . Boston [Press of
Murray and Emery company] 1906.
2 p., 1., 9-105 p. 11 pi. (2 col.) 5 port. 28'".
Leaf inserted for additions.
Preface to 1st edition dated 1894.
lis."! 6-18830 CS439.C35
The Gary family in America . . . By Henry Grosvenor
Cary . . . Appendix : Jonathan Cary y' third of Charlestown.
Pub. by Rev. Seth Cooley Cary . . . [Boston, Press of Murray
and Emery company] 1907.
2 p. 1., vll-xlv, 106 p. Incl. facslms., double geneal. tab. 17 pi. (Inel.
front., ports.) 28"".
" Genealogical record and lilstory of the descendants of Jonathan Cary
y* Third, by Isaac Harris Cary " : p. [87]-106.
1136 7-26437 ^ CS71.C332 1907
John Gary, 1755-1823 . . . [By] Rev. Seth G. Cary . . .
Boston, Mass., S. G. Gary, 1908.
48 p. incl. front., illus., ports., maps. col. pi. (coats of arms) 22i'".
Plate printed on both sides.
Title vignette : coat of arms.
" The ancestry of John Cary, 1755-1823. Comp. by the late Prof. Henry
G. Cary, Boston " : p. 21-48.
1137 9-1242 CS71.C332 1908
John Cary the Ph'mouth pilgrim ... By Seth G. Gary.
Boston, S. G. Gary, 1911.
6 p. L, 15-274 p. front, (col. coat of arras) pi., ports. 26"".
1138 11-11230 CS71.C332 1911
See also Dunn.
Casamayor. Descent of the family of Casamayorga or Casainayor
from the royal houses of Castile and Leon. Comp. from the
original papers in the archives of the College of arms at Madrid.
Together with abstracts of wills and monumental inscriptions.
Privately printed. London, Taylor and co., printers, 1871.
1 p. 1., n p. 28"".
Published also in Miscellanea genealogica et heraldica. London, 1874.
26i"". n. s., vol. I, p. 87-90, 104-107.
1139 18-2169 CS439.C36
Casavant. (Genealogies des families Casavant et Ravenclle-Lalime,
par I'abbe G. A. Dejordy . . . Manchester, N. H., L'Avenir
national, 1910.
2 p. 1., [7]-27 p. n'".
1140 11-31545 CS90.C25
... La famille Casavant. par F. filie. ISIontreal, La
" Croix," 1914.
75 p., 1 1., lllus. (map) plates, ports., coat of arms. 23'".
At head of title: Histoire, gfnfalogie, documents, portraits.
1141 17-15606 CS90.C25 1914
See also Choquette. F1054.K5D3
Case. ... A biographical sketch of the founder of Case school of
applied science, and hiS kinsman. Cleveland, Short & Forman,
1 p. 1., p. [219]-254. 24i'~. (Tract [v. 3] no. 79. Western Reserve
historical society . . .)
Signed : James D. Cleveland.
1142 9-27808 F486.W58
A brief account of the life of John Casse at Maspeth Kills,
L. I., Windsor and Simsbury, Conn. By A. P. Case . . . [Ver-
non, N. Y., 1898]
24 p. front, (col. coat of arms) 20"".
1143 16-23851 CT275.C346C3
Some descendants of John Case of Simsbury, Connecticut,
1656-1909. Comp. by Henry Sage Dermott Albany, N. Y.,
18] p. 23r"
" Authorities " : verso of t.-p.
1144 17-9507 CS71.C335 1909
/See afoo Barber. CS71.B24 i9ii
Beichner. CS71.B34 1918
Casey. Early families of Casey in Rhode Island. By Thomas Lin-
coln Casey. {In Magazine of New England history. Newport,
1893. 24'="'. . V. 3, no. 2, p. 83-128)
1145 F1.M18. vol.3
/See aZso Wanton. F76.B,52 vol.3
Casgrain. Memorial des families Casgrain, Baby et Perrault du
Canada, par Philippe-Baby Casgrain . . . £d. intime. Quebec,
C. Darveau, 1898-99.
198, [23] p. fold, geneal. tables. 29'".
No. 73, of 100 copies, signed by author.
1146 9-19124t CS90.C3
Cash. See also Driver. CS71.D782 1889
Cass. East Bamet. By Frederick Charles Cass . . . Westminster,
Printed for the London and Middlesex archaeological society, by
Nichols and sons, 1885-92.
1 p. 1., 280 p. 3 pi., 13 geneal. tab. 30'".
Published in two parts.
Contains pedigrees of the Butler, Weld, Conyers and Barkely, Morley
and Trevor, Ashburst, Hadley, Alston, WooUroffe, Bourchier, Casse, Meggs,
Greene, Meyer, Gildart and Reid families.
1147 3-29478 DA690.B23C3
Cassel. A genealogical history of the Cassel family in America,
being the descendants of Julius Kassel or Yelles Cas.sel, of Kries-
heim. Baden, Germany. Containing biographical sketches of
prominent descendants, with illustrations. By Daniel Kolb Cas-
sel .. . Norristown, Pa., M. R. Wills, 1896.
463 p., 2 1. port. 24^"'.
Bibliography: p. Ill]
1148 3-4183 CS71.C344 1898
Records of the family of Cas.sels and connexions . . .
[Edinburgh, Printed by T. and A. Constable for A. Elliot]
vlll, 140 p. fold, geneal. tub. 25'".
75 copies printed for private circulation among relatives.
Dedication signed : Kobert Cassels.
1149 13-4269 CS439.C37
Cassels. See Cassel.
Castle. A history of the Castle family from 1635 to 1900; by Wil-
liam Wallace Ingraham . . . Chicago. E. J. Decker company,
182, [10] p. incl. plates, ports., coats of arms. 23'°
8 p. at end left blank for notes.
U51 3-29525
CS71.C35 1899
Copy 2. With this is hound An appendix (p. 183-
194) copyrighted in 1903.
1151a CS71.C35 1903
Castor. Record of the Castor family. By Richard A. Martin. New
York, 1903. broadside, 22 x 27^'^"'.
1152 CS71.C354 1903
Castor family. Holmesburg branch. Printed from the rec-
ords comp. from authentic sources by Richard Allen Martin.
Frankford, Pa.. Martin & Allardyce, 1909.
2 p. 1.. [9] p. pi. (coat of arms), fold, geneal. tab. (with ports) 23'".
p. 6-9, blank for clippings.
1153 10-9639 CS71.C354 1909
— The Castor family of Pennsylvania, comp. by George Cas-
tor Martin, assisted by Howard Paul Castor, Charles Wilkinson
Castor, AVilliam Hall Waxier, Nellie Garsed Neukom, Frank G.
Castor, Ellen (t. Castor, Linford Castor. Richard Allen Martin,
Emily Castor, Howard Castor, sr., Hannah Jackson. The Castor
family of New York. comp. by Henry A. J. Castor. Frankford,
Philadelphia, Pa., Martin & Allardyce, 1910.
119, xlii, [2] p. plates, ports., facsims. 18J"".
"The Castors of Castorland, the descendants of .Tohn De Castorer, an
ensign in the revolutionary army, who settled in IJedfleld, New York, after
the war, compiled hy Henry A. .lean Castor (xlii p.) has separate t.-p.
1154 11-1589 CS71.C354 1910
The Castors of Castorland, the descendants of Jolin de
Castorer. an ensign in the revolutionary army, who settled in
Redfield, New York, after the war, comp. by Henry A. Jean
Castor. P'rankford, Philadelphia, Pa., Martin & Allardyce.
xlii IL'I p. 2.5"".
Pul>lishe<l al.'so In The Castor family of Pennsylvania, comp. by Oeortse
Castor Martin. Frankford, 1910. xlii, |2] p. at end.
1155 17-23ti91 CS71.C354 1910n
Caswell. Hee al^so Pierce.
CS71.P616 1874
Cate. The Cate-Cates family of New England [by] E. E. Gates and
M. Kay Sanborn. Frederick, Md., Marken & Bielfeld, 1904.
2 p. 1., 52 p. 23^"".
nSG 4-5931 CS71.C357 1904
Catesby. See also Jones. CS71.J76 1891
De Lodbroke. DA690.H7H4-
Catlett. A history of two Virginia families transplanted from
county Kent, England. Thomas Baytop, Tenterden, 1638, and
John Catlett, Sittingbourne, 1622. By Dr. and Mrs. William
Carter Stubbs. New Orleans, La. [1918]
1 p. I., il, 164, XX p. 23'"'.
" Tlie Baytop family, published in serial form in the Times-dispatch
(Uifhmond, Va.) genealogical column, beginnins Sunday, May 10, 1910,
and now republished, with additions, 1918 " ; by Mrs. William Carter
Stubbs: p. [105]-164.
1156a 19-7925 CS71.C362 1918
/See a?«o Pocahontas. CS7i.B,747 1887
Zimmennann. CS71.Z73 19 —
Catlin. Catlin. By C. C. Baldwin . . . [Cleveland, Leader print-
ing company, 1882]
1 p. 1., p. [14]-147. 23^'".
From the author's CanUee genealogy, ClevelamI, 1S82.
1157 14-11911 CS71.C365 1882
See aUo C&niet. CS71.C216 1882
Cauffman. See Kaufman.
Cavendish. A sermon pi-each'd at the funeral of the right noble
William duke of Devonshire, in the church of All-Hallows in
Derby, on Friday Septemb. 5th. mdccvii. With some memoirs
of the family of Cavendish. By White Kennet . . . London,
J. Churchill, 1708. .
4 p. 1., 208 p. 18'°.
11.58 16-2092 DA437.D4K4
Historical collections of the noble families of Cavendishe,
Holies, Vere, Harley, and Ogle, with the lives of the most re-
markable persons . . . The lives of the earls of Oxford, con-
cluding with Aubrey de Vere, the twentieth, and last earl . . .
Also the lives of those famous generals, Horace, lord Vere of
Tillbury, and Sir Francis Vore. his brother . . . Containing
curious private memoirs . . . And prints of the principal per-
sons, engraved by Mr. George Vertue, from original pictures . . .
Collected from records, manuscripts . . . by Arthur Collins, esq.
London, E. W^ithers, 1752.
vill, 352 [4] p. 12 port. 38}"°.
1150 8-33661 CS438.C6
Cayendish. Tlie lives of all the eurls and dukes of Devonshire, descended
from the renowned Sir William Cavendish, one of the privy
counsellors to King Henry vin . '. . to which is added a short
account of the rise, progress, and present state of the High court
of chancery. By Mr. Grove, of Richmond. London, Printed for
the author and sold by J. Nourse [etc.] 1761.
1 p. I., [492+?] p. 20r".
Various pasing-
Incomplete? p. v-vi wanting?
Dedication signed : Joseph Grove.
1160 5-12027t DA306.D4a7
Genealogy of the Cavendish, Candish, or Candage family.
Contributed by R. G. F. Candage, of Brookline, Mass. (In
Bangor hist, mag., vol. iv, 1888-89, p. 129-137)
1161 F16.M21 vol. 4
An account of the Cavendish, Candish, or Candage family.
by R. G. F. Candage. Brookline, Mass. From the Bangor,
Maine, historical magazine. Bangor, Me., B. A. Burr, printer,
9 p. 24"".
1162 17-19197 CS71.C37 1889
The Cavendish family, by Francis Bickley
Constable and company, ltd.. 1911.
vii, 326 p. front., ports. 21^".
1163 11-29745
Caverly. Genealogy of the Caverly family, from the year 1116 to
the year 1880, made profitable and exemplified by many a lesson
of life. Lowell, Mass., G. M. Elliott, 1880 [1879]
3 p. 1., 196 p., 2 1. front, (port.) illus., plates. 21'".
" Oration delivered to our congregated kindred, at Concord. N. H.. May
30, 1877. By Uobert Boodey Caverly . . . Lowell. Mass., Vox popuU
print: Huse, Goodwin & co. 1879": p. 1-46 (with special t.-p. )
1164 9-7.")13t CS71.C381 1880
Caverno. Record of the Caverno family. By A. Cavemo. Dover
[N. H.] Morning star printing establishment, 1874.
cover-title, 36 p. 20}''"'.
1165 9-7512t CS71.C382 1874
Cecil. The life of that great statesman William Cecil, lord Burgh-
ley, secretary of state in the reign of King Edward the Sixth.
and lord high treasurer of England in the reign of Queen Eliza-
beth. Publi.sh'd from the original manu.script wrote .soon after
his lordship's death; now in the library of the Riglit Honorable
Brownlow, earl of Exeter. To wliich is adiled, his cliaracter by
the learned Camden, and an extract of his last will and testa-
ment. With memoirs of the family of Cecil, faithfully collected
from records, manuscripts, and other authorities. By Arthur
Collins, esq. London, Printed for R. Gosling at the Mitre and
Crown, and T. Wotton. at the Queen's Head and Three Daggers,
3 p. 1., xi, 118 p. 24'".
nee 9-11825 da358.b9C7
Cecil. Memoirs of the life and administration of the Right Hon-
ourable William Cecil, lord Burghley . . . Containing an his-
torical view of the times in which he lived, and of the many
eminent and illustrious persons with whom he was connected;
with extracts from his private and official correspondence, and
other papers, now first published from the originals. By the
Rev. Edward Nares . . . London, Saunders and Otley, 1828-31.
3 V. 4 port. (incl. fronts.) facsims. 28} x 22°"'.
Vol. 2-3 have imprint : London, Colburn and Bentley, 1830-31. '
1167 9-29016 DA358.B9N3
. — Burghley. The life of William Cecil, lord Burghley . . .
biographical notices of his successors the earls and marquises of
Exeter; a description of Burghley house . . . and a brief notice
of the family monuments, &c., in St. Martin's church, Stamford
baron ... by the Rev. W. H. Charlton . . . Stamford [Eng.]
W. Langley, 1847.
xxi, 320 p. front., plates, geneal. tab. 22}"°.
Engr. t.-p.
1168 9-29017t BA358.B9C5
Historical monograph: William Cecil, lord Burghley. Lon-
don and Edinburgh, T. C. & E. C. Jack, 1904.
xii, 141, [1] p., 1 I. illus. (Incl. port.s., maps, plans) 15 pi. (incl. front.,
1 col. pi., ports.) 35J"". (Half-title: The historical monograph series;
general ed. : F. P. I'arnard)
Title In red and black.
Contents. — pt. 1. Jessopp, A. Historical monograph. — pt. II. Gotch, J. A.
The homes of the Cecils. — pt. HI. Caw, .1. L. The portraits of the Cecils. —
pt Iv. Fox-Davies,-A. C. The genealogy and arms of the Cecils.
1169 4-21923 DA358.B9H6
The Cecil family, by G. Ravenscroft Dennis . . . Boston
and New York, Houghton Mifflin company, 1914.
vl, [2], 327 p. front., pi., ports., plans (part fold.) 21i"'"'. (Great fam-
ilies series)
Binder's title: The house of Cecil.
1170 A 14-2053 DA306.C4D4
See also Drummond. CS419.D7
114883°— 19 14
Cely. The Cely papers; selections from the correspondence and
memoranda of the Cely family, merchants of the staple, a. d.
1475-1488, ed. for the Royal historical society, by Henrj- Elliot
Maiden, m. a. London, New York [etc.] Longmans, Green, and
CO., 1900.
liii, 214 p. front, (facslm.) 22 x 17i'". {Lettered on cover: [Royal
historical society. Publications. Camden series] 3d ser. vol. i)
1171 1^104 DA20.R91.3dser. vol.1
Cessna. The house of Cessna. By Howard Cessna . . . Bedford,
Pa., Press of The Pennsylvania hawkeye [1903?]
xiv, 117, [3] p. incl. front. 22 port. 23"°.
1172 16-11130 CS71.C387 1903
Chabot. Peter Chabot and his descendants. By Frank H. Titus . . .
[Portsmouth? O., 190G?]
24 p. 21'°.
1173 7-9220 CS71.C428 1906
Chace. See Chase.
Chadbourn. Chadbourne — Chadboum genealogy. By William Mor-
rell Emery . . . [Fall River, Mass., 1904]
61, [1] p. front., ports. 22™.
Caption title.
1174 4-18967 * CS71.C432 1904
Chadwick. Reports on the estate of Sir Andrew Chadwick and the
recent proceedings of the Chadwick association in reference
thereto, by Edmund Chadwick, chairman, and James Boardman,
secretary and treasurer of the Chadwick association. With
appendices, chiefly reprints of official documents. To which is
prefixed The life and history of Sir Andrew Chadwick, being a
record of investigations as to his extraction, parentage, and
immediate relations, and particulars of his estate. With
copious notes ... by John Oldficld Chadwick . . . London,
Simpkin, Marshall, & co.; New York, C. L. Woodward; [etc.,
etc.] 1881.
5 p. 1., [vlll]-xiv p., 1 1., 299, [2] p. 1 1. front, (port.) illus., plan, 2 fold,
geneal. tab. 26"°.
Frontispiece Is a mounted photograph.
Added t.-p., lllus. ; Initials..
"American preface " signed : John Chadwick.
" List of works consulted [for The Ufe and history of Sir Andrew
Chadwick] ": p. [xl]-xll.
U75 8-14604 CS439.C5
Chadwick. . . . The Chadwicks of Guelph and Toronto and their
cousins. Privately printed, for family use only . . . 30th
November, 1914. Toronto, Davis & Henderson, limited, 1914.
88 p. front., illus., ports, coats of arms (part col.) 261'".
Introduction signed : E. M. Chadwick.
Contains also genealogy of the Bell family.
1176 18-20832 CS90.C45
Supplementary notes and addenda. September,
1916. [Toronto?] 1916.
10 p. 27"".
1176a ' 18-20833 CS90.C45 Suppl.
Chaffee. The Chaffee genealogy, embracing the Chafe, Chafy, Chafie,
Chafey, Cliafee, Chaphe, Chaffy, Chaffie, Chafl'ey, Chafle, Chaf-
fee descendants of Thomas Chaffe, of Hingham, Hull, Rehoboth,
and Swansea, Massachusetts ; also, certain lineages from families
in the United States, Canada, and England, not descended from
Thomas Chaffe. 1635-1909. New York, The Grafton press,
2 p. 1., [liil-sdv, 663 p. front., plates, ports., maps, facslms. 24'"'.
Comp. by William Henry Chaffee.
1177 9-12411 CS71.C433 1909
5ee aZ^o Baker. CS71.B17 1896
Dunn. CS71.D923 1908
Chaffin. History of Robert ChafBn and his descendants and of the
other Chaffins in America. By William L. Chaffin . . . New
York, F. H. Hitchcock [1913]
x.x p., 1 1., 31.") p. front., plates, ports., col. coat of arms. 24'".
1178 13-3041 CS71.C436 1913
ChalkMll. See also W&Uon. SH433.A i875
Challis. Symon, Indian. A letter, written at Amesbury, Mass.,
9:5mo:lC77. By Lieut. Philip Challis. Copied from a hitherto
unpublished autograph in vol. 69, page 142, Massachusetts ar-
chives, by Hamline E. Robin.son . . . With some curious anno-
tations concerning Philip Challis, Goodwife Quinby and Symon,
Indian. Maryville, Mo., I'riv. print., 1903.
10, [2] p. 24J"".
Bibliography of privately printed publications by H. E. Robinson: p.
2-3 of cover.
" Only 100 copies . . . privately printed In January, 1903 . . . This is
ntiniber 20."
letter signed by Philip Challis, Jeremiah Belsher and Samuell Foot.
1179 3-27195 E90.S9C4
Chalmers. Memoirs of the life and writings of Thomas Chalmers,
D. D., LL. D. By his son-in-law, the Rev. William Hanna . . .
New York. Harper & brothers, 1850.
4 V. 19i"".
Genealog)-, vol. 1, chapter 1.
1180 2-2430
— Ser also Guthrie. CS479.G8
Smith. CS479.S64
Chamberlain. Genealogical notes of the Chamberlaine family of
Maryland, (Eastei-n shore,) and of the following connected
families : Neale-Lloyd. Tilghman-Robins, Hollyday-Hammond-
Dyer, Hughes-Stockton, Hayward, Nicols-Goldsborough, and
others. Compiled from records and manuscripts found among
the papers of the late John Bozman Kerr. Baltimore, J. B.
Piet, 1880.
99, ii p. front, (port.) 23i""-
1181 9-7511t CS71.C443 1880
— One branch of the descendants of Thomas Chamberlain of
Woburn, 1644 . . . Compiled by George W. Chamberlain . . .
Printed for private distribution by Willis Brooks Chamber-
lain . . . Weymouth, Mass., Weymouth & Braintree publish-
ing company, 1897.
16 p. front, (port.) 24"°.
Printed for private distribution by Willis Brooks Chamberlain, Worces-
ter, Mass.
1182 &-7312t CS71.C443 1897
Report of meetings. 1-13. of the Chamberlain association
of America. Sept. 1898-July 1910. Boston [etc.] 1898-1911.
13 V. plates, ports. 23'".
Title varies slightly.
Report for 1906-07 published in New York; 1908-1910, Portland. Me.
1183 12-18816 CS71.C443 1898-
Ancestry in the line of her father of Adelia Chambi>rlain
Harding, daughter of Rev. Hiram Chamberlain and .\mia
Adelia Griswold, prepared by her husband Colonel William -1.
Harding . . . Also the ancestry of Capt. Hiram S. Cliambcr-
lain in the line of Leander, son of Peleg Chamberlain . . .
Salem, Mass., The Saleiu press co., 1907.
ix, [1], 46 p. front, (port.) 24^".
Prlv. print.
1184 8-3854 CS71.C443 1907
Chamberlain. A genealogical record of the descendants of Benjamin
Chamberlain, of Sussex County, New Jersey ... By Kev,
A. J. Fretz . . . with an introduction by Raymond Chamber-
lain . . . Netcong, N. J.. Printed at the Eagle oiRce, 1907.
2 p. 1., iv, 104 p. front., pi., ports. 21i'™.
USn 8-27373 CS71.C443 1907a
jSee also Cleveland. CS71.C635 1879
Evelyn. CS439.E9
Flagg. CS71.r574 1903
Wright. CS71.W95 1914
Chambers. . . . Missing branches of our oldest family. By G. O.
Seilhamer. Chambersburg, Pa., 1904.
1 p. 1., [71-28 p. front, (port.) 23"°.
At head of title : Conococheague genealogies.
Paper read before the Kittoclitinny historical society, January 28, 1904.
Descendants of Col. Benjamin Chambers, the founder of Chamber.sburg.
1186 5-46.'i CS71.C444 1904
The Shark River district, Monmouth County, New .Jersey,
and genealogies of Chambers, Corlies, Drummond, Morris. Pot-
ter, Shafto, Webley and White, by George Castor Martin . . ,
Asbury Park, N. J., Martin & Allardyce, 1914.
2 p. 1., 100 p. 201"".
Page 99-100 blank for records.
1187 14-12G.'>2 F142.M7M38
Chambge. See Da Chambge.
Chamier. Memoir of Daniel Chamier, minister of the Reformed
church; with notices of his descendants. London, Printed by
S. Bentley and co., 1852.
vli, 121 p. front, (fold. ms. geneal. tab.) 23'".
Pref. signed: William Coiirthope.
Interleaved with manuscript additions, corrections and marginal notes.
" Family of Deschamps " : p. .'56-91.
1188 15-2481 CS409.C4 1852
Champe. See also Willis. CS71.W73 1898
Champernon. Sef Champernowne.
Champemowne. Pedigree of Capt. Francis Champernon of New Eng-
land. [Salem, 1880]
geneal. tab. 29 x 28'™ fold, to 18i x 14}"°.
Detached from " Gleanings from Kngll.ih records about New England
families. Comnuinlcated by .Tames A. Emmerton and Henry P. Waters."
Salew, 1880. 241'°.
1188 4-27605t CS71.C45 1880
Champion. The Champion genealog)'. A history of the descendants
of Henry Champion, of Saybrook and Lyme, Connecticut, to-
gether with some accounts of other families of the name. By
Fiancis Bacon Trowbridge. New Haven [Conn.] Printed for
the author, 1891.
xll p., 2 1., 558 p. plates, ports., map, facsim. 24*".
Page .5.59 " Corrections " pasted on back of book.
Edition 500 copies.
1190 9-7314t CS71.C451 1891
Champney. The Christian mother. An address, delivered in the
First church. Brighton, Feb. 14, 185.5. at the funeral of Mrs.
Susanna [Park] Champney, who died Feb. 10, in her 95th year.
With iin appendix, containing a genealogical notice of the
Champney and Park families. By Frederic Augustus Whitney.
Boston. Crosby, Nichols & co., 1855.
36 p. 24"".
1191 9-7313t CS71.C453 1855
Chandler. The Chandler family. The descendants of William and
Annis Chandler, who settled in Roxburv. Ma.ss. 1637. Col-
lected by George Chandler . . . Boston, Press of D. Clapp &
son. 1872.
V. p., 1 1., 1212, XXV p. front., ports. 25'"".
Printed for the family.
1192 9-7526t CS71.C456 1872
■ The Chandler family. The descendants of William and
Annis Chandler who .settled in Roxbury, Mass., 1637. Col-
lected by George Chandler . . . Worcester, Mass., Press of 0.
Hamilton, 1883.
vl p., 1 I., 1315 p. front., plates, ports. 25'".
Printed for the family.
1193 9-7525t CS71.C456 1883
. . . Mrs. Lucretia (Chandler) Bancroft. A letter to her
daughter Mrs. Gherardi, with introduction by Horace Davis.
(In American antiquarian society. Proceedings. Worcester, Mass.,
1900. 24J"". new ser. vol. xiv, pt. 1, p. 125-159. port.)
Historical notes on the letter by .\ndrew McFarland navi.-*: p. 13.5-157.
1194 10-13935 E172.A56 n. s. 14
Copy 2. Detached. E278.C4B8
The Chandler family: genealogy of a branch. By Mi's.
A. M. Pickford. Reprinted from the Dedham historical regis-
ter. 1901-1003. Dedham [Ma.ss.] 1903.
1 p. 1., 31 p. 24^".
1195 4-24196 CS71.C4Se 1903
Chandler. A sketch of the Chandler family, in Worcester, Massa-
chusetts. Bj' Mrs. E. O. P. Sturgis . . . Worcester, Press of
C. HaiTiilton, 1903.
37 p. 24"°.
" Privately printed."
" Froln Proceedings of Worcester society of antiquity."
1196 4-22357 CS71.C456 1903a
Ancestry of Lydia Mehitable Chandler ... By F. W.
Goding . . . Newcastle, N. S. W., Davies & Cannington, Fed-
eral printing works, 1904.
1 p. 1., 11 p. illus., port. 22"".
1197 5-32726 CS71.C456 1904
Chandler-Parsons; Edmund Chaundoler, Goeffrey Parsons
and allied families . . . [by] Mary Chandler Lowell. Boston,
T. K. Marvin & son [printers] 1911.
112 p. front., plates, ports. 25"*.
1198 13-12!55 CS71.C456 1911
Chandler of Oare (county of Wilts) Report of searches
in relation to the ancestry of John and George Chandler who
sailed from England to the province of Pennsylvania, in the
year 1686. Ed. at the request of Percy M. Chaftdler ... by
Thomas Allen Glenn . . . Printed for private distribution.
Horncastle, Eng., W. K. Morton and sons, printers, 1913.
1 p. 1., 21 p. 21^-'.
1199 13-15830 CS439.C52
See aho Tligg. CS71.F574 1903
Small. CS71.S636 1910
Todd. CS71.T634 1867
Chandos claim of peerage. See Brydges.
Chanler. >Vr Chandler.
Chapin. The Chapin gathering. Proceedings of the meeting of the
Chapin family, in Springfield, Mas.s., September 17, 1862.
Springfield, Printed by S. Bowle.s and co., 1862.
07 p. 21J''°.
1200 3-7927 CS71.C462 1862
The Chapin genealogy, containing a very large proportion
of the descendants of Dea. Samuel Chapin, who settled in
Springfield. Mass., in 1642. Collected and comp. by Orange
Chapin. To ^hich is added a " Centennial discourse "... by
E. B. Clark . . . Also, an address ... by (Jeorge Bliss.
Northampton [Mass.] Printed by Metcalf & co., 1862.
viii, 368 p. 231'"'.
1201 »-76e7t CS71.C462 1862a
Chapin. Edwin Hubbell Chapin. [By the Rev. Anson Titus. Bos
0. oU ton, 1884]
Wa^Q, [31-13 p. 24r
'^^ 0 Caption title.
Reprinted from the New Eng. hist, and geneal. register for April, 1884.
1202 CA 6-2652 CS71.C462 1884
Chapins who served in the French and Indian wars, 1754—
59 ; the revohitionary war, 1775-83 ; the war of 1812-15, and others.
Comp. by Charles Wells Chapin . . . Springfield, Mass., 1895.
15 p. 20r"'.
On cover: Soldier Chapins of three wars.
1203 9-7665t CS71.C462 1895
Chapins who served in the French and Indian wars, 1754-
60; the revolutionary war, 1775-83; the war of 1812-15, and
others. Comp. by Charles Wells Chapin . . . Revised with
• additions . . . Springfield, Mass. [Springfield printing and
binding co] 1895.
47 p. incl. 4 pi. 20J'°'.
On cover : Soldier Chapins of three wars.
1204 9-7666t CS71.C462 1895a
. . ; Appreciation of Calvin Chapin, d. d., of Rock}' Hill,
Conn. By the Rev. Edwin P. Parker, d. d. . . . Providence,
Snow & Farnhaui co., printers, 1908.
12 p. front, (port.) plates. 23<^™. (Chapin faniily as.sociation publica-
1205 9-8S83 CS71.C462 1908
— Life of Deacon Samuel Chapin, of Springfield. By How-
ard Millar Chapin. Providence, Snow & Farnhani co., printers,
73 p. pi., maps, facsinis. (part fold.) 25'''°. (Chapin family association
Constitution of the Cliupin family association and other papers relating
to the association inserted.
1206 9-8882 CS71.C462 1908a
SeeaUoHeil. CS71.N345 1915
Chapline. Chaplines from Maryland and Virginia, by Maria J. Lig-
gett Dare. [Washington,. The Franklin print, 1902]
3 p. I., 113, xili p., 1 1. front., fncslni. aSi"".
1207 2-23425 CS71.C464 1902
. See also Fox. CS439.F7
Nourse. CS71.N933 1897
Selden. CS71.S45 i9ii
Chapman. The Chapman family: or The descendants of Robert
Chapman, one of the first settlers of Say-brook, Conn., with
genealogical notes of William Chapman, who settled in New
London, Conn.; Edward ChaiDman, who settled at Windsor,
Conn.; John Chapman, of Stonington, Conn.; and Rev. Benja-
min Chapman, of Southington, Conn. By Rev. F. W. Chap-
man . . . Hartford, Case, Tiffany and co., 1854.
414 p. front., pi., port., facsini., coat of arms. 22i'"".
1208 3-6540 CS71.C466 1854
— Descendants of Ralph Chapman. By Charles B. Gerard.
Newburgh, N. Y., E. M. Ruttenber & son, printers, 1876.
1 p. 1., viii, [9]-86 p. 23 x 19"".
1209 9-7664t CS71.C466 1876
Edward Chapman, of Ipswich, Mass., in 1644, and some of
his descendants. Comp. by Rev. Jacob Chapman and Dr. W. B.
Lapham. Portland [Me.] Printed by B. Thurston & co., 1878.
1 p. 1., 34 p. 24"°.
1210 9-7524 1 CS71.C466 1878
. . . Edward Chapman, of Ipswich, Mass., 1642-1678, and
his descendants. By Jacob Chapman . . . Concord, N. H., Re-
publican press association, 1893.
vlll, 139 p. front., ports. 23"".
1211 9-7663t CS71.C466 1893
Genealogical notes of the descendants of Edward Chapman,
of Windsor, Connecticut. Comp. by Mrs. Lillian Chapman
Hudson. Alameda, Cal.. 1894.
1 p. 1., xll, 49 p. 26™.
1212 11-5018 CS71.C466 1894
See aho Bostwick. CS71.B75 1901
Clark CS438.C5
Kobinson. CS71.R66 1894
Chappell. A genealogical history of the Chappell, Dickie, and other
kindred families of Virginia. 1635-1900. Comp. by P. E. Chap-
pell of Kansas City, Mo. Rev. ed. 1900. Kansas City. Mo.,
Hudson-Kimberly publishing co., 1900.
1 p. 1., 382 p. front., pi., port., map. 24'".
1213 1-2127 CS71.C467 1900
Chase. Extract from the large and full genealogy of the Chase fam-
ily, now being prepared by John B. Cliace . . . [Taunton ?
Mas.s.. 18-1?]
broadside. 42 x 'J-Tii"".
1214 3-9954 CS71.C487 18—
Chase. A tribute of affection to the memory of Professor Irah Chase.
Boistoii, Priv. print. [G. C. Rand & Avery, printers] 18G5.
100 p. 24"".
On cover: In nieniorium.
Appendix : Genealogical record.
1215 7-7627
— Genealogy of the ancestors and descendents of Joseph Chase,
who died in Swanzey. His will proved March, 1725. Fall
River. Printed by \\n\. S. Robertson, 1874.
vi, [7]-8G p. 23^"'.
Author's name in ins. on t.-p. : " Oliver Chase."
CS71.C487 1874
Records of the descendants of Rev. Nathaniel Chase ot
Buckfield, Maine; with a brief account of his ancestors. Also
records of some of the descendants of Edmund Chase of Minot,
Maine. Augusta, T. F. Murphy's job printing office, 1878.
18 p. 23'"'.
Cover-title: Chase family records.
The portions of the records relating to Rev. Nathaniel Chase and his
descendants were collected and comp. by Mrs. Julia Chase Washburn.
The preceding parts, also the account of Edmund Chase, an early settler
of Minot, Maine, are by William B. Lapham. c/. Pref.
1217 14-10164 CS71.C487 1878
Genealogy of a portion of the descendants of William Chase,
who came to America in 1630, and died in Yarmouth. Massa-
chusetts, May, 1059. [By George Whitefield Chase] Washing-
ton, D. C, ISSG.
2 p. 1., 31 p. 22r".
1218 9-7523t CS71.C487 1886
— Reminiscences of the family of Moody Chase, of Shirley,
Massachusetts; also, A brief account of his ancestry. By Wil-
liam Moody Chase .
1888- [91?]
2 pts. coat of arms.
Paged continuously.
Baltimoi'e, J. H. Shane & co., printers,
CS71.C487 1888-
Genealogy of Champion Spalding Chase and Mary Sophro-
nia Butt^rfield, his wife. Compiled by request of and for. Joel
Mun.sell's sons, Albany, New York . . . To which brief per-
sonal sketches are added. [Albany, J. Munsell's.sons] 1894.
19 p. incl. port. 23'".
1220 9-76621 CS71.C487 1894
Chase A record of the Chases from their earliest known history to
the eleventh generation of some of the descendants of Aquila
Chase, of Newbury, Mass. By Emily A. Clark . . . Man-
chester, N. H.. Printed by the J. B. Clarke company, 1898.
26 p. 22^".
1221 7-23369 CS71.C487 1898
Genealogical record of the Chace and Hathaway families
from 1630 to 1900 ... By C. V.
Wilson-Clark co., printers, 1900.
38, [4] p. ports. 24"".
This copy is no. 2 of the edition.
Manuscript notes.
1222 . 12-25004
Ashtabula, O., The
CS71.C487 1900
Chase. Compiled and drawn by Francis Nelson Chase.
Lowell, Mass., 1904.
geneal. chart, llliis. 95 x 59''"' fold, to 30 x 32'^'".
Pen and inl£ charts, with coats of arms and illustration of Chase home.
Ancestors, children and grandchildren of Samuel Chase.
1223 c A 7-1504 CS71.C487 1904
The Chase chronicle, v. 1-10, no. 2. 1910-1919. Haverhill,
Mass., Printed by the Chase press, 1910-1919,
37 nos. iUus.. plates. 24J"°.
Published quarterly.
1224 14-10156 CS71.C487 1910-
The Yarmouth family of Chase. Yarmouthport,
Mass., C. W. Swift, 1913,
cover-title, 12 p. 251"
no. .59)
See also Beck.
Chastain. See also Fontaine.
(Library of Cape Cod history & genealogy,
17-6137 CS71.C487 1913
Chatfield. The Chatfield family. Principally from records in the
Naugatuck Valley, Conn. Conip. by William C. Sharpe.
Seymour, Conn., 1896.
32 p. plates (ports.) 22"".
1226 9-7661t CS71.C492 1896
Chattan. An account of the confederation of Clan Chattan; its kitli
and kin. Prepared at the recjiiest of the Clan association in
Glasgow. By Charles Fraser-Mackintosh, of Drummond . . .
Glasgow, J. Mackay, 1898.
six, 203 p. illus. (incl. ports.) 8 col. pi. (Incl. front.) 3 facsim. (1 fold.)
Half-title and cover-title : Minor sept.s of Clan Chattan.
1227 2-24087 CS479.C6
- — — The loyall dissuasive, and other papers concerning the
affairs of clan Chattan: by Sir ^Eneas Macpherson, knight of
Invereshie, 1691-1705 ; ed. with notes and introduction from the
originals at Cluny castle, by the Rev. Alexander D. Murdoch
. . . Edinburgh, Printed by T. and A. Constable for the
Scottish hi.story society, 1902.
civ, 2.'')3, [1] p. front, (port.) fncsini. 23"°. ^Half-title: Publications
of the Scottish history society, vol. xi.i)
All but one of the papers have special t.-p. or half-title.
1228 4^ DA750.S25. vol.41
Chaucer. The ancestry of Chaucer, by Alfred Allan Kern, Balti-
more. Md., The Lord Baltimore press [1906?]
XV, 103 p. plan. fold, geneal. tab. 23'''".
Tliesis (PH. D. ) — Johns Hopkins university.
Based to a large extent on vol. 4 of the Life records of Chaucer (Chau-
cer soc.) cf. Pref.
Bibliographical foot-notes.
1229 7-9788 FBig05.K4
Chaucer, a Norfolk man, by Walter Rye . . . Norwich,
Roberts & co., 1915.
3 p. i., 104 p. fold, geneal. tab. 22''"'.
" Books und inss. cited " : verso of 3(1 prelim, leaf.
12.30 16-11419 PB1910.R9
Chauncey. Memorials of the Chaunceys, including President
Chauncy, his ancestors and descendants [and appendix] By
William Chauncey Fowler . . . Boston, H. W. Button and
son, printers. 1858.
vii, 330 p. front, (port.) 4 geneal. tab. 25''°.
1231 3-32339 CS71.C498 1858
Isaac Chauncy — Jane [pedigree. Boston. 1858]
geneiil. <lmrt. 21 x 27'''".
Reprint from Memorials of the Chnuncejs . . . By William Chauncey
Fowler. Boston, 1858.
1232 3-30934 CS71.C498 1858a
Chauncey. Pedigree of Chauncy. [Boston, 1858]
geneal. tab. 36 x 26i"". fold, to 26i x IS'".
Reprint from Memorials of the Cliaunceys. By William Chauncey
Fowler. Boston, 1858.
12a'? 10-1496 CS71.C498 1858b
The genealogy of the wives of the Fowlers, in one line from
AVilliam, the magistrate, by William Chauncey Fowler, [n. p.,
13-34 p. 24i"°.
Caption title.
The genealogy of the wives of the Chaunceys In one line from President
Charles Chauncey : p. 25-34.
1234 10-4261 CS71.F788 186-
Conditions of success in genealogical investigations, illus-
trated in the character of Nathaniel Chauncey . . . By William
Chauncey Fowler, ll. d. Boston, Pub. by the Society, 1866.
28 p. 26'".
A paper read before the New England historic-genealogical society In
Boston, March 2, 1866.
1235 5-11383 CS8.C5F6
Pedigree of the family of Chauncy. Comp. by Stephen
Tucker . . . Special private reprint, with additions . . . Lon-
don, Mitchell and Hughes, 1884.
12 p. 8 pi. 30'".
200 copies. *
1236 8-37476 CS439.C53
. . . Sir Henry Chauncy, kt., serjeant-at-law and recorder
of Hertford, born 1632, died 1719, author of The historical
antiquities of Hertfordshire, folio, 1700, reprinted in 2 volumes,
octavo, 1826. A biography by AVilliam Blyth Gerish . . . Lon-
don, Waterlow & sons, ltd. ; [etc., etc.] 1907.
4 p. 1., 114 p. 2 pi. (1 double) 2 port. (Incl. front.) 2 facsira., geneal.
tab. 26"". (The Hertfordshire historians)
1237 7-11001 DA93.C5Q4
Chauncy. See Chauncey.
Chaundeler. Sec Chandler.
Checkley. See also Eraser. CS71.F848 1910
Cheese. See also Vaughan. DA690.K575H4
Cheever. Ezekiel Cheever and some of his descendants. By John T.
g Cib Hassam . . . Boston, D. Clapp & son, 1879.
'^ '^ Iv, 64 p. front, (facslni.) 24"°.
'^ V3 Treparcd for and published In the New Eng. hist, and geneal. register for
April, 1879. Few copies printefl for private distribution.
1238 9-7657t CS71.C515 1879
Cheever. Bartholomew and Richard Cheever, and some of their de-
qVo scendants. By John T. Hassam, A. M. Boston, Press of D.
q'v'^j^ Clapp & son, 1882.
/^ v^ 11 p. 24'"'.
"Reprinted from the N. E. historical and geneulogical register for
July 1SS2."
1238a CS71.C515 1882
See also Hassam.
Chelly. See Shelley.
Chenault. See also Quisenberry.
CS71.H354 1896
CS71.Q9 1897
Cheney. The Cheney genealogy. Comp. by Charles Henry Pope . . .
Boston, C. H. Pope, 1897.
582 p. front., plates, ports., facsim. 24"".
1239 9-7659t CS71.C518 1897
Pedigree of Benjamin Pierce Cheney, [n. p.] 189-?
geneai. tab. 55 x 43"" fold, to 22 x Hi'".
1239a CS71.C518 189-P
See also Chute.
CS71.C564 1894
Chenoweth. Genealogy and chart of the Chenoweth and Cromwell
families of Maryland and Virginia. By Alex. Crawford Cheno-
weth . . . [New York, The Redfield press] 1894.
2 p. 1., 3-35 p. 4 fold, geueal. tab. 25"".
1240 9-7656t CS71.C519 1894
Chenoweth massacre, etc. Read before the Kentucky state
historical society October 3, 1911. [Frankfort, Ky., Press of the
Frankfort printing co., 1911?]
cover-title, 50 p. front, (port.) pi. 23''".
Pub. by tlie Kentucky state historical society.
Introd. signed : Mrs. .Jennie C. Morton.
CoNTE.NTS.— The Chenoweth family massacre, by Alfred Plrtle. — Petition
of the inhabitants of Kentuclie, read August 23, 1780; vol. 48, page 347,
records of the Continental congress, mss. State department, Washington,
D. C. Copied for A. C. Quisenberry in 1892.
1241 12-33062 F454.K31
Cherry. See also Hayes. DA690.B7K3
Chesebrough. Genealogy of the descendants of William Che.scDroiigh
of Boston, Rehoboth, Mass., the founder and first white settler of
Stonington, Conn., born 1594, in or near Boston, England, and
died UM7. Stonington, Conn. He sailed from Cowcs, England,
in good ship "Arbella" (of Gov. John Winthrop's Massachu-'
setts Bay Colony), March 29, 1630, and arrived in Salem, Mass.,
New England, America, June 14, 1630. By Anna Chesebrough
Wildey . . . New York, Press of T. A. Wright, 1903.
686 p. front., plates, ports., geneal. tables, coat of arms. 24'"".
3 pages of errata inserted between p. [560] and [561]
1242 3-24610 CS71.C524 1903
Chesebrough. Additional records of the Chesebrough genealogy from
1902, by Anna Chesebrough Wildey, are being published in the
genealogical editions of the Boston Transcript, beginning Dec.
30, 1914.
See also Z&mti. CS71.J25 1912
Stanton. CS7i.S79i 1891
Chessman. Genealogy of the Chesman family, in the United States,
from 1713 to 1893. With appendix and reminiscence of his
father's family. Collected by Samuel Chessman ... [n. p.]
2 p. 1., 101 p. incl. illus., ports. 26^"".
1244 9-7660t CS71.C525 1893
/S'ee «7»o Leach. CS71.L433 1898
Chester. Genealogical memoirs of the extinct family of Chester of
Chicheley their ancestors and descendants. Attempted by Rob-
ert Edmond Chester Waters . . . London, Robson & sons, 1878.
2 V. illus. (conts of arms) 26J"'".
Paged continuously.
1245 9-18149t CS439.C55 1878
Genealogical memoirs of the families of Chester of Bristol,
Barton Regis, London, and Almondsbury, descended from Henry
Chester, sheriff of Bristol 1470. And also of the families of
Astry of London, Kent, Beds, Hunts, Oxon, and Gloucestershire,
descended from Sir Ralph Astry, kt., lord mayor of London
1493. Attempted by Rob'- Esmond Chester Waters . . . Lon-
don, Reeves and Turner, 1881.
X, 122 p. UIus. (Incl. coats of arras) 26"".
" Proofs and authorities " : p. 100-102.
1246 6-19829 CS439.C55 1881
Genealogical notes of the families of Chester of Blaby, Lei-
cestershire, and Chester of Wethersfield, Conn., New England.
Comp. by Robt. Edmond Chester- Waters . . . (Printed for the
author.) Leicester, Clarke and Hodgson, 1886.
iv, [3]-28 p. fold. tab. 24*"".
1247 3-17716 CS71.C526 1886
Chester. Genealogical chart of the Chester family together with other
lineal ancestors of the compiler J. Bayard Backus. April 1893.
Pedigree of Sarah Noyes. [New York, Gill engraving co., 1893]
geneiil. chart. 75x49'" fold, to 16x26''°'.
Includo.s tlie families Backus, Tracy, Hyde, Huntington, etc.
1248 4-27763t CS71.C526 1893
The descendants of Christopher Chester. 1796-1896. [Con-
cord? Mass., 1896]
11 p. 20^"'.
Ms. notes.
" Introductory " signed : Arthur Herbert Chester.
1249 4-37304 CS71.C526 1896
Chetham. A history of the Chetham hospital and library, with a gen-
ealogical account of the founder and the family of Chetham . . .
By AA'^illiam Robert Whatton . . . Manchester, Agnew and Za-
netti, 1833.
3 p. 1., p. [125]-294. front, (port.) plates. 27*"". (In History of the
foundations in Manchester of Christ's college, Chetham's hospital . . .
Manchester, 182S-48. v. 3)
1250 3-9812 DA690.M4H6 vol. 3
Life of Humphrey Chetham, founder of the Chetham ho»
pital and library, Manchester. By the late Francis Robert
Raines . . . and Charles W. Sutton . . . With a genealogy of
the Chetham family by Ernest Axon. [Manchester, Eng.J
Printed for the Chetham society, 1903.
2 V. front, (port.) 8 pi. 22* x 17r'°- (Added t.-p.: Chetham society.
Remains, historical and literary connected with the palatine counties of
Lancaster and Chester. New series, v. 49-50)
" Chetham genealogies ... by Ernest Axon," at end of v. 2, has special
1251 4-S54 DA670.L19C5
Chetwode. Pedigree of the family of Chetwodc of Chetwode, co.
Bucks; of Oakley, co. Stafford; Worleston, co. Chester; and of
Warkworth. co. Northampton; with their charters and other
evidences. To which is added report and papers connected with
their claim to the barony of De WahiiU, and an account of " The
Chetwode Rhyne toll." By Stephen Tucker . . . Privately
printed for Sir George Chetwode, baronet. London, Mitchell
and Hughes, 1884.
3 p. 1., 131-77 p. front., illus., plates, coats of arms (part col.) 281'"-
"50 copies only."
1252 18-22700 CS439.C555
Chetwynd. Chetwynd chartularj-. Printed from the original ms. at
Ingestre, with an introduction and notes, by Major-General the
Hon. George Wrottesley. {In William Salt archaeological so-
ciety. Collections for a history of StaflFordshire. London, 1891.
24f". vol. xii, p. [241]-336. •illiis.)
12.-)3 DA670.S69W7 vol. 12
The Chetwynds of Ingestre; being a history of that family
from a very early date, by H. E. Chetwynd-Stapylton, with illus-
trations by the author. London, and New York, Longmans,
Green and co., 1892.
X, 12], 264 p. front., illus., plates, ports., geneal. tables (part fold.)
1254 11-14207 CS439.C56
Collections for a history of Pirehill Hundred. By Walter
Chetwynd of Ingestre, esq. a. d. 1679. {In William Salt archaeo-
logical society. Collections for a history of Staffordshire. Lon-
don, 1909-1914. ^4^"='". vol. 12, n. s., 1909, p. 1-273; 1914, p.
1-183. port., fold, map, fold, geneal. tab.)
Ed. with notes by F. P. Parker,
1255 DA670.S69W7 1909, 1914
Chevalier. >See aZs<> Salisbury. CS71.S167 1885
Cheverel. See also Newgate. DA506.N5NS
Chew. iSee oZso Thomas. CS71.T46 1878
Thomas. CS71.T46 1883
Thomas. CS71.T48 1896
Van Kensselaer. CS69.S7
Chichele. Stemmata Chichcleana: or. A genealogical account of some
of the families derived from Thomas Chichele, of Higham-
Ferrers in the county of Northampton; all whose descendants
are held to be entitled to fellowships in All Souls college. Ox-
ford; by virtue of their consanguinity to Arclibishop Chichele,
the founder. [By Benjamin Buckler] Oxford, Clarendon press,
1 p. 1., xiv, 156, [11] p. front., pi. 30"".
A supplement . . . containing corrections and very large
additions to the tables of descents from Thomas Chichele . . .
Oxford, Clarendon press, 1775.
1 p. 1., iv, xill, [15]-160, [81 p. 30"". [^\■^th hia Stemmata Chlohelenna.
Oxford, 17C5]
1256 15-22C46-7 CS439.C59
114883°— 10 15
Chichester. History of the family of Chichester, from a. d. 1086-
1870. Including the descents of the various branches settled
at Raleigh, Youlston, Arlington, Widworthy, Caiverleigh, Hall,
and elsewhere in Devonshire ; also of the Chichesters, marquesses
of Donegal, and barons Templemore. By Sir Alex. Palmer
Bruce Chichester, bart. London (Printed for the author) J. C.
Hotten, 1871.
viii p., 2 1., 174 p. front., illus., pi., facsim. (part fold.) coat of arms.
3-26666 CS439.C6
See also Evelyn.
Chickering. See also Hayford.
Chidsey. See also Kaufman.
CS71.H419 1901
CS71.K21 1892
Chiesly. See also Hay.
Chilcott. See also CoUow.
Child. Genealogy of the Child, Childs and Childe families, of the
past and present in the United States and the Canadas, from
1630 to 1881. By Elias Child. Utica, N. Y., Published for the
author by Curtiss & Childs, printers, 1881.
xii, [7]-S42 p. plates (partly col.) ports. 24J'''°.
1258 9-7311t CS71.C536 1881
The Marygold by Temple bar; being a history of the site
now occupied bj' no. 1, Fleet street, the banking house of Messrs.
Child & CO. . . . by F. G. Hilton Price . . . London, B. Qua-
ritch, 1902.
3 p. 1., Ix-xllil, 202 p. lUus., xx\Ti pi. (incl. front., ports., facslms.)
fold, general, tab. 30""".
" This edition consists of 2.")0 copies."
1259 11-31185 HG30O0.L84C5 1902
See also Lawson.
Chillingsworth. See also Foster.
CS71.L425 1903
CS71.r756 1889
Chilton. The Chiltons of Newbottle, in the county of Durham.
[By] Henry Reginald Leighton. Sunderland, S. A. Forster,
printer, 1905.
11 p. 22l"».
1260 15-19670 CS439.C62
Chipman. The Chipman lineajje, particularly as in Essex County,
Mass. By R. Manning Chipman . . . Salem, The Salem press,
59 p. 23r°.
From the Historical collections of the Essex Institute.
1261 &-7522t CS71.C541 1872
. Chipmans in Maine. A genealogy. By Alberto Lee Chip-
man. Sabbathday Lake, Me., A. L. Chipman, 1897.
44 p. coL pi. 18'".
1262 9-7658t CS71.C541 1897
Chipmans of America, by Alberto Lee Chipman. Poland,
Me., Ye Chipman printery, 1904.
232 p. col. pi., ports. 20"°.
1263 4-31003 CS71.C541 1S04
See also Chute. CS71.C564 1894
Smith. CS71.S643 1910
Swain. CS71.S97 1896
Chisholm. History of the Chisholms, with genealogies of the princi-
pal families of the name. By Alexander Mackenzie . . . In-
verness, A. & W. Mackenzie, 1891.
XV, 232 p. 23'".
1264 " 9-19333t CS479.C7
Chisolm genealogy, being a record of the name from a. d.
1254 ; with short sketches of allied families, by William Garnett
Chisolm . . . New York, The Knickerbocker press, 1914.
V, 95, [8] p. front, (coat of arms) 23'°.
8 p. at end blank for " notes."
Bibliography: p. 81-84.
1265 15-1253 CS71.C542 1914
/See aZ«o Beville. CS71.B578 1917
Mackintosh. CS477.H5M2
Chisolm. See Chisholm.
Chittenden. Chittenden family: William Chittenden of Guilford,
Conn., and his descendants. Comp. by Alvan Talcott . . .
[New Haven, Conn., Morehou.se & Taylor, 1882]
2C2 p., 1 1. 21 i'"".
1266 9-7654t CS71.C543 1882
Choate. The Choates in America. 1643-1896. John Choate and his
descendants. Chebacco, Ipswich. Mass. . . . By E. O. Jame-
son . . . Bo,ston. A. Mudge & son, printers, 1896.
ivl, 458 p. front., iUus., plates (ports.) 26i'".
1267 &-76o5t CS71.C545 1896
Choke. Genealogical notes respecting the Choke or Chokke family,
of Avington, Berks. By the Rev. F. Brown, f. s. a., and com-
municated by permission to the " Newbury district field club,"
by tlic hon. sec, Walter Money, f. s. a, Newbury, Printed by
W. J. Blacket, 1882.
20 p. fold, geneul. tab. 21i"".
1268 15-23243 CS439.C625
Cholmley. Tlie memoirs of Sir Hugh Cholmley, knt. and bart., ad-
dressed to his two sons. In which he gives some account of
his family, and the distresses they underwent in the civil
wars . . .
Taken from an original manuscript in his own hand-writing . . .
[London] 1787.
96, 103-320, xxiv p., 1 1., 102 p. front., plates. 28™.
" One hundred copies printed."
Error in binding: xxiv p., 1 1., 102 p. should follow p. 96. c/. ms. note,
p. 96.
Ed. by Sir Hugh Cholmley, bart., 1632-1688.
Contents. — The memoirs of Sir Hugh Cholmley, knt. and bart . . .
(1600-1057)— An account of Sir Hu^h Cholniley's (1C32-16S8) Journey
through France and Spain to Timgier, where he was engaged in building
the mole in the time of King Charles the Second. — An account of Tangier
by Sir Hugh Cholmley bart. (1632-16S8 )with some account of himself
and his journey through France and Spain to that place . . .
1269 14-9005 I)A390.1.C5Aa
Choquette. Dictionnaire genealogique des families du Richelieu et
leurs descendants franco-aiiiericains, depuis I'origine de la
famille jusqu'a nos jours. Par I'abbe G. A. Do Jordy. [St.
Hyacinthe, Impr. " La Tribune," 1909]
88, [931-213, [1S31-211 p., 1 1., [7]-36 p., 1 1., [7]-27 p. 17}'°.
Cover-title: Genealogies. Families du Richelieu et leurs descendants
Franco-America ins. Manchester, N. H.
Contents.— Clioquette. Kianchet. Sen(5cal. Hebert-Lambert. Beau-
dry. Morln. Jeannotte. Brouillet-Beruard. Prefontaine. Adam. Ca-
savant. Raveuelle-Lalime.
1270 12-27859 F1054.K5D3
G^nealogie de la famille Choquette, par I'abbe G. A. De-
jordy ... St. Hyacinthe, Impr. " La Tribune," 1909.
2 p. 1., [7J-31 p. 17"°.
1271 11-30425 CS90.C6
Chorley. The Chorleys of Chorley hall; extracts from the Chorley
parish registers, &c., and an attempt at a family history, by
John Wilson . . . Manchester, Sherratt and Hughes, 1907.
99 p. front., plates, fold. pl;in, fold, geneal. tub., facsims., coats of
arms. 21J'".
1272 19-3356 CS439.C627
Chouteau. Creoles of St. Louis. By Paul Beckwith ... St. Louis,
Nixon-Jones printing co., 1893.
169 p. 5 fold. tab. 23^'".
A genealogj- of the descendiints of Ren6 Au^ste Chouteau of Beam,
France, who came to New Orleans in the 18th century.
1273 4-12548 CS71.C552 1893
Christian. See also MajoT. CS71.M232 1915
Christie. Genealogical memoirs of the Scottish house of Christie,
comp. from family papers and the public records by the Rev.
Charles Rogers, ll. d. . . . London, Printed for the Royal his-
torical society, 1878.
78 p. 23"".
1274 9-12690 CS499.C6
Church. The history of the Church family. Notes collected by the
Hon. Oliver Chase', of Fall River, R. I., and arranged by his
nephew, Edward A. French, esq. To which has been added
many new and valuable notes, collected by Vernon Wade, esq.
Ed. by James N. Arnold . . . Providence, The Narragansett
historical publishing company, 1887.
llx, 85 p. 24i"°.
"Printed for the family. Edition 250 coplea"
1275 12-17721 CS71.C56 1887
Descendants of Richard Church of Plymouth, Mass. By
John A. Church . . . Rutland, Vt., The Tuttle company, 1913.
354 p. 23i'°'.
1276 13-11711 CS71.C56 1913
• Simeon Church of Chester, Connecticut, 1708-1792, and his
descendants, comp. by Charles Washburn Church . . . Water-
bury, Conn. [The Mattatuck press, inc.] 1914.
6 p. 1., [3]-209, [32] p. col. front, (coat of arma) ports. 24"".
1277 14-14161 CS71.C56 1914
Churchill. Some facts concerning the ancestors and descendants of
Asaph Churchill, 1st, of Milton. Comp. by Gardner Asaph
Churchill. Dorchester, Mass., 1887.
18 p. front. 23'".
1278 15-12366 CS71.C563 1887
Genealogy and biography of the Connecticut branch of the
Churchill family in America ... by Samuel Joseph Churchill
. . . Lawrence, Kan., Journal publishing company, 1901.
1 p. 1., [51-109 p. front., ill lis. (incl. ports.) 22"".
1279 15-12305 CS71.C563 1901
Churchill. The Churchill family in America. Compilers, Gardner
Asaph Chuichill, Nathaniel Wiley Churchill. Editor and asso-
ciate compiler, Rev. George M. Bodge, [n. p.] Pub. by the
family of G. A. Churchill [1904]
XV, 707 p. front., illus., plates, ports. 251'".
12S0 5-8006 CS71.C563 1904
See also Fox. CS439.F7
Churchman. See also Kaufman. CS71.K21 1892
Chute. A history of the Vyne in Hampshire ; being a short account
of the building & antiquities of that house, situate in the parish
of Sherborne, St. John co., Hants & of persons who have at
some time lived there, by Chaloner W. Chute of the Vyne.
Winchester, Jacob & Johnson, [etc., etc.] 1888.
X, 173 p. front, Illus. (Incl. coats of arms) plates, plans. 2(5'".
1280a 19-7439 DA690.V8C5
A genealogy and history of the Chute family in America,
with some account of the family in Great Britain and Ireland;
with an account of forty allied families, gathered from the most
authentic sources, by Wm. E. Chute . . . Salem, Mass., 1894.
22 p., 1 1., 216 p., 3 1., [iii]-cclxxvii, [1] p. front., plates, ports. 24'".
1281 9-7653t CS71.C564 1894
See also Brooks. CS71.B87 1908
Cilley. Cilley family. Comp. by J. P. Cilley . . . [Augusta, 1877]
7, 47 p. 24i'".
p. 9-47 comp. by Greenleaf and J. P. Cilley.
T.-p. wanting. Reprinted from Maine genealogist and biographer. June
1877, V. 2, p. 121-128 ; Dec. 1877, v. 3, p. 65-80 ; March 1878, v. 3, p. 85-107.
Descendants of Robert Seely, Watertown, Mass., 1G30.
1282 • 1-234 CS71.C57a 1877
Memoirs and services of three generations. General Joseph
Cilley, First New Hampshire line. War of the revolution.
Jonathan Longfellow, father of Sarah, wife of General Joseph
Cilley. Colonel Joseph Cilley, U. S. senator and officer in the
war of 1812. Honorable Jonathan Cilley, member of Congress
from Maine. Commander Greenleaf Cilley, war with Mexico
and war of 1861. General Jonathan P. Cilley, First Maine cav-
alry, war of the rebellion. Reprint from the Courier-gazette.
Rockland, Me., 1909.
44 p. plates, ports. 241'"-
1283 12-39382 £340.C51f5
See also Seeley.
Sinclair. CS71.S615 1806
Claflin. Genealogy of the Claflin family; being a record of Eobert
Mackclothlan, of Wenhani, Mass. and of his descendants, 1661-
1898, by Charles Henry Wight . . . New York, Press of W.
Green [1903]
6, [9]^-3 p. 24^".
1284 3-32782 CS71.C584 1903
Claghorn. The barony of Cleghorne, a. d. 1203, Lanarkshire, Scot-
land, to the family of Claghorn, a. d. 1912. United States of
America. Comp. by William Crumby Claghorn. Philadelphia
[Lyon & Armor, printers, 1912]
132 p. Incl. front, plates, ports. 25}"°.
120 copies printed for the Clagliorn family and tlieir connections and
friends, no. 68.
1285 13-1253 CS71.C585 1912
Claiborne. Claiborne pedigree, a genealogical table of the descendants
of Secretary William Claiborne, of the junior branch in the
United States, with some other tracings in the female line.
Lynchburg, Va., J. P. Bell company, 1900.
51 p. front, (port.) 23'".
Comp. by George Mason Claiborne.
1286 1-26297 CS71.C586 1900
William Claiborne of Virginia, with some account of his
pedigree, by John Herbert Claiborne . . . with an introduction
by John D. Lindsay . . . New York and London, G. P. Put-
nam's sons, 1917.
xxxi, 231 p. front., plates, ports., fold, map, facsim., fold, geneal. tab.
coat of arms. 21i'°.
1287 18-^697 F229.C58
See also Gentry. CS71.G339 1909
Clan Chattan. See Chattan.
Clann-Cuilein. See also Macnamara. CS499.M25
Clanronold. Vindication of the "Clanronald of Glengarry" against
the attacks made upon them in the Inverness journal and some
recent printed performances. With remarks as to the descent
of the family who style themselves "of Clanronald" ...
Edinburgh, AV. & C. Tait, 1821.
3 p. 1., 97, XXX p. geneal. tab. 23i'".
Engr. t.-p.
By John IJiddelU
1288 4-107 CS479.B8
Clap. See Clapp.
Clapham. See also Wilson. CS439.W55 1890
Clapp. The Clapp family meeting at Northampton, August 24, 1870.
Comprising the proceedings, the address, historical and other
papers, etc. Published by vote of the Boston committee of
arrangements. Boston, E. Clapp, 1870.
67, [1] p. 24i"°.
1289 9-8335t CS71.C59 1870
• Ancestral records of Colonel John B. Clapp . . . [Hart-
ford, R. S. De Lamater, photographer, 1874?]
broadside. 25 x 2S^"'.
Photographed from pen and Ink manuscript.
1290 14-783 CS71.C59 1874
The Clapp memorial. Record of the Clapp family in Amer-
ica, containing sketches of the original .six emigrants, and a
genealogy of their descendants bearing the name. With a sup-
plement, and the proceedings at two family meetings. [By]
Ebenezer Clapp . . . Boston, D. Clapp & son, 1876.
XX p., 1 1., [3]^36, 80 p. front., plates, ports. 24J"°.
1291 9-8334t CS71.C59 1876
Pedigree of Ebenezer Clapp. [n. p. 18-?]
geneul. tab. 551 x 38. fold, to 1\^ x 19'°.
1291a CS71.C59 [1S_]
Fifty ancestors of Henry Lincoln Clapp, who came to New
England from 1G20 to 1650. Boston, Press of D. Clapp & son,
2 V. front, (vol. 2) lllus.. plates, ports., facslms., coat of arms. 241'".
Additions and corrections in ras. in Part II.
1292 12-18979 CS71.C59 1902
See also Trumbull. CS71.T87 1886a
Clare. See also Gloucester, Earls of. DA740.G5C5 1883
Clark. Record of the family of David Clark, of Northampton,
Mass., who was born September 24th, 1729, and died Nov. 13th,
1810. Collected and arranged by Lewis H. Clark. Syracuse,
Summers & brother, book and job printere, 1857.
13 p. 211"=".
1293 9-8333t CS71.C6 1857
■ Records of the descendants of Hugh Clark, of Watertown,
Mass. 1640-186G. By John Clark . . . Boston, Printed for
the author, ISOfi.
200 p., 1 L front., ports. 26'".
1294 9-8331t CS71.C6 1866
Clark. Voyage of George Clarke, esq., to America [1703] With
introduction and notes, by E. B. O'Callaghan. Albany, N. Y.,
J. Munsell, 1867.
Ixxxi, 126 p. front, (mounted phot.) 20i"". {Half-title: New York
colonial tracts, no. II)
From a ms. preserved in the office of the secretary of state, Albany,
c/. Introd.
The letter relates only to the voyage from England to Virginia.
Edition, 100 copies.
Contents. — Introduction. — Genealogy of the Clarke family. — Letter [or
Journal of the voyage] — The will of George Clarke.
1295 1-15S36 F122.N56 no. 2
Copy 2. ri22.C59
Records of some of the descendants of Thomas Clarke,
Plymouth, 1623-1697. Comp. by Samuel C. Clarke. Boston,
Printed by D. Clapp & son, 1869.
43 p. 231'°.
1296 9-8325 CS71.C6 1869
The ancestry and the writings of the Eev. Dorus Clarke
. . . [Boston, b. Clapp & son] 1876.
25 p. incl. front, (port.) 24'".
100 copies printed but not published.
1297 9-11908t CS71.C6 1876
Clarke papers. Mrs. Mecch and her family. Home letters,
familiar incidents and narrations linked for preservation. By
Miss Hemenway . . . Burlington, Vt., Pub. by Miss Hemen-
way [1878]
2 p. 1., 312 p. ITJ"".
Limited edition.
1298 1-26877 CS71.C6 1878
Copy 2. F53.H48
A genealogical statement of the Clarke family of Boston,
Mass. 1731 ; with review of the same. By Isaac J. Greenwood.
New York, For private distribution, 1879.
8 p. 26'".
1299 5-11380 CS71.C6 1879
— A review of William Clarke's genealogical statement. Com-
municated by Isaac J. Greenwood . . . {In New England hist.
Jiv-"^ & geneal. reg. Boston, 1879. 24'°. v. 33, p. 226-229).
J 33 1300 F1.N56. V0L33
Clark. Jeremy Clarke's family. An address before the Rhode
Island historical society. March, 1879. By H. E. Turner. (In
Newport historical magazine. Newport, R. I., vol. 1, 1881, p.
75-96, 129-155)
1301 F76.B35 vol. 1
A few genealogical items connected with the family de-
scended from William Clark, one of the original settlers of Had-
dam, Conn. ; especially in the line of Ebenezer Clark, who from
1753 to 1800, lived in'Washington, Conn. [New York, 1880]
11 p. 24'°.
Caption title.
Ckjiiip. by Salter Storrs Clark.
1302 9-S326t CS71.C6 1880
A record of the descendants of John Clark, of Farmington,
Conn. The male branches brought down to 1882. The female
branches one generation after the Clark name is lost in mar-
riage. By Julius Gay. Hartford, Conn., The Case, Lock-
wood & Brainard company, 1882.
94 p. col. front. 23^".
1303 9-8332t CS71.C6 1882
Genealogy of the descendants of Nathaniel Clarke of New-
bury, Mass. By George K. Clarke . . . Boston, Press of T. R.
Marvin & son, 1883.
121, [1] p. 25^".
1304 &-S328t CS71.C6 1883
■ A record of some of the branches of the family of Simeon
Clark, of Amherst, Mass., as compiled and completed by him
just previous to his death in 1883. [n. p., 1883?]
cover-title, 7 p. 23'".
1305 18-23436 CS71.C6 1883a
Clarke-Clark genealogy. Records of the descendants of
Thomas Clarke, Plymouth, 1G23-1697. Comp. by Rev. William
W. Johnson . . . North Greenfield, Wis., The compiler, 1884.
17G, xiv, [1] p. front., ports. 23J''"
1306 9-8323t CS71.C6 1884
Genealogy of the descendants of Nathaniel Clarke of New-
bury, Mass. Ten generations, 1642-1885. By George K.
Clarke ... 2d ed., rev. and enh Boston, Press of T. R. Mar-
vin & son, 1885.
216 p. front., ports. 24"".
1307 5-27463 CS71.C6 1885
Clark. . . . Materials for genealogies of certain families of
Clarks, early settled in Essex County. Communicated by
George K. Clarke. [Salem, Mass., 1889]
10 p. 24i'".
Caption title.
From historical collections of the Essex Institute, vol. xxvl, 1889.
1.308 9-8327t CS71.C6 1889
History and genealogy of Samuel Clark, sr., and his de-
scendants from 1636-1897—261 years. By Rev. Edgar W. Clark
.... 2d ed. St. Louis, Nixon-Jones printing co., 1892-97.
2 V. In 1. lllus. 221'°.
1309 9-8329 CS71.C6 1892-1897
Clarke's kindred genealogies. A genealogical history of
certain descendants of Joseph Clark, Dorchester, 1630; Denice
Darling, Braintree, 1662; Edward Gray, Plymouth, 1643; and
William Home, Dover, 1659; and sketches of the Orne (Home),
Pynchon, and Downing families, by Augustus Peck Clarke
. . . Cambridge, Mass., The Harvard printing company, 1896.
vll p., 2 1., 176 p. front, (port.) col. plates. 24'°.
1310 9-7674t CS71.C6 1896
Conquest of the country northwest of the river Ohio 177&-
1783; and life of Gen. George Eogers Clark. Over one hun-
dred and twenty-five illustrations. With numerous sketches of
men who served under Clark . . . By William Hayden Eng-
lish . . . Indianapolis, Ind., and Kansas City, Mo., The Bowen-
ilerrill company, 1896.
2 V. fronts., illus., plates, ports., maps, facslms. 25J"".
1311 l-Rc-1440 E234.E58
The history and genealogy of our branch of the Clark fam-
ily and its connections, with the Shattucks on my father's side,
with the Smiths on my motlier's side and with the Elliotts on
my wife's side, by George Washington Clark. With a brief
account of the origin and derivation of the surname Clark,
by Charles Lamartine Clark. Detroit, Press of Morrison print-
ing CO., 1898.
2 p. 1., 74 p. port. 22}'°.
1312 9-8492t CS71.C6 1898
The descendants of Nathaniel Clarke and his wife Eliza-
beth Somerby of Newbury, Massachusetts. A history of ten
generations, 1642-1902. Special ed. By George Kuhn Clarke
. . . Boston, Priv. print. [T. K. Marvin & son] 1902.
250 p. front., pi., port. 24'".
" Special edition of parts i, ii and ni of a larger family history which
appeared earlier In the year 1902 . . . These three parts have . . . been
printed again, and Important additions Included." — Pref.
1313 2-22682 CS71.C6 1902
Clark. The descendants of Nathaniel Clarke and his wife Eliza-
beth Somerby of Newbury, Massachusetts. A history of ten
generations, 1012-1902. By George Kuhn Clarke . . . Boston,
Priv. print. [T. K. Marvin & son] 1902.
468 p. front., pi., port. 24}"".
1314 2-14,596 CS71.C6 1902a
Clarke genealogies. The "Clarke" families of Rhode Is-
land. A compilation of the descendants of: i, Joseph Clarke,
«f Westerly; ii, Jeremiah Clarke, of Newport; iii, John Clarke,
of Newport: iv, Laurence Clarke, of Newport; v, Abraham
Clarke, of Bristol; vi, Jolin Clarke, of Westerly: vii, Ephraini
and Ichabod Clarke, of Westerly; viii, Ephraim, Ichabod and
Samuel Clarke, of Cumberland; ix, Timothy Clarke, of Bristol.
By George Austin Morrison, jr. . . . New York, The Evening
post job printing house, 1902.
337 p. 29"".
" This edition is limited to 150 signed copies, of which this copy Is
no. 18."
1315 3-24078 CS71.C6 1902b
The ancestors and descendants of the Rev'd Henry Clarke
and his wife Catherine Pendleton, of Madison County^ New
York. By Cyrus Clarke Van Deventer. Kingman, Kan., 1902.
128 p. front, (port.) ^4*°".
1316 3-20268 CS71.C6 1902c
Deacon Theodosius Clark, Hon. William J. Clark; biog-
raphy and genealogy. A reprint from the " Commemorative
biographical record of New Haven County." [Chicago,* J. H.
Beers & co.] 1902.
31 p. 2 port. (incl. front.) 25}"°.
1317 15-C393 CS71.C6 1902d
[Scrap-book of clippings from the genealogical and his-
torical department of the Detroit Saturday tribune, September
3-Deccmber 10, 1904. Detroit, 1904]
[19] p. 30'-.
No t.-p.
Contents. — Clarke RenealoRj-. — Death notices, Detroit gazette. 1821-
22. — In.scriptions, Clarkston, Mich. — Bill and Boiinell families. — Lancnsters
In New England. — Palmer family in Connecticut and Michigan.
1318 5-13210t CS71.C6 1904
Richard Clarke of Rowley. Massachusetts, and his descend-
ants in the line of Timothy Clark of Rockingham. Vt. 1638-
1904. AVith an account of the family reunion held in Rochester,
Vermont, Augu.st 30, 1904. By Thomas Bellows Peck, Boston,
Press of D. Clapp & son, 1905.
93 p., 1 I. front., illus., plates, ports. 24''"'.
24 blank leaves at end of book for " Continuation of record."
1819 . 5-13518 CS71.C6 1906
Clark. Genealogies of the Clark, Parks, Brockman and Dean, Davis
and Goss families, in five parts, by Henry William Clark. Mont-
gomery, Ala., Printed for the author, 1905.
5 pts. in 1 V. front., plates, ports. 24"°.
Each pt. paged separately with half-title and special index.
Blank leaves for notes and " forms for continuing family record " at end.
1320 5-4030G CS71.C6 1905a
The ancestors of my children and other related children of
\ the generations living in the morning of the twentieth century,
''• by William Copeland Clark, Lincoln, Maine. [Bangor, Me.,
Press of the T. AV. Burr ptg. & adv. co.] 1906.
vii, [2], 10-215, [1] p. front., plates, ports. 23"".
" Published under the direction of the author's executors."
1321 7-1321 CS71.C6 1906
1541-1907. The Clark family genealogy in the United
States, a genealogical record showing sources of the English
ancestors, by Dr. A. W. Clark ... 1st ed. Stamford, N. Y.,
Press of the ]Mirror-recorder, 1907.
2 p. 1., [3J-149, [6] p. plates, ports. 24"°.
Blank pages at end of volume for memoranda.
1322 7-27165 CS71.C6 1907
An historic strain of blood in America. Frances Latham —
q1^_ mother of governors, by Louise Tracy . . . New Haven, Conn.
fi- * cover-title, [13] p. lUus. (incl. port., facsim., coats of arms) 25i°".
Reprinted from the Journal of American history.
1323 lS-10883 CS71.C6 1908
A record of the lands and past descendants of Henry and
Anne Clark who settled on the headbranches of Whippany
River, Eoxiticus, Old Hunterdon County, New Jersey, in the
year 1728. Collected and arranged by Henry Spencer Clark.
Paterson, N. J., C. Kramer, jr., 1909.
[16] p. Incl. port. 211°".
1324 9-18063 CS71.C6 1909
Family chronicles. Section 1-3. By Lilian Clarke. Wel-
lingborough [Eng.] Perkins and co. [1912]-
4 V. fold, geneal. tables. 23"".
Contents. — Section I. Blecklys and Springalls. — la. Temple family. —
2. The Chupmans of Whitby. — 3. Ingram Chapman's descendants.
1325 12-20018 CS438.C5
The Clark genealogy; some descendants of Daniel Clark,
of Windsor, Connecticut, 10.39-1913. comp. by Emma Lee AVal-
ton. Published through Walton Clark. New York, Frank AUa-
bon genealogical company, 1913.
278 p. 20"".
"Keferences used ": p. [11]-[121
1326 15-6665 CS71.C6 1913
Clark. Clarke [family tree] Washington, D. C, The Norris Peters
CO., "1914.
geneal. chart. 97 x GU"".
Coiup. by Carrie Lane Barnett
1327 14-8726 CS71.C6 1914
. . . Thomas Clarke, the Pilgrim, and his descendants, by
Amos Otis. Yarmouthport, Mass., C. AV. Swift, 1914.
cover-title, [4] p. 25i"". (Library of Cape Cod history & genealogy,
no. 45)
1328 14-20673 CS71.C6 1914a
The American ancestors of Oratio Dyer Clark and of his
wife Laura Ann King, together with the ancestry of Anne
Hutchinson, ancestress of Oratio Dyer Clark, by John Edwin
Salisbury, verified and enlarged by George Castor Martin. As-
bury Park, N. J., Martin & Allardyce, 1917.
4 p. 1., 5-170 p. front, (ports.) 2 fold, geneal. tab. 231"".
"Authorities " : p. 169-170.
Contents. — pt. i. The American ancestry. — pt. ii. The English ancestors
of Oratio Dyer Clark traced through the Hutchinson family. — pt. iii. An-
cestry of the family of Blount. — pt. rv. Ancestry of Phillipi de Beauchamp
continued from pt. ii. — pt. v. Ancestry of Lady Anne Neville continued
from pt. u.- — pt. VI. Ancestry of the Princess Anne Plantagenet continued
from pt. n. — pt. vii. Ancestry of the Princess Joan d'Arce continued from
pt. n.
1329 17-11696 CS71.C6 1917
See also Anderson.
Sinclair. *
1 CS71.B34
Clarkson. Memoirs of Matthew Clarkson of Philadelphia. 1735-
1800, by his great-grandson, John Hall, and of his brother,
Gerardus Clarkson, 1737-1790, by his great-grandson, Samuel
Clarkson. [Philadelphia, Thomson printing company] 1890.
259 p. front., plates, ports. 2^"°.
"Two hundred copies printed."
1330 5-24723 CS71.C612 1890
The Philadelphia branch of the Clarkson family, by Frank
Willing Leach . . . [Philadelphia? 1912?]
cover-title, 19 p. front, (coat of arms) ports. 22i"°.
. Caption title : The Clarkson family.
" Reprinted from the Philadelphia North American, being article no. 124
In Mr. Leech's series of historical monographs on ' Old Philadelphia
families.' "
1331 14-11908 CS71.C612 1912
See also Bringhurst. CS71.B858 1901
Sharp. QB36.S5C9
Van Rensselaer. ' CS69.S7
Clason. . . . Stephen Clason of Stamford, Connecticut, in 1G54 and
some of his descendants. Comp. and arranged from data chiefly
collected by Oliver B. Clason of Gardiner, Maine. By William
B. Laph;im. Augusta, Kennebec journal print, 1892.
160 p. front., ports. 23J"°.
At head of title: Clason, Clawson, Classon, Closson, Clauson.
Pages 149-160 left blank for " Clason family register."
1332 9-S302t CS71.C613 1892
Clavering, The duties of baronial life in England during the middle
ages, as exemplified by the records and evidences of the baronial
Jiou.se of Clavering from the Norman conquest . . . [Axwell,
39 1. Incl. 1 mounted facsim. 30'°",
. Golden line borders.
Presentation to " Lord Napier " signed : Henry A. Clavering.
Conspectus of the services of Robert Fltz-Roger, lord of Claverlnff . . .
comp. from the Close and Welch rolls, and chronologically arranged from
the year 1276 to 1310: 1. [25]-29.
Conspectus of the services of Lord John de Clavering . . . 1297-1331 :
1. 31-39.
1333 12-39137 03439.0629
Clay. The family of Clay, of New Castle, Delaware, and Philadel-
phia, Pennsylvania. Washington, D. C., Gibson brothers, print-
ers and bookbinders, 1895.
51 p. 25"".
Comp. by Cecil Clay.
1334 9-8320t CS71.062 1895
Clay. Table of the descendants of Joseph Clay of Savannah, Ga.,
1741 to 1804. Comp. & arranged by Montgomery Gumming.
Washington, 1897.
geneal. chart. 54 x 501'"° fold to 27J x 29"°.
1335 5-35474 CS71.C62 1897
The Clay family ; part first ; The mother of Henry Clay, by
Hon. Zachary F. Smith . . . part second; The genealogy of the
Clays, by Mrs. Mary Rogers Clay . . . Louisville, Ky., J. P.
Morton and company, printers to the Filson club, 1899.
vi, 252, [4] p. front., ports., coat of arms. 32'°'. (Filson club, publi-
cations, no. 14)
"The Filson club publications": 4 p. at end.
1336 99-16G2 CS71.C62 1899
Copy 2. F446.F48 no.l4
Genealogy and history of the Clay family, by Hiland H.
Clay. [n. p.] 1916.
159 p. incl. plates, ports. 23i"°-
Pages 151 to 156 left blank for additional " Family records."
1337 17-1352 CS71.C62 1916
See also JLsihtrsh&m. CS71.H114 1901
Hutchinson. CS439.H795
Claypoole. Genealogy of the Claypoole family of Philadelphia.
1588-1893, by Rebecca Irwin Graff. Philadelphia [J. B. Lip-
pincott company] 1893.
4 p. 1 1., 5-197 p. front, plates, ports. 25i'"'.
1338 9-S324t CS71.C621 1893
Clayton. Memorials of the Clayton family. With unpublished corre-
pondcnce of the Countess of Huntingdon., Lady Glenorchy; the
' Revs. John Newton, A. Toplady; etc., etc., etc. By the "Rev.
Thomas W. Aveling. London, Jackson, Walford, and Hodder,
xii, 516 p. front, (port.) 23"".
1339 2-20G61 BX7260.C6A9
Some account of the Clayton family, of Thelwell, co.
Chester: afterwards of St. Dominick's abbey, Doneraile and
Mallow, CO. Cork. A jjapcr read before the Historic society of
Lancashire and Cheshire, 4th March 1880. By J. Paul Ry-
laiuls . . . Liverpool T. Brakell printers 1880.
20 p. Illus. 21 r".
Reprinted from the Transactions of the Historic society of Lancashire
and (Cheshire, vol. xxxii, 1880, p. 3.5-.'52.
1340 9-S395 06439.C63
80Pt • <I
Clayton. Kambles and reflections. Europe from Biscay to the Black
Sea and from ^tna to the North Cape with glimpses at Asia,
Africa, America and the islands of the sea. By Thomas J.
Clayton. Chester, Pa. [Press of the Delaware County Republi-
can] 1892 [pub. 1893]
xxviii, 442 p. front, (port.) pi. 24°'".
Originally published in newspapers in 1S69, 1S73, 1888-92.
" Biographical sketch of the Claj'ton family, with some personal recol-
lections of Bethel and Brandywine Hundred " : p. [395]^42.
1341 3-15935 D919.C61
The Clayton family. By Henry F. Hepburn
Read before the Historical society of Delaware, Feb. 15, 1904.
Wilmington, Tlie Historical society of Delaware, 1904.
41 p. front., plates, ports. 24J"°. (Papers of the Historical society of
Delaware, [no.] xu)
1342 4-33475 F161.D35 no. 41
Copy 2. CS71.C622 1904
See also Selden. CS71.S45 I9ii
.Cleaveland. See Cleveland.
Cleaver. Pedigi-ee of the families of Cleaver and Peach. Privately
printed. London, Taylor and co., printers, 1871.
1 p. 1., 7 p. front., lUus., coats of arms. 28"".
Reprinted from Miscellanea genealogica et heraldica, June 1871. Lon-
don, 1876. 1st ser., vol. u, p. 304-310.
1342a 19-6526 CS439.C655
Cleghorn. See Claghom.
Cleiveland. See Cleveland.
Clemens. The Clemens family chronology, 1610-1912. 1st ed. New
Yoik, W. M. Clemens, 1914.
65 p. 23"°.
1343 14-3117 CS71.C624 1914
Clements. Robert Clements of Haverhill, Ma.ssachusetts, and some
of his descendants; by Major-General A. W. Greely . . . Salem,
Essex institute, 1911.
1 p. 1., 16 p. 24}"".
" Fifty copies reprinted from the Historical collections of the Essex
Institute, volume jxvii."
1344 U-34223 CS71.C625 1911
114883°— 19 18
Clemmer. An American woman's life and work. A memorial of
Mary Clemmer, by Edmund Hudson. Boston, Ticknor and com-
pany, 1886.
2 p. 1., vi, [7J-243 p. front, (port.) 20'°.
"Baptisms of the Cniiiie family, extracted from Ballaugh parish regis-
ter, Isle of Man " : p. 34-36.
1345 15-25663 PS1039.A32Z6 1886
Clendinen. An account of the coming to America of three Clendinen
brothers from Scotland and with five children of Charles Clen-
dinen. And their connection with the Meigs-Bryan-Miller and
McCulloch families, pioneers, Indian fighters, block house, and
town builders. Comp. by Capt. Joe Vincent Meigs from data
of Mrs. Delia Agnes McCulloch ... in West Va. historical mag-
azine, of July, 1904. And in many letters of her own, and pro-
cured by her from otliers and particularly from Mrs. Edith
Clendinen Miller Stephens . . . Boston, 1906.
blue-print geneal. tab. 61 x .50"" fold, to 25i x 151"°.
1346 5-33839 CS71.C627 1906
See also 'M.eigs. CS7i.M5ii 1906
Clervaux. Family of Clervaux. {In The history and antiquities of
the parish of Darlington, in the bishoprick. By W. HyltonDyer
Longstaffe . . . London, 1854. 25^™. p. lix-lxxix)
1347 3-16657 DA690.D22L8
Cleveland. A genealogy of Benjamin Cleveland, a great-grandson of
Moses Cleveland, of Woburn, Mass., and a native of Canterbury,
Windham County, Conn. With an appendix. Comp. by his
great-grandson, Horace Gillette Cleveland . . . Chicago.
Printed for the compiler, 1879.
200 p. pi. 23i"°.
1348 9-8321t CS7.1.C635 1879
Excerpts from genealogical records, showing lineage of Hon.
Grover Cleveland. [Boston? 188-]
[4] p. 28'".
Caption title.
Attaclied to tliis is a newspaper clipping entitled " Mothers of noted
men, iv. Grover Cleveland's mother (portrait with text) "
1349 12-25499 CS71.C635 188-
A genealogical register of the descendants of Moses Cleve-
land of Woburn, Mass., an emigrant in 1635 from England, with
a sketch of the Clevelands of Virginia and the Carolinas. By
James Butler Cleveland of Oneonta, N. Y. Albany, N. Y., Mun-
sell, printer, 1881.
cover-title, 48 p. iUus. 24),"".
Title vignette: coat of arms.
1350 &-10667t CS71.C635 1881
Cleveland. Stephen Grover Cleveland. A sketch of his life, to which
is appended a short account of the life of Thomas Andrew Hen-
dricks, by Deshler Welch. New York, J. W. Lovell company
viiJ, 222 p. front., plates, facsims. 18i"°. (Lovell's library, v. 8, no. 427)
The Clevelanil family, chapter i.
1351 5-13625 E697.W44
Cleiveland. The genealogy of the Cleivelands of Hinckley
in Leicestershire, England. Conmiunicated by H. G. Cleve-
qiV^A land... [Boston? 1885]
A'"' Caption title.
" Reprinted f i-om the N. E. historical and genealogical register for April,
" I have arranged in modern form . . . the records of Mr. [John] Nichols
concerning the Cleivelands of Hinckley, Leicestershire." — p. [3]
1352 8-4650 CS439.C66
An account of the lineage of General Moses Cleaveland, of
Canterbury (Windham County), Conn., the founder of the city
of Cleveland, Ohio, (with portrait). Comp. by his kinsman,
H. G. Cleveland. Also a sketch of his life from the January
(1885) number of the Magazine of western history, by Hon.
Harvey Rice. Cleveland, O., W. W. Williams, 1885.
14 p. front, (coat of arms) illus. 24i"°,
1853 4-24956 CS71.C635 1885
New England ancestry of Grover Cleveland, president of the
United States of America. Privately printed. [Salem, Mass.,
The Salem press] 1892.
25 p. Incl. V geneal. charts, front. (2 port.) 31'".
" Arranged by Walter K. Watkins . . . With notes and additions by
Eben Putnam."
" From Putnam's Monthly historical magazine. Thirty-five copies pri-
vately printed."
1354 4-24957 CS71.C635 1892
The genealogy of the Cleveland and Cleaveland families.
An attempt to trace, in both the male and female lines, the pos-
terity of Moses Cleveland . . . [and] of Alexander Cleve-
land . . . with numerous biographical sketches; and containing
ancestries of many of the husbands and wives, also a bibli-
ography of the Cleveland family and a genealogical account of
Edward Winn of Woburn, and of other Winn families. Comp.
by Edmund Janes Cleveland and Horace Gillette Cleveland . . .
Hartford, Conn., Printed for the subscribers by the Case, Lock-
wood & Brainard company, 1899.
3 ». front., plates, ports. 24'".
1855 0-253 CS71.C635 1899
See also Hitchcock.
Clifford. Collectanea Cliffordiana, in three parts ... By Arthur
Clifford . . . Paris, Printed by M. Nouzou, 1817.
3 p. 1., vii, iii, [7]-218, 145 p., 1 1. 21J"».
Pt. 1 and 2 paged continuously (pt. 3, 145 p.)
Contents. — pt. i. Anecdotes of illustrious personages of the name of
Clifford. — pt. n. Historical and genealogical notices respecting tlie origin
and antiquity of the Clifford family.— pt. in. Clifford, a trage<ly.
1356 13H1270 CS439.C67
The CliflFords of Craven. {In Ancestral stories and tradi-
tions of great families illustrative of English history. By John
Timbs . . . London, 1869. IBJ'^"'. p. 3G8-374)
1357 5-5847 DA28.35.A1T5
Genealogy of the family of Clifford. {In A topographical
and historical description of the parish of Tixall, in the county
of Stafford. By Sir Thomas Clifford, bar' and Arthur Clifford,
esq. Paris, 1817. 26|'^». p. 154^162.)
Privately printed, chiefly for presentation.
1358 3-18121 DA690.T62C6
See also Brabazon.
CS71.S256 1897
Clopper. Cornelius Jansen Clopper and his descendants, compiled by
John R. Witcraft
press] 1912.
cover-title, 40 p. 23"
[Frankford, Phila., Pa., Dispatch
CS71.C64 1912
Clopton. Clopton of Melford. {In Muskett, J. J. ed. Suffolk ma-
norial families . ,
1900— 30i X 2^'^
Exeter, [Eng.] W. Pollard & co., ltd.,
vol. 1, p. 136-115)
See also Shakespeare.
Cloud. See also Potts.
Clough. See also Smith.
CS71.P871 1895
CS71.B34 1918
CS439.S6 1878a
Clontier. Autonr du clocher natal ; notes historiques sur la paroisse
de Saint-Prosper, comte de Champlain, par E. Talusier . . .
Trois-Biviercs, P. Q., Vanasse & Ijcfrangois. impr., 1909.
3 p. 1., [5]-323 p. plates, ports., facslni., fold, goneal. tables. 22}"".
Includes genealogies of the Cloutler and allied families.
^i^ 18-6220 ri054.5.S25T:}
Cloyd. Genealogy of the Cloyd, Basye and Tapp families in Amer-)
ica; with brief sketches referring to the families of Ingels,
Jones, Marshall and Smith, by A. D. Cloyd, m. d. Omaha, Neb.,
297 p. front., plntes, ports., geneal. tab. 23}'°.
Contents. — section 1. Descendants of James Cloyd, (1G80-1769) of
Chester County, Pa.— 2. Descendants of David Cloyd, (1700-1792) of
Auinista County, Va. — 3. Descendants of John Cloyd, who died 1759 in
Augusta County, Va.— ^. Descendants of William Cloyd, (1751-1837) of
Washington County, Tenn. — 5. Descendants of Daniel Clyde, (1683-1753)
of Windham, New Hampshire, who changed the name to Cloyd. — 6. De-
scendants of Edmond Basye, (1730-1810) of Fauquier County, Va. — 7. De-
scendants of Elizabeth Tapp of Spottsylvanla County, Va. — 8. Brief
sketches of Ingels, Jones, Marshall, and Smith families.
1362 12-25338 CS71.C645 1912
Clymer. George Clymer — ^the signer.
|'1^,^_ (/n Magazine of American history. New York and Chicago, 1880. 24"".
~^5 V. 5, p. 196-203. illus. (plan) pi., port.)
k-'l*' Signed: "Wharton Dickenson."
1363 17-9562 E171.M18 vol.5
Copy 2, detached. CS71.C648 1880
Three generations of the Clymer family.
(In Pennsylvania magazine of history and biography. Philadelphia,
1885. 24'". V. 9, p. 353-355)
1364 CA 17-1623 F146.P65 vol.9
' Copy 2, detached. CS71.C648 1885
Coal. See Cole.
Coaldwell. See CaldwelL
Coale. See Cole.
Coates. Tliomas Coates, who removed from England to the province
of Pennsylvania, 1683; comp. from old records by Henry T.
Coates. Philadelphia, Priv. print., 1897.
[3]-27 p. fold, geneal. tab. 27'°".
1365 4-24197 CS71.C652 1897
•! The family in the Philadelphia city directories, 1785-1901.
[Philadelphia], privately printed, 1901.
cover-title, p. [25]-39. 27'",
A list of those who bear the name of Coatea.
1866 CS71.C652 1901
Coates. A genealogy of Moses and Susanna Coates who settled in
Pennsylvania in 1717, and their descendants; with brief intro-
ductory notes of families of same name . . . Compiled by Tru-
man Coates, M. D. [Oxford ? Pa.] 1906.
1 p. 1., 319 p. front, plates, ports. 24"*.
1367 8-16920 CS71.C652 1906
See also Byrd. E159.G55
Paul. CS71.P324 1914
Smith. CS439.S6 1878a
Cobb. Autobiography of the first forty-one years of the life of Syl-
vanus Cobb, d. d. ; to which is added a memoir, by his oldest son
Sylvanus Cobb, jr. Boston, Universalist publishing house, 1867.
552 p. front, (port.) 20J'°.
" His ancestry " p. 9-22.
A history of the Cobb family, by Philip L. Cobb. Pt. i-iii.
Cleveland, 1907-1915.
3 V. 24*'°'.
" 200 copies printed of which this is number 62."
1369 CA 8-2300 CS71.C653 1907
/See afeo Habersham. CS71.H114 1901
Williams. CS71.W729 1896
Cobham. Notices of the family of Cohham of Sterborough castle,
Linpfield, Surrey. By John Wickham Flower.
{In Surrey archteologlcal collections . . . Loniiou, 1864. 22"". v. 2, p.,
115-194. illus., plates, coats of arms)
1370 19-3367 DA670.S95S9
Copy 2, detached. CS439.C675
Cobum. Genealogy of the descendants of Edward |p(,i,i,r,i
Came from England, 103.5. Purchased land in " Draciitt on
Merrimack," 1608. Occupied his purchase, 1669 . . . Prepared
by George A. Gordon . . . Silas R. Cobum . . . Silas B.
Coburn, editor. Lowell, Mass., W. Coburn, 1913.
2 p. 1., 470 p. front., plates, ports., coat of arms. 25i''"'.
1371 13-11527 CS71.C658 1913
Cochran. Cochran, or Cochrane family. {In The history of Wind-
ham in New nam])shire.{Rocki!igliam County). 1719-1883. A
Scotch .settlement. By Leonard A. Morrison . . . Boston,
Mass., 1883. 21<"". p. 390-402)
1372 1-8081 P44.W7M8
Cochran. In memoriam. Jolin Morrow Cochran. Born June 18,
1808. Died August 24, 1889. [Cincinnati, Commercial Gazette
job print 1801]
82 p. 2 front. (1 port.) 22"°.
A memorial volume prepared by his children and edited by Jere Morrow
1373 15-12541 CT275.C656C6
Tlie Cochran-Inglis family of Halifax; by Rev. Arthur
Wentworth Hamilton Eaton . . . Halifax, C. H. Ruggles &
CO., 1899.
1 p. 1., 18 p., 1 1. 24r".
1374 2-22154 CS90.C8
Pedigree of the Cochranes of Cochrane, Lord Cochrane of
Dundonald ; earls of Dundonald, lords Cochrane of Paisley and
Ochiltree, with a few details of the branches of Pitfour, Lee and
Ascoke, Barbachlaw, Ferguslie, Ochiltree, Waterside, Kilma-
ronoch, Craigmure, and Ashkirk. London [etc.] Bemrose Dal-
ziel, ltd., printers, 1908.
geneal. tab. col. coat of arms. 91 x 91'" fold, to 30"°.
"This chart was compiled between the years 1888-1908, as far as pos-
sible from original sources, by Katherine Parker, and revised by the Rev.
John Anderson, curator of the Hist, dept., H. M. Register house, Edin-
1375 15-19680 CS479.C75
. . . Charter chest of the earldom of Dundonald. 1219-
1672. Ed. by Francis J. Grant . . . Edinburgh, Printed for
the Society by J. Skinner & company, 1910.
2 p. 1., 34 p. 26"". (Scottish record society. [Publications. 36, pt. 2])
Printed from an inventory drawn up about the year 1672.
1376 11-20557 CS460.S4 vol. 36
Chronicles of the Cochraas; being a series of historical
events and narratives, in which members of this family have
played a prominent part, coinp. and written by Ida Cochran
Haugliton. Columbus, O., The Stoncman press company, 1915.
148 p., 1 I. front, (port.) plates, facsinis., col. coat of arms. 23"".
Contains bibliographies.
1377 16-239 CS71.C663 1915
See aho Adams. CS71.A2 1894
Cockayne. See. Cokayne.
Cockburn. The house of Cockburn of that ilk and the cadets thereof:
with historical anecdotes of the times in which many of the
name played a conspicuous part. By Thomas H. Cockburn-
Hood . . . Edinburgh [Printed by Scott and Ferguson] 1888.
0 p. 1., XXX p., 1 1., 394 p. illus. (part coL) 2 maps, 7 facsim. 30'^"'.
1378 8-29451 CS479.C76
Cockbum. The records of the Cockburn family, by Sir Robert Cock-
biu-n, bart. & Harry A. Cockburn. London & Edinburgh, T. N.
Foulis, 1013.
ix, [1], 2S0, [1] p. front., illus., plates (1 col.) ports., 32 geneal. tab.
(part fold.) 25™.
The col. pi. is a mounted sample of the Cockhiirn tartan and the other
plates are mounted photos, with guard sheets.
1 fold, geneal. tab. in pocket.
" The edition of this work is limited to two hundred and ten copies, of
which this is no. 145."
1379 14-2847 CS479.C76 1913
Cocke. See alw Fontaine. F221.V82 vol.5
Jones. CS71.J76 1891
Coddington. William Coddington in Ehode Island colonial affairs.
An historical inquiry. By Henry E. Turner. Providence, S. S.
Eider, 1878.
60 p. 20"". (Rhode Island historical tracts. [1st ser.] no. 4)
13S0 l-Rc-2964 F76.B.52
The Coddington family. Records of one line of the de-
scendants of John Coddington of Woodbridge. N. J., with notes
on allied families. By Rev. Herbert G. Coddington, d. d. Syra-
cuse, N. Y., 1907.
37 p. 25^'".
"Limited edition. Two hundred copies of this pamphlet have been
printed of which this is number 100."
1381 10-2630 CS71.C669 1907
See also Crossley. CS439.C835
Noyes. CS71.N955 1900
Wanton. F76.B,52 lstser.,no.3
Cody. Cody-Rogers of Georgia, by L. L. Cody. [Macon? Ga.]
31 p. 24"°.
1382 16-14526 CS71.C67 1915
See also 'OXi^Vti. CS71.H892 1879
Coe. Record of the Coo family. 1596-1856. New York, J. A. Gray's
printing office, 1856.
14 p. 23"".
Corap. by David Benton Coe.
1883 9-15606 CS71.C672 1856
• Descendants of Matthew Coe. Boston, Press of Rockwell
and Churchill, 1894.
47 p. lO'"".
Preface signed: Henry F. Coe.
1384 14-20948 CS71.C672 1894
Coe. Coe-Ward memorial and immigrant ancestors . . . Limited
ed. . . . Meriden, Conn., Press of the Converse publishing co.,
136 p. 2 pi. 23r'".
" This edition will be limited to 150 copies." no. 103.
By Levi Elmore Coe.
1385 7-32835 CS71.C672 1897
Robert Coe, puritan; his ancestors and descendants, 1340-
1910, with notices of other Coe families, by J. Gardner Bartlett
. . . Boston, Mass., Pub. for private circulation by the author,
1 p. I., V p., 2 1., 654 p. front, (col. coat of arms) illus., plntes, ports.
1386 12-94S CS71.C672 1911
See also Duncan. CS71.D913 1905
Coffee. See also Harris. CS71.H315 I9ii
Coffin. Genealogy of the early generations of the Coffin family in
a o** New England . . . Boston, D. Clapp & son, printers, 1870.
/y^ From the New-England historical and genealogical register for 1870.
^ ' " Comniiinicnted by Sylvanus J .Macey, esq., New Tork, N. Y. Anno-
tated by the late Nathaniel W. Coffin, esq., of Dorchester, and by William
S. Appleton, a. m."
1387 9-76C9t CS71.C675 1870
The Coffin family. The life of Tristram Coffyn, of Nan-
tucket, Mass., founder of the family line in America; together
with reminiscences and anecdotes of some of his numerous de-
scendants, and some historical information concerning the an-
cient families named Coffyn. By Allen Coffin . . . Nantucket,
Hussey & Robinson, 1881.
64 p. 23r°.
1388 9-8304t CS71.C675 1881
• " Trustum " and his grandchildren. By one of them [Har-
riet B. Worron] Nantucket, Tlie author, 1881.
261 p. 20"°.
1389 9-27100t CS71.C675 1881a
The Coffin family, its armorial bearings and origin of the
(^ name. With albertype illustrations from the Forbes lith. manuf.
aT^'A\!ir company. By John Coffin Jones Brown . . . Boston, Press of
'^!; ^^D. Clapp & son, 1881.
^' 8 p. illus. 25"".
Reprinted from the New England historical and genealogical register
for OrtX)ber, 1881.
Imperfect : lacks iUustratloniL
1390 CS71.C675 1881b
Coflan. Tuckernuck . . . Hartford, Plimpton print, 1882.
28 p. 23'°'.
Author's name on cover. " Emma V. Hallett"
A story of Nantucket and the Coffin family.
1391 16-23275 CS71.C675 1882
The life of Admiral Sir Isaac Coffin, baronet, his English
and American ancestors; by Thomas C. Amory. Boston, Cnp-
ples, Upham and company, 1886.
1 p. 1., 141 p. front (port.) 24J"".
1392 4-24409 DA87.1.C6A5
Early wills illustrating the ancestry of Harriot Coffin, with
genealogical and biographical notes, by her grandson, William
S. Appleton. Boston, Press of D. Clapp & son, 1893.
2 p. 1., 86 p. front, (port.) 24'"'.
1393 9-8318t CS71.C675 1893
Gatherings toward a genealogy of the Coffin family. By
AV. S. Appleton. Boston, Press of D. Clapp & son, 1896.
3 p. 1., [3]-53 p. 24"".
1394 »-7673t 0871.0675 1896
See also BT&ckett. CS71.B797 1917
Sinnott. CS71.S617 1905
Coffyn. See Coffin.
Cogan. See also Dean. CS439.D4
Coggeshall. Address delivered at the Coggeshall family reunion,
Newport, R. I., September 9, 188i. By Hon. Henry J. Cogges-
hall ... [n. p., 1884?]
25 p. 234"".
Caption title.
1395 9-S316t CS7 1.0676 1884
A history of Coggeshall, in Essex; with an account of its
church, abbey, manors, ancient houses, &c., and biographical
sketches of its most distin^iished men and ancient families, in-
cluding the family of Coggeshall from 1149, to the re-union at
Ehode Island, U. S. A., in 1884. By Geo. Fred. Beaumont . . .
Coggeshall, E. Potter; London, Marshall brothers, 1890.
xiv p., 1 1., 272 p. front., lllus., port., fold. map. 22"°.
1396 3-2578 I>A690.067B3
Coggin. See also Foster. CS71.r756 1897
Coghill. The family of Coghill. 1377 to 1879. With some sketches
of their maternal ancestors, the Slingsbys, of Scriven hall. 1135
to 1879. By James Henry Coghill. Cambridge, Printed at the
Kiverside press, 1879.
ix p., 2 1., 3G, [36a]-36p, (37]-193 p., 1 1. front., plates, ports. 23J"".
The Scottish branch, p. 73-85.
1397 7-3229 CS71.C677 1879
A genealogical note on the family of Cramer or Coghill.
From materials collected by Bertram C. A. Windle . . . {In
Cork historical & archa?ological society. Journal. Cork, 1910.
'26'°. 2d series, vol. xvi, p. 66-81. 2 fold, geneal. tab.)
1898 DA990.C78C7 1910
Cogswell. The Cogswells in America. [By] E. O. Jameson. [Bos-
ton, A. Mudge & son, printers, '1884]
xxi p., 1 I., 083 p. iUus., ports. 26"°.
" The edition Is limited to 500 copies."
1399 9-8310t CS71.C678 1884
/See aZso Forrest. CS71.F729 1897
Cohan. Cohan genealogy. [Minneapolis, 1914]
cover-title, 16 p. front, (port.) pi., double geneaL tab. 24"".
Plate printed on both sides.
Portrait of author signed : W. H. L. MeCourtie.
1400 17-15784 CS71.C68 1914
Colt. The Coit family; or The descendants of John Coit, who ap-
pears among the settlers of Salem, Mass. in 1638, at Gloucester
in 1644, and at New London, Conn, in 1650. Compiled at the
request of Samuel Coit of Hartford, Conn. By Rev. F. W.
Chapman . . . Hartford, Press of the Case, Lockwood &
Brainard co., 1874.
V p., 1 1., [9]-341 p. pi., ports. 23^"".
1401 »-8322t CS71.C681 1874
• Mehetabel Chandler Coit; her book, 1714. [Norwich,
Conn., Bulletin print, 1895]
19 p. lO"".
Compiled by M. P. Q., B. S. G., and L. G. L., grandchildren of Daniel
Lathrop Colt.
1402 18-22797 CS71.C681 1895
See also Wanton. F76.R52 Ist 8er.,no.3
Coitmore. See also Gray. 0671.G78 1880
Cokayne. Cockayne memoranda : collections towards a historical rec-
ord of the family of Cockayne . . . Congleton, Printed for pri-
vate circulation, 1869.
[22G] p. front., plates. 19"".
Introduction signed : Andreas Edward Cockayne.
Some of the plates are mounted photographs.
Each part has separate t.-p., and pagination.
Contents. — 1. Cockayne of Ashbourne, co. Derby, & Pooley, co. War-
wick. By Andreas Edward Cockayne. — 2. Cockayne of Cockayne-Hatley,
CO. Bedford. By Reginald J. Cust, esquire. — 3. Cockayne of Rushtou Hall,
CO. Northampton, by George Edward Adams, esquire. — 4. Cockayne monu-
ments, by Andreas Edward Cockayne.
1403 19-6300 CS439.C678 1869
— Cockayne memoranda : collections towards a historical rec-
ord of the family of Cockayne, by Andreas Edward Cockaj'ne.
To which is added a pedigree (comp. by G. E. Adams . . .)
showing the descent from Edward i, of the several alliances
made in seven consecutive generations by the family of Cokayne
of Kushton, lords viscount Cullen. Also A history of Cockayne-
Hatley church: by Eobert Needham Cust, esq. Congleton,
Printed for private circulation, 1873.
4 p. 1., xxiil, 237 p., 1 1. front., plates, ports, geneal. tables, coats of
arms. lOJ'".
Some of the plates are mounted photographs.
" Of tills book only 100 copies were printed." c/. ms. note In front of
1403a 18-3650 CS439.C678 1873
■ Rushton: historical, biographical, archaeological. Includ-
ing sketches of the Tresham and Cokayne families, a descrip-
tion of the triangular lodge, and notes of the hall, grounds, and
parish church. By Sam. S. Campion. Northampton, Taylor &
son, 1878.
1 p. 1., 16 p. 22™.
1404 2-22926 DA690.I188C1
Cokayne pedigree. From " Miscellanea genealogica et her-
aldica," 1899 (Third scries, vol. iii), to which publication it
was communicated by G. E. Cokayne . . . [London, 1899]
18 p. lUus. 35"".
" The pedigree from which this is copied was compiled for Charles
Cokayne . . . between 1631 and 1642."
" Abstracts of deeds " : p. 14-rl8.
1404a 19-0359 CS439.C678 1899
Coke. Coke of Trusley, in the county of Derby, and branches there-
from : a family history. Comp. by Major John Talbot Coke.
Printed for private circulation. [London, Printed by W. H.
and L. Collingridge city press] 1880.
vli, 127 p. front, (coats of arms) pi., fold, geneal. tab. 26'".
1405 16-22634 CS439.C68
Coke. See also Melbourne. DA690.M55B8
Cokefield. Chronica Jocelini de Brakelonda, de rebus gestis Sam-
sonis abbatis monasterii Sancti Edmundi. Nunc primum typis
mandata curante Johanne Gage Eokewode. Londini, sumpti-
bus Societatis Camdenensis, 1840.
xi, 171, [1] p. front, iUus., facsim. 22i'=°'. (Camden society. [Publica-
tions! no. 13)
" Genealogla de Cokefield " : p. 144-145.
1406 17-17164 DA20.C17 no. 13
Colbum. Eufus Cushman Colburn . , . Reprint from " The Era "
(Fairhaven, Vermont,) of March 2, 1899, to which is appended a
few comments and reminiscences . . . [Fairhaven? Vt., 1899?]
15 p. 17J"".
" Colburn-Davey families of Fair Haven, Vt." : p. 3-9.
1407 4-25045t CT275.C675R7
Colby. Colbj' of Great Torrington, Devon. Some account of that
family and its alliances for five generations. Comp. by Fred-
eric Thomas Colby, f. s. a. Printed for private circulation.
[Exeter, Printed by W. Pollard, 1878]
vii, 31 p. front., illus., 2 geneal. tab. (1 fold.) coat of arms. 27^"".
Blank leaves Interspersed.
Contains pedigrees of the Colby, Coplestone, Cory, Gayer, Jobnson,
Palmer, Potter, Reynolds, Pulnian and Skinner families.
Table showing the origin of the quarterlngs borne by Coplestone of
Tat)le shewing the descent of Coplestone of Woodland, and of Colby of
Great Torrington, Devon.
1408 15-23245 CS439.C685
An appendix to Colby of Great Torrington, containing an
account of families of the same name in other counties and addi-
tional notes to the former volume, by Frederic Thomas Colby,
F. s. A. Printed for private circulation. [Exeter, Printed by
W. Pollard?] 1880.
1 p. I., 17 p. front, (coat of arras) 27J"".
Blank leaves Interspersed.
Table of royal descents: p. 16-17.
1408a 15-23246 CS439.C685 App.
A genealogy of the descendants of Abraham Colby and
Elizabeth Blaisdell, his wife, who settled in Bow in 1768. By
one of them. Concord, N. H., Printed by the Republican press
association, 1895.
152 p. front, (port.) 23i'".
Dedication signed : Uarrison Colby.
1409 3-17346 CS7 1.0696 1895
Colby. History of the Colby family with genealogical tables. By
James W. Colby. Waltham, Mass. ["=1895]
96, [19] p. col. front., lllus., plates (part col.) ports., map. 22'".
1410 D-8317t CS71.C686 1895a
Colcock. iSeealsoB.&Y. CS71.H413 1908
Colcord. Colcord genealogy. Descendants of Edward Colcord of
New Hampshire, 1630 to 1908. By Doane B. Colcord . . .
Coudersport, Pa., M. J. Colcord, 1908.
124, 42 p. ports., fold, geneal. tab. 24'".
1411 10-26767 CS71.C687 1908
Colden. Notes, biographical and genealogical of the Colden family,
t ^ and of some of its collateral branches in America. By Edwin R.
"/if.^ Purple. '{In New York genealogical and biographical record.
'^V . ^ New York, 1873. 26i=". vol. 4, p. 161-183)
1412 F116.N28 vol. 4
See also De Peyster. CS71.D419 1854
Coldwell. See Caldwell.
Cole. The genealogy of the family of Cole, of the county of Devon, " M
and of those of its branches which settled in Suffolk, Hampshire,
Surrey, Lincolnshire, and Ireland, by James Edwin-Cole . . .
London, Printed for private circulation by J. R. Smith, 1867.
2 p. 1., li p., 1 1., 63, [1], ii p. front, (coat of arms) 21}'°.
1413 14-19501 CS439.C69
The gehealogie or pedigree of the Right Worshipfull and
worthie Captaine Sir William Cole of the castell of Eneskillen |
in the countic of P'firmanaugh in the kingdome of Ireland knight.
By Sir William Segar, Garter, and William Penson, Lancaster.
With subsequent additions under the certificates of Sir William
Betham and Sir J. Bernard Burke . . . Copied from the
original roll, in the possession of the Right Honourable the Earl
of Enniskillen. [London?] Priv. print., 1870.
19 p. Incl. plates (coats of arms) 29"".
1414 9-11824 CS499.C7
— ■ Isaac Kool (Cool or Cole) and Catherine Serven, married
Oct. 15, 1764, at Tappan, Rockland (then part of Orange) Co.,
N. Y. Their descendants complete to May 1, 1876. Also their
American ancestors from the .settlement of New York city.
Comp. for the family by Rev. David Cole . . . New York, J. F.
Trow & son, printers, 1876.
2(58 p., 1 1. front., illus., ports. 231'".
1415 9-108G2t CS71.C69 1876
Cole. The early genealogies of the Cole families in America. (In-
cluding Coles and Cowles) . With some account of the descend-
ants of James Cole, of Hartford, Connecticut, 1635-1652, and of
Thomas Cole, of Salem, Mass., 1649-1672. [ByJ Frank T.
Cole. Columbus, O. [Printed by Hann & Adair for the author]
4 p. 1., [T]-xxxIl, [131-307, [6] p. ports. 23J'".
1416 9-8319t CS71.C69 1887
The descendants of James Cole of Plymouth, 1633; also a
record of the families of Lieutenant Thomas Bumham, of
Ipswich, 1635, Lieutenant Edward Winship, of Cambridge,
1635, and Simon Huntington, of Norwich, England, 1635, with a
complete record of the Cole, Coole, and Cowle families of
America in the revolution, by Ernest Byron Cole. New York,
The Grafton press, 1908.
xlli, 43;i, [7] p. plates, ports., maps. 24''".
7 blank pages at end of volume for Family records.
1417 8-13375 0871.069 1908
— The descendants of Elisha Cole, who came from Cape Cod
to what is now Putnam County, New York, about 1745; comp.
by Joseph O. Curtis . . . New York, T. A. Wright, 1909.
2 p. 1., [3]-237 p. plates, ports., facsims. 23J"".
1418 12-1812 CS71.C69 1909
See also Cowles.
Lawson. CS71.L425 1903
Salisbury. CS71.S167 1892
Thomas. CS71.T46 1896
Colegrove. The history and genealogy of the Colegrove family in
America, with biographical sketches, portraits, etc. By AVilliam
Colegrove. Chicago, The author, 1894.
792 (i. e. 776) p. front., col. illus., ports. 20"°.
No. 116 a-b, 571 a^d, Inserted In paging ; final page numbered 792 for 770.
Pages 577-640 left blank for " Family register."
1419 9-7672t CS71.C681 1894
Coleman. Memoirs of the Colman family, including their corre-
spondence with the most distinguished personages of their time.
By Richard Brinsley Peake . . . London, R. Bentlcy, 1841.
2 V. fronts, (ports.) 22i"'.
1420 10-2773t PN2598.C7P4
Coleman. The Coleman family. Descendants of Thomas Coleman in
line of the oldest son. ix generations. 1598 to 18G7 — 269 years.
Philadelphia, J. B. Lippincott & co., 1867.
24 p. 22§"°.
" The couipilation and arrangement of the materials have been made by
the Hon. Edwin Stearns, of Mlddletown, Ct"
Edited by Lyman Coleman.
1421 9-7671t CS71.C692 1867
In memoriam. Caroline Colman, by her daughter Laura E.
Stuart. Printed for private circulation. Norwich, Fletcher and
son, 1896.
5 p. 1., 151 p., 1 1. front (port.) plates, fold, geneal. tab. 2ir".
1422 15-21503 CT788.C74S8
The Coleman family. Descendants of Thomas Coleman, of
Nantucket, in line of the oldest son, x generations, 1602 to 1898 —
296 years. Detroit, Mich., S. B. Coleman, 1898.
cover-title, 28, [8] p. 25"".
Comp. by Silas Bunker Coleman.
1423 9-8303t CS71.C692 1898
Jeremiah James Colman, a memoir, by one of his daughters,
Helen Caroline Colman. London, Priv. print, at the Chiswick
press, 1905.
xviil p., 1 1., 464 p. front., plates, ports., fold, geneal. tab. 23'".
Genealogical table of the Colman family and the Cozens-Hardy family.
1424 17-29937 DA565.C75
The genealogy of William Coleman of Gloucester, Mass.,
and Gravesend, England. 1619-1906. By James Cash Cole-
man . . . Goshen, N. Y., Press of the Independent republican
[' 1906]
5 p. 1., [131-240 p. front, plates, ports. 23"°.
1425 6-3140S CS71.C692 1906
See also Baskerville. CS71.B953 1917
Dawson. CS71.D272 1874a
Stuart. DA565.S87A3
Sturgis. CS71.S935 1898
Sturgis. . CS71.S935 1900
Colepeptr. The story of Hollingborne, its church and its clergy;
with ten illustrations. Bj' J. Cave-Browne . . . Maidstone,
Printed for the author by E. J. Dickinson, 1890.
V, [2], lOG p. plates, fold, geneal. tab. 22"".
Title vignette.
" Pedigree of the Colepepers, Pedigree of Cheyney or Cheney " : genea-
logical table.
1426 18-2161 DA690.H734C3
Coleridge. The story of a Devonshire house, by Lord Coleridge, k. a
London, T. F. Unwin, 1905.
829 p. 36 pi. (Incl. front., ports.) fold, geneal. tab. 23'".
Fucsini. of Lord Coleridge's book-pliite on inside of frout cover.
" Account of tlie family of Coleri<lge."
1427 6-14179 DA301.1.C7C7
Coles. See Cole.
Colgate. 5ee oZso Selden. CS71.S45 19H
Collamer. Genealogy of the descendants of Anthony Collamer of
Scituate, Massachusetts. Salem, Mass., Newcomb & Gauss, 1915.
107. [1] p., 1 1. front., plates, ports., facsim., fold. geneaL tables. 231*".
Preface signed: Charles Hutch.
Arranged for publication by Adeline CoUamore Toung.
1428 1C-C218 CS71.C698 1915
Collard. See also Woods. DA690.C555H3
Colley. See also Palmer. CS71.P175 1890
Collier. Memoirs of the life and writings of the Eev. Arthur Collier
. . . with some account of his family. By Robert Benson . . .
London, E. Lumley, 1837.
xvl, 215 p. front, (coat of arms) 32}'".
1429 15-23224
The works of John Collier (Tim Bobbin), in prose and
verse. Ed. with a life of the author, by Lieut-Colonel Henry
Fishwick . . . Rochdale, J. Clegg, "The Aldine press," 1894.
vlll, .S.99 p. Incl. Illus., geneal. t.nb. front., plates, ports. 2G'".
Contains pedigree of Cuiiier of Newton and Milnrow.
1430 15-24309 PB3349.C8 1894
See also Fox. CS439.F7
Southworth. CS71.S728 1903
Collings. See Collins.
Collins. Report in relation to the claim of the heirs at law of Samuel
Collins, dcc'd, late of Waterford township, Gloucester County,
in the western division of the State of New Jersey, to any un-
settled estate in England. By the examination of the records
in tlie Prerogative court of Canterbury, principal registry of
probate in the city of London, England. By John Clement . . .
Trenton, \V. T. Nicholson & co., printers, 1871.
04 p. 23'".
1431 2-19457 CS71.C712 1871
114SS3°— 10 17
Collins. Reminiscences of Isaac and Rachel (Budd) Collins, with an
account of some of tiieir descendants, together with a genealogy
of the Collins family, and also a history of a reunion held at
Philadelphia, May 9, 1892. Philadelphia, Printed by J. B. Lip-
pincott CO., 1893.
164 p. front, plates (part col.) ports. 25"".
By John Collins.
1432 9-S338t CS71.C712 1893
Address delivered by Dr. S. C. Beane at the Collins family
gathering, 1892. [Ed. with notes by L. W. ColUns. St Cloud,
Minn., 1898.]
34 p. 19J"°.
1433 CS71.C712 1898
Ancestors of Rejoice Ballance Collins and Constance Dor-
othy Van Etten Collins, who participated in the civil and mili-
tary affairs of the American colonies, and those who were sol-
diers in the continental armies during tlie war of the revolution
and tho.se who served in the war of 1812. Comp. by Holdridge
Ozro Collins . . . [Los Angeles, Cal., 1910]
[5C] p. incl. front, lllus., plates, facsiiii., coats of arms. 20'".
1434 11-lOGl CS71.C712 1910
Henry Collins of Lynn, and some of his descendants in
Southborough, Massachusetts, and Fitzwilliam, New Hampshire,
by Anna L. P. Collins and Charles Henry Pope. Cambridge,
Mass., A. L. P. Collins, 1916.
1 p. 1., 19 p. 24'".
1435 1G-15G04 CS71.C7ia 1916
See also "Blsickmsji. CS71.B639 1894
Graves. CS71.G776 1911
Guerin. CS439.G89 1890
Haynes. CS71.H424 1903
Collord. Ancestors of AVilliam Adams Collord and Rebecca Severns
his wife, with charts showing descent from Lambert Huybertsen
Mol, Abraham Pictersen Van Deursen, Lambert Van Valksn-
berg. Joseph Wahlron. Zacharias Sickels, Hans Jacobsen Harty,
Heiulritk Teunisen Helling, Judith Stoiigliton, William Smead,
James Bates, Thomas Lawrence Humphrey Spining, Jacob
Treniper, Isaac Caillard, Michel de (jlree, Catherine La Force,
[n. p., 18-1
43, HI p. Incl. front 23'".
Cuiiip. by Ibora Collurd.
1436 0-7670t CS71.C714
CoUow. Parochial and family history of the parishes of Tintagel and
Trevalga, in the county pf Cornwall. By Sir John Maclean . . .
Exeter, Printed for the subscribers by W. Pollard, 1877.
1 p. 1., 118 p. front., lUus., plates, plans. 29'".
" Fifteen coiiles only printed."
A separate from the author's Parochial and family history of the deanery
of TrlRg Minor In the county of Cornwall . . . London, 1873-79, v. 8,
p. [1851-302.
Contains pedigrees of the Collow, alias Cullowe, Lercedbne, Wood, Chll-
cott and Baron families.
1437 15-7454 DA690.T57M2
Colman. See Coleman.
Colqnhoun. The chiefs of Colquhoun and their country ; by William
Fraser . . . Edinburgh [Printed by T. and A. Constable] 1869.
2 V. plates (part col, part fold.) ports., facsims. 25i s 21J'°.
Engr. t.-p. ; title In red.
1438 5-17401 DA880.D8F8
Colt. Genealogical memoirs of the families of Colt and Coutts. By
the Rev. Charles Rogers . . . London, Printed for the Cot-
tonian society, 1879,
69 p. 23'".
Includes the family of Colt In the United States.
1439 2-19625 CS439.C7
Historj' & genealogy of the Colts of that ilk and Gartsherrie,
and of the English & American branches of tliat family. Edin-
burgh, Printed for private circulation, 1887.
vl, 27G p. front, (coat of arms) lllus. 23}"°.
Preface signed : G. R. F. C. t. e. George Frederick Russell Colt
Title vignette (coat of arni.s).
" 100 copies printed for private circulation."
1440 14-C979 CS479.C78
See also loomis. CS71.L863 1880
Colton. ... A genealogical record of the descendants of Quarter-
master George Colton ; collected and arranged from all available
public and private sources, by George Woolworth Colton.
Printed for private circulation by John Milton Colton. Lan-
caster, Pa., Wickersham printing company, 1912.
vll, OSS p. front, (col. coat of arms) plates, ports., fold. geneaL tab.
At head of title: 1G44-1911.
8 leaves for " Family nieuiomnda " Inserted at end.
1441 12-7502 CS71.C72 1919
See also Flagg, CS71.F574 1903
Patterson. CS71.P317 1917
Salter. CS71.S177 1900
Colver. Colver-Culver genealogy ; descendants of Edward Colver, of
Boston, Dedham, and Roxbury, Massachusetts, and New London,
and Mystic, Connecticut, by Frederic Lathrop Colver. [New
York] F. Allaben genealogical company ['1910]
271 p. 20"". (On verso of half-title: Ailabeu genealogical series.)
1442 10-10338 CS71.C727 1910
Colville. See also Wandesford.
Colvin, See also McAllister.
CS71.M114 1900
Boston, Mass..
Coman. Memories of Martha Seymour Coman
The Fort Hill press, 1913.
xvii, 310 p. front, plates, ports, coat of arms. 25'".
Contents. — Genealofrtcal preface. — Reminiscences, by Martha S. C<y
man. — Last days, by Katharine Coman. — Mother love, by Katharine I*
Bates. — Travel Journal, by Martha S. Coman.
1443 13-10917 CT275.C7A3
Comberbach. Collections for a genealogical account of the family of
Comberbach. By George-W. Marshall, ll. b. London, [W.
Brettell, printer] 18C6.
3 p. I, l5]-58 p. front (coat of arms) 23"".
1444 6-6G72 CS439.C73
Comey. The Comey-Comee family in America. Descendants of
.\^ David Comey of Concord, Mass., killed in King Philip's war,
1676, with notes on the Maltman family. By Allen H. Bant
'^'V'^ . . . Boston, D. Clapp & son, printers, 1896,
BO, 111 p. 23}'".
"The first five generations are reprinted from the New-England hist
and gen. register for April, 1S9G."
1445 9-8301t CS71.C732 1896
Comins. The Comins family, descendants of John Comins of Wo-
burn, Mass. By Watson Burdette O'Connor . . . Brooklyn,
N. Y., Printed by the Connell press, 1915.
1 p. L. 30 p., 1 L 22^".
1446 16-20046 CS71.C734 1915
Compton. The descent of Charlotte Compton, baroness Ferrers de
Chartley, Baroness Compton, daughter of James Compton, fifth
earl of Northampton, and Elizabeth Shirley, baroness F. de
Chartley. By her great-granddaughter, Isabella G. C Clifford
. . . London, Methuen & co., 1892.
2 p. I., [vlll-xxlii, 12S p. front (port) 22i"°.
" Genealogical tables": p. 123-128.
1447 1(5-10765 CS439.C734
Compton. Compton Wynyates, by William, marquis of Northamptoix
London, A. L. Humphreys, 1904.
8 p. L, v-vlll, 55 p. front, plates. 30'°".
1448 17-2S75 DA664.C56N7
5ee oZso Chappell. CS71.C467 1900
Dnnnmond. CS419.D7
Paine. CS71.P146 1913
Comstock. Some descendants of Samuel Comstock of Providence,
R. I., who died about 16G0; ed. by C. B. Comstock. New York.
The Knickerbocker press, 1905.
2 p. L, 249 p. 24'°.
1449 5-23040 CS71.C74 1905
A Comstock genealogy; descendants of William Comstock
of New London, Conn., who died after 1662: ten generationa
Ed. by Cyrus B. Comstock. New York, The Knickerbocker
press, 1907.
V, 314 p. 24"".
p. lll-T wrongly Inserted.
1430 7-29179 CS71.C74 1907
See also Baker. CS71.B17 1896
Conant/ Pedigree of the Conant family, comp. by Frederick Odell
Connnt . . . [Portland? Me., 1884]
geneal. tab. 96 x 44'" fold, to 33 x 23'"".
1451 &-18740t CS71.C743 1884
A history and genealogy of the Conant family in England
and America, thirteen generations, 1520-1887; containing also
some genealogical notes on the Connet, Connett and Connit
families ... By Frederick Odell Conant . . . Portland, Priv.
print. [Press of Harris & Williams] 1887.
xlv p., 1 1., 640 p. col. front (coat of arms) lllus., plates, ports.,
facslms. (part fold.) 23"°.
"350 copies, octavo. 10 copies, quarto. No. 164."
1462 9-29544 CS71.C743 1887
A genealogy of one branch of the Conant family, 1581-1890.
Arranged for Moses Conant Warren by Emily AVilder Leavitt.
[Boston] Printed for private circulation [By A. Mudge & son]
2 p. 1., 18 p. col. front, (coat of arms) 26'". {With Warren, Mary
Parker. A genealogy of one branch of the Warren family . . . Boston,
MC3 0-17837 CS71.W29 1890
Couant. Conant genealogy . . . Portland, Me. [1914?]
44 p. 21 r".
Caption title.
"A list of the names of Conants who cannot be properly placed In the
genealogy of the fnmlly." By Frederick Odell Couant.
1454 CS71.C743 1914
See also B&TTett. F74.C8P8
Conder. A pedigree of the family of Conder of Terry Bank, co. West-
moreland. Comp. from the registers in the parish church at
Kirkby Lonsdale, co. Westmoreland, and family deeds, etc.
London, Mitchell and Hughes, 188i.
10 p. front, (coat of arms) 27}'".
" The family of Conder of Terry Bank," signed : Edward Conder, jun.
145.5 16-8320 CS439.C7345
Condit. Genealogical record of the Condit family, descendants of
John Cunditt, a native of Great Britain, who settled in Newark,
N. J., 1678 to 1885, also, an appendix, containing a brief record
of the Harrison, Williams, Pierson, Smith, Lindsley, Munn and
Wliitehead families, by Jotham H. Condit and Eben Condit.
Newark, N. J., Ward & Tichenor, 1885.
410 p. front (port.) 23i"".
1450 11-21016 CS71.C745 1885
Genealogical record of the Condit family, descendants of
John Cunditt, a native of Great Britain, who settled in Newark,
N. J. By Jotham H. Condit and Eben Condit. 1678 to 1885.
1910 revision by the Condit family association. [Newark, N. J.,
Essex press, 1916]
470 p. Ulus. (ports.) 23}"".
" Subsequently the actual work of revision was committed to Edward
L Condit, secretary of the association."
1457 17-28709 CS71.C745 1916
Conduit. See Condit.
Cone. Some account of the Cone family in America, principally of
the descendants of Daniel Cone, who settled in Haddam, Con-
necticut, in 1662. Comp. by William Whitney Cone . . . To-
peka, Printed by Crane & company, 1903.
r>46 p., 1 1. front, lUus. (ports.) 24"».
1458 3-20032 CS71,C747 1903
£ee o&o Heath. CS71.H438 1905
Lancaster. CS71.L245 1902
Workizer, CS71.W925 1905
Coney. A brief study in genealogy. Connin, Conny, Cony, Coney,
Cony. By one of the family • . . Cambridge, J. Wilson and
son, 1885.
38 p., 1 I. port. 26}'".
Cover-title: A Cofiy brochure. By J. H. W. i. &. Joseph Hartwell Wil-
li am s.
Manuscript notes.
" Fifty copies printed for private circulation."*
1458 9-29300 CS71.C748 1886
The parentage and English progenitors of Nathaniel Coney
\^ of Boston, Mass. By Thomas Hills . . . Boston, Press of D.
4 -^ 13 p. 25'".
"Reprinted with additions from the N. E. historical and genealogical
register for January 1907."
1460 7-4801 CS71.C748 1908
Congdon. . . . Congdon family of Rhode Island. Boston, Mass.,
Priv. reprinted by F. J. Wilder, 1918.
3 p. 29'". (Wilder's genealogical reprints. Series M. no. 2)
*• Limited edition of twenty copies, of which this is no. 11."
Reprinted from " an unknown broadside on the Congdon family . . .
printed about 1870."
1461 19-3957 CS71.C751 1918
Conkling. Salem and the Conkling family. [Salem, 1894?]
1 p. 1., 11 p 24i'".
Comp. by Frank J. Conkling.
" From the Historical collections of the Essex Institute, vol. xxxt."
1402 1-2G!M5 CS71.C752 1894
The Conkling-Prosch family with some reference to the
Dotter, Roe, Reynolds, Brocks, Mapes, Elder, McCarver and
other connections, by Thomas W. Prosch. Seattle, Press of the
General lithographing and printing company, 1909.
141 p. Inel. illus., ports. 23"".
"Edition limited to one hundred and fifty copies, number seventy-nine."
14G3 9-21011 CS71.C752 1909
The Conklings in America, by Ira B. Conkling. Washing-
ton, D. C. [F. P. Lippincott, printer] 1910.
19 p. 15'°.
:4G4 11-29740 CS71.C752 1910
The Conklings in America. Wasliington, D. C, C. H.
Potter & CO., 1913.
132 p. Ind. front., ports. ISJ'"".
Dedication signed: Iru B. Conkling
1405 13-24119 CS71.C752 1913
Connable. See CiumalielL
ConnelL See also Ayer. P8.Afl7
Connelley. See Connelly.
Connelly. Eastern Kentucky papers; the founding of Harman's Sta-
tion, with an account of the Indian captivity of Mrs. Jennie
Wiley and the exploration and settlement of the Big Sandy
Valley in the Virginias and Kentucky, by William Elsey Con-
nelley ... to which is affixed a brief account of the Connelly
family and some of its collateral and related families in America.
Kew York, The Torch press, 1910.
! 177 p. front., lllus., plates, ports., maps. 25'".
Extract from a history of Loi;an Co, by H. C. Raglaod, pub. In the
" L«guD Count; banner " : p. 87-92.
1468 10-2S358 F451.C746
Connet. . . . History and genealogy of the author's branch of the
Connct family, by Eev. Alfred Connet [n. p.] 1905.
1 p. 1., 15J-53 p. ports. 19r "'
M67 7-6951 CS71.C753 1005
See also Conant
Connin. See Coney.
Connit. See Connet
Connor. See also Washington- CS89.W5
Conny. See Coney.
Conover. George S. Conover. Genealogical, biogruphical. [Ge-
neva? N. Y., 188G?]
32, 12 p, 23"".
Chiefly a reprint of newspaper and magazine articles.
Caption title. Portrait on cover.
14C8 3-^176 CS71.C754 1888
The Conover family, comp. by Charles Hopkins Conover.
Frankford, Philadelphia, Penna., Martin & Allardj'ce, 1912.
77 p. front (port) plates, 3 fold, fncslm., coL coat of nrma. 231''.
MBB 12-25569 CS71.C754 1918
See also Gnstin. CS71.G982 1900
Washington. CS69.W5
Conrad. 1683-1891. Thones Kunders and his children. Also, a list
of the descendants for six generations of his youngest son Henry
Cunreds, "of Whitpain." By Henry C. Conrad. Wilmington,
Press of W. Costa [1891]
105, 23 p. lUus. lOJxlGr"".
1470 9-40S63t CS71.C755 1891
Constable. See also Eogers. CS477.P5B7
Constant. The journal of the Reverend Silas Constant, pastor of the
Presbyterian church' at Yorktown, New York ; with some of the
records of the church and a list of his marriages, 1784-1825, to-
gether with notes on the Nelson, Van Cortlandt, Warren, and
some other families mentioned in the journal, by Emily Warren
Eoebling; ed. by Josiah Granville Leach, ll. b. Philadelphia,
Printed for private circulation by J. B. Lippincott company,
XV, 561 p. front., lllus., pi., port., maps, facslm., gepeal. tab. 25"".
"This edition is limited to three hundred copies, of which this is no 29."
1471 3-4213 F129.Y6C7
Converse. Family record of Deacons James W. Converse and Elisha
S. Converse, including some of the descendants of Roger de
Coigneries, of England, 1066. Deacon Edward Convers, of
Charlestown, Mass. 1030. Robert Wheaton, of Salem, Mass.
1636. William Edmonds, of Lynn, Mass. 1630. John Coolidge,
of Watertown, Mass. 1630. Comp. and ed. by William G. Hill
. . . [Boston] Priv. print. [A. Mudge & son, printers] 1887.
Iv p., 1 I., 241 p., 1 1. plates, ports., col. coats of arms. 24''".
Lettered : Genealogy of one line of the Converse, Wlieaton, Edmands
and Coolidge families.
1472 4-24228 CS71.C766 1887
An historical family of France, England and America.
[n. p., 189-?]
[4] p. 20r".
Cnption title.
Ancestry of Charles Crozat Converse,
1473 CA 17-324 CS71.C766 189-
Notes on the family of Dea. Edward Convers.
SlRned: Alfred C. Vinton.
(In Woburn, Mass. Woburn recorda of births, deaths, and marrlases
... by Edward F. Johnson. Boston, 1890. 231'"- Pt ni. p. .S25-,'{;il )
1474 11-S418 F74.W8W81
Family history in the line of Joseph Convers of Bedford,
Massachusetts, 1739-1828. John Jay Putnam, comp. and ed.
Worcester, F. S. Blanchard '& company, 1897.
3 p. 1., [5]-97 p. front. 2C"".
1475 9-8337t CS71.C766 1897
Converse. Pome of the ancestors and descendants of Samuel Con-
verse, jr., of Thompson parish, Killingly, Conn.; Major James
Convei-s, of Woburn, Mass.; Hon. Heman Allen, m. c, of Milton
and Burlington, Vermont; Captain Jonathan Bixby, sr. of
Killingly, Conn. Comp. and ed. by Charles Allen Converse.
Boston, Mass., E. Putnam [1903]
2 V. illus. (Incl. ports.) geiieal. tables (part fold.) 26} x 21"".
Paged continuously; vol. i: xlx, [7], 431 p.; voL u: Iv, 43.3-9C1 p.
1476 5-39145 CS71.C786 1905
See also Haughey. CS71.H375 1917
Morris. CS71.M876 1894
Conway. Additional data furnished me by Dr. Lyon G. Tyler, of
William and Mary historical magazine, respecting my grand-
mother, Janetta Broun's Northern Neck kindred. Conway line.
[Charleston? W. Va., 1903?]
[4] p. 33'-.
Signed in ma. : Thoa. L. Broun. Dated : Cbarleston, W. Va., December,
(Bound with Conway family of Virginia)
1477 6-23878 CS71.C767 1004
Conway family of Virginia . . . [Richmond? 1904?]
[4] p. illus. 35}'".
' Caption title.
Signed : K. 0. M. [i. e. Edward Campbell Mead.]
From the Richmond, Virginia, Tlraes-Dlspatch of Jan. 10 and 17, 1904.
The second article has caption : Broun family, of Virginia.
1478 6-23877 CS71.C767 1904
See also Glassell. F225.H41
Rawdon. DAg40.5.B3B5
Cony. See Coney.
Conyers. See also Cass. DA690.B23C3
Conyngham. See Cunningham.
Coo. See Coe.
Cook. The seize quartiers of the family of Bryan Cooke, esq. of
Owston, Ilafod-y-Wern, and Gwysaney, and of 1- rauccs his wife,
daughter and heir of Philip Puleston . . . With notes and
illustrations. Ivondon, Priv. print, 1857.
vii, [1], no p. Illus., fold, geneal. tab. 21}'".
Preface tilgned: William Biyaii Coolie.
1470 8-37155 CS439.C735 1857
Cook. Cooke family, of Gidea hall, Romford, co. Essex. 2 gcneaL
tab. {/n Illustrations of Jack Cade's rebellion, from researches
in the Guildhall records; together with some newly-found letters
of Lord Bacon, &c. By B. Brogden Orridge . . . London, J.
C. Hotten, 1869.
xl, 99 p. incl. geneal. tab. pi., port., fold, geneal. tab. 27"".
1480 2-38567 DA257.07
Genealogical memoranda relating to the family of Cooke
of Kingsthorpe, etc. Privately printed. London, Mitchell &
Hughes, printers, 1873.
14 p. lUus. (coats of arras) geneal. tab. 28'°.
Reprinted with additions from " Miscellanea genealogica et heraldlca."
London, 1870-74. 27'°. n. s.. v. 1, p. 34&-352.
1481 11-5261 CS439.C735 1873
A genealogy of families bearing the name Cooke, or Cook.
Principally in Massachusetts and Connecticut. 1665-1882. By
James Cook . . . Lowell, Mass., Vox populi press ; Huse, Good-
win & CO., 1882.
30 p. front (coat of arms) pi., port 23J'°.
1482 11-5019 CS71.C77 1883
Notes for a genealogy of the family of Ellis Cook, of South-
ampton, L. I., N. Y. . . . [New Brunswick? N. J., 1886?]
21 p. 21"".
Rectos left blank for " ndditions and notes."
By George Hammell Cook.
1483 3-20241 CS71.C77 1886
Descendants of Mordecai Cooke, of "Mordecai's Mount,"
Gloucester County, Virginia, 1650. By William Carter Stuhbs
. . . New Orleans, L. Graham & son, ltd., printers, 1896.
48 p. Illus. 231'™.
14.S4 0-8493t CS71.C77 1896
The will of Ellis Cook, of Southampton, Long Island (d.
1679) Ed. by Albert Stanburrough Cook . . . New Haven,
Priv. print., 1916.
24 p. 23'".
]48.'5 16-16107 CS71.C77 1916
Elijah B. Cook, born Sept. 11, 1759, and his wife Charity
Lockwood Cook, born June 27, 1702. Comp. and pub. for
Charity Cook chapter, D. A. R., by the regent, Mrs. William H.
Cortright . . . Homer, Mich., The Index press, 1916.
1 p. 1.. [12] p. 20"°.
1486 10-20573 CS71.C77 19iea
Cook. See also Beville.
Cooke. See Cook.
Cool. See Cole.
Coolidge. Chart of the descendants of Joseph Coolidge, b. 1719, of
Boston, Mass. who married Marguerite Olivier, b. 1726, of La
Rochelle, France . . . Designed & prepared 1897 by Lieut-
Colonel Charles Austin Coolidge ... [n. p., 1898?]
sheet. 63i x QV.
"Corrected copy."
1487 6-19813 CS7LC773 1898
See also Converse. CS71.C766 1887
Todd. CS71.T634 1867
Coombs. The story of Anthony Coombs and his descendants, by Wil-
liam Carey Coombs, Amelia, Ohio. [Boston, A. C. Getchell &
son, printers] 1913.
vli, 219 p. front., plates, ports., coat of arms. 23J'".
1488 15-167C6 CS71.C776 1913
See also White. CS71.W585 1872
Cooper. [Cooper genealogy] comp. by W. W. Cooper. Wasliington,
D. C, 1879.
sheet 58 x 43"° folded to 24"°.
1489 9-S311t CS71.C777 1879
Descendants of Peter Cooper, of Rowley, Massachusetts.
By the late Albion K. P. Cooper . . . Portland, Me., B. Thurs-
ton & CO., 1885.
11 p. 24'°.
Ed. by Kdwnrd Douhledny Harris.
•• IlepubllsUed from Maiue hist, and geu. rec., v. 2, no. 2, ISS.'i.''
1400 1-lSTOl CS71.C777 1883
Cooper. Thomas Cooper of Boston and his descendants. By Freder-
QjQO^ ick Tuckerman . . . Boston, D. Clapp & son, printers, 18!)0.
7^'^ a 1 p. I.. 11 p. 24".
\ vy'V " Uepriiited from the New England bistorical and genealogical register
^ ' for January, 1890."
1491 1-26946 CS71.C777 1890
History of the Cooper family, by J. P. Crayon . . . Kock-
away, N. J., Rockaway publishing house, 1894.
13 p. 22"".
Port of David Cooper on t-p.
1492 4-37303 CS71.C777 1894
. . . Descendants of Daniel Cooper and Grace Runyon,
Long Hill, Morris County, New Jersey. Collated by Arthur E.
Cooper . . . Cooper's Plains, N. Y, [1895]
geneal. tab. 56 x 70i"" fold, to 29 x 37'".
At head of title: 1695-1895.
1493 9-11947t CS71.C777 1895
The Cooper and allied families of Detrick, Dobell, Dobins,
Dowdyj Gilmore, Greene, Hanna, Henry, Lyman, Miller, Mills,
Moore, Morris, Moss, Rawlings, Rodecker, Stanton, Willett,
Young and Unversaw, By W. F. Cooper . . . [Lansing?]
16 p. 23'".
1494 6-45817 CS71.C777 1906
Origin and history of the name of Cooper, with biographies
of all the most noted persons of that name. And an account of
the origin of surnames and forenames, together with over five
hundred Christian names of men and women and their signifi-
cance. The crescent family record . . . Chicago, HI., American
publishers' association, 190G.
5 p. L, Iv, 137]-112, 114] p.. 1 1. llli^., pi. 22'-.
1495 8-11396 CS71.C777 1906a
See also Gill. CS439.G46
Gufirin. CS439.G89 1890
O'Hara. DA995.B1806
StawelL CS439.S89
Coote. Historical and genealogical record of the Coote family, by
the Rev. A. de Vlieger, m. a. Lausanne, . Printed by G. Bridel
& CO., 1900.
46, [4] p., 50-101 numb. 1., 1 1.. [1651-184. [31 p. incl. Illus., ports., fold
genenl. tables, coats of arms, x genenl. tab. (part double) 34i"".
■ Early history, being an account of the family In the Peerage of Ireland,
by John Lodge. Rev., etc., by Mervyn Archdall, In seven volumes, Dublin,
1789. Reprinted by the author, from vol. u, pp. 62-81, and vol. m, pp.
207-218": p. 113J-46.
" Topography ; being a list of buildings and places mentioned In The
history of the Coote family " : p. 103-170.
"Bibliography; being u list of books written by or containing Informa-
tion about uieuibers of the Coote family " : p. 171-178.
Contuius also pedigrees of the I'lumptre and Purdon families.
1490 17-30487 CS499.C75
Cope. A record of the Cope family. As established in America, by
Oliver Cope, who came from England to Pennsylvania,
about . . . 1G82, with the residences, dates of births, deaths and
marriages of his descendants as far as ascertained. 13y (jilbert
Cope. Philadelphia, King & Baird, printers, 1861,
xxvU, 19J-251 p. front, (port.) 23i"°.
1497 9-9751t CS71.C782 1881
Ancestral chart, by Gilbert Cope. West Chester, Pa., 1879.
geneal. tab. 28x43i"' fold, to 14x8"°. .
1498 18-22773 CS71.C782 1870
Records of the family of Cope. Comp. by Emma Elizabeth
Cope. <" Reprinted from Miscellanea genealogica el heraldica,"
1901.> London, Mitchell and Hughes, 1901.
1 p. 1., 31 p. 28"".
" I^edigrees of Cope," p. 1-2, Is a revision of the " Cope of Salford Priors
and Osbaston." — p. 26.
1499 17-23920 CS430.C736
Major John Andr6 as a prisoner of war at Lancaster, Pa.,
1775-6, with some account of a historic house and family; a
sketch by W. U. Hensel. Read before Donegal chapter, Daugh-
ters of the American revolution, Lancaster, Pa., on April 13,
1!)04. [Lancaster, Press of the New era printing company,
34 p. 2 pi. 23}'".
" ICcprinted from the New em, Lancaster, Pa."
1500 5-12586 E2S0.A5H5
Copeland. Copeland genealogy. [Holdrcge, Neb., 1911]
cover-title. 11, .5, 17 1. 17, 2S"".
A li-af Is assigned to ea<h generation. The 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th
leaves are dupllcate<l with nis. additions.
At the end arc 17 leaves, 28"", autographed from typewritten copy In
the form of n record with space left for additions.
Couip. by Charles, Finney Copeland.
1501 13-5907 CS71.C786 1911
Copeland genealogy 1914. [Iloldrege, Neb., 1914]
cover title, 10 1. 22} x 28}"".
Index (I. 2-4) autographed from t^^>e-^vrltten copy.
Miscellaneous selections by the author are Inserted at end.
1502 14-14746 CS71.C786 1014
Copdand. See also Claxk. csTi.ca i9oe
Thayer. CS71.T37 1835
Copinger. History of the Copingers or Coppingers of the county of
Cork, Ireland and the counties of Suffolk and Kent, England.
Ed. by AValter Arthur Copinger ... A new ed. Manchester,
London, H. Sotheran & co., 1884.
2 p. 1., vl p., 1 1., 428 p. coL front (coat of arms) fold, geneol. tables.
Issued In four parts.
" 150 copies only printed, no. 4."
Pt. 2: The Coppingers of Ballyvolanc and Barrysconrt, by Mrs. Morgan
John 0'C<>nneIl.
I't. 2, 3, 4, have imprint: Manchester, Guardian letterpress and Iltbo-
grapliic work, 1883.
1503 10-25082 CS439.C737
Coplestonc. See also Colby. CS439.C685
Coppin. The Coppj'ns of Kent 1300 to 1800.. London, Printed pri-
vately at the Leadenhall press, ltd., 1900.
107, [11 p. 26"".
Preface signed: John Maurice CJoppeo,
1504 17-23935 CS439.C738
Coppinger. See Copinger.
Corbet. The family of Corbet ; its life and times [vol. 1] London, The
St. Catherines press, [1912-]
1 V. plates. 29^'".
On cover: A. E. CS.
1505 CS439.C739
Corbett. The Corbett family in England and America [by] Henry
K. Corbett . . . fKenihvorth, 111., 1915]
181 p. illus. (coats of arms) 28"°.
Caption title.
1506 17-24554 CS71.C78S 1915
Corbin. Ilistorj' and genealogy of the descendants of Clement Cor-
bin of Muddy Kiver (Brookline), Mass. and Woodstock, Conn,
with notices of other lines of Corbins. Comp. by Rev. Harvey
M. Lawson . . . [Hartford, Conn.] Hartford press, 1905.
378, 18J p. plates, ports. 24'"'.
1507 5-3U305 CS71.C791 1905
See also QniTiri. CS439.G89 1890
Selden. CS71.S45 1911
Corcoran. A grandfather's legacy ; containing a sketch of his life and
obituary notices of some members of his family, together with
letters from his friends. Washington, H. Polkinhom, printer,
2 p. 1., [31-551. Ix p. 23r".
Dedication signed: W. W. Corcoran.
1508 6-24GSCt CT275.C78A3
Corliei. See Corliss.
Corliss. A genealogical record of the Corliss family of America, In-
cluding partial records of some of the families connected by
intermarringe; among which are those of Neff, Ilutchins, Ladd,
Eastman, Roby, Ayer, Kingsbury, Merrick, Haynes, Messer,
George, Hastings, Bailey, Davis, Dustin, Pattee, Hinds, etc
Also, notes on the Corlies family. 1st ed. Comp. from public
and private records, by Augustus W. Corliss, assisted by Mrs.
Betsy Ayer and Mrs. Margaret H. Webster . . . Yarmouth,
Me., 1875.
3 p. L. v-vl, [3J-337 p. plates. 22J'-.
1509 9-S33Gt CS71.C8 1875
Corliss family. [St. Paul, Minn., 1913]
cover-title, IG p. lllus. 221''".
Comp. from "A genealoRlcal record of the Corliss family of America,
published In 1S75 by Augustus W. Corliss," witli additions in the Hue of
descent of Benjamin Corliss to date by Ebeu Euton Corliss.
1510 * 15-12020 CS71.C8 1913
See also Chambers.
CS71.S617 1905
Cornell. Some of the beginnings of Westchester County history; a
paper read before tiie Westchester County historical society, at
the annual meeting nt White Plains, on the 28th of October, 1889,
by Ex-Governor Aionzo B. Cornell, witii notes and illustrations.
[White Plains?] Printed for the Westchester County historical
society, 1890.
33 IJ. lllus. (incl. porta., map) 271'".
1511 C-1401 F127.W5C8
Genealogy of the Cornell family; being an account of the
descendants of Thomas Cornell of Portsmouth, R. I. By the
Rev. John Cornell . . . New York, Press of T. A. Wright, 1902.
3 p. 1., 4CS p. double front., plates, ports., luaps, fucsinis., couts of arms.
1512 2-21270 CS71.C814 1908
See also Sandys.
CS71.S22 1897
Coming. See also Bliss. CS71.B65 1881
Cornish. The history and genealogy of the Cornish families in
America, by Joseph E. Cornish . . . Boston, G. H. Ellis co.,
printers, 1907.
I p. L, Ui, 349 p. front, porta. 24'".
1513 &-17542 CS71.CS18 1907
Cornwall. Genealogy of the family of Cornwall of Bonhard, co. Lin-
lithgow . . . Comp. by K. K. Stodart . . . [London] Privato
impression, 1877.
II p. uius. 26'-.
TlUe vignette: coat of arms.
1514 9-19342t CS479.C8
The duchy and dukes of Cornwall. By Stephen Isaacson
Tucker. {In British archaeological association. Journal. Lon-
don. 23"'. vol. 33, 1877, p. 60-G7)
1515 DA20.B83 voL33
The earls of Cornwall. By James Robinson Planche. (/»
British archaeological association. Journid. London. 23*".
vol. 83, 1877, p. 46-59)
1616 t)A20.B83 voLSS
William Cornwall and his descendants; a genealogical his-
tory of the family of William Cornwall, one of the Puritan
founders of New England, who came to America in or before th»
year 1C33, and died in Middletown, Connecticut, in the year
1G78; by Edward E. Cornwall, m. d. New Haven, The Tuttlo,
Morehouse and Taylor company, 1901.
V p., 1 L, 178 p. incL gencal. tab. 24i'".
1617 3-4171 CS71.C82 1901
The house of Comewall, by the Eight Hon. Cecil G. S., 4th
carl of Liverpool . . . and Compton Keade. Hereford, Jake-
man and Carver, 1908.
vlll, 316 p. front., plates, ports., fold, geneal. tab. 261'".
Coat of arms ia color ou cover.
1518 16-19783 t3S439.C7395
Comwallis. A description to accompany the Tables of de.scent of the
Cornwallis family. Blazoned by I^ouisa marchioness Cornwal-
lis. [London, Printed by S. Bentley, 1841?]
63, [1] p. 26'°.
15ia 8-37478 CS489.C74
114S83'— 19 18
Cornwallis. The private correspondence of Jane Lady Cornwallis;
1G13-1644. From the originals in the possession of the family.
London, Printed by S. & .1. Bentley, Wilson & Fley, 1842.
3 p. I., [ill 1-1, 314 p. illus. 20"".
Title vignette.
Ed. by Ix)rcl Braybrooke.
Pedigree of Cornwallis: p. xxxll-xlvU.
Pedigree of Meautys: p. xlvlli-l.
1520 16-10441 DA39e.C0A3
Corrie. See Corry.
Corry. The history of the two Ulster manors of Finagh, in the county
of Tyrone, and Coole, otherwise manor Atkinson, in the county
of Fermanagh, and of their owners. By the Earl of Belmore.
M. R. 1. A. London, Longmans, Green & co. ; [etc., etc.] 1881.
xl, 383, [1] p. 22}'°
1521 4-24,>4 DA990.U46B3
The historj" of the Corry family of Castlecoolo. r>y the
Earl of Belmore . . . London, Longmans, Green & co. ; Dub-
lin, A. Thorn & CO., limited, 1891.
Ix, 296, [2] p. incl. illus., table.s, facslnis. pi. 22}"".
Last signature, T, and le.af containing errata and addenda, date<l
February 25th, 1S92.
1522 3-23914 CS499.C8
Records of the Corrie family, a. d. 80^-1899 ... By J. E.
Corrie. London, Mitchell and Hughes, 1899.
2 V. fronts., Illus., plates, ports., geueal. tables. 30'".
1523 11-1813 CS479.C83
Corser. Genealogy of the Corser family in America, embracing many
of the descendants of the early settlers of the name in Massa-
chusetts and New Hampshire, with some reminiscences of their
Trans-Atlantic cousins . . . [Concord, N. H., Printed by I. C.
Evans co.] 1902 [1903]
X p., 1 1., 306, 30 p. front, plates, ports., coat of arms. 22}'".
Introduction, dated 1903, signed : Elwood S. Corser.
"Appendix ... by E. S. Corser " : 30 p.
1524 3-2G0G7 CS71.C826 1902
Corson. Life of Mrs. S. J. C. Downs; or. Ten years at the head of
the Woman's Christian temperance union of New Jersey. Ed.
by Rev. J. B. Graw . . . Camden. N. J., Gazette printing and
publishing hou.se, 1892.
218 p., 1 1., 84 p. front., ports. 10}'".
"Tributes": p. (11-70 ut end.
The " Corson genealogy " : p. 16-23.
1525 15-9600 HV5218.D6G7
Corson. The Corson family; a history of the descendants of Ben-
jamin Corson, son of Cornelius Corssen of Staten Island, New
York, by Hiram Corson, m. d., of Plymouth Meeting, Pa.
Printed for private distribution. Philadelphia, H. L. Everett
5 p. 1., 9-102 p. front., plates, ports. 271*".
Edited by George N. Hlghley.
1528 12-25340 CS71.C824 1906
Corte-Keal. Cortereal, Verrazano, Gomez, Thevet. By George Dex-
ter [with a critical essay on the sources of information]
{In Windsor, Justin, ed. Narrative and critical history of America.
Boston and New York, 1884-89. 32'^'°. v. 4 (1885) p. [l]-32. lUus.)
1527 14-G943 E18.W76 voL 4
Cortright. See Courtright.
Corwin. See Curwen.
Cory. Some chronicles of the Cory family relating to Elialrim and
Sarah Sayre Cory and their descendants, AVestfield, N. J., Ball-
ston Spa, N. Y. with others from "John of Southold," by
Harriet C. Dickinson . . . New York, T. A. Wright, 1914.
113 p. front, (col. coat of anns) plates, ports. 24J'".
1528 14-12469 CS71.C833 1914
See also Colby. CS439.C685
Cosgrovc. See also Barlow. CS71B27 1891
Cotterell. See also Wilson. CS439.W55 1890
Cottle. Pedigree of Cottle of Round Hill, Nevis, West Indies, and of
Woodstock, Canada West, and of Ash Hall, co. Glamorgan;
and of Cheltenham, co. Glouc. (To be verified) (T. P. 18G4)
[London, 1864]
genenl. tab. 21 x 331"°.
On verso : " Pedigree of Hazell, of Ford, co. Gloucester. (To be verified)
(T. P. 1864)" i. e. Sir Tlioiuiis I'lillllpps.
1629 16-19771 CS439.C741S
(In his Genealogla . . . tendon, 1840-71. 83J'". v. 1)
1529a 10-19772 CS411.P5 vol.1
Cotton. Pedigree of Cotton. Comp. principally from a jjcdigree
pub. in the New England historical and genealogical register,
a manuscript of the late Rosseter Cotton of Plymouth, in the
possession of William G. Brooks, esq., and Mr. Jackson's His-
tory of Newton. [Boston, 1857].
geneal. tab. 34i x .53^" fold, to 34 J x 28"°.
Kpprlnted from Drake's HIsfory and antiquities of Boston. Boston,
1630 10-1495 CS71.C851 1857
Cotton. The English ancestry of Rev. John Cotton of Boston. By
H. G. Sonierby . . . Boston, H. W. Dutton & Bon, printers,
12 p. lllus. 23'".
" Reprinted from the Heraldic journal for April, 1868."
1531 0-20606 CS71.C851 1868
Bee also Walton.
Cotton-Smith. See also Smith.
8H133.A 1875
CS71.S643 1915a
Cottrell. Account of Eousham, Oxfordshire. By F. E. C. D.
[Frances Elizabeth Cottrell-Dormer.] Oxford, W. R. Bowden,
2 p. 1., [7]-52 p. pi. 21'".
Contents. — Account of the Cottrell family. — Description of noaahnm. —
Rou.shani house, etc. — Coanection of families. — Morten famllj' In connec-
tion with Rousham.
1632 16-2701 CS439.C743
Conch. See also Richardson.
CS71.B52 1905
Couillard. Histoire des seigneurs de la Rivi^sre du Sud et de lean
allies canadiens et acadiens [par] abbe Azarie CoujUard
Despres. Saint-Hyacinthe, Impr. de " La tribune," 1912.
xrri, [3J-401, [1] p. illus., plates, port., maps, plans, facslms. 24'".
1533 14-12806 F1054.M79C8
Conlon de Villiers. Notes sur la famille Coulon de Villiers, par I'abbi
Amedee Gosselin . . . Levis. Bulletin des x'echerches histo-
riqucs. 1906.
110, [2] p. Incl. facslms. port 23'".
1634 7-24304 CS90.C7
Conlter. See also Dobyns.
CS71.D838 1908
Coulthart. A genealogical and heraldic account of the C!oultharts of
Coulthart and Collyn, chiefs of the name, from their first settle-
ment in Scotland, in the reign ,of Conarus, to the year of our
Lord 1854; to which are added, the pedigrees of seven other con-
siderable families, that, through heiresses, became incorporated
with the house of Coulthart. By George Parker Knowies . . .
Derived from the family muniments. London, Printed for pri-
vate circulation only by Harrison and sons, 1855.
23 p., 1 1. front, (coat of arms) lllus., fold, geneal. tJib. 25'".
Only seventy-flve copies printed.
Printed on vellum.
Contents. — Coulthart of Coulthart and Collyn. — Rosa of Renfrew. —
MacknyRhte of MacUnyghte. — Glendonyn of Glendonyn. — Cannlchnel of
Carspherne. — Forbes of Pltseottle. — Mackensle of Craig hall. — Gordon
of Sorble.
1635 12-22091 08479.089
Oonlthart. See also Ross. C3479.I183
Coarsen. The Coursens of Sussex County, New Jersey. A reprint
from "The Woodruffs of New Jersey." by Francis E. Wood-
ruff . . . New York, The Grafton press, 1909.
23 p. 23}"".
1536 14-6653 CS71.C88a 1909
See also Woodruff. CS71.W887 1909
Courser. See Corser.
Courtauld. Some earlier history of the family of Courtauld, includ-
ing two genealogical memoirs, by Joseph Lemuel Chester. Illus-
trated with twenty-one portraits. London, New York [etc.]
Printed for private circulation by Cassell and company, limited,
vlll, 65 p. ports., fold, geneal. tab. (In pocket) 201"".
Preface signed : George Courtauld.
1537 17-21454 CS439.C743
See also Taylor. CS439.T34 1875
Courtenay. A genealogical history of the noble and illustrious family
of Courtenay. In three parts. The first giveth an account, of
the Counts of Edessa, of that family. The second, of that
branch that is in France. The third, of that branch that is in
England ... By E. Cleaveland . . . Exon, Printed by E.
Farley, 1735.
vlll p.. 1 1.. 307, 32 p. geneal. tables (1 fold.) 85 x 22'-.
Includes also "A collection of deeds and Instruments, and other writ-
ings, referred to In the foregoing history " ; p. 1-32.
Head and tall pieces.
VSSlK A 14-2782 CS409.C6 1735
A description of the monuments & efligics in Porlock
church, Somei-set, with reasons deduced from the documents
pertaining to the manor and chantry of Porlock for attributing
the tomb to the memory of John fourth baron Hariiigton of
Aklingham and Elizabeth (Courtenay) his wife ... by Maria
Halliday. Torquay, "The Torquay directory" company, 1882.
a p. I.. 80 p. XII numb. pi. (Incl. front., cuuta of arms (part coL and
fold.)) 2 fold, genenl. tab. L'Cr".
Oiver-tltle: The I'orlock monuments.
"A genealogiciil table drawn to Illustrate the connexion which exi.sted
between tlie anck-nt and historic fnnillles of Courtenay, Bonvlle, Flti
Ildcer, Hnrlncton, nnd Grty," and "The J..aUy June Grey's pedigree":
2 fold, geueul. tab. at end.
1533 10-3350 DA690.P70H3
Courtenay. A delineation of the Courtenay mantelpiece in the Epis-
copal palace at Exeter, by Roscoe Gibbs, with a biographical
notice of the Right Reverend Peter Courtenay, d. d., elected
bishop of Exeter 1478, translated to AVinchester 1487, died 1492,
to which is added A description of the Courtenay mantelpiece,
comp. by Maria Halliday. [Torquay?] Printed for private cir-
culation only at the office of the Torquay directory, 1884.
3 p. I., 34 p. lUus., plates (Incl. fold. fronL) 301'",
"200 copies."
1538a 19-4504 NA4845.E9Q5
See also Palmer. CS71.P175 1890
Courtright. Partial genealogical record of the Courtright family.
Arranged by Henry H. Courtright, Chicago, Illinois. Chicago,
The Henry O. Shepard company, printers, 1899.
15 p. 23"".
1538 15-4509 CS71.C864 1899
Ancestors and descendants of Rheuben Courtright. Comp.
by Pardon and Harriett Head. Marslialltown, la., Marshall
printing company, 1915.
80 p. incL port 23'°".
1540 18-13527 CS71.C864 1915
Coutts. Coutts & CO., bankers, Edinburgh and London; being the
memoirs of a family distinguished for its public services in
England and Scotland . . . London, E. Stock, 1900.
xii, 166 p. front., plates, ports., fold. map. 23 J'".
Cionip. by Ralph Richardson.
1641 1-12532 HG300.L84C8
See also Colt. CS439.C7
Couwenhoven. /See aZ«o Reiclmer. CS7i.B,34 1918
Covel. . . . Covel. By James W. Hawes. Yarmouthport, Mass., C.
W. Swift, 1912.
cover-title, 9 p. 25i'". (Library of Cape Cod history & genealogy, Jl
no. 90)
1542 12-24996 CS71.C868 1912
Coventry. An historical and descriptive account of Croome d'Abitot,
the seat of the Right Hon. the Earl of Coventry; with bio-
graphical notices of the Coventry family: to which are annexed
an Hortus croomensis, and Observations on the propagation of
exotics. By William Dean . . . Worcester, Printed and pub.
for the author, by T. Eaton, 1824.
6 p. L, 0.T 161. (11 p. front., pi. 21'".
1643 2-2S691 DA690.C787D3
Covert. Covert ancestry. Comp. by Edson Salisbury Jones. Con-
a,0^' tributed by Byron Barnes Horton, Sheffield, Pa. Edition of
*^t|.^ fifty copies . . . New York, Printed by T. A. Wright, 1U06.
y, 20 p. 28r'°.
Reprinted from the New York genealogical and biographical record,
1544 10-6580 CS71.C873 1908
Cowan. /Sec aZso Kirkpatrick. CS71.K595 I9li
Cowden. Ancestry and kin of the Cowdcn and "Welch families. [By]
Eev. James Marcus Welch . . . Indiana, Pa., 1904.
203 p. Ind. Ulus., ports., map, facsim. 17J'".
15io 6-1554 CS71.C874 1904
— An illustrated historical and biographical sketch of the
descendants of William Cowden * who migrated from Ireland
to America about a. d. 1730 and of James Gilliland ' who came
from the same land and about the same time; including a system
of charts connecting each member with the ancestors of the fam-
ilies; special mention also of those who participated in the wars
for the independence of the colonies and for the preservation of
the union . . . brought down to January, 1915, by Robert Cow-
den". Dayton, O., Press of United brethren publishing house
X, [2], 13-179 p. lucL front, illus., ports., geneal. charts (part fold.)
1546 15-8508 CS71.C874 1915
Cowdery. See Cowdrey.
Cowdray. See Cowdrey.
Cowdrey. Cowdrey-Cowderj'-Cowdray genealogy; William Cowdery
of Lynn, Massachusetts, 1630, and his descendants, by Mary
Bryant Alverson Mchling. [New York] Frank Allaben genea-
logical company ['1911]
451 p. col. front (coat of arms) plates, ports., facsiuis. 23"".
2 p. for " Owner's lineage " Inserted before Index.
Decorated t.-p.
1547 12-217 CS71.C8745
Cowles. [Cowles family tree] Copy of an original made about 1850,
now (1895) in the possession of AVilliam A. Cowles, Washing-
ton, D. C. 2d ed. Washington, D. C, 1895.
fold, genenl. tab. 2.">"".
By Calvin Duvall Cowles.
1548 9-S307t CS71.C875 1895
Cowles. Branches of Virginia Cowles family. [Shelbyvillet Ky.,
geneal. tnb. 61x43}'".
Conip. by Eugene Cowles.
1540 6-851 CS71.C875 1903
Branch of Virginia Cowles family, chart no. 2. [Cleveland,
Printed by Cleveland leader, 190i?]
peiiftil. tab. 4G.\30'".
By Eugeue Cowles.
1550 6-27380
See also Cole.
CS71.C875 1904
Cowperthwait See Cowperthwaite.
Cowperthwaite. See also Haynes.
CS71.H424 1887
Cox. In mcmoriam. John Cox, 1795-1871. Henry Oxnard Preble,
1847-1871 , . . [Boston, D. Clapp & son, 1871]
2 p. 1.. 131-24 p. 241"".
Ed. by George Henry Treble.
1C51 &-12525t CS71.C877 1871
. . . The Cocke family of Virginia (Henrico.) Fifth and
sixth generations continued. Line of Richard Cocke*. IIL
Descendants of Kichurd Cocke*, son of Kichard*, son of Rich-
ard*. (In Virginia magazine of history and biography, Eich-
mond, 1S93-1904. 24"". vol. 5, 1897, p. 71-S9)
Comp. by Juuies CocUe SoutbaU.
1552 F221.V91 voL 6
Detached copy.
CS71.C877 1897
— New England Co.x families; a series of genealogical papers
to be issued quarterly in parts ... by Kev. Jolrn H. Cox . . .
[Boston, 1808-1901]
14 pis. r>«'t.s. 2G'".
I'li^cd ciintiiiuously.
After no. 5, 1000, quarterly Is dropped from title.
CS71.C877 1898
Descendants of John Cox. By C. S. AVilliams. New
York. C. S. Williams, 1909.
2 p. I.. 4-Sn numb. I. front, (coat of arms) pi., ports, map. 23'".
"Kilitliiti of tweiity-dve copies, no. nine."
" This t*;"»-'uJo«jy bc-jjlus with .John Cox who was at Bprmudn In leO-T"
1554 CA0-1U34 CS71.C877 1909
Cox. Coxe and connected families. [Khinebeck, N. Y., 1911]
cover-title, [431 p. 24'".
C!omp. by Douglas Merritt
1555 11-31999 CS71.C877 1911
The Cox family in America, a history and genealogy of the
older branches of the family from the appearance of its first
representative in this country in 1610, by Rev. Henry Miller Cox
. . . Including the Cock-Coclcs-Cox genealogy of Long Island,
by George William Cocks, assisted by John Cox, jr. New York
r Printed for the author by the Unionist gazette association,
Somerviile, N. J.] 1912.
xl. 324, xil, ^45 p. front., plntes, ports., fold, facslm., fold. map. 24J'*.
History niid i;enenlocy of the Cock-Cocks-Cox fumily has eiiwlal t.-p.
and separate pagination, xii, 345 p.
1556 13-32 CS71.C877 1912
History and genealogy of the Cock-Cocks-Cox family de-
scended from James and Sarah Cock of Killingworth upon
Matinecock, in the township of Oysterbay, Long Island, New
York, comp. by George William Cocks, assisted by John Cox,
jr. 2d ed. enl. New York, Priv. print. [Somerviile, N. J.,
Printed by the Unionist gazette association] 1914.
xii, 415 p. front., iilntes, ports., fold, facslm., fold. map. 24'".
First e<1ltion published 1912 with: Cox, Henry Miller. The Cox family
In America. N. Y.. 1912.
1557 14-180C3 CS71.C877 1914
Coxe, and connected families; comp. by Douglas Merritt
. . . New York, T. A. Wright, printer, 1915.
49 p. 24'°.
1558 15-16625 CS71.C877 1915
See also King. CS439.K7
Keichner. CS71.K34 1918
SelieiB. CS71.S467 1886
Coxe. See Cox.
Coytmore. See Coitmore.
Cozens. See also Coleman. rA565.C75
Crabb. See also HLowciti. CS71.M74 I9ll
Cracroft. See also CralL CS71.C889 1908
Cradock. Historical notices of Sir Matthew Cradock, knt., of Swan-
sea, in the reigns of Henry vii. and viii. By the Rev. John Mont-
gomery Traherne . . . Lhindovery, W. Rees; London, Long-
man and CO.; [etc., etc.] 1840. ^1
2 p. 1., [3]-Sl, [1] p. front., pi., fold, geneal. tab. 25"".
1559 11-14117 CS439.C745
Historical discourse on the life, deeds and character of Sir
Mathew Cradock. By David Roberts. <From the Proceedings
of the Essex institute. > Salem [Mass.] W. Ives and G. W.
Pease, printers, 1856.
16 p. 23'-.
1560 7-20547 F67.C88
Crafts. The Crafts family. A genealogical and biographical his-
tory of the descendants of Griffin and Alice Craft, of Roxbury,
Mass. 1630-1890. Comp. by James M. Crafts and William F.
Crafts. Northampton, Mass., Gazette printing company, 1893.
Iv p., 2 L, [5J-S03 p. frout., plates, ports., facsiius. 24^"".
1561 9-0753t CS71.C885 1893
Craig. Samuel Craig, senior, pioneer to western Pennsylvania, and
his descendants, comp. by Jane Maria Craig. Greensburg,
Pa., Printed for private circulation, 1915.
143 p. 2 port 23"".
The work, begun by Mrs. Margaret Campbell Craig and carried on by
her granddaughter, is printed practically from tlie manuscript copy left by
Miss Craig.
15C2 15-22432 CS71.CS855 1915
See also Eoosevelt. ' F157.B8E54
Craighead. The Craighead family: a genealogical memoir of tlie de-
scendants of Rev. Thomas and Margaret Craighead, 1658-1876.
By Rev. James Geddes Craighead, d. d. Philadelphia, Pa.,
Printed for the descendants [Sherman & co., printers] 1876.
173 p. lor™.
1563 0-830St CS71.C886 1876
Craine. See Crane.
Crall. The ancestry of Tvoander Howard Crall ; monographs on the
Crall, Haff, Bcatty, Asfordby, Billesby, Heneage, Langton,
Quadring, Sandon, Kulnetby, Newcomen, Wolley, Cracroft, Gas-
coigne, Skipwitii, Plantagenct, Meet, Van Ys-sellstcyn, Middagh,
Bergen, and De Rapaije f;unilics, witii coat armor, pedigree
charts, and documentary appendices, by Frank Allaben . . .
New York city, The Grafton press ['1908]
426 p. front, plates (part col., 1 fold.) ports., facslnis. (1 fold.)
" One hundred and twenty-five copies of this book have been printed
from type and the type distributed. This copy is number 12.'>."
1564 8-9500 CS71.C889 1908
Cramer. See also Cogliill. DA990.C78C7 1910
Crane. Memorials of the Cranes of Chilton, with a pedigree of the
family, and the life of the last representative. By William S.
Appleton. Cambridge [Mass.] Press of J. Wilson & son, 18G8.
2 p. 1., 89 p. front, plates, fold, geneal. tables, coats of arms. 24*"".
1565 9-18148t CS439.C75
Henry Crane of Milton, Mass., 1654, and some of his de-
t^ scendants. Comp. for Mr. Albert Crane [by Emily AVilder
,. tf 7 Leavitt] Boston, Priv. print. [Press of D. Clapp & son] 1893.
. V'V 26 p., 1 1. pi., port, facslm., geneal. tab. 26'''°.
0^ ^ " Reprinted from New-England historical and genealogical register, vols,
i^ 46 and 47, with addiUons."
1566 9-8306t CS71.C891 1893
Genealogy of the Crane family . . . Worcester, Mass.,
Press of C. Hamilton, 1895-1900.
2 v. fronts, (v. 1, col.) plates, porta 24J'°.
Comp. by EUery Bicknell Crane.
Contents. — v. 1. Descendants of Henry Crane, of Wcthersfield and Gull-
ford, Conn., with sketch of the family in England. — v. 2. Descendants of
Benjamin Crane, of Wcthersfield, Conn., and John Crane, of Coventry,
Conn. Also of Jasper Crane, of New Haven, Conn., and Newark, N. J., and
Stephen Crane, of EUzabethtown, N. J^ with families of the name in New
Hampshire, Maryland and Virginia.
1567 1-2090 CS71.C891 1895-1900
History of the family of John Crane, grandson of Stephen
Crane, whose father was John Crane the first; together with per-
sonal reminiscences of the author, John Grant Crane. Elizabeth,
N. J., Journal printing house, 1899.
24 p. front (port) 23^"-
1068 2-1510 CS71.C891 1899
See also Clemmer. PS1039.A32Z6 1886
Griswold. CS71.G87 1898
Lawson. CS71.L425 1903
Cranmer. Genealogical memoirs of the kindred families of Tliomas
Cranmer, archbishop of Canterbury, and Thomas Wood, bishop
of Lichfield. Illustrated with twelve sheet pedigrees, engrav-
ings of all Archbishop Cranmer's official seals, and shields of
arms. By Robert Edmond Chester Waters . . . (Two chapters
from the unpublished memoirs of the Chesters of Chicheley.)
London, Printed for the author by Robson and sons, 1877.
X, 1G2 p. front., lllus.. Ill pi. 2G'".
"Only six copies large paper, and twenty-eight copies small paper,
printed for private circulation."
1669 4-23523 CS439.C78 1877
Cramner. See also Chester. CS439.C55 1873
Walton. SH433.A 1875
Crapo. Certain comeovercrs, by Henry Rowland Crapo . . . New
Bedford, Mass., E. Anthony & sons, incorp., printers, 1912.
2 V. geneaL tables. 23*'".
1570 12-22975 . CS71.C893 1912
Crary. Ancestors and descendants of Calvert Crary and his wife
Eliza Hill, Liberty, N. Y. Collected by Jerry Crary, Warren,
Pa. New York, Priv. print., 1917.
213 p.. 1 I. front., ports. 24),"'.
PnKPS left blank at end for " Additional Information."
" Aiillioritles": p. [5], 77.
CoNTicNT.s. — pt. I. Ancestors of Cnlvert Crary. — pt. n. Ancestors of VAXta
HIM. wife of Pnlvert Crar.v. — pt. III. Descendants of Calvert Crary and his
wife Eliza Hill, Liberty. N. Y.
1571 17-31791 CS71.C894 1917
Crater. History of the Greter, Grater or Crater family. By Lewis
Crater. [Reading, Pa., B. F. Owen & co., printers, 1894]
Iv, 27 p. front, (port.) 22^™.
1572 9-«30ot CS71.C895 1894
Cravens. See also Nourse. CS71.N933 1897
Crawford. Lives of the Lindsays; or, A memoir of the houses of
Crawford and Balcarres, by Lord Lindsay. To which are added,
extracts from the official correspondence of Alexander, sixth earl
of Balcarres, during the Maroon war; together with personal
narratives by his brothers, the Hon. Robert, Colin, James, John,
and Hugh Lindsay; and by his sister, Lady Anne Barnard . . .
London, J. Murray, 1849.
3 V. front (geueal. tab.) 2 pi., 4 facslm. 22'".
1673 8-23701 . DA758.3.L8C7
Latirus. Crawfurdiana. Memorials of that branch of the
Crawford family which comprises the descendants of John
Crawford, of Virginia. 1GG0-1SS3. AVith notices of the allied
families. Privately printed for the compilers. New York [K
O. Jenkins, printer] 1883.
xlv, 180 p., 1 I. front, plates, ports., photos., facsims., geneal. tables,
coat of arms. SI"".
Cciup. by Mrs. Vanderbllt and R. L. Crawford.
1574 9-13810t CS71.C899 1883
Crawford. The William Crawford memorial. Brooklyn, Eagle book
printing department, 1904.
298, [1] p. front (coat of arras) plan, facslra. 21J'"'.
Contains the narrntlve written by his son, John Crawford, 18.SO-31, and
«X)ntlnued by .TenninRs Crawford; with documents and genealogical notes'
on the Crawford family.
1575 17-9568 CS71.C899 1904
James Crawford, revolutionary war soldier. A refuge*
from Nova Scotia. A pioneer settler in Ohio. By Harriett
Mclntire Foster.
(In Old Northwest genealogical quarterly. Columbus, C 1911. 24'".
T. 14, p. 135-149)
1678 17-9560 F476.042 vol.14
Copy 2, detached. CS71.C899 1911
The Crawford family of Oakham, Massachusetts, by Gen-
eral William Crawford. Oakham historical society. [New
Haven, The Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor company] 1912
20 p. 23r°.
This account of the family from 1750-1860 Is printed by the Oakham
historical society from the original ms. The additions, chiefly dates, are
Inclosed by brackets, of. Pref.
1577 13-7159 CS71.C899 1918
Crawford family records. An account of the first American
settlers and colonial families of the name of Crawford, and other
genealogical and historical data, mostly new and original mato-
rial, including early wills and marriages heretofore unpublished.
By William M. Clemens. Limited ed. New York, W. M
Clemens, 1914.
80 p. 22r".
1578 15-10442 CS71.C899 1914
See oho Johnson. CS71.J7 1898
Thompson. CS479.T5
Vawter. CS71.V39 1005
Weitzel. CS71.W434 1883
Witherspoon. CS71.W826 1910
Crawley. The history of a Bedfordshire family; being a history of
the Crawleys of Nether Crawley, Stockwood, Thurleigh, and
Yelden in the county of Bedford; by William Austin . . . Lon-
don, A. Eivers, ltd., 1911.
xii, 320 p. front, (port.) 2 fold, jteneal. tab. esj'".
1579 13-1CG22 CS439.C783
Crayford. See also MaunselL CS439.M37
Creak. /See aZso Shelley. CS439.S4 1909
Credit. See also Dobyns. CS71.D636 1908
Crehore. A genealog)- of the Crehore family, by Charles Frederic
Crehore . . . Wellesley Hills, Press of Ware & Eaton, 1887.
34 p. 20'"".
Alternate pages left blank for " Notes and memoranda."
1580 9-27118 CS71.C913 1887
Creichton. See Crichton.
Creichtown. See Crichton.
Creighton. Creighton. Biographical sketches of Edward Creighton,
John A. Creighton, Mary Lucretia Creighton. Sarah Emily
Creighton. By P. A. Mullens, a. J. Omaha, Neb., Creighton
university, 1901.
7G p. pi., porta. 21i'".
1581 17-31383 CS71.C925 1001
Cressey. Genealogy of the Cressey family, descendants of Mighill
»./, Cressey (Mighel Cresse) of Salem and Ipswich, Mass. By
J George Brainard Blodgette, a. m. From the New-England his-
torical and genealogicitl register for April, 1877. Boston, D.
Clapp & son, printers, 1877.
13 p. 24}"°.
1582 18-7490 CS71.C928 1877
Cresson. Diary of Caleb Crasson, 1791-1792. Printed from his orig-
inal manuscripts, for family distribution, by Ezra Townsend
Cresson, and Charles Caleb Cresson. Philadelphia, 1877.
Iv, 5-214 p. front., port. 20}'".
1683 3-5C67 CT275.C887A3
Crewdson. See also Wilson. CS439.W55 1890
Crewe. Barthomloy in letters from a former rector to his eldest son.
By the Rev. Edward Hinchliffe . . . London, Longman, Brown,
Green and Ijonj^inans; fete, etc.] 1856.
vlll, 370, [151 p. front., plates, fold. Renenl. tab. 25'".
Contains the history of the family of Crewe of Crewe.
Ifi84 19-2308 DA690.B268HS
Crichton. Genealogy of the earls of Erne. [Comp. by Jolm Haugh-
ton Steele] Edinburgh, Priv. print, by T. and A. Constable,
6 p. 1., 106 p. ind. front, Illus., plates, geneal. tab. 26*".
"The illustrntions . . . prepared and arranged by Francis Caird InRlis."
"This Impression Is limited to sixty copies of wliich this Is no. 1.5."
1585 10-25808 CS439.C79
Crichtonn. See Crichton.
Crippen. See also Loomia. CS71.L863 1880
Crisp. See Crispe.
Crispe. Collections relating to the family of Crispe ... [London]
Printed for private circtilation only, 1882-1897.
4 V. Illus., plates, facslms., coats of arms. 30"".
Only 150 copies of v. 1-3 printed and signed, no. 55 ; v. 4, 50 copies only
printed and signed, no. 24.
1586 9-18147t CS439.C8
History of the Crispe family, by B. J. Cigrand . . . Chi-
cago, The author, 1901.
409, [1] p. incL front., plates, ports., facsims. 221*".
1587 5-1CG05 CS71.C933 1901
Collections relating to the family of Crispe. Further and
final extracts relating to the name from the records of the Col-
lege of arms. New series, vol. 1 [London] Printed at the private
press of F. A. Crisp, 1913-
1 V. iilus., port. 33i"".
" One hundred copies only of ' Collections relating to the family of
Crispe," new .series, vol. 1, have been printed at my private press. This
copy Is no. 23." '
1588 13-18031 CS439.C8 1913
See also Taylor. CS439.T34 1875
Crispin. A biographical and historical sketch of Captain William
Crispin of the British navy, together with portraits and sketches
of many of his descendants and of the representatives of some
families of English Crispins; also an historical research con-
cerning the remote ancestry of English and American Crispins,
and a tracing of the name Crispin, from 361 b. c. to the present,
including genealogies of the Crispin families, and soitie account
of related families, the Penns, the Holmes, the Masons; to
which is added a section on genealogy and ancestry. By Rev.
William Frost Crispin. Akron, O., The Conmiercial printing
" CO., 1901.
144 p. front, Illus., ports., facsims. 23J'".
Bibliography : p. (2)
1589 4-2229 CS71.C933 1901
Crocker. Our Crocker ancestors, by James Francis Crocker. Porto-
mouth, Va., Whitson & Shepherd, printers, 1914.
0 p. front, (port.) 22"".
No. 2 In a volume of five genealogical tracts, to which Is prefixed a
general t.-p. : The Woodleys of the Isle of Wight County, Va. and other
ancestors . . . Portsmouth, Vu., 1015.
1590 15-10362 CS71.W884 1915
Crofts. Little Saxham parish registers. Baptisms, marriages, and
burials, with appendices, biographies, &c. 1559 to 1850. Wood-
bridge, G. Booth, 1901.
xlv, [2], 2C4 p. front., Illus., 2 pi. 22 x 18'".
Preface signed: S. H. A. H. (i. e. Sydenham Henry Augustus Hervey)
Contents. — Preface . . . [etc.) — Baptisms. — Marriages. — Burials. — Ap-
pendix i-xxii. — Lucas family. — Crofts family. — Crofts of Bardwell. — Little
Saxham In 1638. — Short notes.— [Indices]
1591 5^688 CS436.S45
See also Crafts.
Witcraft. CS71.W825 i9ia
Croke. The genealogical history of the Croke family, originally
named Lo Blount. By Sir Alexander Croko . . . Oxford,
Printed by W. Baxter for J. Murray, London, and J. Parker,
Oxford, 1823.
2 V. illus., 9 pi., 2 port., map, 43 geneal. tab. 30'".
Pagination Irregular.
Imperfect? Geneal. tables 9-10 wanting.
1592 8-29454 CS439.C82
Thirteen psalms and the first chapter of Ecclesiastes, trans-
lated into English verse by John Croke, in the reign of Henry
VIII. With other documents relating to the Croke family. Lon-
don, printed for the Percy society, 1844.
2 p. 1. [viil-xvl, 79 p. 19'"". (In Percy society. Early English
poetry . . . London. 19'". vol. xl.)
1593 PB1121.P4 VOL 11
Croker. See also ToTi. CS439.F7
Cromartie, Earls of. See Mackenzie.
Crommelin. See aho Small. CS71.S636 1905
Cromwell. The character and blessedness of the righteous repre-
sented: in a sermon on the death of William Cromwell, July 9,
1772. To which are added the speech delivered at his interment
with a brief account of the Cromwell family from about the year
of our Ix)rd 1000 ... by Thomas Gibbons, d. d. London, J.
Buckland, 1773.
01 p. lOr". (Hazard pam. v. 29 no. 4)
1594 AC901.H3 vol. 29
Cromwell. Memoirs of the protectorate-house of Cromwell ; deduced
from an early period, and continued down to the present time:
collected chiefly from original papers and records: with proofs
and illustrations; together with an appendix ... By Mark
Noble . . . Birmingham, Printed by Pearson and Rollason,
sold by R. Baldwin [etc.] London, 1784.
2 V. fronts. 22''"'.
Date of publication on t.-p. of v. 1 is incorrectly printed mdccxxxliv.
Title of V. 2 reads: Memoirs of several i)erson8 iind fsiniilies, who by
females are allied to, or descended from, the protectorate-hovise of Crom-
well ... to which is added, a cataloRue of sucli persons who were rui.sed
to honors or great employments by the Cromwells; with the lives of many
of them . . .
1595 3-17871 DA427.N75
Memoirs of the protector, Oliver Cromwell, and of his sons,
Richard and Henry. Illustrated by original letters, and other
family papers. By Oliver Cromwell, esq., a descendant of the
family. AVith portraits from original pictures. 2d ed. Lon-
don, Printed for Longman, Huist, Rees, Ornie, and Brown, 1821.
3 V. 6 port. (incl. fronts.) 214"'.
1596 4-2242 DA426.C932
The house of Cromwell and the story of Dunkirk; a gene-
alogical history -of the descendants of the Protector, with an-
ecdotes and letters. By Jamas Waylen. Boston, J. G. Cupples
CO. [189-]
vii. ,S89, [2] p. illus., plates (part fold.) ports., maps, chart. 26'^'".
PublisluHl 1891, 1892, or 1893.
English edition, 1880.
1597 3-16200 DA427.W35
The house of Cromwell, a genealogical history of the family
and descendants of the Protector. By James Waylen . . .
New ed., rev. by John Gabriel Cromwell . . . London, E. Stock,
xii, 280 p. 25''°.
1598 1-19107 DA427.W36
. . . Exhibition of Stuart and Cromwellian relics and ar-
ticles of interest connected with the Stuart period, at the Guild-
hall, Cambridge, May 15-20, 1911. [Cambridge, Deighton, Bell
&C0.; [etc., etc.] 1911.
21, [3|, 102 p. incl. Kcnenl. tat)les. front., pi., 2 port. 21}"".
At bead of title: Under the auspices of the Cambridge antiquarian so-'
1599 11-32339 DA380.C3
-See aZ«o Chenoweth. CS71.C519 1894
Stuart. DA380.C3
Williams. CS71.W72 1897
114883°— 19 19
Crone. A history of the Crone, Pence, Switzer, Weaver, Heatwole,
Stout, Steel and Fissel families from which are descended John
S. Crone and Ella Weaver Crone ... By P>ank L. Crone,
[n. p.] 1916.
50 p. 24"°.
1600 16-20360 CS71.C945 1916
Cronkhite. See also Dresser. CS71.D768 1913
Cropper. Memorials of the families of Cropper. Cubham and Wolsey
of Bickerstaffe, and of Winstanley of Winstanley . . . Col-
lected by N. Waterhouse. Liverpool, Printed by D. Marples,
vi p.. 1 1., 71 p. fold, geneal. tab. 21"°.
1601 17-23930 CS439.C83
xS'ee aZso Backhouse. CS439.B18
Crosby. A Crosby family. Josiah Crosby, Sarah Fitch . . . and
their descendants by their grandson, Nathan Crosbv . . .
Lowell, Mass., Stone, Huse & co., book and job printers, 1877.
1 p. I., 143 p. front, (ports.) 245'°".
1602 9-8309t CS71.C95 1877
. . . The Crosby family of Yarmouth. Yarmouthport,
Mass., C. W. Swift, 1912.
cover-title, [2] p. 25"". (Library of Cape Cod history & genealogy,
no. 83)
Arranged by Williani Proud Davis and ed. by Charles Warner Swift.
1603 12-30037 CS71.C95 1913
Two Crosby families, by Simon Percy Crosby, 1912 . . .
St. Paul, The H. W. Kingston company, 1912.
212 p. incl. double front., plates, fuesira., fold, geneal. tab. 19i"".
1G04 14-240 CS71.C95 1912a
Simon Crosby the emigrant: his English ancestry, and
some of his American descendants, by Eleanor Davis Crosby . . .
Bcston, Press of G. H. Ellis co., 1914.
xxlii, 158 p., 1 1. front., plates, facsims. 24"".
1605 15-15(583 CS71.C95 1914
Croshaw. See aho StlAtn. CS71.S45 I9ll
Cross. My children's ancestors; data concerning about four hundred
New England ancestors of (he children of Roselle Theodore
Cross and his wife Emma Asenath (Bridgnian) Cross; also
names of many ancestors in England, and descendants of Mr.
and Mrs. Cross's grandparents, Tiieodore and Susaiiiiaii (Jack-
son) Cross, Samuel and Lois (Temple) Murdock, Noah and
Asenath (Judd) Bridgman, Jacob and Lydia (Slack) Daggett;
with an introductory essay on genealogy, and an appendix of
miscellanies, by Rev. R. T. Cross . . . Twinsburg, O. [Colum-
bus, O., The Champlin press] 1913.
212 p. front., plates, ports., geneal charts. 23"°.
1606 13-25648 CS71.C952 1913
Crossley. Descent and alliances of Croslegh, or Crossle, or Crossley,
of Scaitcliffe; and Coddington of Oldbridge; and Evans, of
Eyton hall. Comp.. arranged and annotated by Charles Cros-
legh, D. D. London. Priv. print., The De La More press, 1904.
xxxiii. 441, [1] p. illiis. (cojits of arms) 29"°.
"Authorities consulted": p. xxi-xxviii.
Oontjiins also pedigrees of the .Tohnston, Campbell, Carden, Minnitt,
Colqiihoun, Luss, MacAuselan ; or MacCausland, Anderson, Atkinson, Ncw-
comen, Molyiieux, Baillie, Annesley. Stanhope, .\she, Tenison, Blacker,
Dawson and BellinKham, Batten. Maxwell, Morgan, Lloyd, Owen, Pey-
ton, Woodyear, and Boyfeld families.
1607 19-3353 CS439.C835
Croswell. A memoir of the liA'es of some of the Croswell family, by
Simon G. Croswell, ll. d. [Boston, Printed by A. C. Getchell
& son, "=1916]
1 p. 1., 6 p. 23'°.
1608 ie-15175 CS71.C9525 1916
Crow. See alfto Crowell. CS71.C953 1903
Crowell. John Crowe and his descendants, a genealogy. New
York, T. Y. Crowell & co., 1903.
109 p. pi.. 2 facsira. 24^"-
" This work was begun by Capt. Levi Crowell . . . and his records
have been used as the basis, being supplemented by those of the late
Henry G. Crowell." — Pref.
1609 3-28567 CS71.C953 1903
. . . The Crowell families of Yarmouth . . . Yarmouth-
port, Mass., C. W. Swift, 1910.
[141 p. 26'". (Library of Cape Cod history & genealogy, no. 103)
Comp. by Amos Otis.
Ueprinted from the Yarmouth register, May 9, 1850.
1610 12-3(I9.j5 CS71.C956 1910
. , . The Crowell family of Yarmouth. Descendants of
John. Yarmouthport, Mass., C. W. Swift, 1913.
cover-title, 14 p. 25'". (Library of Cape Cod history & genealogy,
no. 72)
1611 17-15786 CS71.C956 1913a
Crowell. . . . The Cfowpll family of Yarmouth. Descendants of
Yelverton. Yarmouthport, Mass., C. W. Swift, 1913.
13 p. 25'". (Library of Cape Cod history & genealogy, "o. 71)
1612 17-19201 CS71.C956 1913
Crowninshield. See also Driver. CS71.D782 1889
Crozier. Memorials of the family of Crozier. Lymington, Printed
by E. King, 1881.
3 p. 1., 50, [2] p. front, (port.) coat of arms. 21'".
Preface signed : F. H. Crozier.
Revised and printed from a copy prepared in 1872.
"Authorities": p. [2] at end.
1613 18-2162 CS439.C84
Cubham. See also Cropper. CS439.C83
Cttlbertson. Genealogy of the Culbertson and Culberson families
. . . By Lewis R. Culbertson . . . Zanesville, O., The Courier
company, printers, publishers and binders, 1893.
vil, 336 p. 23}'".
Lettered on cover: Culbertson genealogy. CS71.C967 1893
— Supplement to the Culbertson genealogy. By Lewis R.
Culbertson . . . Cincinnati, The Cincinnati Lancetclinic, 1896.
1 p. I., 8 p. 23J"".
1614 9-8488-9 CS71.C967 1896
Cnlcheth. Genealogies of the families of Culchcth. of Culcheth ; and
Risley, of Risley; both in the county of Lancaster. Comp. from
the ancient charters of those families; from the herald's Visita-
tions; and from the parish registers, at Winwick and New-
church. By J. Paul Rylands . . . London, Priv. print., 1876.
12 p. illus. (coat of arms) 28J"".
1615 9-18145t CS439.C85
Culemborg. Allied ancestry of the Van Culemborg family of Culem-
borg, Holland; being the ancestry of Sophia van Culemborg,
wife of Johan de Carpentier, parents of Maria de Carpentier,
wife of Jean Paul Jatjuet, vice-director and chief magistrate of
the colonies on the South River of New Netherland lt>55-16.')7,
by Edwin Jaquott Sellers. Philadelpliia [Press of Allen Lano
& Scott] 1915.
161 p. Illus. (coat of arms) 23i"'.
0 " Edition limited to 100 copies."
1616 15-13327 CS829.CS
Cullowe. See CoUow.
CuUum. CuUum of Hawstead. {/n Muskett. J. .L.^-rf. Suffolk ma-
norial families . . . Exeter [Eng.] W. Pollard & co., ltd.,
1900- 30Jx24J"°. vol. 1, p. 169-175)
1617 CS437.S7M8
Cnlp. Sec Kulp.
Culver. See Colver.
Cumberland. Tlie Cumberland letters, being the correspondence of
Rich." Dennison Cumberland & George Cumberland, between the
years 1771 & 1784, ed. by Clementina Black, and now printed for
the first time . . . London, M. Seeker, 1912.
352 p. front., ports., 2 fold, geneal. tab. 23^°.
1018 13-(aC6 DA485.C8
Cumming. See Cummings.
Cummings. Isaac Cummings, of Topsfield, Mass., and some of his
descendants . . . Topsfield, Mass., Topsfield hiatorical society,
cover-title, 39 p. 2 pi., front, (port.) 23'".
"Arranged from data collected by Miss Marietta Clark, Mrs. Abbie W.
Towne, W. F. Cummings, and George Francis Dow."
1619 1-238 CS71.C971 1899
The Cummings memorial, a genealogical history of the de- 9'^/- 2^
scendants of Isaac Cununings, an early settler of Topsfield, (f ^/m
Massachusetts. Comp. by Rev. George Mooar. New York,
B. F. Cummings, 1903.
1 p. 1., iii, 532 p. 24'".
1620 S-26622 CS71.C971 1903
Cummings genealogy. Isaac Cummings, lGOl-1677 of
Ipswich in 1038 and some of his descendants . . . Comp. and
published by Albert Oren Cummins . . . Montpelier, Vt.,
Argus and patriot printing house, 1904.
xvili, 643 p. front, plates, ports., facsims. 23}'".
1C21 4-3CG77 CS71.C971 1904
Table of the descendants of William Cumming of Frederick
County, Maryland, comp. and arranged by Montgomery Gum-
ming. Wasiiington, 1905.
geiieal. chart. 741 x IIU"".
1022 5-35475 CS71.C971 1905
A record of the Cummings family, branch of Dea. Jonathan,
born June 5, 1729, St. Johnsbury, Vt. Royal Cummings print-
ing house 1881. Supplemented by all known changes since 1881,
also by ti>e leaflet printed by liiiu in ISb'J, gathered by Coroden
Cunnnings. | Nashua? N. H.] 1917.
cover-title, 24 p. IC".
1623 18-2284 CS71.C971 1817
Cummings. See also Bruce. DA758.3.B87
Habersham. CS71.H114 1901
Phillips. CS71.P555 1913
Thurburn. CS479.P55
Cundit. See Condit.
Cnningham. See Cunningham.
Cunliffe. The descendants of the elder branrh of the Cnnliffes of
Wycoller, conip. by Major-General C. H. Owen . . . 2(1 ed.
(For private circulation.) London, Printed by W. Clowes &
sons, limited, 1887.
6 p.. 1 1., 80 p. front., plates 3 fold, seneal. tab. 21'".
1624 15-8469 CS439.C87
Cunnabell. Genealogical memoir of the Cunnabell, Conable or Con-
nable family, John Cunnabell of London, England, and Bo.ston,
Massachusetts, and his descendants. 1650-1886. By Edwards
J. Connable . . . and John B. Newcomb . . . Jackson, Mich.,
Daily citizen book printing house, 1886.
2 p. I., 183 p. front., maps, tab. 23i'°.
1625 1-27658 CS71.C973 1886
Cunningham. Pedigree of Cunninghame of Cambskeith, and extinc-
tion of the heirs male of that family. London, Printed by A.
Strahan [18—?]
2 p., 1 1. 28"°.
Caption title.
1626 CA 18-131 CS439.C88 1800
Pedigree of Cunninghame of Montgrenan. London,
Printed by A. Strahan [18—?]
3, [1] p. 28"".
Caption title.
1627 c A 18-130 CS439.C88 1800a
Rectified history of the pedigree of Sir Walter Mont-
gomery Cunninghame, of Corsehill, bart. London, Printed by
A. Strahan |18— ?]
10 p., 1 1. 28"".
Caption title.
1628 CA 18-129 CS439.C88 1800b
Andrew Cunningham of Boston and some of his de-
t)Y scendants. A brief genealogy by Henry Winchester Cunning-
. ip- ham . . . Boston, 1901.
~^ b'^ 1(! p. 24r".
" Kroni the New-l'^nslund lilsiorlcal and genealogical register, vol. i.v."
" 200 copies reprinted, no. 79."
1629 6-J45 CS71.C974 1901
Cunningham. Descendants of Robert Cunningham. Bulletin, no.
1-3. [Worcester, Mass.] 1910-1917.
, 3 V. 23}"".
Caption title.
1630 11-30208 CS71.C974 1910-
See also Dick. DA800.F69
McCue. CS71.M132 1912
Van Meter. F450.V26
Cunnyngham. See Cunningham.
Cunreds. See Conrad.
Curling. Memorial records of the Curlings of the Isle of Thanet.
Collected by Robert Curling, esq., of Gosmore, Herts. London,
Printed for private circulation by Unwin brothers, 1886.
52 p. plates. 22'".
" Some Interesting passages in the life of John Curling, esq., j. p., of
Offley Holes and Gosmore, Herts": p. [35]-52.
1631 19-3371 CS439.C885
Currier. Genealogy of Richard Currier of Salisbury and Amesbury.
Massachusetts, (1616-1G86-7) and many of his descendants, by
Harvey Lear Currier. Genealogy of Ezra Currier of Bath,
New Hampshire, (1749-1825) and his descendants, by John
McNab Currier. Issued under the auspices of the Orleans
County historical society. Newport, Vt., 1910.
3 p. 1., [5]-271 p. front, plates, ports. 23}'".
1632 11-1062 CS71.C978 1910
Address or historical sketch delivered at a Currier family
reunion, Toledo, Ohio, October 31, 1910, by Edwin M. Currier.
Lowell, Mass., Courier-citizen co., 1913.
19 p. 23'".
On cover: Currler-Duston.
1633 13-1819 CS71.C978 1913
Curtis. Records of some of the descendants of William Curtis, Kox-
bury, 1632. Comp. from the ms. of Miss Catherine P. Curtis,
and other sources. By Samuel C. Clarke. Boston, Printed by
D. Clapp & son, 1869.
29 p. 24}"".
1634 14-10166 CS71.C98 1860
Thomas Curtis [of] Wethersfield, Connecticut. New York
geneal. chart. 22 x 60'".
Comp. by Charles Boyd Curtis.
16,S5 3-30935 CS71.C98 1899
Curtis. A genealogy of the Curtiss family; being a record of the
descendants of widow Elizabeth Curtiss, who settled in Strat-
ford, Conn., 1(;.S9^0, by Frodfric Haines Curtiss . . . Bbston,
Kockwell and Churchill press, 1903.
xxxl, 252 p. front, (fold, fncslm.) 2 maps. 29'~.
Title vignette (coat of arms)
1636 6-12554 CS71.C98 1903
— . . . The family of Henry Curtis of Sudbury, Mass.
Henry Ernest Woods, a. m. [Boston, 1907]
8 p. • 23J"°.
Caption title.
Specimen of the Register plan for arranging genealogies.
CA 8-1926
CS71.C98 1907
— The family of Henry Curtis of Sudbury, Mass. By Henry
Ernest AVoods, a. m. Boston, New England historic genealogical
society, 1907.
10 p. 25''". (Uegi-ster reprints, series A, no. 20)
" Repritited from the New England historical and genealogical register
for July, 1907."
1638 7-23776 CS71.C98 1907a
Ancestry and descendents of William Curtis of Marcellus,
Y. . . . Prepared and pub. by Mi-s. Lorissa E. Steele.
[Pa-adena, Cal.] 1912.
101, 9, [1] p. Incl. front., plates. 23"".
Contents. — pt. i. Ancestry and descendents of William Curtis . . . and
some allied families, Clapp, Dyer, Parlier, Templeton and Wilcox. — pt il
Ancestry and discendeuts of .\t)el Sperry . . . and some allied families,
Matteson, Worden, lieardsiey, Bhikely or Blakesley and Hinckley.
1639 13-19837 CS71.C98 1912
See also Barnes.
OS71.B28 1911
Curtiss. See Curtis.
Curwen. Pedigree of Curwon.
geneal. tab. 27i x 31"".
By George Roa Curwen.
[Boston, 1856]
CS71.C982 1856
— The Corwin genealogy (Curwin, Curwen, Corwine) in the
United States. By Edward Tanjore Corwin . . . New-York,
S. W. Green, printer, 1872.
XXX ii p., 1 I., 284 p. pi., ports. 2,S}"
1641 &-6339t
CS71.C982 1872
CuTwen. The parentage of Mattihas Corwin, of Southold, L. I., and
his relationship to George Corwin, of Salem, Mass. By Henry
F. Waters. Salem, Essex institute, 1881.
19 p. 25"".
From Historical collections of Essex institute, vol. 17.
1642 5-18370 CS71.C982 1881
... A pedigree of the family of Curwen of Workington
and kindred branches, by John F. Curwen, f. s. a. Kendal
[Eng.] T. Wilson [1904?]
3 p. 1., 129, [3] p. lllus., plates, ports., fold, geneal. tables. SSi"".
rages 22-24 left lilank.
At head of title : 1902-1904, and coat of arms in colors.
Cover-title: Curwen pedigreo.
Issued in 4 parts; edition limited to 50 copies.
Curwens of America : p. 109-120,
1843 19-3352 CS439.C89
See also Qilea. CS71.G472 1864
Curzon. An answer to the apologj' for the conduct of Thomas Lis-
ter, esq. ; respecting the borough of Clitheroe. [n. p., 1781 ?]
48, 18, 5 p. 24i"".
[Miscellaneous pamphlets, v. 200, no. 6]
By Assheton Curzon.
The text of the apology (18 p.) follows the Answer.
An appendix to the Answer : 5 p. at end.
1644 CA 17-553 AC901.M5 vol.200
See also Gresley. cs439.a75
Gushing. The genealogy of the Cushing family. By Lemuel Gush-
ing . . . Montreal, Lovell printing and publishing company,
104, xiil p. 20i"".
Title vignette: coat of arms (col.)
1645 9-8312t CS71.C985 1877
The genealogy of the Cushing family, an account of the
ancestors and descendants of Matthew Cushing, who came to
America in 1638. By James S. Cushing. Montreal, The Per-
rault printing co., 1905.
508, Ixx p. front, (coat of arms in color) lllus. (coiits of arms) pi.,
ports. 20"".
164G 6-32460 CS71.C985 1905
. . . Three Wisconsin Cushings; a sketch of the lives of
Howard B.. Alonzo H. and William B. Cushing, children of a
pioneer family of Waukesha County, by Thcron AVilber Haight
. . . [Madison] Wisconsin history commission, 1910.
xlv, 109 p. front, ports., facslms. 23i'". (Wisconsin history com-
mission: Orlclnnl papers, no. 3)
" Twenty-flve hundred copies printed."
1647 10-11480 F576.W6a vol. 3
Cushman. A historical and biographical genealogy of the Cushmans:
the descendants of Kobert Cushman, the Puritan, from the year
1617 to IS'jo . . . Boston, Little, Brown and company, 1855.
xiii, ini-COf), [1] p. front., ports. 24^".
By Henry Wyles Cusbuian.
1048 9-8313t CS71.C986 1855
The proceedings at the Cushman celebration, at Plymouth,
August lo, 1855, in commemoration of the embarkation of the
Plymouth pilgrims from Southampton, England; together with
an account of the services at the giave of Elder Thomas Cush-
man, August 16, 1855. Bo.ston, J. M. Hewes, printer, 1855.
viii p., 1 1., 131-76 p. 23j"".
Prepared for publication by Nathaniel B. Shurtlefl and Henry W. Cush-
1649 9-9752t CS71.C986 1855a
Proceedings at the consecration of the Cushman monument
at Plymouth. September 16, 1858: including the discourse and
poem delivered on that occasion, together with a list of contribu-
tors to the monument. Boston, Little, Brown & co., 1859.
viii p., 1 1.. [31-76 p. 23^"'.
Prepared by Nathaniel B. Shurtleff and Henry W. Cushman for the
Cushman monument association.
1650 14-4045 CS71.C986 1859
See also Small. CS71.S636 1910
Oust. Kecords of the Cast family of Pinchbeck, Stamford, and
Belton in Lincolnshire. 1479-1700. Comp. by Lady Elizabeth
Cust. London, Mitchell & Hughes, 1898.
viii p., 1 1., 520 p. illus., plates (coats of arms) facsims. 20}"".
1650a 1-18081 CS439.C9 1898
Relations and pedigrees, or in other words, our contempo-
rary kith and kin, and our deceased forbears. By Robert
Needham Cust, ll. d. Hertford, Printed by S. Austin and sons,
26, [1] p. pi. 21"".
1651 17-27690 CS21.C8
Records of the Cu.st family. Series ii. The Brownlows of
Belton. 15.''0-1779. Comp. by Lady Elizabeth Cust. London,
Mitchell Hughes and Clarke, 1909.
4 p. 1., 379 p. plates (1 ool.) coat of arms. 291"".
.^ildondii to First scries of the Cust records; The Ousts of Cnckncy and
Ilucknal : p. 377-370.
1652 17-21455 CS439.C9 1909
Custer. Old family records, comp. by Milo Custer, no. 1^. Bloom-
ington, 111. [1911]-1914.
4 V. ports. 22i x 18J"°.
No. 1-3 have title: Some old family records. Type-written text.
No. 4 has cover-title only.
Relates principally to families of McLean County, Illinois.
1653 15-20670 F547.M16C91
The Custer families. By Milo Custer. Blooniington, 111.,
cover-title, 2 p. 1., 3-22 p. plates, ports., facslm. 23'".
1654 12-22682 CS71.C987 1912
Custis. See also Harrison. CS71.H32 I9l0a
Cutcliffe. See also Mervyn. CS437.D4D8
Cathbert. The Cuthberts, barons of Castle Hill, and their descend-
ants in South Carolina and Georgia; by J. G. B. Bulloch ...
[n. p.] 1908.
100 p. pi. 23i'°.
1655 8-15707 CS71C988 1908
See also 'B.s.htTihs.va. CS71.H114 1901
Cutler. A genealogical record of several families bearing the name
of Cutler: in the United States. By Rev. Abner Morse, a. m.
Boston, S. G. Drake, 1867.
2 p. 1., 80 p. 25J'".
Edited after the author's death by Henry R. Danforth.
1656 17-30084 CS71.C989 1867
A Cutler memorial and genealogical history, containing the
-,Q1. names of a large proportion of the Cutlers in the United States
[^* and Canada, and a record of many individual members of the
family, with an account also of other families allied to the Cut-
lers by marriage. Comp. by Nahum S. Cutler . . . Greenfield,
Ma.ss., Press of E. A. Hall & co., 1889.
4 p. 1., l91-66.'>, [7] p. front., ports. 231'".
Seven pages at end left blank for " family record."
1657 9-8315t CS71.C989 1889
Cutler genealogy. 1606-1807. By Ephraim Mower . . .
[Worcester] 1897.
20 p. fold, geneal. tab. 241'".
Caption title.
1658 »-8314t CS71.C989 1897
See aha Douglas CS71.D734 1879
Cntter. A history of the Cutter family of New England. The com-
pilation of the late Dr. Benjamin Cutter . . . Rev. and enl. by
William Kichard Cutter . , . Boston, Printed by D. Clapp &
son, 1871.
xi, 303. [1] p. front, (coat of nrnis) illus., ports. 23}"".
16.59 9-8490 CS71.C99 1871
— Supplement. 1871-1875. Boston, Printed by D.
Clapp & son, 1875.
l?.6r>l-132 p. lllu-s. 23r". [Ili7/i Ids History of the Cutter family of
New England. 1871. Copy 2]
1660 9-8491 CS71.C99 1871 copy 2
Leonard R. Cutter. In memoriam. July 1, 182o-July 13,
1894. Boston, Priv. print., 1898.
4 p. 1., 301 p. front., plates, ports., geneal. tab. 2.'5}'°.
Comp. by Mrs. Agnes Elizabeth (Cutter) Bigelow.
1661 16-23277 CS71.C99 1898
Cutts. Genealogy of the Cutts family in America. Comp. by Cecil
Hampden Cutts Howard . . . Albany, N. Y., J. Munsell's sons,
658 p. front, pi., ports., facsim. 21J x 18J'°.
1662 9-9754t CS71.C991 1892
Cuyler. The earliest Cuylers in Holland and America and some of
their descendants. Researches establishing a line from Tyde-
man Cuyler of Hasselt, 1456; by Maud Churchill Nicoll . . .
New York, T. A. Wright, printer and publisher, 1912.
viii, 69 p. front., plates, ports., facsims., col. coat of arms. 26}'".
1663 12-23781 CS71.C998 1912
Dabney. Sketch of the Dabneys of Virginia, with some of their fam-
ily records. Collected and arranged by William H. Dabney . . .
" Chicago. Press of S. D. Childs & co., 1888.
197, [91 p. Incl. front, (port.) 26'°.
Frontispiece Is a mounted photograph.
1664 g-S.WSt CS71.D114 1888
A southern planter. By Susan Dabney Smedes . . . 7th
ed. New York, J. Pott & co., 1899.
342 p. facsim. lf)i"".
Introduction : Genealogical.
10G5 ,S-27176 F213.D126
Dade, nenealogical memoranda relating to the family of Dade, of
Suffolk . . . London. Mitchell and Hughes. 1888."
2 p. I.. .'".2 p. front, illus. (coat of arms) 32i'°.
Privately printed. 50 copies.
1006 17-15267 CS439.D2
See also Glassell. F225.H41
Ji&ggett. See Doggett.
Daingerfleld. See also Willis. CS71.W73 1898
Daland. See also Driver. CS71.D782 1889
Dale. See also Goodchild. CS439.G575'
Dallas. Dallas, of Cantray and Saint Martin's, Scotland. Dallas —
Yorke, Walmsgate, county Lincoln, England, representing Dal-
las, of that ilk. and Cantray and Saint Martin's. Dallas, of
Philadelphia, state of Pennsylvania, United States of North
America, representing the American family, founded by Alex-
ander James, son of Eobert. [n. p., 1877]
19 p. 21'°.
Comp. by Alexnnder James Dallas.
1667 9-^.507t CS71.D145 1877
Dalmahoy. The family of Dalmahoy of Dalmahoy, Ratho, county
of Edinburgh. [London, Printed by C. W. Reynell, 1870]
55 p. 25'".
Privately printed.
Comp. by Thomas Falconer.
1668 17-23036 CS479.D3
Dalrymple. Memoir of Sir James Dalrymple, first viscount Stair,
president of the Court of session in Scotland and author of the
" Institutions of the law of Scotland." A study in the history
of Scotland and Scotch law during the seventeenth century, by
JE. J. G. Mackay . . . Edinburgh, Edmonston and Doiiglas,
xix, [1], .S20 p. 2.r°.
1669 6-401.31 DA804.1.S7M2
Annals and correspondence of the Viscount and the first and
second earls of Stair; by John Murray Graham. Edinburgh
and London, W. Blackwood and sons, 1875.
2 V. illus., 2 col. pi., 4 poit. (incl. fronts.) facsims. 22*"".
1670 4-2243 DA804.1.S7G7
The name of Dalrymple : with the genealogy of one branch
of the family in the United States. Hy W. H. Dalrymple.
Haverhill, Mass., Printed by the author, 1878.
56 p. ler".
1671 3-54 CS71.D151 1878
See also Seton. DA803.2.S4S4
Dalton. The Dalton and Batcheller pedigree. Communicated to
Q . the N. E. historical and genealogical register for October, 1873,
' ^7^'' by William H. Whitmore, a. m. . . . [Boston, 1873]
"^j 6 p. 24r'"-
^' Cuptiou title.
1672 9-8506t CS71.D152 1873
Dalton. A Christmas eve family story. Boston [Riverside press]
29, ri] p. map. 23}"".
Signed : C. P. [t. c. Charles Henry Dalton]
A plan of Ho.ston from actual survey by Osgood Carleton, 1796: map.
1673 18-11607 CS71.D152 1005
Dame. Some descendants of Deacon John Dam of Dover, N. H.,
_q.O^ 1633. I5y John Scales, a. m. Boston, Press of D. Clapp & son.
' .\o^ 14 p. 24*'"
Reprintoil from the New England historical and genealogical register
for July and October, 1911.
1674 17-19211 CS71.D158 1911
Damon. Damon memorial ; or, Notices of three Damon families, who
came from old England to New England in the xviith century.
By Samuel Chenery Damon . . . Honolulu, II. I. [Printed
for A. F. Damon and the author] 1882.
xli, 148, [41 p. incl. front, (port.) iUus., coats of arms. 21 J'".
Contains also hriof genealogies of allied families.
" Sources of inf(U'ination " : p. 7.
Frontispiece is a mounted photograph.
1675 4-8086 CS71.D163 188!i
Genealogj' of the Philadelphia branch of the Damon family
of Massachusetts. Philadelphia, 1896.
39 p., 1 1. front, (col. coat of arms) 2.5i'".
A supplement to p. 2.") is added as p. 40 on verso of leaf Inserted at end.
The ancestry and descendants of .\lbert Forster Damon ; by A. H.
Wharton and Anne H. Cresson.
1676 12-14285 CS71.B163 1896
Damon memorial. To the descendants of eleven Damon
families, who were children of Samuel Damon, who came from
Scituate, Mas.sachu.si'tts, to Springfield. X'ermont. in 1793. this
Aolume is most affectionately dedicated. By Brazil Monroe
Damon. Ypsilanti. Mich., 1897.
60 p. front., illus., plates. 29'".
1C77 4-223.54 CS71.Die3 1807
Dana. Memoranda of some of the descendants of Richard Dana.
Conip. hy Rev. John Jay Dana . . . Boston, Printed by W. H.
Chandler & co., 18G5.
64 p. 25'".
1G78 9-8505t CS71.D17 1805
See nho Hyde. CS71.H993 1904
Van Rensselaer. CS69.S7
Danc6. See aUo Espenet. CS439.E82
Dancy. 5'*'^ also Major. C§7l.M232 1915
Dandridge. See also Junkin. CS71.J95 1908
Pocahontas. CS71.R747 1887
Selden. CS71.S45 I9li
Dane. A declaration of remarkable providences in the course of my
a C>^ life. By Jolin Dane of Ipswich. 1682. To which is added a
^^4T pedigree of the Dane family, and a few notes. By a member of
the New England historic-genealogical society [John Ward
Dean] . . . Boston, S. G. Drake, 1854.
16 p. geneal. tab. 22*""".
Prepared for the N. E. H. and G. register.
1679 9-8504t CS71.D176 1854
Danford. -See aZw Sabin. CS71.S116 1904
Danforth. Report of the 5th-6th meeting of the Danforth family in
America . . . 1886, 1893. Boston, G. E. Littlefield, 1886-1893.
2 V. 23"".
Descendants of Nicholas Danforth, 1589-1638.
1680 9-8497t CS71.D18 1886-1893
Notes concerning the military service of the Danforth family
of Massachusetts . . . [Boston, 1891]
13 1. in ms. 25J'".
Copied from the Revolutionary rolls in the Massachusetts state archives.
By Almon Danforth Hodges.
1681 CS71.D18 1891 Office
Danforth genealogy. Nicholas Danforth, of Framlingham,
England, and Cambridge, N. E. (1589-1638) and William Dan-
forth, of Newbury, Mass. (1G40-1721) and their descendants.
Comp. by John Joseph May . . . Boston, C. H. Pope, 1902.
xvl, 476 p. front., pi., port., facsim. 24'".
1682 3-5G00 CS71.D18 1902
See aho Jones. F74.N2J7
Daniels. The Daniell family. A genealogy of Robert Daniell and
some of his descendants. By Moses (jrant Daniell, a. m. . . .
Ozf-(^^ Boston, Printed for private distribution [Press of D. Clapp &
-vlff^ son] 1874.
\|, 3 > iv, (5]-19. [1] p. 25r°.
" One hundred copies."
" Roprinte*! from the New-Encland historical and genenloslcnl replster
for April, 1874, with preface and appendix."
1663 8-^96t CS71.D18t3 1874
Daniels. Notes on a Franklin branch of the Daniell, or Daniels fam-
ily. By Geo. F. Daniels. Oxford. Mass., 1897.
t 62 p. 19'".
16S4 5-6448 CS71.D186 1897
See also Glassell. F225.H41
Montague. CS71.M759 1886
Saunders. CS71.S256 1897
Dantzler. A genealogical record of the Dantzler family, from 1739
to the present time. By Rev. D. D. Dantzler. Orangeburg,
S. C, R. L. Berry, 1899.
52 p. 22'^'".
1685 Dec 14, 99-16 CS71.D195 1899
Danvers. See also Davers.
Darbee. See also Kimh&\l. CS71.K49 1913
Darby. Genealogy of the Darby family. George Darby, 1726-1788
of Montgomery Co., Md. Data for this work gathered in 1912,
1913, and 1914. Ed. by R. C. Darby . . . [Atlanta, Ga., 1914]
1 p. 1., 172 p. fold, map, fold, faesiiii. 20°".
16S6 14-17830 CS71.D214 1914
See also Derby.
Smith. CS439.S6 1878a
Wilson. CS439.W55 1890
Darby-Coventry. The family of Darby-Coventry of Greenlands. Hen-
ley-on-Thames, with some notes by S. G. J'ell . . . London,
Priv. print, at the Leadenhall press, 1892.
vUi, 126 p. fold, geneal. tab. 23"".
1C87 19-8H73 CS439.D23
Darling. Memorial to my honored kindred, by Charles W. Darling.
Utica, N. Y. [Press of Fierstine & Gifford] 1888.
109, [2] p. from.. 1)1., ports., facslni., pi'neal. tab. 26°'°.
" For private distribution."
Added t.-p. : In nu'iiioriam. Kev. Charles Chauncey Darling, his wife
Adeline Eliza Darling, their son IClisha Colt Darlin;;. A tribute of
1688 9-S502t CS71.r)22 1888
A portion of the Darling genealogy. [By] John Henry
Darling . . . Diduth. Minn., 1892.
blu*"-prhit sheet. 19 x 28"".
16i>9 4-24204 CS71.D22 1892
Darling. The Darling family in America; being an account of the
founders and first colonial families, an official list of the heads
of families of the name Darling, resident in the United States
in 1790, and a bibliography. New York, W. M. Clemens, 1913.
31 p. 22}"".
Bibliography : p. 29-31.
1690 13-12500 CS71.D22 1913
See also Clark. csTi.ce 1896
Darlington. Sesqui-centennial gathering of the clan Darlington: at
the residence of Brinton Darlington, in East Bradford, Chester
County, Pennsylvania, on the 20fh of August, 1853 . . . [Lan-
caster, Pa., E. C. Darlington] 1853.
52 p. geneal. tab. 22"".
Printed by request of the tribe.
"Appendix: exhibiting a classified list of the descendants (as far as
ascertained) of Abraham Darlington and Elizabeth HlUborn " : p. 24-52.
1691 3-3S33 CS71.D221 1853
Genealogy of the Darlington family. A record of the
descendants of Abraham Darlington of Birmingham, Chester
CO., Penna., and of some other families of the name; comp. and
ed. by Gilbert Cope. Printed by the committee for the family.
West Chester, Pa. [New York, Press of the Manufacturers' and
publishers' printing company] 1900.
693 p. 1 pi. 24r"'.
Imprint covered by label of .loel Munsell's sons, Albany, N. Y.
1692 2-24598 CS71.D221 1900
Darrow. See also Blackman. CS71.B639 1894
Dart. Dart genealogy. By William C. Sharpe . . . Seymour,
Conn., Record steam print, 1888.
16 p. 2r".
Descendants of Uichard Dart, d. 1724.
1693 9-8503t* CS71.D226 1888
See also Barber. DA690.L982C6
Darwin. The descent of Darwin from a mayor of Hull. By Su
Albert K. Kollit. {In Wildridge, Thomas Tindall. North-
umbria . . . London, H. Gray, 1888. 2^"°. p. 138-140)
1694 DA670.N8W7
Pedigree of the family of Darwin. Comp. by H. Farnham
Burke . . . Privately printed ... [n. p.] 1888.
23 p. (goneal. tables) illus., 2 port (iucU front.) coats of arras,
facslms. 30"".
Frontispiece : mounted photo.
An edition of 60 copies printed.
1695 12-31711 CS439.D25
114883°— 19 20
Darwin. Emma Darwin, a century of family letters. 1792-1896, si
by her daughter Henrietta Litchfield . . • London, J. Murray,
2 V. fronts., plates, ports., geneal. tables. 22i"°.
Vol. 2 contains letters of Charles Roliert Darwin.
1696 I.T-ISTOS CT788.D25L5
Dary. Lewis Dary of Norton, Massachusetts, and some of his de-
scendants. By George Allen Dary. [Boston] Priv. print. [D.
Clapp & son] 1903.
25 p. 25'".
1697 4-27259 CS71.D229 1903
Daunt. Some account of the family of Daunt. By John Daunt.
[Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Printed by J. M. Carr, 1881]
34 p. front, (coats of arms) mounted port. 2Si"".
Owlpen manor house and church (mounted phot.) : p. 10.
1698 16-0134 CS499.D3
Davenport. A history and genealogy of the Davenport family, in
England and America, from a. d. 1086 to 18.50 . . . By A.
Benedict Davenport, (of the twenty-fourth generatioh) . . .
New York, S. W. Benedict, 1851.
vil p., 1 1., [111-308 (). front, (port.) plates. 10}"".
Comp. and prepared from Ormerod's History of the county of Chester ;
collections from the Harleian mss. ; parochial and town records in England
and America, etc., etc.
1699 9-8495t CS71.D247 1851
• A supplement to The history and gencalog}' of the Daven-
"i:)ort family, in England and America, from a. d. 1086-1850 . . .
Pub. in 1851; and continued to 1876. By Amzi Benedict Daven-
port, (of the twenty-fourth generation.) . . . Stamford, Conn.,
Printed for the family [W. W. (Jillespie & co., steam printers]
2 p. 1., siv p., 2 1., [191-432, [2] p. front., plates, phot, ports. 20°".
Comp. and prepared from Ormerod's History oi the county of Chester;
collection.s from (he Harleian mss.; Sta(e paper ollice. London; parocliial
and town re<'ords; local histories in Kngland and America, etc.. etc.
1700 &-S4'J4t CS71.D247 1876
Davers. See also Rushbrook. CS436.RS5
Davey. See also Colburn. CT275.C675R7
David. See also Davis.
Davidson. The Davidson family, fn. p., 188-?]
4 1. 2!5J'"".
Caption title.
'l701 6-20514 CS71.D252 188-
SaTidson. The ancestry of Randall Thomas Davidson, d. d. (arch-
bishop of Canterbury) A chapter in Scottish biography, by
the Kev. Adam Philip . . . London, E. Stock, 1903.
4 p. I., 30 p., 1 1. plates, 2 port. (Incl. front) 24°".
liOlii 19-4066 BX5199.D25P5
See also Alexander. F264.H8A3
Sinclair. CS71.S615 1879
Davies. See Davis.
Davis. A biographical sketch of the Kev. Thomas Davies, a. m.,
mis.sionary of the Society for propagating the gospel in foreign
parts, in several of the towns of Litchfield County, Conn., from
tho year 1761 to the year 1766. By a minister of the county.
New Haven, Printed by Stanley & Chapin, 1843.
59 p. 18"".
By Solomon G. Hitchcock.
Contains genealogical notes.
1702 7-41875
The Davis familv record. Ed. bv Chas. H. S. Davis, m. d.
A monthly journal devoted to the history and genealogy of the
Davis family, v. 1, no. 1, 4-8. Meriden, Conn. [Neo Eboro-
copoli, typis " Guttenberg press "] 1867-68.
6 no. In 1 V. 23J"".
No. 5. A history of the Pavis family, of Maryland. By Rev. Thomas
J. Davis . . . No. 6. The Davlses of Acton, Mass. [Communicated by
Miss Caroline Whitwell . . .] No. 7-8. The Davlses of Guilford, Conn.
[Cominuiiicnted by Dr. Alvan Talcott]
No. 2 and 3 out of print
1703 CA 9-2570 CS71.D26 1867-1868
Dolor Davis: a sketch of his life with a record of his earlier
descendants, by Horace Davis. [Cambridge, The Kiverside
press] 1881.
46, [2] p. 22}'°.
I'rlrited for private distribution.
" Sources of Information ": p. [.SOI
Appended : Dolor Davis. Additions and corrections. 1S97. 2 p.
1704 • 5-14690 CS71.D26 1881
Samuel Davis, of Oxford, Mass., and Joseph Davis, of Dud-
ley, Mass., and their descendants . . . [By] George L. Davis,
compiler and publisher. North Andover, Ma.ss., G. L. Davis,
vii, [1], 010 p. 24'".
Editor's preface signed: Georso F. Daniels.
1705 9-8501t CS71.D26 1884
Davis. Reminiscences of Gustavus Fellowes Davis, d. d., pastor
First Baptist church, Hartford, Conn., fifty years ago. By
Wilder Smith. Printed for private distribution. Hartford,
Conn., Press of the Case, Lockwood & Brainard company, 1884.
167 p. front, (port.) 25"".
"Appendix. Fauiily genealogies": p. [163]-167.
1706 15-6390
— History of the Davis family. Being an account of the de-
scendants of John Davis, a native of England, who died in East
Hampton, Long Island, in 1705. With notices of . . . families
connected . . . Brought down to 1886-7. New York, T. A.
Wright, 1888.
' 1 p. I., 197 p., 1 1. front., pi., port. 23i'°.
By Albert Henry Davis.
1707 1-18208 CS71.D26 1888
• A sketch of the military career of Captain John Daves of
the North Carolina continental line of the army of the revolu-
tion; together with some facts of local and family history; by
his grandson, Major Graham Daves . . . Baltimore, Press of
the Friedenwald co., 1892.
16 p. front, (port.) 23i"".
1708 4-26191t E263.N6D18
• Davies memoir; a genealogical and biographical monograph
on the family and descendants of John Davies of Litchfield,
Connecticut. By Henry Eugene Davies. [n. p.] Priv. print.,
1 p. 1., 138 p. pi. 28 X 23°°.
1709 9-8500t CS71.D26 1895
Ancestry of John Davis, governor and U. S. senator and
Eliza Bancroft, his wife, both of Worcester, Massachusetts.
Comp. by Hoiace Davis. San Francisco, Cal., 1897.
94 p. front., illus., ports., charts. 24°".
1710 9-8499t CS71.D26 1897
• Origin and history of the name of Davis, with biographies
of all the most noted persons of that name. And an accoiuit of
the origin of surnames and forenames. Togetffer with over five
hundred Christian names of men and women and their signifi-
cance. The Crescent family record . . . Chicago, 111., Ameri-
can publishers' association, 1902.
5 p. I., Iv, :«-112. [14] p., 1 1. front., Illus. 2.S°".
" Formj for 'Crescent family records '": 14 p. at end.
1711 18-15854 CS71.D26 1902
Davis. Side lights of Maryland history : the Davis family and coat
of arms. [Washington, Press of W. F. Roberts co., 1904?]
13 p. front, (coat of arms) 24'".
" Reprinted from the Baltimore Sun of July 17, 1904."
Comp. by Mrs. Hester Dorsey Richardson.
1712 8-3C843t CS71.D26 1904
Ancestral chart. Davis [family] [Boston, 1905]
blue print. 7Ci x Qai"" fold, to 38i x 22""'.
The ancestry and descendants of William Davis, jr. of Roxbury and
Boston, 1801-1865. By Joseph Gardner Bartlett.
ins CA 5-2422 CS71.D26 1905
■ Genealogy of .Jefferson Davis; address delivered October 9,
1908, before Lee camp, no. i. Confederate veterans, Richmond,
Va., by William H. Whitsitt . . . [Richmond, Everett Waddy
CO., printers] 1908.
cover-title, 16 p. 23"".
1714 9-2125 E467.1.D26W6
Three generations of Northboro Davises, 1781-1894, by John
Davis Estabrook . . . Westboro, Mass., Printed by the Chrono-
type printing company, 1908.
2 p. 1., 84 p. lUus. (incl. ports., faesim.) 23"°.
1715 9-16908 CS71.B26 1908
Genealogy of Jefferson Davis and of Samuel Davies, by
William H. Whitsitt . . . New York and Washington, The
Neale publishing company, 1910.
65 p., 1 1. 19'".
171G 11-530 CS71.D26 1910
Genealogj' of the descendants of Col. John Davis of Oxford,
Conn., (formerly a part of Derbj', Conn.) together with a par-
tial genealogy of his ancestors in the United States, also bio-
graphical sketches and portraits of some of his descendants and
other matters of interest, collected, arranged and comp. by his
great grand son. Gen. T. Davis. New Rochelle, N. Y., 1910.
338 p. front., illus., plates, ports., faesim. 22i'".
1717 11-23,303 CS71.D26 1910a
One line of descendants from Dolar Davis and Richard
Everett. <Including numerous marriage connections> Comp.
by Mrs. William Sumner Crosby . . . Boston, Press of G. H.
Ellis CO., 1911.
50 p. front, (port) 24"".
1718 U-31905 CS71.D26 1911
Davis. The Davis family ; a history of the descendants of William
Davis, and his wife Mary Means, by Thomas Kirby Davis . . .
Norwood, Mass., Imprinted for the family, by the Plimpton
press [1912]
X, 248 p. front., plates, gorts. 22'".
1719 16-2757 CS71.D26 1912
See also Barrett.
CS71.C6 1005a
CS71.C8 1875
CS71.C893 1912
CS71.H114 1901
CS439.S4 1909
CS71.W434 1883
Davison. Life of AA^illiam Davison, secretary of state and privy coun-
sellor to Queen Elizabeth. By Nicholas Harris Nicolas . . .
London, J. Nichols & son, 1823.
vii, [1], 355, [1] p. 4 facsim. (incl. front.) geneaL tab. 22"".
1720 4-24728 DA358.D2N6
Genealogy of the Davison family. Part first. Descendants
of Nicholas Davison, for the first, second and third generations.
Written by Gideon M. Davison . . . Rock Rapids, la., A. H.
Davison, 1887.
8 p. 20'".
1721 9-8498t CS71.D261 1887
Dawes. William Dawes, and his ride with Paul Revere. An essay
read before the New England historic genealogical society on
June 7, A. D. 1876; to which is appended a genealogy of the
Dawes family. By Henry W. Holland . . . Boston, J. Wilson
and son [printers] 1878.
1 p. 1., v-viii. 128 p. pi. (2 mounted views) 11 port. (Incl. front.)
fold. Konoal. tab. 22 x ISJ"".
One huiiilrpd copie.s priviUcly printed for the author.
Title vignette: Arms of Havvos.
1722 0-9375t CS71.D269 1878
Dawson. A collection of family records, with biographical sketches
and other memoranda of various families and individuals bear-
ing the name Dawson, or allied to families of that name. Comp.
by Charles C. Dawson . . . Albany, N. Y., J. Munsell, 1874.
vill, 572 p. front, pi., ports. 24*''"'.
1723 9-93731 CS71.D272 1874
Dawson. A record of the descendants of Robert Dawson, of East
Haven, Conn., including Barnes, Bates, Beecher, Bi.ssell, Cala-
wa}' . . . and numerous other families, with many bi<){»raphical
and genealogical notes concerning the same. Conip. by Charles
•C. Dawson . . . Albany, N. Y., J. Munsell, 1874.
2 p. 1., 115 p. front., ports. 23}'°".
The following record forms part of his " Collection of family reo-
ord.s . . ." 1S74.
1724 9-9374t CS71.D272 1874a
The history of the Dawson family of Farlington and Xortli
Ferrib}', York, of Ackworth Park and O.-^godby hall, in the
county of York, of Grej'stock, Cumberland, of Arborfield house,
Berkshire, and of Philadelphia, United States of America, by
P. H. Ditchfield . . . London, Printed for private circulation
by G. Allen & company, ltd. [191-?]
vll. 54, [2] p. front., ports. 22^".
Based mainly on family papers and letters carefully preserved by Mrs.
Anna Miiria (Dawson) Jackson, the mother of Mrs. Hargrenves of .\rl)or-
field hall, Berkshire, at whose request this account of her ancestral family
was written.
"Roper Dawson and the American branch of the Dawson family":
p. [20]-«).
1725 17-23915 CS439.D27
See aJso Milward. CS439.M53
Day. A genealogical register of the descendants in the male line of
Robert Day, of Hartford, Conn., who died in the year 1048.
New Haven, Printed by AV. Storer, jun., 1840.
Iv, 151-14 p. 23'"'.
Comp. by George Edward Day.
1726 9-0.372t CS71.D273 1840
A genealogical register of the descendants in the male line
of Robert Day, of Hartford, Conn., who died in the year 1G48.
2d ed. Northampton, Printed by J. & L. Metcalf, 1S48.
129 p. 23''"'.
Preface signed : Oeorge E. Day.
1727 9-9371t CS71.r273 1848
Confirmation of arms to Richard Day. m. d., Robert Day,
and Rev. William Tottenham Day, m. a., 1875. [London? 1875]
1 1. illus. (coat of arms) 28*'"'.
Signed : .1. Bernard Burke.
1728 9-18144t CS439.D3
Some chronicles of the Day family, comp. by E. D. P. [i. e.
Ellen Day Putnam] Cambridge, Printed at the Rivei-side press,
4 p. 1.. 154 p. front., plates, ports.(part mounted photos.) 23"".
Half-title: Chronicles, 1750-18.50. .
1729 ■ 15-3553 CS71.D273 1893
Day. The family of the Rev. Jeremiah Day of New Preston to
January 1. 1900; a penealofrical appendix to The chronicles of
the Day family. [New Haven, The Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor
CO.] 1900.
43 p. 22}'".
Corup. by Thomas Day Seymour.
1730 1.5-1356 CS71.D273 1900
The descendants of Anthony Day of Gloucester. Mass.. 1G45,
by John Alphonso Day. Albany, N. Y., J. Munsell's sons, 1902.
11 p. 23"".
1731 2-2.5700 CS71.D273 1902
Brief history of the Day house, prepared by Winthrop S.
Bagg. 190.5. [West Springfield, Mass.] Ramapogue historical
society [1905]
IG p. illus. 12} X iO"". .
Ou cover : The old Day house huilt 17.54. Property of the Ramapogue
historical society of West Sprinsliel'l, Massachusetts.
1732 13-11848 F74.S8B16
John C. F. S. Day: his forbears and himself. A biograph-
ical study by one of his sons. With introductions by His Emi-
nence Francis Aidan cardinal Gasquet, o. s. b., and Sir Robert.
Bannatyne Finlaj', k. c, m. p. London, Heath, Cranton ltd.,
2.32 p. front., ports. 22'"".
Tlie HartsiiKks of Holland : p. 36-49.
1733 17-15321 CT788.I537D3
See also Loomis. CS71.L863 1880
Dayton. Genealogical story (Dayton and Tomlinson) told by Laura
Dayton Fessenden. Cooperstown, N. Y., Crist, Scott & Parshall,
5 p. 1., 220 p. front., pi., port. 2r™.
Blank leaves inserted.
1734 2-2.5437 CS71.D276 1902
Deacon. The descent of the family of Deacon of Elstowe and Lon-
don, with some genealogical, biographical and topographical
notes, and sketches of allied families including Reynes of Clif-
ton, and Meres of Kirton. By Edward Deacon . . . Bridge-
port, Conn., 1898.
3 p. 1., [xil-xxvl, 304 p. incl. front., Illus. plates (Incl. coats of arms)
ports., maps, fncslms., penenl. tahles. 25i"".
Half-title: Deacon of Elstowe and IvOndon, and allied families.
1736 9-9370t CS71.D278 1898
Deacon. Eecords of the family of Deacon of Kettering and London,
with notices of allied families. Comp. by Catherine A. Deacon.
(For private circulation only) . . . London, Mitchell and
Hughes, 1899.
vi p., 1 1., 44 p. lllus., 5 fold. KPneal. tab. 20"".
Appendix : 3 1., numb. [45]-47, inserted at end.
1736 12-31035 CS439.D35
See also "Siesii. CS71.K284 1907
Dean. Brief memoirs of John and Walter Deane, two of the first
settlers of Taunton, Mass., and of the early generations of their
descendants . . . By AVilliam Reed Deane, assisted by others.
Boston, Coolidge & Wiley, 1849.
16 p. front., port., facslm., geneal. tab., coat of arms. 24"".
1737 3-3814 CS71.D28 1849
Pedigree of Deane. Comp. by a member of the New Eng-
Qi^'P'^ land historic-genealogical society. [Boston, 1855]
-VU^ '^ cenoal. tub. 23 x 30"" fold, to 2.SJ x 1.5'".
\i'«j,'1^ Reprinted from the New Eng. hist, and geneal. register, vol. 9, 1855, p. 93.
1738 1-10282 CS71.D28 1855
■ The life of Richard Deane, major-general and general-at-
sea in the service of the commonwealth, and one of the com-
missioners of the High court of justice appointed for the trial
of King Charles the First. By John Bathurst Dekne . . .
London, ^iongmans. Green, and company, 1870.
xii, 71S p. pi.. 3 port. < incl. fri>iit.) fold. tab. 23"".
" His family and origin " : p. 47-75.
1739 4-33490 DA407.D2D2
The life, experiences and incidents of Rev. Gardner Dean,
written by himself, together with genealogies of the Gardner,
Dean and Hinds families, by Ebcnezer W. Peirce. New Bed-
ford, Mass., P. Howland, jr. [^883]
2 p. 1., Iv, 307 p. front, (port.) 20'°.
Genealogies: p. [135]-307.
i740 13-17707 CS71.D28 1883
Descendants of Thomas Deane, of Massachu.setts and New
^ard Dean . . . Boston, Mass., Priv.
o qC? Hampshire. By Jolm AVa:
^ a^ print. [D. Clapp & son] 188
Reprinted from the New Eng. hist, and geneal. register for Jnly, 18.S3,
with additions,
1741 2-12087 CS71.D28 1883a
Dean. Biographical sketch of John G. Deaiie, and brief mention
of his connection with the northeastern boundary of Maine,
copied by permission from the records of the Maine state his-
torical society ; also, nieniorandii about members of the family,
old residents of the city of Ellsworth, Maine, &c. Prepared by,
and printed for, his son, Llewellyn Deane, June, 1885, for pri-
vate use. Washington, D. C. R. Beresford, printer, 1887.
70 p. fold. map. 24'"'.
1742 13-18324 E398.D28
A genealogy of the descendants of James Dean, one of the
first settlers of Oakham, Mass., by Gardner Milton Dean. Bos-
ton. Press of T. W. Ripley, 1889..
29 p. 27"".
Blank pages at end for " Family record."
1743 17-31802 CS71.D28 1889
Wills of William Deane and William Cogan. Communi-
London, England. [Boston,
Q ^jU cated by William Dean, esq., of
^T^M 1897]
<^^ j^\ 4 p. 24'".
\ 0 -
nJ • Caption title.
" RepriptiHl from the New-England historical and genealogical register
for Oct., 1897."
1744 5-27496 CS439.D4
The book of Dene, Deane, Adeane. A genealogical history.
By Mary Deane. London, E. Stock, 1899.
X p., 1 I., 142. [2] p. iucl. front., illus. geneal. tab., pi. (coats of arms)
26i"". •
Edited ami compiled from notes collected by Mr. J. Biithurst Deane.
1745 13-22734 CS439.D4 1899
Genealogy of Isaac Dean of Grafton, N. H., fourth in
descent from John Dean of Taunton ; ed. by Josiah H. Drum-
mond and published by George W. Dean. Portland, Smith &
Sale, printers. 1902.
35 p. 24'"'.
1746 2-17G92 CS71.D28 1902
Genealogy of the Dean family descended from Ezra Dean,
of Plainfield, Conn, and Cranston, R. I., preceded by a reprint
of the article on James and Walter Dean, of Taunton, Mass.,
and early generations of their descendants, found in volume 3,
New England historical and genealogical register, 1849. Comp.
by Arthur D. Dean . . . Scranton, Pa., Printed for the author
by F. H. Gerlock & cc. 1903.
vl, 149 p. pi., ports. 24"".
1747 8-24614 CS71.D28 1903
Dean. See also Clark. CS71.C6 I905a
Hill. CS71.H647 1907
Spooner. CS71.S763 1883
Strowbridge. CS71.S926 1901
Todd. CS71.T634 1897
Dearborn. The Dearborns; a discourse commemorative of the
eightieth anniversary of the occupation of Fort Dearborn, and
the first settlement at Chicago; read before the Chicago his-
torical society, Tuesday, Dec. 18, 1883, by Daniel Goodwin, jr.
With remarks of Hons. John Wentvvorth, J. Young Scammon,
E. B. Washburne, and I. N. Arnold. Chicago, Fergus printing
company, 1884.
C p. 1., l7]-5(j p. frout, ports. 23"". (Added t.-p.: Chicjigo historical
society's proceedings . . .)
1748 9-9369t CS71.D285 1884
The Dearborns of Hampton, N. H. Descendants of God-
frey Dearborn of Exeter and Hampton. From History of
Hampton, N. H., by Joseph Dow. Salem, Mass., The Salem
press publishing and printing co., 1893.
16 p. pi. 2iV"'.
1749 9-9368t CS71.D285 1893
Dearman. See also Smith. CS439.S6 I878a
De Beelen. See aho Gazzam. CS71.G291 1894
De Benneville. See also Keim. CS71.K27 1899
De Blois. . . . The De Blois family, by .\rthur Wentworth Hamil-
Q a o4^ ton Eaton . . . [Boston] 1913.
-l-lLl^ cover-title, 15, ri] p. 2!)'". (Old Boston families, no. 1)
I 'A Reprinted from the New England liistoricul auU genealogical register
'\- \ for .January, 1913.
" De Blois : additions," Inserted at end.
1750 13-127C9 CS71.D287 1913
Debonnaire. See also Elers. DA68.12.E2A2
De Bohun. Notes on the architecture and history of Caldicot castle,
Monmouthshire, by Octavins Morgan, esq. . . . and Thomas
Wakeman, esq. Newport [Monmouthshire, Eng.] Printed for
the Caerleon antiquarian association, by H. Mullock [pref.
45 p. front. (pl:in) 12 pi., gencal. tab, 2.S'".
Genealogy of the De Bohun family, p. 8-15.
1751 2-29228 DA690.C15M8
De Boteville. See Botfield.
De Braose. The family of De Braose, 1066-1326. By Dudley George
Gary Elwes, f. s. a. Exeter, W. Pollard, printer, 1883.
2 p. 1.. 57 p. 24i'-.
1752 14-16646 CS439.D42
De Camp. Record of the descendants of Ezekiel and Mary Baker
De Camp, of Butler County. Ohio. Ed. by James M. De
Camp . . . Cincinnati, O.. Printed by the Western Methodist
book concern, 1896.
177 p. front., plates, ports. 234'".
17.-3 11-21012 CS71.D29 1896
De Camp cenealog}'. Laurent De Camp, of New Utrecht,
X. y., 1664. and his descendants. Comp. by George Austin
Morrison. Albany, N. Y., J. Munsell's sons, 1900.
77 p. 31"^"°.
1754 1-10279 CS71.D29 1900
De Carpentier. Sec Carpentier.
De Castorer. See Castor.
De Dautscher. See Dutcher.
De Duister. See Dutcher.
De Duyscher. Sec Dutcher.
De Duyster. See Dutcher.
De Duytcher. See Dutcher.
Dee. A genealogical account of some of the families derived from
Bedo Dee. (in The history of Merchant-tuylor's school . . .
By the Rev. H. B. Wilson . . . London, 1814. 28="". p. 1165-
1755 . LF795.M6W5
De Eskelby. See Exelby.
Deey. See also Spedding. CS439.S74
De Ferrars. Records of stirring times, based upon unpublished docu-
ments from 1726-1822, by the authoress of " Old days in diplo-
macy," ed. by M. Montgomery-Campliell . . . Lt)nilon, W.
Heinemann, 1908.
xii, .S23 p. 13 port. (Ind. front.) fncslni.. fold, genoul. tab. 22}'°.
(Genealogical table of the De Kernirg family.
Dedication signed : C. A. .\. Dl.sbrowe.
1750 18-21510 DA505.D6
De Forest. The De Forests of Avesnes (and of New Netherland) a
Huguenot thread in American colonial history, 1494 to the pres-
ent time, with 3 heraldic illustrations. By John William De
Forest. New Haven, Conn., The Tattle, Morehouse & Taylor co.,
xvill p., 1 L, 288 p. front., pi. (part col.) 21"".
1757 Feb. 21, 1901-54 CS71.D315 1900
A Walloon family in America ; Lockwood de Forest and his
forbears 1500-1848, by Mrs. Robert W. de Forest; together with
A voyage to Guiana, being the Journal of Jesse de Forest and
his colonists 1623-1625 . . . Boston and New York, Houghton
Mifflin company, 1914.
2 V. fronts., lllus., plates (1 fold.) ports., maps (part double) plana,
facslms. (1 double) 25'".
Maps on lining-papers.
" This edition consists of six hundred copies."
" Journal du voyage faict par les peres de families enuoyes par M" les
dlrecteurs de la Compagnee des Indes occidentales po«r visiter la coste
de Gujane " : v. 2, p. lSS-[279] Text in French and English on opposite
pages. The original manuscript is in the British museum as " Sloane ms.
Bibliography: v. 2, p. 36.5-[3721
1758 14-22574 CS71.D315 1914
De Graaf. See also Eepalje. CS69.H7
De Groot. See also Eobinson. CS71.R66 1894
De Guerin. See 6u6riii.
De Haven. History of the De Haven family, by Howard De Haven
Eoss . . . Privately printed and illustrated. Philadelphia,
Press of Smith & Salmon, 1894.
27, [2] p. front., plates, port., fold, geneal. tab. 18'°.
Descendants of Peter De Haven. 1C,SG-1"C8.
1759 , 9-9367t CS71.D322 1894
History of the De Haven family, by Howard De Haven
Ross ... 3d ed. de luxe, rev. and illustrated. Wilmington,
Pel., Press of H. A. Roop, 1914.
32 p. front, plates, ports., fold, geneal. tab. 18'".
Contents. — pt. i. The Jacob De Haven revolutionary loan. — pt. ii. The
De Haven history and genealogy.
1760 14-20672 CS71.D322 1914
De Hennezel. See Henzey.
De Kay. The book of the children of De Kay, " by their generations,
after their families, by the house of their fathers, according to
the number of tlitir names." L'omp. from various authentic
sources by James Ellsworth De Kay. Syosset, Oyster Bay, L. I.,
1 p. 1., 130 1. 26"",
Additioii-s and corrt^tions in ms. bj Major General A. W. fireely.
17G1 CS71.D332 1838 Office
De Kruyft. See also Lawson.
De Labeaume. See also Bingham.
CS71.L425 1903
CS71.B628 1898
Delamater. Genealogy of descendants of Claude Le Maitrc (Dela-
mater.) Who came from France via Holland and settled at
New Xetherlands, now New York, in 1652 . . . By La Fayette
De La Mater, Albany, J. Munsell's sons, 1882.
16 p., 1 1., 1171-229 p. 23r'".
1762 9-9366t CS71.D336 1882
De Lancaster. De Lancaster. By the Rev. Frederick W. Ragg . . .
{In Cumberland & Westmorland antitjuarian c*i archaiological
society. Transactions. Koiidal. 1910. 23"" new ser., vol. x, p.
395-491, illus., pi., 3 fold, geneal, tab.)
17G3 DA670.C89C8 n.s.,vol.X
De Lancey. See also Repalje. CS69.H7
Delaney. See also Wetherill.
CS71.W54 1902
Delano. The genealogy, history, and alliances of the American house
of Delano, 1021 to 1S99, comp. by Major Joel Andrew Dl-Uuio,
with the history and heraldry of the maison de Franchimont and
de Lannoy to Delano. 1096 to 1021. and the royal ancestry of
Lannoy from Guelph, prince of the Scyrri, to Philippe de Lan-
noy, 476 A. D. to 1021 . . . arranged by M. Delano de Lan-
noy .. . New York, 1899.
2 p. I., 5G1 p. col. front., plates, fold, ceneal. tab. 25"".
1704 Jan. 18, 1900-36 CS71.D337 1899
Delany. See Delaney.
CS71.H994 1909
Delaplaine. See also Hyder.
De Lodbroke. Ladbroke and its owners. By S. H. A. H. [/. e. Syden-
ham Henry Augustus Hervey]. With 10 portraits and map.
Bury St. Edmunds, Paul & Mathew, 1914.
1 p. I., v-xvi. 3!)S p. Illus., poits., fold. map. 22}"".
Contains histories of the r>i> Lodbroke, Catesby, Throckmorton, Dudley."
Palmer and Skrlnisher families.
17G.") 19-4735 DA690.L17H4
DeLomagrne. See also QMeiin. CS439.G89 1890
Delves. Records of an old Cheshire family ; a history of the lords of
the manors of Delves near Uttoxeter in the county of Stafford
& Doddington in the county of Chester, by Sir Delves L.
Broughton, bart. . . . London. A. Fairbairns & company,
limited, 1908.
xvl, 109, [1] p. front., illus., [ilutes, ports., maps, plans, facsiui.,
mounted col. coats of iirms. fSJ"".
Title vifrnette (coat of arms)
*' Of this edition 110 copies have been printed, of which 50 only are for
sale. This Is no. 00."
" Pedigree of Broughton of Broughton " : p. 95.
• The greater part of the honk has hcen taken from Sir William Dugdale's
" Delvesiana." cf. Foreword.
17G6 • 9-27940 CS439.D45
Demarest. The Huguenots on the Hackensack. A paper read before
tlie Huguenot society of America in . . . New York . . . ISS.5;
before the New Jersey historical society, at Trenton . . . 1886;
before the New Brunswick historical club . . . 1886, and
in . . . Schraalenberg, X. J., 1886. By Rev. David D.
Demarest . . . New Brunswick, N. J., The Daily Fredonian
steam printing house, 1886.
24 p. 27J""-
" The first three generations of the Pes Marest family In this country " :
p. 21-22.
1767 1-15030 F145.H8D3
-Sec aho Anderson. CS71.A55 1910
Demere. See also 'Eaheisham. CS71.H114 1901
Deming. Genealog}' of the de.'^cendants of John Deming of Wethers-
field, Connecticut, with historical notes. Comp. and ed. by
Judson Keith Deming . . . Dubuque, la., Press of Mathis-Mets
CO., 1904.
vUl. (MM p. front., plates, ports. 24'".
"First edition, limited to 300 copies."
17(i8 6-20564 CS71.D381 1904
The Deming family, by S. V. Talcott. Rearranged and
published by Martin & Allardyce. New York city, Martin &
Allardyce, 1912.
cover-title, 8 p. 19r"".
1769 12-22806 CS71.D381 1912
Deaison. A record of the descendants of Capt. George Denison, of
Stonington, Conn. With notices of his father and brothers, and
some account of other Denisons who settled in America in the
colony times. Prepareil by John Denison Baldwin and William
Clift. Worcester, Printed by Tyler & Seagrave, 1881.
423, [1] p. ports. 24"".
1770 9-9365t CS71.D39e 1881
Denison. Dcnison memorial: Ipswicli, Mass., September 20, 1882,
two hundrcdtli anniversary of the death of Major-General
Daniel Denihon. Biographical sketch, by Prof. D. D. Slade.
Historical sketch, by Augustine Caldwell. [Ipswich] Printed
by the request of the Denison memorial committee [1882]
52 p. 231"°.
• 1771 1-11448 F74.I6D3
A record of the descendants of Samuel Denison, late of
Floyd, Oneida Co., N. Y., with notices of his ancestry, com-
mencing with William Denison, who came to America in 1631,
and settled in Roxbury, Mass. Prepared by George Burlingame
Denison . . . [New York, ^884]
72 p. front., ports. IGJ"".
Largely borrowed from Messrs. Baldwin and Cliffs Genealogy of the
Denison family.
1772 9-93G4t CS71.D396 1884
,■ aV
— Autobiography of Major-General Daniel Denison . . . hy
Daniel Denison Slade. Boston, Press of D. Clapp & son, 1892.
9 p. lllus. (coat of arms) 24"".
" Reprintrd from the New-EnKl;ind historical and genealogical register
for .\pril, 1892."
18-369 CS71.D396 1892
— Descendants of William Denison in line of Palmer and
Denison family to children of James and Sarah (Carew) Shel-
don, [n. p. 1904]
hlue-print sheet. 42 x 55J"°.
By James Sheldon, jr.
1774 5-13230t
CS71.D396 1904
The Dennison family of North Y''armouth and Frecport,
Maine, descended from George Dennison, 1G99-1747 of Annis-
quam, Mass. Abner Dennison and descendants comp. by Grace
M. Rogers, Freeport, Me. David Dennison and descendants,
with an account of the early Denisons and other data; comp. and
pub. by A. L. DennLson. Exeter, N. H., The News-letter press,
148 p. front., 3 pi., 5 p(irt. 33"".
1775 8-323 CS71.D396 1906
See also Chesebrough. CS71.C524 1903
Hughes. CS71.H892 1879
James. CS71.J25 I9ia
Denman. Denman family history from the earliest authentic records
down to the present time, comp. by Mrs. H. N. Harris . . .
[Glendale, Cal.] Printed at the office of the Glendale news, 1913.
4 p. 1., so p. front, (coat of arms) plates, ports. 231'".
Plates printed on both sides.
On cover: The Deuman book.
1776 14-11194 CS71.D397 1913
Denman. See also Matthew. CS71.M44 1897
Deaner. See also Hall. CS439.H24 1908
Dennis. Jesse Dennis of Sussex County, N. J., and his descendants,
with a compilation of genealogical statistics of the pioneers in
this state. By Chas. E. Stickney. Sussex (Deckertown), Wan-
tage recorder office, 1904.
76, [24] p. 16}'".
1777 16-11129 CS71.D41 1904
Denny. Genealogy of the Denny family in England and America,
descendants of John Denny of Combs, Suflfolk, England, in 1439.
Comp. and pub. by C. C. Denny. Leicester, Mass. [Worcester,
Press of C. Hamilton] 1886.
265, [2] p. front., ports., phot. 24'".
1778 9-9363t CS71.D412 1886
See also Reichner. CS71.R34 1918
De Normandie. See also Normandie. CS599.N6
De Northwood. The parish church of St. Andrew's, Shalford: its
associations with families whose coats of arms are on the font
and shields in the East window as described by the Essex archae-
ological society, with further details of the ancient families of
the De Northwoods, De Valence, De Vere, Mortimer, Fitz Wal-
ter, Fitz Barnard, and other families in connection with the
same. Comp. by Florence F. Law . . . Illustrations by Mrs.
A. J. Law. [Colchester, Wiles and son, " Trinity printing
works," 1898]
66 p. front., lllus., plates (part col.) 25i'".
1779 12-20001 CS437.S17L3
DeNottbeck. See also Toii^. CS71.T634 1867
Denslow. See also Hodge. CS71.H688 1900
Densmore. See Dinsmore.
Denton. A history of the ancient chapel of Denton, in Manchester
parish; including sketches of the townships of Denton and
Haughton, for the convenience of which hamlets the chapel was
original!}' erected; together with notices of the more ancient
local families, and particulars relating to the descent of their
estates. By the Rev. John Booker . . . [Manchester] Printed
for the Chetham society, 1855.
vl p., 1 1., 146 p., 1 1. iiicl. geneal. tables, front, 2 pi. 2.S x 18'". (Chet-
hani mlBcellanies. v. 2 [no. 4])
In Kenialns. historii-al & literary, connected with the paliitlne counties
of I.«nca.ster and Chester, pub. by the Chetham society, vol. xxxvii.
1780 18-0257 DA670.L19C5 vol.37
114883°— 19 21
Denton. Denton family notes. Beverley, London, Folkestone and
Chicago. Eeprinted from " Yorkshire notes and queries," Au-
gust, 1908, Bradford, Yorkshire. England. [Chicago, 1908]
3 p. 25™.
Conip. by Eugene Fairfield McPike.
1781 9-3047 CS71.D415 1908
See also Mead. CS71.M48 1917
Depew. Chronology and ancestry of Chauncey M. Depew; with
fifty-four other affiliated families of New York, New Jersey
and New England ; an appendix on the Hegeman ancestry with
twenty-five other affiliated families, comp. by William A. Earde-
ley, M. A. New York, 1918.
xxsiv p., 1 1., 267 p. front., pi., ports., coat of arras. 28"°.
" Authorities consulted " : p. 261-267.
1782 18-18.514 CS71.D417 1918
De Peyster. De Peystei- and Watts. [By J. Watts De Peyster. Ti-
voli, 1854]
xvlii, 249 p. 24i"".
Binder's title.
Introduction, xviii p. 1st caption Htle: De Peyster (de Pe.vster) nnrt
Watt.s (Watt). Genealogica! reference.
Edition destroyed except a few copies. The author considered it rather
as proof sheets of a larger work which he hoped to bring out later.
1783 CA 11-2188 CS71.D419 18.54
St. Paul's church. Red Hook, Duchess County, New York
. . . Rose Hill ... De Peyster family ... By " Anchor "
(*J. W. de P.* /. c John Watts De Peyster) New York, C. H.
Ludwig, printer, 1881.
SO p. incl. pi. 23''"'.
CJover-title : Ix)cal memorials relating to the De Peyster and Watts and
afliliated families, connected with Red Hook Township, Duchess Co., S.
N. Y. . . .
1784 9-8.509t CS71.D419 1881
John Watts de Peyster, by Frank Allaben . . . New York.
F. Allaben genealogical company [•^1908]
2 V. fronts., plates, ports. 20''"'. (On cover: Allaben biographical
Ancestry : v. 1, p. 11-87.
1785 8-21642 F123.D42
See aUo Bringhurst. CS71.B858 1901
Washington. CS69.WS voi.4
De Priest. See aJso Bichardson. CS71.I152 1905
De Bapalje. See also Crall. CS7I.C889 1908
Derby. Derby genealogy : a record of the descendants of John Darby
of Marblehead, Mass. Ten generations. By Webster D. Derby
. . . Keene, Darling & cc, printers [1903?]
22 p. 18J'°".
Reprinted In part from the town history of Westminster, Mass.
" Adilltions and corrections," (3 p.) Inserted.
1786 5-13209t CS71.D428 1903
Derby genealogy; being a record of the descendants of
Thomas Derby, of Stow, Massachusetts, by Viola A. Derby
Bromley. New York, The Grafton press, 1905.
141 p. plates, ports. 24J'".
"Three hundretl copies of this book have been prlntetl from type iind
the type distributed." This copy not numbered.
1787 5-32360 CS71.D428 1905
The Derbys of Salem, Massachusetts. A study of eight-
eenth century commerce carried on by a family of typical New
England merchants, by Robert E. Peabody . . . Salem, Mass.,
Essex institute, 1908.
29 p. front., plates, port. 24i'".
Sixty copies reprinted from the hislorical collections of the Essex in-
stitute, vol. XLIV.
1788 9-3510 CS71.D428 1908
Darby-Dei'by. John Darby of Marblehead, Mass., and his
de.scendants. Five generations. By Samuel Carroll Derby . , .
[Columbus, O., 1909]
1 p. 1., 7 p. 13*"°.
1789 10-231.56 CS71.D428 1909
Merchant venturers of old Salem ; a history of the commer-
cial voyages of a New England family to the Indies and else-
where in the xviii century, by Robert K. Peabody . . . Boston
and New York, Houghton Mifflin company, 1912.
5 p. 1.. 168 p., 1 1. front, plates, ports. 22^°.
1790 12-23679 HF3163.S33F4
See also BTiveT. CS71.D782 1889
Wilson. CS439.W55
Earls of. Ser Stanley.
De Rie. See also Qustin. CS71.Q982 1900
De Riemer. The De Riemer family, a. n. Ifi40 (?)-1903, by Rev.
l^ W. E. De Riemer . . . New York, Printed by T. A. Wright,
Offi^^cy • 1905.
<>\.T 47 p. incl. front, (port.) 28^'".
\/y " K<litlon of one hundred copies."
" Reprint from New Yorii geneiilofrical and biographicnl record, with
1791 &-10492 C871.D4S3 1905
Bering. Genealogical memoranda relating to the family of Dering
of Surrenden-Dering, in the parish of Pluckley, Kent, from the
records of the College of arms, with extracts from parish regis-
ters, monumental inscriptions and will abstracts. Collected by
the Rev. Francis Haslewood . . . [London, Mitchell and
Hughes, printers] 1876.
2 p. 1., 7-35, [1] p. front., lllus. (part coats of arms, facsims.) fold.
geneal. tab. 28*"°.
" Not publLshed."
1792 16-4357 CS489.D46
See also Ferrers. DA690.B16N6
De Rosset. A group of my ancestral dames of the colonial period.
By Mrs. Kate de Rosset Meares . . . Goldsboro, Nash bros.,
printers [1901?]
17 p. 23"^".
"An historical paper read before the N. C. society of Colonial dames, by
Mrs. Kate de Rosset Mearp-s president, March 14, 1901."
1793 5-453 CS71.D437 1901
Annals of the De Rosset family. Huguenot immigrants to
the province of North Carolina eurly in the eighteenth century.
Comp. from original documents by Catherine De Rosset Meares
. . . [Columbia, S. C^, Presses of the R. L. Bryan company.
91 p. col. front., plate.s, ports., coats of arms, facsim.s. .W".
1794 11-13016 CS71.D437 1906
De Eushall. See aUo Harrison. CS71.H32 1910»
Deschamps. See also Chamier. CS409.C4 1852
Des Champs de Boishebert. La famille des Champs de Boishebert,
par Pierre-Georges Roy. Levis, 1906.
40 p. incl. port., coat of arms. 23J'".
" Tlrg a 100 cxemplalres niimferotfs."
1795 15-^399 CS90.D5
BeSille. Sre aJKoYiticYmtr. CS71.B34 1918
Desmond. An olla podrida; or. Scraps, numismatic, antiquarian, and
literary. By Richard Sainthill . . . London, Printed (for
private distribution only) by Nichols and son, 1844-53.
2 V. lllus., plates (incl. ports.) tables (part fold.) facsims. (part
fold.) 25J"°.
Vol. 2 of L. C. set wanting.
1796 10-21193 CJ35.S2
Earls of. See also Fitzgerald. DA916.3.D4H3
Be Thi6try. See Tyttery.
DeTreville. See also Kabeiahsixa. CS71.H114 1901
Detrick. See aUo Coo^peT. CS71.C777 1906
Detweiler. See alto Cassel. . CS71.C344 1896
Hertzler. CS71.H576 1885
Moyer. CS71.M938 1896
De Valence. See also De Northwood. CS437.S17L3
De Valoniis. See also Maule. CS479.P3
De Veaux. Genealogy of the De Veaux family. Introducing the
numerous forms of spelling the name b}- various branches and
generations in the past eleven hundred years. By Thos. F. De
Voe . . . [New York] 1885.
1 p. ]., 302 p. illus., map. 22i"".
1797 9-8531t CS71.D489 1885
See also Bellinger. CS71.B454 i89A
De Vere. Palasogiaphia britannica; or. Discourses on antiquities in
Britain. Number if-m] • • • By William Stukeley . . . Lon-
don, Printed for R. Manby, 1743-52.
3 V. In 2. fronts., plates (part fold.) 26 x 21"".
Vol. 2 has imprint: Stamford, Printed by F. Howgrave ; v. 3: London,
Prlntetl for C. Corbet.
•' (Jeneiilogy of dame Roisia de Vere, foundress of Royston " : v. 1.
p. 12-24.
1798 17-11484 DA90.S94
. . . . Some account of the family of De Vere. the earls of
Oxford, and of Hedingham castle in Essex. By the Rev. Sev-
eme A. Ashhurst Majendie . . . London, Printed by H. T.
Smith &son [1904?]
103, vlil p. Incl. plates. Illus., 2 pi. (1 fold.) genesil. tab. •IXY".
2d etlitlon, much enl. and rewritten.
"The parish church of St. Nicholas, Castle Hedingham, by Mr. Lewis .\.
Majendie " : p. [99]-103.
1799 15-20214 CS439.D48
See also De Northwood. CS437.S17L3
Deverenx. Lives and letters of the Devereux, earls of Essex, in the
reigns of Elizabeth, James i., and Charles i. 1540-1646. By the
Honorable Walter Bourchier Devereux . . . I^ondon, J. Mur-
ray, 1853.
2 V. Illus., 2 pi., 3 port. (incl. fronl.s.) 21i'".
1800 4-35455 DA358.E7D4
Devereux. An account of the Anglo-Norman family of Devereux, of
Balinagir, county Wexford. By Gabriel O'C. Redmond . . .
Dublin, Office of " The Irish builder," 1891.
1 p. 1., 22 p. 2.r"'.
Reprinted from "The Irish builder."
1801 13-15129 CS499.D5
Devonshire, Dukes of. See Cavendish. DA301.1.C4G8
Devotion. . . . The Devotion family of Rrookline. By Susan Vin-
ing Griggs. [Brookline, Mass., 1898J
[351-46 p. 2 1)1. 21}°"' (Brookline historical publication sodetj.
Publications [v. 2] no. 14)
Caption title.
1802 4-.')730 F74.B9B8
The Devotion family. Conip. by Walter K. Watkins . . .
(hi Brookline hi.storical .society. Proceedings. Jan. 28, 1902.
Brookline, 1902. 24i<^-". p. 15-29)
1803 F74.B9B83
Sec also 'Kinz. CS71.K53 1897a
Dewees. The Dewees family; genealogical data, biographical facts
and historical information collected by Mrs. Philip E. La Mun-
yan ; Ellwood Roberts, editor. Norristown. Pa., W. H. Roberts,
294 p. pi.. 24 port. (incl. front.) 23*"".
Preface siirned: P. E. L. (i. c. Philip E. Lb Munyan)
1804 6-16612 CS71.D516 1905
Dewey. Life of George Dewey, rear admiral, U. S. N. ; and Dewey
family history . . . Being an authentic historical and genea-
logical record of more than fifteen thousand persons in the
United States by the name of Dewey, and their de.scendants.
Life of Rear Admiral George Dewey, written and book ed. by
Adelbert M. Dewey . . . Dewey family history comp. by Louis
Marinus Dewey . . . assisted by William T. Dewey . . . and
Orville C. Dewey . . . Westfield, Mass., Dewey publishing com-
pany, 1898.
4 p. I., 5-12S, |J01]-1117 p. front., iUus.. plates (1 col. double) ports.,
map, col. coats of arms. SS'"".
Dewey family lii.'itory (p. [202]-ll]7) has special t.-p. : "Dewey gene-
alogy and family history."
1805 99-788 CS71.D519 1898
.Admiral George Dewey; a sketch of the man, by John Bar-
rett . . . New York and London, Haiper & brothers, 1899.
xll p., 1 1., 279, [1] p. front., plates, ports. 17r'"-
" Dewey jienealogy supplie<l by Mr. W. T. Dewey, of Montpeller " : p. 264.
1806 U9-15U1 E714.6.D51B2
Dewey. Our birthright of kinship with distinguished descendants
of the immigrant Thomas Dewey who settled at Windsor, Con-
necticut, in 1633, and many notable non-Dewey ancestors. Con-
taining an abstract of ancestry for the founder of this legacy.
The whole vitalized by instantaneous keys to all relation-
ships . . . Philadelphia. Pa., W. E. Dewey [■=1913]
32 p. 27 X 21'".
1807 14-2000 CS71.D519 1913a
See also ToWttt. CS71.F668 1896
Pritchard. F499.C1D5
Walbridge. CS71.W15 1898
Dewing. Descendants of Andrew Dewing of Dedham, Mass., with
notes on some English families of the name. By Benjamin
Franklin Dewing . . . Boston. Priv. print. [T. R. Marvin &
son] 1904.
via, [5]-165 p. front., ports. 24}'".
1808 5-5649 CS71.D52 1904
De Witt. The De Witt family of Ulster County, New York. By
Cfl9 5^ Thomas G. Evans . . . New York, Trow's printing and book-
X^'i/S' binding co., 1886.
\;, 18 p. 24}"".
Reprinted from the New York genealogical and biographical record
October, 1880.
1809 9-8530t CS71.D522 1886
Tjerck Classen De Witt, and some of his descendants.
Written by Rev. William Walsh. Newburgh, N. Y., 1902.
[14] p. 2V"'.
Caption title.
Det.nched from the Historical society of Newburgh Buy and the High-
lands. Historical papers, no. ix, p. ST-.TO.
1810 10-9640 CS71.D522 1902
De Wolf. Charles D'Wolf of Guadaloupe, his ances"™ and descend-
ants. Being a complete genealogy of the " Rhode Island
D'Wolfs," the descend"" of Simon De Wolf, with their common
desc"' from Balthasar de Wolf, of Lyme, Conn. (1G68) With
a biographical introduction and appendices on the Nova Scotian
de Wolfs and other allied families, with a preface by Bradford
Colt do Wolf. By Rev. Calbraith B. Perry, d. ». New York,
Press of T. A. Wright, 1902.
3 p. I., [!)]-,S24 p., 1 I. front., Illus., plates, ports. 24}'".
Title in red and black within red line border.
1811 3-3297 CS71.D524 1902
See aho Salisbury. CS71.S167 1892
Dexter. Dexter genealogy ; being a record of the families descended
from Rev. Gregory Dexter ; with notes and biographical sketches
of each parent . . . By S. C. Newman . . . Providence,
Printed by A. C. Greene, 1859.
108 p. IW.
1812 • 3-17713 CS71.D527 1850
— Dexter genealogy, 1642-1904; being a history of the descend-
ants of Richard Dexter of Maiden. Massachusetts, from the
notes of John Haven Dexter and original researches, by Orrando
Perry Dexter . . . arranged by Henry L. Mills. New York,
Press of J. J. Little & co., 1901.
279 p. col. front, (coat of arms) 20"".
1813 5-15535 CS71.D527 1904
Genealogy of the Dexter family in America ; descendants
of Thomas Dexter, together with the record of other allied,
families; compiled by William A. Warden . , . Robert L.
Dexter . . . Worcester, Mass., 1905.
353 p. front, illus., ports. 23i'°.
1814 6-34312 CS71.D527 1905
Dey. See also Treman. CS71.T789 1901
Diamond. See Dimond.
Dibble. See also Jessop. CS71.J58 1887
Dick. Curiosities of a Scots charta chest, 1600-1800, with the travels
and memoranda of Sir Alexander Dick, baronet, of Prestonfield,
Midlothian, written by himself; ed. and arranged by the
Hon""- Mrs. Atholl Forbes. Edinburgh, W. Brown, 1897.
xix, [1], 339 p. front., pi., port, facslni. 26"".
" Three hundred and ten copies of this book have been printed, of which
three hundred are for sale."
1815 2-14630 DA800.F69
• The grange of St. Giles, the Bass: and the other baronial
homes of the Dick-Lauder family ; written, and illustrated with
pen, pencil, and camera, by Mrs. J. Stewart Smith. Edinburgh,
Printed for the author by T. and A. Constable. 1898.
xxii p., 1 1.. 427, 11] p. illus., 17 pi., 5 port, liucl. front.) plan.
26} X 211"".
Title in red and black, with vignette.
1816 3-28344 DA890.E4S18
See also Cochran. CT275.C656C6
Dickenson. See Dickinson.
Dickerman. Families of Dickerman ancestry ; descendants of Thomas
Dickerman, an early settler of Dorchester, Massachusetts. Pre-
pared and pub. by Edward Dwight Dickerman and George
Sherwood Dickerman. New Haven, The Tuttle, Morehouse &
Taylor press, 1897.
vii, [1], 650 p., 1 1. geneal. tables. 25'".
1817 9-8529t CS71.D549 1897
Sickerson. See also Anderson. CS71.A55 1902
Kokcy. Genealogy of the Dickey family. By John Dickey.
Worcester, Mass., Press of F. S. Blanchard & co., 1898.
822 p. front., plates, ports. 23J'".
1818 9-8528t CS71.D55 1898
Dickey genealogy. By J. Dickey Templeton. Blooming-
ton, 111., Printed by Milo Custer, 1918.
2 fold, geneal. tab. 2ZV.
Includes a short history of the Dickey family by the Rev. James Henry
1818a 19-8779 CS71.D55 1918
>See oZso ChappelL CS71.C467 1900
Sickle. See Dickey.
Dickinson. Reunion of the Dickinson family, at Amherst, Mass.,
August 8th and 9th, 1883. With appendix. [Binghamton,
N. y.] Binghamton publishing company, 1884.
vll, 206 p. 2 pi., fold, geneal. tab., coat of arms, dlagr. 21i'".
1819 9-31064 CS71.D553 1884
To the descendants of Thomas Dickinson, son of Nathaniel
and Anna Gull Dickinson, of Wethersfield, Connecticut, and
Hadley, Massachusetts. [Chicago, W. D. Grant, stationer and
printer] 1897.
144 p. incl. col. pi. (coat of arms) chart. 28"'°.
Comp. by Frederick Dickinson.
1820 9-^527t CS71.D553 1897
The Dickinson family of Milton and Litchfield, by Anthon
Temple Gesner. 1913. Middletown, Conn., Pelton & King,
printers and bookbinders, 1913.
14 p. front. (2 port.) 23}'"-
1821 18-23633 CS71.D553 1913
/See a^«o Baskerville. CS71.B353 1917
Lyman. CS71.L986 1865
Mattoon. F74.A5M44
Newsom. CS439.N42
Thurston. CS71.T53 1909
Wilson. CS439.W55 1890
Dicks. See also Barher. CS71.B24 1890
Dickson. See Dixon.
Dientzenhofer. See Dintzenhofer.
Dieterly. See also Borneman. CS71.B736 1881
Dietrich. See also Swope. CS71.S982 1896
Dietz. 1913. A leaf from the past; Dietz, then and now; origin of
the late Robert Edwin Diotz — his business career, and some in-
teresting facts about New York, comp. by his eldest son Fred.
Dietz . . . New York, Chicago [etc.] R. E. Dietz company
2 p. 1., 194 p. front., illus. (incl. facsiuis.) col. pi., ports., col. coat of
arms. 23*"".
" These data have been compiled from the diaries and notes of the late
Robert Edwin Dietz, and certain addition.s have been made by his eldest
son, Fred Dietz." — Introd.
1822 14-342,<l F128.3.D56
Diffenderffer. Some of the descendants of John Michael Diibendorf.
1695-1778. More especially those directly descended through his
grandson David Diffenderffer, 1752-1846. By his great-great-
grandson, Frank Ried Diffenderffer. Lancaster, Pa. [Press of
the New era printing company] 1910.
28 p. front, (port.) illus. (coat of arms) map, facsim. 23}"".
Edition, 25 copies.
1823 10-18017 CS71.D569 1910
Digby. See also Salisbury. CS71.S167 1892
Dighton. The Dightons of Clifford Chambers and their descendants;
by Conway Dighton. London, E. Stock, 1902.
4 p. 1., .39, lU p. front., pt., port. 26^'" .
1824 3-9947 CS439.D5
Diller. [The Dillcr family by J. Luther Ringwalt . . . and Dr.
David Diller . . . Philadelphia, 1877]
.55, [1] p. 25"".
Title-page wantinsr?
Descendants of Caspar Dillor, b. ca. 1070.
1825 9-15600 CS71.D578 187T
See also Koiner. CS71.K8 1893
Dillingham. . . . Dillingham family. Yarmouthport, Mass., C. W.
Swift, 1911.
cover-title, (4) p. 25}'''". (Library of Cape Cod history & genealogy,
no. 95)
Comp. by Dean Dudley.
1826 12-.10947 CS71.D579 1911
Dillington. Genealogical memoranda relating to the family of Dil-
lington of Knighton, Isle of Wight. London, Mitchell and
Hughes, 1886.
8 p. illus. (coats of arms.) 28"".
Reprinted from Miscellanea gonwlogica et heraldlea. London, 18S6.
28"". vol. I, 2d ser., p. 365-367, aSO-3R2.
1826a 10-6525 CS439.D53
Dillman. See also KoustT. CS71.H84 1910
Dillon. Ancestral record of the Dillon, Hodgson, Fisher, and Leon-
ard families, arranged and comp. by Isaiah Dillon. Normal, 111.
[C. A. Burner, printer] 1909.
183 p. front, (port.) 26"".
1827 15-22434 CS71.D579 1909
See aho Brabazon. CS439.B8
Jerningham. DA536.J5A2
Lee. DA690.E5J8
Billow. On the mediaeval records leading to Dillon, Dillow and Dil-
wyn, by George Morris Dillow, A. M., M. D. [n. p., 19-?]
cover-title, 23, 6 numb. 1. 29'°.
Authorities : 6 1. at end.
Type written copy.
1828 CS439.D55
Biman. The genealogj- of the Dimond or Dimon family, of Fairfield,
Conn., together with records of the Dimon or Dymont family of
East Hampton, Long Island, and of the Dimond family of New-
Hampshire. By Edwin R. Dimond . . . Albany, N. Y., Pub.
for the comp. by J. Munsell's sons, 1891.
179 p. 25'".
1829 &-8526t CS71.D581 1891
Bimond. See Biman.
Bingwall. See also Fordyce. CS479.F7 1885
Binkins. Geneological [!]... The Dinkins and Springs families
in connection with the Kendrick, Fox, Ball, Alexander, Riddick,
Smith, Hart and others. By Captain James Dinkins. New
Orleans [Picayune job print] 1908.
23, (1] p. ports. 23'°'.
Cover: 26*"".
Title vignette.
1830 8-11768 CS71.D585 1908
Dinsmore. A golden wedding and the Dinsmore genealogy, from
about 1620 to 1865. Augusta, Pi-inted at the Maine farmer
office, 1867.
24 p. 21^".
Signed : J. Dinsmore.
Tlie golden wedding was that of Arthur and Patty Dinsmore of Anson,
Maine, Sept. 10, 1865.
1831 9-8525t CS71.D587 1867
Among the Scotch-Irish: and a tour in seven countries, in
Ireland, Wales, England, Scotland, France, Switzerland, and
Italy ; with history of Dinsmoor family . . . By Leonard Alli-
son Morrison . . . Boston, Damrell & Upham, 1891.
1 p. 1., 178, 48 p. front, (port) 21"".
Appended, 48 p. : " Historical. The earliest history and genealogy . . .
from about 1600 to 1891, of the Dinsmoor-Dinsmore family of Scotland,
Ireland, and America . . . also, statistics concerning the McKean and Bell
families ; with a poem, ' The heroes of the siege of Londonderry, Ireland,
1688-89 ' . . . Lowell, Mass., Morning Mall print, 1891."
1832 3-12623 D919.M87
Some Dinsmore genealogy ; being some of the descendants of
Capt. Abel Dinsmore, one of the earliest settlers of Conway,
Mass. Comp. by Charles C. Whitney. Printed privately.
New York, 1896.
16 p. 24"°.
1883 4-24942 CS71.D587 1896
See also Robinson. CS71.K66 I90ia
Dinwiddle. The official records of Robert Dinwiddie, lieutenant-
governor of the colony of Virginia, 1751-1758, now first printed
from the mamuscript in the collections of the Virginia historical
society, with an introduction and notes by R. A. Brock . . .
Richmond, Va., The Society, 1883-84.
2 V. front, (port.) map. facsim. 25"". (Virginia historical society.
Collections. New ser. v. 3-4)
Dinwiddle, of Germiston, near Glasgow, Scotland ; a partial genealogy.
Vol. 1, p. xxi-xxvlll.
1834 1-5714 F221.V82
Genealogical records of the Dinwiddie clan of northwestern
Indiana. T. H. Ball . . . Crown Point, Ind., J. J. Wheeler,
printer, 1902.
120 p. port. 20<'»'.
" The material lor this book lias lieen gathered almost entirely by Oscar
1885 8-3173 CS71.DS88 1902
Siodate. Mr. William Diodate (of New Haven from 1717 to 1751)
and his Italian ancestry, read before the New Haven colony
historical society, June 28, 1875, by Edward E. Salisbury.
Taken from the society's archives, by permission, for private cir-
culation, and printed, after revision, in April, 1876. [New
Haven, Printed by Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor, 1876]
2 p. 1., 4-39 numb. 1. front., fold, geueal. tab. SOi""".
Printed on one side of leaf only.
1836 CS71.D589 1876
Supplement to the Diodati genealogy, by Prof. Edward E.
Salisbury . . . [New Haven? 1878?]
^H'Y 2 numb. 1. 29i"°-
■'VlrTT Printed on one side of leaf only.
M 1 i*^ " Reprinted from the New-England historical and genealogical register
for April 1, 1878."
1837 5-24690-1 CS71.D589 1878
See also Salisbury,
Diodati. See Diodate
CS71.S167 1892
Dionne. See also Tetu.
Disney. See also Hussey.
Divine. See also Smith.
CS71.S643 1910
Dixon. Dixons of Dixon's Ford; [by William Henry Egle] with
"The soldier's tale." A story of the people of Derry in 1776.
Written by William Darby. Harisburg, Pa., Dauphin County
historical society, 1878.
21 p. 24^"°.
1838 9-30835 CS71.I>e21 1878
The border or riding clans followed by a history of the clan
Dickson and a brief account of the family of the author, B.
Homer Dixson, k. n. l. Printed originally for presentation
only and now enlarged. Albany, N. Y., J. Munsell's sons, 1889.
3 p. 1., 223 [1] p. 23™.
1839 9-19339t CS478.D6
History of Charles Dixon, one of the early English settlers
of Sackville, N. B. Comp. by James D. Dixon, a grandson.
Sackville, N. B. [Press Forest city publishing co., Rockford,
111.] 1891.
2 p. 1., 200 p. 19'".
1840 17-15787 CS71.D621 1891
Dixon. The Dickson letters; comp. and ed., by .Tame* O. CaiT . . .
Kaleigh. Edwards & Broughton, printers, 1901.
42 p. 23'".
1841 13-11875 CS71.D621 1901
See (duo Dunster.
CS71.D926 1876
CS71.H341 1899
CS71.B747 1887
CS439.S6 1878a
Dixson. See Dixon.
Doane. The Doanc family: i. Deacon John Doane, of Plymouth; ix.
Doctor John Done, of MaryUiiid; and their de.scendants. With
notes upon English families of the name . . . Comp. and pub-
lished by Alfred Alder Doane . . . Boston, A. A. Doane, 1902.
xxi, 533 p. front., illus., pi., port., facsim. 24''°'.
1842 2-21261 CS71.D63 1902
Beport of the memorial exercises in honor of Deacon John
Doane. held at Orleans and Eustham, Massachusetts, Wednes-
day, August 21, 1907. Boston, Press of D. Clapp & son, 1908.
1 p. 1., 39 p. front. 25'".
Prefatory note signed : A. A. D. i. e., Alfred Alder Doane
1843 14-10154 CS71.D63 1908
Doane reunion at Barrington Head, Nova Scotia, Canada:
memorial service at Old meeting house, Thursday, 18th July,
1912: unveiling historic tablet to Edmund Doane and Elizabeth
O^born Myrick Paine, his wife: reunion banquet, Friday, 19th
July, 1912. Truro, N. S., New.s publishing co., ltd.. 1912.
61 p. front., pi. 22"".
1844 16-2755 CS71.D63 1912
Deacon John Doane and the Doane family, by Hon.
John Doane. Yarmouthport, Mass., C. W. Swift. 1914.
cover-title, 4 p. 2r)J'". (Library of Cape Cod historj- & genealogy,
no. 51)
An account of the meeting held September 10, 1869, for the erection of a
memorial stone presiniteii by the Hon. John Doane, with the address de-
livered by Heman Doane.
1845 17-6141 CS71.D63 1914
See also Beck.
Dobbins. See also McKean.
CS71.B4373 1907
CS439.E35 1869
CS71.M154 1902
DobelL See alto Cooper.
CS71.C777 1906
Dobyns. The Dobyns-Cooper and allied families of Ballon, Bramble,
Coulter, Credit, Duval, Henry. Kemp, Larew, Lyon, Norwood,
Perry, Pierce and Taylor. By Mrs. Aurelia Anna Pierce Ballou
. . . and W. F. Cooper . . . Lansing, Mich., State printers,
31 p. 23'".
1846 9-14472 CS71.D636 1908
See alxo Cooper. CS71.C777 1906
Sodd. A family record of Daniel Dod, who settled with the colony
of Branford, 1644, where he died in 1665, and also of his de-
scendants in New Jersey. Comp. by Stephen Dodd. Printed
for the author. [New Haven] 1839.
24 p. 18'".
1847 11-30214 CS71.D639 1839
Genealogies of the male de^xendants of Daniel Dod, of Bran-
ford, Conn., a native of England. 1646 to 1863. By Bethuel
L. Dodd, M. D., and John R. Burnet . . . Newark, N. J., Printed
at the Daily advertiser office, 1864.
1 p. I., 221 p. plates, fold, ohart 231'".
1848 9-9390t CS71.D639 1864
Pedigree of the family of Dod of Cloverley, in the county of
Shropshire. Comp. by Sir William Dugdale . . . with a con-
tinuation to the year 1844. e.xtr9cted from the records of the Col-
lege of arms, by Albert W. Woods, Lancaster herald: together
with the pedigrees of the families of Dod of Edge, by Richard
St. George, Norroy, 1613; Honshawe of Lockwood, 1618; Hum-
phreys of Bodlurthan, 1660. Copied from the originals in the
possession of Whitehall Dod, esq., of Llannerch and Mrs. Parker,
of Edge. [London] 1867.
1 p. 1., 25 p. illus. (coats of amis) 26J'".
Privately printed — twenty-five copies.
Publlshod also in Miscellanea .jenculogica et heraldlca. London, 1868.
26}"". vol. I, p. 169-176, 182, 18r)-]90.
1849 18-2167 CS439.D58
Ancestors and descendants of Lewis Dodd and Elizabeth
[Baldwin] Dodd . . . Cleveland, O., C. C. Baldwin [1889?]
vlii, [3]-ll p. front, (port.) Keneal. tables. 23}'".
Partially reprinted from the Baldwin genealogy.
Comp. by Betliuel Lewis Dodd.
1850 9-9389t CS71.D639 1889
See also Backhouse. DA690.S97.R9
Dodderer. See Dotterer.
Dodderidge. See Doddridge.
Doddridge. The Dodderidges of Devon: with an account of the
Bibliotheca Doddridgiana. By the Rev. Sidney E. Dodderidge
. . . and H. G. Hastings Shaddick . . . Exeter [Eng.] W.
Pollard & CO., ltd., 1909.
4 p. 1., 63 p. col. front., plates, ports. 25"'".
1851 10-15072 CS439.D6
Doderidge. See Doddridge.
Dodge. A family gathering of the descendants of Mrs. Sarah Cleve-
land Dodge, on her eightieth birth-day. November 7, 1860.
New York, J. F. Trow, printer, 1861.
36 p. front, (port.) 15"".
1852 9-30702 CS71.D645 1861
• Dodge memorial. Historical address bv Robert Dodge of
New York cit}'. delivered at Salem, Essex Co., Massachusetts,
at Mechanic hall, Thursday July 10, 1879, before the Assembly
of the representatives of the family of Dodge, in the United
States, on the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the land-
ing of their first ancestor from England in America. [New
York? 1879]
30 p. col. pi. (coat of arms) 23J''°.
1853 9-8523t CS71.D645 1879
Early records of the Dodge family in America. Comp. by
R. R. Dodge. Sutton, Mass., R. R. Dodge, 1879.
cover-title, 1 1., 12 p. 20"°.
1854 9-8524t CS71.D645 1879a
Report, full, authentic, and complete, of all the addresses'
and proceedings of the memorable first reunion of the Dodge
family in America. By the representatives of the American
branch, at Salem, Massachusetts, on Thursday, July 10th, 1879,
being the 250th anniversary of the arrival of their ancestors
from England, and the founding of Salem. By Robert Dodge,
of New York city. For the benefit of the Genealogical fund.
New York, E. S. Dodge printing co., 1879.
53 numb. 1. Inol. col. front, col. pi. (coat of arras) 20"".
1855 9-S522t CS71.D645 1879b
Genealogical history of one branch of the Dodge family.
Comp. and pub. by Tlios. H. Dodge . . . Worcester, Press of
C. Hamilton, 1880.'
20 numb. 1. 27i"".
1856 1-3117 CS71.D645 1880
Dodge. Tristi'am Dodge and his descendants in America. With
historical and descriptive accounts of Block Island and Cow
Neck, L. I., their original settlements, by Robert Dodge . . .
New York, Press of J. J. Little & co., 1886.
XV, 233 p. 20"".
1857 9-8.521t CS71.D645 1886
■ — Memorials of William E. Dodge, comp. and ed. by D.
Stuart Dodge. New York, A. D. F. Randolph and company
ix p., 1 1., 407 p. front., pi., port. 211'°".
An issue on cheaper paper was pub. the same year with an addltioual
preliminary leaf.
1858 14-8463 HV28.D65D6
Genealogy of the Dodge family of Essex County, Mass.,
1629-1894. By Joseph Thompson Dodge . . . Madison, Wis.,
Democrat printing company, printer, 1894.
V, [3], 448 p. front., plates, ports. 23i'".
1859 CS71.D645 1894
Second part. 1629-1898 . . . Madison, Wis., Demo-
crat printing company, 1898.
449-667, [4] p. front., plates, ports. ^Si"".
Edition of 500 copies.
1860 »-8518-9t CS71.D645 1898
The Dodge lands at Cow Neck, an appendix to Robert
Dodge's History of Tristram Dodge and his descendants in
America, by Richard Desjjard Dodge. [Brooklyn, Collins &
Day, printers, 1896?]
32 p. map. 20".
1861 9-8520t CS71.D645 1896
Ancestry of Nathan Dane Dodge and of his wife Sarah
(Shepherd) Dodge, with notes, by Mary A. (Dodge) Parsons.
Salem, Mass., The Salem press, 1896.
76 p. 2 port. (Incl. front.) 24'".
Additional memoranda concerning the Slieplierd family, type-wrltteii
with ms. additions: 5 leaves inserted between p. 34 and 35.
1862 18-22771 CS71.D645 1896a
Condensed table of the Block Island branch of the Dodge
family in America . . . [Brooklyn, N. Y., 1898]
broadside. 38 x 26'". fold to 24'".
By Richard Despard Dodge.
1863 1-3166 CS71.D645 1898
114883'— 19 22
Dodge. Dodge genealogy; descendants of Tristram Dodge, by
Theron Koyal Woodward . . . Chicago, 111. [Lanward pub-
lishing CO.] 1904.
7 p. 1., 5-233, [1] p. front, lUus., pL, ports., map, coat of arms. 27J"-.
Indexes by Mrs. E. C. Woodward.
" Index of authorities " : p. 233.
1864 4-24946 CS71.D645 1904
Memorial of Joseph Dodge, by his son Martin Dodge, a.' m. ;
presented at the 36th annual reunion of the Canfield family,
June 26, 1915. Cleveland, O., 1915.
22 p. front, (port.) pi. 24"".
On cover: Dodge arms in color.
1865 15-16317 CS71.Da45 1915
See also Kendrick. CS71.K335 1894
Sandys. CS71.S22 _^ 1897
White. CS71.W585 1900
Doe. The descendants of Nicholas Doe, comp. and pub. by Elmer E.
Doe. Orleans, Vt., "=1918.
3 p. 1., [3]-375 p. incl. front., lllus., pi., ports., coats of arms. 23™.
1866 18-1232 " CS71.D648 1918
Doggett. A history of the Doggett-Daggett family, by Samuel Brad-
lee Doggett . . . Boston, Press of Rockwell and Churchill,
viii, 686 p. front., plates, ports., facsims., coat of arms. 24i"".
" Three hundred copies of this volume make up the edition, of which this
is no. 172."
1867 9-S.'>17t CS71.D654 1894
Doggett of Groton. (//( Muskett, J. J., ed. Suffolk manorial
families . . . Exeter, [Eng.] W. Pollard & co., ltd., 1900.
30i X 24i'='". vol. 1, p. 337-344)
1868 CS437.S7M8
Some antecedents, and the pcsterity of grandfather Arm-
stead Doggett, comp. by Ella M. (Doggett) Hostetler . . . Lin-
coln, Neb., The Woodruff press, 1916.
2 p. 1., [7]-70 p. 1 lllus. (coat of arms) ports. Wi'"'.
1869 16-14586 CS71.D654 1916
See also Cross. CS71.C952 1913
Doherty. See also McCullough. CS71.M1325 1913
Dolbeare. The Dolbeare.s of Boston. By Edward Doubleday Ilar-
0.6'*' ris . . . [Boston, 1893?]
^ a.4.A 4 p. 24"".
"*% ,vV ' Caption title.
^ " Reprinted from N. England historical and genealogical register for
.Tan., 1893."
1870 6-13229 CS71.D66 1893
Dolbeare. A few facts relating to the origin and history of John Dol-
beare of Boston and some of his descendants. [New Haven,
2 p. I., 3-32 p. iUus., plntes, coat of anus. 26'"
Preface signed : Arthur Diiuon Osborue.
1871 13-26803 CS71.D66 1893a
Dole. See also Tl&gg. CS7i.r574 1903
ftuimby. CS71.Q5 1906
Doll. See also Beauman. E207.B37F2
Domvile. See also Barry. CS497.S3
Donaldson. Donaldson family record, comp. by James H. Slipper.
[New York, Macgowan & Slipper, inc., 1912?]
3 p. 1., 3-50, [2] p., 3 1. plates, ports., coat of arms. 281"".
3 leaves at end left blank for " Memoranda."
1872 12-4688 CS71.D68 1912f
— ■ A genealogical record of one branch of the Donaldson fam-
ily in America, descendants of Moses Donaldson, who lived in
Huntingdon County, Penn., in 1770. Comp. by May Donaldson
McKitrick . . . Columbus, O., Press of the F. J. Heer printing
CO., 1916.
17-9753 CS71.D68 1916
CS437.C408 vol.8
CS439.E35 1869
Donnell. The Donnell family. A history and genealogy of the de-
scendants of Thomas Donnell, of Scotland. By Camilla Don-
nell, Emma A. Donnell. Greenfield. Ind., The William Mitchell
printing co., 1912.
5 p. 1., 174 p. iUus. 24"".
1874 13-21493 CS71.I>e86 1912
Donnelly. Charles Francis Donnelly; a memoir, with an account of
the hearings on a bill for the inspection of private schools in
Massacluisetts, in 1888-1889 [by] Katherine E. Conway [and]
Mabel Ward Cameron. New York, J. T. White & co., 1909.
xii, 26.'; p. pi., 2 port. (Incl. front.) facsim. 23'".
"For private distribution."
Donnelly genealogy : p. 3-9.
1875 10-170e LC112.M4C7
332 p. 24'".
See also Aldford.
See also Nelson.
Donnom. See aho Witherspoon. CS71.W826 leio
Doolittle. Abraham Doolittle, and some of his descendants. By O. P.
Allen . . . Newport, R. I., R. H. Tilley, 1893.
1 p. 1., 38 p. front., ports. 24"".
Reprinted from the Magazine of New England history.
1876 9-8.516t CS71.D69 1893
The Doolittle family in America . . . Comp. by William
Frederick Doolittle . . . Cleveland [Pre.ss of National print-
ing CO., etc.] 1901-1908.
7 V. fronts., plates, ports. 23"".
1877 i>-8510t CS71.D69 1901-
— See aho Dawson. CS71.D272 1874a
Doone. The Doones of Exmoor, by Edwin John Rawie . . . Lon-
don, T. Burleigh: [etc., etc.] 1903.
3 p. 1., (59, [1] p. 21"°.
1878 11-29177 PB4134.S3
Doremus. Genealogy of the Doremu.^ family in America : descendants
of Cornells Doremus, from Breskens and Middleburg, in Hol-
land, who emigrated to America about 1G85-6, and .settled at
Acquackanonk (now Paterson), New Jersey. By William Nel-
son. Paterson, N. J., The Press printing and publishing com-
pany, 1897.
3 p. 1., 232 p. front., plates, ports., map, facsinis. 24j'"".
"One hundred copies printed."
1879 4-6831 CS71.D695 1897
Borland. Records of the Dorland family in America ; embracing the
principal branches, Dorland, Dorlon, Dorian, Durland, Durling,
in the United States and Canada, sprung from Jan Gerretse
Dorlandt, Holland emigrant, 1652, and Lambert Janse Dor-
landt, Holland emigrant, 1663, by John Dorland Cremer. Pub.
for the family. AVashington, D. C, B. S. Adams, 1898.
xvi, ."504 p. col. front, (coat of arms) maps. 23i"°.
"Authorities consulted" : p. 295-298.
Pages 299-304 left blank for "Memoranda."
1880 98-465 CS71.D71 1898
Dormer. See aho Cottrell. CS439.C742
Dorrance. The Dorranco family in the United Stntes: a partial rec-
ord. Pub. by A. A. Dorrance . . . Coldwater, W. C. Bailey,
24 p. front., lllus., port. 22i'"".
1881 2-24651 CS71.D716 1901
Dorrance. Darrance inscriptions. Old Sterling township burying
ground, Oneco, Connecticut. [By] Emma Finney Welch, [n. p.]
24 p. 25i"".
1882 ' 9-29545 CS71.D716 1909
Dorsey. Genealogical table. (Comp. by H. R. Evans, Washington.
D. C, June, 1898) Line of descent of Ridgely. Howard, Ham-
mond, Worthington, from Edward Dorsey, Col. Henry Ridgely,
Capt. John Worthington, Col. Nicholas Gre«nberry, Matthew
Howard, and Maj.-(jpn. John Hammond. [Washington, 1898?]
geneal. tab. 5!) x J)!""' fold, to 24}"". coat of arms.
1883 1-3182 CS71.D718 1898
Doten. See aho Doty.
Dotter. See also Conkling. CS71.C752 1909
Dotterer. Tlie Dotterer familv. Bv Henry S. Dotterer . . . Phila-
delphia, 1903.
3 p. 1., [9]-164 p., 1 1. front. Oiort.) 20^'".
1884 5-33810 CS71.D724 1903
Doty. The Doty-Doten family in -Vmerica. Descendants of Edward
Doty, an emigrant by the Mayflower. 1620. Comp. by Ethan
Allen Doty . . . Brooklyn. X. Y., Pub. for the author, 1897.
1035 p. 24'°.
1885 »-«515t CS71.D725 1897
Doude. See Dowd.
Douglas. The history of the house and race of Douglas and Angus.
Written by Mr. David Hume of Godscroft . . . [3d ed.J Ed-
inburgh. Printed by T. W. and T; Ruddimans, for L. Hunter,
2 V. 16i"°.
1st edition printed at Bdlnbiirgh in 1C44 by Kvan Tyler, tlie King's
<'o.N'TENT8. — I. Containing tlu' History of the Honse of Douglas. —
n. Containing the Hl8tor^' of the Hoilm' of .Xntriis.
188(5 14-12070 DA758.3.D6H7
Synopsis dc la genealogia de la antiquissima y nobilissima
familia Brigantina o Douglas. Por Pedro Pineda . . . Ijon-
dre.s 1754.
lis, 186 p., 1 1. fold, geneal. tab. 20i"".
Added t.-p. in English ; text in Spanisli and English on opposito paces.
1887 18-23466 CS479.D6 1754
Douglas. The histor}' of the house and race of Douglas and Angus.
By David Hume, esq. . . . London [L. Hunter] printed for
Mortimer and M'Leod, Aberdeen, 1820.
xxii, 321 p. 22"".
Publisher's preface signed : L. Hunter.
This edition contains the history of the House of PoHglas only.
1888 14-7581 DA758.3.D6H7 1820
Registrum honoris de Morton; a series of ancient charters
of the earldom of Morton, with other original papers . . . Ed-
inburgh, 1853.
2 V. facslms. (1 fold.) 271"°. [Bannatyne club. Publications 94'-'l
Preface signed : C. Innes.
Printed under the direction of Thomas Thomson and Alexander Mac-
CJoNTENTs. — V. 1. Original papers. — v. 2. Ancient charters.
1889 16-23841 DA750.B2 vol.94
Pedigree of the family of Douglas of Friarshaw, now of
Springwood Park, in the county of Roxburgh. A branch of
the family of Douglas of Cavers, in the same county. July
1869. [n. p.] 1869.
geneal. tab. lllus. (coats of arms) 52 x 62"" fold, to 25i x 20"".
1890 18-20831 CS479.D6 1869
History of the family of Douglass of Tilwhilly or Til-
quhillie. [Bath, 1871?]
27 p. fold, geneal. tables, coat of arms. 221"".
Newspaper clippings, coat of arms and ms. notes Inserted.
1891 18-2158 CS479.De 1871
Drumlanrig castle and the Douglases, with the early history
and ancient remains of Durisdeer, Closeburn, and Morton. By
Craufurd Tait Ramage . . . Dumfries, J. Anderson & son;
[etc., etc.] 1876.
rxlli, 411 p. I9i'".
1892 15-10887 DA880.D88I13
A collection of family records, with biographical sketches,
and other memoranda of various families and individuals bear-
ing the name Douglas, or allied to families of that name. Comp.
and ed. by Charles IIcmh y James Douglas . . . Providence, E.
L. Freeman & co., 1879.
563 p. col. front, (coat of arms) ports. 231'".
p. (251-30 wrongly numbered (331-,S8.
" Kdition four hundred copies, of which this copy Is no. IR."
1893 9-8514 CS71.D734 1879
Douglas. The buke of the howlat. Ed, by David Donaldson, f. e. i. a.
Paisley, A. Gardner, 1882.
[lOOJ p. 1 lUus. (faesim.) 28'". {Half-title: The New club series,
[no. 6] )
Various paglngs.
100 copies issued, In two sizes, for subscribers only. " The impression
of this edition [In post 4to] ... is limited to eighty-six copies, of which
this is no. 83."
Reprint of Lalug's edition, Issued as no. 3 of the Bannatyne club publi-
cations in 1823. The editor has added variant readings from another
manuscript and a few notes.
Reprint in gothlc type ; initial, caption, etc., in colors.
With reproduction of t.-p. of the Bannatyne club ed. : The buke of the
howlat. By Holland, [illus.] Printed at Edinburgh, 1823.
Appended : An account of the Maitland club, from the Scots times, vol.
IV, no. 219, Sept. 19. 1829 (1 1., [5] p.)
Rules and lists of members of the Bannatyne club, 1823, inserted.
1894 1&-17782 PB.1992.H5B8
The Douglas book, by William Eraser . . . Edinburgh,
4 V. Illus., plates, faesims. (partly fold.) coats of arms (partly col.)
25 X 20"".
Title within ornamental border.
" One hundred and fifty copies, no. 97."
Based on the Douglas and Angiis muniments In the possession of the
Earl of Home.
CoNTKNTs. — I. Douglas raemoira — n. Angus memoirs. — iii. Charters. —
rv. Correspondence.
1895 11-21775 DA758.3.DaF7
The Douglas genealogy. The descendants of John Douglas
of Middleborough, Massachusetts, the first of this branch in
America. The Douglas nobility of Scotland ... By J.
Lufkin Douglas . . . Bath, Me., Sentinel & Times publishing
CO., 1890.
1 p. 1., v-vll, 226 p. front, (phot.) pi., ports. 23}'".
1896 1-18249 CS71.D734 1890
The family of Douglass or Douglas of Garrallan in Virginia.
[New York, 1894]
geneal. tab. 95i x 75'" fold, to 39J x 28i'"'.
Conip. by John Sergeant Wise.
1897 5-455 CS71.D734 1894
A history of the house of Douglas from the earliest times
down to the legislative union of England and Scotland, by the
Right Hon. Sir Herbert Maxwell . . . with an introduction by
W. A. Lindsay , . . London, Freemantle & co., 1902.
2 V. front., illus.. plates (partly col.) port. '-'3'".
"Principal authorities quoted " : v. 1, p. xvil-ivlU.
1898 2-18215 DA758.3.D6M3
Douglas. Lady Jean; the romance of the great Douglas cause, by
Percy P'itzgerald . . . London, T. F. Unwin. 1904.
xvi, 259, [1] p. 3 pi., 10 port. (Incl. front.) 23"".
1899 5-8756 DA814.D6F6
The manuscripts of the duke of Buccleugh and Queensberry,
preserved at Drumlaurig castle. London, Eyre & Spottiswoode.
printers, 1897-1903. 2 v, 32^x24^=° (Gt. Britain Historical
manusci'ipts commission.)
1900 DA25.M2B72 Mss.Div.
The heraldry of the Douglases; with notes on all the males
of the family, descriptions of the arms, plates and pedigrees, by
G. Harvey Johnston . . . Edinburgh and London, W. & A. K.
Johnston, limited, 1907.
X p., 1 1., [13]-96 p. front, (col. coat itf arms) viii col. pi. 26i"'.
" 150 copies of this work have been printed, of which only 125 will be
offered to the public."
1901 12-7601 CR1669.D7
— Cape May spray, by Charles Tomlin. [Philadelphia, Brad-
ley brothers, W. J. Bradley, successor, printers, 1913]
114 p. illus. (iucl. ports.) 22^".
Donpl.Ts family : p. 82-89.
■iee also Bledsoe.
CS71.C989 1897
CS71.D272 1874a
CS71.H729 1904
CS71.R747 1887
CS71.S896 1868
CS71.W818 1918
Dove. A history of the Dove family and their descendants in con-
nection with Cullercoats, Northumberland, by W. H. Hudleston.
An account of the Dove marine laboratory and its structural de-
tails, by J. J. Lish. And The history and purposes of the labo-
ratory, by Professor A. Meek. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Printed
by A. Reid & company, limited, 1910.
2 p. 1., iii-vii, 123. [1] p. front., illus.. plates, ports., fold. map. 21J°"'.
See also Keichner.
CS71.R34 1918
Dowd. The descendants of Henry Doude, who came from England
in 1639. Corap. by Rev. W. W. Dowd, a. m. Hartford, Conn.,
Press of the Case, Lockwood & Brainard company, 1885.
iv, [4], 355 p. 24r".
1904 »-8513t CS71.D745 1885
Dowdy. See also Cooper. CS71.C777 1906
Downer. The Downers of America, with genealogical record. By
David R. Downer. Newark, N. J. [Baker print, co.] 1900.
2 p. 1., 9-244 p. col. front., plates, ports. 24"'°.
1905 1-2209 CS71.D748 1900
Downing. Downing of Ipswich. {In Muskett, J. J., ed. Suffolk
manorial families . . . Exeter, [Eng.] W. Pollard & co., ltd..
1900. 30^ X 24i«". vol. 1, p. 96-99)
1906 CS437.S7M8
,-<ee also Clark. CS71.C6 1896
Dowse. The Dows or Dowse family in America : a genealogy of the
descendants of Lawrence Dows, including the genealogy of the
Masterman family, two branches of the Newman family, a
branch of the Moi"se family, and many genealogical lines of other
families. 1642-1890. Comp. by Azro Milton Dows . . .
[Lowell, Mass., Vox Populi press, S. W. Huse & co.] 1890.
xiv, 348 p. front., lUus., plates, ports. 25"".
" Whole number of copies, 1000. This is no. 51."
1907 9-8512t CS71.D752 1890
Doyle. A hundred years of conHiet: being some records of the serv-
ices of six generals of the Doyle family, 1756-1856, by Colonel
Arthur Doyle. With 11 illustrations. London, New York
[etc.] Longmans, Green and co., 1911.
is, 108 p., 1 1. front, plates, ports. 23"".
1908 12-31871 DA68.1.D7D?
Dragoo. See (dxo JoUiffe. CS71.J75 1893
Drake. Genealogical and biographical account of the family of
Drake in America. With some notices of the antiquities con-
nected with the early times of persons of the name in Eng-
land . . . ( Bo.ston] Printed at the private press of G. Coolidge,
for S. G. Drake, 1845.
1 p. 1.. vlll, [01-51 p. lllus., geneal. tab. 20i"°,
Preface signed: Saml. G. Dniko.
1909 9-9388 CS71.D76 1845
Drake. Drake of Hampton, New Hampshire. Boston, 1867.
geneal. tab. 57 x 45i°~ fold, to 20 x 16"°.
Signed : Saml. G. Drake. Boston, April, 1867.
1910 9-9387 CS71.D78 1867
• A notelet about Eichard Drake, of Esher in Surrey. By
Sir William Richard Drake . . . London, Priv. print., 1878.
2 p. 1., 8, vli p. pi., port., fold, geneal. tab. 29°°.
Slip containing "Addendum " inserted after p. 6 and p. vll respectively.
1911 S-37479 CS439.D7
Some unpublished papers relating to the family of Sir
Francis Drake, ed. by the Rev. Thomas Hervey . . . Colmer,
Printed for private circulation, 1887,
VIII, 103 p. l«}"".
" Family history and genealogy " : p. 1-14.
" The Heathcote family " : p. 77-78.
1912 CS439.D7 1887
The Drake family in England and America, 1360-1895, and
the descendants of Thomas Drake of Weymouth, Mass., 1635-
1691. By Louis Stoughton Drake. Privately printed. Boston
[D. Clapp & son, printers] 1896.
4 p. 1., xvi, 323 p. front, (coat of arms) plates, ports. 24°".
Black leaves at end.
1913 9-9386 CS71.D76 1896
The family and heirs of Sir Francis Drake, by Lady Eliott-
Drake . . . London, Smith, Elder & co., 1911.
2 V. fronts., lllu.s., plates, ports., maps, facslm., fold, geneal. tab. 24*".
1914 11-27529 DA358.D7D6
See also Boteler. CB1629.B6
Mervyn. CS437.D4D8
Pound. CS71.P876 1904
Eoss. CS71.B825 1908
Salisbury. CS71.S167 1892
Draper. An account of the silver wedding of Mr. and Mrs. F. P.
Draper, at Westford, N. Y., Friday evening, June 16, 1871. In-
cluding the historical essays on the Draper and Preston families,
read on the occasion ; and also the poem, addresses, and other
e.xercises. Albany, J. Munsell, 1871.
32 p. 25"".
1915 9-9384 CS71.D766 1871
The Drapers in America, being a history and genealogy of
those of that name and connection. By Thomas AValn-Morgan
Draper . . . New York, J. Polhemus printing company. 1892.
xll, 312 p. front., plates, ports. 25i°".
1916 9-9385 CS7 1.0766 1892
Draper. See also TKcClxiTe. CS71.M1285 1914
Stretcher. F163.S46
Drayton. See also Alno. CS419.P3
Dresser. Dresser genealogy. 1638-1913. Comp. by Mrs. Jasper
Marion Dresser . . . Pub. by Mrs. Solomon Robert Dresser . . .
Buffalo, Cleveland [etc.] The Matthews-Northrup works, 1913.
20 1. 21"".
Seven blank leaves at end for additional records.
1917 19-2011 CS71.D768 1913
See also HBLvrson. CS71.D272 1874a
Drinker. The Drinker family in America, to and including the
eighth generation. By Henry D. Biddle. Privately printed.
Philadelphia, Printed by J. B. Lippincott company, 1893.
30 p. 24'=°'.
1918 17-19199 CS71.D77 1893
Drinkwater. The Drinkwater family. [Belfast, Me., E. E. Pillsbury
print. CO., 1901]
16 p. 15i"°.
Comp. by John S. Fernald.
1919 2-12091 CS71.B78 1901
The Drinlrwater family. The ancestors and descendants of
Micajah Drinkwater of Northport, Maine, and Elizabeth Brad-
ford, his wife . . . By John S. Fernald. Vol. 1. Belfast, Me.,
G. E. Burgess, printer, 1904.
1 V. 2 coats-of-arms. 19}'™.
Contents: vol. 1. 1620-1825.
1920 CS71.D78 1904
Driver. The Driver family: a genealogical memoir of the descend-
ants of Robert and Phebe Driver, of Lymi, Mass. With an ap-
pendix containing twenty-three allied families. 1592-1887.
Comp. by a descendant, Harriet Ruth (Waters) Cooke. New
York, Printed for the author by J. Wilson and son, 1889.
XXV, 531 p. geneal. tables. 24}"°.
1921 9-9383t CS71.D782 1889
Dromgold. See also Kench. CS71.H494 1913
Drown. (Jenealogy of the family of Solomon Drowne, m. d. of
Rhode Island, with notices of his ancestors, 1G46-1S79. By
Henry T. Drowne. Providence, Providence press company,
printers, 1879.
IC p. front., ports. 251"".
Ms. letter of author Inserted.
1922 9-9382t CS71.D791 1879
Drown. See alae Eussell. CS7l.Re95 1879
Druitt. See also Mayo. CS439.M38
Drnminond. A genealogical memoir of the most noble and ancient
house of Drumraond, and of the several branches that have
sprung from it, from its first founder Maurice, to the present
family of Perth. By David Malcolm . . . Edinburgh, G.
Maxwell [etc.] 1808.
2 p. 1., [liil-xx. 254, [1] p. 18'"'.
1923 7-42049 DA758.3 D8Ma
Earldom of Perth. Case of Thomas Drummond, of New
Painshaw, near Houghton-le-Spring, in the county of Durham,
claiming the honours and estates of the earldom of Perth. New-
castle upon Tj'ne, Re-printed by Mackenzie and Dent, 1831.
.'>6 p. 22i"".
1924 13-13914 DA758.3.D8E2
Histories of noble British families with bibliographical
notices of the most distinguished individuals in each. Illus-
trated by their armorial bearings, portraits, monuments, seals,
etc. . . London, W. Pickering, 1846.
2 V. lUus., plates (partly col.) ports, (partly col.) geueal. tables, col.
coats of arms. bQ'".
Comp. by Henry Drummond.
Title vignettes ; Illuminated Initials.
Contents. — v. 1. Families of Ashburnliam, Arden, Compton, Cecil, Bar-
ley, Bruce. — v. 2. Fiiinilies of Perceval, Dunbar, Hume, Duudas, Drum-
raond, Neville.
1925 9-32041t CS419.D7
The genealogy of the most noble and ancient house of
Drumraond, bj' the Honouruble William Drummond, afterwards
first viscount of Strutliallan, 1681. Glasgow, Priv. print., 1889.
5 p. 1., [31-331 p. front, (port.) cout of arms. 27"".
Contains reproductions of the title-pages of the 1681 and 1831 editions.
"This facsimile reprint of Dr. David Laing's edition of 1831, which has
now become rare, is on ' Maitland club ' paper, and the impression lias
been limited to lOO copies. This copy no. 73."
Appendix : no. 1. Hlstorie of the famllie of Perth by WlUlnm Drum-
mond of Hawthornden . . . no. 2. Notes ou Lord Strathallau's genealogle
of the house of Drummond.
1926 14-15108 CS479.D7 1889
See aUo Chambers. F142.M7M38
Graham. DA758.3.M45F7
Drury. Line of descent from Hugh Dnny of Boston, 1640, to Edwin
Drury of Wilmelte, in 1880. [Chicago] 111.. 1880.
geneal. tab. 27J x 43"" '
1927 16-7135 CS71.D798 1880
Drnry. See alio Merivale.
Turner. CS71.T945 1852
Dubois. Record of the family of Louis Du Bois, who emigrated
from France to America, in 1660. Edition of one hundred and
fifty copies; printed for the use of the family coimection only.
[Philadelphia] Press of J. C Clark & son, 1860.
1 p. 1., [5]-76 p. fold, geneal. tab. 25i"".
Compiled by R. P. and W. E. Dubois.
1928 17-24556 CS71.D82 1860
Bi-centenary reunion of the descendants of Louis and
Jacques Du Bois (emigrants to America, 1660 and 1675), at New
Paltz, New York, 1875 . . . comp. for the family connection
. . . Philadelphia, Press of Rue & Jones, 1876.
V, 7-158 p. plates, ports., col. coats of arms, facsim. 26^"".
"Three hundred and twenty-fivp copies."
" Introductory " signed : William E. Du Bois, Patterson Du Bois.
1929 18-1 0SS5 CS71.D82 1876
Documents and genealogical chart of the family of Benja-
min Du Bois, of Catskill, New York. Being an addition to the
historj' of the descendants of Louis and Jacques Du Bois, as
given at the bicentenary reunion held at New Paltz, Ulster
County, N. Y., 1875. Comp. by Anson Du Bois, d. d., and James
G. Du Bois. New York, Press of P. Eckler, 1878.
Iv, 104 p. map. 26^"°.
1930 18-10884 CS71.D82 1878
— — See aUo Sahler. CS71.S13 1895
Sucher. See Dutcher.
Duck. Family of Duck of Heavitree, Devon. [London, 1874]
3 p. 27"".
Comp. by Frederic Thomas Colby.
Caption title.
Ileprinte<l from Miscellanea gonealogica et heraldlca, n. b., v. 1. 1874. p.
1931 9-181 46t CS439.D8
Duokett. Duchetiana; or, Historical and genealogical memoirs of
the family of Duket, from the Norman conquest to the present
time, in the counties of Lincoln, Westmoreland, Wilts, Cam-
bridge, and Buckingham, comprising the houses of (Irayrigg.
Hartham, Steeple-Morden, Ai)]esbury. and Wycombe, with the
several ancient families from whom they descend : by Sir G. F.
Duckett, bart. . . . London, J. R. Smith [etc] 1874.
2 p. 1., 426 «. e. 446) p. front., illus. (coats of arms) facslms. 29'".
Pages 13-20 revised and reprinted with six added pages Inserted as
12 • *, 18 * • • *. The cancelled pages 13-20 bound In at end.
" Appendix containing notices of the Windesore family, anterior to
Henry rv, with the Ducketts of Norfolk, Leicestershire, and Durham " : p.
[113J-366. 1875.
Letters in ms. inserted at end.
1932 17-29955 CS439.D815
Dudley. The Dudley genealogies and family records . . . By Dean
Dudley . . . Boston, The author, 1848.
. vi p., 1 1., [5]-144 p. front. 23J'".
Title vignette : coat of arms.
1933 9-9381t CS71.D85 1848
The Italian biography of Sir Robert Dudley, knt., known
in Florentine history as il duca di Nortombria, under the
diploma of Ferdinand ii., emperor of Germany, dated March 9,
1620. To which are added some biographical notices of Dame
Alice Dudley his wife, created Duchess Dudley by Charles i.,
May 23, 1645. As also of their four daughters, Alicia Douglassa,
Frances, Anne, and Catharine. [Oxford, Baxter, printer, 1858?]
2 p. 1., [iiij-v p., 1 1., 108, [1] p. lUus., pi., ports., fold, geneal. tab.
" Sir Robert Dudley's Italian or illegitimate descendants " : folded
genealogical table at end.
By Vaughan Thomas.
1934 14-21109 DA390.1.D9T5
Genealogical tables, no. 1. Dudley ancestry. Boston, 1861.
geneal. sheet, coats of arms. 92 x 73'" fold, to 33 x 23"".
Pedigree of the Dudley family in England. By Dean Dudley. .
1935 10-3916t CS439.D82
The Sutton-Dudleys of England and the Dudleys of Massa-
chusetts in New England. From the Norman conquest to the
present time. By George Adlard. New York, Printed for the
author, 1862.
6 p. 1., xvi, 1(50 p. illus., i)lates, geneal. tables. 23}'".
" Only two hundred and fifty copies printed."
1936 &-9380t CS71.D85 1862
History of the Dudley family, with genealogical tables,
pedigrees, &c. . . . By Dean Dudley . . . Wakefield, Mass.,
D. Dudley, 1886-94.
11 pt. in 1 v. front, illus., plates, ports., map, facsims., geueal. tables
(partly fold.) 24J''°.
Paged continuously : 1207 p., 1 1.
1937 9-9376t CS71.D85 1886-94
Dudley. Pedigree of the Dudley barons of Dudley, and their de-
scendants. [Wakefield, Mass., D. Dudley, 1886?]
genenl. tab. 24 x 29i"' fold, to 23i"°.
Detached from the History of the Dudley family. By Dean Dudley.
Wakefield. 1886-94.
193S 1-19651 CS439.D83
Pedigree of Dudley. [Wakefield, Mass., D. Dudley, 1887?]
genenl. tab. 24 x 23^"" fold, to 23J"'.
Detached from the History of the Dudley family. By Dean Dudley.
Wakefield, 1886-94.
1939 1-19650 CS71.D85 1887
The barons of Dudley, by H. Sydney Grazebrook. [Lon-
don, Harrison and sons, 1888]
1 p. 1., 152, xxll p. fold, geneal. tab. 24r"'- Un William Salt arch-
seologlcal society. Collections for a history of Staffordshire, vol. 9, pt. 2.
1940 DA670.S69W7 vol.0
Junior branches of the family of Sutton, alias Dudley, by
H. Sydney Grazebrook. [London, Harrison and sons, 1889]
178, xlv p. front, (fold, geneal. tab.) 23i'="'. (In William Salt
archaelogical society. Collections for a history of Staffordshire, v. 10,
[pt. II])
1941 14-11655 DA670.S69W7 vol.10
■■ Copy 2, separate. CS439.D85
■ The lst-3d annual meeting of the Governor Thomas Dud-
ley family association and 2d-4th reunion of the descendants
of Governor Thomas Dudley . . . 1893-1895. [Boston, 1894-
[Boston, 1894-1896]
3 V. fronts., plates, ports. 23i'".
Vol. 1-2 prepared and pub. by Sanford H. Dudley, Albion M. Dudley,
Dudley R. Child ; v. 3 prepared and pub. by L. EMwin Dudley, Albion M.
Dudley, Dudley R. Child.
1942 9-9377 CS71.B85 1893-95
Official report of the reunion of the descendants of Gov-
ernor Thomas Dudley. Containing an account of the pre-
liminary arrangements, business meeting, organization, recep-
tion and dinner of the Governor Thomas Dudley family asso-
ciation. Salem, Mass., Salem Observer book and job print,
103, [1] p. iront, plates 23i'-.
1943 9-9379t CS71.D85 1893
Dudley. Memorial of the reunion of the de^scendants of Governor
Thomas Dudley [at the Eevere house, Boston, Oct. 25, 1892]
Appendix. By Dean Dudley. Wakefield, Mass. [D. Dudley]
52 p. Illus. (Incl. coat of arms) pi., ports. 26'".
1944 &-9378t CS71.D85 1893a
Supplement to the history and genealogj' of the Dudley
family . . . By Dean Dudley. [Wakefield, Mass.] By the
author, 1898.
96 p. ports., facslms., geneal. tables, coats of arms. 26'".
1945 C-71 CS71.D85 1898
Second supplement to the Histoi"y of the Dudley family.
Wakefield, Mass., The author, 1901.
22 p. lUus. 2.5"".
1946 1-15039 CS71.D85 1901
See also Brackett. CS71.B79T 1917
Gamble. CS7i.Qi9i 1906
Tucker. CS71.T89 i90i
Sutton. DA690.D81T9
Diibendorf. See Diffenderffer.
Diinckel. See also Small. CS71.S636 1905
Duff. The book of the Duffs; comp. by Alistair and Henrietta Tay-
ler . . . Edinburgh, W. Brown, 1914.
2 V. fronts., Illus., ports., map, facsim., fold, geneal. tables. 26'".
Title vignette (coat of arms)
1947 15-1476 CS479.D75
Duffield. See also Gilbert. CS71.0465 1911
Dugdale. The life, diary, and correspondence of Sir William Dug-
dale, knight, sometime Garter principal king of arms. With
an appendix, containing an account of his published works, an
index to his manuscript collections, copies of manumcntal in-
scriptions to the memory of the Dugdale family, and heraldic
grants and pedigrees. Ed. by William Hamper . . . London,
Printed for Harding. Lepard, and co., 1827.
vlll, 529 p. 2 port. (incl. front) facsim., geneal. tables. 32 x 25'".
1948 4-34858 I)A3.D8H2
See also Geste.
Duke. A genealogy of the Duke-Shepherd-Van Metre family, from '
civil, mibtary, church and family records and documents, comp.
and ed. by Samuel Gordon Smj^th . . . Lancaster, Pa., Press
of the New era printing company, 1909.
ix, 445 p. col. front, (coat of arms) plates, ports., facsim. 23}'°".
1949 9-29858 CS71.D877 1909
Dumaresq. A sketch of the family of Dumaresq, to which are added
Reminiscences of James Dumaresq, and an appendix of docu-
ments. Albany, J. Munsell, 1863.
22 p., 1 1. fold, front. 23J°".
Front, (with coat of arms) : Pedigree of Dumaresq, seigneurs of La
Haute, S' Gorge, Saniares, Vincheles de Bas and des Augres, in the island
of Jersey.
Comp. by Augustus Thorudike Perkins.
1950 3-5055 CS71.D885 1863
Dummer. The first century of Dummer academy. A historical dis-
course, delivered at Newbury, Byfield parish. August 12, 1863.
With an appendix. By Nehemiah Cleaveland. Boston, Nichols
& Noyes, 1865.
4 p. 1., [51-71, xliii p. 23^"".
Dummer family, p. 5-18.
1951 7-14057t LD7501.S72D6
The family of Dummer by Col. Joseph Lemuel Chester . . .
communicated by Prof. Edward E. Salisbury . . . [Boston?
^uf(f 29 p. 25'".
I 2 5 Caption title.
^ ' From the " New-Eng. hist, and geneal. register " for July and October,
1952 1-16045 CS439.D855
Pedigree of Plydren-Dummer.
geneal. tab. 56 x SG"". fold to 34 x 23'".
A separate from Salisbury, Edward E. Family memorials . . . New
Haven, 1885.
1953 CS71.D889 1885
See also Salisbury. . CS71.S167 1885
Dumont. See also MoPike. CS71.M172 1906
Dunbar. Legends of the Dunbars, and other poems. By one of their
descendants. London, Printed by Stewart and Murray, 1854.
Ix p., 11., 347, [1] p. 26'".
Added half-title within ornamental border, and with coats of arms In
color. Line borders.
Dedication signed : *olpii Am ttaaaor,
1954 15-8274 PE4984.M8I.4
114883°— 19 23
Dunbar. Dunbar pedigree. A biographical chart tracing descent of
the Dunbar family through fourteen successive centuries, from
the early English and Scottish kings. Prepared from authentic
manuscript and printed sources in the possession of E. H. W.
Butterworth, esq., of Liverpool, by William Jaggard . , .
Stratford-on-Avon and Liverpool, At the Shakespeare press,
geneul. tab. illus., col. coat of arms. 80i i 107"" fold, to 28'".
1955 11-29749 CS479.D8
See also Drummond. CS419.D7
Salisbury. CS71.S167 1892
Sinclair. CS479.S6 1884
Washington. CS69.W5 vol.1
Duncan. The Duncan and Gibson families. [Los Angeles? Cal.,
44 p. incl. front, (port.) 19J"".
" Compiled by members of the family of Washington and Eliza Gibson
Duncan." Signed : Hugh Welch Duncan . . . Los Angeles, Cal., Dec.
Includes brief sketches of the Smith, the Andrews, and the Coe families.
1956 &-13976 CS71.D912 1905
See also Forbes. CS479.F6
Williamson. CS71.W729 1906
Duncklee. A sketch of the Duncklee family and a history of the
descendants of David Duncklee of Amherst, N. H., and of his
sister Hannah Duncklee Howe, of Milford, N. H., by Ada Me-
linda Lakin Duncklee. - Milford, N. H., J. P. Melzer. printer,
2 p. 1., [7]-251 p., 1 1., [7] p. front. 22*".
1957 17-9749 CS71.D915 1908
Dnndas. The Amiston memoirs ; three centuries of a Scottish house,
1571-1838 ; ed. from the family papers by George W. T. Omond
. . . Edinburgh, D. Douglas, 1887.
xxxvi, 388 p. illus. (Incl. plans) 4 pi., 13 ports, (incl. front.) facsim.
Title vignette.
Etchings by William Hole.
1958 3-27697 CS479.D85 1887
Dundas of Fingask; some memorials of the family, by Mrs.
Dundas, (Senior) of Carronhall. Edinburgh, D. Douglas, 1891.
xvil, 238 p. fncslm. 23"".
An eiUtion of 100 copies printed.
1959 12-15089 0S479.D85 1891
Snndas. See also Drummond. CS419.D7
Harford. CS439.H287
Seton. DA803.2S4S4
Dundonald, Earls of. See Cochran.
Bnnham. Dunham genealogy-. English and American branches of
the Dunham family. Comp. by Isaac Watson Dunlium . . .
Norwich, Conn., Bulletin print ["^1907]
5 p. 1., m-lil p., 2 1., 384 p. plntca (1 col.) ports. 24i"".
p. 365-384 blank for meiiioraiula.
1960 7-25490 CS71.D917 1907
Dunham genealogj'. Deacon John Dunham of Plymouth,
Massachusetts. 1589-1G69. And his descendants. Comp. by
Isaac Watson Dunham . . . Norwich, Conn., Bulletin print
4 p. h, 384 p. 24i'".
p. 365-384 blank for memoranda.
Also pub. under title : Dunham genealogy. English and Amerloan
branches of the Dunham family.
1961 7-2.5489 CS71.D917 1907r
Ancestors and descendants of Richard Dunham and his
wife Laura Allen, Warren, Pa. Collected by Jerry Crary,
Warren, Pa. New York, Priv. print., 1916.
94 p. 24i'".
"Authorities": p. [3]
Blank pages at end for "Additional information."
Contain.s also Wright, Burt, Deau, Holmes, Murray and Bishop
1962 17-28708 CS71.D917 1916
See also llamlin. CS71.H223 I009a
Dunlap. See also Witherspoon. CS71.W82G 1910
Dnnlevy. A genealogical history of the Dunlevy family; Don Levi,
Donlcvy, Dunlcavy, Dunlavey, Dunlevey, etc. By Gwendolyn
Dunlevy Kelley . . . [Columbus, O., The Evans printing com-
pany] 1901.
335 p., 5 1., [32] p. front, (coat of arms) port, fold, map, geneal. tab.
The 4 leaves following p. 335 are left blank for additional records.
Typewritten copy of letter from .Tudgc Francis Dunlevy, dated .April
4, 1834, to his nephew .Tames G. Dunlevy: 2 leaves inserted between p.
270 and 277.
" Issued for private distribution."
IOCS 2-27750 CS71.D92 1901
Dnnlop. Dunlop of that ilk. Memorabilia of the families of Dun-
lop, with special rcforoncc to John Dnnlop of Rosebank . . .
Doctor AVilliam Dunlop, "The Tin;er," and James Dunlop, as-
tronomer royal at Paramatta ; with the whole of the songs, and
a large selection from the poems of John Dunlop, by Ex-Bailie
Archibald Dunlop. With three portraits. Glasgow, (Printed
for subscribers) Kerr and Richardson, lijuited, 1898.
xiv p., 1 1., 150 p. front., ports. 24"".
" Five hundred ropifs printed for .subscribers."
"Bibliography of the songs and poems of John Dunlop of Rosebank":
1 1.
1964 17-29945 CS479.D87
Dunn. John Ainsworth Dunn, Gardner, Massachusetts . . . Comp.
and pub. by Rev. Seth Cboley Gary . . . Boston, Mass. [Press
of Murray and Emery company] 1908.
2 p. 1., 11-76 p. incl. lllus., pi., ports, front. 24'".
Title vignette.
1965 8-12561 CS71.D923 1908
Bunnell. The true genealogy of the Dunnel and Dwinell family
of Xew England. By Henry Gale Dunnel . . . New York, C.
B. Richardson, 1862.
84 p. 25i'='".
1966 9-9402t CS71.D924 1862
See also Wanton. F76.F52no.3
Dunning. Genealogical notes on the Dunning family in America,
Comp. and printed June 25, 1915. [Bedford? la.] 1915.
cover-title, [30] p. 22"°.
Signed : M. B. Dunning and S. Wright Dunning.
1967 18-2200 CS71.D925 1915
Dunstanville. History of the manor and ancient barony of Castle
Combe, in the county of Wilts; chiefly compiled from original
niss. and chartularies at Castle Combe. With memoirs of the
families of Dunstanvilc, Badlesmere, Tiptoft, Scrope, Fastolf,
etc. By G. Poulett Scrope . . . With map and engravings.
Printed for private circulation. [London, J. B. Nichols ^ son,
printers] 1852.
I, 403 p. col. front, (port.) illus., 3 pi. (1 col.) 29"".
" Map mentioned in title-pago is not inserted. 150 copies printed." —
1968 3-16468 DA690.C42S4
Dunster. Life of Henry Dunster, first president of Harvard college..
By Rev. Jeremiah Chaplin, d. d. Boston, J R. Osgood and com-
pany, 1872.
xlx., [1], .315 p. 18}'".
Appendix. 1. CipnealogT of tho Dunster family. Prepared by Samuel
Dunster . . . and liia son B. S. Dunster, p. 235-256.
1909 9-27095t CS71.D926 1872
Dnnster. Henry Diinster and his descendants. By Samuel Dunstcr
. . . Central Falls, R. I., E. L. Freeman & co., printers, 1876.
I, 333 p. fatsim. 20"".
1970 9-9401t CS71.D926 1876
Dnnwody. See also Baillie. CS71.316 1898
Stuart. CS71.S93 1895
Dnpuy. The Huguenot Bartholomew Dupuy and his descendants.
By Rev. B. H. Dupuy . . . Louisville, Ky., Courier-journal job
printing co., 1908.
ivi, 439, [1] p. 24"".
1971 8-11835 CS71.D945 1908
A genealogical history of the Dupuy family, by Charles
Meredith DuPuy . . . with additions by his son Herbert DuPuy.
Pliiladelphia, Printed for private circulation by J. B. Lippincott
company, 1910.
ix, fl], 165 p. col. front, (coat of arms) plates, ports, map, faesima.
(partly fold.) fold, goneal. tables. 27i"".
Contains genealogical notes of the Haskins, Richards, Evans, Richard-
son, Loockermans, Hostetter and Rickey families.
1972 10-4762 CS71.D945 1910
See also Fontaine. F221.V.82 n.s.v.5
Durdin. See also Kobertson. CS479.R6 1893
Durfee. The descendants of Thomas Durfee of Portsmouth, R. I.
By Wm. F. Reed . . . Washington, D. C, Gibson bros., print-
ers, 1902-05.
2 V. fronts., plates, ports., map. 24"°.
1973 2-22681 CS71.D958 1902-05
See also Warden. CS71.W263 1903
Dumford. Family recollections of Lieut. General Elias Walker
Durnford . . . Coinp. and ed. by his daughter, Mary Dumford.
Printed for the family only. Montreal, Printed by J. Lovell,
4 p. 1., 254 p. front, (port.) 22*'"".
Durnford pedigree : p. 2T)'l-2rA.
1974 15-22610 CT788.D85D8
Bnrrell. Outline sketch of the descendants of Nathaniel Durrell, of
Kingfield, Maine. Comp. by Harold Clarke Durrell. [Cam-
bridge, Mass.] 1910.
24 :. 14 X 25''"'.
Leaves printed on one side only.
1975 11-702 CS71.D065 1910
Durrell. Reunions of the Durrell family [lst-14th, 1896-1909] Ar-
ranged by Harold Clarke Durrell from the books of the secretary
Walter G. Durrell, of Strong, Maine. Cambridge, Mass., 1910.
16 p. 2ir°.
1976 11-703 CS71.D965 1910a
Dustin. See also Corliss. CS71.C8 1875
Duston. See also Currier. CS71.C984 1913
Dutcher. Our colonial ancestors and their descendants. Historical,
genealogical, biographical. Comp. by Henry Whittemore. Wa-
tertown, N. Y., Printed by The Hungerford-Hollbrook co., 1902.
76 p. IIIus., plates, ports. 29"".
On cover: Dutcher family.
1977 11^610 CS71.D975 1902
r- The Dutcher family, by Walter Kenneth Griffin. [New
0(h-%' York, The Society, 1910]
-^T cover-title, 68 p. 27"".
\1. "Reprinted from the New York genealogical and biographical record."
'' 1978 16-23633 CS71.D975 1910
Du Thisac. See Tyzack.
Dutton. Genealogy of (lie Dutton family of Pennsylvania, preceded
by a history of the family in England from the time of William
the Conqueror to the year 1669 ; with an appendix containing a
short account of the Duttons of Conn. Comp. by Gilbert Cope.
West Chester, Pa., Pi'inted for the author, by F. S. Hickman,
printer, 1871.
viii, [9]-112 p. phot, geneal. tables, coat of arms. 23'".
1979 9-9400t CS71.D98 1871
Memorials of the Duttons of Dutton in Cheshire; with notes
respecting the Sherborne branch of the family . . . London, H.
Sotheran & co. ; [etc., etc.] 1901.
xxvi, 296 p. front., illus., pi., phot., port., facsiui., geneal. Lab. 26'".
Added t.-p., engr.
Title in red and black.
1980 2-8834 CS439.D86
Duval. /Sec aZso Dobyns. CS71.D636 lOOS
Pocahontas. CS71.B747 1887
Duyckinck. The Duyckinck and allied families being a record of
the descendants of Evert Duyckinck who settled in New Amster-
dam, now New York, in 1638. By AVhitehead Cornell Duyckinck
and Rev. John Cornell, m. a. ... New York, T. A. Wright,
X, 236 p. col. front., ports., map. 24°*,
Edition limited to 2.')0 copies."
1 page of " Errata " inserted.
leSl 9-9265 CS71.D988 1908
Dwelly- Compendium of notes on the Dwelly family, comp. by E.
Dwelly . . . Fleet, Hants, The compiler, 1912.
1 p. 1., 54 p. Incl. Ulus. (coat of arms) geneal. tab. 22"".
"American members of the family " : p. 16-24, 40-47.
1982 15-417 CS439.D9
Dwight. The history of the descendants of John Dwight, of Ded-
ham, Mass., by Benjamin W. Dwight . . . Printed for the
author. New York, J. F. Trow & son, printers and bookbinders,
2 V. Illus. (Incl. coats of arms) ports. 24"".
Paged continuously.
1983 9-9399t CS71.D991 1874
See also 'KvLmtTeviWe. CS71.H923 1903
Van Kensselaer. CS69.S7
Dwinell. See Bunnell.
Dyar. See Dyer.
Dyckman. . . . The Dyckman house, by Bashford Dean and
Alexander McMillan Welch, honorary curators.
(In American scenic and historic preservation society. Twenty-second
annual report, 1917. Albany, 1917. 23"". app. B, p. 459-484. 4 pi., group
of ports.)
1984 18-5177 E151.A51 vol.22
Dyer. Some records of the Dyer family. Comp. by Cornelia C. Joy-
Dyer . . . Printed for private circulation. New York, T.
Whittaker, 1884.
130 p. I8r".
Coat of arms mounted on last page.
1985 9-10679t CS71.D996 1884
A preliminary genealogy of the Dyar family prepared by
Harrison Gray Dyar. Washington, D. C, Gibson bros., printers,
cover-title, 32 p. 23i'"
1986 10-6581 CS71.D996 1903
The Dyer family. Descendants of Samuel Dyer, of Albe-
marle County, Virginia, from the records of Thomas B. Dyer,
of St. Louis, Mo., by Theodore H. Price. Arranged by Charlotte
P. Price. New York, Printed by T. A. Wright, 1906.
geneal. tab. 72J x 102^° fold, to 36i x 26i'".
Printed on velluiu.
1987 12-1818 CS71.D996 1906
Dyer. Ancestry of William Dyer, "The Abington pioneer" . , .
Ed. by Dr. E. Alden Dyer. Whitman, Mass. [im]
71 1)'. 24"°.
CoNTKNTs. — Ancestry of William Dyer. Roprint from the New England
historical and genealogical register, vol. lxv, April 1911. — Organization
of the Dyer association. — Sheep.scot Farm, Newcastle, Me., and the Dyer«.
By James Sidney Allen. — Ancestry of the Dyers of Abington. By Clara
Nash Gurney. — Records of the Dyer family in Taunton. By James Edward
Seaver. — The Dyer family in Hridgewater. By Joshua Eddy Crane. —
Seven generations from William Dyer. By Clara Nash Uurney. — Appendix
(a) Depositions of John Dyer, William Dyer and Esther Roberts. —
Appendix (b) A poem for to-day, by Sir Eklward Dyer, I.'i4,>-16n7.
1988 13-12773 CS71.D996 1911
/See aZso Clark. CS71.C6 1917
Curtis. CS71.C98 1912
Mayo. CS439.M38
Small. CS71.S636 1910
Dymoke. See aho Marmion. CS439.M313 1817
Marmion. DA690.S42L8
Dyson. See aho Williams. CS84.W6
Eames. See also Ames.
Sutliff. CS71.S966 1897
Earle. The Earle family. Ealph Earlc and his descendants. Comp.
by Pliny Earle . . . Printed for the family. Worcester, Mass.,
Press of C. Hamilton, 1888.
xxiv p., 2 1., 1 171-492 p. front., ports., geneal. tab. 24}'".
1989 9-9771 CS71.E13 1888
Earle. Short biographical sketches and family history.
[Hollands? S. C] 1899.
cover-title, 8 p. 23i'".
Ms. note on t.-p. : "Privately printed by Rev. Julius Richard Earle of
Hollands, South Carolina."
Additions and corrections made In ms. throughout the book.
1990 15-5260 CS71.E13 1899
Concerning Cromwell's Lake in the town of Woodbury,
Orange County. N. Y., and the ance.stors and descendants of
Ezra Earll and his wife Mary Sabin. By Charles H. Weygant.
[n. p.] 1901.
23 p. 24'°.
1991 16-17954 CS71.E13 1901
See also "Rjogtn. CS71.B73 1905
Early. A history of the family of Early in America : being the an-
cestors and descendants of Jeremiah Early, who came from the
county of Donegal, Ireland, and settled in what is now Madison
County, Virginia, early in the eighteenth century, by Samuel
Stockwell Early. Arranged for publication by Robert Stock-
well Hatcher . . . Albany, N. Y., J. Munsell's sons, 1896.
53 p. 221 X l8i"".
1992 9-9770 CS71.E131 1898
Earnest. Indian Eve and her descendants. An Indian story of
Bedford County, Pennsylvania, by Mrs. Emma A. M. Replogle.
Huntingdon, Pa., J. L. Rupert, book and job printer, 1911.
2 p. 1., 12S p. front., illus., ports. 20^°".
1993 12-6714 CS71.E132 1911
Easterbrook. Genealogy of the Estabrook family, including the
Esterbrook and Eastei-brooifs, in the United States. By William
Estabrook . . . Ithaca, N. Y., Andrus & Church, 1891.
2 p. 1., [31--359 p. front., ports. 201'".
1994 9-9768 CS71.E133 1891
See also ¥l&gg. * CS71.F574 1903
Easterday. History of the Easterday family, by L. F. M. Easter-
day .. . [Lincoln? Neb.] '1908.
31, [1] p. 221"°.
1995 8-3503 CS71.E135 1908
Eastman. Genealogy of the Eastman family, for the first four gen-
erations. Comp. by Rev. Lucius Root Eastman . . . Re-
printed from the New England hist, and gen. register, for July,
1867. Boston, D. Clapp & son, 1867.
11 p. 241"".
199C 9-9767 CS71.E137 1867
History and genealogy of the Eastman family of America.
Containing biographical sketches and genealogies of both males
and females. Comp. by Guy S. Rix. Concord, N. H. [Press
of I. C. Evans] 1901.
2 V. front., col. plates (coats of arms) ports. 231'".
Paged continuousl3' ; v. 1 : 500 p. ; v. 2 : 501-1000 p.
1997 9-97G9 CS71.E137 1901
History and genealogy of Deacon Joseph Eastman of
Hadley, Mass., grand.son of Roger Eastman of Salisbury, Mass.,
by Guy S. Rix . . . With preface and introduction by M.
Emily Eastman . . . Westfield, Mass., M. Emily Eastman
262, 11] p. Incl. front 23'".
1998 11-5633 CS71.E137 1908
Eastman. English origin of the Eastman family. By Charles Roch-
ester Eastman. {In the Granite monthly. Concord, N. H.,
1910. 25'="". vol. xLii, no. 12, p. 391-396)
1999 " F31.G76 vol.42
Copy 2 Separate. CS71.C137 1910
See also Corliss. CS71.C8 1875
Field. CS71.F453 1877
Flagg. CS71.F574 1903
Eaton. The Dedham Eatons. from 1635 to the fifth generation. A
report read at the annual meeting of the Eaton family associa-
tion, in Boston, October 21, 1884. By Daniel C. Eaton (of the
eighth generation) New Haven, Conn., Tuttle, Morehouse &
Taylor, printers, 1884.
8 p. 26r°'.
2000 9-9766 CS71.E14 1884
Genealogical sketch of the Nova Scotia Eatons. Comp. by
Rev. Arthur Wentworth Eaton . . , Halifax, N. S., Printed at
the Morning herald office, 1885.
128 p. 24"'".
2001 1-27984 CS71.E14 1885
Report of the 5th-6th annual reunions of the Eaton family
association. New Haven, Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor, printers,
2 V. 23J"°.
2002 CS71.E14 1888
Eaton Grange, and notes of Andrews, Kimball and Eaton
family; collated by Christie L. Eaton from History of Sutton,
N. H. Concord, N. H., Republican press association, 1800.
iv, p., 1 1., 88 p. front., plates, ports. 23"".
2003 9-9765 CS71.E14 1890
Colonel William Eaton, of Granville County, North Caro-
lina. (In The Davidson college magazine. [Charlotte, N. C]
1899. 23^="'. V. 16, no. 1, p. 14-19)
Slcned : Thomas M. Owen.
Caption title.
Detached copy.
2004 2-14221 CS71.E14 1899
Families of Eaton — Sutherland, Layton — Hill, by Rev. Ar-
thur Wentworth Hamilton Eaton . . . Nen- York, Priv. print.,
20 p. 24"".
2005 6-25482 CS90.Ea
Eaton. Eaton family of Dedham, and the Powder house rock, by
John Eaton Alden . . . With genealogical data collected by
Professor Daniel Cady Eaton . . . Dedham, Mass., 1900.
67 p. front., port., facsiin. 23}"".
"Reprinted from the Dedham historical register."
2006 2-8936 CS71.E14 1900
History, genealogical and biographical, of the Eaton fami-
lies, comp. by Nellie Zada Rice Molyneux . . . Syracuse, N. Y.,
C. W. Bardeen, 1911.
782 p. front, (coat of arms) Ulus. (incl. ports.) 26'".
" Authorities for Eaton genealogy " : p. 7-11.
2007 11-24383 CS71.E14 1911
/See aZso Clark. CS71.C6 1905
O'Connor. CS71.018 1914
Walton. CS71.W24 1898
Eberhart. History of the Eberharts in Germany and the United
States from a. d. 12G5 to a. d. 1890—625 years. By Rev. Uriah
Eberhart. With an autobiographical sketch of the author, in-
cluding many reminiscences of his ministerial and army life.
[Chicago] Donohue & Henneberry, printers and binders, 1891.
Iv p., 1 1., [5]-263 p. front, (port.) 20'"'.
2008 9-9764t CS71.E16 1891
Eby. A biographical history of the Eby family, being a history of
their movements in Europe during the reformation, and of their
early settlement in America; as also much other unpublished
historical information belonging to the family. By Ezra E.
Eby. Berlin, Ont., Can., Hett & Eby, printers, 1889.
144 p. illus. 22i'"".
2009 16-7849 CS71.E185 1889
Echlin. Genealogical memoirs of the Echlin family, coiiip. from va-
rious authentic sources, with extracts from a manuscript me-
morial composed by George Crawfurd, esq., in the year 1747.
By Rev. John R. Echlin, m. a. 2d ed., rev. and enl. For pri-
vate distribution. Edinburgh, Scott &, Ferguson [1882]
XT, [i7]-72 p. 21'".
Title vignette : col. coat of arms.
2010 15-21509 CS479.E3
Echyngham. Echyngham of Echyngliam. By Spencer Hall . . .
London, Printed by G. Barclay, 1850.
vill, 21. [1] p. 2o'°.
2011 &-18142t CS439.E3
Ecroyd. See Akroyd.
Eddy. Memoir of Col. Jonathan Eddy of Eddington, Me.: with
some account of the Eddy family, and of the early settlers on
Penobscot Eiver. By Joseph W. Porter . . . Augusta [Me.]
Sprague, Owen & Na.sh, printers, 1877.
72 p., 1 1. 23^"".
2012 7-31012 E275.E21
The Eddy family tree. N[ew] Y[ork] Am. photo, litho.
CO. [1880]
geneal. tab. 56 x 42V".
Comp. by Charles Eddy.
2013 9-15604 CS71.E2 1880
■ Genealogy of the Eddy family. By Chai'les Eddy . . .
Brooklyn, N. Y., Nolan brothers, book and job printers, 1881.
180 p. im'".
2014 9-9763 CS71.E2 1881
• The Eddy family. Keunion at Providence to celebrate the
two hundred and fiftieth anniversai-y of the landing of John and
Samuel Eddy at Plymouth, Oct. 29, 1630. 2d ed. Boston,
Mass. [J. S. Gushing, printer] 1884.
304 p. front, plates, pliotds., ports., coat of arms. 22i"".
Genealogioal memoir of Rev. William Eddye a. m. . . . and his American
descendants, by Robert Henry Eddy ... : p. [731-274.
The Eddy family as related to Middleboro', Mass. Zechariah Eddy and
the Finst parish church in Middleboro'. By Rev. Francis G. Pratt : p.
2015 14-10169 CS71.E2 1884
Eden. Some historical notes on the Eden family, by the Rev. Robert
Allan Eden . . . London, Blades, East & Blades, 1007.
4 p. 1., n.T p. front, plates, ports., facsim., fold, geneal. tab. 22'".
Title vignette : coat of arms.
Blank leaves at end for " Notes or for continuations of the pedigree In
2016 15-7425 CS439.E32
Edgar. Genealogical collections concerning the Scottish house of
Edgar. With a memoir of James Edgar . . . Ed. by a com-
mittee of the Grampian club. London, Printed for the Gram-
pian club, 1873.
1 p. 1., Iv. 103 p. front, (port.) 26"".
Ed. by Andrew Edgar and Charles Rogers.
2017 4-12406 CS479.E4
■ Biographical sketches of Timothy Bloomfield Edgar and
his wife. Mary Ann Boyce Edgar. With an appendix. By
their daughter, Frances H. Edgar Rice. [St. Louis, 1804]
48 p. front., porta. 20J"".
2018 17-3561 CT275.E3R4
Edmonds. See also Converse. CS71.C766 1887
Edmonston. The genealogy of the lairds of Ednem and Duntreth,
from the year of God 1063, to the year 1699: and more particu-
larly of Duntreth, and the families that married with Duntreth,
during the said time. Glasgow, Printed by R. Sanders, 1699.
15 p. I7i"°.
A reprint.
2019 18-5037 CS479.E45 1699
Genealogical account of the family of Edmonstone of Dun-
treath, by Sir Archibald Edmonstone of Duntreath, baronet.
Edinburgh, Priv. print., 1875.
Ix p., 1 1., 95 p. 26''"'.
This work was completed by the author in April, 1851, and only a few
additions were made by him from time to time, in the names of his
brother's family. These family events have been completed to date, but
no other alteration made upon the manuscript, c/. Pref. note.
2020 17-23917 CS479.E45 1875
See also Zimmerman. CS71.Z73 19—
Edmonstone. See Edmonston.
Edson. A genealogical account of the Edsons, early settled in
Bridgewater. With appendices. Lowell, T. P. James, 1864.
48, xlv p. 22'".
Comp. by Elijah Hayward.
Appendix: 1. Samuel Edson and Mary (Etean) his wife. — 2. Copies of
2021 3-22495 CS71.E25 1864
Several ancestral lines of Josiah Edson and his wife, Sarah
Pinney, married at Stafford, Conn., July 1, 1779. With a full
genealogical history of their descendants to the end of the nine-
teenth century. Covering three hundred years and embracing
ten generations. By Ilarriette Hyde Wells, assisted by Harry
Weston Van Dyke. Albany, N. Y., J. Munsell's sons, printers,
98 p. port. 22'".
2022 1-27983— M 2 CS71.E25 1901
Edsons in England and America and genealogy of the
Edsons, by Jarvis Bonesteel Edson . . . New York, The Knick-
erbocker press, 1903.
XV, [1], 630 p. col. front., illus. (Incl. ports., facsims.) I'.'i"".
2023 3-17625 CS71.E23 1903
Edwards. The memorial volume of the Edwards family meeting at
Stockbridge, Mass., September 6-7, a. d. 1870. Boston, Congre-
gational publishing society, 1871.
206 p. front, (port.) coat of arras. 22i'°.
Introductory signed J. E. Woodbridge.
2024 9-9398 CS71.E26 1871
— Historic sketches of the Edwards and Todd families and
their descendants. 1523-1895. By Georgie Hortense Edwards.
Springfield, 111., H. W. Eokker, printer and binder, 1894.
38 p. 23i'".
2025 9-9397t CS71.E2e 1894
Timothy and Rhoda Ogden Edwards of Stockbridge, Mass.,
and their descendants: a genealogy. Comp. by William H.
Edwards . . . Cincinnati, The R. Clarke company, 1903.
V, 167 p. front., plates, ports., facsims. 24"°.
2026 3-19195 CS71.E26 1903
The Edwards family; by J^mes T. Edwards . . . For pri-
vate circulation. Randolph, N. Y., The Randolph publishing
company, 1903.
44 p. front., plates, ports. 24'".
2027 3-26270 CS71.E26 1903a
A condensed genealogy of one branch of the Edwards
family of Concord and Acton, Massachusetts, and of the allied
families Harrington, Heald, Haven, Locke, Conant, Fletcher,
Tower, Haskell, Clemens, Pierson, Starr, Van Veghten, Knick-
erbocker, Crandall, Smith, Chetlain, and others, with historical
and biographical notices. Comp. by John Harrington Ed-
wards, D. D. Brooklyn-New York [T. J. Dyson and son,
printers] 1907.
28 p. 22J"».
2028 7-31020 CS71.E26 1907
Historic sketches of the Beall and Edwards families and
their descendants. 360 to 1892. By Albert S. Edwards.
Springfield, 111.. H. W. Rokker, printer, 1910.
48, [41 p. 23i'".
2029 13-18315 CS71.B384 1910
A genealogical record of the descendants of John Edwards
168- to 1915, by Llewellyn Nathaniel Edwards . . . [Bangor,
Me., The Thomas W. Burr printing & adv. oo., '\91Q]
4 p. 1., l7]-395 p. front, pi., ports., coat of arms. 23"".
2030 16-23387 CS71.E26 1916
Edwards. See also Juke. HV6125.W5
Lawson. CS71.L425 1903
Eanney. F104.C8A2
Richardson. CS71.B52 1906
Roberts. F159.B,48R6
, Tyler. CS71.T983 1912b
Eells. The Eells family of Dorchester, Massachusetts in the line of
Nathaniel Eells of Middletown, Connecticut, 1633-1821, with
notes on the Lenthall family; conip. by Frank Farnsworth Starr
for James J. Goodwin. Hartford, Conn., 1903.
iv p., 1 1., 218 p. front, port, fold, geneal. tables. 26"".
" The English portion of the worli is the result of the labors of . . . Mr.
Lothrop Withington." — Pref.
2031 3-32786 CS71.E27 1903
■ • See also Eanney. fio4.C8A2
Egan. See also Eoghan.
Ege. History and genealogy of the Ege family in the United States,
1738-1911, by Rev. Thompson P. Ege . . . Harrisburg, Pa.,
The Star printing company, 1911.
3 p. 1., 3-281 p. front., plates, ports., fold, geneal. tab., coats of arms.
Genealogy of Samuel Holmes Stout's family : fold, geneal. table.
2032 14-15220 CS71.E29 1911
Egerton. Aper^u historique et genealogique. [Paris? 1807?]
11 p. 27'".
Caption title.
Signed F. Hargrave.
2033 &-18143t CS439.E35
A short account of the possessors of Oulton, from the acqui-
sition of the property by marriage with the Done, until the
accession to the baronetcy on the death of Thomas, 1st earl of
Wilton. Compiled from public and private documents. By Sir
Philip dc Malpas Grey-Egerton . . . For private distribution.
[London, Hatchards] 1869.
4 p. 1., 86 p. front. lUus. (coats of arms) facslms., fold, geneal. tab.
H.ilf-tltle: The Egertons of Oulton.
" Pedigree of the Egerton ami Done families": fold, genenl. tab.
2034 15-6732 CS439.E35 1869
Egerton (Walker) genealog}'. A record of the descendants
.„l,|,of James Egerton and Bathsheba (Walker) Egerton, of Lang-
. .'i'^'don, N. H. [Bv Seth Chandler.] Fitchburg, Mas.s., J. F. D.
^^^ Garfield, 1887.
15 p. 24"'. [ir<7ft hU Walker genealogy. Fitchburg. Mass., 1887]
Reprinted from Chandler's History of Shirley.
2035 1-18163 CS71.W18 1887
Egerton. See also Bridges. CS439.B9 1822
Gresley. CS439.G75
Read. CS439.B28
Swain. CS71.S97 1896
Eglinton. History of the county of Bute, and families connected
therewitli. By John Eaton Reid . . . Glasgow, T. Murray
and son; [etc., etc.] 1864.
2 p. 1., 7, [1] p., 1 1., [9]-288 p. illus., map. 20^".
Genealogical account of the Eglinton family, p. 216-228.
2036 3-28042 DA880.B9R3
Earls of. See Montgomery.
Ela. Genealogy of the Ela family, descendants of Israel Ela, of
Haverhill, Mass. Comp. by Rev. David Hough Ela, d. d. Man-
chester, Conn., E. S. Ela, printer [1897]
2 p. 1., 3-44 p. 24i""".
2037 9-9396 CS71.E37 1897
Elbridge. Pedigree of Aldworth-Elbridge. [New Haven, Press of
Tuttle, Morehouse & Taylor, 1885]
geneal. tab. 35* x 56"" fold, to 35i x lOi"".
From Family-memorials ... By Edward Elbridge Salisbury . . . New
Haven, 1885. 37'°".
2037a CS71.E372 1885
See also Salisbury. CS71.S167 1885
Elder. The Elder park, Govan; an account of the gift of the Elder
park and of the erection and unveiling of the statue of John
Elder, with notices of the lives of David Elder and John Elder
and historical sketches of Govan. Glasgow, Printed for private
circulation by J. Maclehose & sons, 1891.
xil, 207 p. front., plates (part col.) ports., fold. maps. SO"".
"Prefjitory note" signed: Archibald Craig.
The gift of the park by Isabella Elder in memory of her husband, John
Elder, and of his father, David Elder : p. 43-98.
"Note on ilrs. John Elder's domestic economy classes In Govan":
p. 196-201.
2038 17-23944 DA890.G6C7
Genealogy' of David Elder and Margery Stewart. Comp.
by Thomas A. Elder . . . Wooster, O., 1905.
52 p. 20J'"".
2039 10-15835 CS71.E374 1905
xSee aZso Conkling. CS71.C752 1909
Elderkin. Genealogy of the Elderkin family with intermarriages
. . . also, an appendix, containing a few of the author's original
articles on theories of science, pathology, and theology . . . By
Dyer White Elderkin. [Pittsburgh, Pa., Fisher, Stewart & co.,
limited, 1888]
223, xxll p. front., port. 221"°.
2(M0 1-16046 CS71.E375 1888
John Elderkin, one of the founders of Connecticut, and
some of his descendants. [New York, 1896]
1 p. 1., 14 p. 20*"°.
By John Elderkin, 1841—
2041 &-9395 CS71.E375 1896
Eldredge. See Eldridge.
Eldridge. Surrey bells and London bell founders. A contribution
to the comparative study of bell inscriptions. By J. C. L.
Stahlschmidt . . . London, E. Stock, 1884.
xvl, 230 p. lllus., XV pi. 24"".
Eldridge family : p. 109-121.
2042 6-8689 CC212.S8S7
Eldredge genealogy. A record of some of the descendants
of William Eldredge of Yarmouth. By Zoeth S. Eldredge.
7 ;! A *" Boston, Printed for private distribution [Jay D. Clapp & son]
, 'K-^T 1896.
\ ,- f . 1 p. 1., 33 p. geneiil. tables. 24*°'.
' j-^Y-' " Reprinted from New-Eng. historical and genealogical register for
January, 1887, with additions."
2043 9-9394 CS71.E38 1896
Eldredge genealogy. By Zoeth S. Eldredge, esq. of San
Jo" Francisco, Cal. {In New .England historical and genealogical
"v.i^/ register. Boston, 1897. 24™. v. 51, p. 46-54)
•^^ 2044 F1.N56 vol.51
. . . Genealogies by James W. Hawes. Eldred, Eldredge.
Yarmouthport, Mass., C. W. Swift, 1911.
cover-title, 29 p. 25i"". (Library of Cape Cod history 4 genealogy,
no. 101)
2046 12-25000 CS71.E38 1911
. . . The Yarmouth families of Eldredge, by Amos Otis.
Yarmouthport, Mass., C. W. Swift. 1914.
cover-title, [4] p. 25i°". (Lfbrary of Cupe Cod history & genealogy,
no. 47)
204C 14-20675. CS71.E38 1914
114883°— 19 24 _
Eldridge. See also Lawrence.
Elers. Memoir of the Elers family, and an account of their con-
nexion with the Hungerfords of Black Bourton Place, Oxford-
shire. By Lieut-General E. Hungerford D. Elers Napier . . .
London, Printed by Taylor and co., 1870.
23 p. 22i™.
2047 17-30476 CS439.E38
Memoirs of George Elers, captain in the 12th regiment of
foot (1777-1842) to which are added correspondence and other
papers with genealogy and notes, ed. from the original mss. by
Lord Monson and George Leveson Gower . . . London, W.
Heinemann, 1903.
xii p., 2 I., 324 p. front, (port.) 1 col. port., fold. map. 23"".
" Footnotes to the Memoirs and correspondence are contributed by . . .
the Rev. .\rthur Roland Maddison." — Introd.
Genealogy of the Debonnaire and Elers families : p. 309.
2048 4-1873 DA68.12E2A2
Elgan. See also Pound.
CS71.P8761 1904
Eliot. Genealogy of the Eliot family. Originally comp. by William
H. Eliot, jr. Rev. and enl. by William S. Porter . . . New
Haven, Conn., G. B. Bassett & co., 1854.
184 p. illus., geneal. tab. 24''"'.
Title vignette: coat of arms.
The title page . . . and ten verses of the. tirst chapter of Genesis, copied
from Eliot's Indian Bible : p. [3-6]
Appendix: p. [133]-184.
CS71.E42 1854
— [Eliot family. Boston, 1856]
geneal. tab. 28 x 31"" fold, to 28 x 15i"".
•' Reprinted from the New England historical and genealogical register,
October, 1856, p. 355."
CS71.E42 1856
Pedigree of Eliot. Comp. from printed and manuscript
authorities, by W. H. AVhitmore. [Boston? 1857?]
geneal. tab. 26i x 42i'^'".
2051 CA 13-1927 CS71.E42 1857
Andrew Elliot, of Beverly, Mass., and his descendants.
[Boston, 187-?]
4 p. ,24'".
Caption title.
Signed: W. H. W. i. e. William Henry Whitmore,
.2052 9-9392
CS71.E42 187-
Eliot. The Eliot family. Extracts from the parish reojisters of
Waltham abbej' and Nazing, co. Essex. Communicated by W.
Winters, esq. [n. p., 187-]
1 1. 29"".
Caption title.
2053 9-10675 CS71.E42 187-a
The Eliot family. By W. Winters . . . [Boston, D. Clapp
& son, printers, 1885]
7 p. 241'"".
' ' ' Reprinted from the " New-Eng. hist, and geneal. register " for October,
2054 1-16047 CS71.E42 1885
A sketch of the Eliot family. By Walter Graeme Eliot.
New York, Press of L. Middleditch, 1887.
1 p. 1., 156 p., 1 1., 20 p., 2 1. front., plates, ports., fold, geneal. tables.
Title vignette: coat of arms.
2055 9-9391 CS71.E42 1887
Eliot papers . . . Compiled from family papers by his
great grandson Eliot Howard. London, E. Hicks, jr., 1895.
2 V. In 1. geneal. tables. 26i x 19J"'.
Imprint covered by label of Headley brothers, London.
Originally printed privately.
Contents. — no. I. John EUot of London, merchant, 1735-1813. — no. II.
The Eliot marriages. John Eliot (ii) & Mariabella Farmborough Brig-
gins, 1734; John EUot (m) & Mary Weston, 1762.
2056 6-8G82 CS439.E4 1895
The border Elliots and the family of Minto, by the Hon.
George F. S. Elliot. (Privately printed) Edinburgh, D.
Douglas, 1897.
XI, 570, [1] p. front., Uliis., plates, ports., 3 fold. maps, geneal. tables.
One hundred and twenty-five copies printed, of which this Is no. 100.
2057 11-32808 CS479.E5
Charles Darwin Elliot, Mary Elvira Eliot. From the
Massachusetts edition of the American series of popular biog-
raphies, [n. p.] 1901.
12 p. 20i'".
2058 10-1494 CS71.E42 1901
Proceedings at the reunion of the descendants of John Eliot,
" the apostle to the Indians," at Guilford, Conn., Sept. 15th, 1875.
Second meeting at South Natick, Mass. July 3d, 1901 ; and the
two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the founding of South
Natick by John Eliot and his praying Indians, July ith, 1901.
[South Natick, Mass., The Society, 1901]
cover-Utle, 114 p. 4 pL (1 fold.) 231'°.
2068 4-7813 F74.S74H7
Eliot. . . . Genealogy of the descendants of John Eliot, "apostle
to the Indians," 1598-1905. A new ed., 1905. Prepared and
published by the committee appointed at the meeting of his de-
scendants, at South Natick, Mass., July 3, 1901. Wilimena H.
(Eliot) Emerson, chairman, Ellsworth Eliot, m. d., George Ed-
win Eliot, jr., committee. [New Haven. Comi., The Tuttle
Morehouse & Taylor press, 1905]
vii, [8], 4-344 p. 8 pi., 8 port. (incl. front.) facsim. 25'".
Founileil largely on the " Genealogy of the Eliot family." by William
Horace Eliot, jr. published in 1852.
20fi0 5-13014 CS71.E42 1905
— History and genealogy of the Elliot family in America.
Comp. by Jno. D. Elliot, 1875. Continued and pub. by Jesse C.
Vansyoc. Boone, la., 1908.
26 p.. 1 1. 20"°.
2061 11-12520 CS71.E42 1908
The John Elliot family of Boscawen, New Hampshire, by
Henry Ames Kimball . . . Concord, N. H., The Rumf ord press,
124 p. 2 port. (incl. front.) 24J''".
2062 18-19623
See also Atwood.
Elkins. See also Reading.
EUery. The Ellerys of America. [Newport, R. I., 188-?]
[17] 24'°.
Clippings from the Newport Mercury.
2063 CA 10-237 CS71.E45 188-
Pedigree of Ellery, of the United States of America. Ar-
ranged by Harrison Ellery, from his memorials of the Ellery
family, in manuscript. Boston, 1881.
geneal. tab. 60 x IWi'" fold, to 30i x 24^".
Contains seal and book plate of the Hon. Benjamin Ellery.
2064 9-9755 CS71.E45 1881
See also Wanton. F76.B52no.3
Ellett. /See aZso Pocahontas. CS7i.B,747 1887
Ellicott. ... A brief account of (he settlement of EUicott's Mills,
with fragments of histv)ry therewith connected . . . Written at
the request of Evan T. Ellicott. By Martha E. Tyson. Balti-
more, 1865 . . . [Baltimore, Printed by .J. Murphy, 1871]
63 p. 24J'". (Maryland historical society. Fund-publication, no. 4)
Read before the Maryland historical society, Nov. 3, 1870.
2066 l-Ro-3387 F176.M37 no.4
EUieott. ... A brief account, 1871. Copy 2. F184.E4T9
Biographical and historical accounts of the Fox, EUieott,
and Evans families, and the different families connected with
them. CoUectsd and conip. by Charles W. Evans . . . Buffalo,
Press of Baker, Jones & co., 1882.
4 p., 1 1., [5]-281 p., 9 1. illus., plates, ports., 2 maps, coats of arms.
2066 12-1821 CS71.E465 1882
See also Fox. CS439.F7
Thomas. CS71.T46 1878
Elliott. -See Eliot.
Ellis. Notices of the Ellises of England, Scotland, and Ireland,
from the conquest to the present time, including the families of
Alis. Fitz-Elys, Helles, etc By William Smith Ellis . . .
[London] 1857-66.
vlii, 300 p. incl. geneal. tab. pL, facsim. 21^''"'.
" Not published." Originally issued in four numbers.
2067 CS439.E5 1866
Supplement to Notices of the Ellises . . . [London] 1868.
28, [4] p. illus. 211'".
Caption tltla
2068 CS489.E5 1868
Second supplement to Notices of the Ellises . . . [London]
[38]-92 p. incl. illus., geneal. tab. pi. 22'".
Caption title.
2069 ' 8-5314-6 CS439.E5 1872
Early New England people. Some account of the Ellis,
Pemberton, Wilhud, Prescott, Titcomb, Sewall and Longfellow,
and allied families. By Sarah Elizabeth Titcomb. Boston,
W.ll Clarke & Carruth, 1882,
1 p. 1., 288 p., 1 1., 24'".
2070 4-12550 F3.T61
Biographical sketches of Kichard Ellis, the first settler of
Ashfield, Mass., and his descendants. Comp. and arranged by
E. R. Ellis . . . Detroit, Mich., W. Graham printing co., 1888.
2 p. 1., [91^83 p. Incl. pi., port., map. front., ports. 231'"'.
Five hundred copies of the book printed.
2071 9-9756 CS71.E47 1888
The Ellis family, by Mrs. Katharine S. Foos. Dayton, O.,
Pre.ss of U. B. publishing house. 1900.
vlii, 9-128 p. 181"*.
2072 7-31430 CS71.E47 1900
Ellis. Some historic families of South Carolina, by Frampton
Erroll Ellis. Atlanta, Ga., The Foote & Davies co., printers,
76 p. 2 coats of arms (incl. front.) 23"°.
Contains an account of the author's own ancestws: the Prloleau, Hay,
de la Motte, Capers, Hext, Lynch, Hamilton, Ellis, Van der Uorst, Gen-
dron. Smith, and Fripp families.
CS71.E47 1905
CS71.B8 1900a
CS71.H114 1901
CS71.Y29 1912
See also Bradford.
Ellison. See also Carr.
Elmer. Elmer-Elmore genealogy. Records of the descendants of
Edward Elmer, of Braintree, Eng., and Hartford, Conn.,
through his son Edward. 1632-1899. Comp. by Rev. William
W. Johnson . . . North Greenfield, Wis., The compiler, 1899.
96 p. col. coat of arms. 22''"'.
2074 1-22695 CS71.E48 1899
Family memorials in prose and verse, including selections
from the writings of Theo. J.- Elmore, and the history and gen-
ealogy of the Elmore family, with biographical sketches and
extracts from, their writings, as far as attainable. Savannah,
Ga., Morning news steam printing house, 1880.
IX, [211-340 p. front, (port.) pi. 23'^'*.
Contents. — pt. i. Selections from the writings of Theo. J. Elmore. —
pt. u. Famil.v biographies and writings. — pt. in. Genealogy of the Elmore
family. History of the Elmore family with biographical notes.
2OT5 18-23789 CS71.E48 1880
Elmore. See also Elmer.
Elphinstone. . . . The Elphinstone family book of the lords
Elphinstone, Balmerino and Coupar, by Sir William Eraser in
two volumes . . . Edinburgh [Printed by T. and A. Constable
at the Edinburgh university press] 1897.
2 V. fronts., plates, ports., fncsinis., geueaL lab. 26"".
Title within heraldic border.
2076 11-1812 CS479.Ea
Seealsolvw. • DA890.C88'W8
Elrington. Excerpta cantiana; being the prospectus of a history of
Kent, preparing for publication by the Rev. Thonuis Streatfeild,
I-. s. A. [London, Shakspeare press, 1836]
23 p. illus., 1 pi., 2 port., fold, geneal. tab. 43J'".
The history was never published, but the manuscripts were used by
H. H. Drake in his edition of Hasted'B History of Kent cf. Diet of nat.
Contains pedigree of Elrington.
2077 3-3409 DA670.K3S8
Elstob. See also Malloch. PI13545.M4A6 1857
Elsworth. See also Eoome. CS71.K778 1883
Elton. See also Mayo. CS439.M38
Elwell. The Elwell family in America; a genealogj' of Robert El-
wclK of Dorchester and Gloucester, Mass., and the greater part
Q2%0^ of I'is descendants, to the fifth generation. With a list of revo-
^ UCf Intionary soldiers of the name who enlisted from the state of
J ^P- Massachusetts. Compiled by the late Kev. Jacob Thomas Elwell
(1844-1888). Revised by Rev. Charles Henry Pope . . .
Boston, C. H. Pope, 1899,
30 p. front, (port.) 24"". *
" Reprinted from New-Eug. historical and genealogical register for Janu-
ary, 1899, with material additions."
" Only 200 copies printed."
2073 a-3S08 CS71.E52 1899
. . . The family of Thomas Elwell of Hardwick, Massa-
chusetts. Compiled and printed by Levi Henry Elwell. Am-
herst, Mass., 1900.
1 p. 1., 10 p. 15i X loi"". (Contributions to an Elwell genealogy. Ist
ser., no. 1)
No. 33 of a limited edition.
2079 2-18104 CS71.E52 1900
. . . The descendants of Thomas Elwell of Westhampton,
Masschusetts, comp. and printed by Levi Henry Elwell. Am-
herst, Mass., 1902.
1 p. 1., 24 p. 15""'. (Contributions to an Elwell genealogy. First series,
no. 3)
No. 89 of a limited edition.
2080 14-19.566 CS71.E52 1902
. . . The heads of Elwell families in the United States
census of 1790. Printed with additional matter, by Levi Henry
Elwell. Amherst, Mass., 1914.
i p. I., 6 p. 15'". (Contributions to an Elwell genealo^. First series,
no. 4)
No. 2 of a limited edition.
2081 14-19.565 CS71.E52 1914
Elwes. The life of the late John Elwes, esquire; member in three
successive parliaments for Berkshire ... By Edward Top-
ham . . . New ed., cor. and enl'. . . . London, J. Ridgway
vlii,98p'. front, (port.) fold, geneal. tab. 21'".
" First published in the paper of the World."
20S3 7-421 HB838.E9T7
Elwes. An account or history of all the different branches of the
Elwes family now extant ifl England. By Dudley George Cary
Elwes. [n. p.] 1866.
12 p.. ] fold. 1. Slj'".
Additions and letters in nis., Inserted.
Added In ms. on title-page : Privately printed. 25 copies only and coat
of arms in color.
Contents. — Elwes of 1. Roxby, co. Lincoln, and Great Billing, co. Nor-
thampton.— 2. Of Stoke coUeEe, co. Suffolk.— 3. The Baronet's family. —
4. Of Colesbourne, co. Gloucester.
2083 15-22648 CS439.E55
Ely. . . . History of the Ely re-union, held at Lyme, Conn., July
10th, 1878 . . . New York, Styles & Cash, steam printers and
stationers, 1879.
158 p. front., illu.s. (Inc). ports.) fold, facsim., coats of arms. 24"".
Title vignettes : coats of arms.
Comp. by Mrs. Margaret Elizabeth (Dunbar) Stuart.
2084 9-9762 CS71.E521 1879
Records of the descendants of Nathaniel Ely, the emigrant,
who settled first in Newtown, now Cambridge, Mass. Was one
of the first settlers of Hartford, also of Norwalk, Conn., and a
resident of Springfield, Mass., from 1659 until his death in 1675.
Comp. by Heman Ely, including material collected by Mrs.
Amanda (Ely) Terry. Cleveland, O., Short & Forman, printers
and stationers, 1885.
ix, [1], 515 p. front, pi., ports. 31'"'".
" Edition, 520 cople.s of which this is no. 309."
2085 9-15015t CS71.E521 1885
The Ely ance.stry; lineage of Richard Ely of Plymouth,
England, who came to Boston, Mass., about 1655. & settled at
Lyme, Conn, in 1660. Collected by the late Moses S. Beach,
of New York & by the Rev. AVilliam Ely. d. d., of Philadelphia.
Ed. & enl. by Geo. B. Vanderpoel. With a very interesting
sketch of the origin & history of the Elves of Utterby & of Won-
Bton. Ittndly furnished by Sumner A. Ely, esq. New York,
The Calumet press, 1902.
2 p. 1., xllv, 6,S9 p. incl. illus., pi. front., phites, ports, fold, facsim.,
fold, geneal. tab. 20"".
Title vignette (coat of arms In colors)
2086 S-4163 CS71.E521 1002
An historical narrative of the Ely, Revell and Staeye
families who were among the founders of Trenton and Bur-
lington in the province of West Jersey 1678-168,S. with the gene-
alogy of the Ely descendants in America. Comp. by the late
Reuben Pownall Ely , . . Warren Smedley Ely . . , Daniel
Brittain Ely. New York, Chicago [etc.] Fleming H. Revell
company ["=1910]
445 p. front., illiis., plates, ports., maps, facsini., fold, geneal. tab. 24"°.
"Authorities " : p. 19.
2087 10-28360 CS71.E521 1910
Emberson. See Emerson.
Embry. See also 'R&iktrviWt. CS71.B353 1917
Wood. CS71.W875 1909
Emerson. The English Emersons; a genealogical historical sketch
of the family from the earliest times to the end of the seven-
teenth century, including various modern pedigrees, with an
appendix of authorities. By P. H. Emerson . . . London, D.
Nutt, 1898.
xiv, 168, cxxxv, [1] p. illus., plates, port., fold, geneal. tables. 26'".
The illustrations are mainly mounted.
This edition de luxe is limited to 50 copies, of which this is no. 11.
. Signed : P. H. Emerson.
2088 9-18141 CS439.E8
The Ipswich Emersons. a. d. 1636-1900. A genealogy of
the descendants of Thomas Emerson of Ipswich, Mass. with
some account of his English ancestry, by Benjamin Kendall
Emerson . . . assisted by Capt. Geo. A. Gordon . . . Printed
for private circulation. Boston, D. Clapp & son, 1900.
4 p. 1.. 537 p. col. front, plates, ports. 24J"".
2089 1-2125 CS71.E53 1000
A criticism of ' The Ipswich Emersons ' alias ' The Emersons
in America,' by P. H. Emerson ... [n. p., 1901]
15 p. 22'™.
2090 2-1899-JI2 CS71.E53 1901
The Emersons alias Embersons of Ipswich, Massachusetts
Bay Colony (1638), and of Bishop's Stortford, co. Herts, Eng-
land (1578). < Being additional researches into the family
history during the years, 1898-1912> By P. II. Emerson . . .
Foxwold, Sonthbourne-on-Sea. Printed for private circulation
and published by P. H. Emerson, 1912.
47 p. illus. 22}"".
Limited to 150 copies, no. 39.
2091 13-12589 CS71.E53 1912
The Haverhill Emersons . . . Comp. by Charles Henry
Pope. Boston, Mass., Murray and Emery company, 1913-16.
2 V. front, (coi. coiit of arms) plates, ports. 23i'".
The frontispiece and plates are In v. 2 only.
I'.lank paces at end of v. 1 for Family record.
Vol. 2 has imprint: Camhridce, Mass., Murray and Emery company,
2092 16-8348 CS71.E53 1913
Emerson. See also Flagg.
"'' . Wallace.
CS71.F574 1903
CS71.G191 1906
CS71.H351 1868
CS71.T124 1908
Emerton. Materials toward a genealogy of the Emmerton family.
Comp. by James A. Emmerton, m. d. [Salem, Mass.] Priv.
print., Salem press, 1881.
1 p. 1.. iv p.. 1 1., 244 p. front, (port.) 241"*.
Blank leaves interspersed.
2093 9-9761 CS71.E533 1881
Emery. Annual reunion of the Emery family, in the Meionaou, Tre-
mont temple, Boston, Mass., Wednesday, September 14, 1887.
Address by Rev. Samuel Hopkins Emery . . . poems, hymns and
other exercises. Taunton, Davol's steam printing house, 1888.
18 p. 22i'^°'.
2094 9-9760 CS71.E535 1888
Genealogical records of descendants of John and Anthony
Emery, of Newbury, Mass. 1590-1890. Comp. by Rev. Rufua
Emery . . . Salem, Mass., E. Cleaves, 1890.
xi, 307 p., 1 1., 309-610 p. 241"".
2095 9-9759 CS71.E535 1890
Ernes. See Eames.
Emmerton. See Emerton.
Emmett. The Emniet family, ^ith some incidents relating to Irish
history and a biographical sketch of Prof. John Patten Emmet
M. D. and other members, by Thos. Addis Emmet . . . New
York, Priv. print. [Bradstreet press] 1898.
xi, 411 p. front., plates, porta., facsims., geneal. tables, col. coat of arma.
" One hundrod and thirty copies printed, no. 58."
Title vignette : coat of arms.
2096 9-9758 CS71.E54 1898
A memoir of John Patten Emmet, m. d., formerly professor
of chemistry and materia medica in the University of Virginia,
with a brief outline of the Emmet family history. By Thos.
Addis Emmet . . . New York, Priv. print. [Bradstreet press]
66 p. front., plate.s, ports., facsims., geneal. tables. 28"".
" Fifty copies printed, no. 9."
•* A large portion of the material utilized In this memoir was collecte<I
... to form a history of the Kinuiet family."
209T 9-9757 CS71.E64 1898*
Emmett. Memoir of Thomas Addis and Robert Emmet, with their
ancestors and immediate family, by Thomas Addis Emmet . . .
New York, The Emmet press, 1915.
2 V. fronts., plates (1 col.) ports., double map, facsims., geneal. tables,
col. coat of arms. 27"".
Bibliography : v. 1, p. xlx-xxv.
2098 15-6542 DA948.6.E6A3
Emmons. The Emmons family genealogy; a record of the emigrant
Thomas Emmons, of Newport, Ehole Island, with many of the
descendants, from 1639 to 1905 ; comp. by Edward Neville Em-
mons . . . [Syracuse, N. Y., Lyman bros., printers, °1905]
X, 222, [xl]-Iv p. front., pi., ports. 23'=°'.
2099 5-26136 CS71.E545 1905
Endecott. See Endicott.
Endicott. An historical record of the descendants of Dr. John Indi-
cott, of Hartford, Conn. By his grandson, J. C. Mcintosh . . .
Springfield, Mass., C. W. Bryan & co., printers, 1888.
15 p. 23"".
2100 9-10674t CS71.E56 1888
Endecott wills, inventories, and matters connected with
the estate of Governor John Endecott . . . Salem, Mass., Salem
press publishing and printing co., 1889.
23 p. 25"».
Comp. by Robert Samuel Rantoul.
Reprinted from Historical collections Essex Institute, vol. xxv, 1888.
2101 3-3178 F67.E56
. . . The Devonshire ancestry and the early homes of the
family of John Endecott. governor of Massachusetts Bay, 1629
... By Sir Roper Lethbridge . . . [Exeter, W. J. South-
wood & CO., 19 — ]
31 p. Incl. front, (port.) iUus. 22'".
At head of title : " Hands across the sea."
2102 15-15681 CS71.E56 19—
The Endicott family, by Charles M. Endicott, esq., of
^Z^'i(^ Salem. Frankford, Penna., Martin and AUardyce, 1911.
"^ H-i cover-title, [7] p. incl. port. 23'°.
^>l Reprinted from the New England historical and genealogical register,
2103 ■ 12-32058 CS71.E56 1911
Endle. See also VJilaon. CS71.W75 1898
Engle. See also KAynes. ' CS71.H424 1902
Enlow. See also Ihom^fson. CS71.T47 1913
Eoghan. Irish family history ... By Kichard F. Cronnelly. Dub-
lin, Printed by Goodwin, son, and Nethercott, 1864.
2 V. in 1. 22i"".
Contents. — pt. I. A history of the Clanna-Rory, or Rudrlcians, de-
scendants of Roderick the Great, monarch of Ireland . . . ; to which is
added a paper on the authorship of the " Exile of Erin " by a septuagena-
rian.— pt. II. A history of the Clan Eoghan, or Eoghanachts, descendants
of Eoghan More, or Eugene the Great
2104 3-4650t CS498.C8
Enlow. See also ThojRTpson. CS71.T47 1913
Erdeswick. Erdeswick pedigree. Copied from an old vellum roll in
the possession of Colonel Butler-Bowdon, of Pleasington . . .
London, Priv. print., 1878.
8 p. illus. (coats of arms) 29''"'.
2105 9-18140 CS439.E7
Erlegh. A cartulary of Buckland priory in the county of Somerset.
Ed. by the Rev. F. W. Weaver . . . London. Printed for sub-
scribers only [by Harrison and sons] 1909.
xxxvil, [1], 232 p. incl. geneal. tables. 23 x 18"°. (Half-title: Somer-
set record society, vol. xxv)
"Pedigree [etc.] of the Erlegh family": p. xviii-xxil.
2106 10-24909 ' DA670.S49S5 vol.as
Erne, Earls of. See Crichton.
Erskine. The Honourable Henry Erslrine, lord advocate for Scot-
land with notices of certain of his kinsfolk and of his time.
Comp. from family papers and other sources of information.
B}' Lieut.-Colonel Alex. Fergusson . . . Edinburgh and Lon-
don, W. Blackwood & sons, 1882.
XX, .564 p. Illus., 5 port. (incl. front.) geneal. tables (1 fold.) 22"".
Table showing the French and Italian descent of Lady Marie Stewart,
countess of Mar, comp. by Lady Elizabeth Cust.
2107 10-18391 DA810.E7F5
The Erskine Halcro genealogy: a genealogical study of the
ancestors, kindred, and descendants of the Rev. Henry Erskine,
of Chirnside, Berwickshire, 1624—1696, and his wife, Margaret
Halcro of Orkney, 1()47-1725, and their children, the Rev.
Ebenezer Erskine of Stirling, 1680-1754, and the Rev. Ralph
Erskine of Dumfermline, 1685-1752, and their descendants.
II,,. I Contained in five tables, with explanatory notes to each. By
Ebenezer P>skine Scott . . . I^ondon, G. Bell & son, 1890.
' xvli, 49 p. incl. geneal. tables. 2;}J'".
" List of some of the printed books and manuscripts which have been
consulted . . .": p. xlv.
2108 10-16879 CS479.E7
Erskine. See also French. CS499.F7
• Mar. rA758.3.M3C9
Setoa. DA803.2.S4S4
Erving. See also Bowdoin. CS71.B785 1894
Bowdoin. CS71.B785 1900
Eshelby. See Exelby.
Eskridge. See also Selien. CS71.S45 I9ll
Espenet. This family chart is affectionately presented ... to all
descended in any degree from our Huguenot ancestors; with
some account of my journey to the birthplace of the Espinct
family . . . including also the genealogies of the Espenett, Bal-
lard, Stonham, Mills, Young, and Hassell families as descended
from the Espinets and the Dances or Dansays ... by David
Espenett . . . For private circulation, [n. p., 187-]
34 p. 5 double col. geneal. tab. 22'°.
2109 16-23854 CS439.E82
Essex, Earls of. See Devereux.
Estabrook. See Easterbrook.
Estes. Estes family. [Skowhegan, Me., The Argus print, 1892]
17 p. 24'~.
Preface signed : W. R. G. Estes. '
2110 3-30923 CS71.E79 1892
Estes genealogies. 1097-1893. Comp. by Charles Estes . . .
Printed for the family. Salem, Mass., E. Putnam, 1894.
ivi, 401 p. front, (port.) plates, facsims. 24'".
2111 9-9772t CS71.E79 1894
Esty. Isaac Esty of Topsfield, and some of his descendants. By
Gay Esty Bangs . . . [Salem, 1899?]
cover-title, 12 p. 24i"".
From the Historical collections of the Essex Institute, vol. xxx^^.
2112 2-24.-)97 CS71.E825 1899
Etheredge. Genealogical memoranda relating to the family of Eth-
eredge. Comp. from the Etheredge Bible, in the possession of
Percy C. S. Bruere, esq. Privately printed. London, Printed
by Mitchell and Hughes, 1873.
1 p. L, 11 p. 26'".
Blank pages at end for additional record.
Issued also in " Miscellanea genealogica et hera/dlca, London, 1874,
n. 8., vol. 1, p. 197-200, 211-215, 232-233."
2113 15-8465 CS439.E83
Eustis. Genealog:}' of the Eiistis family. By Henry Lawrence
/.M? Eus
/j_Q,5t? Eustis . . . Boston, D. Clapp & son, printers,. 1878.
I ^*^ " From the New-England hi
' ' 1878."
2114 9-9774t CS71.E91 1878
p. 25"".
From the New-England historical and genealogical register for .\.prll,
Evans. Evans. [New-Castle-upon-Tyne, Printed by J. G. For-
ster] 1865.
24 p. illus. (coat of arms) 214°"".
250 copies for private distril)utlon.
Signed : J. R. A. & M. C. J. i. e. John Reed Appleton and Morris Charles
2115 12-39134 CS439.E85
The descendants of David Evans of Charlestown, Mass. To
which is appended partial records of certain families connected
with them by marriage. By S. A. Evans . . . [n. p.] 1893.
107 p. fold. map. 26J"".
2116 9-9773 CS71.E92 1893
— History of Nathaniel Evans of Cat Fish Creek, and his
descendants, by James Daniel Evans . . . [Williamsburg ? Va.,
vlii, 99, iv p. illus., pi., ports. 25"".
2117 6-16609
CS71.E92 1905
— Annals of an Eton house, with some notes on the Evans
family, by Major Gambier-Parry . . . With portraits and
illustrations . . . London, J. Murray, 1907.
XV, 472 p. front., plates, ports. 22"".
2118 11-10312
— - Sketch of the Evans family of Monongalia County [West
Va.] By Virgil A. Lewis . . . [Charleston, W. Va., 1911?]
10 p. 19'".
Caption title.
See also Crossley.
CS71.E92 1911
CS71.D272 1874a
CS71.D945 1910
CS71.E465 1882
CS71.H424 1902
CS71.L753 1917
CS71.P876 1904
Evarts. See also Adams.
CS71.A2 1894a
Evelyn. Diary and correspondence of John Evelyn, f. r. s. To
which is subjoined the private correspondence between King
Charles i. and Sir Edward Nicholas, and between Sir Edward
Hyde, afterwards earl of Clarendon, and Sir Richard Bpowne.
Ed. from the original mss. at Wotton by William Bray . . .
New ed. . • . Cor., rev., and enl. . . . London, Bell and Daldy,
4 V. fronts., plates, ports., fold, geneal. tab. 18"".
Ed. by John Forster.
Half-title of V. 4 : Bohn's historical library.
" Evelyn's publications " : v. 2, p. 392-398.
2120 16-^927 DA447.E9A23
The Evelyns in America: comp. from family papers and
other sources, 1608-1805. Ed. and annotated by G. D. Scull
. . . Oxford, Printed for private circulation, by Parker and
CO., 1881.
viil p., 1 1., [2], 392 p. front., pi., ports., 2 fold, maps, geneal. tables.
" 250 copies printed. noT 247."
With reprint of original t.-p. of A description of the province of New
Albion, [n. p.] 1648.
CoStents. — George Evelyn, 1636-1649. — The first commander of Kent
Island. — Robert Evelyn, 1634-1648.— Descendants of John Evelyn, of
Kingston. — A description of the province of New Albion [by Beauchamp
Plantagenet] — Captain William Glanville Evelyn, 1774-1776. — Letters of
Captain William Glanville Evelyn.— William Evelyn, 1805.— Table of de-
scent to Illustrate Captain Evelyn's letters. — Lieut.-Col. William Harcourt,
1776-1777.— Appendix.
2121 5-27471 CS71.E93 1881
: — The diary of John Evelyn, with an introduction and notes
by Austin Dobson ... In three volumes. London, New York,
Macmillan and co., limited, 1906.
• 3 v. fronts., plates (part fold.) ports., map, plans (1 fold.) facsims. (1
double) fold, geneal. tab. 23"".
" Evelyn's publications " : v. 3, appendix vii, p. 375-383.
2122 9-16831 DA447.E9A4
The churches of Wotton, Abinger, and Oakwood in the
county of Surrey, by F. E. Fairbank . . . [Guildford] Printed
for private circulation [Billing and sons limited] 1911.
Ix p., 1 1., 13-63 p. Incl. pi., plan, geneal. tab. front., plates, coat of
arras. 21i*".
Table showing the descent of the two branches of the family of Wotton
from Qeorge Evelyn, founder of the family : p. 43.
2123 13-13072 I)A662.S8F2
Eveljm. The history of the Evelyn family, with a special memoir of
William John Evelyn, m. p., by Helen Evelyn. London, Eve-
leigh Nash, 1915.
.571, [1] p. front, pi., ports. 23'=°'.
" William Jolin Evelyn, a memoir, b.v Wilfrid Scawen Blunt " : p.
" The Evelyns In America " : p. .530-538.
" List of authorities " : p. 571.
2124 15-15684 CS439.E9
See also Godolphin. DA447.G6E9
Everard. . . . Sir Richard Everard, baronet, governor of the col-
ony of North Carolina, 1725-1731. and his descendants in Vir-
ginia. By Marshall De Lancey Haywood. [Washington?
12 p. illus. 14i"'.
Caption title.
" From Publications of Southern historical association."
2125 4-30134 F257.H44
Everett. Genealogy of the Everett family. By Edward F. Everett
. . . Reprinted from the New England historical and genealogi-
cal register, for July, 1860. Boston, H. W. Dutton & son, print-
ers, 1860.
7 p. 23'="'.
2125a CS71.E935 1860
Descendants of Richard Everett of Dedham, Mass. By
Edward Franklin Everett . . . Boston, Priv. print. [T. R.
Marvin & son, printers] 1902.
389 p. front., pi., ports., facslm. 24"".
2126 a-14592 CS71.E935 1902
See also Hsi^ii. CS71.D26 1911
Everhart. A history of the Everhart and Shower families, from 1744
to 1883. Embracing six generations. Also a sketch of Man-
chester, Md. ... By O. T. Everhart . . . Hanover, Pa., O. T.
Everhart, 1883.
vi, [7]-106 p., 1 1., [1071-142 p. 26"",
2127 9-9775 CS71.E936 1883
Evertsen. See also Reichner. CS71.B34 1918
Eves. See Ives.
Ewell. Genealogy of John Ewell, extending to the sixth genera-
tion, covering a period of 144 years, from 1734 to 1787, together
with personal sketches, family incidents and important events.
Enumerating 280 marriages and 870 births. Collected and comp.
by E. H. Ewell, one of his great grandsons. Buffalo, Jones &
CO., printers and binders, 1878.
78 p. 23"".
2128 17-31795 CS71.E938 1878
Ewell. See also Glassell. F225.H41
Ewing. Sketches of the families of Thomas Ewing and Mary Mas-
kell, William Ewing and Eleanor Thompson, James Ewing and
Eleanor Rhea and their descendants, with historical data and
reminiscences. Joseph Lyons Ewing. One volume in three
parts, notes and appendices . . . Stratford, N. J., Stratford
commercial job printery, 1910.
118, [5] p. incl. front., plates, ports. 21J'".
2129 16-23G31 CS71.E942 1910
See also Van Eensselaer. CS69.S7
Exelby. The genealogy of the family of De Eskelby or Exelby, of
the North Riding of the county of York. By Heni-y Douglas
Eshelby . . . [Birkenhead, Eng.] Priy. print., 1891.
5 p. 1., 89 p. ilhis. (coats of arms) col. map. 22^°".
40 copies only printed for presentation, no. 20.
Reprinted with additions from the Yorkshire archeologlcal Journal,
V. 10, 1889, p. 266-275, 423-430, 482-50L
2130 9-18139t CS439.E8
Exeter, Earh of. See Cecil.
Exilbie. See Exelby.
Eyer. See Ayer.
Eymar. See Aymar.
Eyre. A history of the Wiltshire family of Eyre. By Mary E. F.
Richardson-Eyre. London, Mitchell and Hughes, 1897.
vili, 47 p. incl. front, (coat of arms) 2 fold, geneal. tab. 22'".
" Iviicy pedifrree. .Showing connection with the present St, John's Wood
branch of the Eyre family " : 2d geneal. tab.
2131 10-19791 CS439.E9a
See also Ayer,
Nelson. CS439.N33
Treman. CS71.T789 1901
Eyston. Pedigree of the family of Eyston of East Hendred, in the
county of Berks. Printed for private circulation. London,
Mitchell and Hughes, 1875.
11 p. 28"".
2132 18-2168 CS439.E97
114883°— 19 25
Fabens. Some of the descendants of Jonathan Fabens, of Marble-
head. By Geo. A. Perkins . . . Salem, Printed for the In-
stitute, 1881.
26 p. 25'".
Prom Historical collections of Essex Institute, vol. xrui.
2133 9-977Ct CS71.F114 1881
&eealso¥l&ee. CS7l.r574 1903
Fahnestock. Family memorial of Fahnestocks, in the United
States . . . The following records have been gathered by A. K.
& W. F. Fahnestock. Harrisburg, Pa., S. W. Fleming, printer,
69 p. front., fold. col. coat of arms. 19"".
" Rupert Von Fahnestock," one leaf inserted.
" Fahnestock family register " : p. 23-69.
2184 11-8821 CS71.F15 1879
Fairbanks. Genealogy of the Fairbanks family in America, 1633-
1897. By Lorenzo Sayles Fairbanks . . . Boston, printed for
the author by the American printing and engraving company,
876 a. e. 882), xcl p. front., plates, ports., col. coat of arms. 23'".
" Limited subscription edition."
2135 9-9777 CS71.F164 189T
Ye Fayerbanke historial . . . vol. 1.. no. 1. Nov. 1903.
Boston. Mass., The Fairbank literary bureau, 1903.
54 p. front,, plates, ports. 26"".
2136 11-23362 CS71.F164 1903
Fairfax. The Fairfax correspondence. Memoir.s of the reign of
Charles the First. Ed, by George W. Johnson . . . London,
E. Bentley, 1848.
2 V. 4 port. (Incl. f rants.) 22*".
The last two volumes of the Fairfax correspondence, edited by Robert
Bell, were published in 1849.
S187 4-14512 DA396.F2J6
Memorials of the civil war: comprising the correspond-
ence of the Fairfax family with the most distinguished person-
ages engaged in that monicrable contest. Now first published
from the original mainiscripts. Ed. by Robert Bell . . . Form-
ing the concluding volumes of the Fairfax correspondence . . .
London. K. Bentley, 1849.
2 V. 4 port. (incl. fronts.) 22'"'.
2188 4-14506 I)A407.F2B4
Fairfax. The Fairfaxes of England and America in the seventeenth
and cifrhteenth centuries, inchiding letters from and to Hon.
William Fairfax, president of Council of Virginia, and his sons
Col. George William Fairfax and Eev. Bryan, eighth Lord Fair-
fax, the neighbors and friends of George Washington. By
Edward D. Neill . . . Albany, N. Y., J. Munsell. 1868.
234 p. geneal. tables (part fold.) 231"".
2139 e-©779 CS71.F167 1868
— Descendants of Hon. William Fairfax of Belvoir, Virginia,
U. S. A. [Albany, N. Y., J. Munsell, 1868]
eeneal. tab. 20i x 341"". fold, to 20i x 134"°.
Detached from " The Fairfaxes of Kngland and America " by Edward
Duflield NeiU.
2140 CS71.F167 1868a
A life of the great Lord Fairfax, commander-in-chief of the
army of the Parliament of England, by Clements E. Markham
. . . London, Macmillan and co., 1870.
xil p., 1 L, 480 p. front, (port.) illus., 2 maps, 6 plans. 221™.
2141 4-14519 DA407.F2M3
Arcana Fairfaxiana maniiscripta. A manuscript volume
of apothecaries' lore and housewifery nearh' three centuries
old, used, and partly written by the Fairfax family. Repro-
duced in fac-simile of the handwritings. An introduction by
George Weddell. Newcastle-on-Tyne, Mawson, Swan, & Mor-
gan, 1800.
xlvlii p., 1 I. facsim. : 206 p. geneal. tab. 221 ^ 18"°.
Title in red and black.
"The Falrfiix f;iDill.v land notices of related families]": p. xvlil-xxix.
2142 5-18048 RS81.A66
An histoi'ic sketch of the two Fairfax families in Virginia.
New York, The Knickerbocker press, 1913.
2 p. 1., 47 p. 181'°.
Privately printed.
Half-tiUe: " T. K. Cartmell's History of Frederlcli County, Virginia,
chapter xlvi entitled : Notabilities of old Frederick County. The Fair-
fax families."
Comp. by Lindsay Fairfax.
2143 13-26802 CS71.F167 1913
Sec also Meadows.
Thomas. CS7l.T4e 1878
Fairman. Descendants of John Fairman. of Enfield, Conn., 1683-
1898. By Orrin Peer Allen . , . [Palmer, Mass., C. B. Fiske
and company, printers, 1898]
32 p., 2 1., 133J-36 p. front, (port.) 22J'".
2144 »-9778t CS71.F172 1898
Fairweather. Memorandum regarding the Fairweather's of Menmuir
parish, Forfarshire, and others of the surname, by Alexander
Fairweather. Ed., with notes, additions and corrections, by
William Gerard Don, m. d. Printed for private circulation.
London, Dunbar & co., 1898.
64, [4] p. 22°"'.
2145 8-28333 CS479.P3
Falckner. See Faulkner.
Falconer. See Faulkner,
Faneuil. See also Bethune.
Fannin. See Fanning.
CS71.B563 1868
CS71.B563 1884
Fanning. History of the Fanning family; a genealogical record to
1900 of the descendants of Edmund Fanning, the emigrant an-
cestor in America, who settled in Connecticut in 1653 ; to wliich
is prefixed a general account of the Faiming family in Europe
from Norman times, 1197, to the Cromwellian confiscations,
1652-3, by Walter Frederic Brooks . . . Worcester, Mass.,
Priv. print, for the compiler, 1905.
2 V. col. fronts., illus., plates, ports., fold, maps, plans, facslms., fold,
geneal. table.s. 26"'".
Paged continuously.
" Edition limited to two hundred and ten copies of which this is no. 20."
2146 B-33218 CS71.F213 1905
See also Baillie,
CS71.B16 1898
CS71.F736 1903
Fanshawe. Memoirs of Lady Fanshawe, wife of Sir Richard Fan-
shawe, bart., ambassador from Charles the Second to the courts
of Portugal and Madrid. Written by herself. With extracts
from the correspondence of Sir Richard Fanshawe. New ed.
London, H. Colbuni and R. Bentley, 1830.
vll, 332 p. front, (port.) 19i"'.
Preface signed: N. H. N. (». e. Sir Nicholas Harris Nicolas)
2147 5-1104 DA447.F2Aa
r Memoirs of Lady Fanshawe, wife of Sir Richard Fan-
shawe, bt., embassador from Charles ii. to the courts of Portugal
& Madrid, written by herself: containing extracts from the cor-
respondence of Sir Richard Fanshawe; ed., with an introduction
by Beatrice Marshall, and a note upon tiie illustrations by Allan
Fea. London and New York, J. Lane, 1905.
xxvl p., 1 I., 312 p. front, plates, ports., fold, geueul. tab. 20'". (Half-
title: The crown library)
" The letters from which part of the following extracts have been taken,
were printed in 1701, under the title of ' Original letters of His Excellency
Sir Richard Fanshawe, during his embassies in Spain and Portugal.' "
2148 5-32062 DA447.F2A3
Farabee. Genealogy of the Farabees in America, by Louis Thomas
Farabec. [AVashington, D. C, 1918]
V, 345 p. front, (port.) 21i"".
2149 18-22767 CS71.F225 1018
Faring^ton. See Farrington.
Farley. . . . Soldiers and sailors of the Revolution, Ipswich, Mass.
Gleaned from the volumes issued by the state . . . with ad-
ditions, [no. 1. Farley family] Ipswich, Mass., 1902.
8 p. 18'°'.
2150 CS71.F231 1902a
. . . The Farley, Fairlie, Farlo family ... a. d. 600-
1900, with heraldry and arms by Randolph W. P'arley. Nashua,
N. n., 1902.
8 p. 19"".
Preliminary sheets.
2151 CS71.F231 1002
See also Fisher. CS71.F533 isoo
Foster. CS71.F756 1897
Farman. See Forman.
Farmar. See Farmer.
Farmer. A genealogical memoir of the family by the name of
Farmer, who settled at Billerica, Mass. Hingham, Farmer and
Brown, printers, 1828.
20 p. 17"".
By John Farmer, 1789-1838.
2152 16-4808 CS71.F234 1828
A history of Thomas and Anne Billopp Farmar, and some
of their descendants in America, comp. from authentic docu-
ments by Charles Farmar Billopp. New York, The Grafton
press, 1907.
xii, 125 p. front., plates, ports. 24'".
2153 8-10304 CS71.F234 1007
Farnam. See Famham.
Farnham. Farnham descents from Henry tii and the subsequent
kings of England . . . Cavan, T. J. Smyth, printer and sta-
tioner, 18C0.
68 1. 36"".
Contents. — pt. i. Paternal descent of Henry Maxwell, 7th lord Farn-
ham.— pt. u. Maternal descent.— pt. m. Lady Farnham's descent.
21!54 16-20646 CS439.F25
Famham. Genealogy of the Faiiiham family. By Rev. J. M. W.
Farnhani ... 2d ed. with supplement. Xew York, The Baker
& Taylor co., 1889.
5 p. 1., 4-50 p. illus., coat of arms. 19"°.
2155 9-9780 CST1.F236 1889
Brief historical data and memories of my boyhood days
in Nantucket, by Joseph E. C. Farnham. [Providence, Snow
& Farnham company, 1915]
xvi p., 1 1., 242 p. front., lUus., plates, ports., map, fold, facslm. 24"".
"Family record": p. [240]-242.
2156 19-3485 F72.N2F2
Farnsworth. Matthias P^arnsworth and his descendants in America.
A monograph. By Claudius Buchanan Farnsworth. Paw-
tucket, R. I.. The Author, 1891.
122 p. 25"°.
Introduction signed : Edward H. Farnsworth.
2157 9-9781 CS71.F237 1891
r, Farnsworth memorial. Being a record of Matthias Farns-
worth and his descendants in America. Gathered from authen-
tic sources and comp. by Moses Franklin Farnsworth . . .
Manti, Utah, L. A. Lauber, 1897.
514 p. front., ports. 23"°.
2158 9-9782 CS71.F237 1897
— ... La famille Phaneuf-Farnsworth. par. F. filie . . .
Montreal, La "Croix," 1915.
264 p., 1 1. illus., plates, ports., map. 23'".
At head of title : Histoire, gfngalogle, documents, portraits.
" Supplement In English ; the Farnsworths and the Phaneufs, selected
from the Farnsworth memorial " : p. 219-238.
2159 17-15607 CS90.F3
Farnum. See Farnham.
Farquharson. The records of Invercauld MOXLvri-MDCccxxviii, ed.
by the Rev. John Grant Michie . . . Aberdeen, Printed for the
New Spalding club, 1901.
vlii p., 2 1., 523 p. front., plate.^i, ports., double map. 26}'"- (Lettered
on cover: New Spalding club. [Publications, no. 23])
" Only 525 copies printed." This copy not numbered.
Issued also as Aberdeen university studies, no. 5.
2160 16-14947 DA750.N5 no.23
See also Chattan. DA750.S25
Farrar. Memoir of the Farrar family. By a member of the N. E.
hist. gen. society [Timothy Farrar. Boston, Printed for private
distribution at the press of T. Prince, 1853]
45 (». «. 55) p. illus. 25'"".
2161 1-31S3 CS71.F241 1853
Parrar. See also Barrett. .1 F74.C8P8
Whitmore. CS439.W4 1875
Faxrington. The Farington papers. The shrievalty of William
Ffarington, esq.; a. d. 1636: documents relating to the civil war:
and an Appendix, containing a collection of letters taken from
the Ffarington correspondence between the years 1547 and 1688.
Selected from the original manuscripts at Worden. and ed. by
Susan Maria Ffarington. [Manchester] Printed for the Chet-
ham society, 1856.
3 p. 1.. lil-xiv p., 1 1., 179, 4, [1] p. facslms. 23'^'". (Added t.-p.: Chet-
ham society. Remains historical and literary couaected wltfi the pala-
tine counties of Lancaster and Chester, vol. xxxlx)
2162 10-5670 DA670.L19C5 vol.39
Farrington memorial. A sketch of the ance-stors and de-
scendants of Dea. John Farrington ... To which is appended
the genealogy of his wife. Cynthia Hawes. [1st ed.] [Port-
land, Me.] Pub. by the committee [Press of Southworth broth-
ers] 1880.
23, [1] p. pi. 22"".
One of twelve copies Issued with plate.
Compiled by Daniel Farrington. .John F. Blake. Anna R. Farrington,
Rev. C. M. Blake.
21 e;^ e-978.3t CS71.F248 1880
Fanington memorial. A sketch of the ancestors and de-
scendants of Dea. John Farrington ... To which is appended
the genealogy of his wife, Cynthia Hawes. [2d ed.] [Port-
land, Me.] The Committee, 1899.
64 p. pi., port., dlagr. 23i"".
Published anonymously.
Compiled by Daniel Farrington. .T. F. RIake, A. E. Farrington. C. M.
2d edition etUted by Mrs. E. F. Southworth, A. U. Farrington, .T. H.
2164 1-630 CS71.F246 1899
See aho KvLmhtymt. CS71.H923 1903
Farwell. Farwell ancestral memorial. Henry Farwcll, of Concord
and Chelmsford, Massachusetts, and all his descendants to the tif ili
generation : to which are added three branches — the families of
DanieP, of Groton and Fitchburg. Mass., 1740-1815; Bethiah',
of Mansfield, Conn., and Westmin.ster, Vt., 1747-1813; Eliza-
beth', of ^■orth Chariest own. N. H.. 1751-1840, and their de-
scendants to 1879. By David Parsons' Holton . . . and his
•wife, Frances-K.' (Forward) Holton . . . New York, D.-P.'
Holton, 1879.
viU, 12 J, 240, 18 J p. 2 port., maps, charts (part fold.) 24'".
2165 »-9784t CS71.F247 1879
Farwell. See also Holton. CS71.H758 1881
Fassett. See also FoUett. CS71.F665 1893
Walbridge. CS71.W15 1898
Fauconberge. The Fauconberge memorial : an account of Henry
Fauconberge, ll. d. of Beccles and of the endowment provided by
his will to encourage learning and the instruction of youth ; with
notes and incidental biographical sketches. By S. Wilton Rix.
Ipswich, Printed by J. M. Burton, 1849.
iv, [4], 84 p. incl. illus., facsim. front., pi., fold. map. 25"".
2160 ' S-12687 CS439.F3
Fauconnier. See Faulkner.
Faulkner. Justus Falckner, mystic and scholar, devout Pietist in
Germany, hermit on the Wissahickon, missionary on the Hud-
son; a bi-centennial memorial of the first regular ordination of
an orthodox pastor in America, done November 24, 1703, at
Gloria Dei, the Swedish Lutheran church at Wicaco, Philadel-
phia; comp. from original documents, letters and records at
home and abroad, by Julius Friedrich Sachse . . . Philadel-
phia, Printed for the author, 1903.
Ill, [1], 141 p. front.; lUus., pi., port., facsim. 25}"".
" Of this letter press edition fivp hundred copies have been printed,
no. 318."
2167 3-9358 F122.F77
A contribution to Pennsylvania history; missives to Rev.
August Herman Francke from Daniel Falckner, Germantown,
April 16, 1702 and Justus Falckner, New York, 1704, supple-
mented with a a [ !] genealogical chart of Daniel Falclmer. Lan-
caster, Pa., 1909.
19, [2] p. illus. 24J'". (In Pennsylvania-German society. Proceed-
ings and addresses. 1909. vol. xvm)
Originnl German and English translation by George T. Ettinger on
opposite pages.
2168 13-18326 F146.P23 vol.18
Pierre Fauconnier and his descendants; with some account
of the allied Valleuux, by Abraham Ernest Helffenstcin . . .
Philadelphia [Press of S. H. Burbank & co.| 1911.
Ix, 266 p. front, plates, ports., col. coats of arms. 26"".
2169 11-18945 CS71.F26 1911
Sec aJao Purdy. CS71.P984 I9li
Fauntleroy. See also Jones. . CS7l.J7a 1891
FansB. See Fouse.
Fawkes. The Fawkes's of York in the sixteenth'century : including
notices of the early history of Guye Fawkes, the gunpowder plot
conspirator . . . Westminster, J. B. & J. G. Nichols, 1850.
1 p. 1., 67 p. 19J"°.
By Robert Davies.
2170 9-12697 CS439.F34
Fawside. Notice of the Fawsydes of that ilk. By Charles H. Bed-
ford. {In Society of antiquaries of Scotland. Proceedings.
Edinburgh, 1890. 23"°. vol. xxiv, p. 370-378)
2171 DA20.S6 vol.24
Faxon. The history of the Faxon family, containing a genealogy of
the descendants of Thomas Faxon of Braintree, Mass. With a
map locating the homesteads of the first four generations; ac-
companied by copious abstracts from the records of deeds and
probate. Also a genealogy of branches of many allied families
of Ballou, Barbour, Saxton, Washburn, Whitmarsh, and others.
By Geoige L. Faxon. Springfield, Mass., Press of Springfield
printing company, 1880.
XV, 377 p. front (fold, map) 20'°".
2172 9-9785t CS71.F281 1880
See also melton. CS71.V79 1858a
Fay. Fay genealogy; John Fay of Marlborough and his descend-
ants.' By Orlin P. Fay. Cleveland, O., J. B. Savage, 1898.
420 p. ports. 23'".
2173 1-18229 CS71.F282 1898
One branch of the Fay family tree; an account of the an-
cestors and descendants of William and Elizabeth Fay of West-
boro, Mass., and Marietta, Ohio. By George Henry Johnson
... Columbus, O., The Champlin press, 1913.
130 p. front., plates, ports. 23r"'-
2174 13-25975 CS71.F282 1913
/S'ee aZso Follett. CS71.F668 1896
Fearnley. See also Whitaker. CS439.W485
Feather. Collections relating to the surname of Feather. By George
W. Marshall, l. l. d, Worksop [R. White, printer] 1887.
1 \.. 1., 24. 4 p. 23"".
2176 9-12698 CS439.F39
Feeter- The history of William Feeter, a soldier in the war of
American independence, and ol his father, Lucas Vetter, the
ancestor of the Feeter-P^eder-Feader-Fader families in the
United States Und Canada, with genealogy of the family, comp.
at the request of Jameo D. Feeter by John B. Koctteritz . . .
Little Falls, N. Y., Press of Stebbins*& Bnrney. IftOl.
125 p. front, (coat of arms) 28*'"'.
2176 1-25847 CS71.F295 1901
Feilden. Pedigree of the family of Feilden, of the county of Lan-
caster. By Ralph Assheton . . . Printed for private circu-
lation. London, Mitchell and Hughes, 1879.
vii, 20 p. geneal. tables. 25J"'.
2177 11-5260 CS439.F4
See also Kadcliffe. DA690.T63H6
Feke. See also Frost. CS71.F939 1912
Felch. The memorial history of the Felch family in America and
Wales. The earliest and latest records, — 1G41-1881. By W. Far-
rand Felch .... [Part 2] Columbus, O.. Press of J. F. Ear-
hart & CO.. 1881.
3 p. 1.. [25]-49, [1] p. front, (port.) chart. 211'".
217S 9-9786 CS71.F311 1881
See also Bent. CS71.B475 1003
Pettingill. CS71.P511 1915
Felder. The Felder family of South Carolina, [n. p., 19—]
cover-title, 12 p. 23'™.
By Mrs. Louisa Caroline (Feld3r) Fretlerlck.
2179 4-24818 CS71.F312 19—
Fell. The Fells of Swarthmoor hall and their friends; with an ac-
count of their ancestor, Anne Askew, the martyr. A portraiture
of religious and family life in the seventeenth century, comp.
chiefly from original letters and other documents, never before
publi.'ihed. By Maria Webb ... 2d ed. Philadelphia, H.
Longstrcth, 1884.
X, 4&8 p. incl. 2 facaim. front. 19i'".
2180 5-164b4 BX7795.F
Genealogy of the Fell family in America descended from
Joseph Fell, who settled in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, 1705:
with some account of the family remaining in England, &c.
Comp. by Sarah M. P'ell. . . . [Philadelphia, Pa., Press of A.
H. Sickler & co.] 1891.
515 p. incl. front, pi., pint. pi. facsiin. 26i°".
Pub. by an asRocIntion of the Fell ftimllx.
2181 1-18230 CS71.F317 1891
See also Milward. CS439.M53
Eobinson. CS7l.K6« 1906
Fellows. The Fillow, Philo and Philleo genealogy. A record of the
descendants of John Fillow, a Huguenot refugee from France.
Comp. by D. H. Van Hoosear . . . Albany, N. Y., Printed by
J. Munsell's sons. 1888.
274 p. lUus. (Incl. ports.) col. pi. 23"".
2182 9-9787 CS71.F322 1888
Sec also Kinsman. ¥7418 vol. 16-17
Noyes. CS71.N955 1900
Felt. The Felt genealogy. A record of the descendants of George
Felt of Ca.sco Bay. Comp. by John E. Morris. Hartford, Conn.,
Press of the Case, Lockwood & Brainard company, 1893.
568 p. 23i"°.
2183 9-9788 CS71.r325 1893
Felton. A genealogical history of the Felton family ; descendants of
Lieutenant Nathaniel Felton, who came to Salem, Mass., in
1633; with few supplements and appendices, of the names of
some of the ancestors of the families that have intermarried with
them. An index alphabetically arranged, of the Felton fami-
lies . . . By Cyrus Felton . . . Marlborough [Mass.] Pratt
brothers, printers and publishers, 1886.
260 p. 25"».
2184 9-551 CS71.F327 1886
Feltus. The Feltus family book, containing a biographical sketch of
the Rev. Henry James Feltus, d. d., late rector of St. Stephens,
New York city, together with a genealogy of all descendants to
date. Prepared by Rev. George Ha-ws Feltus, m. a. Elmhurst,
New York city, Priv. print., 1917.
vHl p., 2 1.. 13-60 p., 1 1., incl. front., illus., ports. 22i'"'.
"Llhrnry references": p. 21-22.
2185 17-62,H9 CS71.F329 1917
Fenn. See aho Venn. CS439.V5
Fenner. Genealogy of the Fenner family . . . [By J. P.] Root.
[Newport, R. L, 1R8T1
2 pt. In 1 V. pi. 23}'-.
Paged continuously.
Tlf'tirlntod from the Rhofle Tslond h!storlcii1 mneailne" for .Tnly t886
and Juiniary 1887.
roNTKNT.s.— no. 1. Sketch of Capt. Arthur Kenner of Providence. A
paper read hefnre the It.^l. historical society March 23 and April 6, 1886,
by Kev. J. P. Koot— no. 2. Genealogy of the Fenner family.
2186 9-9789 CS71.F336 1887
Fenno. The Fenno family. By Allen H. Bent. Reprinted from
New-Eng. historical and genealogical register for Oct., 1898.
Boston, Printed by D. Clapp & son, 1898.
11 p. 24'".
2187 9-13262 CS71.F338 1898
See also Woolson. CS71.W9164 1907
Fenten. See Fenton.
Fenton. A genealogy of the Fenton family, descendants of Robert
P'enton, an early settler of ancient Windham, Conn., (now Mans-
field,) comp. by William L. Weaver . . . Willimantic, Conn.,
34 p. 26'°'.
2188 9-9790 CS71.F341 1867
Family history of Jeremiah Fenton (1764-1841) of Adams
County, Ohio, and his descendants. By William B. Brown.
Des Moines, Iowa, 1910.
xlil, [151-199 17] p. incl. front., lUus., facsim. 24'".
2189 10-9708 CS71.F341 1910
The Fenton family of America and Great Britain, comp.
and ed. by Thomas Astley Atkins, ll. b. Yonkers,